How to adjust plastic windows yourself - instructions with step-by-step descriptions and photos

The next stage of preparation is checking the vestibule and looking for leaks (usually they are found in the corners). To do this, you just need to run the flame of a lighter or a wet hand along the perimeter of the sash - this way you will feel a draft even in relatively warm weather. It is necessary to strengthen the pressure only in those areas where there is a leak.

If the apartment is constantly stuffy, but you do not want to install supply valves, you can ensure air flow using fittings by loosening the pressure at the top of the valves.


Further, adjusting the plastic windows yourself for the winter will be much easier. The algorithm of actions depends on the brand and specific series of the mechanism, but usually to change the clamping force you need to rotate the eccentric pins (there are at least two of them on each leaf, usually four) - for this you will need a 4 or 6 mm hex key. Sometimes there are “+” and “-” signs on the trunnion, then rotation towards “+” increases the pressure. Having turned the key about 10 degrees, as shown in the photo below, you need to check the tightness of the ledge again, and so on until the window closes tightly enough. If you immediately turn the trunnion 45-90 degrees, then when you try to lock the sash, you can damage the mechanism.

Photo: Vladimir Grigoriev

Trunnion positions: 1 - weak pressure (summer), 2 - medium pressure (universal position), 3 - strong pressure (winter).


Some older models of fittings require adjustment not of trunnions, but of counter strips or hooks on the box, which are also moved using eccentrics. Unfortunately, in this case the process may fail, especially if the window is already more than 10 years old.

What is adjustment of plastic windows

Each window or door product has factory specifications. Over time they change, not for the better. Adjusting windows and doors returns the structure to its original state, which extends its service life.

Adjustment of plastic windows and doors is carried out in the following cases:

  • creaking when opening or closing the sash;
  • the handle gets stuck;
  • it also stops fixing the movable element of the window - the sash;
  • the sash must be lifted when it needs to be closed;
  • draft through the gap between the frame and the window sash;
  • traces of wear on the plastic.

What other modes are there?

Plastic windows work not only in summer or winter mode. There is also:

  • Standard, in which in summer and winter the same volume of outside air enters the apartment;
  • Ventilation mode. Not all window systems have them. It involves tilting the sash at a certain angle to allow a larger volume of air to enter;
  • Micro-ventilation. By placing the handle at a certain angle, it is possible to slightly increase the volume of incoming air.

Types of adjustment of plastic windows

There are several functionalities of PVC windows, where different mechanisms are used. They must be adjusted from time to time.

But there is a type called seasonal adjustment, which must be carried out when the seasons change - before the onset of cold weather and warming . That’s what it’s called – adjustment for winter or summer. Regulatory processes are carried out in autumn and spring.

Seasonal adjustment

This is a simple setup option. It is based on changing the gap between the sash and the frame of the plastic window. The bottom line is that in winter and at low temperatures, rubber decreases in size, which causes a gap to appear through which cold air will freely penetrate into the room. Therefore, the gap is kept minimal or closed tightly.

In the warm season, on the contrary, the rubber expands. Therefore, the pressure is made weaker. At the same time, the tightness of the window remains maximum.

Find out how to install a supply ventilation valve on a plastic window.

Adjusting the folding mechanism

This device is necessary for ventilation. That is, the sash does not open completely, but leaves a small gap for air to penetrate from the street. This is an additional feature.

The window itself opens and closes using standard technology:

  • if the handle is down, it means the window is closed;
  • if it is turned to the side, it is open.

To ventilate, the handle must be turned 180º from the “closed” position.

Adjusting the pressure of a plastic window is that the pressure often weakens, and it must be brought to normal. Therefore, using an asterisk or hexagon, turn the screw located in the corner of the window structure. As a result, the sash either rises or falls.

Adjusting fittings

The word “hardware” includes several elements: a plastic window handle, pins, scissors, strikers and locking strips, a micro-ventilation system, a lock. As for the settings, three positions are taken into account:

  • repair;
  • replacing them with new ones;
  • adjustment of fittings.

Replacing the seal

Sealing materials on plastic glazing are needed not only to soften the impact of the sash on the frame, but also to protect the room from cold, dust and noise. But after several years of use, the effectiveness of the seals decreases by 20-30%, which leads to the need to clean or replace them. By replacing the material, the homeowner will increase energy saving and noise insulation, and make closing and opening easier.

The need to replace seals is determined not by timing, but by the degree of wear. When the material stops being pressed tightly, drafts appear in the room even when the sash is closed. In winter, the room becomes colder. To replace, the old seal will have to be removed and a new one glued on.

The need to replace the seal is extremely rare. If it is blowing from under the window, you most likely need to adjust the pressing force of the sash.

