How to adjust an Atlant refrigerator 2 compressors

How to adjust the temperature in the Atlant refrigerator - simple instructions

For a very long time, our industry produced refrigerators with one temperature regime, which did not at all provide for the function of adjusting temperatures at the request of the consumer. It’s good that settings are now available that allow you to adjust at your discretion the consumption of electrical energy and, of course, the degree of freezing and cooling of products.

This article will tell you about important recommendations from experts before setting the temperature in the Atlant refrigerator, the principles for choosing certain settings, and how to do it all correctly on your own.

How to call a refrigerator repair technician

Call by phone


1. Tell us the brand and model of the refrigerator

2. Describe the problem

3. Indicate the address and agree on the time of the visit

The purpose of a refrigerator is to store food for a long period. Some models are equipped with a regulator, which you can set correctly yourself. Atlant brand models are widely used due to their availability. They meet modern requirements and are equipped with a regulator. In the Atlant refrigerator, the temperature can be adjusted using an electronic or mechanical unit.

Basic tips and tricks for refrigeration technicians

The most basic rule before adjusting the Atlant refrigerator is to keep it at room temperature for 8-16 hours before starting it for the first time. This is explained by the fact that tilts and vibrations, which cannot be avoided during transportation, can cause partial overflow of oil from the compressor.

Then, before loading the refrigerator for the first time, it is advised to let the appliance run idle, completely empty.

It is also worth remembering these important tips when adjusting the temperature:

  • the immediate ambient temperature affects the performance of the unit: in too hot rooms (in summer, more than 30 degrees) it is more difficult for it to maintain the specified parameters; in order not to exert excessive loads, do not expose it to too much cold;
  • it is also necessary to take into account the degree of loading of the chambers, the frequency of openings and the likelihood of changes in performance over time;
  • experts advise periodically measuring the temperature inside using special thermometers in order to timely identify faults, freon leaks, etc.;
  • If the temperature readings do not change when you turn the thermostat, you should call a technician.

Typically, after the 1st start-up, the equipment should reach the optimal temperature and enter normal mode within 24 hours.


To set the temperature correctly

in the Atlant refrigerator, you need to follow a few tips:

  • The ambient temperature affects the operation of the refrigerator. When the temperature gets hot, the refrigerator motor starts to work harder, causing it to overheat and possibly break down. Typically, Atlant refrigerator models operate stably at temperatures from +16 to +32 degrees. In summer, try to avoid getting too cold.
  • As the refrigerator is used, its properties may change. And at the same temperature, you may notice less cold than before. This is influenced by several factors. For example, the tightness of the door or the location of products inside the refrigeration chambers. To avoid this, you can sometimes check the temperature with a thermometer and compare it with the reading on your refrigerator. This will help you notice the deviation in time and correct it.

IMPORTANT! If you notice that you have changed the temperature value, but it has not changed, then you need to call a specialist.

Temperature control in Atlant refrigerators with a mechanical view

  • To change the temperature mode, you need to adjust it by rotating the regulator scale. It will be maintained during the entire period of use of the refrigerator.
  • If you rotate clockwise, the cold will increase. And if against, then decrease.
  • The numbers on the handle do not indicate temperature. They are used to determine the position of the regulator. Accordingly, to reduce the temperature, you need to increase the number.

Often, on Atlant refrigerators the temperature is set on a scale from 1 to 7. It is best to stop at number 3, because this mode is ideal for storing most products. If the temperature in the surrounding area has risen, then the temperature of the refrigerator can also be raised slightly.

It is better to set the temperature in the freezer below the sixth setting. Cold in the freezer is achieved by running the compressor for a long time. If the rating is too low, it may work longer than usual and burn out, as well as increase your electrical energy costs.

Temperature adjustment in Atlant refrigerators with a digital panel

Most modern Atlant refrigerators are equipped with a digital panel, which greatly simplifies their use.

Now you can adjust the temperature without spending much effort.

  • To change the temperature, use the keys that lower or increase the temperature.
  • With one click you can change the temperature by 1 degree.
  • Often you can adjust the temperature from -2 to +8 degrees.
  • To find out the current temperature, use the analog display.
  • Before adjusting the temperature, select the required indicator. It is advisable to avoid too low or high temperatures.

What types of adjustment devices are there?

In Atlant refrigerators there can be two types of adjustment:

Mechanical adjustment

  • A mechanical option, when the position selection is provided by turning the dial along the upper scale of numbers (found in budget models).

Digital adjustment

  • Electronic version, with a digital panel and display.

