Is it worth buying an induction cooker, advantages and disadvantages

What are the advantages?

The induction cooker has a number of advantages that distinguish it from its competitors.

Of the main ones:

  • Maximum efficiency due to the start of heating the dishes immediately after switching on, and this saves electricity;
  • Reliable protection against “wrong” dishes. The burner will not turn on if there is a frying pan or pan with a non-magnetic bottom on the stove;
  • Automatic shutdown when removing dishes;
  • Maintaining the set temperature at a certain level. This is due to the fact that the monitoring sensor is not affected by the high temperature of metal products;
  • Stable power that does not depend on the voltage of the household network;
  • A wide selection of programs, which allows you to prepare dishes of varying complexity;
  • The induction surface is heated only by the cookware, so the likelihood of getting burns is extremely low;
  • No unpleasant odors;
  • Ease of maintenance. Most modern models have a glass surface, the processing of which is not difficult. The outside of the dishes does not burn due to the absence of open fire and hot surfaces.

Among the disadvantages, it is worth highlighting the high power, which creates an additional load on the wiring, the presence of electromagnetic radiation and the possibility of using only special utensils.

In addition, if you turn on all the burners at the same time, they will not produce full power.

Cleaning method

Convection ovens can be cleaned in two ways:

Pyrolytic - organic deposits on the walls of the oven are burned when exposed to high temperature, after which the resulting ash is removed with a damp sponge.

Catalytic – provides for the oxidation and decomposition of deposits during the cooking process (the inner surface of the oven walls is coated with a catalyst). After completion of work, the inner chamber of the oven requires additional wet cleaning using mild detergents.

What types of induction cookers are there?

The following types of induction cookers are available for sale:

  • Portable (desktop). They are small in size and have one burner;
  • Built-in - combined with furniture in the kitchen;
  • Combined. There are stoves on which one half of the burners operates according to the standard electric principle, and the second - according to the induction principle.


What are the differences from other plates?

Induction cookers compare favorably with other types of stoves (gas and electric).

A number of points are worth highlighting:

  • The efficiency of induction furnaces reaches 90%. For comparison, in gas stoves this figure is only 30-60%, and in electric stoves - no more than 70%;
  • High heating rate (devices with heating elements or gas burners cannot boast of this feature);
  • Efficiency. After removing the dishes, you do not need to turn off the work area manually - this happens automatically. In electric or gas stoves, the burner continues to work, which leads to excessive consumption of gas and electricity. In the summer, this is especially important, because there is additional heating of the air, which complicates the process of air conditioning (cooling) the room;
  • Precise temperature control. On stoves with heating elements or those running on gas, temperature control occurs “by eye”. In the case of induction cookers, you can maintain the same setting throughout the entire cooking time;

  • Safety. If a person accidentally mixes up the cookware and places a product with a non-magnetic bottom, the burner will not work. To activate the burner, the cookware must cover its area as much as possible, 50% or more;
  • Many additional functions that classic gas or electric stoves cannot boast of.


The induction hob is truly a new generation of household appliances. They are functional, stylish, fast and less energy-consuming.

Among the advantages of induction cookers:

Read also: Report on life safety on the topic “Fires”

  • Low energy consumption. Compared to electric ones, they need 40-50% less energy. Moreover, their efficiency is 90%, while electric ones are 30-60%. This happens due to the fact that the burner itself does not heat up.
  • Convenience of preparation. The set temperature can be maintained throughout the entire frying or cooking time. As soon as the dishes are removed from the surface, the coils are immediately turned off. The stove itself does not heat up, and this completely eliminates the risk of burns.
  • Functionality. It has many modes, allows you to set the exact temperature and control the entire cooking process. The more expensive the surface, the more functions it has.
  • Fast heating. The panels have intense heating. This reduces cooking time. The stove turns on only when it comes into contact with the cookware.
  • Touch control. The buttons are located directly on the panel. They are convenient to use.
  • Stylish design. Cooking surfaces can be of different colors and shapes. Such diversity cannot be found in any other plate. In addition, some studios create slabs according to individual drawings.
  • Easy to care for. They are not equipped with any seams, bends or grilles. This greatly simplifies the process of cleaning the hob. Grease can be wiped off with a simple wet sponge. If something spills, you can wipe it up immediately. When you lift the pan, the burner immediately cools down. Food that has fallen out of the dish will not burn to it; there is no risk of setting fire to an oven mitt or towel.

While cooking, you can safely place the stock directly next to the pan on the surface, and it will not become hot.

Working principle of an induction cooker

Before using an induction stove, it is advisable to understand the principle of its operation. It is built on electromagnetic induction - the mechanism of electric current flow when the magnetic flux changes.

The principle of operation of an induction cooker is similar to that of a transformer. Under the glass-ceramic surface of the device there is an induction coil, under which a current flows with a frequency of 20 to 100 kHz.