Main adjustment points for PVC windows

There are three points through which adjustment is made:

  1. Bottom loop. Here you can raise the sash or lower it, or move it horizontally. The displacement usually does not exceed 2 mm.
  2. Top loop. Here you can only achieve movement in the horizontal direction.
  3. Trunnions, also known as eccentrics, located on the side of the plastic window sash. With their help, the pressure is adjusted. Their number varies from 4 to 8, respectively, and there may be several adjustment points.

What tools will you need?

To adjust plastic windows yourself, you will need a fairly simple kit, including:

  • Hex wrench No. 4;
  • Pliers;
  • Phillips and flat screwdrivers;
  • A screwdriver with a set of bits of different shapes.

The tools from this set are usually always available at home. An exception may be a hexagon, without which the work cannot be completed - this is the main regulatory tool. If you don’t know what key is needed to adjust plastic windows and where you can find it, then contact any furniture hardware store. 4 mm hexagons are used when assembling any modern cabinet furniture, so finding such a key will not be a problem.

A screwdriver and screwdrivers will be needed to work with the screw connections with which the hardware elements are attached to the profile. Pliers are needed as an auxiliary tool.

It is recommended to additionally prepare silicone grease for the fittings. You can also use WD-40 or other similar spray lubricants.

How to adjust a plastic window for winter and summer

It is easy to correctly adjust a plastic window for winter and summer. In window structures, the trunnions are factory installed in a neutral position. This is not the “winter” or “summer” pressure mode. But you need to understand that there is a certain variety of window fittings models. Accordingly, trunnions come in different types in shape:

  1. Oval.
  2. Round with a mark (groove) or a dot on the front plane. Another option is when there is no mark. But there are different thicknesses of the eccentric wall. Less thickness is considered a mark.
  3. Round with rotating head.
  4. Round with eccentric roller. A convenient option because adjustment is made without tools - manually.
  5. Static, refer to models with the index “E”.

For the winter

If there is a mark on the pin of a plastic window, then in the “winter” mode it should be located towards the room, otherwise – towards the rubber seal of the sash. Therefore, you need to take a hexagon, insert it into the hole in the trunnion and turn it so that the point or groove is in the right place.

If the eccentric has an oval shape, then the rotation is made using pliers. The neutral position of the trunnion is at an angle.

To transfer to winter, you need to install the element horizontally.

For summer

Here it's the other way around:

  1. The round pins with a mark are rotated so that the mark is on the outside - facing the street.
  2. Oval ones are placed vertically.

There are several pins on the plastic window that serve as clamping bolts. That is, opposite them, pressure strips are always installed on the frame, they are also reciprocal. Before you start making adjustments, you need to count the slats. Their number corresponds to the number of eccentrics. And each of the latter must be adjusted to the correct position.

If at least one is not adjusted, then the geometry of the clamp will be disrupted, which will entail a distortion with gaps between the frame and the sash.

Negative aspects of changing the mode of a plastic window

Strong pressure in winter mode has a negative effect on the seals. They are subjected to heavy loads because they are compressed under the action of the axles inserted behind the strikers. And although the rubber is ready for such loads, it is only on an ongoing basis.

If you increase or decrease the load, the rubber will lose its properties. Here we must also add different temperature and humidity conditions, which change in accordance with the beginning and end of a particular season.

It is optimal for seals to be in one of the modes constantly. If you change the latter, the service life of rubber products is reduced. They will have to be changed more often. But on the other hand, when changing the pressure mode, living comfort improves, plus heat loss in winter is reduced, which is an important factor today.

Setting in winter mode

In the autumn period of the year, it is recommended to switch the window system to winter mode. This will avoid heat leakage from the home and the appearance of drafts.

Sometimes before winter the windows may not be adjusted. This usually depends on the condition of the sealing rubber. If it is new and in good condition, then the windows can be left in “summer” mode and not worry that it will be cold in winter. But if the rubber has already worn out and lost its elasticity, then you should think about reconfiguring the window.

Adjusting windows for winter

Advice! The windows must be switched to summer mode in any case. In this case, less pressure will be exerted on the rubber seal and it will last longer. It is also advisable to regularly clean the rubber band from dirt and lubricate it with a special silicone lubricant.

In general, during the first three years of operation, the windows serve without any complaints, even in summer mode. Then natural wear and tear of the elements is noted, and adjustment is no longer possible. The degree of window pressure will have to be increased every year. But you shouldn’t “tighten all the bolts” right away, so as not to deform the seals ahead of time.

During the first three years of operation, the windows serve without any complaints.

