How long can mushrooms be stored in the refrigerator and freezer? Storage periods and rules

Mushrooms are very tasty gifts of nature, which contain many useful substances. If you cook and eat them correctly, they can only be beneficial for the body, but otherwise they can cause significant harm. That is why it is so important to know how best to preserve mushrooms brought from the forest in a basket or bought at the market or in a store. If stored improperly, mushrooms spoil too quickly, and even the most delicious of them can become dangerous. Therefore, when the next mushroom season begins, the question arises again and again, how many days can mushrooms be stored in the refrigerator?

How to preserve mushrooms?

If you have mushrooms in your refrigerator and are wondering when they will start to spoil? In this article we will answer all your questions. You will learn how to preserve mushrooms better and longer.

dried mushrooms

Fresh mushrooms can be stored in the refrigerator for about a week. Once you've made them, you can store them in the refrigerator for another three to five days. Whole mushrooms will stay fresh longer than chopped mushrooms.

Mushrooms are an extremely nutritious and delicious addition to any dish. But unfortunately, they don't stay fresh very long after you get them home from the grocery store.

To make matters worse, mushrooms don't always have a sale or expiration date, so you'll have to judge their freshness for yourself. Both when purchasing them and when assessing their freshness for use at home.

A good rule of thumb is that fresh mushrooms can last about a week in the refrigerator. Depending on the variety, the actual amount of time can range from four days to ten days.

Once you cook the mushrooms, their shelf life will increase by another three to five days.

There are ways to extend the life of your mushrooms if you cannot use them within this period of time.

Freezing your mushrooms will allow them to last 2 to 12 months in the freezer. Dried mushrooms will last up to a year. And pickled or canned mushrooms will last from 4 to 6 months if stored in the refrigerator.

Please keep in mind that these are estimates only. Use your judgment to determine if your mushrooms have gone bad using the information later in this article.

Preparation for long-term storage

Before long-term storage, collected mushrooms:

  1. They clear away debris and sort through it. All specimens that are unknown or questionable about their edibility are thrown away. Select healthy, hard, dense plates. They clear the soil, cut off the contaminated legs, and remove the damaged parts.
  2. Rinse with running water. To get rid of insects and worms, prepare a saline solution. Pour cold water into the container, add salt (100-200 g per 5 l). Soak for a period of 20 minutes to 12 hours. Lamellar mushrooms (volnushki, chanterelles, milk mushrooms, etc.) are soaked for 6-12 hours, tubular mushrooms (boletus, boletus, boletus, etc.) - for 20-30 minutes. Mushrooms with a bitter taste (black milk mushrooms) are soaked for up to three days, periodically changing the water.
  3. Wash again and lay out on a paper towel and allow to dry. Dried mushrooms are inspected - if dark spots appear, they are cut off.

Prepared mushrooms are placed in a paper bag or enamel bowl, which is covered with a paper towel, put in a dark, cool place - a cellar or basement, or better yet, in the refrigerator - there the product will remain fresh longer.

Advice. Do not use a plastic bag as a container - the contents can quickly become moldy and begin to rot.

Where to buy fresh and wild mushrooms

Every day, mushrooms are becoming more popular in the food world.
Every day, mushrooms are becoming more popular in the food world. Nowadays, farm-to-table cuisine is growing very quickly. The best places to buy fresh wild mushrooms are local, such as a farmer's market or a specialty store with a nature's gifts section. However, when this is not possible, there are several online mushroom sellers that offer quality products for your mushroom purchases.

If you're not sure which mushrooms you should buy, it's always a good idea to speak directly to the farmer or retailer for local recommendations. Feel free to share recipes or personal taste preferences with the farmer or retailer. This information will influence what mushrooms they may recommend based on your taste preferences or recipe. Wild mushrooms are seasonal, which affects both their availability and price, so be prepared for some sellers to not sell certain varieties at certain times. Whenever possible, it's best to eat what's in season, as it will taste best and will likely be the most affordable option.

Some mushrooms are highly toxic, so wherever you choose to shop, always check the retailer's credentials when purchasing wild mushrooms. Do not pick wild mushrooms unless you are with someone who can confidently recognize the difference between safe and poisonous mushrooms.

If you can't find fresh mushrooms at your local market, many online stores sell and ship local mushrooms. Another option is to buy dried mushrooms, which are easy to rehydrate and can be used in many delicious recipes.


Pickling has been used since ancient times. There are many pickling recipes, choose according to your taste. Today, mushrooms are popular in various marinades. By the way, frozen mushrooms are also pickled. Salted and pickled products are stored refrigerated. You can enjoy great taste all winter long.

If all preservation rules are followed, pickled mushrooms can be stored from a year (if the jar is sealed with a tin lid) to two years (if there is a glass lid). Choose for yourself how you will store the porcini mushrooms.

Mushrooms are an interesting natural gift. What appears before us is just the small tip of a huge iceberg. There is a theory about the intelligence of mushrooms, that they are endowed with a similarity to our sense organs, which we collect, fry, cook, salt, and dry with great pleasure.

How to store mushrooms for optimal freshness?

How to store mushrooms for optimal freshness?
How long your mushrooms will stay fresh depends largely on which method you choose to store them.

There's more to it than just pulling them out of your shopping bag when you get home and throwing them in the fridge.

Depending on how much extra work you want to do, you can make your mushrooms last anywhere from a few extra days to a whole year!

