Samsung washing machine UE error: causes and solutions

If a Samsung machine malfunctions, the self-diagnosis function allows you to independently identify the problem and find ways to solve it. For example, you started a program, but after washing and rinsing, the unit suddenly stopped, refusing to spin the laundry. If it were not for the appearance of the information code on the display, it would have been much more difficult to find out about the nature of the problem. In this article, we will look at what the UE error means on a Samsung washing machine, how to fix it and get the equipment working at home.

The UE system code most often appears during the spin phase.

Explanation of the error and its causes

The situation is this: washing is carried out as usual until the spin cycle begins. This procedure requires rapid rotation of the drum, but it rotates slowly for 2-3 minutes, after which the unit stops working. The delay may occur at 3 or even 7 minutes of spinning, but the result remains the same: spinning stops, the machine freezes, and the E4, UB or UE signal appears on the display.

This is how the Samsung device notifies you when the drum is unbalanced.

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It is necessary to distinguish between error E4 and 4E. The second signal indicates a failure in the water supply and occurs both at the very beginning of the wash and during rinsing.

Calling a master: how to find and how much to pay?

In order to diagnose and repair your washing machine, you should call a specialist. The foreman carries out repair work and adjusts equipment. If necessary, replace parts that have become unusable.

A washing machine that is under warranty service is accompanied by service center technicians. The client receives information about their location when purchasing household appliances. Additional questions can be clarified by calling the indicated phone numbers.

For machines that are not under warranty, it is recommended to trust service to companies that have been in the service provision market for a long time and are officially registered. You can find them via the Internet by entering the name of your city when searching.

The cost of repairs is determined by the volume of work performed, the need to replace equipment, etc. Also, the price depends on the company’s policy and may differ by region and individual localities.

Average cost of work:

  • pump replacement – ​​about 2,000 rubles;
  • pipe cleaning – 1,500 rubles;
  • repair of the control module, partial replacement of elements - about 2,500 rubles;
  • wiring repairs - about 2,000 rubles, etc.

If it is necessary to use new spare parts and other consumables during the repair process, they are paid separately. But diagnostics, when followed by repairs, are free for most companies.

Contacting private individuals for repairs does not provide confidence in the quality of the work being carried out. One should be wary of a requirement for an advance payment before the technician arrives or an offer to give money to purchase a part that requires replacement. Fraudsters can simply disappear, taking the amount of money given to them.

Companies that repair household appliances provide a guarantee on the work performed.

Samsung washing machine: UE error and its causes

The malfunction is most often associated with improper loading of the tank:

  • overload - washing is carried out, but the machine does not have enough power to spin;
  • Large items - laundry - are loaded together with small items. The latter get inside the larger ones and get stuck together. For 2–3 minutes, the drum at low speeds tries to redistribute the stray items, but if this fails, the Samsung washing machine displays the UE error code on the monitor;
  • 1 heavy thing - a duvet cover, and a pair of light ones are unevenly distributed over the drum and make it difficult to rotate;
  • Clothes and underwear made from different fabrics, when wet, acquire different weights. Incorrect load causes rotation to stop.

How is the UE code decrypted?

This error occurs when there are problems with the drum. This becomes possible due to the uneven load of laundry on the machine. In most cases, the command is issued during the “spin” process. Before the command is displayed, the drum rotates for several minutes at low speeds, trying to distribute the things that have huddled together. The timer on the display will stop, the error ue will be displayed only after several unsuccessful attempts to start the spin cycle.

It should be noted that an imbalance can cause breakage of the suspension springs holding the tank and drum, the appearance of cracks and damage to other components - the engine, sensors, bearings.

Solution algorithm sequentially

If your Samsung washing machine displays code E4, this does not mean that you urgently need to call a repair shop. If the reason is the feeding of an excessive amount of laundry and uneven distribution, it can be eliminated independently.

To begin with, set a lower number of revolutions. The items are placed more evenly and the machine spins. If the display still shows UE, do this.

  1. 5–7 minutes after stopping, the hatch will unlock. If not, then manually press the On/Off button, turn off the device and wait for the door to open.
  2. Linen and clothes are pulled out of the drum, untwisted and evenly distributed. Some things are put aside if necessary.
  3. Turn on the washing machine and start the “Rinse and Spin” mode. If the problem is corrected, the washing machine ends the cycle.

It is possible that the hatch cannot be unlocked because there is still water in the device. An emergency drain is required. To do this, turn off the unit, unscrew the filter cap at the bottom, take out the hose and drain the remaining liquid into a bucket.

After this, the hatch will unlock. Then they act according to the same scheme.

Other reasons

Error E4 appears for other reasons.

