How to get rid of odor in shoes at home?

The article was prepared by a specialist for informational purposes only. We urge you not to self-medicate. When the first symptoms appear, consult a doctor.

Unpleasant odor in shoes is a problem for many people; its presence makes life worse to a certain extent and reduces self-confidence. It is known that the smell of sweat can spread even when shoes are on your feet, especially if they are wet. Knowing about the existing problem, a person constantly experiences psychological discomfort, becomes irritable, nervous and more susceptible to various stresses.

How to get rid of odor in shoes using formidron?

Formidron is a medication that is recommended for use for excessive sweating of the feet. It contains formaldehyde, which has antiseptic and deodorizing activity. The product comes in liquid form, so you need to be extremely careful when using it.

To eliminate unpleasant odor in shoes, you can treat their inner surface with Formidron. To do this, the product is first applied to a cotton pad, and then used to wipe the desired areas of the shoe. After this treatment, the pair is wrapped in a plastic bag for up to 12 hours. This will help destroy pathological microorganisms and reduce foot sweating. In addition, Formidron is an excellent means of preventing foot fungus.

When treating shoes with Formidron, it is important to use gloves and try not to get the product on bare skin on your hands. Unprotected contact between the dermis and Formidron for more than 20 minutes is undesirable, as it can cause local reactions and dry out the skin. The drug is made on the basis of formaldehyde.

Hydrogen peroxide 3% eliminates odor in shoes

To eliminate unpleasant odor in shoes, you can use hydrogen peroxide at a 3% concentration. To do this, the shoes are either simply wiped from the inside, or (if the shoes allow this), peroxide is poured inside. After this treatment, you need to dry your shoes well in the open air.

Treatment with peroxide not only eliminates unpleasant odors, but also helps to destroy fungi and bacteria that actively multiply inside closed shoes. Therefore, hydrogen peroxide can be used even before the smell appears, for the purpose of prevention.

Causes of unpleasant odor

To eliminate a smell, you need to find its causes. Here are the most common:

  • health problems - hyperhidrosis (sweating feet), fungus;
  • moisture inside the boots, which provokes the growth of bacteria;
  • low quality material;
  • the choice of shoes is not appropriate for the weather;
  • cat marks.

It's easy to remove the smell. But you won’t be able to save a pair of cheap leatherette and oilcloth: it’s better to throw away such shoes, they can provoke the development of fungus and other diseases.

The most effective way to get rid of odor in shoes

Chlorhexidine solution is a powerful antiseptic that can effectively combat unpleasant odors in shoes. It is capable of destroying most known bacteria, yeast-like fungi, dermatophytes and viruses. Their destruction contributes to the irradiation of an unpleasant odor. At the same time, the drug does not damage the skin when it comes into contact with it.

To disinfect shoes, you must choose a 1% chlorhexidine solution. This liquid is odorless and colorless, so it is very easy to process. First, you should soak a cotton swab in the composition, and then use it to thoroughly wipe the entire inner surface of the shoe. Particular attention should be paid to hard-to-reach places. After processing, the pair is placed in a plastic bag and tied tightly. The shoes should remain in the bag for at least 3 hours. After this, the shoes are taken out and dried thoroughly. It is better to let the shoes dry in the open air and stand there for at least 2 days.

Special professional products for eliminating shoe odors

Shoe stores sell not only shoe polishes and brushes. There are enough special products that are designed to combat the smell.

  • Use all kinds of deodorants, they are produced both in the form of sprays and in sticks and tablets. It is better that they contain antibacterial substances;
  • Buy scented insoles or immediately buy those with an antibacterial effect. They are disposable and work up to 20 hours, antifungal, with activated carbon (they must be dried after each use) and made of flax (constant drying is also necessary).

Before processing, clean the product with soapy water. If the manufacturer allows, you can wash it in a machine. Drying - only in the fresh air, stuff the shoes with newsprint, which will absorb water. Do not dry near heating devices - too much heat will damage your boots.

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Shoe care rules

More details

Professional products

To remove the smell of sweat from shoes, the most effective method is to use specialized products.

Where can I buy? The SmellOff neutralizer combines the positive properties of natural (safety, harmlessness, environmental friendliness) and chemical agents (effectiveness, ease of use).

This product contains enzymes, which are the main active ingredient. They penetrate deep into products and break down even the smallest particles of sweat odor at the molecular level.