Different models have, of course, different locations of the temperature control device itself.

General information

Temperature control devices are divided into two basic types:

  • Electronic. It is a digital panel; to adjust the temperature, you must either specify the required temperature or set the mode that suits you. This type of device is presented in various ways, often in the form of a large display.
  • Mechanical. This type is used in economy class refrigerators. It is very simple and reliable. It consists of regulating the temperature by adjusting the rotary dial on a scale.

On different models, the temperature control device is located differently. However, in Atlant brand refrigerators, the adjustment is no different from the adjustment in refrigerators of other brands.

Mechanical regulators in single-chamber refrigerators

The mechanical adjustment device can be located on the right inside the chamber, or on the top panel outside. Occasionally there are models located on the “ceiling” inside the chamber.

To adjust the temperature in an Atlant refrigerator with one chamber, you should simply rotate the control knob along a scale from 1 to 7 (the numbers do not indicate the temperature): the higher the number, the stronger the unit will cool. The 0 indicator indicates the compressor is completely turned off, and the number 7 will set the coldest mode. Experts recommend choosing average values ​​(3 or 4) to extend the life of the equipment.

And in modes 6 or 7, the compressor has to “work” for a long time without breaks, which can lead to its rapid burnout.

Moreover, when initially turning on the refrigeration device, it is not recommended to select the maximum values.

How many degrees should it be

The temperature in the refrigerator is maintained by a combination of various components, including the compressor. The frequency of its activation and the duration of operation determine the temperature inside the chamber. Different products must be kept under different conditions:

  • Meat, fish and eggs are stored at +1…+3°С.
  • Dairy products and soups do not spoil in an environment with temperatures ranging from +3...+5°C.
  • Culinary and sausage products are stored at +5...+8°C.

The more complex the technique, the wider the choice of settings. The Atlant brand produces a large number of refrigerators with main and freezer compartments, allowing you to store food in various conditions.

In the refrigerator compartment

The main refrigerator compartment is used to accommodate most products that do not need to be stored for an extended period.

The temperature in the refrigerator should be in the range of +3...+8°C.

It is difficult to set the exact temperature for stored products, since the recommended conditions may vary significantly. As the indicator decreases, the device begins to work more, so energy costs increase significantly.

In the freezer

The freezer is designed for deep freezing and long-term storage of contents. Therefore, the cold is maintained at -16...-24°C. When considering what temperature should be in the freezer, it is worth considering that everything depends on the task at hand. The features are as follows:

  • It is difficult to preserve vegetables and fruits at home. In this case, deep freezing is not required, since after defrosting the basic properties may change.
  • For fish and meat, the lowest value is selected. Such products tolerate deep freezing well and do not lose their properties after thawing.

The temperature in the freezer is maintained due to high-quality insulation and periodic activation of the compressor, which supplies cold. To reduce costs, it is recommended to open the door infrequently, as cold air will escape out.

What if there are two compressors?

This engineering solution involves servicing the refrigeration section with one compressor and the freezer compartment with the other. This allows precise adjustments to be made to the motors individually, or even to disable one if necessary. How to regulate the temperature in the Atlant refrigerator in such cases?

Here, temperature settings are made using two different regulators, similar to those described above, by setting the control knob to the desired number.

It should be noted that in case of problems, special jumpers come to the rescue, allowing you to switch both parts to a single working motor.

Adjustment in the freezer compartment

The temperature in the Atlant two-chamber refrigerator is regulated by two rollers: for the freezer and refrigerator compartments. For optimal storage, frozen foods should fit tightly together. This method saves energy and allows you to preserve food for as long as possible during power outages.

Rollers for temperature adjustment

There are three main modes:

  • Quick freezing from -24 to -30 °C. Used for rapid freezing of fresh products.
  • The optimal level is from -20 to -24°C. Suitable for frequent use of the freezer compartment.
  • A low freezing level of -14 °C is used when the department is lightly loaded.

Attention! Do not block the air passages of the No Frost system on the back wall of Atlant equipment with products. This will prevent untimely failure of the device.

For high-quality freezing of food in Atlant two-chamber devices, the consumer must monitor the cleanliness and operation of his equipment. It is necessary to defrost it in a timely manner if frost has formed, and also to clean it if water accumulates on the back wall.

Refrigerator with food

Timely measures will prevent breakdowns and failure of equipment ahead of schedule. Such measures can also eliminate noise that can arise as a result of improper use and lack of maintenance.


