How to get rid of odor in shoes: freshness without compromise

The unpleasant “odors” that shoes can emit are familiar to many people. They can appear for various reasons - from improper care of boots, shoes, due to accidental exposure to heavy rain, and simply because the feet sweat intensely. It’s not surprising that every housewife wants to create an atmosphere of comfort and cleanliness in her home. And wearing things, shoes with an unpleasant odor is not only unpleasant, but also harmful. Therefore, you should learn how to remove and remove the smell of dampness from shoes.

Is it possible to deal with mold and sweat odor?

Many people, having discovered that their shoes have become saturated with an unpleasant odor (sweat), think that it is not possible to return the shoes to their former freshness, and are simply going to throw them away. However, this situation often occurs with a relatively new couple. Is it possible to do something to rid the insoles of the smell of sweat or is it easier to throw the shoes in the trash?

There is an exit! Don't rush to get rid of your favorite shoes just because they start to smell unpleasant. There's something else you can do with the shoes. First you need to find out the reason why this happened.

Important! One of the serious reasons why a person's shoes may smell is fungus. Before you start trying out the methods described in our article, you need to find out if you suffer from this disease. Timely treatment will give you the opportunity to quickly get rid of an unpleasant problem, protecting yourself and your family.

Causes of mold on shoes

Mold on shoes cannot always be noticed upon inspection; its presence on a piece of clothing will give off a musty smell. The reasons for its appearance may be:

  1. Improper storage. After the season ends, most people wash their shoes and put them in the closet. If boots or sneakers are not completely dry after cleaning, fungus may appear on them. Mold spores can enter shoes through the air or remain on shoes after wear.
  2. Dampness. High humidity is a favorable condition for the development of fungal microflora.
  3. Poor ventilation and uneven heating of the room.
  4. Mold in the apartment. If there are fungi on the walls in the house, then there is a high probability that it will be in the closet.

Ways to combat mold and sweat odor

The smell that comes from shoes causes serious discomfort to the owner, however, having learned how to get rid of it, he can solve this problem. Here are the most effective and common methods to remove mold odor from shoes:

  1. Ventilation.
  2. The use of specialized products to care for the inside of shoes - deodorants, sprays.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia.
  4. Wash thoroughly to remove mold and odor.
  5. Use of known folk remedies.

Don't rush to throw away shoes that are dear to your heart. Knowing how to remove the musty smell of dampness and sweat from shoes, you can easily give them a second life.

What can you do at home?

In this article we have collected for you all the possible methods described on the Internet. We haven’t tested it on ourselves, so you should use this or that method with extreme caution. It is advisable to consult your doctor first.

So, we present to your attention 17 fairly simple methods that you can use at home to get rid of the problem of unpleasant odor coming from shoes, without using special products.

Don't wear small shoes

Tight boots prevent moisture from evaporating from the surface of the skin of the feet. And the warm environment that occurs inside the shoes promotes the appearance of bacteria that emit an “odor.” You cannot wear tight shoes. This is why your feet sweat. In addition, shoes must be made of breathable material and have removable insoles that can be washed if necessary.

Mouth rinses

To prevent your feet from sweating, you can use mouthwash. Take a bath with 1 part rinse aid and 2 parts water for approximately 30-40 minutes and dry your feet thoroughly at the end of the procedure. Experts advise doing such procedures from time to time.

Activated carbon filters

To remove bad odors, you can use any filter containing activated carbon. For this purpose, you can also use water filters or odor absorbers, which are used for refrigeration equipment. To get rid of unwanted odor, you need to leave a small bag of charcoal inside your shoes for a day. After use, filters must be dried.

Lotions with moisturizing effect

If there is a problem with excessive sweating, it is very important to moisturize your feet regularly. One of the reasons for increased sweat production is rough feet. A huge number of harmful bacteria appear on them. To prevent the occurrence of cracks, corns, and therefore bad odor, you need to use a special foot lotion with a moisturizing effect every day. Such actions should be regular.

Use sports socks

Socks designed specifically for people who exercise have inserts that help wick sweat away from the skin. In addition, they use technological fibers to eliminate excess moisture. You should not wear items made from natural cotton. These socks are able to absorb sweat, but after that they continue to come into contact with the feet, which contributes to the development of stench.