The role of the primary winding is played by the induction coil, and the secondary winding is played by the cookware installed on the burner.

As soon as the product is placed on the work surface, induction currents appear, heating pans, pots and other cooking products.

As for the glass-ceramic surface of the stove, it also warms up, but from the dishes, and not from the work area.

In relation to the principle of operation, it is worth highlighting a number of points:

Power regulation

As noted above, the cookware is heated by high-frequency eddy currents acting on it. In this case, the power of the burner can be adjusted in two ways - pulsed or continuous.

In the first case, the stove will periodically turn on and off. Depending on the installed power, the operating frequency also changes.

At the maximum power setting, the frequency reaches 50-100 kHz, and if it is reduced, it reaches 20 kHz.

Heating area

The operating principle of an induction cooker is designed in such a way that the surface near the heating zone remains cold, and this reduces the risk of burns.

As for the heating elements used, they come in several types:

  • Tape. They look like a tape twisted like a spring. Heating time is 8 seconds;
  • Spiral. By the name you can judge the design of the part. The surface heats up within 15 seconds;
  • Halogen. This heater looks like a tube filled with halogen gas. There is a special heater inside (it is through it that the current passes). Thanks to this operating principle, the cookware heats up almost instantly after switching on. The maximum temperature is reached 3 seconds after switching on;
  • Induction. Such devices create a high-frequency field that heats the bottom of the cookware.

Features of cooking on an induction oven, which cookware is suitable

As noted earlier, for such a stove it is worth acquiring special dishes with a magnetic bottom.

The oven automatically recognizes a suitable design and is immediately activated after turning the burner handle.

It is allowed to use utensils:

  • Made of cast iron;
  • Made of stainless steel;
  • Enameled, with a flat bottom.

If the bottom of the cookware is made of steel, but there is a layer of enamel on it, the use of such a product is allowed. This is due to the fact that the magnetic field does not “pierce” the enamel layer.

Features of choosing dishes

An induction cooker requires the use of special cookware. This is directly related to the principle of induction: the device of the stove is similar to a transformer from physics lessons, only the primary winding is a coil, and the secondary winding is a cookware.

Cooking on an induction hob can only be done in containers with a ferromagnetic bottom.

Manufacturers mark it with a special sign in the form of a spiral, and today a set of induction cookware can be purchased in almost any specialized store.

You can check whether your frying pan or pan is suitable for an induction cooker using a magnet: if it sticks to the bottom, then you can safely use it.

If you place the wrong container on the burner, the stove simply will not work. During cooking, only the bottom of the pan and, accordingly, the food in it are heated, but not the cooking surface. Therefore, if a piece of food falls on the burner, it’s okay. The whites won't curdle, the onions won't burn, and you won't have to struggle to scrape off the coals.

When choosing dishes, you should definitely pay attention to its bottom, which should be smooth, without dents or bulges. Manufacturers recommend selecting cookware so that the diameter of the bottom matches the diameter of the burner: the smaller the pot or frying pan, the less power it will have.

What if you are used to drinking Turkish coffee freshly brewed in the morning? Then you will have to additionally purchase a special adapter - a metal adapter disk that will cover the surface of the burner.

This disc allows you to cook food in regular cookware not intended for induction cookers. However, it is hardly convenient to use it on an ongoing basis. Firstly, adapter manufacturers do not recommend turning on the stove at maximum power, which already limits your dishes. Secondly, you still won’t have enough of one disk to simultaneously cook several dishes on different burners. It is advisable to think about purchasing it if you really have a need to use small dishes at low or medium power. For example, for brewing coffee or heating milk.

Harm to health

Today there is a lot of discussion regarding the harm of induction cookers, because the principle of their operation is based on electromagnetic fields, the negative effects of which are well known. Many experiments have been carried out on this matter.

Scientists have proven that at a distance of one centimeter from the source, electromagnetic radiation is always higher than the permissible ICNIRP standard.

If the pan is displaced relative to the center of the working surface or in a situation where its diameter is smaller than the diameter of the burner, the indicated indicator will be greater than the norm at a distance of up to 12 cm.

This parameter is typical for cases when special utensils are used for cooking. If there is an enameled object on the work surface, the danger zone is larger - up to 20 cm.

Why is this dangerous for health?

The electromagnetic field that occurs near the human body can lead to the appearance of induced currents in the body and a negative effect on the central nervous system. To protect health, ICNIRP has established requirements for upper current limits.

To verify whether induction cookers meet these standards, a study was conducted with a group of volunteers of different ages and genders.

People were located in close proximity to the hob (at a distance of five centimeters). Scientists at this moment studied the currents that flowed in the body and the central nervous system of the body.

It has been proven that the current indicators in the case of using built-in models are minimal.

As for portable models, their current indicators are higher, but they also did not exceed the established norm.

