Is it possible to vacuum the floor before or instead of mopping?

Both general and everyday cleaning of the house usually ends with washing the floor. Regular cleaning of floor coverings is a labor-intensive task, but this is the only way to rid your home of dust and germs and create a healthy atmosphere. Many housewives are interested in the question of what is better to do first - vacuuming or washing the floor. Or maybe you can do without a vacuum cleaner altogether? To prevent cleaning from taking up all your free time, it would be useful to learn some secrets used by cleaning service professionals.

Why can't you clean on Easter Day?

It is believed that starting from Good Friday you cannot do housework or wash yourself. Answering why you can’t clean on Saturday or Friday before Easter, it must be said that these are the strictest days of fasting, when believers should grieve over the death of Christ and pray, and not deal with pressing matters.

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Which is correct: vacuum or wash first?

The answer to this question is extremely simple. If the household has a vacuum cleaner, before you start washing the floor, it is better to clean it with this useful device: collect dust and small debris, walk along the baseboards, under the sofa, bed and bedside tables. This will make wet cleaning as easy as possible, since the main dirt will move into the dust collector.

You can do without a vacuum cleaner altogether. It’s just that in this case you will have to change the water more often, since due to the dust dissolved in it, after a couple of meters it will become dirty. Vacuuming after washing the floors is also possible - if you accidentally spilled something on clean, freshly dried linoleum, why not vacuum it? In addition, a modern vacuum cleaner is equipped with a HEPA filter that captures the smallest particles of dust at the outlet and does not contaminate the clean floor at all.

You wipe the mirrors with a damp cloth

According to statistics, most of all housewives do not like to wash mirrors. Why? It's very simple - they're doing it wrong. The first and main mistake that almost everyone makes is cleaning the surface with a damp cloth. You simply smear specks of dust onto the mirror, and then spend a lot of time collecting them (and usually lose this battle). To avoid such a nuisance, try first wiping the surface with a dry cloth and collecting any accumulated dust. And only then polish the mirror so that there are no fingerprints, dried splashes of water or traces of toothpaste on it.

Use a broom to remove dust

Remember the colorful brooms that stand on the shelves of hardware stores? Manufacturers claim that they collect dust, but in reality everything is much more prosaic: they only raise it into the air. As a result, you waste your energy, but the apartment does not become cleaner. You are only breathing in these tiny specks of dust that the broom was supposed to remove.

If you don't like cleaning, use the recommendations from the article Less cleaning, more rest: tips for the lazy

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Remove construction waste, flour, fragments

After repairs or simply after drilling a concrete wall, of course, you need to vacuum it. How many vacuum cleaners died the death of the brave after such procedures is unknown, but certainly a lot. For cleaning construction waste, professional or household vacuum cleaners are suitable, in which the filtration system is simpler than in household ones, and a metal or plastic tank is used as a waste container. Sometimes, to clean up construction waste after renovations, you simply buy a cheap vacuum cleaner, which you don’t mind throwing away later or moving it to the garage. Cleaning up fragments is contraindicated with bag vacuum cleaners - the bag may tear; and cleaning up a large amount of flour (for example, if the bag is dropped and it breaks) will damage any vacuum cleaner: all the filters will become clogged and some of the flour may get into the motor - its particles are too small and pass through the pores of the filter. If you need to vacuum a small amount (no more than a tablespoon), then no problem.


The nuances of using a vacuum cleaner

For cleaning, a vacuum cleaner is used when the upper levels have already been cleared of dust. To ensure maximum cleaning efficiency, it is necessary to use the appropriate attachments for the vacuum cleaner.

Before you clean the floor covering from dust, you need to treat the upholstery of upholstered furniture using a special nozzle . And only after that, having changed the nozzle, move on to the floor.

To avoid missing places, processing must be performed sequentially, starting from the farthest corner of the room, gradually moving towards the exit. If necessary, during the work process, the brush should be cleaned of animal hair and hair.

