How to clean a carpet with a washing vacuum cleaner Thomas, Zelmer, Kirby: what coatings can and cannot be washed, cleaning rules


Depending on the types of work performed and the intended purposes, washing vacuum cleaners are divided into several types:


Their dimensions are several times different from a conventional washing unit. The area of ​​use of this type of vacuum cleaner is quite large.

Vacuum cleaners in this category vary in their power; the most powerful models can instantly collect moisture from the floor. Often, professional units are equipped with floor dryers.

Foam extractors

The special cleaning solution is easily foamed by air flow without the use of water. It can only be used on carpets and fabrics. The foam comes into contact only with dirt and lint without damaging the fabric.

Washing vacuum cleaners are divided into types depending on the filter for dry cleaning:

  • Cyclone filters imply the presence of a flask that operates on the principle of a wind tunnel. Thanks to centrifugal force, the dust is compressed.
  • Models with dust bags. To clean, you just need to shake out the bag and periodically insert a new one.
  • Vacuum cleaners with an aqua filter collect dust into a container of water, thereby providing the cleanest possible cleaning effect. The air is not polluted. There are cyclone, separate and hookah water filters.
  • Units without filters will be ideal helpers for allergy sufferers. At the same time, dust mites, dust itself and fungal mold do not enter the air. Thanks to the turbine, maximum pressure is created, which sends dust into the water.

How to dry a carpet correctly

If the carpet was washed in the apartment, and there is no way to take it out onto the balcony, you need to go over it with a washing vacuum cleaner. It collects water well. Then hang it on chairs.

Advice! The carpet is laid out on a mesh bed. This way it is ventilated on all sides and will dry faster.

Drying rules:

  1. Away from ultraviolet radiation. Dry in the shade.
  2. Hang on the crossbar. You cannot hang it if the carpet contains more than 20% moisture by weight. The base will be damaged and the product will stretch.

  3. You can use household appliances designed to dehumidify the air. Hot air will not damage the pile, and the base will not remain undried.
  4. If you need to take it to a car wash or dry cleaner for drying, then after washing, roll it up with the wrong side out.
  5. A rubber mat is easier to dry. Simply wipe it with dry microfiber and place towels on top and bottom to absorb moisture. Then direct a stream of hot air. You can use a hairdryer.

Do not leave the carpet to dry on the floor. This will lead to damage to the product and deformation of the flooring.

How to clean a carpet with a vacuum cleaner

Before you start cleaning with a vacuum cleaner, you need to do the following:

  • first you need to wipe the dust from all surfaces so that it does not settle on the carpet again;
  • the carpet itself must first be vacuumed in the usual way or swept with a broom to get rid of the main dust and dirt;
  • you can also clean it using the dry cleaning method;
  • Prepare cleaning supplies.

You should approach the choice of detergent responsibly, because if it is chosen incorrectly, you can damage the surface of the product. Usually they are included with the vacuum cleaner, but they tend to run out. There is a wide range of detergents on store shelves, so purchasing what you need won’t be difficult.

After this, you can begin direct wet cleaning.

Step-by-step wet carpet cleaning:

First you need to assemble the device by installing the necessary attachment on it. For long and short pile they are different. It is advisable to first test the selected detergent on a small and inconspicuous area of ​​the coating. This is required to ensure that it is harmless to the carpet. You need to dilute the required amount of detergent in a special container. Information about how much of the substance is needed and how to dilute it correctly is indicated on the product label. Wet cleaning of the floor covering must be done carefully. All movements must be strictly in the direction of the pile. They need to be done slowly. You need to move the nozzle in all directions, forward and then back. After completing wet cleaning, the carpet must be allowed to dry completely. If there are particularly wet areas, you can put something under them. This will improve air circulation and dry them much faster.

This is very important as it will prevent possible mold or mildew.

Assembling a vacuum cleaner with an aqua filter

Before using the device, it must first be assembled correctly. First, a transparent tank is filled with water to a certain mark, into which two caps of a special detergent are poured. After this, the container is installed in its place and secured.

The kit includes special nozzles that are suitable for washing smooth surfaces or carpets, for collecting water from the surface and drying the floor. By adding a special concentrate to the tank and putting on the necessary attachment, you can clean stains from carpeting, upholstered furniture, carpets and even heavy curtains.

