FAS Cypermethrin remedy for bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, ants, flies, mosquitoes, ixodid ticks, 50 ml

If you accidentally notice cockroaches or other synanthropic insects in your home, then you should not immediately start panicking. Now you can find a large number of effective insecticides that will help control pests forever. We offer to buy FAS Cypermethrin for domestic use.

The product has always been available only to workers of professional pest control services, but now you can also order a compact bottle. The manufacturer has tested the formula many times and has proven the composition to be 100% effective.


  • Purpose and application
  • Composition and dosage form
  • Mechanism of action
  • Regulations for the use of the drug "Cypermethrin 25, EC"
  • Compatibility
  • Analogues and preparations containing cypermethrin
  • Security and restrictions
  • Advantages and disadvantages of application
  • Advantages of using the drug "Cypermethrin 25, EC"
  • Disadvantages of using the drug "Cypermethrin 25, EC"

"Cypermethrin" is an effective drug with a wide spectrum of action. The material contains the purpose, composition, mechanism of action, regulations for use, restrictions, analogues, etc.

Isomeric mixtures


Does not have a negative effect on animals, people, bees and birds. Destroys most harmful insects and is also fatal to arthropods. Valid for 25-30 days. Not affected by weather. The likelihood of getting into groundwater is minimal.


White crystalline powder. It is almost insoluble in water, so various organic solvents are used to create a solution. Dangerous for adult insects and larvae. It is fatal to fish and bees, and is also moderately dangerous to humans. Can only be used in open spaces.


A dark brown mixture that is most often used to treat forested areas and agricultural land. A distinctive feature of Zeta Cypermethrin is the destruction of pests hiding in cereals or tree bark.

All isomeric mixtures are equally harmful to mosquitoes and other insects, but differ from each other in the speed of action.

Also in the section: Treatment of apartments against mosquitoes

Purpose and application

The drug "Cypermethrin" is used both independently and in mixtures with other active ingredients.

Areas of use:

a) rural and personal household plots to combat insect pests :

  • grapes (leaf rollers);
  • potatoes (Colorado beetle, potato ladybird);
  • cucumbers and tomatoes in protected soil (whiteflies, aphids, thrips);
  • cabbage and leafy greens (leaf-eating caterpillars);
  • apple trees, pears (codling moth, leaf rollers);
  • currants (aphids, moths, leaf rollers, sawflies)

b) protection from pests of agricultural crops and stocks (cereal aphids, thrips, pest bugs, ants, ground beetles, stem flies, flax flea beetles, meadow moths, etc.);

c) medical and veterinary practice (ixodid ticks, etc.);

d) sanitary and household disinsection of premises for the destruction of flightless synanthropic insects (fleas, cockroaches, bed bugs) and for treating fly landing sites.

The effect of the drug applies to both larvae and adult insects.

Impact on humans

The insecticide has a harmful effect only on insects and cold-blooded creatures. But any drug of low toxicity is poisonous for people.

If the room is poorly ventilated during processing, the person in it may become poisoned. At the same time, his coordination of movements is impaired, salivation increases, convulsions, absent-minded attention and slowness are observed. The poisoned person may not react to light.

Children, pregnant and lactating women should not handle this drug. It is not recommended to use the insecticide for people who have skin diseases or hypersensitivity to chemicals.

Cypermethrin in high concentrations can be hazardous to health.
You can protect yourself from side effects only if you take precautions. Protective clothing and accessories should not be neglected. While preparing and spraying the emulsion, do not eat or drink, or smoke. After treating the room with Cypermethrin, clothes should be washed in hot liquid. Hands should be washed with soap and mouth should be rinsed with clean water.

First aid for poisoning

If you plan to clean the premises with Cypermethrin, there should be a first aid kit with the necessary medications nearby. If safety precautions are not followed when working with an insecticide, a person may develop signs of poisoning in the form of weakness, bad taste in the mouth, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain.

If the respiratory tract of the poisoned person is affected, it is necessary to quickly take him out into fresh air, remove his working equipment, and rinse his mouth and nose with a solution of baking soda.