Floor cleaning rules

Start washing the floors after the surface is cleared of debris. For washing, special household chemicals can be used, which are diluted in water according to the instructions. The choice of a specific drug is carried out taking into account the type of coating.

The washing process should begin from the corner farthest from the entrance to the room, gradually covering the entire area of ​​the room. The work can be done manually or using a mop.

It is advisable not to walk on the washed area until it is completely dry . Otherwise, traces may remain after drying.

Ink can be removed from clothing or fabrics with hairspray.

This method can often be found in tips for removing difficult stains, but now it is losing its relevance. Modern varnishes contain much less alcohol or do without it at all, so as not to harm the hair. Without alcohol, they will not eat away at the stain. In addition, the varnish may harden and leave a stain on the fabric. It is better to blot ink stains with a cotton swab and alcohol, and then wash them off.

Cleaning methods

There are many ways to clean different types of stains that have been proven to be effective. The general recommendation is not to delay removing dirt from the surface of linoleum, since old marks are always more difficult to remove and take longer than fresh ones.


A regular school eraser will help remove black streaks left by shoes. To do this, use an eraser to carefully erase marks from the linoleum, like a pencil drawing in an album, then wash with soapy water and wipe dry.


Vodka is good at removing grease stains from the surface of linoleum and can even deal with old stains. To eliminate contamination, prepare a solution from one liter of water, a glass of vodka and one teaspoon of dishwashing liquid, wash the floor with a rag soaked in it, then rinse with clean water and wipe dry. It is better to use for light linoleum.

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Vinegar will remove marks left by a ballpoint pen from the surface of the linoleum. The contamination is covered with table salt and moistened with vinegar for 5 minutes, after which the problem area is washed.

Tile cleaning liquid

A product that helps clean tiles will help remove traces of dirt from linoleum. To do this, apply the liquid to the contaminated surface, wipe with a soft cloth, wash with clean water and wipe dry.

Gasoline, kerosene, turpentine

If there are stubborn stains or repair consequences on a linoleum-covered floor, such as traces of paint, glue, or primer, strong solvents can deal with them. Aggressive products can discolor the design, so they should first be tried on an inconspicuous area. To remove stains, moisten a cotton pad with a solvent, rub the stain, and immediately wash with soapy water. When working with gasoline, kerosene and turpentine, be sure to wear rubber gloves and ventilate the room well.


If there are grass stains, rust, mold, traces of paint or felt-tip pen on the linoleum, then a bleaching agent will help get rid of them. There are special bleaches for linoleum on sale, but you can also use regular chlorine-containing ones, for example, “Beliznoy”. It should be remembered that chlorine in bleach can harm the coating, so “Whiteness” is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 10 (1 part bleach to 10 parts water). A cloth is moistened in the resulting solution and used to wipe the stains, after which the floor is washed with clean water and wiped dry.


To clean dirt, use a special mastic, which can be bought at hardware stores. Transparent is used for a new coating, dark is used to treat linoleum that already has a sufficient service life, it will mask microcracks.


Matches can help get rid of blots left by ink or pen paste. The sulfur head of the match should be wetted with water and the dirt should be rubbed. A reaction of sulfur with the stain occurs, as a result of which the latter disappears.

Sauerkraut juice

Stubborn household dirt, even old ones, can be removed well by sauerkraut juice. The acid in the product acts on stains, eliminating them. To treat the surface, apply a little juice to it, after a while rub it with a sponge and wash with clean water.

Elderberry porridge

Grease stains can be removed by preparing a paste of fresh elderberries and rubbing the mixture onto the problem area.

Some varieties of elderberries are poisonous, so be careful

Choosing a sequence of actions

The generally accepted procedure for cleaning is from top to bottom. Begin processing from the upper levels, gradually moving down .

They wipe off dust on cabinets and shelves, then move on to window sills, tables, and only at the very last stage do they vacuum first the upholstered furniture, and then the floor.

If cleaning is carried out haphazardly, jumping from the lower level to the upper, then the dust will simply be distilled from place to place.

