How to clean the seams between tiles in the bathroom: top 5 folk remedies

Icer Renovated the bathroom

A year ago we renovated our bathroom. About a month ago I noticed that the grout between the tiles had darkened and the appearance had deteriorated. Regular washing did not provide the desired effect. I researched the issue and tried several ways.

In advertising, ideal seam cleanliness is achieved easily and quickly. In reality, you will have to make a lot of effort.

In this review, I will tell you how to clean the grout between tiles in the bathroom and kitchen quickly and effectively.

Remedy No. 1: a mixture of baking soda, vinegar and lemon juice

Prepare the ingredients:
  • warm water - 7 glasses;
  • soda - half a glass;
  • lemon juice - a third of a glass;
  • vinegar 9% - a quarter cup
Pour out baking soda and add vinegar.
  • a reaction will begin, accompanied by the formation of foam;
  • Mix the ingredients thoroughly with a spoon until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Use a large mixing bowl to accommodate all ingredients

Add lemon juice.
  • the reaction is much greater than when adding soda. A lot of foam is formed, which is why a large container is needed;
  • mix the mixture thoroughly and wait until the foam begins to settle a little
Pour the resulting mixture into water.
Stir the liquid until the consistency is even.
Spread the compound generously over the seams..
  • use a sponge and apply the solution with the soft side. Pass 2-3 times to thoroughly saturate all the seams between the tiles;
  • Before washing the tiles in the bathroom, leave the surface to soak for 15-20 minutes
Scrub the joints with a sponge.
  • Soak it in warm, clean water. Work with the rough side and work along the seams;
  • Press with moderate force to avoid damaging the grout.
If necessary, go over with an old toothbrush .
It allows you to clean the seams between the tiles even better and more thoroughly.
Result of work.
  • almost all the impurities have been removed, little effort was spent on this;
  • treat the surface again and you will achieve perfect cleanliness;
  • this option is also effective against mold, if there is only a small amount of it

Fighting old pollution

If the above methods were powerless, it means that your oven has been seriously contaminated, which only the methods listed below or a combination of them can cope with.

Acetic acid (concentrated)

Acetic acid is a very caustic and potent agent, which must be handled using personal protective equipment. Pour 1 liter of water into a deep baking tray with the addition of 2-3 tbsp. with 70% acetic acid. Place the container in an oven preheated to 150°C for 30 minutes. If you manage to steam out the grease stains, you need to remove them with a soap solution and then wash them well with clean water. Never open the oven door while heating, otherwise you may get a thermal burn or inhale hot vinegar fumes.

Salt + acetic acid

The effect of table salt on stains will be stronger if you add a little acetic acid. Dissolve 500 g of table salt in 300 ml of warm water. After cooling, add 1-2 tbsp. spoons of acetic acid. Pour the finished mixture onto a tray and place on the bottom shelf of an oven preheated to 150-200°C. The liquid should boil for 30 minutes. When the oven walls become barely warm, wash them with soapy water.

Mechanical method

The mechanical method consists of combining one of the above methods with the use of a special scraper, which is recommended for smooth glass-ceramic surfaces, but is also excellent for cleaning the oven. A clear advantage over abrasive sponges is the absence of marks and scratches on the surface after applying force. The scraper can also be used to clean the glass door. If the cabinet design allows, remove the glass before using any method. This will greatly simplify the task.

Household chemicals

Well, the most extreme way is to use household chemicals. Surely every housewife has a tool that will definitely help. Of course, folk remedies have clear advantages - they are safer for health due to the absence of strong chemicals. Just imagine what must be in a detergent that can break down even very old fat in a short time. The danger of use also lies in the fact that if there are scratches on the inner surface of the oven, particles of the product may not be completely washed out. And with subsequent heating, vapors of harmful substances will interact with food. That is why cleaning should be carried out at the initial stages of the appearance of contamination, so as not to resort to such radical measures.

Remedy No. 2: vinegar, soda and citric acid

Pour 2 tablespoons of baking soda into the pan .
Add 4 tablespoons of vinegar and mix the contents thoroughly until smooth.
Add 20 grams of citric acid.
This is two and a half tablespoons of the composition.

Pour in the acid and mix it with the contents

Pour 1 glass of warm water .
A violent reaction will begin and foam will rise. Mix the composition thoroughly until smooth and wait until the foam settles
Moisten the tile joints with the prepared solution.
Spread it generously and leave the surface for 15 minutes.