Cleaning with the Thomas device is very gentle. With its help, you can perfectly wash and clean not only painted surfaces, glass, linoleum and tiles, but also water-sensitive laminate and parquet.

Is it possible to care for a carpet using a vacuum cleaner?

The benefits of wet cleaning of a room can hardly be overestimated. In addition to eliminating all dust and even the smallest specks and impurities, the air in the room is also cleansed. Since a washing vacuum cleaner appeared on the shelves of household appliance stores, cleaning has become much easier and takes much less time.

Wet cleaning is also beneficial for flooring. It will not only allow you to thoroughly clean it and remove all stains, but also extend its service life.

However, this type of cleaning is not suitable for all products. To find out whether or not a particular carpet can be cleaned, you need to read the relevant information that is placed on the product label.

Algorithm of actions

To clean a carpet with a vacuum cleaner, you need to follow several steps in sequence.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. First you need to vacuum the rug as usual. Dry cleaning is necessary to remove dirt and large debris from it. Be sure to remove all dust from the walls and furniture.

  2. Water and detergent are added to a special tank. Prepare the vacuum cleaner for use (put on the nozzle, unwind the cord, etc.).
  3. To make cleaning effective, all movements are performed slowly. The brush is gradually moved along the pile. The pressure should be medium, you should not press too hard.
  4. After treating the flooring with detergent, the remaining residue is drained and the tank is filled with clean water. Cleaning is done again.
  5. Then they pass through the carpet with a suction nozzle, if one is provided by the vacuum cleaner model.
  6. After washing, the dirty water is drained and the product is left to dry. You cannot walk on it at this time. The average drying time is 3 hours. To reduce the humidity in the room, you can open the windows.

Advantages and disadvantages

The negative aspects of use are:

Impossibility of high-quality cleaning of natural carpets from dust and dirt. This is because the base of the carpet cannot dry completely.

After just a few days, you will notice a not-so-pleasant aroma in your apartment. If possible, take the rug outside to dry completely. Some car washes provide a carpet washing service; you can find out how much it costs here.

Problems can also arise with parquet, as water can seep between the boards and the process of rotting can begin at the base. To prevent the destruction of parquet, use antiseptics for treatment.

This will increase resistance to moisture.

The tanks must be cleaned after each use.

There are many more advantages:

  • High-quality dry cleaning
  • The ability to easily clean many surfaces (laminate, linoleum, floors, walls, furniture, tiles, glass and others)
  • Deodorizing the apartment
  • Indoor air humidification
  • Removing liquid from surfaces
  • In models with an aqua filter, there is no need to constantly change dust bags.

Which one to buy for furniture?

Many people are primarily interested in size - not only because it is inconvenient to move around the room with a large vacuum cleaner, but also because there will be problems with storing it. So, what should you buy: a large unit or a model with miniature dimensions? Or maybe you should buy a compact handheld vacuum cleaner for cleaning furniture?

Small vacuum cleaners from well-known brands, proven over the years, will cope with functional tasks, but in addition you will still need a unit for regular cleaning, and the cost of purchasing it will increase. Otherwise, all efforts to keep the furniture clean will be nullified due to the daily pollution that accumulates in the room.

But those who have a car can save on a small device, since they can also clean the vehicle.

The best powder formulations

High-quality products for cleaning vacuum cleaners are divided into 2 types - powder and liquid shampoos. Powdered ones are not recommended for use by housewives themselves due to the high probability of clogging equipment filters. In the future, this will lead to rapid breakdown, but according to users, cleaning with powders is of poor quality, which is explained by the need to dissolve the components, and this does not always happen quickly.

However, powdered detergents also include the most popular vacuum cleaner detergents. These include Zelmer and KARCHER.

Zelmer features convenient packaging

Zelmer is a powder intended for cleaning carpets with your own hands and for cleaning with a washing vacuum cleaner. It contains components that are safe for children and animals, has no fragrances, and is therefore recommended for use by people with allergies. The only drawback of the presented powder is the need to additionally wash out the particles after each use of the vacuum cleaner. The cost of the powder is about 1000 rubles.

