Rules and algorithm for the drying process of silica gel

How to choose Silica gel filler?

How to choose silica gel filler

  1. There should be as little silicate dust inside the package as possible. To do this, it is better to take filler with large silica gel crystals.
  2. It is recommended to use white silica gel as it is non-toxic.

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Restoring properties

There are three stages of regeneration:

  • cleaning;
  • desorption;
  • cooling.

Silica gel technical

Silica gel is restored in chemical laboratories, in industry and at home. The sorbent is dried in laboratories at t = 150–170 ° C for three to four hours; at home, the product is reconstituted in the oven at a temperature not exceeding 170° C. To speed up the drying process, the temperature is often increased. This may result in product damage. Silica gel will not absorb moisture.

The regeneration method is chosen depending on the environment in which the material worked. There is hot and cold drying of the sorbent.

Regeneration and drying of silica gel

Regeneration is the process of restoring the performance characteristics of silica gel after it has been used for its intended purpose, i.e. for drying and purification of certain petroleum products (mineral oils).

Depending on the volume of the substance that has to be dealt with, regeneration can be carried out in:

  • chemical laboratory;
  • living conditions;
  • industrial methods.

A typical regeneration process involves three stages:

  1. purification of silica gel (may be absent - it all depends on the initial state of the sorbent);
  2. desorption – removal of previously absorbed substances from the sorbent;
  3. cooling the silica gel.

Keep tools dry and protected from corrosion


Most likely, you will say that you follow the rules for storing tools and keep them in a place with a stable climate, but this is difficult to believe. Even the most responsible craftsmen periodically leave various accessories outside in the rain. And if the garage or basement is constantly damp, the problem only gets worse. To protect your equipment from corrosion, just put bags of silica gel in the box where it is located. This life hack will save them from rust and premature wear.

Choosing an electric dryer

In recent years, many new electrical appliances have appeared on the market, which differ from each other in the functions they perform. Among them there are also devices that can be used to dry wet shoes. But since such devices are presented in a large assortment in stores, it is very important to know how not to make a mistake with your choice. To do this, you should find out what characteristics should be taken into account when purchasing an electric dryer:

  • First of all, you need to pay attention to the material from which the device is made. It is recommended to choose only those devices that have high quality. It is very easy to determine this - just look at its appearance;
  • it is also necessary to carefully examine all the parts - they must be tightly screwed, the presence of cracks, backlashes, traces of glue or burrs is unacceptable;
  • When examining the power cord, you need to make sure that it is double insulated, and the cable itself must be flexible, thin enough and have protection at the base. You also need to make sure that the power cord is of sufficient length. If at home it turns out that it is not enough for comfortable use of the device, then you will need to additionally purchase an extension cord;
  • Among the presented models, it is best to give preference to devices that use a ceramic heating element. This is a guarantee that drying will take place safely and require a minimum of time;
  • the device body must have special openings for unhindered air circulation. This design solution ensures faster drying of wet shoes;
  • At the time of purchase, it is recommended to find out how long it takes to heat up the device. This information can be found in the instructions for the electric dryer. It is recommended to choose those models that have a minimum heating time. For good dryers, it should not exceed 15 minutes. If the device requires 20 minutes or more to heat up, then you should find a more suitable model;
  • It is imperative to find out to what temperature the device can heat up. The optimal temperature is considered to be in the range from 50 to 60 degrees Celsius. It is not recommended to buy devices with higher temperature values, otherwise after such drying the shoes will completely deteriorate. In addition, higher heating temperatures require more electricity.

The situation when your sneakers get wet can happen to anyone. And here you need to know how to quickly get out of such an unpleasant situation. Those who think that you can dry wet shoes on a radiator or next to an oven are greatly mistaken. These drying methods can completely ruin your shoes, so you need to find out in advance how to dry your sneakers after washing them in the machine without causing serious damage to them.

There are many means and methods that allow you to quickly dry wet sneakers. They all have their own nuances, so before using a specific one, you should study the specifics of their use so that the drying result does not disappoint.

Industrial recovery of silica gels

For the industrial reduction of silica gels used for the purification of mineral oils, it is advisable to use units of the BRPS type from the GlobeCore brand. This equipment is designed for washing sorbents with superheated steam and removing the absorbed substance by thermal desorption using special electric heaters.

