How to clean blue mink at home - 8 recipes

Review of folk remedies for cleaning a mink hat

The following recommendations will help you avoid damaging your fur hat during processing:

  • if the stains are fresh and have not yet become embedded in the fabric, then you can try to comb out the product using a metal brush;
  • You cannot wash a fur hat by hand or in a machine - because of this, the product will lose its shape and it will not always be possible to restore it;
  • to maintain the shape of the product during cleaning, it is recommended to make a stand in the form of a 3-liter jar;
  • To dry the hat, you cannot use a hairdryer or any heating devices - it is better to hang it on the balcony so that the sun's rays do not fall on it.

Saline solution

For cleansing, you need to prepare a saline solution: take at least 1 tbsp for 1 glass of warm water. salt. Additionally, you can add a little 96% alcohol to enhance the effectiveness of the composition. After mixing the components, you need to dip the brush into the solution and process the product.


This is an effective and quick way to clean a fur hat at home. Before cleaning, to make the process easier, knock out dust and brush off large dirt with a brush with soft bristles. It is recommended to carefully select shampoo. So, it must be “clean”, without containing a balm or conditioner - such a composition will negatively affect the structure of the fur.

Cleaning instructions:

  1. The product is placed on a stand so that the hat does not become deformed. In this case, the container should not be too small, otherwise the hat will lose its shape.
  2. Prepare a suitable solution for cleansing: pour warm water into a container, add shampoo and whisk. Need foam.
  3. The product is covered with foam, left to soak for 2-4 minutes, after which it is removed with a clean sponge - the dirt will go away along with the foam.

The main thing is not to wet the hat too much. After cleaning, it is left to dry without removing it from the jar.


They have high-quality adsorbing properties. They are sold in hardware stores and veterinary pharmacies. The main thing is to use hardwood sawdust, since softwood can contaminate the product with resin and glue the pile together. Sprinkle the product onto your headdress and rub in gently with your fingers. After 2-3 minutes, you should shake the product - the dirt will go away along with the sawdust.

Gasoline and starch against grease stains

Mix the components together to obtain a paste-like mass and apply to the fur. When the composition dries, it is removed with a brush. All you have to do is dry the hat in the open air - you cannot use a hairdryer or household appliances.

Ammonia or medical alcohol

These substances will help you wash your mink and fox hat at home. It can be used in its pure form or with the addition of vinegar essence to enhance the effect (in a 1:1 ratio). Also suitable for removing stains is a mixture of 96% alcohol and water in equal proportions, 2 tsp. salt. It is enough to prepare a suitable composition, moisten a cotton swab with it, wipe off the dirt and leave to dry. The vinegar included in the solution will eliminate unpleasant odors.

Additionally, if there is greasy dirt, sprinkle the fur product with a small amount of talcum powder, after 1.5 hours, shake off the dust, and remove the residue with a brush. To restore whiteness, it is worth making a composition of ammonia, peroxide and water in the same ratio. After drying the product, the surface of the pile is treated with glycerin. This action will restore the softness of the product after cleaning.

Temperature effects using hot bran

This method will allow you to get rid of various contaminants. It is best to use wheat or rye raw materials - you need 1 liter of bran. They are placed in a saucepan and simmered on low heat, stirring constantly. It is important to ensure that the raw materials do not burn to the pan - this will spoil the properties of the cleaning product. Heat for a couple of minutes to warm the product, cover a flat surface with a cloth, place a hat on top, sprinkle with bran, gently rubbing into the pile. When the entire product has been cleaned in this way, you need to shake out the remaining bran.


This substance copes well with various contaminants. Instructions:

  1. Dilute any amount of salt (at least 1 tbsp) with 200 ml of water.
  2. Add 1-3 drops of technical alcohol.
  3. Soak a clean rag in the resulting solution and wipe the pile.

This method is suitable for cleaning a dark mink hat. Dry away from heating equipment.