Refrigeration equipment is delivered to the consumer with factory settings. During operation of the household appliance, the user himself sets the parameters for air conditioning the internal space. In the Atlant refrigerator, temperature control is provided in 2 ways, which allow you to adjust the optimal level of cold.

Features of digital displays in modern versions

The electronic control of the Atlant refrigerator is most often located at the top of the door, but there are also cases where it is located on the surface of the door (in newer versions). To select the temperature, either regular buttons or a touch system are provided.

The main rules in such systems:

  • to change the settings of the digital relay, press keys;
  • in cases of dual-chamber options, the displays are divided into two compartments, each of which shows data in separate compartments;
  • for freezing containers they provide a range from −18 to −24 degrees, and for refrigeration parts it is possible to choose from +1 to +8 degrees;
  • One press of the button allows you to change the temperature by 1 degree.

Refrigerators belonging to the so-called “New Wave” series have advanced displays equipped with electronic controls. The attached instructions describe in detail, step by step, the operation of installing and adjusting temperature indicators.

Electronic units are equipped with a special alarm that notifies you about a long (more than 1 minute) opening of the refrigerator door or about its incomplete closing. They also provide a system for shutting down the unit in cases of an increase above standard values ​​or an abnormal voltage drop.

Electronic control unit with clock function

The block was used in models МХМ-1841 - МХМ-1848 (the series was called “New Wave”). A similar element is installed on XM-6001 and XM-6002. The designs use 2 Atlant electronic control options:

First type control: temperature only

The developers combined the digital part with indicators for quick control. The solution helps you use the electronic panel without instructions - everything is clear without words:

  1. Indicators, buttons. The pictures around the edges show which buttons control the refrigerator/freezer compartment. “Snowflake” activates the freezing mode. “Signal off” removes the warning when the door is open for a long time.
  2. Digital block. Consists of windows for two-digit and single-digit numbers. The first shows the temperature in the freezer, information signs, fault codes. The second is the temperature in the refrigerator compartment. Standard information signs - “H”, “L”, “SC”, “SF”. The remaining signals begin with the letter “F” and indicate a breakdown.

Option with a clock

The second type of design offers advanced capabilities - setting the time, 3 options for displaying information, turning on the “super cooling” mode in the refrigerator compartment. The panel is divided into halves: on the left is the freezer control, on the right is the refrigerator compartment.

To select a display mode, press the dot button the required number of times. The display shows the mode number:

  1. Temperature. In this mode, you can set cooling parameters separately for each chamber - press the arrow button on the desired side.
  2. Time. To set the clock, press and hold the dot button (far right) until the numeric indicators flash. Use the arrows on the left to set the MO temperature, and the arrows on the right to set the XO temperature. To exit the clock setting, hold down the dot button again for 3 seconds.
  3. Mixed. The display alternately (30 seconds) displays degrees and time.

Alphanumeric designations of modes and faults are standard.

The nuances of choosing the temperature in the freezer

There are 3 main options for refrigerator freezer compartments:

  1. Quick freezing (−24−30 degrees) of large volumes of fresh products, used within several hours.
  2. Optimal everyday range (−18−24 degrees), with a good degree of filling and the presence of meat.
  3. The lowest level (from −14 degrees), which is chosen at low load levels and if the doors are rarely opened.

Before the upcoming freezing (a couple of hours or more), set the lowest indicators, add the food for freezing, and wait for the required time (according to the instructions). Only then are they transferred to normal daily storage regimes.

The display indicators will always indicate what temperature is in the freezer of the Atlant refrigerator at the moment.

If the indicator is red, this will mean that the freezer is reaching the desired temperature. Once the selected mode is reached, the indicator turns off, leaving only a green glow.

How many degrees should it be

The temperature in the refrigerator is maintained by a combination of various components, including the compressor. The frequency of its activation and the duration of operation determine the temperature inside the chamber. Different products must be kept under different conditions:

  • Meat, fish and eggs are stored at +1…+3°С.
  • Dairy products and soups do not spoil in an environment with temperatures ranging from +3...+5°C.
  • Culinary and sausage products are stored at +5...+8°C.

The more complex the technique, the wider the choice of settings. The Atlant brand produces a large number of refrigerators with main and freezer compartments, allowing you to store food in various conditions.

In the refrigerator compartment

The main refrigerator compartment is used to accommodate most products that do not need to be stored for an extended period.

The temperature in the refrigerator should be in the range of +3...+8°C.

It is difficult to set the exact temperature for stored products, since the recommended conditions may vary significantly. As the indicator decreases, the device begins to work more, so energy costs increase significantly.