If a person accidentally swallows the solution, he should drink 1-2 glasses of water with activated carbon diluted in it. One glass will require 10-15 tablets.

If the product accidentally gets into your eyes, you should immediately rinse them with running water or a soda solution. Sometimes the mucous membrane of the eye is affected. In this case, a sodium sulfacyl solution is instilled behind the eyelid. When the working solution comes into contact with the skin, wipe the affected areas with a cotton swab and wash with soap and water. After taking the measures, the victim should consult a doctor.

Composition and dosage form

"Cypermethrin 25, EC" is a single drug. The main active ingredient is Cypermethrin , concentration 250ml/1l. (25%) – a chemical substance of the pyrethroid class.

The release format is EC (emulsion concentrate) with a dosage of 25% of the active substance. This is the maximum concentration in the line of drugs.

Insecticide "Cypermethrin 25, EC" for professional disinfestation, packaging 1 liter. and 5 l.


To eliminate cockroaches in an apartment, the oily liquid Delcid, sold in ampoules, is suitable. One dose will mix 2 ml of emulsion.

The composition contains the insecticide deltamethrin, which, like cypermethrin, belongs to the second generation pyrethroids. The substance blocks the neuromuscular impulses of insects, making it difficult to breathe and swallow food. Under the influence of poison, pests cannot move and die.

Auxiliary components of the emulsion are:

  • neonol;
  • twin;
  • nefras.

To prepare the solution, open the ampoule and pour the contents into 800 ml of water. Stir the liquid for 15-20 minutes.

In reviews, people write that they get scared when the composition turns white and becomes milky. This doesn't mean it's damaged. This is how the chemical reaction occurs when deltamethrin comes into contact with water.

For 1 square meter of area, 25-50 ml of solution is required. Place it in a spray bottle and use it for pest control.

Mechanism of action

In terms of its effect on organisms, “Cypermethrin 25, EC” is classified as an insecticide; in terms of its method of penetration, it is a contact-intestinal pesticide.

When contacted with/on an insect, it blocks neuronal connections, further paralyzing, leading to death.

The drug is characterized by high initial activity.

The period of protective action is 10-15 days.

It does not have a systemic effect, but remains for a long time on treated surfaces (up to 20-30 days), as it is quite resistant to high temperatures and ultraviolet rays.

Customer Reviews

Nikita, 41

I used Cypermethrin at the dacha and was very pleased with the results. I used it against ants, but I never saw a single insect in the house. A neighbor used it for the Colorado potato beetle and was also pleased, it was fast and very effective.

Olga, 32

I have used a lot of products to get rid of cockroaches. I have small children, so I avoided dangerous insecticides, but I still had to because nothing helped. We moved with the children for a week, during which time we treated them with cypermethrin, got rid of all the Prussians and cleaned all surfaces of insecticide for safety reasons.

Victor, 52

I am pleased with the results of Cypermethrin. He is carrying out pest control at his home, did everything according to the instructions, then just removed the dead Prussians. Two weeks later I repeated the procedure. Got rid of all the cockroaches. Now I really use traps for prevention purposes.

Regulations for the use of the drug "Cypermethrin 25, EC"

The main method of application is spraying with a freshly prepared solution. The period of use and/or storage of the working solution is no more than 8 hours. To prepare the working solution, the concentrate is dissolved in water in the required ratio (see table below) and mixed thoroughly.

The consumption rate of the working solution is 50 ml/m2 for non-moisture-absorbing surfaces and 100 ml/m2 for moisture-absorbing surfaces.

