How to clean a room in 5-15 minutes: useful tips, algorithm of actions

Often in our lives there are situations when we need to clean the room in 5 minutes. It is possible to do the cleaning in such a short time. It is only important to approach the matter wisely! First of all, prepare yourself. Remove clothes with long sleeves that get in the way, tie up your hair or secure your bangs. It would seem that there is no time for such things - but during the cleaning process, these little things will distract and irritate more than the limited time limit. Turn on rhythmic music - it will set the pace and help you concentrate. It is better to turn off the TV and put the phone away. Now let's get started!

Put everything you can in the dishwasher

Plastic, glass, metal items and even some wardrobe items - many items do not need to be cleaned by hand. For example, in the dishwasher it is easy to restore a fresh look to beach slippers and baseball caps, not to mention children’s and pet toys, combs, lampshades, silicone baking dishes and kitchen sponges.

Gather up any items that haven't been cleaned in a while (or ever) and put them in the dishwasher. Run a normal wash cycle.

Take note

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