If the washing machine is placed on an uneven surface, the items inside it will move off-axis. At high speeds they quickly get stuck together and the drum stops. To fix the damage, you need to adjust the height of the legs. If the model is old, wooden wedges are placed under the legs.

If there is not enough laundry, place a couple of soaked terry towels in the drum to provide the missing weight.

The unit gives a signal if the control module fails. In this case, it is turned off for 10–20 minutes and then started again.

Serious damage

The imbalance message is not always correct: after all, the control unit only identifies the result. If all the above steps do not help, look for other reasons.

  1. The drum rotates only in one direction and stops during the spin cycle; signal E4 appears on the display. The situation looks normal, but in fact the relay is damaged or failed, which is why the drum rotates only clockwise. The processor stops the wash. If the relay fails, it is replaced; if the processor is damaged, the board must be completely replaced. Such repairs are performed in a workshop.
  2. The Samsung machine makes a lot of noise when spinning, after 3-5 minutes the washing stops, and stains appear at the bottom. The problem is typical for machines with a significant period of use and consists in wear of bearings and seals. Parts are being replaced.
  3. If the Samsung stops immediately after switching to spin mode, the problem is in the drive belt - it has stretched or torn. Breakage can be prevented: when the belt begins to delaminate, the drum moves in small jerks.
  4. If your Samsung device vibrates a lot, knocks, creaks when spinning, and code E4 appears on the display, this means that 1 or more shock absorbers have failed. They compensate for the vibrations of the tank during rotation, and when they fail, the drum rotates unevenly.
  5. Error E4 appears both during washing and rinsing. This indicates a breakdown of the tachometer, which regulates the rotation speed.

You can replace the relay yourself. Repair of shock absorbers or tachometers is usually entrusted to specialists.

Call the master

If everything is fine with loading the drum, the machine itself is absolutely level, and the ue error does not disappear, then technical assistance is needed.
The total cost of repairs depends on the complexity of fixing the damage. The price of new components is added to this amount. The list of works that are best entrusted to a professional includes:

  1. Replacement of the relay or the entire control board. The cost of work excluding new parts and microcircuits is from 2,400 rubles.
  2. Installing a new oil seal and replacing the bearing. The services of a master for such a volume of repairs are estimated at 4,000 rubles.
  3. Replacing a stretched or torn drive belt. The cost of work starts from 1100 rubles.
  4. Reinstallation of all shock absorbers (even if only one has failed). Specialist services are estimated at 2,600 rubles.
  5. Removing the old and installing a new tachometer. The cost of installation work starts from 2400 rubles.
  6. Replacing graphite motor brushes that create an electromagnetic field. The work of a master is estimated at 1,700 rubles.

You can find specialists who repair washing machines in large service centers and workshops. Their addresses and telephone numbers are available in directories and advertisements.

An official organization always has the necessary permits and provides documents that guarantee the quality of the result.

Another option is to call a specialist based on a private note published in a newspaper, website or bulletin board

When ordering a service in this way, it is important to remember the possible risks. They relate to both the technical condition of the repaired device and personal finances.

Why does it appear during the spin cycle?

Before you begin to correct the error, you need to find out why the unit cannot evenly distribute the load of the drum on the axis of rotation.

The reasons may be different:

  • Excessive load of laundry. If a lot of things are placed in the drum and their quantity exceeds the permissible norm, the machine cannot even them out according to the volume of the drum before spinning.

  • Placement of products of varying quality into the drum. Different fabrics absorb and release water differently, so under equal spin conditions, an imbalance occurs in the drum and, as a result, the work stops.
  • Insufficient weight of laundry. Underload also has a negative effect on balancing, as does overload. A small thing cannot create equal pressure on all the walls of the drum.
  • Control unit malfunction. Electronics in some cases can create confusion in the operation of sensors. This reason is not associated with a serious defect and can be easily eliminated.
  • Tilt of the machine body. If the device has just been installed or has been moved recently, it is quite possible that it was installed unevenly. Even a slight slope can lead to uneven load on the drum on the axis of rotation.

All of the above reasons are not related to equipment failure, but to its operation. That is why you can eliminate them yourself; the main thing is to correctly understand why the device refuses to gain momentum.

However, in some cases, the ue error still signals a more serious problem. It could be:

  • malfunction of the entire microcircuit (control board) or just the relay on it;
  • depressurization of the seal, natural wear and destruction of the bearing;
  • stretching, delamination or rupture of the drive belt in the machine;
  • failure of one, several or all shock absorbers;
  • breakdown of the tachogenerator, which controls the drum speed;
  • wear on the motor brushes, which prevents the rotor from rotating.
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