KARCHER powder in a jar protects children and animals from exposure

KARCHER is a powder for dilution in water and use in a washing vacuum cleaner, intended for cleaning any type of floor covering, as well as for carpet cleaning. Powder manufacturer – Germany. The product is characterized by rapid solubility, which means there is no need to apply additional cleaning after cleaning.

Tips and tricks

To ensure that no dirt remains on the carpet after wet cleaning, you need to take into account the following recommendations:

  1. The vacuum cleaner nozzle must match the length of the floor covering pile.

  2. Do not clean products too often. It is recommended to use a washing vacuum cleaner once a week or less.

  3. If the carpet is new, then the first wet cleaning can be done 3-6 months after purchase.
  4. Stains should be removed immediately after they appear. This will be more difficult to do in the future.
  5. Do not use hot water to wash the carpet.
  6. You should not clean the carpet if there is dust or debris on it. First you need to carry out dry cleaning.
  7. When cleaning, do not rush; processing is carried out at a moderate pace.
  8. To prevent the carpet from getting wet, you don’t need to treat the same area for too long.

Caring for the washing vacuum cleaner after use

Once you've finished cleaning the house, start cleaning the vacuum cleaner.

  • Unplug the vacuum cleaner from the outlet
  • Remove the attachments
  • Wind up the cord
  • Disassemble all parts (tanks, nozzles, hoses)
  • Rinse them
  • Dry
  • Remove, clean and dry the filter

Only after all the steps have been completed can the vacuum cleaner be reassembled in its original form and left for storage. If you do not follow all cleaning measures, then soon not only a musty smell, but also fungal formations may appear.

Famous brands and their prices

Washing vacuum cleaners are not cheap, but the results pay for themselves.

Before purchasing, many people are lost in choosing a manufacturer, and there are quite a lot of them:

  • Thomas
  • Karcher
  • Phillips
  • LG
  • Rowenta
  • Zelmer
  • Samsung
  • Bosch
  • Pro-Aqua

The price range is very wide and varies from 8500 rub. up to 40,000 rub. Choose only proven and high-quality brands.

Some write that the vacuum cleaner is very bulky and heavy.

Cleaning with it takes the whole day, and there is no point in buying them for three-room apartments, and the apartment then stinks of mold. They write that cleaning a vacuum cleaner takes a lot of effort and time. It’s easier to buy a mop and a regular vacuum cleaner.

The other half of users praise all the qualities of the vacuum cleaner, and do not find anything difficult in washing containers. They cannot get enough of such a wonderful purchase and how the unit effectively cleans any type of surface.

How many people, so many opinions. You need to try and experience everything for yourself. By purchasing a washing vacuum cleaner, you will not only acquire a fashionable technical innovation for your home, but also a faithful assistant.

Universal folk methods

Cleaning the sofa with folk remedies is popular among housewives. There are many proven, effective and safe methods. And often the necessary ingredients are always at hand.

To remove dirt

Inexpensive products that are found in every home act as cleaners:

  1. Using regular vinegar, you can effectively clean your sofa yourself. The substance will do an excellent job of removing dirt and also refreshing the upholstery. To prepare the solution, you need to dissolve 1 teaspoon of 9 percent vinegar in 1 liter of water, you can add 2 teaspoons of table salt. A clean sheet is soaked in the prepared solution, lightly wrung out, and placed on the surface of the sofa. Then the sofa is thoroughly patted with a beater - the dirt remains on the sheet. The procedure is repeated until the coating is clean. If the fabric is delicate, then you need to use half as much vinegar.
  2. Baking soda is not only an effective means for cleaning upholstered furniture at home, but also a good disinfectant that kills pathogens and bacteria. Dry cleaning of sofas from dirt involves placing soda on the stain in a layer of approximately 1.5 cm. After 40-50 minutes, the soda is removed with a vacuum cleaner. You can use soda to dry the sofa after cleaning it with liquid solutions. Wet surfaces are covered with soda, as the substance perfectly absorbs moisture.
  3. A combined solution of baking soda and vinegar is good for getting rid of fat, blood, and urine. To remove stains, you will need a spray bottle into which is poured a solution of 1/3 cup vinegar and 1 tbsp diluted in 0.5 liters of water. spoons of soda. The product is sprayed evenly throughout the product. Action time: 10-15 minutes. Then the foam should be removed with a brush and wiped with a slightly damp cloth.
  4. Soap solution. A solution made from water and laundry soap copes with many types of dirt. A rag is soaked in the liquid and the stains are rubbed with it. After some time, the area is wiped with a damp cloth.