In the freezer

The freezer is designed for deep freezing and long-term storage of contents. Therefore, the cold is maintained at -16...-24°C. When considering what temperature should be in the freezer, it is worth considering that everything depends on the task at hand. The features are as follows:

  • It is difficult to preserve vegetables and fruits at home. In this case, deep freezing is not required, since after defrosting the basic properties may change.
  • For fish and meat, the lowest value is selected. Such products tolerate deep freezing well and do not lose their properties after thawing.

The temperature in the freezer is maintained due to high-quality insulation and periodic activation of the compressor, which supplies cold. To reduce costs, it is recommended to open the door infrequently, as cold air will escape out.

How to measure the temperature correctly?

In order to monitor the operation of the device, it is better to measure the actual temperature in the chamber from time to time using a thermometer. To do this, take a glass of water, place a thermometer in it, and place it on the middle shelf of the refrigerator overnight. After about 5-8 hours without opening the doors, preferably in the morning, accurate readings are taken.

To clarify the temperature in the freezer, a special thermometer is placed among the frozen foods in the center of the compartment overnight.

Atlant electronic control unit: 4 buttons + full set of functions

The block is used in the design of the XM-5124-ХХХ-F models, as well as versions from XM-4421 to XM-4426 and from XM-4521 to XM-4524 without a display on the door (designation “N” in the marking).

Appearance of the electronic unit

Despite its simple appearance and only 4 buttons, the unit provides a wide range of functions. Take a closer look at the display - there is enough space for most settings.

Detailed display view

The display displays standard indicators and an informative digital display, on which additional symbols may appear:

  1. Warning: “H” - indicates the temperature in the chamber is exceeded. “L” - signals a value below the set value. “SC” and “SN” indicate the activation of the “super cooling” and “super freezing” functions.
  2. Fault signals: images “F1”-“F3”, “E1”, “E2” appear or signals “H”, “L” are on for more than 24 hours.

The left “F” button is responsible for turning on the freezer compartment and switching modes, and the right one is for the refrigerator compartment. The temperature selection button (with arrows) helps to change the parameter, “OK” confirms the choice. To configure, press “F” several times until the desired icon starts flashing, then select a parameter or change the value using the arrows. In this way, the temperature is set, the super-freezing, beverage cooling, and “vacation” modes are activated and deactivated.

What to do if the temperature is not satisfactory?

New refrigerators have temperature regulators set to medium temperature conditions. If the consumer is not satisfied with the specified parameters, they can be changed by following some rules, namely:

  • turn the knob in the desired direction only one notch;
  • evaluate the results obtained only after 5 or 6 hours;
  • if necessary, continue to regulate temperature indicators, changing modes sequentially, excluding sudden jumps and changes.

Some users, after obtaining the desired results, mark the desired position of the pen using a marker or felt-tip pen.

Home refrigerator and normal indicators for it

Placing food in the kitchen appliance compartment is not enough. You need to know how and under what conditions to store it. Basic mode is more suitable for one category of products, high performance for another. And some of them retain their freshness for a long time only at sub-zero temperatures. If the temperature is set incorrectly, the food will spoil ahead of schedule.

The bacteria that multiply in foods are to blame for this. During their activity, various groups of acids, chemical compounds, and gases are formed. Because of this, food emits an unpleasant odor after some time, which is then difficult to get rid of.

There are certain temperature standards. If the refrigerator complies with them, its service life will be longer, and microorganisms will stop their activity.

The user chooses the temperature regime that suits him independently, but he cannot go beyond the maximum and minimum thresholds. This value is set by the manufacturer.

All products are divided into several categories. And each of them requires the creation of special storage conditions, so you need to follow the tips for filling the refrigerator.

Table 1. Product categories and temperature conditions

Product groupTemperature, degreesPeculiarities
Meat+1-3If you store it in this way, it will not spoil or freeze. But if you raise the temperature, the product will spoil ahead of schedule, and if you lower it, the meat will freeze. After defrosting, its taste will deteriorate.
Sausages+2-5To extend their shelf life, it is better to store them in containers rather than in plastic bags.
Ready meals+2-4At lower temperatures, soups or stews will freeze
Vegetables+4-6Boiled vegetables at low or high temperatures lose their beneficial properties, so it is better to keep the temperature in the recommended range
Milk products+1-5Keep tightly closed so that it does not absorb foreign odors.
Eggs+1-5Quail eggs need a temperature 2 degrees lower
FishFrom 0 to +2Cooked fish can be stored at a temperature 2 degrees higher
Seafood+4-6For cooked seafood, the storage temperature does not change
Fruits+4-8Suitable for local fruits. Exotic ones cannot be stored in the refrigerator, they prefer warmth
Cheeses+3-5These indicators may differ for different varieties.
Bread+4-6If the temperature drops, the baked goods will become stale. If it gets warmer, the baked goods will become moldy.