It is easy to determine which mode the windows are currently in. It is necessary to inspect the sashes and assess the degree to which they are pressed against the frames. To do this, you can take a piece of paper and insert it between the frame and the window, and then close the window. If, after it has been closed, the leaf falls out or is easily pulled out, then the window is in summer mode and needs to be adjusted. If the sheet sits tightly or breaks when you try to pull it out, then the window is in “winter” mode and does not need adjustment.

Do-it-yourself adjustment of plastic windows “winter-summer”

You can also see how the eccentric is oriented. There is a special mark on it that will show how the window is configured. If the pin is turned towards the street, then the window is in the “summer” mode; if it is oriented towards the apartment, then the window is in the “winter” mode. If the trunnion is oval, then you need to look at how it is positioned: if it is vertical, then the window pressure is weak, if it is horizontal, then the pressure is stronger and this is winter mode.

On a note! When the eccentric is in the middle position, the window is adjusted for spring and autumn.

Locking pin (or eccentric)

Plastic window handle repair

The handle has only one function - to fix the sash when it is necessary to close the window. Conversely, when opening, stop committing. Purely functionally it goes like this:

  • turned the handle down;
  • the trunnions move along the locking bars;
  • They go behind the counter bars, where they stop.

The strike plates are a kind of retainer.

It is impossible to adjust the plastic window using the handle. That's not what it's intended for. And it itself cannot be regulated either - there is no point. It can only be repaired if:

  • it's broken;
  • it was jammed;
  • it's hard to turn it;
  • there was a backlash.

Replacing the handle

This must be done when the handle is broken. Process step by step:

  • under the handle there is a rectangular bar that must be pulled towards you and turned 90º in any direction;
  • there are two screws under it that can be unscrewed with a Phillips screwdriver;
  • Removed the screws and pulled the handle towards you.

In reverse order, you need to install new fittings.

The handle is loose

The backlash is the easiest to remove. For this:

  • the decorative strip rotates;
  • tighten the screws with a screwdriver if they are loose.

Difficult to turn

There are two reasons:

  1. Lack of lubrication and contamination of the mechanism. To do this, you need to carry out operations, as with replacement. – pull out the handle, clean it of dirt and lubricate it.
  2. Strong pressure. This is sometimes reflected at the end of a turn when closing the plastic window. It is necessary to loosen the trunnions - move them slightly to the “summer” position.

The handle is jammed

This happens when the sash is opened without fully tightening the handle. But at the same time the plastic window opened. It's all about the blocker. This element is installed specifically so that the locking mechanism does not break.

The location of the blocker is usually under the handle on the end side of the sash. It is he who blocks the movement of the eccentrics. This blocking part has a different shape from different manufacturers and can be located in different places. For example, under the upper or lower eccentric.

To unlock, you need to press the locking latch, pressing it against the surface of the end of the plastic window sash. And at the same time you need to immediately turn the handle. In some models of plastic windows, the blocker must be returned to the vertical position.

The handle doesn't go all the way down


In 90% of cases, the handle does not lower due to the fact that the trunnions rest against the counter bars. That is, when you turn the window handle down to the closing position, one or more trunnions, moving in a certain direction, rest against the center of the striker.

How to make sure that this is exactly your case? Open the window, press the sash tilt lock without releasing the lock, turn the handle down to the closed position. If the handle goes all the way down, congratulations, this is a very simple problem that can be easily fixed.

And this problem is solved by shifting the strikers to another place, by removing and twisting them up/down or left/right a few millimeters.

How can you tell which striker is out of place? The answer is overkill. From many years of practice it is known that the most common problem area is on the hinge side. Unscrew the slats on the narthex from the hinge side and try to close the window if the handle drops all the way, as they say: “Woo-a-la!” - you have found the problem area. Now you can screw the striker with a slight shift up or down, try it. 2.

If, however, the handle in the open position does not go all the way down, then everything is serious. At home, I would not advise you to do anything to solve it yourself. It is better to turn to professionals, including our company.

I'll explain in a nutshell what the problem is. There are hidden elements in window fittings that are responsible for the movement, in the literal sense of the word, of the axles. This is a metal toothed plate that fits into a groove of another plate, like a “male-male” type. These teeth, in very rare cases, tend to jump from one place to another. And because of this, the axles are displaced and their movement is disrupted. Therefore, the handle cannot be lowered all the way, the pin cannot move further, because it has a limitation.


And the last reason why the window handle does not lower completely is that the trunnions are in winter mode and are pressed so tightly that it is impossible to lower the handle. Solution, adjust to summer mode or install the trunnions so that the risk is at the 12 o'clock position.