For removing stains

If a stain appears on the sofa, it is better to get rid of it while it is fresh; old stains are much more difficult to remove. To get rid of various types of contaminants, we use our own means.

Stain typeRemoval method
BloodRemove immediately and only with cold water. Over time, it will not be possible to remove the stain, since the protein contained in the blood will coagulate and finally penetrate into the upholstery material.
WineFresh wine is sprinkled with a thin layer of salt to prevent it from being absorbed into the fabric. Dry upholstery should be wiped with a liquid containing alcohol.
Herbs, natural juiceYou should prepare a solution of 1 tablespoon of ammonia and vinegar. This product covers the stain.
ChocolateSimply washes off with soapy water
CoffeeThe area is rubbed with moistened laundry soap, which should be absorbed. Next, the foam is removed with a damp cloth.
BeerStains are easily removed with a solution of water and soap, but the smell is much more difficult to deal with.
Lipstick or penA 10 percent alcohol solution is used. After some time it is washed off with water.

To eliminate odor

Sometimes it is much easier to deal with stains than with the unpleasant odor from liquids absorbed into upholstered furniture. But you can fix the problem if you use the right tools:

  1. Beer. Spilled beer must be removed immediately, otherwise after 3-4 hours, the drink will penetrate deep into the tissue, and in a day or two it will ferment. Then the unpleasant odor will become a serious problem, because it is almost impossible to get rid of it. As soon as beer gets on the furniture, you should immediately blot it with a paper napkin. Next you need to prepare a solution: water is mixed with vinegar in a ratio of 6:1. Leave the soaked stain for 6-8 hours. The remaining odor will be eliminated by baking soda applied for 2 hours.
  2. Animal urine. If your pet urinated on the sofa, you need to remove the urine quickly. You can use a 10% solution of ammonia by rubbing it on the stain and leaving it for 30 minutes. Baking soda is used to get rid of the smell, which is applied to the puddle for about 10 minutes. Then water and vinegar mixed in equal parts are sprayed onto the area. A mixture of dish soap and baking soda with the addition of hydrogen peroxide is also an effective method for combating unpleasant odors. The area is sprinkled with soda, after 5 minutes it is covered with a towel soaked in the solution (detergent - 1 tsp, half a glass of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide).
  3. Dampness. The first step is to thoroughly vacuum the sofa, removing dust and mold spores. Then denatured alcohol is mixed with water in a one-to-one ratio, and the product is wiped with a cloth soaked in the solution.

Is it possible to wash laminate flooring with a vacuum cleaner?

You can often come across the statement that laminate flooring should never be washed with a vacuum cleaner. Is it so? Ten years ago this statement could have been accepted as true, but not today. Currently, there are modern models on the market that allow you to work with laminate without the risk of ruining the floor covering. The ability to work with laminate is indicated in the instructions for the washing vacuum cleaner.

The class of your laminate and its thickness are also very important. For a budget coating of small thickness, a washing vacuum cleaner will most likely not be suitable. If your laminate is at least class 32, most likely a vacuum cleaner will not harm it.

General provisions in the instructions for the Thomas vacuum cleaner

The vacuum cleaner is a high-risk product, as it uses 220 V alternating current, which is dangerous to humans. To operate the device with water, additional protection is provided. An ignorant person may be injured. Therefore, the operating instructions for the Thomas vacuum cleaner prescribe how to handle the device so as not to harm yourself and others.

The safety section in the instructions is general, but takes into account the peculiarities of operating Thomas vacuum cleaners for dry and wet cleaning, with an aqua filter and detergents. The technical documentation indicates who can be allowed to work with a vacuum cleaner, what actions are prohibited, as they can lead to damage to the tool or injury to the employee.

The operating instructions for the Thomas vacuum cleaner indicate that it is strictly prohibited to operate the tool in an explosive environment or to collect flammable or caustic liquids. Due to fire and explosion, you cannot collect smoldering cigarette butts or burning paper. The household appliance is not moisture-proof; it cannot be filled or stored near operating heat sources.