Kitchen salt

Baths with added salt help tighten pores and fight bacteria on the surface of the feet. The recipe for such a bath is simple: dissolve 1/2 cup of salt in 4 glasses of warm water. Moreover, both table salt and sea or Epsom salt are suitable.

Baths using regular kitchen salt help tighten pores. In addition, salt kills bacteria on the feet. To carry out the procedure, take four glasses of warm water and half a glass of salt. Dissolve the salt in water. It is worth noting that in addition to table salt, you can also use sea salt.

Cornstarch and baking soda

It is known that corn starch and soda have excellent moisture absorption properties. These products will also help with shoes. The ingredients can be used in different ways.

The first method involves treating the feet in the toe area with starch or soda. Apply the powder to thoroughly washed and dry feet. This procedure helps combat excessive sweating on the feet.

Second option : sprinkle baking soda on the inside of your shoes. The powder has the ability to absorb moisture well, has an antibacterial effect and a deodorizing effect.

Dry your shoes outdoors

Fungi and bacteria that form over time inside footwear are afraid of ultraviolet radiation. To get rid of microorganisms and unpleasant odors or prevent their occurrence, it is necessary to dry your shoes in the sun from time to time. An ultraviolet shoe dryer can be a good alternative to sunlight.

Stick to your diet

There are foods that can provoke increased sweating. If you have an important meeting coming up and you want to be at your best, do not eat spicy food or give up a cup of strong tea or coffee. In addition, foods high in carbohydrates contribute to the appearance of fungus on the skin.

Scrub with mint

Peppermint foot scrub not only eliminates bad odors, but also improves blood circulation and removes dead skin cells. To prepare such a product, you will need very simple ingredients:

  • 1 tablespoon corn flour;
  • 2 teaspoons dry peppermint;
  • 1 tablespoon of yogurt;
  • 5 drops of peppermint essential oil;
  • juice squeezed from 1 lemon.

All components must be mixed until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Next, the product should be applied to the skin of the feet. Massage your feet for about 5 - 10 minutes, then rinse the scrub with warm water and dry your feet.

Herbal spices and seasonings

Herbs and spices, which can be found in almost every person’s home, are also very effective in combating bad odors.

Cinnamon is famous for its antibacterial qualities. Essential oils in cinnamon destroy up to 95% of harmful bacteria. You can add essential oil or cinnamon powder to your foot bath.

Thyme is a strong natural antiseptic. In ancient times, healers used the plant to disinfect wounds. Hot baths with the addition of thyme have a powerful deodorizing effect.

Mint has antiseptic and antibacterial properties. In addition, it has a rich, fresh smell.

Don't wear shoes for a long time

Sports shoes should not be used for more than three years. Despite timely cleaning and washing, dust is absorbed by shoe materials over the years and serves as a breeding ground for bacteria. If you train in sneakers for about half an hour a day, after 6 months you should buy a new pair of shoes.

Manganese, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide

Timely disinfection of shoes will protect you from fungal infections (mycosis is also one of the main reasons for the appearance of a bad odor), and if they occur, it will destroy spores. To carry out antifungal treatment at home, you can use potassium permanganate, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide. Dissolve the crystals in water and wipe the inside of the shoe with a cotton swab. Similar actions can be carried out with a swab soaked in vinegar or hydrogen peroxide.

Dry coffee beans

To eliminate unwanted odor, you can use dry natural coffee beans. It is enough to take a handful of grains and put them inside your shoes, sneakers or boots overnight. In the morning the unpleasant aroma will disappear. But do not use wet grains for this purpose. In this case, you can only make the situation worse.

Tea bags

Tea is able to perfectly absorb various odors. In this regard, dry tea bags (even used ones) should be placed in shoes for a day. Soldiers in the army use this method, so you can also take note of this advice.

Contrast baths

Contrast foot baths have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the sweat glands. Alternating hot and cold water helps improve blood circulation and increase the tone of blood vessels, so the unpleasant foot odor will gradually go away. However, such procedures are contraindicated in some cases. People who suffer from diabetes and varicose veins should not use this method. It is also undesirable to do this during pregnancy.