Suitable for cleaning a mink hat at home. Take 1 tbsp. mustard, pour in clean water to obtain a slurry, apply the mixture, wait for 20 minutes for the mass to dry, clean it with a brush. Suitable for cleaning products of brown, black and blue colors.

To wash a knitted mink hat, you need the most delicate cleaning methods. If the stains are fresh, it is better to take a little shampoo or dish gel - they make a foam based on them and apply it to the product. Natural lemon juice also helps: take it and water in the same ratio, mix, moisten a clean cloth or piece of cotton wool with it, and apply to the surface.

How to properly clean fur products at home

Regardless of the type of fur, there are several rules that must be followed when cleaning the product yourself:

  1. The fur product should be laid out on a flat surface covered with a light cloth.
  2. Lighting in the room should be as close to natural as possible. It is better to carry out the cleaning process during the day.
  3. When using chemicals, care must be taken to ensure good ventilation, but drafts should be avoided.
  4. Before using chemicals (even seemingly gentle ones), you need to apply them in an inconspicuous place on the reverse side of the product.
  5. After cleaning, you need to dry a natural fur coat in a well-ventilated area or outdoors in the shade. Direct sunlight, hot air and drafts are best avoided.
  6. Fur coats with short piles are brushed against the growth of hairs, while those with long piles are brushed in the direction of hair growth.

If after cleaning the fur coat has lost its shape, there is no need to try to iron it. Even if the iron does not damage the hairs, they will be crushed and natural fur will lose its attractiveness.

Features of cleaning mink fur products

Not all women can afford even a short fur coat. This fur is one of the most expensive, largely due to its characteristics:

  • light weight of the finished product;
  • soft, pleasant to the touch pile;
  • noble shades from black to snow-white;
  • good heat resistance.

This fur is very delicate, to avoid damage it is prohibited:

  • use any washing powder and other non-specialized detergents;
  • wash the entire fur coat or individual areas in the usual way (by hand or in a washing machine);
  • rub and scratch the pile vigorously;
  • neutralize unpleasant odors using perfumes, deodorants and other means;
  • dry the cleaned fur coat on a radiator, near an open fire or using a hairdryer;
  • iron to return to shape;
  • remove dust with a vacuum cleaner.

Professional cleaning products

For a mink hat, as for a fur coat, you can purchase special cleaning products. The most effective are considered:

  1. "Insaf". The composition fights pollution, protects against insects and moths. After processing, a thin, invisible film is formed on the surface of the pile, which repels dust and small dirt. It has an antistatic effect, which prevents fur from matting.
  2. "Ultra finish milk". A composition that will restore silkiness, softness, and renew the mink hat.
  3. "Fur fresh professional" from "SALAMANDER". Available in the form of a spray to restore the shade of the color of the headdress.

You can wash a knitted hat with suitable household chemicals designed for wool or silk. But the work must be done carefully so that the material does not get wet to the ground - because of this, the product may decrease in size. When choosing professional products, you must carefully read the instructions and strictly follow them when using them to avoid damage to the material.

Dry bleaching

You can clean mink fur at home using dry bleaching methods. To do this, use substances that absorb excess moisture and dirt well and remove dust deposits. The following gentle components are used as dry bleaches:

  • semolina;
  • starch;
  • talc;
  • chalk;
  • bran;
  • sawdust.

The main feature of this cleaning method is that it does not require the use of liquid, so the product will not need to be dried.


Semolina grains perfectly absorb dirt and also remove dust. For processing, the product should be placed on a table or clean floor. If you need to clean your hat with semolina, you need to put it on a three-liter bottle wrapped in a towel.

You should clean the fur with semolina according to the instructions:

  1. Sprinkle problem areas with a small amount of semolina.
  2. The entire surface is carefully combed with a brush with soft bristles.
  3. After the semolina turns gray, it is removed. If necessary, cleaning can be repeated.

