How to remove the smell of coffee, tea, mold, plastic from a thermos

The thermos is an indispensable tool in everyday life, which allows you to keep prepared drinks hot for quite a long time. It often happens that an odor appears during operation. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to remove the smell from a thermos with detergents. In such situations, it is not necessary to purchase special cleaning products; it is enough to use folk methods and use improvised means that every housewife has in everyday life to remove odors from a thermos.

Basic methods of disposal

When a foreign odor is detected in a timely manner, its elimination will not require the use of strong household chemicals. It is enough to use improvised means that almost every housewife has in the kitchen.

Baking soda will help get rid of plaque and unpleasant odors in a glass or regular metal flask. It is taken at the rate of 1 teaspoon per glass of boiling water. The mixture is poured into a thermos, shaken several times and left to act overnight. After this, the product is thoroughly washed with clean water.

Lemon acid

A small lemon is cut into small slices, placed in a flask and poured with boiling water. The product is left overnight to work. In the morning, wash the dishes thoroughly and allow them to dry.

It is recommended to use the fruit rather than citric acid powder, as freshly squeezed juice has a better effect on dirt and unpleasant odors.


This product is used to clean flasks made of glass or stainless steel. A few tablespoons of vinegar are poured with boiling water and left to act for 8-12 hours, after which the thermos is thoroughly rinsed with water.


The product perfectly eliminates musty odors. For the best effect, you need to boil the milk, then pour it into a thermos and put it in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, the flask is thoroughly rinsed and washed with detergent.

Denture cleaning tablets

The product is used to clean the flask from plaque, in which pathogenic bacteria can develop. Several tablets are crushed to a powdery state, poured with a small amount of boiling water and the thermos is shaken vigorously several times. The mixture is left to act for a couple of hours, after which the product is thoroughly washed with water.

Rice groats are an excellent absorbent. 2 tablespoons of the product are poured into a flask, poured with boiling water and shaken several times. The mixture is left to act for several hours, after which the dishes are washed in running water.


You can clean a bad-smelling thermos using mustard powder. The product is ideal for stainless steel, glass and plastic, does not corrode walls and quickly removes both unpleasant odors and dirt.

Pour a little product into the flask, pour boiling water over it and leave to act for several hours. Then the container is thoroughly washed to remove any remaining mixture, since mustard can give foods and drinks an unpleasant aftertaste.

You can clean bad-smelling dishes using regular table salt. To do this, take 4 tablespoons of the product per liter of boiling water. The resulting solution is left to act for 3 hours, then the product is thoroughly washed in running water.

Boiling with soda

This method is only suitable for a stainless steel thermos. You need to boil water, add 2 tablespoons of soda to it per 1 liter of liquid and wait until the powder is completely dissolved. The mixture is poured into a flask, the container is immersed in a pre-prepared pan of hot water and boiled for 60 minutes. Then the liquid is allowed to cool completely, the thermos is washed in cool water.

Boiling water and soap solution

A simple and effective method. A tablespoon of dishwashing detergent is poured into the flask, poured with boiling water and left to act for several hours. After this, the product is thoroughly washed under running water.

Ginger tea

It is used to remove unpleasant odor from the cork of a product. To do this, cut a little fresh ginger into a prepared container, add a pinch of cinnamon and pour boiling water over it. The stopper is placed in the resulting infusion for half an hour, after which it is washed in cool water.

Dry tea

An unpleasant odor can be easily removed from a thermos using a tea bag with any flavor, for example, bergamot or medicinal herbs. The tea is left in a dry flask overnight, the product is not covered with a lid. The next morning, rinse the thermos with water and wipe dry.

The products described above effectively cope with unpleasant odors and are inexpensive, which allows you to use them regularly to maintain the product in good condition.

Cleaning the cork

If the operating conditions are violated, the rubber on the stopper in the thermos may create an unpleasant odor that is difficult to remove. The rubber band must be thoroughly cleaned (if possible, disassembled). Next, soak in a soap or soda solution, and finally boil in water and soda. Dry thoroughly.

You can use ginger tea. Chop fresh root into a prepared container, add cinnamon and pour boiling water. Lower the stopper, wait half an hour, then rinse the container in cool water.

