How to restore the shape of a straw hat at home?

Is it possible to expand a straw hat?

If you have straw, fabric, or a baseball cap, you can use a hair dryer and water to expand your hat a little. You can also use a soccer ball and a bicycle tire pump, as well as wooden hat racks and steam.

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How to shape a felt hat?


  1. Decide what shape of hat you prefer. ...
  2. Boil water in a large open-spout kettle or saucepan until steam appears.
  3. Gently hold the brim of the hat over the steam until the down felt softens. ...
  4. Gently shape the softened brim with your fingers. ...
  5. Do the same with the other part of the fields.

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Solutions options

Textile hats, as well as crocheted hats, can lose their shape. It is these products that need to be starched periodically. This can be done not only in the traditional way using starch, but also using other types of solutions.


The classic method involves preparing a solution from starch. You can use any type of product - potato, rice, corn.

The solution is prepared as follows:

  • put water to boil;
  • Stir starch in a small amount of cold water until a homogeneous suspension is obtained;
  • pour the suspension into boiling water, constantly stirring the liquid;
  • bring to a boil and cool.

Cooking proportions depend on the desired result. If you only need to slightly compact the hat material, take a teaspoon of starch per 1 liter of water. To give a clear shape to the headdress, a more concentrated version of the solution is required; for the same amount of liquid, take 1 tablespoon of dry product. If you need to give a knitted or textile hat a rigid shape, you need to take 2 tablespoons of dry product per liter of liquid.

With milk

To stiffen and whiten the hat, you can prepare a solution in milk. It is prepared like this:

  • 800 ml of milk is put to boil;
  • Stir 1 full tablespoon of rice starch into 200 ml of cold milk;
  • pour starch suspension into boiling milk, stirring constantly;
  • stir, bring to a boil and cool to 40 degrees.

If you add 0.25 teaspoon of salt to the hot milk-starch mixture, the hat will also acquire a beautiful shine.


Traditional starching is suitable for light-colored hats. If the headdress is dark, then whitish stains may remain on it. For dark hats you need to use gelatin.

Preparation of the solution:

  • Pour 15-20 g of gelatin into a glass of cold water, leave for 30-40 minutes;
  • heat the mixture until the swollen gelatin is completely dissolved, avoiding boiling;
  • cool to a temperature of 35-40 degrees.

Treatment with a gelatin solution allows you to give the headdress its shape for a long time. But this method is not recommended for white hats, as they may acquire a yellowish tint.


To stiffen knitted items, you can use a sugar solution. Preparation procedure:

  • mix 900 ml of water and 120 g of granulated sugar, bring to a boil;
  • stir 2 teaspoons of starch in 100 ml of cold water, pour the solution into the boiling syrup;
  • stir, bring to a boil and cool.

The disadvantage of this method is that a hat treated with sugar syrup will become a “magnet” for wasps, bees and other insects.


To prepare the adhesive solution, PVA glue or stationery silicate glue is suitable. PVA is diluted with water to half its volume. A solution is prepared from silicate glue in the proportion of a teaspoon per glass of water.

Why the Fedora hat?

It was invented in the late 1880s, named after Princess Fedora Romazova, the heroine of the popular play “Fedora” by French playwright Victorien Sardou in those years, as well as the opera of the same name by Italian composer Umberto Giordano.

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Wardrobe Applique Hat Patch Adhesive Fabric

The crisis gives us a lot of opportunities. For example, at the beginning of summer I inspected my wardrobe. Alas, last year’s hole in the straw hat has not gone away over the winter. A year ago, a leaky hat would have gone to the trash heap, and I would have gone to a pleasant shopping spree. But that was last year. Previously, such things were very inexpensive, but now... But it turns out that the crisis not only persistently drives us into stress, but also gives us some incredible opportunities. My hat is truly retro, almost an antique. And now the opportunity arose to timidly begin a career as a restorer. Still, you need to start with something simple.

I matched the color of the top of the hat to a thick woolen fabric and cut a strip of appropriate sizes (the length is equal to the circumference of the head, and the width is the size of the hole). I soaked the fabric in a 1:1 solution of PVA glue with water, squeezed it out a little and began to carefully glue it to the hat from the inside. Does the fabric refuse to stick together? Then I quickly found a piece of gauze.

