How to properly clean sheepskin car seat covers

Sheepskin is a natural material consisting of sheep skin with fur. It is used to sew sheepskin coats, make rugs and chair covers, covers for car seats, blankets and blankets. It retains heat perfectly and maintains a feeling of comfort. However, sheepskin, like any other material, can become dirty and lose its attractive appearance. Moreover, mold fungi and mites can develop in thick fur, which, together with dust clogged between the fibers, create an ideal environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microbes and the development of allergic reactions. Not only does sheepskin become dull and turn into a matted gray lump, but it can also emit an unpleasant, musty odor. And then there is only one way out - you need to wash it.

What mode should I use to wash covers?

Washing is carried out only on a delicate cycle so as not to damage the fabric. It is imperative to use special washing powders and concentrates for wool (or at least for delicate fabrics). It is advisable to add conditioner to the rinse water, which will soften the products and give them a pleasant aroma.

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Basic rules for washing sheepskin

When looking for solutions on how to wash sheepskin, you need to assess the degree of soiling. Sometimes all you need to do is shake it or vacuum it to get rid of dust, crumbs, pet hairs and other debris. Fur cleaned of dust contamination can even become lighter and cleaner from such a simple procedure. If the stains are strong, then you should use a solution of ammonia and water, which will effectively remove all stains and clean contaminated areas. The sheepskin is treated with a sponge soaked in this solution until the stains disappear. Such a “dry” wash does not always give the desired result.

Is it possible to wash sheepskin in water and how to do it correctly. There are simple rules that will help you wash with the least risk to your item:

  1. Before washing sheepskin, it must be shaken out to remove crumbs, dust and various small debris.
  2. Natural materials are washed in warm water. It is strictly forbidden to use hot (over 40 degrees) water, it can mat the wool.

  3. Gel-based detergents are suitable for washing. If such products are not available, you can use regular liquid soap (toilet soap) or kitchen dishwashing liquid.
  4. You should absolutely not use chlorine bleach.
  5. When washing, you should not rub the sheepskin too much or try to intensively wash away dirt. It is best to soak the contaminated item in water for 20 minutes, after which the stains will come off even after a light rinse.
  6. It is best to dry sheepskin with natural ventilation. Avoid proximity to heaters, fireplaces, and direct sunlight.

Important! Those who love perfect cleanliness and frequent washing should understand that it is not recommended to wash sheepskin frequently. This may cause the item to become unusable. Washing should be done no more than once a month or dry cleaning methods can be used.

A minimum set of products and tools for cleaning any car seats

To clean the interior of any material, you will need the following cleaning products and equipment:

  • Leather cleaner;
  • Fabric cleaner;
  • Vinyl cleaner;
  • Rags;
  • Brush;
  • Water;
  • Vacuum cleaner;
  • Steam cleaner.

With this minimum set of products you can deal with almost any contamination of the car interior.

What to do if the sheepskin becomes stiff after washing

If after washing, rinsing and drying the sheepskin has become hard, then it is urgently necessary to revive it. To do this, you should prepare a softening composition. You need to take one tablespoon each of baby cream and glycerin (sold at the pharmacy) and mix them with a glass of water. This mixture should be treated with the inner part of the sheep skin. The product should be left to soak and soften for 30 minutes, after which it will become soft.

Some housewives use sunflower oil, animal fat, and fat-based creams to soften sheepskin.

If all procedures for washing sheepskin were done correctly, the product has every chance of maintaining an attractive appearance for a long time, even after several washes.

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We remove pollution

Any dry cleaner will know how to clean sheepskin covers. The services of such organizations will need to be contacted once a year with an average intensity of car use. But again, you need to focus on the degree of contamination of the covers, the presence of serious stains on them, which it is not possible to deal with on your own. Dry cleaning services should not be abused, since fur from such procedures does not improve and wears out faster.

Don't even think about washing sheepskin covers. Such a rash decision can leave the covers rough or warped, and the fur faded and unattractive. Therefore, such an idea should be abandoned once and for all.

If there is slight dirt, do not immediately take the covers to the dry cleaner. To begin with, you can try to deal with it yourself. To do this, you will need to prepare a damp sponge and soap solution. The sponge is only slightly moistened in a soapy solution so that it is slightly damp, and is rubbed over the fur with light movements. Please note that you can only wash fur in this way, but never skins. After such simple steps, the case must be dried naturally, not with a hairdryer, especially with an iron or a heater. The cover is hung or laid out on a flat surface and dries at room temperature. If such a procedure does not bring the desired result and the contamination still remains, then you will not be able to do without dry cleaning services.