How to remove the smell of a new product at home

A newly purchased thermos always has a slight technical smell. Getting rid of it is quite simple: you need to rinse the product in boiling water and then wash it in a soapy solution. If after a single wash the smell does not go away, then repeat the procedure several times, not forgetting to thoroughly dry the thermos.

If the smell does not go away or decrease even after using baking soda or citric acid, you should stop using the product, as it may cause health problems. To protect yourself from such a problem, at the stage of choosing a thermos, you need to examine several models and choose the one from which you smell the least.


Table salt also does a good job of removing stench from a thermos.

How to remove odor:

  1. Fill the flask ¼ full with crushed ice. If you don’t have anything to chop it with, first place it in a plastic bag and hit it several times with a hammer. Add 2-3 tbsp. l. table salt. Cover the flask with a lid and shake. The mixture will be more effective if it is left in a problematic thermal container for 8 hours.
  2. In a small bowl, mix 2-3 tbsp. l. yogurt and a pinch of salt. Pour the salted yogurt into the flask, shake it so that the mixture is distributed over all the walls, and leave for 5 minutes. Rinse off the product with clean water and place the dishes in the dishwasher.
  3. You can only use table salt. Add 3-4 tbsp to 1 liter of boiling water. l. salt. Leave the solution for 2-3 hours and rinse with warm water.
  4. Pour baking soda, salt, mustard, and dill seeds in equal amounts. There should be 1 tbsp in total. l. mixtures. Pour in a liter of hot water. Shake the container to dissolve everything. After 1 hour, rinse the flask with clean running water.

These methods are good for glass flasks. If you have a stainless steel thermos, the holding time of the solutions increases.

Features of working with different materials

When cleaning a thermos, it is important to consider what material the body and the flask itself are made of, since an incorrectly selected product will not only not solve the problem, but will also render the thing unusable.


If you need to get rid of an unpleasant aroma in a stainless steel thermos, then salt, dill seeds or mustard powder are ideal. Pour a tablespoon of any product into a flask, pour 250 ml of boiling water and shake several times. The mixture is left to act for half an hour, after which the dishes are thoroughly washed with clean water.

It is important to remember that you cannot use soda to clean stainless steel, as it corrodes the seams and leads to irreversible damage to the product.


You can remove musty and unpleasant aroma from plastic only with a saturated soap solution. In some cases, the procedure will have to be repeated several times to completely clean the product. If the smell does not go away and does not weaken, then it is better to refuse to use such a thermos for safety reasons.


What can replace a steaming cup of delicious-smelling coffee? Of course, nothing. But how to clean a thermos if you want to drink tea afterwards?

If there is no citric acid in the house, try solving the problem with vinegar. It also effectively helps in removing mustiness.

Ways to use vinegar:

  1. Fill the bottle with water and regular white vinegar. Leave it overnight. In the morning, wash the flask with dishwashing detergent. Leave it outside to let the smell of vinegar dissipate.
  2. Pour 100 ml of vinegar and 1 tbsp into a thermos. l. baking soda for every 2 cups of hot water. An active reaction will begin, which will not only remove plaque from the internal surfaces of the flask, but will also be able to remove the odor. Leave the mixture in the container for 40 minutes. Shake the solution periodically to achieve better results.

These methods bring out the most persistent aromas. Vinegar works well to get rid of the smell of coffee in a thermos if you want tea.

How to remove mold smell

If a musty smell appears, the use of potent agents will be required, since its occurrence is associated with the activation of pathogenic microorganisms.

It is worth using the following tricks:

If the foreign odor has not completely disappeared, then the above procedures can be repeated, and at night put a dry tea bag in a thermos, which will absorb the remnants of the unpleasant odor.

Rules for caring for a thermos

Caring for a thermos is as easy as using the device. True, many housewives ignore basic recommendations, which leads to rapid damage to the product or the appearance of a characteristic swampy smell in it.

  • Despite the apparent reliability of the structure, it is quite fragile. The thermos should be protected from shock and pressure. Otherwise, the internal surfaces of the product will become covered with cracks, through which particles of food or liquid will penetrate under the body, which will lead to their rotting.
  • The container should be washed after each use; do not keep food and liquid in it for longer than the prescribed time. If the product has cooled down, it must be poured out.
  • It is strictly forbidden to close or put away the device after cleaning if it is not yet dry.

The thermos should not be placed on its neck, even if it is dry. Violation of this rule leads to the appearance of a musty smell, which is very difficult to get rid of.