It turns out that for almost all categories the most suitable temperature is considered to be within +2-5 degrees. If the temperature is set incorrectly, this is indicated by the following signs:

  • food spoils quickly;
  • cooked dishes and individual products partially freeze and at the same time lose their taste;
  • food that has just been removed from the refrigerator seems warm to the touch;
  • condensation appears on the walls of the refrigeration chamber;
  • The ice in the freezer is melting.

If at least one of these signs is present, you need to check that the temperature is set correctly. Not all refrigerators are equipped with internal or external sensors that can be used to monitor temperature readings. Then they are measured manually. This is done taking into account the following recommendations:

About temperature unevenness inside the chamber

In any case, not all places in the refrigeration space will have a strictly set temperature. This should always be taken into account during operation of the unit:

  • at the back wall (closer to the freezer), the data will be 2-2.5 degrees colder;
  • in the very middle it will show the specified mode with a difference of + or – by 1 degree;
  • on door shelves, indicators may differ by 5 degrees above the specified mark.

Correctly setting the temperature parameters in Atlant refrigerators of any modification will extend their service life, while preserving all the beneficial taste qualities of the stored products. In addition, significant energy savings can be achieved.


Basic installation errors

The desire to save space or inaccurate calculations often lead to the refrigerator being “pressed” against a wall or partition.
This makes it difficult to circulate air and remove excess heat from the body and cooling system of the equipment. The result is disastrous: the load on the compressor increases, and it soon fails. The second mistake is the proximity of the refrigerator to a radiator, stove or oven. All this leads to heating of the case and, again, to increased load on the motor.

The third common problem is the proximity of the sink. Do not forget that the refrigerator runs on electricity, and it is a bad neighbor to water. The slightest leak, which may not be noticed immediately (for example, as a result of depressurization of the siphon), and a trip to the workshop, or even the purchase of a new refrigerator, are guaranteed.

Well, the fourth most popular mistake is ignoring gender characteristics. On hard and slippery tiles, it is recommended to lay a special rubber mat or place pads made of the same material under the legs of the refrigerator.

It’s easier with a wooden floor and its analogues - such a coating does not need to be supplemented. However, it is important to make sure that the boards or slats do not “play”. Otherwise, even a refrigerator standing level will begin to rattle during operation.

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Instructions for a two-chamber Atlant refrigerator with 2 compressors

Atlant is a well-known brand that has firmly taken its place in the Russian market. The Minsk manufacturer produces equipment with the ability to separately defrost the freezer and refrigerator compartments. With the purchase of such models, questions inevitably arise: how to set up a refrigerator, how to set the temperature in Atlanta with two compressors, and what can be found in the instructions for defrosting a two-chamber device. So, the Atlant two-chamber refrigerator with 2 compressors: instructions.

Adjustment in the refrigerator compartment

The temperature in the Atlant refrigerator chamber is set automatically after several steps. To set the desired mode, there is a special roller, which is located at the top of the device when the top door is open.

Refrigerator ATLANT XM

The roller has a digital designation: from 1 to 7. The higher the number, the lower the temperature. Depending on the Atlant modification, there may be several rollers: for the refrigeration and freezer compartments. When turned on for the first time, the user must set the adjustment to position “2”. A click must be heard.

Next, the temperature must be reduced. In this case, the compressor will work without stopping. You will have to adjust the mode again downwards on the scale until it clicks. After these steps, the freezing and cooling process is carried out automatically by the device. For clarity, a video is provided below.

Installation of Atlant refrigerator

The room for refrigeration equipment must meet certain requirements:

  • area - at least 5 m²,
  • height - from 2.5 m.
  • room temperature +18…+22º C,
  • Optimal air humidity is no more than 75%.

You need to place the device in a place where there is no direct sunlight and about a meter away from heating devices. Leave a space of 5 cm on each side to allow air circulation.

Before turning on the refrigerator, you need to wait 4-5 hours from the moment it was installed .

After this time, you can remove the packaging and treat all components with soapy water. Particular attention should be paid to the supports on which two-compressor refrigerators are installed. To independently close the door, the rear pillars are unscrewed less than the front pillars.