To reduce the content of small particles in the air, you can use the following tips:

  • ventilate the room in the evenings and mornings;

  • use humidifiers;
  • use a washing vacuum cleaner for cleaning, if the type of coating allows it;
  • use ionizers and air purifiers;
  • clean regularly.

If the sequence of cleaning actions was disrupted, and the dust was wiped off from the lower shelves, and only then moved on to cleaning the upper ones, then part of the work will have to be redone.

The dishwasher and washing machine do not need to be washed from the inside

The dishwasher and washing machine do not clean themselves and also require maintenance, although not too often. Grease, limescale from water, and food debris accumulate in the dishwasher. Every month it needs to be thoroughly washed from the inside with a special product. The same goes for your washing machine, especially if it frequently washes at low temperatures. Without regular rinsing with detergent and hot water, your car can become a breeding ground for harmful bacteria, such as salmonella.

General rules for cleaning floor surfaces

Many of the following rules seem absolutely obvious, but they are the ones that will allow you to clean as best and quickly as possible - and this is exactly what every housewife strives for.

  1. Before washing the floor, first of all, you need to free its surface as much as possible: lift small things and interior items up, hide shoes in a cabinet, put chairs on the table or take them out of the room, remove rugs and rugs.
  2. Using a vacuum cleaner, you should collect dust from the floor and baseboards, looking into the most inaccessible corners. If you don’t have a vacuum cleaner, you can use a brush or broom, but you must collect debris and dust before starting work.
  3. To clean the floor, it is better to use special detergents suitable for the specific floor covering. With the help of such compositions, you can achieve special cleanliness and shine and at the same time protect the coating from damage.
  4. It is correct to start washing floors from the farthest corner, moving towards the exit. The work is done using a mop or manually. It should be borne in mind that only the first method is suitable for pregnant women.
  5. You should not trample on wet floorboards, so as not to leave marks that will certainly appear after drying.
  6. The water should be changed as often as possible to avoid spreading dirt and transferring bacteria from one room to another.

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Useful tips

When cleaning the floor, you should take into account the following tips:

  1. The frequency of cleaning depends on many factors, including the presence of pets and children in the house. If there are pets and children in the house, cleaning should be done more often.

  2. In the warm season, floors need to be washed more often than in the cold season.
  3. The more people live in the house, the more often cleaning should be done.
  4. It is advisable to wash the floors in the hallway daily, and vacuum the rug.
  5. The floors in the nursery are wiped every 1-2 days.
  6. If allergy sufferers live in the house, then when choosing detergents, preference should be given to hypoallergenic ones, and surfaces should be wiped daily, preventing dust from accumulating.
  7. Having a vacuum cleaner in the house, it is important not to forget to vacuum upholstered furniture too.
  8. All work that is accompanied by the formation of dust should be performed before washing the floor. These include: changing the bed linen, sorting things in the closet, etc.
  9. Unsystematic actions lead to low processing efficiency, so cleaning must be done in stages.

After washing the floor, the rag should be washed and dried. This will prevent it from becoming a source of unpleasant odor and a breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms.

Cleaning rules

To combat dust, these faithful helpers will be useful:

  1. Microfiber cloths or other material that collects dust well.
  2. Household chemicals with antistatic effect.
  3. Damp cloth.
  4. Gloves.

The use of household chemicals is determined by the type of surface that needs to be treated. The processing approach depends on this:

  • window sills, plastic coverings - can be wiped with a damp cloth;
  • It is recommended to clean wooden furniture using a special furniture cleaner, polish, etc.

It begins with tidying up the surfaces under the ceiling (cornices, chandelier, etc.), gradually moving down (mezzanines, shelves, tables, armrests of upholstered furniture, etc.).

Last on the list is the floor; vacuuming it completes the dry cleaning. On each individual surface, cleaning begins from the far wall, gradually moving to the edge.

The most effective in the fight against dust are considered to be slightly moistened rags and those that give good results even without the use of household chemicals. This is explained by the following factors: wet wipes can damage furniture and leave behind stains, while completely dry ones generate a lot of dust. Dry cleaning is carried out before wet cleaning.

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