Rules for removing double-sided tape and traces of it using various means

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Andrey September 17, 2016Specialization: facade finishing, interior finishing, construction of dachas, garages. Experience of an amateur gardener and gardener. We also have experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and many other things that I don’t have time for :)

Often, home craftsmen close frames or even glass during repairs by sticking tape on them. This solution allows you to protect the window from dirt, however, over time, removing the tape and, even more so, the remaining glue after it is not easy. To help solve this problem, next I will tell you how to remove tape from plastic windows using the most effective folk methods.

Cleaning window tape

Why is tape hard to remove?

Delving into the issue of the constituent components of the adhesive solution that is used in adhesive tape is not advisable.
To understand why removing traces of glue from adhesive tape is difficult, it is enough to understand that the tape is designed in such a way that when you try to remove it, the top layer is removed, and the glue, firmly fixed, remains on the glass surface. If we are talking about a double-sided form, then a rubberized part is added to the adhesive mass; it further complicates the process of purifying the substance. For this reason, the tape will have to be removed using various means; ordinary removal is not enough.

The tape is designed in such a way that when you try to remove it, the top layer is removed, and the glue remains firmly fixed on the glass surface.

No. 3 Oil

When cleaning plastic windows from masking tape, double-sided tape or any other adhesive tape, you can use regular oil - olive, sunflower or any other. To do this, lubricate the surface with a large amount of oil, and after 15 minutes, remove the remaining traces with a rag. After the procedure, the remaining oil is removed with soapy water and a cloth.

How to remove tape from plastic windows

Scotch tape is a necessary and useful thing, often used in everyday life, in construction and other areas.

Its advantage is its adhesive base, which adheres well to surfaces, but its disadvantage is the sticky trace it leaves.

Sometimes it can be difficult to wash the tape off a plastic window without damaging the material.

Quickly remove tape from a plastic window

When repairing, puttingtying and painting slopes, it is recommended to cover the glass, frames and window sills with protective film or paper.

It is convenient to glue them with tape, but after completing the work it is impossible to remove the adhesive tape without leaving a residue. The sticky side is strongly fixed and often comes off in parts.

In places where the transparent retainer was removed, a sticky residue remains. This makes the snow-white plastic window dirty and unattractive.

The example given is one of many options for tape getting onto a window frame or double-glazed window. You can clean sticky marks in several ways, using special or improvised means.

When removing contamination, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the material. Products and methods suitable for removing stains from plastic may not be used for cleaning glass on windows.

From plastic

  1. Rubbing alcohol will help remove sticky residue. Soak a rag generously in alcohol, walk over the contaminated areas, and let the liquid act on the glue for 15 minutes. Then rub the sticky areas with the rough side of the sponge until the dirt disappears completely.
  2. Laundry soap can cope with dirt of various natures, and sticky stains from adhesive tape are no exception. Wet a sponge with a hard side in water and wring it out well. Then lather it generously and wipe the problem areas. The soap should be left to act for 10-20 minutes, and then vigorously rub the stains.
  3. Baking soda contains fine cleansing crystals. Areas on the plastic with sticky marks are lightly moistened with water and sprinkled with soda. Then use a rag or kitchen sponge to vigorously rub the problem areas.
  4. Nail polish remover will work on fresh, sticky stains. It is applied to problem areas, wait 10 minutes and washed with a brush with synthetic bristles.

From glass

  • acetic acid with water (1:1) - process, leave for half an hour, then wipe with a sponge (for fresh stains, you can not dilute with water);
  • olive or sunflower oil is applied in a thin layer to the remaining adhesive from the adhesive tape and left overnight;
  • orange or lemon essential oil is an excellent remedy for glue on glass, plus a pleasant aroma in the room;
  • moisten the problem area with ammonia and rinse with a clean damp cloth after 20 minutes;
  • sticker remover HG (sticker remover HG) – a special liquid for removing traces of adhesive tape (apply according to instructions, rinse off with a clean rag after 2-3 minutes);
  • Acetone can remove sticky residue on glass or other surfaces, including window frames and sills.

How to get rid of double-sided tape marks

It is sometimes more difficult to clean windows from adhesive tape, which has a foam base and two sticky sides, than to remove traces from transparent adhesive tape.