How to store mushrooms so they last longer

Fried or fried, it doesn't matter. No matter how you cook mushrooms, these mushrooms are full of flavor and nutrition. When you're foraging (from the wild or from the grocery store) for your kitchen, one thing you may be wondering is how do you store mushrooms to keep them fresh? We have the answers.

Mushrooms should be stored at 40°F or below

According to the FDA, perishable foods such as mushrooms should be stored in a clean refrigerator at 40°F or 4°C. If your refrigerator has a built-in thermostat, you should check the dial or screen regularly and adjust it if necessary. On the other hand, you can use a kitchen thermometer to check the temperature.

Mushrooms are best stored in a damp cloth

There's nothing worse than taking vegetables out of the refrigerator and realizing they're old and dry. To solve this problem, store the mushrooms in their original packaging or in a porous paper bag and wrap the mushrooms in a clean, damp cloth before putting them in the refrigerator. “If you want your mushrooms to last longer and stay fresh, this method adds moisture.” They can be stored in the refrigerator for up to one week using this method.

“Storing mushrooms in plastic wrap may seem like a logical way to store them, but you need to avoid it. When a product is wrapped too tightly, it can start to sweat, which will affect its quality.”

Never freeze fresh mushrooms

Looking for a way to extend the shelf life of mushrooms? While many types of food can be frozen and cooked later, it is not recommended to freeze raw mushrooms because they will not stay fresh, but remember that fried mushrooms can be stored in the freezer for up to a month.


  1. The length of time mushrooms are stored in the refrigerator depends on the freshness storage temperature and the presence of heat treatment.
  2. Fresh mushrooms should be used to prepare the dish within 3 days. To increase the period, they need to be frozen. Then you can store up to 1 year at a temperature of -18°C.
  3. Containers are only suitable for glass or enamel coated containers. The exception is freezing, in which the use of bags and plastic containers is allowed.
  4. Drying is an alternative storage method.

When can you tell that mushrooms have gone bad?

mushrooms have gone bad Mushrooms show some pretty clear signs once they start to go bad. So as long as you check before you eat them, you shouldn't accidentally get sick from mushrooms that you thought were fine.

Bad smell

If your mushrooms have a rancid odor when you open the container, this is a good sign that they have already gone bad and should not be eaten.

Bad mushrooms can emit a variety of strange odors, which can range from ammonia-like odors to fishy odors. Different bacteria on mushrooms can cause different odors.

Fresh mushrooms should only have a mild, earthy odor. So if you have stinky mushrooms, they're probably too far gone to try and save.

Wrinkled skin

Mushrooms are mainly aquatic. So when they are fresh they should be plump and smooth. Wrinkles on your mushrooms mean they are starting to become a little dehydrated.

They are not necessarily a sign that your mushrooms are already bad if there are only small wrinkles. But you must cook them right away if you want to use them before they spoil.

Once the mushrooms start to really shrink, they've probably gone too far and should simply be composted or thrown away.

Dark spots

The mushrooms will begin to develop dark spots as they begin to spoil. Again, this doesn't necessarily mean they are too spoiled to eat if the stains are minor, but it is a warning sign that they are about to go bad.

Cook the mushrooms within a day or two, or discard them if you're unsure.

In addition to dark spots, the mushrooms may begin to take on a darker color overall. Try to pay attention to this when choosing mushrooms in the store.

Darker mushrooms will probably only have a few days left before they go bad, so don't buy them unless you plan to use them right away.

Slimy shrooms

When your mushrooms get to the point where their skin is slimy, they've definitely gone too far to eat. This means that they have begun to rot and bacteria are already destroying them.

It usually takes two weeks or more in the refrigerator for the mushrooms to reach this point. It's better to quit at this point than risk getting sick. They probably won't taste very good when they get to the slimy stage.

If you've looked for all these characteristics and are still not sure whether your mushrooms are edible or not, it's best to throw them away. God saves man, who save himself!

Selecting a location

As already mentioned, plant-based meats should be stored in a cool, dark, and not humid place. A refrigerator is ideal for these criteria. The fruits can remain fresh in it for up to several days. Without refrigeration, they will spoil in a matter of hours. In a private house, mushrooms can be temporarily sent to the cellar. It is usually dark and quite cool there.

Whatever location is chosen, it is important to comply with one condition. Mushrooms perfectly absorb foreign odors, so they should not be stored next to foods that have a pronounced aroma. These include onions, garlic and herbs.

Video: thorough freezing of champignons in the freezer

As you can see from the article above, the process of freezing champignons is not complicated. And it literally takes 1-2 hours if you have a small number of champignons or a large number of helpers. However, for clarity, I recommend watching a video on how to properly freeze champignons in the freezer. The author of the video shares detailed instructions for this process, but the video is only a little over 3 minutes long. Therefore, turn on the video and get useful information, of which there is a lot. Enjoy watching!

Useful tips

How to keep mushrooms fresh for several days? To do this, it is important to observe some nuances.

  • For short-term storage, it is better to take only whole fruits, without breaks, dents or other defects. Therefore, you need to harvest the crop as carefully as possible. You should also not cut the mushrooms into pieces.
  • You don't need to wash the mushrooms for too long. They quickly absorb water, which impairs taste and shortens shelf life. After washing, you need to dry the fruit thoroughly using napkins or a paper towel.
  • It is advisable to process plant-based meat within a few hours. If you need to postpone this task and keep the mushrooms fresh until the next day, then it is better not to wash them, but only clean them of debris and wipe them with a cloth. Afterwards you need to leave it in the cold in the recommended container.


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