Adjusting the micro-ventilation system

The design of a modern PVC window has a number of additional convenient functions. One of them is the window function. This is when the top of the sash moves away from the frame, creating a gap.

This function has two possible options:

  1. Ventilation. The window sash extends a considerable distance from the frame so that a large volume of air masses can be admitted into the room.
  2. Micro-ventilation. The gap is small, which allows you to leave the plastic window in this position for a long time.

To use this function, you must use the handle of the plastic window. It can have four positions, as shown in the photo below:

  1. Located at the bottom - the window is closed.
  2. Installation in a horizontal plane - open.
  3. Rises up vertically - ventilation.
  4. Rotate 45º – micro-ventilation.

With micro-ventilation, adjustments can be made by increasing or decreasing the gap. The design of the plastic window has a micro-ventilation system mechanism; it is sliding and resembles scissors. That's what the masters call him.

One of the elements of the scissors is the adjusting screw. It can be used to make two types of adjustments:

  • clamp;
  • the angle of inclination of the sash during micro-ventilation.

How to change the pressure

First you need to open the window. Further:

  • the handle is turned up for ventilation;
  • the adjusting screw is turned 180º clockwise using a hexagon;
  • the handle is moved to a horizontal position - open;
  • the window is closed;
  • the handle is lowered down.

This sequence of operations allows you to increase the pressure and reduce the gap. To check the work, you can use a burning match, simply by bringing it to the junction of the frame and the sash. If the flame does not deviate towards the plastic window, then the pressure is maximum. If it deviates, then all the above operations must be carried out again in the same sequence.

Angle adjustment

The operations here are the same as when adjusting the pressure. If the screw is tightened clockwise all the way, the angle of inclination decreases within a few millimeters. If you unscrew the screw, the angle increases to 2 cm.

Differences in mode change between Rehau, KBE and Veka windows

In most cases, it makes no difference who produced the plastic window. The most popular profiles are Rehau. The adjustment procedure depends on the installed fittings. Typically, the difficulty comes from mechanisms from Siegenia Aubi mounted on a Rehau Blitz profile. Here, the transition to winter requires a special key, which is used by specialists.

Windows from Veka are no less popular. To regulate them, the same conditions and requirements are observed. By preparing them for the winter and then for the summer, you can significantly extend the service life of the seal.

Windows from KBE are third in the ranking of manufacturers of German origin. Their adjustment is also no different from previous brands. It doesn’t matter whether it’s winter or summer, before work you need to clean the sealing contours, lubricate the mechanics, and remove any dirt. I advise you to pay attention to the fact that the doors do not sag, that there are no squeaks when they move, and that turning the handle does not require much effort. Tightening the mechanisms is just as harmful as leaving them too loose.

The plastic window does not close

Situations where plastic windows do not close tightly are rare. This usually occurs after prolonged use of the product. The reason is a decrease in the quality of the locking system.

The locking system stops working correctly for three reasons:

  1. Window fittings are worn out.
  2. The geometry of the inserted glass unit is broken.
  3. The height of the sash was adjusted incorrectly - the trunnions were raised to the maximum, so they simply did not go beyond the strikers.

The last reason must be dealt with in this way. First of all, determine which trunnion does not extend beyond the bar. To do this, use your hands at each eccentric to pull the plastic window sash towards you. There is no need to pull hard. If the sash moves slightly away from the frame, it means there is no engagement.

The problem can be solved simply - using the adjusting screw on the strike plates you need to raise them. If the shift is large and the screw does not help, you will have to remove the bar and reinstall it higher. Unscrew the screws, move the bar higher and secure it in a new place with the same fasteners.

There may be another reason behind this defect. In this case, the trunnions and strikers are located in the required positions. It’s just that a gap is formed between these two elements due to the concavity of the sash profile. Therefore, no engagement occurs. The easiest way to correct the situation is to raise the counter bars:

  • they are removed after unscrewing the screws;
  • plastic linings 2-4 mm thick are installed under them;
  • The slats are set in place and secured to the window frame.

Sometimes this method doesn't help. Then the whole point is the loss of the geometry of the glass unit, so the window does not close well. This can happen for various reasons, but the basis of the defect is the straightening gaskets, with the help of which a gap is formed between the double-glazed window and the profiles. These gaskets, after deformation of the plastic window profile, do not maintain the required gap. It needs to be restored by adding additional gaskets.

This is done like this:

  1. The glazing bead is removed near the profile that has become deformed.
  2. The amount of profile deformation is measured. You can use a long ruler for this.
  3. The gap is measured.
  4. Gaskets are selected based on its size.
  5. Using a plastic spatula (not metal), the glass unit is pressed away from the profile.
  6. Prepared gaskets are installed in the resulting space. Sometimes one is enough.
  7. The spatula is removed.
  8. The bead is installed in place.