The Thomas household vacuum cleaner is not suitable for cleaning large amounts of fine dust. The instructions for use section of the tool warns of the dangers of such actions. For example, the filters will become clogged with flour and construction dust. Dirt will pull into the engine and press in the gaps. The motor will jam. The instructions for the Thomas vacuum cleaner prohibit you from repairing the tool yourself. There are certain malfunctions that you can fix on your own. All of them are listed in the corresponding section of the document.

The operating instructions for the Thomas vacuum cleaner must be translated into Russian by the manufacturer. This is prescribed by international trade standards. If for some reason the document is lost, you can restore it by taking it on the Internet.

Each instruction manual for a Thomas vacuum cleaner suggests first looking at the details of the device and comparing the available diagrams with the package. A schematic, step-by-step instruction for assembling the tool is presented. The material will help you avoid making the first mistakes and connect the parts correctly.

The general section of the operating instructions for the Twin vacuum cleaner contains permits for the production of the tool, quality certificates and special differences of the model.

Rule 9

Follow the rules for working with electrical devices.

  • Do not use a vacuum cleaner if your hands are wet.
  • The dust container and filters must be cleaned with the power turned off.
  • Do not unplug the vacuum cleaner from the outlet by pulling the cord. Use a fork.
  • If the vacuum cleaner is not washing, you should not try to remove water or other liquids.
  • A sudden change in the volume or tone of a noise usually indicates a problem. It could be just a foreign object that got into the vacuum cleaner, or it could be some serious problem that requires the intervention of a repairman.

Here are the basic rules for caring for a vacuum cleaner. They are not complicated and easy to remember.

Best robot vacuum cleaner for man-made fiber carpets: Xrobot Helper

Carpets made from artificial fibers are more durable and abrasion resistant than natural products. Depending on the length of their pile, the difficulty of cleaning the product from dust, sand and other debris can vary significantly. To simplify the daily care of this type of coating, you can use innovative equipment - the Xrobot Helper robot vacuum cleaner. The cost of this device model can satisfy the needs of consumers with different income levels, and the level of its performance will allow you to be confident in the appropriate level of cleanliness and freshness in your home.

The vacuum cleaner's double container, designed to separate small dust particles and larger debris, is easy to clean. A high-quality filter prevents dust from returning to the surface of the carpet, and the ability to perform wet cleaning significantly increases the versatility and ease of use of the Xrobot Helper model.

Preparing the device and using it

You need to know how to use a washing vacuum cleaner correctly. To properly prepare for work, follow these steps:

  1. Pour water into the container up to the marked mark. Add cleaning agent if desired.
  2. Combine the capillary tube with the pipe and the water container.
  3. Select the required nozzle, secure it and make sure that water supply is possible.
  4. Turn on the power by first plugging the plug into the socket.

Disassembling the vacuum cleaner after work is almost identical, only in the reverse order. Instead of filling the vessel, it should be emptied and washed. Separate all parts and dry.

Washing floors

Floors need to be cleaned only if there is no large debris. If there is one, the floor is initially swept and only then the vacuum cleaner comes into play. He washes ceramic coating or linoleum.

The vacuum cleaner wets the surface, cleans the floor with the solution, and then sucks the mixture of water and dirt back up. With high efficiency, the floor dries within a few minutes after finishing wet cleaning. If the washing liquid becomes contaminated and cleaning is no longer effective, it is easy to stop the work and replace the water with clean water. This is done at any necessary time.


Apartments with laminate flooring should use a vacuum cleaner carefully. Certain types are coated with a water-repellent or protective layer during production: for example, class 32, 33

If the laminate is not protected, it cannot be cleaned. Even varnished types cannot be washed more than 2 times a week, and all alkaline products are especially prohibited.

Carpet cleaning

First, prepare a special shampoo for washing carpet surfaces. You can mix it at home or buy a ready-made sample. However, before you wash your carpet, you need to vacuum it as usual.

Switch the nozzle to the one with a brush: based on the length of the pile, select the appropriate one. Switch on the “wash” mode on the vacuum cleaner. Start cleaning and change the water as it gets dirty to get the desired result. There are no special restrictions. After wet cleaning, start drying. Using a regular vacuum cleaner, this will take 1.5-3 hours, depending on the pile on the carpet.

