Insidious phytic acid - why soak cereals, nuts, legumes before cooking

Any housewife knows that before preparing pearl barley porridge or bean soup, legumes and grains should be soaked in water for several hours. This way they will boil better and cook faster. However, not everyone knows that fast cooking is just a small bonus. Soaking corn grits before cooking, as well as pearl barley, buckwheat, and rice, is necessary to free the minerals from phytic acid, which prevents the body from absorbing iron, potassium, magnesium and other vital substances.

Do you need to soak grains before cooking?

If you answer in one word, then yes. It is necessary to remove phytic acid through water. If there is a lot of it in the body, intestinal upset, bone loss or iron deficiency may occur.

Nuts, unsprouted seeds, cereals, bran, legumes - the benefits for humans of these products are undeniable. However, the phytic acid they contain blocks the absorption of other beneficial substances . Those that enter the body along with phytic acid .

Gardening Tips and Tricks

  • Rather than soaking in several preparations, choose one product that acts comprehensively. For example, soaking before planting in Zircon or hydrogen peroxide allows you to achieve all the goals of the procedure.
  • Use warm to make the procedure more effective.
  • It is useful to change the liquid solution every 5 hours. Firstly, so that it does not “go sour”, and, secondly, to maintain the temperature of the water.
  • It is best to use gauze as fabric for a bag or rag. It allows liquid to pass through better than others. Therefore, the seeds will always be moistened.

How does phytic acid work in the body?

The antinutrient inositol hexaphosphate itself is neither beneficial nor dangerous. Its insidiousness begins when it binds minerals together, preventing them from entering the blood, and forces the body to remove them as waste .

Simply put, if a person has consumed a product that contains a lot of minerals and phytic acid, we can say that he has lost both time and money. Since the body will receive practically nothing useful from such a combination of substances.

Why did nature invent phytic acid? Scientists believe that the antinutrient is a natural protective function of plants, preventing animals and people from eating them raw and thus allowing them to germinate. The phytate contained in the acid accumulates energy, which is released during the period of sprout emergence.

There is practically no phytic acid in berries and fruits, because they reproduce differently.

How to prepare seeds for soaking

Preparing planting material for soaking is a necessary but very easy procedure. In principle, you can even do without it, but it will greatly simplify the process of growing seedlings.

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