Another advantage of this product is its versatility. It is perfect for cleaning shoes and other surfaces: car interior covers, furniture, clothes, etc.

To get results, it is recommended:

  1. Clean and dry your shoes as much as possible.
  2. Apply the product using a spray bottle to each shoe. It is necessary to spill the product on particularly contaminated areas. It is important to treat everything, even hard-to-reach places.
  3. Leave until completely dry for 12-24 hours, placing in a dry and closed space (case, box, closet).
  4. Ventilate the product.

If you follow the above instructions correctly, your favorite clothes and shoes will not only get rid of the unpleasant odor, but will not even smell like fragrance.

Use newspaper or cat litter

Another way to get rid of excess moisture in your shoes is to place crumpled newspapers or cat litter in them. They will be able to absorb all the sweat and the accompanying odor, after which they can simply be thrown away.

And if misfortune befalls you and your sneakers win the competition for the title of the stinkiest shoes in the city, then use several of the listed methods at once. For example, sprinkle them with deodorizing powder, fill them with newspapers, place them in the refrigerator overnight, and then expose them to the first rays of the morning sun. Then your shoes will smell only of lilies of the valley and honey gingerbread.

Other chemical agents to combat shoe odor

To get rid of odor in shoes, you can also turn to other drugs:

Name Description
Mycostop Mycostop is a spray used in the fight against fungus that has settled in shoes. Thanks to this form of release, this product is very convenient to use. To destroy the fungus, it is enough to spray the drug inside the couple for five days before resting at night.

Mycostop effectively fights all types of mycotic organisms, which often lead to the occurrence of mycoses of the feet and the appearance of an unpleasant odor in shoes. Therefore, boots are treated with this drug both during treatment for foot fungus and for preventive purposes. Mycostop is based on undecylenamine.

Miramistin This drug is a universal antiseptic that can be purchased at the pharmacy. It is odorless and colorless and leaves no marks on shoes after treatment. However, the price is quite high, so it is best to choose a large bottle of Miramistin with a volume of 500 ml. This way you can save some money. To treat shoes, you must use a cotton swab soaked in Miramistin. With its help, the inside of the shoes or boots is well soaked and dried.
Dezavid This remedy is active against fungi of the genus Candida, and is also capable of destroying dermatophytes and mold fungi. If you use it to treat the inside surface of your shoes, this will eliminate the possibility of infection with your own fungi. In addition to its powerful antimycotic effect, Dezavid perfectly eliminates unpleasant odors and acts as a powerful antiseptic.

Benefits of using Dezavid:

  • The drug is hypoallergenic - it does not contain alcohol, chlorine or fragrances.
  • The product can be used for any type of shoes, including a pair of leather or suede.
  • Dezavid is odorless and leaves no visible marks after treatment.

You can purchase the product in departments with household chemicals, the release form is a spray, the dosage is 150 ml. The price per bottle varies from 200 to 300 rubles. It can be used in two ways. As an option, Dezavid is applied to a cotton swab and used to treat the inner surface of the shoe. Or the product is simply sprayed inside the shoe at a distance of 30 cm. Allow it to stand for 5 minutes, after which, if the shoes are dry, they can be put on. If a person has been diagnosed with nail fungus, then shoes need to be treated every day.

Laina Laina is a green or blue liquid that is active against fungi of the genus Trichophyton, Candida and against mold mycotic organisms. You can purchase bottles of 500 and 1000 ml, or canisters of 5 liters and 10 liters. You can find the product in pet stores.

White or light-colored shoes should not be treated with this product. In all other cases, the liquid is applied to a swab and used to wipe the inside surface of the shoe. When the exposure time has expired, the shoes are washed with water and dried thoroughly.

To treat open-type shoes, they are simply immersed in the solution and not allowed to float. After soaking, the couple should also be rinsed with water.

! If Laina 0.5% is used to disinfect shoes against fungus, then the exposure time is 30 minutes. When a couple is treated with a 0.8% product, a 15-minute exposure is sufficient.

Formalin You can find recommendations for treating shoes with Formalin. However, in this case you need to be extremely careful, since this product not only has a strong odor, but is also extremely toxic.

If used regularly, it can have a detrimental effect on the central nervous system, reproductive organs, respiratory system, skin and mucous membranes.