Table 1 Regulations for the use of the drug “Cypermethrin 25, EC”

PestDosageConsumption rateFeatures of treatments
Fleas1 ml./1 l. water 10 l/ 100m2Processing walls up to a height of 1m. from the floor, cracks in baseboards


2 ml./1 l. water 10 l/ 50m2Treatment of habitats and possible settlement. Do not treat bedding
flies2 ml./1 l. water a) 10 l/50m2 – for surface treatments; b) 5-10 l/10m2 for treating cesspools up to 0.5 m deep. The places where they are planted indoors, the outer walls of buildings, garbage chambers, and toilets are treated. To destroy the larvae, it is recommended to treat cesspools and waste. Treatment intervals 1 time/month.
Rat ticks2 ml./1 l. water 10 l/ 50m2Processing holes in walls and floors, utilities, lower parts of furniture


2 ml./1 l. water 10 l/ 50m2Treatment of “nests” - anthills, as well as travel routes and other places of accumulation.


4 ml./ 1. l. water 10 l/ 25m2Processing locations and routes of movement. Especially – cracks, joints, thresholds, baseboards, ventilation, pipe risers.


10 ml./ 1 l. water 10 l/ 1m2Treatment of mosquito breeding sites indoors, external walls of buildings, window openings.

Ixodid (encephalitis) ticks

a) 5-7 ml./1 l. water – with average abundance; b) 12 ml./1 l. water – at high numbers. 10 l./500-1000m2Treatment of areas in places of economic activity and recreation of people. Before treatment, clear paths and playgrounds of vegetation. Treatment is carried out 3-5 days before visiting people and animals with a favorable weather forecast for 2-3 days.

When treating premises , the waiting time is at least 8 hours, after which the room is ventilated and wet cleaning is carried out. Admission of people into the premises is possible 3 hours after the end of wet cleaning

When treating open areas, to increase the duration of the residual effect, it is recommended to add an adhesive (for example, PVA glue 10 ml / 1 liter of working solution). Treatment is carried out in calm weather with a favorable weather forecast for the next 2-3 days. The number of treatments per season is 2-3 times.

Insecticide "Cypermethrin 25, EC" for use in private household plots, packaging 50 ml


Before starting processing, it is necessary to remove food and personal hygiene products out of reach. There should be no unauthorized persons, animals, or children in the treated area. The drug is applied to the infected surfaces in a thin layer. It is recommended to use the spray method. Particular attention is paid to hard-to-reach places, the space behind furniture, and baseboards. It is prohibited to use the object for its intended purpose until wet cleaning has been carried out. After disinsection, the room is closed for 4-6 hours, after which the surfaces are wiped with a soap and soda solution. For the greatest effect, it is recommended to close the room for 1-3 days. Repeated treatment is possible after 2-4 weeks.

Analogues and preparations containing cypermethrin

Cypermethrin itself was first synthesized in 1971 and has found wide application in various fields. Currently, it is part of numerous drugs and is available in various forms and dosages:

  • water soluble powder (3.75%);
  • emulsion concentrate (5-25%);
  • wettable powder (2.1%);
  • tablets (2.9-3.75%).

Currently, cypermethrin isomers have been obtained: “Alpha-cypermethrin”, “Beta-cypermethrin”, “Zeta-cypermethrin”, used in insecticide formulations.

Table 2 Analogues and preparations containing cypermethrin

Application areaMonopreparations based on cypermethrinMixed preparations containing cypermethrin
1.Agriculture“Arrivo, KE”, “Vega, KE”, “Volley, KE”, “Phytosan, KE”, “Cyperon, KE”, “Tsiperus, KE”, “Tzipi, KE”, “Cirax, KE”, “Citox” , KE", "Shar Pei, ME"“Nurbel, KE”, “Nurimet Extra, KE”, “Rangoli-Noril, KE”, “Superkill, KE”, “Cyclone, KE”, “Tzipi Plus, KE”, “Shaman, KE”
2.Personal subsidiary plots"Inta-Vir, Tab", "Molniya Extra, KE", "Shar Pei, ME""Alatar, KE", "Inta-Ts-M, Tab", "Iskra, SP", "Iskra, Tab", "Karbotsin, Tab"
3.Medical, sanitary and household applications"Medilis-CIPER, CE", "Sipaz-Super, CE", "Cypermethrin, CE", "Ciradon, CE", "Extermin-C, MKK", "Ectometrin, CE"“Biocyfen, dust”, “Green House, dust”, “Medilis-antiKLOP, Zh”, “Sichlor, CE”, “Tetracin, CE”, “FAS, gel”, “Tsipromal, CE”
4.Veterinary use"Pawn-B, checker", "Ectometrin, CE"


You can easily buy Tsifoks in hardware stores - a yellowish liquid with a pungent aroma. Contains 25% cypermethrin. The product is available in plastic bottles with a capacity of 50 to 1000 ml.