The foam base, under the influence of temperatures, spreads over the surface, absorbing dust. This is due to the significant amount of adhesive part of household tape.

However, removing double-sided tape from plastic windows is a completely doable task:

  1. Orange essential oil. The product is inexpensive and effective. Sold at a pharmacy or cosmetics department. Before use, remove as much tape as possible using a spatula or blade. Apply a few drops of fragrant oil to sticky residue and leave for 20-30 minutes. Remove the dissolved glue with the hard side of a sponge and detergent.
  2. Citrus Glue Remover is an effective stain remover. Manufacturer: 3M brand. The product is available in an aerosol can and acts as a solvent for adhesives, oil stains, grease, resin and other types of contamination. Contains citrus oils that are ideal for removing residue from tape, stickers, adhesive tape, stickers, signage and films.
  3. Brake fluid copes with the task of removing tape marks on plastic surfaces and glass. You can easily wipe off the adhesive material from the surface by slightly moistening the stained areas with liquid and waiting 15-20 minutes.
  4. WD-40 is popular among car enthusiasts and workshop workers, and few people know that it is successfully used to remove stains of various natures. This product should be applied to the sticky stain, left for half an hour, then washed off with a sponge or rag.

Review of popular methods for eliminating marks

Types of fundsDescription
Mechanical methodsIt is impossible to wash off whole tape or tape residues from PVC window frames. They must be removed mechanically. You can use a paint scraper. It is sold in a hardware store and looks like a small spatula with a removable blade. If you don’t have it, a regular narrow spatula, knife, or blade will do. Use a sharp object to carefully pry up the tape, pull the edge and slowly tear it away from the base. A regular white office eraser will clean the frame and window sill. You may find that using a double-sided eraser that has a hard part to remove ink would be more effective. However, the best result in the fight against traces of adhesive tape is shown by a regular rubber band without abrasive. Under its influence, sticky marks roll off and move away from the PVC material. Construction departments and auto stores sell special rubber wheels for drills. They are designed for removing double-sided tape from the surface of cars. Rubber wheels efficiently remove old sticky adhesive tape residues without damaging the surface. For the same purpose, you can use a fitting from a wheel. It must be clamped in a drill and used as a rubber circle at low speeds.
OilVegetable oil can act as a solvent. If you apply it to the adhesive residue on the frame and leave it for 8-12 hours, after the time has elapsed, the stain will be easily wiped off with the rough part of a sponge using detergent.
Alcohol and solventsEthyl alcohol 90%, white spirit, kerosene-based solvents or purified gasoline can remove sticky residue on a plastic window frame. A rag is soaked in liquid and the problem area is generously lubricated. Allow the solvent to act and wipe with a clean rag. Old stains will require more effort and time. The procedure can be repeated several times until the glue is completely removed.
Household products and accessoriesThe cleaning powder has large abrasive particles and copes well with dirt of various origins. It will help remove the glue on the plastic frame or window sill. Window cleaner will work on fresh duct tape stains. It is quite difficult to tear off old tape - it quickly breaks and is removed in small pieces. In this case, you can heat the adhesive base with a hair dryer or hair dryer. After heating, the adhesive tape will peel off easier and faster, but a sticky residue will still remain. You need to fight it in the following ways.

What substances can damage plastic?

A construction (household) hair dryer heats up to high temperatures; using it on the frame is dangerous, as the glass unit may burst. In the case of a plastic window sill, it should be kept at a distance so as not to harm the material.

If the plastic window sill has a smooth surface, you should refrain from using products with large abrasive particles to avoid scratches on the gloss.

Considering the possibility of installing a cheap version of PVC windows, before using strong acetone-based solvents 646 and 647, it is necessary to check the resistance of the material in an inconspicuous place.

What substances can damage plastic?

A construction (household) hair dryer heats up to high temperatures; using it on the frame is dangerous, as the glass unit may burst. In the case of a plastic window sill, it should be kept at a distance so as not to harm the material.

If the plastic window sill has a smooth surface, you should refrain from using products with large abrasive particles to avoid scratches on the gloss.

Considering the possibility of installing a cheap version of PVC windows, before using strong acetone-based solvents 646 and 647, it is necessary to check the resistance of the material in an inconspicuous place.