If the item is used regularly, it should be washed using cleaning products every 2-3 weeks. This should be done even if the container is used to store clean hot water.

Rules of care and use

In order for the thermos to last as long as possible, it is important to use the product correctly and not neglect its care:

The above recommendations will help keep the product in working condition for a long time and prevent the appearance of foreign or musty odors.

Despite the apparent ease of use, the thermos is quite demanding in terms of storage and operating conditions. Failure to follow some important rules will result in mold or an unpleasant odor. To ensure that the product is always in good condition and fully performs its functions, it is important to promptly clean it of food residues and periodically rinse it using inexpensive improvised means. They will not only eliminate unpleasant odors, but also help remove scale and dark spots on the flask.

A thermos is indispensable when hiking or traveling long distances. The vessel is able to retain the heat of the liquid for a long time. This way you can carry tea and other drinks, as well as liquid food (soup, stew, etc.). After a while, the inside begins to smell bad and musty, and the taste is transferred to drinks and food. Therefore, it is worth taking action immediately.

Before getting rid of the smell in a thermos, it is necessary to identify the causes of this problem. You can remove the stench using store-bought and home-made products made from available materials. The stench will go away, and it will be replaced by the pleasant aroma of coffee, lemon or other products.

Tips for storing thermoses

Removing odor from a thermos is more difficult than avoiding its appearance. How to do it:

  1. Always wash the container before storing it. After each use, the inside of the product should be cleaned of food residues and washed with soapy water (dishwashing detergent). In especially problematic cases, it is advisable to use a dish brush.
  2. The outside of the product should also be washed well.
  3. After washing, the thermos must be dried thoroughly so that no moisture remains in it. Otherwise, it will become an excellent place for mold to grow.
  4. If you use a thermos for long periods of time, then during storage you should not close it tightly.
  5. The container should be stored in a closet away from light. Ideally, the cabinet should be ventilated periodically.
  6. Before using the thermos the next time, rinse it with plain cold water.

Bulb and body materials

More information about what material the interior and body are made of would be helpful. There are many types of thermoses; they differ not only in neck size, but also in material. The most popular devices are those whose interior is made of stainless steel, glass, and plastic. Each type has its own disadvantages and advantages.

Plastic - not worth it

A plastic flask is most often found on store shelves. Such a device costs very little, but it is not worth buying and using it, since plastic absorbs excess aromas more than other materials. When heated, plastic releases an unpleasant stench and transfers it to the contents.

Glass is perfect

The inner surface, made of mirror glass, is the most convenient to use. The interior does not leak, crack or deform over time, and when heated it does not release dangerous compounds. The easiest way to remove unpleasant odors from glass is to use lemon juice or soda. The storage time of food or hot drinks in such a thermos is longer than in a plastic one - glass does not transmit heat well.

A steel or metal flask can not only absorb extraneous odors, but also be subject to corrosion.

The material from which the body is made is also important. If the body is made of plastic, then at the slightest impact the tank may burst and this will cause leakage and stench. The stainless steel body is durable and easy to maintain, but is much more expensive.

How to clean a thermos

There are a huge variety of thermoses. The large-neck version is ideal for storing cereals, soups, potatoes, dumplings, ice cream and other dishes. It is best to store drinks in a container with a narrow neck. Typically, the inner flask is made of stainless steel or glass. The lid of the thermal cookware can also vary in design. It comes with a button, when pressed you can pour the drink into glasses. Overall, this is a very convenient thing, but you need to use it correctly:

• do not heat the thermos to high temperatures;

• do not throw;

• do not apply pressure;

• Wash promptly to avoid unpleasant odors.

This article is aimed at how to clean a thermos and remove the smell inside at home. A dirty environment is an excellent place for bacteria and germs to grow, and if it gets too dirty, you are guaranteed an unpleasant, persistent odor. It can sometimes be very difficult to get rid of it, but still, nothing is impossible.

Soda comes to the rescue

Kitchen products have always been and remain faithful assistants in the fight against dirt. They are inexpensive and at the same time safe to use. One such remedy is baking soda.

You need to pour two large spoons of soda into the thermos flask and pour boiling water over it. Close the lid tightly. This infusion should be left in a thermos for a couple of hours, and then rinsed thoroughly under cold water. This will not only help get rid of the pungent odor, but will also help clean the inner walls of the vessel from tea deposits.

