Where can I recycle my thermometer? Step-by-step description of how to dispose of a broken mercury thermometer, 60 photos

Most residents of our country have to deal with the problem of how to dispose of a mercury thermometer. This small medical device is found in almost every home medicine cabinet. It could not be replaced by modern electronic and alcohol analogues due to their insufficient measurement accuracy. However, the thermometer body is made of thin glass, which easily breaks when bumped or dropped. Inside there is mercury, a toxic and hazardous chemical element. The liquid metal evaporates well, entering the lungs, spreading with the blood throughout the body, causing damage to the respiratory, cardiovascular and digestive systems. In order not to harm your neighbors and the environment, you need to have information about what to do in such situations and where to return a broken thermometer.

Reception points for mercury thermometers

Not every city, much less a town or village, has collection points for mercury thermometers. Such points operate only in large cities. For example, in the capital of our Motherland and other cities there are such points, but it is unlikely that a person will specifically go to Moscow or a regional center to return a broken thermometer.

It is prohibited to throw away a broken thermometer with household waste, since mercury is a particularly dangerous substance. Therefore, the problem of recycling devices containing mercury is dealt with by special companies that have received a license for this activity.

According to the law, thermometers are required to be accepted for disposal:

  • Pharmacy points;
  • Medical institutions;
  • Special organizations for mercury recycling.

Types and composition of thermometers

Thermometers vary depending on the main measuring mechanism.


In the body of a mercury thermometer, the main element is a capillary tube, sealed on both sides. There is no air in it; a small container of mercury is attached to one end. Inside the case there is a scale (from 43 to 42 degrees) on the bar. As mercury heats up, it begins to expand and rise up the scale. The measurement accuracy when using a mercury thermometer is the highest, and the device itself has no expiration date.

REFERENCE! In many countries (including America and Europe), mercury thermometers were abandoned and replaced with electronic ones. However, in Russia they still stick to old habits.


Alcohol thermometers work on the same principle as mercury thermometers and look almost the same in appearance. The only difference is that instead of mercury, colored alcohol is poured inside. Accordingly, there is no danger other than fragments.


The thermistor, which forms the basis of such a thermometer, measures the level of resistance to temperature fluctuations. Having completed the measurement, the thermometer notifies the user with a sound signal. The data is displayed on a special display. The body is made of waterproof material. The kit includes replacement caps (for hygiene reasons).

IMPORTANT! Both alcohol and electronic thermometers must be disposed of with the same precautions as mercury thermometers.

Capital reception points

Not all enterprises that utilize mercury do not carry out demercurization, that is, removal of mercury from residential premises. In this regard, it is necessary to find a company that will pick up the broken device and demercurize the premises.

EKO-Expert is a metropolitan enterprise that is engaged in the recycling and cleaning of hazardous metals from premises. The company has a license for this type of activity, and its employees are professionals with chemical education.

In addition, there are a number of metropolitan enterprises that accept mercury measuring devices for disposal:

  • Fire center, which operates around the clock;
  • Research and production enterprise "Ekotrom";
  • State corporations "Ecorecycle" and "Waste Management".

Mercury gets on difficult surfaces

When a toxic substance hits a hard surface, it breaks into small fragments and rolls out throughout the room. The drops are very small and difficult to detect, especially on light-colored flooring. In such cases, it is necessary to carry out a complete wet cleaning with moving upholstered and cabinet furniture. If the device breaks near the wall, you should remove the baseboard, check and clean the space under it.

Wiping the floor should be done with smooth movements from the walls to the center of the room. In order for the collected material to concentrate at one point, you need to place a wet rag folded in a semicircle on the floor. It is better to use a scoop and a napkin to grab glass, and wet wipes and a sheet of paper for balls. After finishing the work, you need to make the right decision on how to dispose of the mercury thermometer. To clean the room from fumes, it is advisable to install a disposable carbon air filter.

It is more difficult to solve the problem if the material gets on complex surfaces.


The pile of carpets and rugs has excellent sorbing properties. Under the influence of gravity, metal balls penetrate deep into the coating, regardless of its composition and height. It is impossible to remove metal from carpets by beating, washing or airing them. Only a powerful industrial vacuum cleaner can help in such cases. But it is contraindicated to carry out such work at home, as this will contribute to an increased release of toxic liquid vapors.