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Simple Methods

Before you wash plastic windows from tape and glue, you should try simple methods. After all, such a product for removing adhesive tape can be found in any home; there is no need to additionally go to the store for them. You can try to clean the surface right away, but these methods work best on fresh marks.

These methods work best on fresh tracks.


Baking soda is an abrasive substance. This method is suitable for removing fresh stains:

  • baking soda should be diluted to a paste with hot water;
  • Apply the composition to the adhesive surface and leave for 10 minutes;
  • wash off the substance with a damp cloth;
  • Wipe dry with a dry cloth.

A brush will help enhance the effect. Baking soda must be used with extreme caution. It can leave small scratches on the surface of the plastic.

Sunflower oil

The first remedy for removing tape and stickers from windows is sunflower oil. Apply the oil with a cotton pad to the taped area, then leave for five to ten minutes. After this time, the label should be removed using a plastic scraper.

The first remedy for removing tape and stickers from windows is sunflower oil.

Eraser and blade

They begin to clean the marks using a new blade, the main thing is to ensure that no scratches appear on the surface. For this reason, the tool is held parallel to the plastic or glass. When the process is completed, the residues are removed with a cloth. Small remaining flaws are wiped off with a stationery eraser.

They begin to clean the marks using a new blade, the main thing is to ensure that no scratches appear on the surface.

Dishwashing liquid

Removes light stains using dishwashing detergent with lemon additives. They not only give a fresh aroma, but also contribute to better dissolution of the glue:

  1. Dishwashing detergent is applied to the plastic surface.
  2. Leave for contact for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Wipe with a hard sponge.
  4. Traces of glue are removed with a dry cloth.

This method is only effective on fresh stains.

Nail polish remover

Nail polish remover is an aggressive solvent that can remove tape residue at the same time as the plastic layer.

Parts of the rag may remain on the surface being treated. This method is used in the presence of old stains.

Before using it, it is better to test it on an invisible area:

  1. Nail polish remover is applied to the stain.
  2. The solution is left for 5 minutes to react.
  3. The treated area is wiped with a dry cloth.

If the dark spot is not removed during treatment, physical force should not be used. You should try another method.

How to clean a surface with vinegar?

To remove adhesive tape residues, do not use acetic acid, but undiluted 9% vinegar:

  • Apply vinegar to the sponge;
  • treat the adhesive surface and leave for half an hour;
  • wipe with a dry cloth;
  • wash with soap and water.

This product is unable to cope with old stains. Before use, it is better to test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​plastic. Because vinegar can damage the thin surface.

Soap solution

The best option would be laundry soap. Instructions for removing adhesive stains from plastic:

  • To grind, you need to grate the soap on a coarse grater;
  • mix the resulting mass with water in a ratio of 1 to 2;
  • moisten a rag in the resulting solution;
  • Wipe the stain thoroughly with the solution and rinse with clean water.

It is better to dilute soap in hot water. Glue dissolution occurs at high temperatures. It is good to clean the smooth surface of the plastic with soapy water.

Gasoline for lighters

Take the liquid used to refill lighters. The label is impregnated with it and left for two minutes. The softened glue mark can be easily cleaned with a rag.

If the sticker has been on the window for a long time, the process may need to be repeated several times.

Take the liquid used to refill lighters.


The hairdryer is set to hot mode and the selected area is blown with it. This helps soften the adhesive residue. This is followed by removal using a napkin soaked in sunflower oil. Next, the surface is washed from substances with a rag.

The hairdryer is set to hot mode and the selected area is blown with it.

Steam generator

The method, as is obvious, is available only to owners of household steam generators. Under the influence of steam from the steam generator, remaining adhesive tape can be easily removed from any surface.

Do not use on devices that are sensitive to moisture, such as computers and televisions.

Use a jet of steam to treat the surface of the dried tape, lift the tape by the raised edge (if necessary, you can use a plastic or rubber scraper), treat with steam again and wipe with a sponge. Dry.

Mustard and vinegar

A mixture of mustard and vinegar is identical in effect to solvents. It is not recommended to use the product on light-colored surfaces due to the coloring properties of mustard.

Mix three tablespoons of mustard powder with one tablespoon of warm water and one teaspoon of 9% table vinegar. Cover the stain with the resulting slurry and leave for five minutes for the reaction to occur. Then use a wet sponge to wash off the stain and wipe with a dry cloth.


