How and with what to remove fresh and old traces of adhesive tape from plastic?

After using tape, sticky marks remain on the plastic. If they are not eliminated immediately, they will attract dust and become dark.

Only fresh stains can be completely removed. The more time has passed since their formation, the more difficult it is for them to be removed.

How to remove traces of adhesive tape from plastic, how can you remove the remnants of double-sided tape? Home remedies and household chemicals are used to remove tape marks.

What available materials can be used?

If special tools are not available, you can use improvised ones that are available in every home. Simple methods without the use of household chemicals help remove only fresh traces. The most popular of them are discussed below.


Alcohol and an alcohol-containing product will help remove adhesive tape stains.

If a non-pure product is used, make sure that it does not contain dyes or sugar. It is easier to erase the adhesive trace with a high-strength product.

The best option is medical alcohol:

  1. You should moisten a cotton swab with alcohol and treat the contaminated area with it.
  2. Wait about 5 minutes.
  3. Wipe with a damp cloth.

Alcohol is considered an effective bleach. Therefore, they are not recommended to process colored plastics.

Soap solution

The best option would be laundry soap. Instructions for removing adhesive stains from plastic:

  • To grind, you need to grate the soap on a coarse grater;
  • mix the resulting mass with water in a ratio of 1 to 2;
  • moisten a rag in the resulting solution;
  • Wipe the stain thoroughly with the solution and rinse with clean water.

It is better to dilute soap in hot water. Glue dissolution occurs at high temperatures. It is good to clean the smooth surface of the plastic with soapy water.

How to remove stains with an eraser?

Removing sticky stains with a soft eraser is a labor-intensive process. As you work, the glue rolls off. The balls are easily blown off the surface.

It is not advisable to use an eraser if the room is warm . In this case, the softened remains of the tape are smeared onto the plastic.

It is not recommended to use an eraser on thin plastic objects. Since this method involves the application of physical effort.

As a replacement for a stationery eraser, use a silicone drill attachment . Cleaning is carried out at low speeds. This method may damage the surface of the plastic. Therefore, it requires experience and precise calculation of effort.


A hairdryer will help get rid of dark, old stains. The contaminated surface is treated with a hot jet for 5 minutes. After the stain has warmed up, a soap solution is applied to it. You can scrape off any remaining glue from the surface.

It is better to try heat treatment on an invisible area of ​​plastic to check how it withstands heat.

Nail polish remover

Nail polish remover is an aggressive solvent that can remove tape residues simultaneously with the plastic layer.

Parts of the rag may remain on the surface being treated. This method is used in the presence of old stains.

Before using it, it is better to test it on an invisible area.:

  1. Nail polish remover is applied to the stain.
  2. The solution is left for 5 minutes to react.
  3. The treated area is wiped with a dry cloth.

If the dark spot is not removed during treatment, physical force should not be used. You should try another method.

How to clean a surface with vinegar?

To remove adhesive tape residues, do not use acetic acid, but undiluted 9% vinegar :

  • Apply vinegar to the sponge;
  • treat the adhesive surface and leave for half an hour;
  • wipe with a dry cloth;
  • wash with soap and water.

This product is unable to cope with old stains. Before use, it is better to test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​plastic. Because vinegar can damage the thin surface.


If there is a risk of damaging the plastic surface using aggressive methods, you can use re-gluing a strip of tape:

  1. It is important to cut the duct tape to the exact size for the area being cleaned.
  2. Place the strip on top.
  3. Press firmly, then quickly tear off the strip.

If everything is done correctly, the dirt will remain on the tape. This method is only applicable in cool conditions .

When the room temperature is above 20 degrees, treating with tape will lead to the formation of fresh stains.


Baking soda is an abrasive substance. This method is suitable for removing fresh stains :

  • baking soda should be diluted to a paste with hot water;
  • Apply the composition to the adhesive surface and leave for 10 minutes;
  • wash off the substance with a damp cloth;
  • Wipe dry with a dry cloth.

A brush will help enhance the effect. Baking soda must be used with extreme caution. It can leave small scratches on the surface of the plastic.

Dishwashing liquid

Removes light stains using dishwashing detergent with lemon additives . They not only give a fresh aroma, but also contribute to better dissolution of the glue:

  1. Dishwashing detergent is applied to the plastic surface.
  2. Leave for contact for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Wipe with a hard sponge.
  4. Traces of glue are removed with a dry cloth.

This method is only effective on fresh stains.


Vegetable oil will help remove traces of tape. For this purpose, you can use the following types of oils :

  • linen;
  • sunflower;
  • sesame;
  • olive

Vegetable oil will not harm the surface being treated, will not damage or discolor the plastic:

  1. The adhesive area should be treated with a sponge.
  2. Leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Wipe with a paper napkin.

Vegetable oil causes the glue to increase in volume. As a result, it comes off easily from the plastic surface. The method is used to remove fresh stains.

