How to save spoiled meat. Is it possible to eat meat with flavor?

What to do if the chicken is smelly?

As stated above, rinse under cold water. If the smell has not completely disappeared, then spray the surface with a weak solution of vinegar. It will serve as a preservative and hide the smell. If this does not help, then soak the meat for half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

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How to remove odor from different types of meat?

As a rule, products with an odor are not found on store shelves, since they do not meet sanitary standards. But if for some reason it did end up in the kitchen, or it acquired an odor due to improper storage, then it is necessary to revive the smelly meat using different methods.

How to remove boar smell from pork meat

Uncastrated (or, as they say, undressed) boar has a very unpleasant spirit, which intensifies when cooked.

Freezing at -25°C for 3-4 days, followed by soaking in a saline or vinegar solution are effective methods.

When left at room temperature for too long, the pulp becomes foul. When you need to remove odor from pork meat that has been sitting for a long time, salt, vinegar and sugar, and solutions based on them, are effective recipes.

How to remove odor from beef meat?

Low-quality beef is corrected using potassium permanganate, keeping the cut parts in it for a couple of hours. It gives an attractive appearance and removes the musty aroma. Spicy spices, marinades with a lot of seasonings - recipes when you need to do something with stale meat.

How to remove odor from lamb meat?

The specific aroma of lamb can ruin your appetite. When cooking, be sure to cut off the fat - the source of amber. Boiling and marinating are methods for removing the smell of lamb from meat.

Lamb flesh is marinated in a mixture of garlic, mustard, salt and pepper. Boiling is an alternative method. Pieces of lamb are boiled in a saucepan, the broth is drained and the procedure is repeated 2-3 times.

How to remove bad odor from chicken and turkey?

When using chicken for dishes, you need to be extremely careful, because if the stench is accompanied by suspicious manifestations (mucus, gray color), this may be a sign of a dangerous disease - salmonellosis.

When the color of the chicken or turkey fillet is uniformly pink, but the meat smells a little, you need to treat the carcass with solutions of chamomile, potassium permanganate, and salt. Vinegar will also remove odor, but tender poultry will have a vinegary taste.

How to remove unpleasant odor from rabbit meat?

The carcass may emit a specific aroma when the animal was not fed correctly or was old. The ways to remove the smell from rabbit meat are the same as for the above products:

  • Aging in vinegar water or white wine.
  • Rub with spices - rosemary, juniper or garlic.
  • Simple soaking in water (24 hours), which is changed every 2 hours.

Rabbit is a tender and healthy product; it is important not to overdo it with spices.

How to remove the smell of old meat?

Fillet that has been sitting for a long time has a characteristic smell. Masking with spicy spices and marinating will help get rid of the smell of fragrant meat.

What can you do to prevent wild meat from smelling?

To prevent the cut of wild birds or large animals from giving off a nasty smell, it is marinated in vinegar water with spices (hops-suneli, cumin, black pepper, bay leaf) or simply rubbed with them. The procedure time is at least 2 hours.


After the procedure, it is necessary to take absorbent medications that absorb toxins and remove them naturally. As a cure for food poisoning, you can use absorbents - activated carbon or the drugs Enterosgel, Filtrum STI. Drinking plenty of fluids helps to significantly reduce the manifestations of intoxication and prevent the possible development of dehydration, as well as the resulting electrolyte imbalance. You should not drink a lot of liquid right away, as this will cause vomiting. It is better to give the patient the Regidron solution every 10 minutes in small sips.

Basic indicators

Before you start creating delicious and aromatic culinary masterpieces, it is important to be confident in the quality of the ingredients. Beginning housewives who want to surprise their loved ones with something tasty are faced with a similar problem more often. Experienced chefs identify several parameters that indicate the quality of a piece of meat, be it pork, beef or poultry.

The flesh should have a color from bright pink (chicken) to dark brown (beef). Any stains or gray inclusions are unacceptable. If there are bones in the piece, their color should be white, like the joints. The fatty layers may be yellow or almost white.