Acid is another means to combat odor.

If you don’t have soda, then you can safely use acetic acid, citric acid or thinly sliced ​​lemon to clean the inside of the thermos from plaque. No difference. Only lemon costs more, and vinegar has a stronger smell. These two remedies are identical in their action. Citric and acetic acid will perfectly clean the walls of tea deposits, remove unpleasant odors, as well as food residues. Depending on the volume of the thermos, the required amount of cleaning agent is calculated. Typically, 9% vinegar is used per liter in the amount of one tablespoon or a quarter of one lemon.

Mustard is safe and effective

Regular mustard will help remove the smell from a thermos. For application, it is best to use mustard powder rather than paste. Powder should be poured inside, pour warm water and shake well. Leave the resulting liquid in the container for a couple of hours, and then thoroughly wash the inside of the thermos. Mustard does an excellent job of removing residual fat, while being a completely safe product. After using it, the walls of the thermos become shiny, and the unpleasant smell goes away.

Salt will help clean the thermos

Perhaps this is the simplest, but no less effective method. To use it, you need to add a couple of tablespoons of salt and add water. The action of salt is to absorb the unpleasant odor inside. Then, the thermos should be left to dry. You can also wipe it thoroughly with a clean cotton cloth. It is best not to cover the flask, and if you plan to put the thermos away and not use it for a long time, then make sure that the thermos is perfectly dry.

What to do if the traffic jam smells

Very often the smell of mold permeates the cork. In this case, it is possible to get rid of the smell, although it is quite difficult. To do this, you need to boil the cork in water in which soda was dissolved. Another effective method is to dip the cork in a bleach solution or wash the cork with detergent. This method perfectly gets rid of germs and also cleans all hard-to-reach places from food debris. An effective way to rid a thermos of an unpleasant odor and flask is tea with ginger and cinnamon. There is nothing complicated about it. You just need to brew this tea and leave it in a closed flask for half an hour.

The most effective means

Now let's move on to describing effective ways to remove odor from a thermos. You can cope with the musty stench using improvised means, but if that doesn’t help, then you can resort to household chemicals. This could be bleach or a special mildew detergent. Exotic ways to get rid of musty “aromas” include Coca-Cola and mustard. These substances do the job perfectly.

An excellent assistant for removing stench from a vessel is regular baking soda. The powder is available to everyone, as it is very inexpensive and is sold in any grocery store. Soda must be poured inside. Two or three tablespoons are enough for the procedure, since more will be difficult to wash out.

Next, pour hot water into the device and leave it for several hours. For better distribution of the powder, shake the container thoroughly. If the neck is narrow, then the solution can be prepared in a separate container, and then poured into the vessel.

After a few hours, the flask is cleaned with plain water and left to dry completely.


This product copes well with various foreign odors, and also removes fat from the inner walls. What cannot be washed off with your own hands or with a brush can be easily removed with mustard. However, you should not use ready-made paste, but dry powder. It can be purchased in the spice section of your grocery store.

Dry mustard powder is poured into a flask, and then filled with warm water. The thermos is hermetically sealed with a lid. The device is left in this state for several hours, after which it is rinsed with warm water.

The main advantage of mustard powder is safety. Mustard is absolutely harmless, leaves no traces or residue, and does not cause allergies.

An excellent option for combating simple stains. Instructions for use are simple: add half of it and leave for a day in a warm place. Afterwards, shake out the rice and rinse it several times to get rid of husks and dust.


Table vinegar 9% is an excellent alternative to household chemicals. The acid eliminates odors in food containers and is quite easy to use.

You need to prepare the mixture for washing at the rate of 1 teaspoon of vinegar per glass of water. The solution is poured into a container and left for a couple of hours. The container must be shaken periodically to distribute the vinegar evenly over the walls of the container.

After this, the tank should be thoroughly washed with detergent. Then all parts are rinsed with cold water.

Vinegar and soda

A mixture of vinegar and baking soda is also effective in combating unpleasant odors. Pour 3-4 tablespoons of sodium carbonate into the vessel, and then pour in the same amount of table vinegar. The whole secret lies in the reaction that occurs between these components. Foam and slight heating helps get rid of dirt.

After the reaction has passed, hot water is poured into the device and the solution is left inside for several hours. After a while, the liquid is poured out, and all internal parts are washed under running water.