Silica gel

Small bags of balloons found in shoe boxes are also suitable for removing bad shoe odors. The material used to make these balls is called silica gel. It is able to absorb and retain moisture. For the same purpose, you can use silica gel litter, which is poured into cat litter. For one pair of shoes, 1 tablespoon of filler will be enough. Leave the silica gel inside your boots overnight. When you wake up in the morning, you will no longer notice a bad aroma.

Fighting odor with ventilation

No matter how strange it may sound, sometimes you can get rid of an unpleasant odor through thorough ventilation. You should leave the previously opened pair in a dry, well-ventilated place, for example, on a balcony, or better yet, outside. To achieve results, leave your shoes, boots or sneakers on for at least a few days.

On the first day, it is advisable to push dry newspapers inside - they will absorb some of the smell. Then the newspapers will need to be removed so that the inner surface of the shoes can “breathe”.

Important! If you leave moldy shoes to air out in the cold, the effect will be stronger. In summer, direct sunlight can enhance the effect.

Proper storage

Useful lifehacks:

  1. Dry your shoes completely regularly, especially in wet weather. To do this fully, it is recommended to have a spare pair for each season;
  2. To maintain the excellent appearance of leather products, it is recommended to lubricate them with special creams and oil-containing solutions. For example, regular fish oil can be used as one of the ingredients to make an excellent water repellent;
  3. For storage, place all products in a cardboard box or canvas bag;
  4. Treat the inner surface with hydrogen peroxide periodically;
  5. Pay close attention to the health of your feet;
  6. The storage place should be dark, dry;
  7. When storing, it is advisable to use special absorbent granules, aromatic tablets, and shoe sachets.

Use of deodorants, fresheners, perfumes

To effectively remove odor from shoes, you can also use suitable perfumes. Today in stores such products can be found in the following forms:

  • Stick;
  • Spray;
  • Pills.

By and large, the principle of operation of each of these tools is the same - they differ only in ease of use. By using these products correctly, you can quickly and reliably remove unpleasant odors from shoes, including the smell of mold and sweat.

Important! In some stores you can find special creams and aromatic fragrances. Although these products are not cheap options, the smell goes away in just a few hours.

Eliminate sweat odor using ammonia and peroxide

For this method, you should prepare a solution of these two components in a one to one ratio. After soaking a cotton swab in the resulting liquid, thoroughly wipe the inside of the stinking vapor. This procedure should be done systematically.

Important! Try filling a spray bottle with this mixture and thoroughly treating your shoes. With this, the entire surface will be well covered with the composition, which means there will be a greater chance that the unpleasant odor will go away.


Shoes need regular disinfection (especially in hot weather, when the intensity of sweating increases). In a humid environment, fungi and bacteria multiply quickly, so the spirit is strengthened. Fungal infections are treated with medications prescribed by a doctor. Damaged feet are lubricated with Mikostop cream and Teymurov paste.

For the prevention and treatment of foot mycoses, the inner surface of boots is sprayed with Gorosten spray for a week or wiped with cotton wool soaked in vodka. The moistened steam is dried with a device with an ionizer, which refreshes and destroys bacteria that cause stench.

Washing sneakers to combat mold and odor

Many people wonder how to remove mold and its smell from shoes? So, this can be done by thoroughly washing your sneakers or boots in warm water with the addition of detergent.

Important! If the shoes are strong, made of high-quality material, and are white in color, you can add a couple of drops of chlorine to the water. This will improve the quality of processing and kill bacteria that cause the unpleasant odor.

After washing, you should thoroughly dry all parts, paying special attention to the inner surface, and then place in a warm, ventilated place until completely dry. If after this procedure the shoes continue to smell, repeat the procedure.

If it smells bad

What to do if such a question still arises?
Nowadays there is a dry cleaning service for shoes, so it would be a good idea to send a smelly pair to a professional for treatment.

The specialists will carry out antibacterial treatment and deodorization of your pair. With their help you can remove the most persistent aromas.

Footwear professionals will help you not only in the fight against bad odors, they will also treat winter shoes from reagents. A high-quality, expensive model requires careful care to increase its service life and maintain its excellent appearance.

But dry cleaning is unlikely to help in a situation where new Chinese shoes smell like glue. Here you need to be patient to dissipate this aroma.