Use in compliance with safety precautions. Work in a ventilated area.

  1. Wipe the glue stain with cotton wool soaked in kerosene.
  2. Leave for five minutes.
  3. Then scrub until completely removed.
  4. Wipe the stain with a sponge and soapy water.
  5. Dry with a napkin.


Vodka is suitable for removing dried tape. The process will take some time as the vodka slowly dissolves the glue residue. To do this, use a sponge moistened with vodka to thoroughly wipe the adhesive stain until it completely disappears. Wipe the area with a dry cloth.

Cleansing wipes

Wet hand cleaning wipes are suitable for removing fresh marks. The sticky stain should be rubbed until completely removed, changing wipes as necessary.

Sponge with abrasive layer

This is a mechanical method. Suitable for recent stains.

  1. Wet a new double-sided dishwashing sponge with soapy water and wipe it over a strip of tape or a trace of it. The surface must be completely moistened.
  2. Leave for five minutes. Lift the tape (if any) by the edge with a toothpick and separate it from the surface.
  3. Then rub off the remaining stains with the abrasive side of the sponge. If necessary, the sponge is moistened with a soap solution.
  4. When finished, wipe the surface with a dry cloth.

General recommendations

  • Regardless of which method was used, the window must be washed thoroughly with soapy water and then with clean water. This must be done even if the product seems safe. Over time, especially under the influence of sunlight, a stain may form in this place.
  • To quickly remove the glue, some people start scraping it off with their nails. Of course, this will only ruin your manicure. It's better to use a spatula or an old bank card.
  • Citric acid has the property of dissolving the stickiness of glue. Therefore, it is better to use household chemicals with a citrus scent or add lemon juice.
  • Old tape is quite difficult to clean, especially if it has been exposed to sunlight. That's why you need to try to remove it as early as possible. In addition, for repair work it is better to use masking tape specifically designed for subsequent removal.

Using these tips, you can easily solve the problem of dried tape residue on a plastic window.

Special means for removing adhesive from tape

Those who want an effective remover that quickly deals with sticky residues should choose one of the professional formulations. They are designed specifically for these purposes, so they work quickly and efficiently. Let's list a few of these drugs.

  1. "Anti-Scotch". Available in aerosol form. Works on different surfaces: plastic, painted wood. Helps remove durable stickers from car windows and body. The liquid is sprayed directly onto the problem area.
  2. Mellerud. Release form: spray. Used on PVC, glass, marble, fabric. Use with caution on chemically sensitive substrates, such as acrylic. The rag is soaked in liquid and applied to the dirt. After softening, the residue is removed.
  3. "Taygeta S-405". Suitable for most hard surfaces, as well as furniture upholstery, carpets and bulky textiles that will not go into the washing machine. The composition is applied for 1.5-3 minutes, then washed off. Effective, but toxic and flammable.

You need to know that there are very few universal cleaning products. Therefore, what was used to remove the adhesive from tape from plastic is unlikely to help on fabric. When choosing a professional composition, be sure to study the manufacturer’s recommendations on the packaging.

Carefully select the method for cleaning stickers from household appliances. They are now even glued to monitors. A special cleaning pencil will help. The common disadvantage of professional household chemicals is their high price, but it is justified by their high efficiency.

Window cleaning products

Such chemistry will allow you to wash away traces of adhesive tape only if it contains alcohol or acetone. Products that, according to advertising, “take care of handles, but are excellent at cleaning windows” will not help here, since they are intended only to remove dirt and grease from glass, and the adhesive base sticks too tightly to the plastic.


We are talking about antistatic agents for LCD matrices and computer equipment, but not for clothing. These are alcohol wipes or aerosols. The effect of each specific drug is first tested on an inconspicuous place. Still alcohol.

Sticker Remover

Available in the form of pencils, liquid, and aerosol can. For adhesive tape, the second and third options are preferable. In the first case, the glue may partially remain on the pencil or solid particles will scratch the plastic.

Kiehl Tablefit

An expensive product, but it delivers in volume and low consumption. Effective against many stubborn stains. The adhesive trace is wiped off with a cotton swab moistened with liquid.

Taygeta S-405

Allows you to remove remaining tape in a minute. The product is bottled with a sprayer. Spray on the marks, wipe off with a dry cloth after 20-30 seconds.