Soft floor coverings contaminated with a toxic substance must be disposed of or sent for cleaning to specialized points equipped with equipment to capture heavy metal vapors.

Cushioned furniture

Any upholstered furniture has many grooves, cracks and seams. When a toxic liquid spills, it immediately fills them. In addition, upholstery, including leather, has micropores into which small drops and mercury molecules penetrate. This substance is absorbed especially well into natural fabrics. It is almost impossible to remove it from such surfaces. Even after thorough mechanical and water cleaning, a small amount of heavy metal will remain in the fabric, which will release toxic compounds.

The situation is not irreparable. Furniture can be saved by replacing its upholstery. The material removed from the soft part must be packed in a sealed plastic bag, find out where to donate the mercury and take everything to the specified address.

Attention! You should not store contaminated items at home for a long time or take them out onto the landing. There is always a risk of toxic substances leaking through the ties on the bag.

The danger of a broken thermometer

Mercury is a dangerous, harmful substance. Being a liquid metal, it collects into small balls that can roll from place to place. Therefore, if the thermometer is damaged, it is very important to immediately call specialists who will eliminate the cause of the danger.

Mercury beads can get into cracks, carpet piles, and even pet fur.

You may not see a small dangerous ball, but feel a deterioration in your health, that is, exposure to a dangerous metal. After all, the harmfulness of mercury metal lies precisely in its vapors.

Once the fumes enter the human body, they immediately begin to affect the health of a person or animal. A person feels the effects of harmful fumes after just a few hours.

Main symptoms of mercury poisoning

Symptoms of mercury vapor poisoning begin to appear within a few hours after they enter the body.

Signs that you should call an ambulance:

  • headache;
  • attacks of nausea, vomiting;
  • acute abdominal pain, intestinal upset;
  • chest pain with cough or shortness of breath;
  • temperature increase;
  • metallic taste in the mouth;
  • chills, weakness and loss of appetite.

Why are mercury vapors dangerous?

Europeans and Americans have already abandoned mercury measuring instruments, preferring electronic ones. In our country, mercury thermometers remain more popular than electronic devices.

The fact is that mercury devices are more accurate than electronic ones. Although the danger to a living creature if mercury is in open space is obvious. First of all, the kidneys, organs of the digestive system and, of course, the lungs suffer from dangerous fumes.

Mercury enters the body through the lungs and carries harmful vapors throughout the body through the blood. A few grams of hazardous metal can pollute six thousand cubic meters of area.

Symptoms of poisoning are as follows:

  • Insomnia;
  • Deterioration of memory and concentration;
  • Malfunctions of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Nausea.

What to do if the thermometer breaks

Mercury is a heavy metal whose melting point is – 39 ºС. When heated, the material increases in volume, which is accompanied by the evaporation of its atoms. The process accelerates when drops of a substance move along any surface on which its particles remain. Volatile compounds of a chemical element have the same specific gravity as air and settle only when the temperature drops significantly.

The dangers of mercury

Mercury atoms disrupt the composition and structure of nerve cells in the brain and red blood cells, which negatively affects the functioning of all internal organs.

Symptoms of intoxication may be:

  • Headache.
  • Tearing.
  • Vomiting and nausea.
  • Abnormal stool.
  • Insomnia.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Skin rashes.
  • Decreased performance, rapid fatigue.

If signs of heavy metal vapor poisoning are detected, you must contact a physician and call representatives of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Priority actions

If the thermometer falls on the floor or hits a hard object when shaking, you need to perform the following steps.

  1. Inspect the device. Determine the degree of damage and the amount of leaked liquid.
  2. Deal with the area of ​​the contaminated surface of the floor and furniture. Mark its boundaries with chalk or dry soap.
  3. Immediately remove people and pets from the premises. They can spread mercury throughout the apartment and inhale its fumes. Close the door and open the window to reduce the concentration of element vapors.
  4. Find a container of suitable volume, fill it with water and place the damaged device in it. It is better to use a jar with a wide neck for ease of subsequent packaging of the collected substance.
  5. Wear tight synthetic clothing, latex gloves and a gauze bandage, and put on rubber shoes.
  6. Prepare materials for collecting toxic metal. It is better to use unnecessary items, since after cleaning they will all have to be thrown away. It is more convenient to collect drops with cotton wool and A4 sheets. Place the captured material and used items in a jar and close it tightly with a lid.