The gauze stuck perfectly. This design took almost two days to dry.

To give it extra strength, I glued a small piece of gauze on top of the hole on the still damp first inner layer. Still, I want to enjoy the fruits of my labors for a long, long time and show off at the wedding of my adored grandchildren.

Then an oval leather piece of an interesting green color caught my eye for an unknown purpose. And its dimensions coincided with the hole. And this oval will play the role of a background in the flower arrangement I have invented. Although some lover of laconicism considered the repair of the hat complete: the hole was reliably hidden from human eyes - the goal was achieved.

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The main weapon in the fight against jams and straw deformation will be ordinary water. The principle of operation is based on the fact that water saturates the straw, thereby giving it plasticity. Thanks to this, the hat can easily return to its original or desired shape.

Steam treatment

One of the most common ways to restore the shape of straw hats is to steam the straw. This technique is also used in specialized hat stores. Various devices are suitable for steaming: an iron, a clothes steamer or a pan of water.

• How to straighten a straw hat using a pan of water

The main task is to place the hat over the steam, working the wrinkled areas evenly. The only thing worth remembering is safety during the procedure. To prevent burns, it is recommended to keep the product at a distance of 15-20 cm from the pan. • Garment steamer
The principle of manipulation is similar to the previous method, but you should not turn on the device at maximum performance. Straw is a plastic, but at the same time delicate material. When the straw is saturated with steam, the creases will straighten and the product will acquire an even outline. Also, immediately after steaming, the shape of the hat can be slightly adjusted, creating the necessary bends. After drying, the straw will remember the acquired shape. • How to straighten a straw hat if it is wrinkled using an iron
. This method is extremely effective, but requires increased attention in the work and compliance with an important rule. A straw hat should only be ironed through a wet cloth, preferably a soft terry towel or something similar. During the ironing process, it is necessary to control the moisture content of the fabric and prevent open contact of the sole of the iron with the straw.

Soaking in water

How to straighten the brim of a straw hat so that it acquires an even shape and correct geometry? For such tasks, the second, more radical method of restoration is suitable - soaking the straw hat in water. It is necessary to immerse the product in warm water or moisten it with a spray bottle, then twirl the hat. The described manipulation allows you to straighten the fields evenly around the entire circumference. In addition, this method is excellent for changing the shape and creating relief, both at the brim and at the crown of the hat. All you need to do is fix the desired bends and let the straw dry.

A straw hat is a hardy headwear option for sunny summer days; it has a high degree of durability. However, it is worth remembering that this is a natural material and should not be subjected to daily transformations.


There are several methods for processing hats. You can choose any convenient option.


The finished solution is cooled to a temperature of 30-40 degrees. The hat is completely immersed in it. It is necessary to ensure that the entire product is immersed in liquid. Keep the product in the solution for 10-15 minutes. During this time, it will be well saturated with starch solution.

Partial application

If you need to starch not the entire hat, but only individual parts, then this method is used. You can also use solutions of varying concentrations to treat individual parts of the hat. For example, the crown can be treated with a concentrated solution to make it rigid. And the fields - with a solution of medium concentration, so that they bend in a beautiful wave, and do not stand like a stake.

The solution can be applied using a brush or spray bottle. The first option allows you to apply the solution more carefully, since when using a spray bottle you will need to cover those parts of the hat that are not planned to be processed. After applying the solution, the product must be dried.


This method is usually used to process hat brims. You need to do this:

  • lay out the headdress so that the brim lies flat on a flat surface;
  • Sprinkle the fields with dry starch using a strainer, you need to ensure that the product is evenly distributed;
  • Pour clean cold water into a spray bottle and spray the areas sprinkled with starch;
  • you don’t need to pour a lot of water, the starch should only be slightly moistened;
  • Cover the top of the treated surfaces with white paper and wait until completely dry;
  • then shake off any remaining starch.

The dry method gives a good, but short-lived result. If this particular processing method is chosen, you will need to starch the hat more often.

Hot way

To use this method, a microwave oven is used. You need to do this:

  • prepare a high concentration starch solution;
  • pour the solution into a glass or plastic container of a suitable size;
  • immerse the hat in the solution;
  • put in the microwave and turn on the oven at full power for 5 minutes.

This method is recommended if you want to achieve a rigid hat shape.

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