Dimethyl sulfoxide

The product is sold at the pharmacy.

It is more convenient to apply the solution to glue stains with a thin brush. Avoid contact with painted surfaces.

After the product is applied to the surface, you simply need to wipe it with a damp sponge and then with a dry cloth.

Causes of pollution

Masking tape is applied after installing new PVC windows so as not to stain the plastic frames when the slopes are sealed. Sometimes double-sided tape is used to glue various parts.

Its main advantage is its sticky layer, which adheres well to different surfaces. But the downside is that when the tape needs to be removed, the adhesive base often remains on the plastic. Dust sticks to it, the window becomes dirty and unkempt, which greatly spoils the appearance. It is especially difficult to remove the remnants of double-sided tape: the foam base seems to blur, absorbing even more dirt. The longer the tape is on the plastic, the more difficult it is to clean.

How to wash away old traces of adhesive tape on plastic using available means

It is much more difficult to get rid of stubborn adhesive. But nothing is impossible here either. You just need to choose the appropriate method and tool.

How to remove tape marks on plastic with vegetable oil and alcohol

Vegetable oil from any raw material (seeds or olives) that is currently in the kitchen is suitable. A napkin soaked in oil is left on top of the stain for several hours, during which time it will reduce the adhesion of the adhesive. Afterwards, it will be enough to wipe the plastic with a damp towel to remove any remaining dirt. A soap solution is used to remove the greasy layer. You can prepare it using washing powder, soap or dishwashing detergent.

Barcodes can be easily removed using sunflower oil

Ethyl and ammonia are more aggressive agents. Therefore, before using them to clean up contamination, it is worth checking the reaction of the material in an area hidden from view. Do not use alcohol on a painted surface, because... How does he remove the paint layer? To remove, apply a little alcohol to the traces of adhesive tape (you can easily rub it off). Once the glue is removed, wipe with a napkin or flag cloth.

How to remove scotch tape from plastic using baking soda slurry

Having measured out a handful of baking soda (by eye), you need to mix it with a small amount of water to a creamy mass.

How to quickly and painlessly remove tape marks from plastic? Of course, soda!

This paste is applied to the contaminated surface. Baking soda acts as an abrasive in the mixture, which can easily remove stains. If after processing there are still traces of glue left, you should repeat the “event” again. Afterwards, wipe the treated area with a damp cloth and then wipe dry.

What chemicals to use to remove glue from tape?

Window cleaners, powder products, gasoline - all this will help in the fight against glue marks on plastic.

Glass cleaner not only for windows, but also for cleaning any other surfaces

Window cleaner. The substances contained in products from different manufacturers will perfectly remove traces of adhesive tape. To clean the surface you need:

  1. Spray the liquid onto the contaminated area.
  2. Allow five minutes for the sticky substance to soften.
  3. Wipe off the glue from the surface.

Powder products. Use this method very carefully on plastics. If it is not sufficiently resistant to mechanical stress, then there is no need to rub the products with powder. To remove dirt, perform the following steps:

  1. Dip a damp sponge into the powder.
  2. Press the sponge onto the stain for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Be careful and carefully begin cleaning.
  4. When clogged, rinse the sponge in water.

Attention! Use this method only for plastics that are resistant to mechanical stress.

If you decide to use gasoline, then it is better to take the one for lighters (it is less aggressive and evaporates quickly), but if not, regular car gasoline will do. Perfectly removes dirt. It is better to handle gasoline outdoors or in a well-ventilated area, away from an open source of fire.

Gasoline for lighters

The products are applied pointwise so as not to damage the surface structure. You cannot pour it onto plastic, much less soak it in aggressive substances, as the surface may be deformed. This also applies to solvents, which will be discussed below.

How to remove traces of tape with White Spirit and acetone

Solvents. For example, White Spirit or acetone are likely to be found in every home. They do a great job cleaning plastics.

White Spirit and solvent are universal cleaning products

You cannot treat painted surfaces with acetone, because... it eats away the paint. The algorithm for working with solvents or acetone is simple; it consists of three points:

  1. First, soak a rag in solvents.
  2. Using a rag, remove the dirt until it completely disappears.
  3. We wipe the treatment area with an important rag.