BRPS installations have the following advantages:

  • make it possible to almost completely restore the operational parameters of not only silica gels, but also other sorbents, including zeolites;
  • extend the service life of silica gels;
  • mobile and easy to use;
  • directly connect to cartridges filled with silica gel.

BRPS units can operate in steam washing, drying or evacuation and cooling modes.

GlobeCore's sorbent regeneration processes extend the service life of various absorbents (silica gels, zeolites, bleaching earths, etc.), which saves money and reduces environmental burden.

Silica gel (gel dried using a special technology) is an excellent means for drying gases and various things. It is able to absorb moisture and retain it in itself. Silica gel becomes damp, and drying and other types of regeneration make it functional again. Therefore, periodic drying of silica gel is necessary, especially if the moisture content of the sorbent begins to exceed 3%.

What is silica gel?

Silica gel is a dried gel obtained by supersaturating a solution of silicic acids. By its physical nature, it is a hydrophilic sorbent with a large surface area.

The main industries in which silica gels are used are the drying of air and other industrial gases, various liquids, including industrial oils, desulfurization of petroleum feedstocks and removal of tarry substances from oil.

Did you know that the substance “silica gel” was discovered back in 1640?

Drying rules

When working with the material, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Maintain temperature conditions.
  2. Stir the product during regeneration.
  3. Wear protective gloves and goggles.
  4. Do not use open coils or fire.

Drying time at home varies from a few minutes to four hours. This depends on the temperature and thickness of the sorbent layer. It is not recommended to heat the material above 200° C.

Repeated use of the adsorbent is economically beneficial. Regeneration of the material extends its service life.

Drying silica gel by blowing dry air

One of the most effective industrial recovery methods is drying the silica gel by blowing dry air. In laboratory conditions, the regeneration of this sorbent is carried out by heating to 150-170ºC in a drying cabinet for 3-4 hours.

After household use, the properties of silica gel can be restored by drying the substance on a radiator or in the oven. It is necessary to maintain the temperature no higher than 170ºС.

American W. A. ​​Patrick patented the synthesis reaction to make silica gel in 1919.

Silica gel: application

The sorbent is used to protect various products from excess moisture, condensation, corrosion, and mold. In particular, it is used for:

  • preservation of art and cultural objects in libraries, museums, archives;
  • long-term preservation of equipment to protect the mechanisms of machines, units, components of industrial machines from rust and corrosion processes;
  • oil purification, desulfurization of petroleum products;
  • lowering the level of relative air humidity, neutralizing unpleasant odors in cars, refrigerators, furniture;
  • drying of industrial gases (carbon dioxide, natural gases, air), water vapor;
  • sorption of platinum metals;
  • protection of various goods from high humidity during long-term transportation and storage;
  • organic synthesis processes;
  • separation, analysis of chemical mixtures;
  • filling cat litter.

The product is also used for the production of optical glass, medical and space equipment, in observation flasks, desiccants, laboratories, and adsorbent bags. In addition to widespread industrial use, the material will also be an indispensable assistant in everyday life.

Domestic use

Due to its unique properties, the desiccant has found application at home. It is safe for the human body (especially when packaged), so even children can use it. The main thing is to explain to them that they should not take the drug out of the package, taste it or conduct other experiments.

  • Extends the life of razor blades.

To do this, place several bags of desiccant in the place where you store the razor. Thanks to this method, the blades will not be damaged due to excessive moisture and will not become dull over time.

  • Eliminates unpleasant odor in shoes.

Yes, you don’t have to use expensive electric “dryers” for this - you can put a package of sorbent in your shoes and leave it overnight. During this time, the product will absorb moisture and neutralize the odor, after which the desiccant can be regenerated by placing it on the battery for a couple of hours and used again.

  • Will help revive a mobile phone.

If the “mobile phone” has taken water treatments, you should immediately turn it off and put it in a container with rice - perhaps this is one of the most popular tips in such a situation. But you can replace rice with silica gel, especially since the absorption properties of the second are clearly stronger. After 8-10 hours, you can turn on the phone - there is a high probability that there are no consequences left from swimming.

  • Will save seeds until next season.

Regeneration plants

To restore the product use:

  • installation AD-220;
  • cabinet type ShSTs-15B;
  • BRPS design;
  • UVS complex;
  • drying cabinet SNOL TU and others.

In production, silica gel is restored using special equipment. The structure consists of a cast iron tank, oven and blower. Silica gel is loaded into a cast iron tank.