Bitsin The kit for disinfecting shoes includes an ampoule with the drug, as well as a spray with water. After preparing the solution, it can be stored for another five years. Bitsin has pronounced antimycotic properties and is capable of destroying pathogenic bacteria and fungal spores.

To make a solution, pour the concentrate from a plastic ampoule into the prepared water, screw the cap tightly on and shake vigorously. The resulting nano-concentrate is sprayed inside the shoes. You don’t have to dry the steam first.

One treatment protects against sweat odor and fungal regrowth in shoes for up to 40 days. It’s convenient that you don’t need to ventilate or dry your shoes after treatment; you can use them right away. One package is enough for 2 or 3 treatments, depending on the size of the shoe. The drug can be found in pharmacies, as well as in stores for fishermen, hunters and tourists.

Alaminol After purchasing the concentrate, it must be diluted 1 to 100 or 5 to 100 to obtain a 5% or 1% solution for treating shoes.

To disinfect, the resulting solution is poured into a pair of boots or boots and immediately poured back. Then the shoes should be left to dry for an hour and a half. After time, the shoes should be rinsed twice with running water. Once the pair is dry, you can put them on.

Alaminol solution can also be used to treat insoles, for which they are soaked in the resulting liquid. You can find Alaminol in departments with medical supplies; the price per liter of such a product varies from 300 to 500 rubles.

We look for and eliminate the cause of the smell

Excessive foot sweating

In the case where the cause of the foul smell of shoes is pathological sweating of the feet, use all kinds of home and pharmacy remedies to combat hyperhidrosis, for example:

  • antiperspirant sprays;
  • deodorizing and astringent pastes, ointments, powders and creams;
  • baths with plant decoctions containing large amounts of tannins.

To prevent your shoes from becoming soaked in sweat, get several pairs of the same type of shoes and wear them alternately. In addition, keep a supply of clean cotton socks with you at all times and change them whenever possible.

Inadequate care

  • To prevent newly purchased shoes from acquiring a musty smell, remove the insoles from them every evening and hang them on a clothesline, and place the shoes themselves for airing on the balcony or in another drafty place.
  • If it rained during the day and your boots were damp, stuff them with old newspapers. Dry thin paper will draw moisture out of the skin, and bad odors will go away with it.
  • Buy a special electric dryer for your shoes, equipped with an ionizer and a small ultraviolet lamp. Such a miniature device not only effectively dries shoes, but also destroys the bacteria present in them, which are the root cause of the unpleasant odor.

Poor quality shoes

Not only worn, but also completely new shoes have their own smell, and they do not always smell the same. If expensive branded boots, as a rule, exude the noble aroma of well-treated leather, then super-fashionable oilcloth boots from the market can emit a smell that even skunks will envy.

In the event that you are “lucky” to become the owner of such a bad-smelling pair of shoes, try to remove the specific smell of synthetics and cheap glue as follows:

  1. Place the couple on the balcony or windowsill for the whole day.
  2. If prolonged airing does not give the expected result, pour a few tablespoons of baking soda into each shoe, shake the shoes so that the sodium bicarbonate crystals are distributed over the entire inner surface of the shoes, and leave the shoes like that overnight. Being a strong absorbent, soda will absorb bad odors; you will only need to shake out your shoes and remove the remaining soda powder with a vacuum cleaner.
  3. If treatment with soda does not help, use potassium permanganate. Wipe the lining and insoles with a swab dipped in a deep pink solution of potassium permanganate.

If, in spite of everything, the shoes stubbornly continue to stink, throw them away and buy others, albeit not so elegant, but of high quality and made of genuine leather.

Shoe disinfection devices

Name Description
Timson This device is placed inside the shoe and left on for 12 hours. Ultraviolet lamps built around the perimeter of the device treat the steam from the inside, having a detrimental effect on all groups of fungi.
Xenelight The instructions for use indicate that a five-minute treatment will be sufficient to destroy all mycotic organisms. In this case, it will be possible to disinfect the shoes of all family members in an hour. Xenelight kills fungi thanks to ultraviolet radiation emanating from built-in gas-discharge lamps.

In order to dry your shoes using the desiccant that comes with the kit, five minutes will, of course, not be enough. Drying will take at least 4 hours. Xenelight can be used to treat both indoor and sports shoes. The device runs on batteries. 4 pieces are enough for the device to last up to 60 days.