The drug effectively destroys pests and protects the apartment from re-infestation.

  1. The instructions say that the solution is diluted with water before use.
  2. To eliminate a small colony of cockroaches, dissolve 1 ml of the substance in 1000 ml of water.
  3. If numerous nests are found, double the concentration.
  4. Mix the liquid thoroughly, place in a spray bottle and spray the room.

In reviews of Tsifoks against cockroaches, people emphasize its speed. Insects die en masse 30 minutes after exposure to the insecticide. Among the disadvantages, buyers consider the need to dilute the product and adhere to the proportions.

Security and restrictions

The drug "Cypermethrin 25, EC" has the following toxicity indicators:

  • Moderately toxic to humans and warm-blooded animals (class 3).
  • Highly toxic to bees and many other beneficial insects;
  • Relatively non-toxic to birds.
  • Highly toxic to fish, there is a ban on treating areas closer than 2 km. From fishing and drinking water bodies.
  • It persists in the soil for up to 10 weeks, after 4-8 weeks 1-5% of the original quantities are detected, after 8-12 months no residual quantities are detected.
  • In the vegetative parts of the plant (leaves) and in grass, the half-life is 14-17 days.

Under the influence of sun, air and moisture, cypermethrin decomposes without residue into neutral substances within a month after use.

Grazing of livestock, picking berries and harvesting in treated areas is possible no earlier than 40 days after treatment.

When working with the drug, follow generally known personal safety standards and use PPE. Treatments should be carried out in the absence of people and pets.

Recommendations for use

Since the drug is effective, capable of clearing parasites from a living space in a short time, it has certainly become popular among consumers. Its advantages include a prolonged action, which allows you to exterminate young individuals that emerged from the offspring laid by cockroaches. This active substance has been used for quite a long time and it is successfully used by specialized services for carrying out disinfestation in premises of this type.

Another advantage is its versatility, which allows you to get rid of most insects and pests. Preparations from other manufacturers that are based on the same active substance are no less popular and show good results. But as practice shows, there are no ideal means, so you should always take into account the shortcomings.

Regarding such drawbacks as toxicity and danger to humans and pets, you need to be especially careful. It is advisable to move from the premises during treatment in order to carry out a complete disinfestation of the entire apartment. If this is not possible, you need to be very careful. Do not use the substance without protective equipment, ventilate the room well, and carry out thorough wet cleaning.

It is necessary that the insecticide remains in hard-to-reach places, for example, behind cabinets, on pipes, on baseboards, under a gas stove. This is quite enough for the destruction of the entire Prussian colony.

There is another drawback, it lies in the fact that the poison does not affect egg laying, which means that soon a new generation of young individuals will definitely appear in the room. Therefore, it is simply impossible to avoid a repeat procedure. Since the pesticide eliminates the possibility of addiction in insects, its use will help get rid of young Prussians.

Remember that preventive measures are very important to minimize the possibility of new insects appearing. Quite often, pest control brings the desired result, but after a while we see cockroaches appear again in the room. This may be due to the fact that the neighbors’ premises are also contaminated and their “tenants” are running around the entire multi-storey building. The most effective treatment is carried out jointly with neighbors.

If this is not possible, then you will have to protect your home. Now you can purchase a variety of products that are used for prevention purposes. Traditional methods will also help, most of which are based on repelling parasites. And of course, cleanliness in the room is very important.