Cleaning glass surfaces


- This is a fairly stable material that allows it to be processed using chemicals and any other cleaning agents. Scotch tape can be easily removed from glass surfaces with vegetable oil, vinegar, alcohol, acetone or white spirit.

Cleaning glass using white spirit

You can also easily clean the glass from double-sided tape, which has been “tightly” drying to the surface for a long time. To do this, you need to soak the adhesive layer by applying rag or cotton swabs, previously moistened with acetone or alcohol. After you hold the sponge for a few minutes, the glue is simply removed by simply wiping it with a napkin. You can also use the same hair dryer to soften the glue.

Household chemicals

If everything has been tried and the adhesive stain is not removed, it is recommended to use household chemicals. It will help remove even old dirty stains.


At the office supply store you can purchase a special product for cleaning adhesive residues from plastic. It can eliminate even old stains and does not harm the surface :

  • the composition is applied to plastic;
  • left for the time specified in the instructions to soften the adhesive substance;
  • wiped with a rag.

The most used means include:

  1. ASTROhim, price 158 rubles.
  2. Molecules – 380 rubles.
  3. Lecar – 260 rubles.

Anti-Scotch is sold in the form of an aerosol and a concentrated solution.

Please note that before using special products, it is important to carefully read the instructions. It may not be suitable for contaminated surfaces.

Window cleaning compounds

To obtain the desired result, window cleaners based on alcohol or ammonia are used ; other types will not be able to clean the plastic surface:

  • the selected product is applied to the contaminated area;
  • leave for 5 minutes to soften the glue;
  • washes off with soapy water.

It is recommended to read the instructions carefully before use. Window cleaning products are available in a wide variety at hardware stores and are affordable.

Spray Klin costs around 120 rubles, Yumitoy – 230 rubles, HG – 270 rubles, Mister Muscle – 130 rubles.


To remove traces of adhesive tape on a plastic surface, use Cosmofen CL-300. This composition is used for white material:

  1. The product is applied to the contaminated surface.
  2. Leave for the time specified in the instructions to soften the glue.
  3. Wipe with a dry, lint-free cloth.

Cosmofen has a powerful dissolving effect. Before use, it is recommended to test the composition in an inconspicuous place.

The product can be purchased at a hardware store. It costs about 500 rubles.

Melamine sponge

Melamine sponge is widely used to clean plastic. To use it to remove traces of adhesive tape, it is recommended to use the following instructions :

  1. Rubber gloves should be worn to protect your hands.

  2. Wet the sponge with water and squeeze it out.
  3. Moisten the surface to be treated.
  4. Rub the stain thoroughly.
  5. Wipe the plastic surface with a damp cloth.
  6. Treat the area of ​​application of the melamine sponge with a dry cloth.

The melamine sponge should not be used with other cleaning agents. Melamine sponges are sold in hardware stores and cost around 100 rubles.

Taygeta S-405

Taygeta is a well-known stain remover that can cope with old traces of glue. It does not have a strong odor and does not leave behind stains :

  • the product is applied to the adhesive surface;
  • if the stain is fresh, then the exposure time does not exceed 30 seconds. To remove old stains, apply the solution for 3 minutes;
  • remove dirt with a dry cloth.

Taygeta S-405 solution can be purchased at a hardware store. Its price varies around 400 rubles.

What you should pay attention to before you start cleaning plastic

So, how to remove glue from tape turned out to be not such a difficult task. The answer is simple, there are plenty of solutions. You just need to follow some rules:

  • Acids should not be used to process materials. They can damage, burn through the plastic, turn snow-white window frames into faded shadows, in other words, they will become yellow and ugly.
  • In some cases, it is allowed to use vinegar (but not acid, but a 9% solution).
  • Read the instructions before using chemical sprays and follow the instructions exactly. This will save plastic surfaces from trouble.
  • Do not leave adhesive tapes on the surface for a long time. Fresh marks on plastic can be easily removed.
  • Avoid rubbing sensitive, delicate surfaces. It's better to choose another method.
  • Before using any of the above methods, conduct a small safety experiment.

How to remove double-sided (double)?

Double-sided tape is more difficult to remove than regular adhesive tape. Before cleaning, it is recommended to perform heat treatment to soften the adhesive layer.


Be careful when removing double-sided tape. You can use heating with an iron or hair dryer .

If it is decided to heat with an iron, the manipulation is carried out through the substrate. The iron must be in steam mode.

It cannot be laid on the surface; only steam affects the adhesive spot:

  • the surface is heated using the selected method;
  • the stain is cleaned with a rubber spatula or a blunt knife;
  • The remaining glue is wiped off with a napkin.

If there are still uncleaned glue strips left, it is recommended to use household chemicals.

For your information, if you have a steam generator at home, you can use it to thermally remove sticky stains from plastic.

Essential oil

Citrus-based essential oils remove only fresh stains:

  1. The napkin is treated with essential oil.
  2. The composition is applied to the stain and left for contact for half an hour.
  3. Use a dry cloth to wipe away traces of adhesive tape.