You can remove semolina by shaking the product or vacuuming it. In the latter case, only weak devices should be used.

Gasoline based mixtures

A mixture made from potato starch and gasoline will help deal with yellowing. Both components are mixed until a mushy mass appears. The mixture is distributed over all contaminated areas and left until completely dry. The fur is carefully combed out using a fine-toothed comb. If desired, you can remove the applied product with a low-power vacuum cleaner.

Another effective remedy is sawdust soaked in a small amount of gasoline. The resulting product is distributed over the yellowed pile, and then gently rubbed into the product and left for 2 hours. The sawdust is shaken off and the pile is carefully combed out with a comb.

Wheat bran

The fur collar can be cleaned using wheat bran heated to 60 degrees. The product is heated in a clean frying pan, and it should be stirred regularly. Hot bran is poured in an even layer onto the pile, and then gently rubbed into it using a soft brush.

The applied product should be removed only after it has completely cooled. To remove small bran particles, comb the pile with a fine-toothed comb.

Talc, chalk, combed out with a comb

White talc, which is sprinkled evenly on the product, will help clean dirt and dust from a fur coat or hat. The ingredient is gently rubbed into the pile using a brush or fingers. After 2 hours, the talc is shaken off, and its remains are combed out with a special brush.

In a similar way, chalk or potato starch can be used to clean a fur coat or hat. For processing, chalk powder is used, which you can buy or prepare yourself by grinding a block.

Removing dirt and yellowness from white fur items

Cleaning a white mink hat at home can be more difficult due to limited approved ingredients. In addition, long-term storage can lead to yellowing of the fur, and the wrong choice of cleaning products can change the color and leave permanent stains. There are several effective and safe cleaning methods for light-colored hats:

  1. Using peroxide. Water and the main component are added to the container in equal proportions, then the headdress is treated with the composition and dried in the sun. This method will not only get rid of dirt, but also make the fur shiny.
  2. Chalk, talc and starch. These substances will return the products to their whiteness and softness. Simply sprinkle the cap with the chosen product, leave for an hour, then shake to remove grains of the substance.
  3. Combined option for cleansing old dirt. To do this, first sprinkle the fur hat with chalk (you can replace it with talcum powder), then clean the product with shampoo foam, massaging the pile. After 1-2 hours you need to remove the residue with a brush.
  4. Vinegar. Moisten a clean cloth with the composition, treat the dirt, comb out the residue with a brush, and apply a little glycerin to the pile.
  5. Semolina. Take 2 kg of cereal, pour it into a bowl, place the hat in the container and “wash” it with careful movements. After cleansing, simply shake off the semolina and brush it off.
  6. Solutions using peroxide and ammonia. The solution is poured into a bottle with a spray, the hat is treated, evenly distributing the composition over the fur. The hat is left in the sun, after which the material is treated with vinegar to restore shine and softness.

When choosing absorbent products for cleaning (semolina, starch), you should remove them as thoroughly as possible after processing. When wet or exposed to moisture, they will become “bait” for moths.

Dry cleaning

Cleaning a mink coat using the dry method is the simplest and most gentle method for fur. For this method, products such as talc or starch are well suited, which best help deal with dirt on a white mink coat.

In order to carry out dry cleaning, you must first shake the item from dust, spread a sheet and place the item on it. Then you need to rub the selected cleaning agent into the pile and after a while remove it by shaking the item well.

Another good cleaning agent is sawdust. You can buy such sawdust at any pet store.

To clean them, you need to mix them in a suitable basin with clean gasoline and place the fur coat in it. After such a “wash”, it is necessary to remove sawdust and allow to dry.