Wash the floors in the room using bleach. Place the rag in a plastic bag. Figure out where to place the mercury thermometer and hand over all contaminated items to the indicated place.

Note! Disposal of mercury thermometers cannot be carried out by burial. There are special technologies for this. Toxic liquids are neutralized using hydrometallurgical and thermal methods. The result of processing is non-hazardous salts, which are reused in various production processes.

What should you never do?

The first thing that comes to the mind of a person whose thermometer has broken in his apartment is to get rid of the dangerous object as quickly as possible. This is an understandable reaction, since everyone knows how harmful heavy metal fumes are.

When deciding how to dispose of a mercury thermometer, you need to remember that it is strictly unacceptable to perform the following actions:

  1. Throw away the damaged device, its contents and items used during cleaning in a garbage chute or street container. The metal will continue to evaporate, causing damage to the environment and the health of people and animals.
  2. Throw debris and collected material into the toilet and then flush. Some of the substance will settle in settling tanks, and some will end up in water bodies. It is almost impossible to remove mercury from sewers, and evaporation will continue.
  3. Collect drops with a broom or stiff brush. Elastic pile can accelerate them, which will lead to an expansion of the infection zone and a decrease in cleaning efficiency.
  4. Dispose of the broken device yourself. Drown it in a river or lake, bury it in a garden or wasteland, throw it into sewers. Not only nature, but also people who happen to be nearby can suffer from this.
  5. Use a vacuum cleaner to collect spilled liquid. Firstly, this will lead to the spraying of harmful fumes throughout the entire room and contamination of all things and surfaces. Secondly, parts of household appliances will be covered with metal atoms. Some parts will have to be replaced.
  6. Store clothes that have been cleaned without treatment or wash them together with other items. It is better to get rid of such items.

Attention! Administrative and financial liability is provided for improper disposal of mercury. Citizens may be subject to a fine of up to 3,000 rubles, community service, or administrative arrest. Officials may be fined 30,000 rubles.

Algorithm of actions

If the thermometer breaks and mercury leaks out, you must:

  1. All family members leave the room and remove animals from the premises.
  2. Call emergency services or a recycling company.
  3. If you have to clean up the consequences of a broken thermometer yourself, you need to open the window in the room where the measuring device broke. Then put on gloves and a mask.
  4. Wet a rag with soda solution and place it on the threshold.
  5. It is best to remove mercury in synthetic clothing, as it absorbs harmful fumes more slowly.
  6. Avoid drafts in the room where mercury balls have spread, so that they do not scatter throughout the house.

Mercury beads can be collected with a douche, syringe or adhesive tape. Place the balls in a tightly sealed glass container. After collecting hazardous metal, it is necessary to ventilate the room for several hours.

If the thermometer is damaged, but the mercury has not leaked out:

  • Wear gloves and a mask. Carefully take the thermometer and place it in a glass container.
  • Call a specialized organization to hand over the thermometer for disposal.

Disposing of a thermometer

Neutralization of mercury contained in thermometers, or its demercurization, is carried out in two ways.

The first, thermal, consists of purifying mercury vapor released during heating of crushed thermometer waste.

The second, hydrometallurgical, is based on the production of safe mercury salts by treating also crushed waste with chemicals that react with metallic mercury.

Both methods are used only at special environmental enterprises.

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Golden rules

  1. It is prohibited to dispose of the thermometer with household waste.
  2. Do not sweep or collect mercury balls with a vacuum cleaner. Dangerous vapors remain on the brooms and inside the vacuum cleaner; they cannot be used after such cleaning.
  3. Do not flush hazardous metal down the toilet.
  4. You cannot wash clothes in the machine that were worn by the person who removed the mercury. It is best to throw these clothes away.
  5. Give the thermometer in a glass container with a very tightly closed lid.

Mercury collection algorithm

Drops of mercury are adjusted to each other with a wet cloth. Collected with tape.

The balls are removed from hard-to-reach places using a pipette or rubber enema. You can use a wet brush.

The collected mercury, including the tape, is placed in a glass jar with water. Close it tightly and put it out of the reach of children.

Treat or demercurize contaminated surfaces with the prepared solution.

