What can you do if the bottom of your baked goods burns in a gas stove?

Every housewife knows how nice it is when a pie made with her own hands flaunts on the table in front of her guests! But, unfortunately, it happens that the bottom of the baked goods in the gas oven burns, but the inside remains raw and inedible. Why does this happen and how can we prevent the situation from happening again with the next pie?

And even the gas supply is under control

Modern gas units cannot but rejoice. Of course, they have much fewer functions than electric ones, but the quality and reliability are at the highest level. Take, for example, the Slovenian Gorenje ovens.

Thanks to their quality and reasonable price, they have long filled all of Europe. Particularly large exports of products are directed to Germany. And the Germans know a lot about quality.

So, modern models of gas ovens include useful modes, including “Gas supply control”. You press and hold a special button for three seconds after the flame has formed, and only then release. If you don't do this, the fire goes out.

Freedom is the key to success

Parties and holidays always lead astray, and this even applies to the desire to fit as many dishes as possible into the oven at one time. Many people assume that this reduces cooking time and makes their life easier. Don't give in to this temptation! To ensure that air circulates around your food properly and it cooks evenly, you need to be sure to leave space between the dishes.

And if you are baking something small or roasting, for example, chicken wings or vegetables, piling up is also harmful! If food comes into contact with the dishes or with each other, the contact areas do not brown or warm up as they should. Of course, we are not talking about dishes that are baked in heat-resistant forms - where contact with the walls of the form is inevitable.

TIP: Since gas ovens, as mentioned above, are full of more humid air, to brown the dish, move the baking sheet with it to the top of the chamber or place a second, empty one directly above the baking sheet. The high temperature will be reflected from the “ceiling” and help create a golden brown crust.

The bottom of the baked goods burns in the oven, but the top remains damp - possible solutions to the problem

Do you like a gas oven, but the bottom is burning and you don't know what to do? Use simple tips.

  • When using equipment, monitor the progress of cooking. Selecting the heating power and baking time experimentally will help correct the situation.
  • Pay attention to the consistency. Perhaps the amount of moisture in the dish is the answer to the question of why the bottom burns in the oven. Reduce the amount of water or other liquid.
  • Change levels. If the bottom is browning excessively, try placing the pan higher. When cooking on two baking sheets at the same time, leave a free level between them for air circulation.
  • Place baking accessories on a wire rack. Place oblong and rectangular shapes crosswise for optimal heat distribution.
  • Fill the tray with water and place it on the lower rack of the oven. Increasing the humidity will speed up the baking of the top relative to the bottom.

For those who are ready to experiment, there are also folk methods of combating burning, which are successfully used by professional chefs. A massive heat-intensive object is placed on the lower level of the oven - a brick or a modern baking stone, a heat-resistant container with river sand or coarse salt.

Every housewife knows how nice it is when a pie made with her own hands flaunts on the table in front of her guests! But, unfortunately, it happens that the bottom of the baked goods in the gas oven burns, but the inside remains raw and inedible. Why does this happen and how can we prevent the situation from happening again with the next pie?

Why did the pies turn out dry?

A large amount of egg white makes the pies tough, so eggs are added in small quantities. The test mass was poorly kneaded. This process requires thoroughness; you need to knead until the mass stops sticking to your hands and dishes. The dough is too hard because the proportions of flour and water are not met.

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Spreading options for savory baked goods

  • Sour cream (this is my favorite option, the crust turns out golden brown and glossy);
  • Sour cream + melted butter (also a good option, the crust turns out a little less glossy, but yellower);
  • Melted butter (more suitable for baking pies and casseroles);

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Results: which oven is easier to use?

Gas and electric models of cooking cabinets have their own operational nuances, which are clearly displayed in the table

Operating rulesGas ovenElectric oven
Warm-up time (min)10-1515-20
Temperature settingon a special scale, manuallyaccording to a special scale
Level selectiontop, middle, bottomtop, middle, bottom
Cooking modestop and bottom heat, grilltop and bottom heat, grill, defrosting, heating, fan
Baking containerceramic, fireproof glass, cast iron, silicone molds, foil or baking sleeveceramic, cast iron frying pans, refractory clay molds

The choice remains with users who need to study the instructions in detail before using the unit. The main operating rules are set out above; using them means ensuring a long and trouble-free “life” of the equipment, obtaining excellent taste and appetizing appearance of dishes prepared in gas or electric ovens.

Faulty oven switch

If the switch is faulty and turns, this also causes poor heating of the oven, since it simply does not receive the correct command to heat. Most often a complete replacement is required. To do this, the stove is disconnected from the network and the plastic handles are removed. The screws are unscrewed and the panel behind which the switches are located is removed. Next, another fastener is unscrewed on the switch mounting plate.

Connecting electric stoves to the network, monitoring and maintenance

A faulty oven switch has screws that come out. There you will see the wiring, you need to remember their location. Then the tips are removed from the wires and a working element is installed.

Features of temperature conditions

In order for a gas oven to help bring the workpiece to the desired state, and not spoil it, the temperature and time parameters must be strictly maintained. Here are just the basic recommendations, which may vary slightly depending on the characteristics of the filling and the composition of the baking dough:

  • The bottom of the pizza will not burn, and its top will be covered with an appetizing crust if you bake it at a temperature of 210-220ºC for 20-25 minutes.
  • For tall pies with filling, the optimal temperature is 180-200ºС. The processing time will be 35-45 minutes.
  • Low pies and various buns are processed for half an hour at a temperature of 210-220ºС.
  • Meringue, regardless of which oven is used, is baked at 140ºC until its top, bottom and sides are dry and covered with a dense crust.
  • To bake lasagna, the temperature is set to 190-200ºС. The duration of exposure may vary. The main thing is that the top layer of the product sets and browns.

It turns out that working with the oven is not at all difficult, you just need to do everything taking into account the specifics of the device. Well, if following the nuances does not help, you should measure the temperature in the device chamber using a special thermometer. There is also a possibility that some settings were lost, or that one of the systems broke down. In this case, you should not try to figure out the problem yourself; you should immediately contact specialists who will quickly determine the cause of the phenomenon and eliminate it without risk to the device.

If you don't have matches at hand

If you run out of matches, how to light a fire? Use a regular lighter. The principle is the same: release the gas, bring the lighter to the hole, open the fire and that’s it. But do not forget that this method is dangerous.

After you light the oven, be sure to ventilate the room. “Activating” the hob with a lighter for smokers is also a matter of minutes. The main thing is to act carefully so as not to get burned.


Memo from the hostess. The above methods of “making fire” are life-threatening. You can use them, but we do not recommend it. It’s better to immediately buy a household lighter along with the stove, or don’t be lazy and go get some matches.

See also -
How to choose a tabletop electric oven for your home

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