Cleaning from dirt

  1. You can clean a mink fur coat from dirt using regular semolina, as it perfectly absorbs any dirt. The surface of the item must be sprinkled with semolina, and then carefully combed with a fine-toothed brush in the direction of the lint growth. In order to completely get rid of all the remaining dirt and semolina after cleaning, you should shake the fur coat well.
  2. If there are fresh traces of dirt, they must be allowed to dry before starting cleaning. And only after that, using a regular cleaning brush, begin to remove dirt. After this “combing”, the fur coat must be shaken well several times.
  3. Regular talc will help get rid of dirt. To do this, you need to pour the product onto the pile and rub the talc with your hands. After cleaning, residues are easily removed from the surface of the fur coat after thorough shaking.

How to clean the lining of a mink hat

To clean the inside of a fur hat, choose a method based on the complexity of the dirt:

  1. Weak. Wipe stains using soapy water and a soft brush. The main thing is to try not to get the material and fur pile too wet. The remains are removed with a damp cloth, and the headdress is sent to dry.
  2. Obsolete. To clean the lining of a fur hat, it is steamed, cleaned with washing powder, dish gel, or you can even wash it. After treatment, it is enough to dry the lining fabric. If the contamination is too old, you need to purchase new replacement material.

Removing stains from mink fur

The worst thing is when various household stains appear on a white fur product. The fur can be dirty due to carelessness with fatty foods or cosmetics. However, don’t get too upset and run to the dry cleaner. You can remove stains at home using cheap improvised means.

  • You can deal with many stains on light furs by wiping them with a washcloth and a solution prepared from 400 ml of warm water, a couple of tablespoons of salt and 1 teaspoon of 3% ammonia. After finishing cleaning, the products are additionally wiped with a clean, damp cotton cloth. This is necessary to completely remove any remaining ammonia solution.
  • Fresh greasy stains should be generously sprinkled with any available absorbent: starch, talcum powder or baby powder. After some time, the powder is shaken off, and the pile is additionally wiped with a sponge dipped in a foamy soap solution. If it is not possible to completely remove the greasy trace, then it is treated with purified gasoline.
  • Highly purified gasoline is mixed with starch to a thick consistency. This composition is used to treat greasy stains. When the mixture is completely dry, it is brushed off.
  • You can clean a mink from stains by wiping them with cotton pads and a product made from 200 ml of water, 50 ml of alcohol and 30 g of salt. Having finished cleaning, pass over the pile with a damp rag or napkins and additionally treat it with glycerin (a couple of drops are needed) for shine.

Storage recommendations

Improper storage of a headdress can cause damage to the hat, changes in its appearance, and deformation. Helpful Tips:

  • It is recommended to store fur products in a fabric bag;
  • keep the product in a bag, in an unventilated room;
  • to avoid damage by moths, place a special insect repellent or a handkerchief soaked in lavender oil nearby;
  • maximum humidity – 60%;
  • the headdress should be ventilated periodically;
  • the temperature should be about +10°C;
  • Dark hats should not be dried in the open sun - this may cause color loss.

By following all the rules for cleaning mink hats, you can extend their service life and maintain their appearance for a long time.

How to save a thing from moths?

In the summer, the main task of every owner of fur products is to save them from moths.

Moths eat away fur and woolen items, leaving terrible bald patches.

Therefore, the main task out of season is to protect the hat from moths.

  • The easiest way to make a product “unpalatable” to moths is to simply rub it with table salt. You can also rub the fur with a weak solution of salicylic acid or creosote.
  • It is imperative to systematically expose the fur product to fresh air and ventilate it.
    Ultraviolet light and fresh air are the main enemies of moths. You need to air things out at least once a month.
  • Things should be stored out of season in a dry and dark place that is well ventilated. If you store a lot of fur items, it is recommended to sprinkle them with insecticides that do not have a strong odor. These items need to be thoroughly cleaned before wearing.
  • Products folded very tightly, for example, in a bag, should not be stored. It is best to put a cap on the jar, cover it with a cloth and put it in a closet.

Every caring housewife should know how to care for fur products. A beautiful and durable mink will serve you for many years if you clean it properly and protect it from moths.

