Bamboo pillow. Pros and cons, brands, how to wash. Reviews from doctors

We are already accustomed to the fact that modern technologies make it possible to create many things from raw materials that seem completely unsuitable for them. However, the first association that comes to mind when hearing the words “bamboo pillow” is something wooden, very hard and uncomfortable.

Of course this is not true. With its structure, bamboo fiber resembles padding polyester or cotton wool and is often used as a soft filler in home textiles. In this article we will look at all the pros and cons of bamboo pillows, talk about common misconceptions, and also give advice on how to choose the right one.

Material for production

Not so long ago, a new product appeared on the domestic market - bamboo sleeping pillows. They are made from environmentally friendly material and are much safer than previous generation bedding made from down and feathers.

The bamboo fiber used to fill the pillows has a soft, airy structure, reminiscent of padding polyester or cotton wool in appearance and tactile sensations.

Either natural cotton or the same bamboo is used as covers for padding. But in mass production, it is allowed to use absolutely any fabric for the bedspread. The choice is not fundamental, since the fiber made from bamboo (unlike feathers) does not have sharp ends that tear the fabric.

Bamboo fiber is one of the varieties of natural viscose. However, the source material is not wood, but industrially processed young shoots of the bamboo plant. Processing refers to chemical or mechanical action in several stages, which breaks down the raw material until a soft and airy mass is formed.

There is no need to worry about the negative impact of chemicals on the health of the person who will sleep on the pillow. Unlike alternative processing methods, with bamboo fiber, after splitting, the chemicals are completely removed from the material rather than settling.

Therefore, the filling will be almost completely organic and environmentally friendly.

In terms of its properties, bamboo fiber combines the positive properties of synthetics, such as durability and ease of care, as well as natural viscose: strength and the absence of negative effects on the human body.

Two ways to obtain raw materials for filler

Obtaining bamboo fabric varies in complexity, which consequently affects the cost.

  • Mechanical method. By careful mechanical grinding, a fibrous mass is obtained from young bamboo stems, from which thin fibers up to 25 cm long are then extracted. Mechanical fiber is sometimes called bamboo linen; it is the most valuable. Linen has a porous structure and is more hygroscopic and elastic compared to viscose. The complexity of the process led to the high cost of the finished product obtained in this way.
  • Chemical. Plants are crushed to the state of sawdust, and then, under the influence of chemical reagents (alkali and acid), they are converted into cellulose, from which, in turn, a thin viscose fiber is formed, similar to viscose from other plants, but retaining the basic qualities present in bamboo. Full automation of production, low price of materials and equipment made it possible to make the cost of production much lower than with traditional mechanical processing.

Despite the use of strong acids and alkalis in the chemical process, the fiber does not deteriorate its environmental properties, since these reagents are water-soluble and are completely removed during further processing, leaving no traces. Another plus is that the fiber used as a filler is not subjected to additional bleaching and dyeing procedures, that is, it contains exclusively natural material.


The bamboo pillow (there are pros and cons, like any other product) has been endowed with many positive qualities to surpass the characteristics of traditional sleeping set items.


  • Hypoallergenic . But besides the fact that bamboo fiber itself cannot cause an allergic reaction from the skin and respiratory system, its properties and processing methods make it possible to reduce the manifestations of allergies or prevent their occurrence in the future.
  • Permeability . A property that protects health and comfort during sleep. Bamboo's structure allows air to pass through and does not retain moisture, so you can forget about night sweats.
  • Hygroscopicity . Quality is relevant both for cold winters and hot summers. Such bedding instantly absorbs liquids and moisture, but dries quickly.
  • Elasticity . The structure of the material is soft and pleasant to the touch, but at the same time they have sufficient strength and rigidity. This means that it is comfortable to sleep on them, and there will be no neck pain in the morning. Also, with long-term use, the product does not cause problems with the spine.
  • Bactericidal properties . The raw materials have a special environment that is unsuitable for the presence and development of bacteria, mites and small insects. Unlike down and feather pillows, they do not require special bactericidal treatments, and can be used for people with skin diseases, such as acne.
  • Neutrality . With constant use, bamboo does not absorb or accumulate excess odors.
  • Easy to care for . You can clean and wash pillows yourself at home, without resorting to the services of special services and craftsmen.
  • Durability and strength . Pillows are difficult to deform, and the material retains its structure for a long time. Although the product is an order of magnitude more expensive than its down and feather alternatives, such a monetary investment will quickly pay off, as it will last several seasons and will not lose its positive qualities.
  • Availability . The price of bamboo fiber pillows is higher, but any average family can afford them.

A video showing the process of producing bamboo filler from raw fiber:

Some manufacturers deliberately attribute special qualities to the product, which, unfortunately, have nothing to do with the real situation. The most popular marketing “canards” are considered to be stories about the health (especially regarding spinal diseases) and anti-aging properties of bamboo fiber.

However, various kinds of skin rashes and irritations really go away when a person switches to bamboo pillows. This is due to the bactericidal environment in which the material does not harbor mites and insects, which often cause dermatological diseases, acne and inflammation.

Medicinal properties - truth or myth

You can often hear from sellers of bamboo pillows that they:

  • treat allergies;
  • improve skin condition;
  • normalize blood circulation;
  • remove toxins;
  • kill viruses.

It is impossible to find reliable information confirmed by clinical studies on any point. Such statements are, rather, an advertising ploy.

If you regularly sleep on a comfortable pillow, your skin condition will really improve, but not from the magical properties of bamboo, but from sleep. And allergic reactions will disappear after replacing the down pillow with a new one.