The easiest way to get rid of an unpleasant odor in a thermos is to use regular table salt. It’s easy to prepare the mixture – just mix a few tablespoons of salt with clean water and pour the saline solution inside the container.

After the procedure, the container is rinsed with clean water and put away to dry in the open state.


This carbonated drink is not only tasty, but also healthy for every housewife. With the help of Cola, they get rid of rust, scale and stench in various containers. To use Coca-Cola for its intended purpose, you need to pour the drink inside and leave it overnight. In the morning, the soda is poured out, and the inside of the container is washed with a brush and detergent.

Lemon juice or citric acid

You can use lemon juice, lemon slices or acid instead of baking soda in previous recipes. The effect will remain the same, however, the lemon will cost much more. It is necessary to squeeze a small amount of juice into the container and leave overnight. Afterwards, it is washed and allowed to dry.


Another way to get rid of mustiness is to use bleach.

Use this method with extreme caution! We recommend using chlorine-containing products in case of very severe contamination, for example, in the presence of black mold and other stubborn stains.

A small amount of about 2 teaspoons per half glass is needed. Then hot water is poured into the container, closed with a sealed stopper and shaken. Remember that after such manipulations, the inside of the device should be thoroughly rinsed several times with warm water. Do not close the device with a lid until it is completely dry, since moisture and chlorine residues should be free to evaporate.

Lemon acid

If you don’t have vinegar and soda in the house, citric acid or ¼ fresh citrus will do.

Lemon is diluted in warm water in a ratio of 1 tsp. : 1 liter of water.

You can replace it with citrus juice. You can also simply place a sliced ​​quarter of a lemon, put it inside and fill it with hot water. After 2–3 hours, the solution is poured out and the bottle is rinsed.

Unlike vinegar, citric acid smells pleasant and removes plaque and mold. You just need to rinse the container well to prevent the drinks from becoming sour.


After the procedures, it is recommended to carry out high-quality and regular preventive maintenance so that later foreign aromas do not get inside. To do this you need:

Reading the instruction manual and following the rules for caring for such items is the most effective way to permanently get rid of unpleasant odors inside the container. Remember that liquids with strong odors can affect the taste of the contents. That is why, for particularly odorous liquids, it is worth using different, separate dishes.

Unconventional methods

Non-traditional methods of getting rid of unpleasant odor include:

Carbonated drinks. The best choice is Coca-Cola. It needs to be brought to a boil and poured into a thermos.

It is important that it remains open. After 10 – 12 hours, rinse the inner surface of household insulating dishes with cold water and dry. Dishwashing liquid

It will only be effective if the bad odor is caused by mold. The thermos must be washed with a special brush until the odors change - the stench should give way to the aroma of the chemicals used. After this, the unit should be heat treated. For this purpose, it must be doused with water several times, first with boiling water, and then with increasingly colder water. Bleach. A good option to clean the surface of moldy fungi that have appeared. However, it is unacceptable if the material for making the thermos is stainless steel. It is necessary to pour a little bleach into the vessel, add hot water and leave for at least half an hour. Afterwards, you need to wash it with special care and repeat the operation, reducing the waiting time by 10 minutes. Important! Just a little concentration! Large volumes of bleach pose a health hazard. Odor absorbers. The easiest way to get rid of bad aroma. You just need to put something inside the thermos that has good odor absorption. This could be brown bread crumb, activated carbon, or a tea bag. Items are usually stored for 3-4 hours. The procedure should be repeated 5 times.

Different odors and the reasons for their appearance

During regular use, persistent odors from drinks or even mold appear in the thermos. Brand new thermal cookware can also smell unpleasant.

Tea and coffee

Drinks beloved by many leave their lasting aroma if they are brewed regularly. Especially if the prepared drink is stored in a container for a long time, or it is not thoroughly washed after each use.

Drinks leave a residue on the flask that smells. Plus, the cork, rubber seals, and lid also absorb aromas.


Gives off an unpleasant musty smell. In addition, it is harmful to health: it causes poisoning and allergic reactions.

The fungus appears as a result of insufficient care and improper storage. Dishes should be washed regularly and thoroughly after each use to prevent mold from developing as a result of spoilage of the product or drink.

The product also needs to be dried correctly: unassembled until completely dry. If you tightly close a clean but still wet dish, fungus will probably grow in it.