Window cleaning

Some people don’t know that you can even clean windows with such a vacuum cleaner. However, you can use a washing vacuum cleaner for this purpose only if there is a “window washing” mode. A window brush attachment is purchased separately, but a standard one can also be used.

Depending on the width and height of the window, the length of the tube is adjusted. Pour glass cleaner into a suitable container. Set the water jet power to about. This is no longer possible, otherwise the glass will remain stained and streaked even after cleaning.

On a note!

Before you start cleaning the windows, look for the presence of a rubber gasket. If it is found, then there is no need to clean such a window unit. The rubber coating melts during heat treatment.

What else can be removed?

Cleaning with a washing vacuum cleaner applies to upholstered furniture. To use the machine to remove dirt from furniture, you need to:

  • choose a crevice nozzle if you need to carry out local cleaning of narrow openings between blocks of furniture;
  • prepare a cleaning solution and pour it into a container;
  • remove dirt using even movements;
  • change the solution if necessary;
  • after wet cleaning, clean water without impurities is poured into the tank and passed over the top again - rinsing.

The device is suitable for cleaning armchairs, sofas and other upholstered furniture.

A washing vacuum cleaner is a multifunctional machine that helps with daily cleaning. It simplifies and reduces the time usually spent on making your apartment shine. It is an excellent tool not only for traditional applications: windows, furniture and carpets can also be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.

Wash with THOMAS - minimal effort for perfect cleanliness

All these questions can be answered with one simple answer: just trust the cleaning vacuum cleaner THOMAS!

Washing carpets

Wet carpet cleaning is the only way to truly clean your carpet and give it a fresh, updated look.

When we vacuum a carpet with a regular “dry” vacuum cleaner, we simply remove some of the dust and debris lying on the surface of the pile.

To thoroughly clean a carpet, you definitely need water - it was not for nothing that before, when there were no washing vacuum cleaners, it was customary to clean carpets in the snow in winter. Nowadays, there are already simpler and more effective cleaning methods.

When wet cleaning a carpet with a THOMAS washing vacuum cleaner, liquid under pressure is sprayed onto the carpet through a special wide nozzle. Thanks to the high liquid pressure and the special design of the nozzle - with a pointed edge - the THOMAS vacuum cleaner washes the carpet along the entire length of the pile! During such cleaning, the carpet pile is lifted and straightened, and the carpet becomes almost like new. For more effective cleaning and removal of various contaminants, you can use the Thomas ProTex branded cleaning concentrate, which comes with all Thomas vacuum cleaners. The concentrate is certified in Ukraine, it is hypoallergenic and has no specific odor. Simply add ProTex to the water before wet cleaning and you are ready to thoroughly clean your carpet.

A carpet or carpet on the floor is, of course, both warm and beautiful. The huge disadvantage of such a coating is that it absorbs too much dust and dirt - and a regular “dry” vacuum cleaner will not cope with this problem. Of course, you can order carpet dry cleaning, but this is quite expensive, so you are unlikely to do it often. In addition, you cannot always be sure of the quality of dry cleaning and the safety of the products used. Wet cleaning with a THOMAS washing vacuum cleaner will save you money and give the carpet a new life, and you the opportunity to breathe deeply!

Washing upholstered furniture

Everyone is familiar with the situation when unpleasant stains appear on upholstered furniture, especially light-colored ones. Even if you treat your furniture very carefully, over time it will wear out and acquire a characteristic grayish tint. In principle, the situation here is the same as with carpets. A “dry” vacuum cleaner, even a very powerful one, will not be able to return upholstered furniture to its original fresh appearance, much less remove stains.

Think about whether it is possible to replace washing clothes by shaking them out? “Of course not,” you say. The same situation is observed when cleaning upholstered furniture - using the dry cleaning function, we remove only that dirt and dust that can be raised by the air flow, and the smallest particles and dirt remain untouched. When using the washing function, water under pressure is driven into the surface of the coating, dissolving dirt deposits and enveloping all microparticles as much as possible. Due to the triangular shape of the Thomas washing nozzle, the air flow, which moves parallel to the surface, together with sprayed water, removes all dirt, while preventing the upholstered furniture from getting too wet. Within a short time after wet cleaning, the furniture is completely dry.