Other ways to get rid of odor in shoes

Sometimes, in order to improve the quality of your life and get rid of the obsessive smell in your shoes, it is enough to use simple methods to eliminate it:

  • It is worth knowing what any new shoes smell. The severity of the smell will depend on the material from which it is made. To ensure that the new thing does not leave any discomfort, it is enough to simply ventilate it. To do this, the couple is left outdoors for 24 hours or more. Most often, this allows you to get rid of the existing odor.
  • If ventilation turns out to be ineffective, you can use baking soda or regular flour. The selected product is poured into the shoes and left there for several hours. After this, the shoes or boots are well cleaned of any remaining flour or soda.
  • A well-known adsorbent, activated carbon, can remove odors and absorb excess moisture. However, before processing, you should take into account that it leaves dark spots on the surface of the product. Naturally, they will appear if you use black coal.
  • You can get rid of shoe odor using potassium permanganate. It is necessary to dilute a not too concentrated solution of potassium permanganate and treat the inside of the shoes with it.
  • To combat unpleasant odors, regular alcohol or vodka may be suitable. These products will not only remove odor from shoes, but will also additionally disinfect the inner surface of the pair.
  • Vinegar can help deal with unpleasant odors. At the same time, you should not wipe your shoes with it; just place two cotton pads soaked in vinegar inside the pair. After the procedure, shoes need to be aired.

All these methods work even better if they are used in combination, for example, after soda treatment, you can wipe the shoes with alcohol and expose the pair to air in the open air. An excellent completion of the procedure would be to treat your shoes with a special deodorant, for example, Scholl Odor Controll NEUTRA-ACTIV or Shoe Deo. You can also apply Odorgon air purifier to a napkin and wipe your shoes with it inside and out. This method will help you get rid of the unpleasant odor for a long time.

These methods are excellent for removing odor from new or almost new shoes. However, it often occurs after a certain time after using the shoes. The possible cause of the odor in this case may not be ordinary sweat, but bacteria that have begun to multiply in the humid environment of the boot that is favorable for them.

If the above methods are unable to eliminate the odor, you can use the following tips:

  • Wash your shoes using a soapy solution. It is quite possible to carry out a similar treatment with sneakers, rubber slippers, flip-flops, sneakers, etc. After washing, the shoes must be thoroughly dried and the smell will be eliminated.
  • If it is not possible to wash your shoes, then it makes sense to at least treat the insoles. They can either be washed with soapy water and dried, or simply replaced with new ones.
  • Any closed shoes should be dried periodically, even if it seems that they are not getting wet. An effective method of drying is using ultraviolet shoe dryers. It will not only rid the couple of moisture, but also disinfect them. Ultraviolet radiation has a detrimental effect on many bacteria, including those that cause an unpleasant odor. An hour's treatment is enough to destroy up to 95% of all harmful microorganisms inside the shoes. Before drying, you can use any disinfectant solution for treating shoes (potassium permanganate, alcohol, vodka, etc.).
  • Exposure to low temperatures also eliminates unpleasant odors. To do this, the shoes are first thoroughly dried and then placed outside for several hours. It is important that the temperature outside the window is minus.
  • If weather conditions do not allow you to treat your shoes with cold, you can use the freezer. However, this method is not suitable for patent leather shoes. The pair must also be thoroughly dried, placed in a plastic bag and placed in the freezer for up to 8 hours. The effect will be similar to that produced by frosty air.
  • An excellent way to prevent unpleasant odors are ordinary tea leaves. If you regularly put them in boots or shoes, the aromatic substances they emit can rid your shoes of an unpleasant odor. The leaves of eucalyptus, sage, oak bark, mint and lemon balm have a similar effect. However, this method is more auxiliary than primary and gives maximum effect in combination with other methods of getting rid of odor.
  • Another effective way to neutralize even the strongest sweat odor is to use cat litter. The product must be distributed into fabric bags (for this you can use regular socks) and placed inside the shoes. It is enough to leave this product for one night and the smell will be eliminated.

It is important not to forget about the rules of personal hygiene; if you do not follow them, then any means of eliminating odor from shoes will be ineffective, and it will return again and again:

  • Feet should be washed twice a day - in the morning and in the evening;
  • After washing, they should be rinsed with cool water;
  • You should periodically use foot scrubs and peels;
  • The skin of the feet must be thoroughly dried, especially between the toes;
  • It is best to give preference to shoes made from natural materials;
  • Changing socks and tights should be regular.