A bamboo pillow (pros and cons are contained in incomparable proportions) has only 2 disadvantages :

  • Flexibility of the material to deformation. During operation, the airy material gradually crumples and wrinkles, which reduces the air gap between the fibers. Therefore, over time, discomfort may occur during use due to clumps of material in certain places.
  • Hygroscopicity. It can be both a plus and a minus. If a bamboo pillow is constantly placed in rooms with high humidity, it will absorb excess liquid and condensation all the time. This will make it more difficult to dry.

Such a disadvantage as a tendency to deformation can be easily eliminated with regular basic care.

A bamboo pillow requires constant beating, otherwise lumps will form in it over time
. In order for the product to last a long time and the material not to clump, it must be regularly beaten , preferably twice a day: before and after sleep. Unlike synthetic analogues, bamboo, after constant “shaking”, will not form even more lumps and clots, but on the contrary, it will regain its former elasticity and softness.

How to choose the right pillow

In order for you to rest as comfortably as possible while sleeping and not toss around from an uncomfortable headboard, it is important to choose the right size and height of the product.

It’s not for nothing that manufacturers make pillows of different sizes, because adults and children cannot use the same headboard. Standard pillows are available in sizes 70 cm x 70 cm, 60 cm x 40 cm, 70 cm x 50 cm.

Select a pillow so that the edges of the product protrude slightly beyond the shoulders of the person lying down. But remember that with the correct position, your shoulders should not be on the headboard. If you like to sleep on your side, the main criterion when choosing a pillow is its height. It should not be too soft and sag too much. Measure in advance the distance from the neck to the end of the forearm. This is exactly the height the pillow should be.

Please research the product carefully before purchasing:

  • the pillow returns to its original position immediately after deformation;
  • when compressed anywhere, it produces the same sound - without creaking, knocking or the sound of bursting balls;
  • homogeneous to the touch;
  • The cover is made of high-quality cotton material, the stitching and stitching are as neat as possible;
  • the product is in a separate case (it is more practical when it is removable).

When choosing a pillow, pay attention to the manufacturer. It is better to purchase products from trusted sellers whose products meet quality standards.

Doctors' advice

A bamboo pillow, the pros and cons of which were discussed in previous sections, requires a responsible approach to selection. Doctors do not directly recommend sleeping set items made from bamboo material, but they do share the following tips that will be helpful when purchasing.

For example like this:

  • Pay attention to the composition. The filler material must contain 100% direct bamboo fiber content (sometimes it is stated as bamboo or bamboo cellulose).
  • Check for fakes. This is quite easy to do. It is enough to simply try to breathe through the pillow. Since the raw material is highly permeable to air, such a check will not be difficult. And if this fails, then with a high degree of probability the manufacturer or seller is trying to deceive the buyer, and you should refrain from purchasing.
  • Examine the seams. High-quality bamboo pillows always have smooth and beautiful seams on the cover. They indicate the manufacturer’s responsible attitude towards the manufacture of the product, which means that the product will last longer.

People diagnosed with back problems (especially the spine) can opt for special orthopedic bamboo pillows. They are a little more expensive than regular ones, but they perfectly protect and prevent the development of osteochondrosis.

Features of choice

Bamboo pillows differ in size, materials from which the cover is made, and purpose.

Manufacturers produce special bamboo home textiles for:

  • children;
  • pregnant women;
  • people suffering from orthopedic diseases;
  • traditional for daily use.

Bamboo pillows have different purposes, so when choosing bedding, it is recommended to pay attention to their special characteristics, advantages and disadvantages in each specific situation.


The popularity of bamboo is growing every day due to the beneficial properties of this filler. The fibers obtained from the stems of the plant differ

  • softness;
  • silky structure;
  • elasticity;
  • strength;
  • long service life;
  • the ability to quickly restore shape;
  • hypoallergenic (if produced mechanically);
  • breathability;
  • hygroscopicity;
  • thermal insulation properties;
  • low maintenance requirements.

What attracts buyers is the inability of the material to absorb unpleasant odors, which is especially important when choosing bedding for children.

For children

Baby bamboo pillows are made in different variations for all ages. Solid covers made of natural materials or covers with special zippers are used as a bedspread. The latter option has its advantages - thanks to it, you can control the density of the pillow and its height, that is, adjust it during the rapid growth of the child.

Children's items are distinguished by their lightness. Their choice must be taken seriously, as they affect the development of the bones of the spine and skull.

Washing rules

There are several basic rules for washing bamboo pillows at home:

  • It is better to wash them without taking them out of the case, in the washing machine, choosing a gentle mode.
  • It is better to use liquid textures as a detergent.
  • Do not add bleaching products or bleach.
  • The washing temperature should not exceed 40°C.
  • For drying, you must choose horizontal surfaces.
  • After completing all procedures, the pillow must be thoroughly beaten.

As can be seen from these care rules, the product is unpretentious, both in use and in washing.

Manufacturers rating

The Russian market offers bamboo pillows made in China (mostly of low quality) and worthy domestic manufacturers, among which are:

Couch potatoA well-known brand that produces pillows, blankets and bedding sets from different materials
DargezProvides a wide range of different products with different fillings, including bamboo and bamboo fiber/polyester blends
AelitaA manufacturer from Ivanovo, who chose bamboo pillows as the main vector of his activity
AnnaTextilesSpecializes in the production of textiles for home use, including bamboo pillows

An environmentally friendly bamboo pillow is an excellent choice for home use, as proven by its many advantages and small disadvantages. It does not cause allergies, is durable and easy to care for, which is why doctors recommend it for daily use.

Article design: E. Chaikina

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