An electric oven is used to heat the air. Air enters the container with the adsorbent through the holes located at the bottom of the tank. The heating temperature of the furnace is 200–250° C.

The AD-220 installation consists of the following elements:

  • electric spirals;
  • coils;
  • filters;
  • temperature relays;
  • air collector;
  • needle valve;
  • humidity indicator;
  • gearbox

Cabinet type ShSTs-15B has the following advantages:

  • automatic temperature support;
  • increased sealing (presence of a screw lock).

On an industrial scale, BRPS units are used for the regeneration of adsorbents. The adsorbent is treated with high frequency currents. The ETMA MTSU-7-U1 installation can be operated by one person.

The heating temperature of the previously used material is 150–180° C. The device consists of the following elements:

  • control cabinet;
  • heat exchanger;
  • power supply;
  • generator;
  • fan;
  • condensate collector;
  • vacuum pump.

BRPS units completely restore the properties of the material and extend the service life. The equipment is mobile. Operating the BRPS complex is quite simple.

Silica gel is processed under vacuum with high frequency currents. This allows the processing temperature to be reduced, which extends the service life of the sorbent.

To restore and dry the material, a UVS device is used. The equipment consists of a cylindrical container in which there is a container with an adsorbent. The height of the device is 1.6 m, and the weight is 380 kg.

The SNOL drying cabinet is equipped with a thermostat. The equipment is used in factory laboratories. To restore the quality of the material, various methods and devices are used. It is important to use protective equipment and observe TB.


2a.1. Silica gel is fire and explosion proof.

The maximum permissible concentration of silica gel dust with a mass fraction of 10 to 70% of free silicon dioxide in the air of the working area of ​​industrial premises is 2 mg/m.

In terms of the degree of impact on the body, the product belongs to substances of the 3rd hazard class according to GOST 12.1.007.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 3).

2a.2. When working with silica gel, you should use personal respiratory protection in accordance with GOST 12.4.034.

2a.3. Premises in which work with silica gel is carried out must be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation in accordance with GOST 12.4.021.

Maximum sealing of process equipment must be ensured.

Section 2a. (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 2).

What is silica gel used for?

- This is silica gel

It is dry porous granules of silicon dioxide, produced industrially from sodium silicate (a component of liquid glass). Silica gel
is designed to absorb moisture.
... - Silica gel
will help dry a given bouquet of flowers, absorbing moisture from them.

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How does silica gel change color?

Changes color: as moisture is absorbed, it becomes red... Indicator silica gels are KSMG impregnated with various salts, which change the color of the granules as they become hydrated. KSMG stands for “large fine-porous granular silica gel”

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Properties and features of silica gel

Silica gel or silica gel is available in various types and forms. It can be coarse or finely porous, lump or granular. In the latter case, granules are produced in large and small forms. Household products are usually accompanied by a fine granular gel. The granules are placed in a bag or bags. You can find exactly these bags of balls in shoe boxes.

The adsorption properties of silica gel, first of all, consist in the effective absorption and absorption of moisture. Storage and transportation of goods leads to sudden changes in temperature and increased humidity, which can adversely affect the quality of packaging and product. To avoid this, manufacturers put bags or sachets of silica gel in a box or other container.

Silica gel quickly absorbs excess moisture and prevents damage to items during transportation or storage. In addition, a powerful adsorbent protects metal devices and products from corrosion and rust. This preserves quality and extends the service life of goods.

In addition to moisture absorption, silica gel is used for drying air, oxygen and gases used in industry. In addition, it absorbs vapors, unpleasant odors and hazardous substances that are in the air.

Bags of balls, which are placed in shoes or boxes with other goods, can also be used in everyday life. However, it is important to keep the product away from fire, children and animals. They are explosive, and if they enter the body they lead to poisoning and other negative consequences.

We learned why these balls are needed in the production, storage and transportation of various goods. Now let's look at the use of silica gel in domestic and domestic conditions.

What can you do with Silica Gel?

How to use a silica gel packet from a shoe box

  • Dry Flowers Silica gel packets can preserve a bouquet of flowers you received as a gift by absorbing moisture from them. ...
  • Dry your makeup bag...
  • Freshen up your gym bag...
  • Dry things in your suitcase...
  • Prevent rust on cutlery...
  • Dry your smartphone...
  • Extend the life of your razor...
  • Neutralize the smell of old books

30 Jun 2015

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