By regularly using the washing function, you will increase the service life of upholstered furniture several times and easily give it a newer and fresher look.

Cleaning hard floors

All THOMAS washing vacuum cleaners are equipped with special attachments for wet cleaning of hard floor coverings: parquet, laminate, tiles, stone. There is a misconception that a vacuum cleaner cannot be used to wash parquet and laminate flooring, because... Excess moisture can damage these coatings. In fact, the opposite is true: it is a high-quality vacuum cleaner that will help you wash your hard floor as efficiently, quickly, and at the same time delicately.

The principle of operation of the THOMAS washing vacuum cleaner is as follows: water under pressure is supplied to the floor surface through a special nozzle and is immediately sucked up by the vacuum cleaner with the dirt already dissolved in it. The floor remains practically dry after this! If you use the vacuum cleaner correctly, there is absolutely no chance that excess moisture will remain on the floor after cleaning.

Hard floor coverings, especially parquet, love to be treated with care and attention. In order not to damage these delicate coatings, the wet cleaning attachments in THOMAS vacuum cleaners are equipped with special adapters. A soft brush with an elastic band or microfiber cloths are attached to such adapters. The design of the adapter allows you to delicately clean the floor surface, as well as dry it, removing excess moisture.

In addition, THOMAS has created a special line of vacuum cleaners for parquet: Parkett Master XT, Parkett Prestige XT, Parkett Style XT. In addition to the standard wet cleaning nozzle with adapter, these models are equipped with an Aqua-Stealth nozzle - a unique invention for wet cleaning of parquet and laminate floors. At the bottom of this nozzle there are holes through which water is supplied. A soft microfiber cloth is attached to the sole of the nozzle. During the cleaning process, water gets on the napkin and wets it, and then the moistened napkin washes the floor. It turns out that water does not get directly onto the coating at all - and this guarantees absolutely safe and most effective cleaning of parquet and laminate flooring.

The original Thomas ProFloor cleaning concentrate will help make your hard floor not only clean, but also beautiful and shiny, and also prevent further contamination. This product contains artificial wax, which creates an invisible film on the floor surface: it protects the floor from dirt and gives it a fresh, renewed look.

Parquet, laminate, tiles are modern, beautiful and comfortable. The THOMAS washing vacuum cleaner will help you quickly wash and tidy up such coatings. A clean, dry floor that shines like new is the result of cleaning hard floors with a THOMAS vacuum cleaner.

Now you understand that a washing vacuum cleaner is a necessary thing in the house. Using such a vacuum cleaner is not at all difficult; on the contrary, the vacuum cleaner simplifies cleaning, and therefore your life. Of course, the main thing is that the cleaning vacuum cleaner is of high quality. Washing vacuum cleaners, which have been produced by the German company THOMAS for many years, have long established themselves as faithful and reliable assistants in cleaning the house. The THOMAS model range is so wide that all models cannot be described in a dozen such articles. In any case, from the many THOMAS models, everyone will be able to choose a vacuum cleaner to their liking! Maybe your THOMAS is already waiting for you on the store shelf?

Recommendations for caring for carpet using a vacuum cleaner

To ensure that cleaning is carried out correctly and effectively, you need to follow some recommendations:

  • you need to carefully study the composition of the detergent - if it contains chlorine, it will damage the coating;
  • if there is foam-based carpet in the room, it is prohibited to clean it, since it has very poor hygroscopicity;
  • a new product should not be cleaned with a washing vacuum cleaner during the first 6 months;
  • there is no need to hold the brush in one place for a long time so that it does not become too wet;
  • the water needs to be changed every time it gets dirty;
  • Before cleaning, it is worth checking the coating label to make sure it is cleanable.

You can also prepare a coating freshener. It's easy to do it yourself. To do this you will need:

  • dry cloves;
  • a little dry lavender;
  • one spoon each of soda and cinnamon.

Or you can use a different recipe. Mix a small amount of baking soda and any essential oil. The prepared freshener must be applied evenly over the entire coverage area and left for a while. Then vacuum thoroughly.

Wet cleaning should be carried out regularly to ensure that the carpet is perfectly clean and the room is not filled with dust.