Chemical methods

The next way to remove tape from glass is to use chemicals that can soften the sticky layer well. You also need to prepare a tool for removal; it can be a rubber or plastic spatula, or a special scraper for glass-ceramic products. After removing the adhesive layer, the surface is cleaned until shiny by wiping with a dry, clean cotton rag.

After removing the adhesive layer, the surface is cleaned until shiny by wiping with a dry, clean cotton rag.


Acetone can cope with the task, but its use may leave stains on the surface.

If acetone is chosen as a cleaning agent, then it is advisable to gently wipe off the glue with a cotton pad soaked in it, without touching the glass surface.

Acetone can cope with the task, but its use may leave stains on the surface.

Window Cleaner

When working with car windows, detergents containing ammonia are selected. The area is treated with a large amount of the product, left for 5 minutes, then wiped with a sponge.

When working with car windows, detergents containing ammonia are selected.


Dissolve the glue stain with a rag soaked in table vinegar. Also rub this place to completely remove traces, continue until the desired result is obtained.

It is necessary to protect your hands by wearing rubber gloves.

Dissolve the glue stain with a rag soaked in table vinegar.

White Spirit

White spirit will help to quickly remove the stain; soak cotton wool in the preparation and wipe the surface. The product degreases glass, easily dealing with stains.

The product degreases glass, easily dealing with stains.

Essential oils

Apply the essential oil in a thin layer, after a while it, along with the adhesive residue, is wiped with a napkin.

Apply the essential oil in a thin layer, after a while it, along with the adhesive residue, is wiped with a napkin.

What not to use

The plastic surface, including frames, window sills, and slopes of PVC windows will be damaged if you try to wipe off traces of adhesive tape:

  • abrasive cleaning agents like Pemoxol;
  • concentrated acids and alkalis;
  • acetone, chlorine, methylene chloride, ethyl acetate, dibutyl phthalate;
  • organic solvents.

Do not use hard brushes or steel wool.

There are many proven ways to remove old residues of tape and its traces from plastic. This allows you to apply the most suitable one. The main thing is to remember to test the effect of the selected product in an inconspicuous place, especially if you need to clean a glossy or colored surface.

No. 10 Mechanical

As they say - “patience and work will grind everything down!” So in our case, if the contamination is severe, then there is no way to do without mechanical cleaning. Additional tools include laundry soap, a scraper and a cloth.

Please note that you should not use substances that contain large solid particles that can leave scratches or chemicals that have aggressive and acidic compounds to clean the plastic frame, which can cause the plastic to deform or change color by entering into a chemical reaction.

Melamine sponge

Melamine is a high-strength material with a porous structure. The sponge has similar properties as an eraser - it will just as easily erase a thin layer of adhesive trace left after the tape. It copes not only with traces of regular tape, but also with layers of glue from stickers, labels, masking tape or double-sided tape.

A melamine sponge is an ideal option to wipe away traces of adhesive tape from plastic Source

What can't you do?

Under no circumstances should you clean surfaces using metal sponges to remove burnt food from cast iron pans. It will be possible to get rid of the dirt, but in return you will get a scratched stain that can no longer be removed.

For the same reason, you should not try to clean the window with sandpaper or another similar tool (for example, a wire brush or sanding wheel attached to an electric drill).

Do not take a table knife or utility blade and use it as a scraper. In general, a scraper is a very problematic tool - even the most careful user can relax or get distracted and cause scratches or streaks. The maximum is a brush or a brush made of stiff bristles; surfaces should be treated without excessive zeal.

How to clean furniture drawers that were sealed with tape when moving?

It often happens that for convenience during moving, drawers and doors on furniture are sealed with tape. The method, of course, is barbaric, but some people resort to it when transporting office furniture. To revive cabinets, you need to use cleaning products depending on the type of furniture. Any oil is suitable for polished and painted furniture - vegetable, olive, essential. It is enough to apply the oil with a soft sponge to the traces of glue and leave for 10-15 minutes, after which the remaining tape can be easily removed with a napkin, and then wash the surface with a soap solution.

If the furniture is made of untreated wood, then oil cannot be used, as greasy stains will remain. In this case, alcohol or white spirit will come to the rescue. If you suddenly decide to wipe the tape off the polished surface with alcohol, then act as quickly as possible so as not to damage the varnish coating.

You can also use an eraser on lacquered furniture, although it will take a lot of time to remove large stains.

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