A quality product has virtually no odor. Some meats may have a subtle milk aroma. If there are foreign odors, it means that irreversible decomposition processes have begun in the product.


Advice from experts will help in resolving the issue:

  1. It is easier to determine freshness by chilled meat than by frozen meat.
  2. When purchasing, you can determine the freshness of meat by pressing on the flesh. If the fibers straighten quickly, the product is fresh.
  3. The color of the meat should match its type. Too dark or unevenly colored may indicate that the product is stale.
  4. You can only store a meat product in the refrigerator in cellophane for a short time, since without access to oxygen it will dry out.
  5. Before freezing meat, remove as much air as possible from the bag.
  6. If all conditions are met, the product cannot be stored in the refrigerator for more than 2 days.
  7. Soaking and marinating should not last less than 1-2 hours.
  8. After soaking, the meat must be rinsed before cooking.

It is not advisable to purchase meat of which you are not sure of its quality.

Is it possible to revive the product?

If the meat was initially of proper quality and frozen, then it will not spoil overnight. True, in the summer, in the heat, fresh meat will begin to exude a putrid “aroma” over such a period of time, and the quality of fatty cuts changes especially quickly. Meat is one of the most expensive products and should not be wasted, although health is also expensive.

Without unnecessary panic, you should inspect the product and rinse it under running water. Although it is believed that washing meat worsens its taste, in this situation you need to choose the lesser of two evils. As a rule, if the spoilage process has just begun, there will be a smell on the surface of the piece, which may even be a little slippery. But when cut, the meat inside is odorless. The fears are in vain - the meat is quite edible.


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Poisoning resulting from meat infected with clostridium botulism has a slightly different pathogenesis. Such microbes produce a strong poison that spreads throughout the body, penetrating nerve synapses and blocking their activity. A symptom of meat poisoning in this case is paralysis of the muscles, including those regulating respiratory movements. This causes the most serious consequences.

Possible reasons

There are a number of reasons why meat loses its natural flavor. In some cases it was not there in the first place. This happens when meat:

  • completely rotten;
  • a little spoiled;
  • it was in the refrigerator in a plastic bag and developed an unpleasant odor;
  • a rabbit that was not fed properly or was slaughtered incorrectly;
  • boar pork;
  • lamb with a peculiar smell.

A spoiled product in the form of rotten meat will have to be mercilessly thrown away, since its consumption, even after heat treatment, will lead to poisoning of the body. In other cases, you can successfully remove this flaw and prepare decent food.

Is it possible to give raw lung to a dog?

When asked whether it is possible to give dogs beef lung, experts give a clear answer: yes. The beneficial microelements contained in this product will ensure full development of your pet.

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How long to cook beef

To make the meat soft, take a piece no larger than two kilograms. The smaller the piece, the less time you will need to cook it.

How long to cook beef until done?

How long to cook beef in pieces

If you decide to save a little time and cook the beef in pieces at once, rest assured that the meat will be ready in 25-40 minutes , depending on what pieces you cut to size. The cooking algorithm is described above, do not forget to remove the foam and add salt.

How long to cook beef on the bone and without the bone

If we cook beef on the bone, the broth turns out tasty, rich, and then it can be used to prepare the first course. Cooking beef on the bone is enough for 1.5 - 2 hours , based on the size of the piece, check the readiness of the dish with a fork or knife. The cooking time for boneless is described above - from 2 to 3 hours , if it is a smaller piece or several small pieces, then 30-40 minutes is enough.

How long to cook beef for soup

For soup, meat is usually boiled on the bones, ribs or other parts. It is enough to cook on the bone for 1.5 - 2 hours (also depends on the size), removing the foam immediately after boiling, otherwise the foam flakes will settle to the bottom of the pan, and the broth will not turn out clear. A gentleman's set of spices that will highlight the taste of beef - salt, peppercorns and bay leaf.

How long to cook beef for a child

Usually mothers prefer to buy their children veal rather than beef. The meat is much more tender and cooks faster. How to cook beef for a child and how long it takes.