Advantages and disadvantages of application

Advantages of using the drug "Cypermethrin 25, EC"

  1. Application in various fields of human activity against a wide range of insect pests.
  2. The drug is not phytotoxic and does not cause plant inhibition.
  3. High speed of initial impact.
  4. The fumigant activity of the drug makes it possible to repel many types of insects, which enhances the effect of Cypermentrin.
  5. Well suppresses populations of insect pests (aphids, whiteflies, cockroaches, etc.) that are resistant to organophosphorus insecticides.
  6. The action of the drug does not depend on high temperatures and ultraviolet radiation.
  7. Efficiency has been repeatedly proven by practical application.

How to poison cockroaches in an apartment yourself

Cockroaches are a problem that can appear even in the cleanest house; for example, if you live on the first floor, they can come running to you from the basement. Simply put, no one is safe from the appearance of these insects.

Therefore, it is very important to know how to poison cockroaches in an apartment yourself, as well as the rules for self-treatment against cockroaches. The most effective remedies for cockroaches for self-treatment are given below.

Rules for self-treatment against cockroaches

Of course, even the most effective remedies for cockroaches for self-treatment may not give the expected result if the necessary preparatory procedures are not carried out.

It is necessary to move all the furniture away from the walls, sweep out any debris and crumbs from there if anything has accumulated there. Carry out a thorough wet cleaning. All rubbish must be removed from the apartment.

Wipe all surfaces dry and eliminate leaks, if any. Remember, cockroaches also require liquid to live; moreover, they love to settle near sources of water.

Treat furniture in all rooms in the apartment with special products, especially where any food could be lying around.

Pay special attention to various cracks and ventilation systems where insects could settle.

Wear gloves. Before treating the premises, be sure to remove the household inhabitants from the house for several hours. After treatment against cockroaches, ventilate the rooms well.

Everything is clear with the rules of procedure. Now let's move on to how to poison cockroaches in an apartment yourself. Below are the most effective means for self-treatment against cockroaches in the apartment.

  • Concentrate against cockroaches - Eslanadez-insecticideEslanadez-insecticide against cockroaches is sold in the form of a liquid concentrate, the main toxic substance of which is lambda-cyhalothrin at a concentration of 5%. The advantages of the insecticide are the absence of a pungent odor, as well as long-lasting action - the applied product is active for 1 month. To combat cockroaches, you need to dilute 10 g of insecticide in 1 liter of water.
  • Remedy for cockroaches - Force-SightForce-Sight for fighting cockroaches is sold in the form of a concentrated liquid in a bottle with a capacity of 50 ml, 500 ml and 1 liter, as well as a gel. If you bought a liquid drug, dilute 30-50 ml in 1 liter of water, and then pour into a spray bottle. Use the gel without any preliminary dilution. The effect of the insecticide lasts for 4 weeks, provided that you do not wash off the applied product from the surface.
  • The best remedy is Cypermethrin. Many effective concentrates for self-treatment contain cypermethrin. This substance is an excellent poison against many types of insects. Based on it, a drug with the same name was created - Cypermethrin 25% made in India. The product is presented in the form of a yellowish liquid, the smell of which is slightly unpleasant, with a capacity of 1 liter. To combat insects, most often 25 ml of the substance is diluted in 1.5 liters of water, but the proportions may vary, depending on the severity of the damage to the apartment by insects.
  • The best remedy for cockroaches is Agran. What else can you do to poison cockroaches in an apartment yourself? Many people advise using Agran for these purposes. It contains the same cypermethrin, as well as chlorpyrifos. In general, the most deadly substances for insects in one bottle. To kill Prussians, dilute 10 ml of the drug in 1 liter of water. If the room is very heavily infected, then it is worth carrying out the same procedure after a week. Often this product destroys cockroach colonies on the vine. That is why this tool is often used by special services.

We hope that this article has helped you figure out how to poison cockroaches in an apartment independently and effectively. Whatever remedy for cockroaches you choose from the above, remember that all insecticidal preparations have proven themselves to be very good. If cockroaches appear again, give preference to a different product, do not use the same product.

Buy effective concentrates against cockroaches for self-treatment

We deliver insect repellents by courier in Moscow, transport companies and Post to any region of Russia upon prepayment.