A fur hat is a warm and beautiful product, and also looks elegant and stylish. But after a while, even dark fur loses its attractiveness, becomes dull and begins to need cleaning. How to wash a fur hat so that it can look like new for many years to come? If you don’t have the opportunity or desire to dry clean your item, try cleaning it yourself.

In this article:

Knitted hat - washing rules

If the product is made of synthetic thread, then it should be washed as indicated on the label. If you knitted the hat by hand, then recommendations for threading should be found on the label of the skein. A fairly simple way to wash a knitted hat is to put it in a washing bag and put it in the washing machine.

Wool can be easily washed by hand, especially in a special shampoo for this type of thread.

If the product is too dirty, it can be soaked for a couple of hours in a suitable detergent. You can soak the wool in cold water with a little vinegar added - this way the hat will certainly not fade.

To wash a hat by hand, take lukewarm water into a small basin, dilute the detergent in it and immerse the product. The cap is carefully washed by hand, being careful not to tug or pull. Heavily contaminated areas are lightly rubbed. To prevent the product from shrinking or fading, you need to maintain the temperature. Wool does not like hot water and should be washed at 30.

Wring out such things very carefully so as not to deform them. It is best to remove the product from the water, lightly squeeze it by hand over the bathtub, and then lay it out on a terry towel and roll it up. This way the towel will absorb excess moisture and you can lay out the cap to dry. There is a little secret to proper drying - if the hat is knitted from mohair or fluffy wool, then it can be wrapped in a bag and put in the freezer for a couple of hours. Then the headdress will become even more fluffy and voluminous.

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Tips for caring for fur

When deciding on the option for washing a mink hat, you must remember that any contamination must be removed in a timely manner. If the stain that appears is ignored, then over time it will begin to eat into the fur, and then it will be much more difficult to do anything. When you use chemical solutions, be careful. Mink fur is very sensitive to various types of reagents. This means that any wrong decision, movement, etc. can completely ruin your headdress.

In turn, when washing dark hats, you should not use brighteners. Thus, hydrogen peroxide can give any fur light tones. However, its use for processing dark fur products is unacceptable. In addition, do not use stain removers when washing. They contain active chemical compounds that can react with fur and ruin it.

Headdress with fur pompom

Popular knitted hats with fur pom-poms also require care, but since you cannot wash a hat with a fur pom-pom, you need to detach the pom-pom and clean it separately.
In high-quality copies, a function for removing the pompom from the product is provided for this purpose. Fastening with special ribbons will help solve the issue of washing; if the pompom is firmly sewn, you can cut it and make the fastening yourself by sewing a ribbon to it and securing it. A pompom made from arctic fox fur is cleaned using a solution: 500 ml of water, 1 tsp. ammonia and 3 tsp. salt. The fur is thoroughly blotted and combed during the drying process.

The rabbit pom-pom is sprayed with hydrogen peroxide or moistened with vinegar (this will remove yellowness) and combed out thoroughly.

Cleaning faux fur correctly

Faux fur is in many ways more practical than natural fur. But cleaning it includes a number of rules and features.

  • To prevent faux fur from becoming deformed, it should not be washed at high temperatures. In addition to the fact that the fabric base may lose its original shape, the fibers will lose their smoothness and shine.
  • Unlike natural fur, artificial fur does not have a direction along which the hair “grows,” like an animal’s. Therefore, after washing it is necessary to smooth the pile with your hands. When the fur is dry, it should be combed thoroughly. Thanks to this, the product will look neat, and the fibers will not get tangled.
  • You can also use dry cleaning.
  • You should not dry your hat near heating devices, especially on radiators. This causes the faux fur to deteriorate and lose its shape, as does the hat itself.
  • If the ball on the headdress is one of the light colors, you need to be very careful and careful when washing it. If the fur darkens, it will be impossible to return its original color.
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