Other types of fittings adjustment

In addition to setting the winter-summer fitting modes, more subtle adjustments may be needed. The manufacturer has provided the ability to change the pressing force, dismantle broken mechanisms and install new ones, eliminate sagging sashes and the appearance of drafts without replacing the entire window structure

These additional steps are needed if:

  • when opening or closing, the sash grinds, hitting the profile on the sides or bottom;
  • during cold weather, there is a draft, heat loss, despite a change in regime;
  • the handle does not turn or close;
  • the fittings become loose;
  • there is sagging of the structure, which especially often happens with balcony doors.

To return window geometry to its original form, the following procedures are provided:

  • shifting horizontally or vertically;
  • adjusting the position of the upper corner;
  • strengthening or weakening the pressure against the frame.

Some work may be related to handle problems.

The plastic window does not open

There are different situations when a plastic window does not open. And their reasons are also different:

  1. The handle is stuck or it rotates freely.
  2. The sash is sagging or deformed.

When the handle jams, you don’t need to do anything yourself. The problem is due to the fact that the strapping mechanism or one of its parts has failed. The blocker may have been triggered. To eliminate the defect, you need to remove the glass unit. An unprofessional approach can ruin everything.

If the handle rotates freely, there are two scenarios:

  1. Rotates in different directions. There is only one way to solve the problem - replace the handle with a new one. After which the plastic window will open without problems.
  2. The handle is in good condition, but the command from it does not reach the trunnions. The reason is that the transmission mechanism, also known as the gearbox, is faulty. There is no need to change it yourself. This is a complex operation.

If the sash is sagging or deformed, then this is due to the adjustment, which involves the hinges of the plastic window.

Setting up fittings from different brands

Each brand of window fittings has its own method and procedure for switching modes. It doesn’t matter who released the profile, be it Century or Rehau or another company. Adjusting the fittings for the winter is done by adjusting the position of the trunnion, but each brand does it differently. The most frequently used:

Maco. The eccentrics of this company's fittings take the shape of a rather large oval. Pliers or a wrench are suitable for adjustment.

Torx. The fittings of this brand are distinguished by their reliability and proven durability. To switch modes, you need a slotted screwdriver or a six-sided wrench.

Roto. Due to its popularity, it is installed on many plastic windows. Equipped with round heads. To make adjustments for the winter, you will need a special key.

How to adjust a plastic window so it doesn't blow

Usually, it starts to blow from the side of a plastic window if its sash sag or sag (gaps form between it and the frame). Sometimes a gap appears between the loops, through which it begins to blow.

If it's sagging

When open, the weight of the profiles and double-glazed windows puts a large load on the hinges. In this case, the upper one is loaded more, causing the metal profile to bend towards the room. In the lower loop, on the contrary, the metal is pressed in. It turns out that the upper corner on the side of the handle sags. Hence the problems with ventilation.

The problem is solved like this:

  • it is necessary to remove the decorative protective strips from the hinges;
  • open the window;
  • tighten the sash to the frame using the adjusting screw of the upper hinge;
  • lift the sash using the screw on the bottom hinge.

All screws rotate clockwise. Each 180º turn must be accompanied by a check - the window must be closed and the gap checked.

If you sat down

The situation is this: the sash is located vertically, but has moved away from the frame. The hinges were subject to the same loads, so the same deformation of the profiles occurred at these points.

How to adjust the plastic structure in this case:

  • the decorative strip is removed from the bottom loop;
  • the upper screw, which rotates clockwise, lifts the sash;
  • the bar is installed in place.

Drafts around loops

Everything here is also simple. Simply adjustment is made using horizontal screws on each hinge. In this case, the displacement can be carried out within a few millimeters, depending on the model and manufacturer. It is necessary to make half a turn of each screw and check for the presence or absence of a draft.

When does adjustment not help?

You carried out the adjustment yourself in compliance with the regimes corresponding to the time of year, maintained the technology, performed the work carefully, but problems may still appear. In the winter season, the lower part of the window freezes or frost forms on it; in the summer, condensation covers the glass and mold develops, and at any time of the season a draft can be felt.