Features and functions

The principle of operation of a washing vacuum cleaner is almost the same everywhere, regardless of the model. They often have two reservoirs - one filled with detergents and water, and the other for dirty liquid.

Spraying occurs using a capillary tube, which is located at the base. Some models are also equipped with a mechanical filter to collect large debris. The liquid compartments can be located vertically, horizontally or inside each other.

Thomas washing vacuum cleaners are some of the best, as the German manufacturer produces high-quality and even professional equipment. But the main feature is the new generation Aqua-Box water filter, which destroys almost 100% of bacteria and contaminants. The operating principle of the devices is quite simple:

  • The container must be filled with plain water;
  • Add detergents there;
  • Spray the liquid using a nozzle;
  • For textile coverings it is recommended to use special products. And the cleaning itself takes place under high pressure to clean the pile to its full depth;
  • If necessary, the Thomas vacuum cleaner can also be used for dry cleaning using a separate compartment or container.

Using a Thomas washing vacuum cleaner you can provide your home with incredible cleanliness and humidity. Such devices are designed for those who care about their own health.

Other advantages of vacuum cleaners include versatility, ease of control, maneuverability, and compact size. The standard kit usually includes several types of attachments:

  • For cleaning floors and carpets;
  • For cleaning all types of furniture;
  • For cleaning hard-to-reach places;
  • For cleaning mirrors and glass.

Criterias of choice

There are universal tips that will help you choose a good product:

Factors to consider when selecting a product include:

Stain removal speed

The tasks that a standard shampoo for washing vacuum cleaners undertake include:

A high-quality shampoo maintains a balance between effectiveness and aggressive action of components. There are cases in which vacuum cleaner owners manage to clean the carpet or curtains at the cost of fading color or dull spots. Such results are useless and even harmful in everyday life.

For this reason, experts advise doing “test runs” with new shampoos. A small piece of fabric (or area of ​​coating) is taken and the composition is applied to it. If the texture reacts neutrally, you can continue cleaning. The impact of the concentrate components is unpredictable, so checking is always necessary.


Studying information about the composition of products is an important step that should not be skipped.

The top three shampoo components in terms of toxicity include:

Packages of modern detergents for vacuum cleaners are full of messages about their harmlessness. Manufacturers carry out this communication, but only partially. Surfactants (surfactants) are included in all shampoos - without them, the products would not work. Natural ingredients in the composition are a good sign. But with their help you cannot remove difficult stains.

Organic lines are still worth a look. They are marked ECO or Organic and contain the following useful elements:

Disinfectant and antibacterial properties

At first glance, the antibacterial properties of vacuum cleaner shampoos seem useless. Practice shows the opposite - surfaces are filled with bacteria and harmful microorganisms. People bring germs from the street, they enter through a window or with the help of pets. Real colonies of pathogenic microflora are found in long-pile carpets.

Foam quantity

The assumption that the more foam during the cleaning process, the better, is deeply mistaken. Excess foam not only complicates cleaning, but also damages the vacuum cleaner. To reduce the amount of foam, defoamers appear on the market. They prevent foam from “grabbing” the vacuum cleaner and contributing to the formation of mold.

There are two methods of foam exposure:

In the first case, active foaming is harmless and effective. It allows you to influence the source of dirt and quickly deal with it. If shampoo gets inside the vacuum cleaner, its foaming turns into a significant disadvantage.

Application area

Shampoos are divided into several categories based on their area of ​​specialization:

All-purpose products seem like a good choice, but universality does not always mean the same effectiveness for all types of cleaning. Products with this composition have average qualities that allow them to cope with most contaminants. They will not give excellent results when working with soft upholstery or natural carpets. But universal products are a suitable choice for everyday cleaning.

Brand and manufacturer

Companies that manufacture washing vacuum cleaners give recommendations on choosing shampoo. Some brands produce such compounds themselves, because they know the needs of their own equipment well. Moreover, there are brands that refuse warranty service to those customers who have used shampoos from a third-party manufacturer.

Branded shampoos are expensive. Therefore, many users of washing vacuum cleaners switch to other detergents over time. Choosing the right product is an individual journey that vacuum cleaner owners go through through trial and error. It is impossible to give universal recommendations on this topic.

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