The drug cypermethrin belongs to the group of pyrethroid insecticides. They originate from plants of the genus pyrethrum (Pyrethrum spp.), well known to flower growers as Dalmatian chamomile, pink pyrethrum, maiden pyrethrum, etc., see figure. Even in ancient times, it was noticed that bedbugs, fleas and cockroaches are reluctant to settle indoors , hung with bunches of dry pyrethrum, and ixodid ticks are never found on Dalmatian chamomile.

Pyrethrum plants

In the 19th century The substances pyrethrins, “responsible” for scaring away unwanted cohabitants, were isolated from pyrethrums. However, they turned out, firstly, to be more of a repellent - they repelled pests rather than destroyed them. Secondly, pyrethrins quickly decomposed in light and air. In the 70s of the last century, based on pyrethroids, synthetic extremely powerful insecticides and pyrethroid acaricides, resistant to oxidation by atmospheric oxygen and the action of light, were obtained.

How to dilute Cypermethrin to fight mosquitoes

The concentration of the drug depends on where the treatment is carried out, as well as on what insects are being fought against. To kill mosquitoes, Cypermethrin must be diluted in a concentration of 0.01% (that is, 1 ml of the drug is taken per 1 liter of water). It takes approximately 50 ml to treat 1 m2 if the surface is hard and does not absorb moisture. If the surface absorbs moisture, the product consumption is approximately 100 ml.

Important! Be sure to re-read the paragraph in the instructions that tells you how to dilute Cypermethrin. Don't over-concentrate. This can lead to dire consequences!

Having calculated the required amount of solution, you need to prepare it. To do this, the concentrate is poured into a container with water at room temperature and stirred evenly for 5 minutes. Using boiling water is unacceptable, as this will lead to loss of the insecticidal properties of the drug.

Important! It is better to prepare the solution outside or on the balcony. If this is not possible, use personal protective equipment, which we will discuss below.


The product has an acute insecticidal effect against cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, fleas, flies, mosquitoes, rat ticks and residual activity for 1-1.5 months.

According to the degree of impact on the body of warm-blooded animals, when introduced into the stomach, the product belongs to the 3rd class of moderately dangerous products, and with a single exposure to the skin - to the 4th class of low-hazard products according to GOST 12.1.007-76. Does not have a local irritant effect upon single exposure to the skin. A weakly expressed sensitizing effect was revealed. When exposed to the mucous membranes of the eyes, the product causes a pronounced effect (conjunctivitis); in the vapors of the working aqueous emulsion (0.1% by DV), the sensitizing effect has not been established, but a moderately pronounced irritant effect on the mucous membranes of the eyes has been detected. With a single inhalation exposure to an aerosol of 0.1% aqueous emulsion, the product in the zone of acute biocidal effect belongs to class 2, highly hazardous according to the Classification of the degree of hazard of disinfestation agents. Vapors of 0.1% aqueous emulsion in the zone of biocidal effect are classified as 4 low-hazardous in accordance with the Classification of the degree of hazard of disinfestation agents.

With repeated contact with intact skin of the working aqueous emulsion (0.1% DV), no skin-resorptive effect was detected, but a weakly expressed local irritant effect was established. The maximum permissible concentration in the air of the working area of ​​the active substance - cypermethrin is 0.5 mg/m2 (vapor + aerosol) - hazard class 2.

Neutralization and removal when working in open stations

  • Decontamination of protective clothing and product containers is carried out using personal protective equipment in the open air at a distance of at least 500 m from residential premises, food facilities and bodies of water. All neutralization work is carried out under the guidance of persons responsible for using the product.
  • Vehicles contaminated by the product (wooden parts of cars, etc.) are treated at least 2 times a month with bleach slurry (1 kg per 4 liters of water) for 1 hour, then washed off with water.
  • The soil contaminated with the product is neutralized with bleach and then dug up. The neutralized residues of the product and rinsing water are buried in a hole 0.5 m deep in places approved by Rospotrebnadzor authorities. If there are pastures in the work area, holes are dug at a distance of no closer than 1 km from them.
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