How to wash a sheepskin rug

Since the rug is a voluminous product, it will not be possible to use a washing machine. Must be washed by hand.

Rules for using a sheepskin rug:

  • Daily shaking out of sheepskin flooring should become a rule for every housewife.

  • Rugs should be vacuumed once or twice a week, running a brush through the wool. This procedure will help get rid of debris stuck in the deep layers of fur.
  • A sheepskin rug must be washed at least once a month. This is done manually, with the addition of liquid detergent. After washing, it should be rinsed in several waters and dried in a horizontal position with the fur facing up.

If your sheepskin rug has turned yellow, you can bleach it. To do this, take two tablespoons of a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and dilute them in 1 liter of cold water. Gently moisten the fur with a sponge, avoiding getting the base too wet. After processing, the sheepskin should dry naturally. If treatment is insufficient, you can increase the concentration of hydrogen peroxide.

How to wash sheepskin fur covers at home

If the sheepskin product is too large to be placed in the drum of an automatic machine, it is washed by hand. This applies to blankets, car covers, and capes. This is not a difficult task, but it is labor-intensive.

  • It is necessary to stock up on a large, spacious container for washing; usually a bathtub is used.
  • You should prepare the product: shake it out, remove stuck small objects and debris.

  • If necessary, treat dirt stains or worn-out, dirty areas.
  • Pour warm (up to 40 degrees) water into a basin, dissolving one or two caps of gel detergent in it. Can be washed with liquid soap or shampoo. If your goal is to get rid of microscopic dust mites that live in fur, then you should use dog shampoo.
  • The sheepskin product must be soaked in soapy water for 30 minutes.
  • When washing, you must avoid sudden movements, do not rub the skin too hard or tug at the fur.
  • You need to rinse the covers in several waters until the detergent is completely removed.
  • It is recommended to dry the sheepskin in a horizontal position, periodically shaking and stretching slightly.

Important! The sheepskin should not be twisted to remove excess water. It is best to blot it with an absorbent terry towel.

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Washing sheepskin in a washing machine

When deciding how to wash and clean sheepskin and whether it is possible to use an automatic washing machine, you should determine whether it will fit into the washing drum. If this is not possible, there is no need to try to fold or crumple the item so that it fits. It is better to wash the sheepskin by hand or take it to the dry cleaner.

Rules for washing in an automatic machine:

  1. Before washing, you should shake out the sheepskin to remove small debris and dust particles.
  2. The next step is to treat heavily soiled stains. You can use ammonia mixed with water, which will remove all contaminants.

  3. When washing in a machine, it is best to use gel detergents rather than dry powders.
  4. For washing, you should choose a mode designed for delicate items or wool.
  5. The water temperature should not be hot (up to 40 degrees). It is better to set it to 30 degrees - this is the best temperature for washing natural fur products.
  6. The spin speed should not exceed 600 rpm. This is enough to get rid of excess water after rinsing.

After learning how to wash sheepskin in the washing machine, you need to think about drying. The product is dried in the unfolded position. Make sure that the fur is facing out. Using your hands, you need to carefully straighten the sheepskin, lightly smooth and fluff the fur. During the drying process, you should periodically shake the skin and stretch it a little so that it does not shrink.

Advice! To prevent a sheepskin item from losing its original shape and shrinking, it should absolutely not be dried on a radiator.

Care Tips

  1. In order for the sheepskin fur to retain its fluffiness as long as possible, it must be combed. To do this, you will need to buy a special brush, which is sold in any zoological store.
  2. When exposed to sunlight, the fur may fade. This applies not only to sheepskin, but also to any other natural fur. Exposure to high temperatures is also undesirable, as the sheepskin will dry out and become brittle and stiff. These features should be taken into account when drying the covers; hang them in a dry, cool and dark room. When the covers are in the car, the sun's rays do not harm them, since the glass provides ultraviolet protection. Sheepskin is not afraid of moisture, but this does not mean that it can be left wet.
  3. Storing sheepskin covers in cellophane is unacceptable. This fur must breathe. It is better to purchase a bag for storing them, made from natural material.
  4. There are two ways to get rid of dirt. Wait until it dries and brush it out with the brush we already talked about above. If it doesn’t help, then take a sponge and soap solution in your hands.
  5. If grease gets on the fur, it is necessary to treat the area of ​​contamination with gasoline, first applying it to a clean cloth or sponge. After wiping the fur with gasoline, you will need to treat the area of ​​contamination with a damp cloth and dry the cover. The skin cannot be processed in any way and must not be exposed to moisture.

If you follow all these recommendations and take proper care of your covers, they will serve you for many years and will delight you with their beautiful appearance.

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