If dark marks remain after treatment, it is recommended to repeat the procedure again.

Gasoline for lighters

To remove tape stains, it is better to use lighter gasoline, as it is less aggressive. The product works well against old stains:

  • the rag is soaked in gasoline;

  • the contaminated surface is treated with gasoline;
  • left for contact for 5 minutes;
  • thoroughly washed with soapy water;
  • The treated area is wiped with a dry cloth.

Gasoline for lighters should be applied pointwise. This will prevent damage to the top layer of plastic.

This procedure should be carried out in a well-ventilated area . This method is used only for plastics that are resistant to aggressive influences.

Removing tape from furniture

When transporting furniture, dismountable items are usually secured with adhesive tape, and very often buyers get confused trying to clean the adhesive. Here you can use the same products that are used when cleaning plastic, but you need to take into account a number of differences:

Removing tape marks from a dresser

  • Oil.
    Using vegetable oil, adhesive stains are removed from any polished or painted surfaces, except for areas of untreated wood, since the oil will quickly absorb into it and leave greasy stains that cannot be removed.
  • White Spirit.
    Thanks to a gasoline solvent, you can remove adhesive residues from any furniture surface, even from clean wood that is not protected by varnish or paint. In this case, it is extremely important to perform all actions as quickly as possible so that the product does not dissolve the polish itself. This rule also applies to the processing of painted products.
  • Eraser.
    School erasers easily remove traces of adhesive tape from furniture, and you can preheat the dirty areas with a hairdryer. It is extremely important to be careful when removing glue so as not to damage the varnished surfaces while maintaining the attractive appearance of the furniture.

General tips and recommendations for work

Experts give simple tips to help clean adhesive tape from plastic:

  1. It is easier to remove a fresh trace of tape. For this purpose, you can use non-aggressive means that are available at home.

  2. Before using chemicals, you should test their reaction in an inconspicuous area.
  3. When using chemicals, it is important to protect your hands with gloves.
  4. Do not use chemicals frequently. Otherwise, the surface will lose its original color.
  5. To wash stains with detergents, it is better to choose formulations with citrus ingredients. They improve the destruction of the adhesive base.
  6. You can use an old plastic card to scrape off glue marks.

Basic rules

What not to do in the fight against adhesive traces:

  • use finely dispersed materials: they themselves will stick to the marks and interfere with their removal;
  • use metal scrapers: the plastic will be scratched;
  • overdo it with solvents: the plastic will dissolve along with the glue.

Remember: the fresher the sticky mark, the easier it is to remove.

Important! Abrasive powders, hard brushes, and corrosive chemicals are contraindicated for plastic.


We have already discussed wood in detail in the “Furniture” section. And for other wooden coverings the algorithm of actions is the same:

  1. Determine the type of wood treatment.
  2. For untreated wood, solvents such as acetone are suitable, but in no case oil.
  3. For processed (varnish, paint) it is better to use oil, eraser, soap.

Window cleaning products

Nowadays, on the shelves of specialized stores there are many products for cleaning any surfaces, including for cleaning glass. If the area with glue is small but old, then you can choose to use a special spray. To effectively solve the problem, you need to follow these steps:

  1. At the very beginning, put on rubber gloves, as you will be working with substances that contain chemicals that can cause not only an allergic reaction, but also burns. Be sure to try the chosen product on an inconspicuous and small area of ​​the object.
  2. Apply a small amount of spray to the soft part of the sponge and begin to wipe off any remaining traces of glue.
  3. In between, it is necessary to rinse the sponge to remove any components of the contaminated surface that have already been removed.
  4. After cleaning the area from the stain, you need to carefully remove any remaining product from the plastic using a rag soaked in water.
  5. Ventilate the room.

How can I remove tape from plastic without damaging the surface?

Pay attention to the composition of chemicals, since products with abrasive substances cannot be used for plastic surfaces, because they can easily not only wash the item, but also ruin it.

This method is used in the most extreme cases, when all of the above did not help remove the stain.

This way you can easily and easily clean plastic and any other surface from annoying sticky stains!

Use of oils

Don’t even doubt that it is the oil, be it sunflower, flaxseed, rapeseed or any other, that will help you remove the problem in a few simple steps.

To clean the surface, use the soft side of the sponge rather than rough cloth, as the plastic can be scratched very easily.

  1. Apply the product of your choice with a sponge or any other convenient way to the surface with glue and leave it for 10 - 15 minutes. Thanks to the oily substance, the glue becomes saturated and swells, losing its properties.
  2. Next you need to remove the resulting mass with a napkin.
  3. After this, you need to thoroughly clean the surface with a soap solution, which will remove any remaining grease stains.

Please note that a specific aroma may remain in the room for some time, so one of the best options is to use citrus essential oil, which can be found at a pharmacy or specialty store.

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