  1. If the child is small, we cook boneless beef, we also need filtered water, carrots and onions. If the child is over a year old, you can add a little salt.
  2. Cooking time for meat depends on the size of the selected piece. 100 grams of meat is cooked for 30 minutes , 100 grams of minced meat - 10 minutes, for a piece on the bone it takes an hour. So, we cut up a piece of meat, fill it with filtered water and you can put it on the fire.
  3. When the water boils, be sure to remove the foam, cook for literally 10 minutes, and then drain the primary broth. Children under one year old should not be given broth. Fill with filtered water again and set to boil.
  4. If we cook meat on the bone for an adult child, 30 minutes before it’s ready, throw in the peeled onion and carrot pieces. Check readiness with a knife or fork. Boiled meat should be very soft. If you doubt its readiness, cut off a piece, look at the cut, and you can try it.
  5. You can serve beef to your child in different forms - puree it in a blender, cut it into pieces and serve with a side dish.


If the symptoms of meat poisoning were not noticed in time, then as the toxic infection develops, it can be severe, which in most cases is observed in children and weakened people, and some complications may occur. The most common among them are:

  • Infectious-toxic shock is a dangerous complication that poses a threat to life for the victim. This condition develops when a large number of various bacterial toxins are absorbed into the bloodstream, which contribute to a significant decrease in blood pressure, sometimes even to the point of collapse. Also, when this pathology occurs, a significant blood clotting disorder develops in the form of intravascular disseminated coagulation syndrome with the formation of small blood clots in all vessels.
  • Sepsis (more commonly known as blood poisoning). This complication develops most often in weakened people and is characterized by the penetration of pathogenic bacteria from the digestive system into the blood, their subsequent spread throughout the body and sedimentation in the internal organs. In most cases, a liver abscess develops when a cavity filled with purulent contents forms in this organ.
  • Hypovolemia, which is a pronounced decrease in the amount of mineral salts and fluid in the body. In this case, convulsions and disorders in the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, and renal failure develop.
  • Dysbacteriosis, which, as a rule, acts as a late complication of meat poisoning and other food poisoning, and occurs with an imbalance of normal microflora in the intestine and the predominance of representatives.
  • Source

    The dangers of eating expired meat

    The product causes food poisoning of varying severity, accompanied by diarrhea, nausea, abdominal or muscle pain, and fever. Sellers, using folk techniques, can get rid of the smell of rotten meat, but its structure and color will give away the staleness. When purchasing a tenderloin, it is important to inspect it.

    Ways to refresh flavorful meat are marinating and soaking. Available products - salt, sugar, vinegar, wine - effectively remove unpleasant aroma. For odor that appears due to lying for a long time, non-aggressive recipes based on chamomile decoction, soaking in juice or wine are suitable. In case of stench, the causes of which are poor-quality products (improper feeding or slaughter of livestock), stronger remedies are needed - vinegar, spicy spices, long-term marinating.

    If the meat smells a little, what should I do? How to remove the smell of rotten meat? The meat suffocated in the bag, how can I stop it from smelling? – the answers to these questions are tricks using familiar products.

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    Suffocated in a bag - what to do

    For various reasons, the product may turn sour in cellophane. Not all meat can acquire flavor: fatty meat and chicken skin are most prone to acquiring “aroma.” This may be due to faulty operation of the freezer or carelessness of the housewife. Is it possible to save spoiled meat?

    Follow the meat washing methods described above. If you are not going to cook it right away, then cut it and put it in a clean container. If you decide to cook it right away, it is best to boil it, you need to do this with two onions: the meat broth will spoil, but the meat will be very tasty and sweetish from the onions. Pork lends itself especially well to this method.

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    Not very fresh, long-sitting, suffocated meat: what to cook?

    Not quite fresh meat that can still be used for food must be pre-prepared. To do this, it is soaked or pickled.

    From recipes, it is preferable to choose those that are prepared with a large number of spices . It can be Caucasian, Indian, Chinese or other cuisine.

    A prerequisite for preparing a not very fresh product is high-quality heat treatment.

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