Information. The main cause of the unpleasant odor remains excessive sweating of the feet of the owner of the pair. You need to carefully monitor the health of your feet.

Other folk methods

Luckily, we have a rich heritage of knowledge on how to get rid of unpleasant odor from shoes. Proven folk recipes include many effective methods on how to do this.

Potassium permangantsovka

You should make a solution of potassium permanganate and carefully wipe the inner surface with a cotton swab.

Important! This method is only suitable for dark models, because potassium permanganate can turn the insoles a dark red shade.


Baking soda perfectly absorbs odors and is at the same time an antiseptic, so it’s great if you need to remove mold from shoes:

  • You should pour a small amount of the substance inside and leave it overnight.
  • You can also make a strong solution of soda and generously wipe the entire inner surface with a soft cloth. Then dry and shake off your shoes thoroughly. The smell must be removed.


Alcohol has a powerful antibacterial effect. If we remember that the smell in shoes appears due to the action of harmful bacteria, then it becomes clear why treatment with this substance can have an effect.


For this method, simply pour regular table salt inside and leave it for one day. The salt will absorb all odors and excess moisture.


To eliminate unpleasant odor from your shoes, try pouring a small amount of this strong drink into them. Next, you need to put on socks and walk around until the liquid dries completely. When you take off your shoes, you will see that the smell is no longer there or it has decreased significantly.

Selecting a processing method based on the material

To completely get rid of the smell and not spoil the shoes, take into account the raw materials from which the item is made.


Leather shoes cannot withstand contact with aggressive substances and prolonged moisture; deforms when heated. Safe odor absorbers are tea bags, dried coffee grounds, salt.


Resistant to deodorants and cleansing agents; Washable on delicate cycle. Dry in the shade, placing crumpled paper towels in low shoes.


Wash in cool water, setting the machine to a gentle setting; use any cleaners and absorbents.

Each material has its own characteristics and requires a special approach


Rubber boots are washed with liquid soap and wiped. To dry, place it on the radiator. Insulated felt or foam inserts are cleaned separately.

Natural and artificial fur

Fur needs regular ventilation. It is allowed to clean with salt, soda, essential oil or spray for fur items. Alcohol or acetic acid is not used so as not to damage the fibers.

Reference! The effect of unfamiliar cleaners is tested on inconspicuous fragments so as not to damage the product.


Natural raw materials are washed with special shampoos for suede; artificial ones are washed in the machine at +30℃, turning on the delicate wash. They take it out onto the loggia, stuffed with white paper. Safe absorbents – essential oils, soda, tea.

Suede needs careful care

Preventing unpleasant odor in shoes

In order not to think about how to eliminate an unpleasant odor, it is advisable to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Systematically dry and air your shoes.
  2. Never pack undried steam in plastic bags.
  3. Washing or replacing your insoles will help you prevent the odor problem.
  4. Never wear socks a second time without washing them.
  5. Wash your feet regularly and thoroughly treat them with talcum powder or special foot products.
  6. When buying insoles, choose models that are made from natural materials.
  7. Buy leather models, beware of fakes.
  8. Pay attention to the size of your shoes - they should not be too tight.
  9. Place aromatic granules and tablets in your shoes that can absorb moisture.
  10. When bathing, use a pumice stone on your feet and remove the rough layer of skin in which germs can settle.

How to choose insoles

When choosing a new pair of shoes, we always carefully select the material of the outer covering, model, and size. Being fixated on these parameters, we completely undeservedly always ignore the insole. Their choice depends on the season of wearing:

  1. For example, for warm and demi-season shoes, insoles made of genuine leather or warm fur or felt are often chosen;
  2. For open summer use silicone analogues. This is the most practical, convenient material that does not require special disinfection. These insoles are very soft and allow the foot to be perfectly cushioned when walking;
  3. For people with orthopedic problems, there are special preventive insoles with a rigid frame. They hold their given shape perfectly;
  4. For sports sneakers, two-layer frameless insoles are often used;
  5. Sometimes you can find insoles with a healing effect made from ultralon. The special material is able to take the shape of the foot without additional devices, completely adapting to it;

Information. There are also electric insoles. They run on regular batteries. The temperature they maintain is 37 degrees. Perfect for sneaker lovers in winter.

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