Often these troubles arise if:

  • There was a marriage. To avoid low-quality profiles, you need to order them from trusted places. Firms must have certificates confirming the quality, right of installation, and most importantly - the origin of the windows, their compliance with the declared parameters and safety requirements.
  • The installation was carried out incorrectly. During installation, technology must be followed. It includes maintaining gaps between the opening and the frame, securing the mechanisms tightly enough, and sealing with construction foam.
  • The slopes are not finished. Polyurethane foam left in the sun quickly breaks down under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Slopes are also treated to protect against moisture. I advise you to immediately decide on what material to decorate them with. The most popular method - plastering - freezes easily, quickly gets wet through and cracks. A better option is drywall. However, it is quite fragile. Installing plastic slopes brings fewer problems. You can choose a ready-made sandwich panel by ordering it from a window manufacturer, or you can combine insulation yourself, for example, mineral wool, and a PVC panel, cut to the size of the opening and supplemented with a plastic corner.
  • The seal is worn out. The average service life of sealing material is 3-4 years. It is somewhat prolonged if you regularly lubricate the gum with special compounds. Wear accelerates if you neglect cleaning, press the sash too hard, or make other adjustment errors that lead to getting wet or freezing. To replace the seal, it is removed and a new one is carefully inserted into the grooves without stretching.

Profile deformation is considered one of the most difficult and serious problems. With such a defect, it is difficult to achieve a tight closure, due to the fact that the trunnions no longer reach the counter strips.

Solutions 2:

  • you need to level the profile;
  • or compensate for the bend with a pad inserted under the striker.

The profile deformed towards the glass unit pulls the shutter bar behind it, which leads to the formation of a gap between the bar and the sash.

The problem is resolved as follows:

  • remove the glazing bead from the hinge side of the sash;
  • the size of the gap is measured;
  • gasket is selected;
  • Using a thin wooden or plastic object (but not metal), the sash profile is pressed away from the glass unit slightly below the area where the gasket is inserted;
  • a gasket is inserted into the formed gap;
  • the bead is put back.

In cases where deformation of the profile frame has occurred, gaskets are installed under the counter strips. This allows them to get closer to the sash and return the mechanism to functionality. They are made of 3 mm plastic, one is narrow and the other is wide. When installing them, the counter strips are removed, after which the pads are laid out and the counter strips are mounted back.

Adjusting the vertical and horizontal position of the window

When adjusting a plastic window with your own hands, you need to do everything gradually. For example, it is recommended to shift it by 1 mm, check it and, if necessary, further adjust it.

Each hinge has two screws: one located in the top end, the second on the side. The first adjustment is made vertically, the second horizontally. A hexagon is used for this. The upper regulators are usually closed with plugs.

To adjust the plastic window vertically, you need to rotate the screws clockwise, during which the sash will begin to rise. Conversely, counterclockwise rotation results in lowering.

Horizontal adjustment is carried out with the window open. To do this, rotation is done clockwise. In this case, the sash will move towards the frame. By rotating the screw in the opposite direction, movement is achieved from the frame.

Types of regime regulation mechanisms

The degree of clamping is determined by the location of the clamping mechanisms. Manufacturers generally place trunnions on the end of the window. To switch the window to winter mode, you need to determine what type of setting has already been applied. On the round eccentric of the trunnion there is a mark in the form of a dot or line. In the neutral position, the mark is directed upward. When set to summer, it “looks” outside, and when set to winter mode, it “looks” inside.

Eccentrics can be not only round. Other varieties:

  • Oval. There are usually no marks here anymore. Switching is done according to the orientation of the oval. The vertical position corresponds to “summer”, the horizontal position corresponds to “winter”, and the diagonal position corresponds to “neutral”.
  • Key pin. When adjusting for the winter in this situation, you need to look at where the eccentric is shifted. If it is offset towards the room, the winter setting is set. If the displacement goes outward, the plastic window is adjusted to the summer position. A strictly central position corresponds to a neutral setting. These eccentrics are adjusted with a key; therefore, to carry out the work yourself, you need a special tool. When installing profiles from Rehau or any other manufacturer, I advise you to ask the installer to show you how to use such a key correctly.

The number of trunnions varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. The more there are, the larger the frame. When setting up, everything needs to be adjusted.

General adjustment instructions

Malfunction, problemCausesHow to fix
The window does not openHandle malfunction The sash is saggingReplacement Adjusting the sash vertically and horizontally using adjusting screws on the hinges
The window does not closeHandle malfunction Loss of sash geometry Incorrect height adjustmentReplacement Place a pad under the strikers of the closing mechanism Adjust the position of the sash correctly
The handle doesn't workIt's broken, jammed, difficult to turnReplacement Disconnect the lock Reduce the pressure and clean the handle
Micro-ventilation is impairedSmall gapTo adjust the gap and increase it, use a screw located on the scissors. When it rotates clockwise, the gap increases
Blowing through the windowThe sash sagged and saggedRaise the sash structure by rotating the top screws on the hinges Rotating the side screws
Transfer to winter-summer modesInstalling the trunnions in the winter or summer positions by rotating them to the required position