How to remove bad odor from shoes with home remedies

To get rid of the smell, you don't have to buy

special chemicals - use the products that are in every home. Let's look at the most effective ways.

Washing with airing

Suitable for fabric shoes: sneakers, slip-ons, sandals and slippers. Shoes can be washed in a machine on a delicate cycle or by hand in warm water with powder. Dry your clean shoes well in a draft, otherwise the smell will reappear.

Thorough drying

If your boots smell damp, drying them will help. There are several effective ways:

  • Crumple the paper, stuff it into a pair and wrap the shoes in newspaper - the paper will absorb excess moisture.
  • Silica gel. Colorless granules in a bag are included in every shoe box. If you don't have silica gel at home, buy cat litter - it is often sold by weight. Heat the granules on the battery, put them in a sock and leave them in your boots for 2 hours.
  • Electric dryer. This is an electrical appliance designed specifically for quickly drying shoes. There are models with ultraviolet radiation: they kill germs and bacteria that cause an unpleasant odor.

The main rule is not to dry your shoes on the radiator: this will damage the soles.


Can't beat the sweaty smell inside your favorite sneakers? A refrigerator will help. Place the shoes in a bag and then in the freezer for 20 hours. If it's winter outside, you can leave your shoes on the balcony overnight.


This product will cope with any odors. Take a cotton pad soaked in ammonia and treat the inside of the shoes. You can apply alcohol using a spray bottle. Leave the shoes for several hours, and then thoroughly wipe them with a napkin and dry them. Ammonia has a pungent odor, so carry out the treatment in a ventilated area.


A product that is in every kitchen will bring freshness back to your favorite shoes. Take regular table vinegar 9% and apply it to the lining and insole using a cotton pad or spray bottle. Leave the shoes for 2-3 hours and remove excess moisture with a paper towel. Dry the pair thoroughly.


The tea contains oils that will combat odors without harming any type of shoe. Choose a fragrant variety, put a few packets in each shoe and leave for 10 hours. The tea will freshen your shoes and kill bacteria.


If your shoes cannot be washed, you can remove the odor using regular baking soda. Pour 1 tablespoon of powder into each shoe and spread it evenly across the insole. Wrap the treated pair in plastic and leave for 5 hours, then carefully remove the soda from the shoes.


Natural absorbent and antiseptic will destroy the smell of sweat and dampness. Mix salt with dishwashing detergent in a 3:1 ratio and treat your shoes with the mixture. After 2 hours, rinse the pair and dry completely.


Laundry soap is a budget-friendly and effective means for refreshing your favorite sneakers and other textile shoes. Grate part of the block and pour boiling water over the shavings. Spread the resulting soap solution over the lining using a cotton pad or sponge. Place the pair in a warm place until completely dry. Then the shoes can be washed.


Iodine has a bactericidal effect and removes any unpleasant odors. Before the procedure, wipe the shoe lining with soapy water, and then apply a solution (20 drops of iodine per tablespoon of water). After a few hours, rinse the pair and dry completely.

Essential oil

Aromatic concentrates of lavender, tea tree, mint, eucalyptus and lemon have antimicrobial properties and are effective in eliminating any odors. Simply place 3-4 drops of essential oil in each shoe and leave for 4 hours. You can repeat the procedure 2 times a week for prevention.

Salicylic acid

Salicylic acid will restore freshness to your beloved couple in just a few hours. Mix acid, strong green tea, and hydrogen peroxide in equal proportions and treat the inside of the shoes. Without rinsing, dry the shoes completely.


The popular antiseptic is colorless and odorless and is ideal for removing unpleasant odors from any shoes. Generously wipe the inside of your boots or shoes with chlorhexidine, and then let the shoes dry. There is no need to wash off the antiseptic.

Citrus peels

This method is suitable for leather and fur

wow. Grind the peels of lemons, oranges or grapefruits, pour them into your shoes and leave them overnight. Essential oils found in citrus fruits

will kill bacteria and unpleasant odors.

Activated carbon

A highly effective adsorbent not only removes toxins from the body, but also easily copes with unpleasant odors from shoes. Place 4 tablets in each shoe and leave on for 8-10 hours. In the morning, shake out the coal and wipe the insole with a napkin.

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