After drying, all that remains is to plug in the Atlant refrigerator with 2 compressors and read the instructions for users. There are all possible options for installing components. If there are shelf latches left in the refrigerator compartment, you need to remove them by pulling them towards you until they stop.

Preparing for work

Some refrigerators use glass shelves equipped with plastic transport elements. The shelves are distributed along guide grooves inside the refrigerator compartment. The operating instructions for the Atlant refrigerator do not recommend turning on the power for 30 minutes after transportation (due to the risk of oil getting into the capillary channels). If the equipment was delivered to the installation site in winter, then the product is kept at room temperature for 4 hours.

On the back wall of the equipment there are grooves for installing plastic stops that prevent the heat exchanger from coming into contact with the wall surface. Refrigeration units are labeled with the serial number, model and technical parameters. Removing this label is prohibited due to the risk of voiding warranty service. The front doors of the equipment are installed on right hinges; the design allows the doors to be hung on the left side of the housing.

Defrosting refrigeration equipment

To extend the life of refrigeration equipment, it must be defrosted. Modern models have a function for removing frost from the evaporator in automatic mode. Therefore, it is enough to carry out the cleaning process once a year. The instructions for a two-chamber refrigerator from Minsk Atlant with 2 compressors contain several descriptions of how to proceed correctly:

  • Defrosting should not be carried out in hot weather - the motor may overheat.
  • The power supply to the device must be turned off to avoid a short circuit.
  • To speed up cleaning, you can use a hairdryer or place a container of warm water inside the chamber.
  • Do not use mechanical cleaning methods! Do not pick off ice with sharp objects or move equipment towards the stove or radiator.
  • After defrosting is completed, the chamber should be washed with warm soapy water and wiped dry.
  • Between general cleanings, keep an eye on the drain at the bottom of the refrigerator compartment and, if necessary, clean it with a special brush.

Separate compressors for the freezer and refrigerator compartments are good because the lower compartment can be rid of ice without opening the main compartment. This means that the defrosting process will go much faster, and the food will last much longer. As practice shows, the action usually takes 2-3 hours.

How to install a refrigerator yourself without professionals

It is recommended to connect and install the refrigerator in the following order:

  1. When replacing used refrigerators with a new one , first they carefully dismantle the old one and remove it from the pencil case.
  2. Before installation, we connect the equipment to the electrical network. After making a test connection to the electrical network, we see if the equipment works, that is, the owner finds out that the circuit is in working order, the motor is running quietly.
  3. We fix the refrigerator in its place. To ensure optimal operating conditions for the device now and silent operation in the future, it is recommended to use a level. Vertical installation can be achieved by rotating the adjusting bolt, which is located in the lower area of ​​the refrigerator.
  4. In some cases, to fix the housing in the required position , it is necessary to install a small foam pad of the required thickness, which can be inconspicuously placed in the holes among the walls of the refrigeration units and the pencil case.
  5. After completing these works, the façade area of ​​the cabinet panel is installed. In addition, any of the provided products for installation is fixed, the movement of the sash and the stability of structures in general are clarified.
  6. Afterwards, the refrigerators are connected to the electrical network and the operation of household equipment is completed.

Basic safety rules

To more accurately install the equipment at the specified location, use a special tool - a level. It should be attached to the wall of the device and the leg should be twisted so that any area of ​​it is strictly parallel to the vertical planes. In addition, for accuracy, we also check for horizontal evenness.

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Detailed instructions and connection steps

The requirements for the location of the device here do not differ from the conditions for the location of ordinary solutions. An additional point is the limited parameters of the installation zone.

It is necessary to take into account the size of the equipment so that there is not a lot of air space next to it, so that the atmosphere can ventilate freely. The built-in model does not have cladding upon purchase.

Recommendations and tips

The size of the kitchen can generally limit the space for placing household equipment, especially since a certain place is always allocated for the stove, based on the location of its power source. There should be a space of at least 60 cm between the refrigerator and the electric stove.


The instructions for the Atlant two-chamber refrigerator contain recommendations on what to do if the refrigerator turns on noisily, spontaneous defrosting occurs, and answers to other questions. Also, during operation, minor failures may occur: a burnt out light bulb, a broken shelf, a cracked handle or drawer.

In this case, you need to contact the manufacturer's official website. In the “Service” section there are addresses of stores where you can buy parts that have become unusable. If you can’t fix the problem yourself, a technician from the service center will help.


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