Problems with windows that you can solve yourself

Troubleshooting some hardware problems is a task for specialists. When doing repairs yourself, there is a risk of damage to the sash mechanisms, and even the entire glass unit. However, in most cases, repairs and adjustments can be performed by you without contacting specialists. The list of tasks that are easy to perform includes: 1. Setting the mode for winter or summer. Modern models make it possible to quickly and easily adjust winter and summer plastic windows in order to function better at different times of the year. 2. Setting the sash to “catch” the frame when closing. 3. Adjustment of the moving parts of the window unit when the structure is jammed in the open position or the plane does not fit tightly to the window seal. 4. Replacement of the rubber seal, which leads to seal failure. It is performed on average every 5-7 years, as it wears out. 5. Elimination of the problem with the activation of the erroneous action blocker. Occurs when the handle is accidentally turned if the sash is slightly open. The upper part in this case falls out when opening. The handle is blocked, but the sash does not close, sagging on one hinge. 6. Adjusting the handle, which can become loose or, conversely, jam.

In order to encounter fewer problems, you should immediately choose high-quality and inexpensive plastic window blocks that have good fittings. Moreover, low-quality plastic can warp and lose shape, making it impossible to close the window. Instead of repairing such glazing, problems will often have to be solved only by replacement.

Lubrication of PVC window mechanisms

Every self-respecting manufacturer of plastic windows offers its own lubricants. At the same time, there are separate lubricants for the mechanical part, and different ones for the rubber seals. They are not always available, so any silicone-based lubricants will do. Do not use water-based lubricants or those containing aggressive substances.

The best option for the physical state of the lubricant is a spray. It easily penetrates into any place under pressure.

Lubrication points:

  • loops;
  • pen;
  • trunnions and strikers;
  • scissors.

Lubricating the fittings is easy. There are technological holes in the end sides of the sash element, where the window closing mechanism is located. Lubricant is added to them. Moving and rotating elements located on top are lubricated in the usual way - on top of the contact planes.

Pen problems

The following problems are often associated with the handle:

  • it jams and does not rotate to the desired position;
  • she was blocked;
  • it's broken.

If the handle jams and does not turn as it should, there are 2 possible options:

  1. Needs cleaning. The handle is removed and all mechanisms are cleaned with a special brush. After which the mechanical parts are lubricated and the handle is reinstalled.
  2. Adjustment required. If the handle is too tight and does not rotate to the desired position, it feels like it is stuck, then it is necessary to weaken the pressing force of the sash. This can be done by adjusting the eccentrics that are located closest to the handle. Also, it would be a good idea to adjust the bolts on the back of the hinge.

Sometimes the handle becomes blocked, making it impossible to turn. Often, the essence of the problem is the blocker that fixes it. The setting depends on what fittings are installed. If there is an inscription AUBI on the shutter, then you need to direct the door to a vertical position, press the plate with the spring and turn the handle in the required direction. If the inscription is different (the company is different), you will need to adjust the tongue. It is located under the handle. You need to press it and turn it towards the elastic band.

A broken handle must be replaced with a new one. Just buy the model you like, remove the old one and insert the new one. You can remove the broken element by turning the cover on the handle 90 degrees. This method will open the mounting bolts. Next, unscrew them and pull out the handle while gently and lightly shaking it. Installation of a new product is carried out in the reverse order.

Possible consequences of incorrect settings

The biggest trouble with incorrect adjustment is wide gaps through which it will leak. In the cold season, this is fraught with heat loss, which should not be allowed.

A distortion of the structure will lead to incorrect operation of the hinges, which, in turn, leads to their failure. This can also lead to damage to the window sill - traces of the affected profile will remain on it.

But you should not treat the adjustment as an operation with simple manipulations. Any movement can change the settings. And although the process itself is simple, it must be approached with great care.

Did you know that plastic windows can be adjusted this way? Perhaps you have already encountered such a process? Tell us in the comments. Save the article to bookmarks and share it on social networks.

Cleaning parts

Simultaneously with the adjustment, the rebate and fittings are usually cleaned. For a long time it was believed that all moving parts of a plastic window should be lubricated once a year with silicone or other universal grease. However, practice has shown that in urban conditions the lubricant quickly becomes covered with a layer of dust and soot from exhaust, and its replacement turns into a dirty and complicated procedure. It makes more sense to simply thoroughly wash and dry the vestibule area twice a year, and then apply a water-displacing fluid such as WD-40 to the moving parts.


The balcony door striker, made of steel and polyamide, does not require lubrication.

Vladimir Grigoriev

Standard striker for the popular Roto and Zigenia Aubi fitting lines. Here, too, it is enough to remove dust and dirt, and no lubrication is needed.