This composition removes mold and mildew well thanks to vinegar. But it’s still better to deal with such a problem using specialized means.

Rub the seams with the hard side of the sponge .
Pre-moisten it in warm water. If stains are difficult to remove, use an old toothbrush.
The result of the work .
The dirt didn't come off very well. This option is suitable for contaminants that have not yet been strongly absorbed into the grout structure.

Vinegar essence for toilet cleaning

I also found this method on the Internet: pour a bottle of vinegar essence into the toilet overnight, trying to get it on all surfaces to be cleaned, leave overnight without flushing. Close the lid. Rinse off the water only in the morning. Carefully! Very strong acid! Remember the safety rules!

These are such simple and cheap environmental products for cleaning the toilet and other suitable plumbing fixtures at home!

Citric acid and soda have well-known beneficial properties. Even healers in ancient times used these products to treat various diseases. Not everyone observed the process of interaction between substances, monitoring only the positive effect of their use. Two products with opposite compositions often come to the rescue in the modern world. Experts have been able to prove that citric acid has a positive effect on the human body.

Remedy No. 3: vinegar solution

Prepare the ingredients:
  • 9th vinegar;
  • warm water.

The components are taken in a 1:1 ratio, the amount depends on the area being treated

Prepare your cleaning solution .
It's simple: mix the ingredients in one container.
Apply the compound liberally along all seams on the surface..
Do not forget that before cleaning the tiles in the bathroom or kitchen, wet cleaning is carried out to remove all light dirt.

Leave the surface for 10 minutes

Work the seams with the hard side of the sponge .
Rub along the joints with moderate pressure on the surface. Treat each area 2-3 times
The result of the work .
Most of the dirt has come off, but for an ideal effect the treatment needs to be repeated 2-3 more times.

Features of application

Despite the fact that soda with lemon has a number of positive properties, when using them for weight loss, you should consult with a gastroenterologist about the appropriateness and effectiveness of this method in a particular case.

There are a number of contraindications for which this method cannot be used:

  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • intolerance to any ingredient;
  • pregnancy period;
  • vascular hypertension;
  • endocrine diseases.

Remedy No. 4: citric acid slurry

Prepare the ingredients:
  • citric acid 20 gr. (2.5 tablespoons);
  • warm water
Pour citric acid into a container.
  • add a small amount of water;
  • stir the mass until completely homogeneous;
  • if necessary, add a little more water - you should get a paste
Add 2-3 drops of dishwashing detergent .
In my case it's Faerie. Stir the mixture until completely homogeneous
Apply the paste to the joints.
  • distribute the composition along all seams in the bathroom or kitchen;
  • leave the surface for 20-30 minutes
Rub the surface with a sponge.
The photo shows the finished result - the seams are almost perfectly clean. This option worked best. There was no need to scrub with a toothbrush; the dirt came off easily.

After cleaning the grout, be sure to wipe the tiles with a damp cloth to remove any remaining cleaning product.

How to tell if your car needs cleaning

Dirt and limescale damage the main elements of the device.

To completely protect the car from breakdowns, it is cleaned regularly - about 1-2 times a month . You can determine the need to clean household appliances by changes in their operation - the machine runs longer, makes a lot of noise, turns off on its own, and emits an unpleasant odor. After washing, the laundry remains stained or does not sparkle with cleanliness as before. Owners of faulty household appliances often notice an increase in their utility bills and excessive consumption of electricity and water.

Remedy No. 5: baking soda slurry

Pour 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda into a container .
If you need to clean a large area of ​​bathroom tiles, use more baking soda.
Add a small amount of water.
Mix the mixture, you should get a liquid paste.

Don't add too much water at once. It’s easier to add it later than to make the composition too liquid

Apply the paste liberally to all seams .
Apply the mixture with a sponge so that it covers all contaminated areas. Leave the surface for half an hour to soften the dirt
Use the hard side of the sponge to scrub away dirt..
It was not possible to clean the seams between the tiles with just a sponge. But when using a toothbrush, the dirt comes off much better. This is due to the abrasive properties of soda; it removes dirt from uneven surfaces.

While brushing, do not forget to moisten the surface so as not to rub dry.

The result of the work .
The dirt came off very well, leaving deeply ingrained dirt in some areas

Tip for inexpensively cleaning car seats at home

Dry cleaning a car interior is not a cheap thing, because it is not easy. When cleaning, you really need to know what, how, with what and when to clean, what certain chemicals help with and how to use them correctly. The front seats of cars are the most vulnerable during use (read: they get dirty most easily), especially when it comes to fabric upholstery, and even more so when the fabric is light in color.