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Attention! It is forbidden to collect mercury with a vacuum cleaner or broom, throw the remains into the toilet or trash can, or pour water with mercury on the ground.

Recycling points

Moscow is the capital of our Motherland, so there is a collection point for damaged thermometers and more than one.

However, there are specialized collection points for mercury thermometers in other large cities of Russia:

  1. In the northern capital, the city of St. Petersburg, recycling is carried out by a company located on Volkhonskoye Highway.
  2. Industrial Waste Safety Center LLC is an Ekaterinburg recycling company located on Pushkin Street.
  3. The Chelyabinsk enterprise "Shield" is located on Mekhanicheskaya Street.
  4. “Ecological Perspective” in Perm is located on Reshetnikovsky Spusk.
  5. Arkhangelsk LLC "TECH-service" is located on the street of the 50th anniversary of October.
  6. The civil defense enterprise in Irkutsk is located on Tchaikovsky Street.
  7. The environmental center in the city of Vladivostok is located on Irtyshskaya Street.
  8. in Kazan is located on Adel Kutuya Street.
  9. Omsk University of Environmental Problems is located on 5th Kordnaya Street.

If the locality does not have a specialized collection point for damaged thermometers, then the device can be handed over to the sanitary-epidemiological service or a medical institution.

What to do with a broken mercury thermometer? Is it possible to recycle at home?

If the thermometer breaks, its contents quickly flow out of the flask and, under its own weight, penetrate into the recesses and depressions that exist on furniture and floors. Mercury forms small balls with high mobility. Metal moves easily under the influence of vibration and even air. The peculiarity of such balls is that they do not stick to any material, while having high penetrating ability. Mercury penetrates into narrow cracks, holes, between the fibers of clothing and sofa upholstery, into animal fur and human hair.

The most unpleasant thing is that regardless of the place where the metal leaked, it immediately begins to evaporate. The intensity of the formation of toxic volatile compounds is directly proportional to the ambient temperature. To prevent contamination of all rooms in the apartment, you need to collect and isolate the hazardous substance as soon as possible. But this must be done in such a way as not to harm your own health and not spoil the interior elements. After this, you need to decide where to take the thermometer.

The general rules for dealing with a situation where a mercury thermometer breaks are as follows:

  1. Keep calm. Panic can lead to doing the wrong thing and making the problem worse.
  2. Metal collection should be carried out with the windows open, but without a draft. It is necessary to use a gauze bandage and rubber gloves. A magnifying glass should be used to examine tight spots and tissue.
  3. The collected material is packaged in plastic or glass containers with an airtight lid.
  4. Place the container with glass fragments and collected metal out of the reach of children and animals. This could be a storage room or a balcony.
  5. Find out where to put the mercury from a broken thermometer. You can get the necessary information by calling the hotline 101 or 103. If employees do not give recommendations, then contact the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service (SES).

Important! When deciding where to put a broken thermometer, you cannot choose to dispose of it on your own. For this purpose, there are special technologies, reception points and trained personnel. It should be remembered that it is extremely difficult to completely clear a room of liquid metal on your own. To avoid unwanted consequences, it is better to use the services of professionals.

Effects of mercury on the body

The most toxic is considered to be ingestion of mercury through the lungs. Symptoms of poisoning are similar to those of a viral disease. As a rule, after two days these symptoms disappear, and harmful fumes are carried throughout the body.

  • A vapor of harmful metal can negatively affect the nervous system, which can lead to tremors, irritability, loss of sleep and memory. Contact of mercury with skin is asymptomatic.
  • With prolonged contact, there may be an allergic reaction and symptoms may appear, as if the vapor enters the lungs. Metal does not cause irritation to the mucous membranes of the eyes.

When the first symptoms of mercury poisoning appear, you should immediately seek medical help. Prolonged exposure to mercury vapor is fatal to any living organism.

How to get rid of an undamaged device

In old devices or after they fall, the column splits, which makes them impossible to use further. Sometimes, for unknown reasons, thermometers begin to give incorrect readings. Even an undamaged thermometer cannot simply be taken and thrown away. You can take the product to the nearest pharmacy, SES unit, Ministry of Emergency Situations or district clinic.

If the thermometer breaks. How to collect mercury correctly (2 videos)

Photo instructions on how to collect mercury

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