Smell of plastic in a new thermos

A new stainless steel product has a specific technical smell: this is what factory grease smells like. You should wash the vessel with regular dishwashing gel. Additionally, you can pour boiling water over the product a couple of times.

If there is no effect, use methods with soda or lemon. Read more about them below.

If the thermos still smells like plastic, it is most likely made from low-quality materials: it is better not to use such a product.

Eliminating the causes of dampness

Before deciding how to get rid of the smell of dampness in your apartment, you need to figure out the cause. Dampness in the house can appear for various reasons. The source can be located both inside the house and outside. You'll have to look for:

Dampness from the basement

Let's assume that you live in a house on the ground floor, and below you there is a basement with old pipes that are long overdue for replacement. The humidity from the pipes is so strong that you can’t even dream of a dry basement, and when the floor in the room is above the basement, and because of old age it has also stopped holding back all the evil spirits that penetrate the room, then it will be difficult for you to protect yourself from wet walls and ceilings.

Dampness from the roof

If you live in an apartment on the top floor, then the humidity problem may come from above. From above, that is, from the roof. Perhaps there are shortcomings in the covering of the house: holes, cracks, imperfections. In this case, every rain, snow, downpour brings a large amount of humidity into your house, and if the water dries quickly outside, then in the house it will take a long time to sour, go out and give its results. In your case, it will start from the ceiling and gradually move to the walls.

Water pipes and ventilation

Water supply pipes can also cause a strong smell of moisture and rottenness in rooms. To determine if this is the cause, you will have to carefully check that the pipes are well insulated and that condensation does not form on them. Ventilation can create the same effect. If the ventilation does not cope with its task, then the steam from the bathroom and kitchen goes into the room, cools down and settles on the walls. As a result, the walls are wet and, remaining in this state, become covered with mold and mildew.

After the flooding

And the most common problem of excess humidity and the spread of rotten smell is flooding of the room. Perhaps it was your upstairs neighbors who decided to give you a flood, or perhaps nature itself played a bad joke on you, or perhaps a pipe burst in the wall and most of the water that was supposed to benefit you soaks your wall, bringing the smell of dampness into the apartment and causing many losses.

If the cause of the smell is in the stopper or lid of the thermos

Sometimes it is impossible to completely get rid of unwanted amber. Most likely, the smell was absorbed not only into the flask, but also into the stopper, and also comes from the lid.

To remove the ingrained aroma, the cork must be soaked in a solution with soda or citric acid. Take 1-2 tbsp. l. soda or 0.5 tbsp. l. acid and dilute in ½ liter of water. Leave for 1-2 hours and rinse.

If all else fails, you can soak the cork in a water solution of oxygen bleach or hydrogen peroxide for 15–30 minutes. But you shouldn’t boil the cork: it can spoil.

If the plug has a valve, then disassemble it and clean the tube. Clean the parts with soda: a toothbrush will help.

Another option: do not disassemble, but place the cork in a strong soda solution, soak it a little, and then clean the tubules with a toothpick.

Please note that thermal cookware can be made from different materials. There are some nuances to caring for when we want to remove unnecessary odors.

Made of stainless steel

If the flask is made of stainless steel, then many methods are suitable for cleaning it, because everything in a metal thermos is made firmly. The main thing is that there are no coarse abrasives or active chemicals that will leave scratches or damage in a thermos with a metal flask. Salt and soda solutions, dill seeds, and mustard powder are good at eliminating odors.

Made of plastic

Plastic products require delicate cleaning. Only a soap solution will do.

From glass

Glass flasks are good, but they are fragile. Many products are suitable for caring for them. At the same time, it is important to handle the product carefully, without unnecessary mechanical impact, so as not to break it.

Removing unpleasant odor from cork

The most difficult thing to remove is the smell that is ingrained in the lid. In such situations, as a rule, one procedure is not enough and improvised means may not be enough.

In such situations, you can use the following recommendations:

  • soak the cork for a long time in a solution with the addition of baking soda or detergent, liquid soap;
  • thoroughly clean all hard-to-reach places;
  • if the plug can be disassembled, then thoroughly wash each element;
  • if necessary, all elements can be boiled for 5-10 minutes by adding baking soda to the water.

After all procedures for removing the unpleasant aroma are completed, you need to thoroughly dry the lid.

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