Spilled drinks, crumbs, simply dirty clothes... all these operational troubles will have a great impact on the appearance of the chairs, and believe me, they will not improve.

After a year or two of operation and tens of thousands of kilometers traveled, sooner or later it will be time to dry clean the interior. And at that moment, when you are already scrolling through the price lists on various sites, a logical and very important question will arise: is it necessary to go to a car service center? Maybe there is a way to save money and do everything yourself at home? Or will it not be possible to save money in this case? Perhaps we have a ready-made solution for this scenario.

We have found a simple solution that will rid your chairs of stains and unpleasant odors, while all the ingredients can be found at home or, at most, purchased cheaply in a regular store.

What they advise on the forums

Let's look at the reviews of those who cleaned the seams on their own.

If you don't mind chemicals, use this option. And the recommendation for processing fresh seams will reduce their contamination.


Don't rush to pick out the grout. MELLERUD special cleaning agent for tile joints, according to the instructions, dilute 1:3, but if the joints are very dirty, then you don’t have to dilute it at all. Spray the seams with a spray bottle, or pour this product over them, and after a few minutes, clean them with a brush. Very effective (without exaggeration!!!), the smell is not unpleasant, it is better, of course, to work with gloves. And for future repairs, an additive for grouting from the company LUGATO, I don’t remember exactly what it’s called, tilers call it “mayonnaise” for its similar appearance. The additive imparts plasticity to the grout, reduces pores, it has water-repellent properties, and the tile seams are correspondingly less dirty.


An unusual example of using tooth powder.


And I remembered again. I once cleaned those seams with great success using tooth powder. I bought it at the pharmacy. A colleague recommended it to me. I used a hard toothbrush as a cleaning brush.


Whiteness perfectly cleans seams and fights fungus.


I also came across this and was surprised how cheaply and cheerfully you can bleach everything. Fortunately, there were advisers)) “Whiteness” (in my opinion, a bubble costs 38 rubles) is a terrible infection, but you just fill the seams on the floor and after a day they are white as if they had just been rubbed (you can repeat until the desired result). It stinks of bleach but the result I was surprised when the sealant along the edge of the bathtub began to eat up the fungus; usually the sealant is cut out and re-installed. And then you take a cotton pad, soak it in white and leave it overnight... after three nights there is not a trace of the fungus left, it looks like the sealant has just been applied.


Sometimes an accidental oversight turns into a simple solution to cleaning white grout between tiles.


We accidentally spilled toilet comets. After about 5 minutes they wiped it off, and the seams were white. so different


An option to combat mold without using chlorine-containing products.


Among the folk methods that will help clean the seams from mold are regular, slightly diluted vinegar, as well as hydrogen peroxide. Whiteness is not the best option.


New cure for cancer

Scientists around the world are looking for a cure for this insidious and terrible disease. In recent years, they have turned their attention to the effect of lemon and soda on malignant cells. As a result of the observations, it turned out that the substances found in these products negatively affect more than 12 types of different cancer tumors. Under their influence, the growth and development of pathogenic cells is disrupted. In some cases, this combination turned out to be very effective, as a result only pathogenic cells die, while healthy ones remain unharmed.

Although positive results have been achieved, it is still too early to say that a cure for cancer has been found. After all, each organism is individual and what helped one may not help another patient. But scientists are working on this, conducting research to improve this technique. Doctors also recommend periodically taking an aqueous solution of soda and lemon for the overall health of the body.

Scale prevention

After washing, the drum is ventilated so as not to create a favorable environment for bacteria

If you have a hood in your home, be sure to read our article on the topic - How to clean grease from a hood.

Preventing scale from appearing on washing machine parts is easier than dealing with it later. There are simple rules for this that will keep the washing machine clean and extend its service life.

  1. If the water is too hard , it is recommended or another softening agent to it
  2. detergent tray must be cleaned regularly , rinsed under running water and dried.
  3. Immediately after washing, wipe the rubber parts of the machine dry and open the door for ventilation .
  4. Once every six months, the device should be “run” without laundry with the addition of Antiscale or a similar drug.
  5. For washing, use only powder intended for automatic washing machines.
  6. If after cleaning the machine refuses to drain water or does not work well, contact a service center - perhaps the layer of scale is so thick that you cannot get rid of it yourself.
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