It is sometimes worth pouring a few drops of WD-40 into the keyhole of the security lock.

You can wash folded (internal, invisible when closed) surfaces with a regular soap solution, but it is better to purchase a special cleaner for plastic. It contains protective additives, antistatic agents and glycerin, which makes PVC surfaces fresh. Do not use detergents for plumbing fixtures and steel utensils, which often contain rather coarse abrasives, as well as bleach and acids - a reaction with these substances can lead to discoloration of the plastic and rusting of fittings. It is not advisable to use a hard sponge; a regular cloth is preferable.

Also, during seasonal maintenance, it is important not to forget to clean the drainage holes in the upper and lower profiles of the frames - they are clearly visible when the sashes are open, and are closed from the outside with decorative caps. If these holes become clogged with dirt, then during rain moisture will accumulate in the gap, penetrate into the room, and in winter the sashes may even freeze to the frame. It is not necessary to remove the protective caps on the drain holes. Cleaning is carried out from the opposite side (from the fold side).

Call the experts

If you don’t want to redo the same job a hundred times, if you don’t have time to figure out why the window sash doesn’t close tightly, then just call our specialists. They will check your windows, replace the rubber seals if necessary, adjust them, and lubricate the fittings. With one call you will immediately solve the problem and free up time for yourself. The Teplo Doma company guarantees quality and deadlines. We have been repairing windows for a long time, we were not afraid of high competition, and we figured out what our client wants.

Winter and summer mode

Most often, plastic windows need to be adjusted for the new season: in winter, complete tightness is desirable, and in summer, you can let in a little fresh air. This is achieved by adjusting the sash pressure density. It's easy to do it yourself. Once you figure it out, you’ll be surprised how simple everything is...

The window sash is pressed to the frame using pins. These are movable metal protrusions on the side surface of the sash. When the handle is turned, they move behind the mating metal plates mounted on the frame. In order to be able to adjust the tightness of the fit of the sash and frame, they have an eccentric - either they themselves are made of an oval shape, or in the center of the round protrusion there is an adjustment with an offset center. By changing the position of the trunnions (see photo), you change the degree of pressure, that is, eliminate the draft from under the sash.

Adjusting the pressure of the plastic window sash to the frame

As you can see, the shapes of the locking protrusions can be different. Various tools can be used to adjust them. If your window has eccentrics like those in the picture on the left - oval-shaped protrusions - change their position using pliers: clamp it and turn it in the desired direction.

If the locking tab is round, as in the picture on the left, it can be slotted for a screwdriver or hex key. After examining them, you will easily understand which tool you need: a regular screwdriver or a No. 4 hexagon. Insert a key or screwdriver into the slot and also turn it to the desired position.

Place all the protrusions in the same position. Please note that they are not only on one side of the sash - the outer one, but also on the inner side (at least one, but there is one), and can also be at the top and bottom. Set all the existing locking lugs in the same position, otherwise the frame will warp and there will be blowing from under it.

Turn the eccentric using pliers or a hex wrench

When adjusting the fittings of plastic windows, remember that weak pressure corresponds to the summer mode of closing plastic windows, standard or strong pressure corresponds to the winter mode. If you carry out maintenance work in winter, first set it to the standard position and check if there is airflow. It is not recommended to immediately pinch the rubber bands on new PVC windows. In this position, the rubber seal installed around the perimeter is strongly pressed. Because of this, over time it loses elasticity. A normal seal has a 15-year warranty, but still... If the pressure is immediately set to maximum, the rubber will deteriorate faster. As a result, once again setting the winter position on the plastic windows, you will find that it is still blowing from under the sash, and the rubber is all cracked. This means it's time to change the seal. This is also not very difficult, but it takes more time, and you still need to buy tires.

So: the winter and summer positions of plastic windows are set by changing the position of the locking lugs - trunnions. Everything is explained in detail in the video below. After viewing, adjusting plastic windows yourself will finally cease to be a problem.

What elements need to be adjusted?

  1. Correction of the pressure is carried out by adjusting the eccentrics. An alternative name is adjustable trunnions. They are located behind the clamps on the handle.
    When turning the eccentric clockwise, the pressure increases. If you rotate the part counterclockwise, this will cause the seal to loosen.

    Almost all models of modern window designs have an indicator of the degree of pressing on the eccentric.

  2. The mounting plates are also adjusted. They are located on the sash on the end side. Reasons for fit problems due to the strike plate:
  3. installation error;
  4. lack of detail;
  5. breaking.

When closing the window, the trunnions along the perimeter of the sash cling to the strikers. This creates a tight seal.

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