It is worth noting that the limit established by ICNIRP is 50 times less than the minimum threshold at which stimulation of the human central nervous system occurs.

What is the outcome of the study?

Experts published the results of the experiments, but admitted that there is not yet enough information about the dangers of electromagnetic fields. It is important to understand that the nature of such radiation may vary depending on the nature of its occurrence.

There is another study, the results of which can be found on the WHO website.

People and animals took part in the experiment, but it was not possible to prove the negative effect of electromagnetic radiation on the central nervous system or the cardiovascular system.


The operating principle of an induction cooker causes mistrust and fear among some housewives. Manufacturers assure that it is safe and nothing to worry about. Is it really?

Vadim Rukavitsyn ecologist-consultant

Various studies have been conducted on the safety of induction cookers Fact sheet - Induction hobs, their results are slightly different, but agree that at a distance of less than 30 cm from the cooker, the electromagnetic field still exceeds the standards. Also, if you place a cookware with a smaller diameter than the burner on the panel, or place it slightly unevenly, the electromagnetic radiation will become stronger and the radius of influence will increase.

However, the expert clarifies that all this matters if you spend more than two hours a day at the stove. In other cases, the standards become less strict, which allows you to cook without any harm to health.

Following instructions and safety precautions with any electrical appliances is essential. An induction cooker is no exception. As mentioned earlier, it is necessary to pay special attention to the diameter of the pan and the type of its bottom.

The electromagnetic field from an induction cooker does not affect food, since this radiation is not ionizing and acts mainly on the dishes, heating them. If we talk about the effect on the body, it strongly depends on the frequency of radiation, its power and exposure time.

Vadim Rukavitsyn


In addition, it is especially important for people with pacemakers to follow safety guidelines. It is recommended to consult a doctor before using an induction cooker.

There is a high probability that if you approach more than 0.5 meters to the switched on stove, the pacemaker may fail.

Vadim Rukavitsyn


Most of the household appliances and gadgets that we use every day have an impact on our body in one way or another. To ensure comfortable use of the devices to which we are so accustomed, it is important to comply with all safety requirements, not neglect the instructions and strictly follow all instructions. This way, first of all, you will protect yourself, and, of course, extend the life of your equipment.

Recommendations for use

Users who prefer an induction cooker should take into account the following points:

  • Do not use dishes with obvious signs of damage or those with a convex bottom;
  • It is advisable that the pots and pans used cover the work surface of the burner. In this case, the dishes should be located exactly in the center of the heating area;
  • While the induction cooker is operating, stay away from it and do not touch the surface;
  • When purchasing cookware, pay attention to the special notes in which the manufacturer notes the possibility of using the products on an induction hob;
  • When stirring food, use non-metallic utensils.

How to use an induction hob. Simple instructions

Alternative - combined hobs

Many housewives have already realized all the advantages of induction hobs and are even ready to use them, but they still lack the determination to completely abandon burners with the traditional heating method in favor of induction.

If you also belong to this category of doubters and hesitators, you can choose a compromise option - a combined hob. Thanks to it, on the one hand, you will have the opportunity to join new technologies, on the other hand, you will retain the right to cook in your favorite dishes on familiar burners.

The most common combination option is to combine induction and Hi-Light burners in one appliance.

Combined hob - induction + Hi-Light.

Another type of combination, induction + gas, also exists, but for obvious reasons it is not in demand, so you will not find a variety of models in this category.

Combined hob - induction + gas

Combination hobs come in four- and five-burner versions. If there are four burners, then their distribution by type turns out to be uniform. Induction, however, is usually given the front row, thereby emphasizing “who’s boss.” This placement has its own logic: operations in which the hostess takes maximum participation require flexible changes in settings, and induction is better able to cope with this.

In the version with five burners, “equality” is impossible, and here induction is clearly given preference: only one, central, burner - Hi-Light.

From a financial point of view, a combination hob cannot be called a winning option. When induction and combination cookers first appeared on the market, the latter were much cheaper. Today the picture has changed: induction has become more accessible and is already inferior to hybrids in price.

+Advantages of combined hobs

  1. the ability to use high-speed heating characteristic of induction;
  2. the ability to continue to use cookware that is not suitable for induction;
  3. the ability to use the residual heat of the Hi-Light burners to finish cooking.

-Disadvantages of combination hobs

  1. limited choice of models due to a small number of offers;
  2. usually higher cost compared to other options;
  3. limited induction functionality;
  4. different operating logic of Hi-Light and induction, which requires some getting used to.

Induction cooker malfunctions

The electromagnetic principle of operation of an induction cooker implies high reliability and durability of the device.

Despite this, some breakdowns are possible during operation:

  • Low burner power. The likely cause is improper installation of the utensils, which are not located in the center of the work surface. It is possible that the diameter of the pan (pan) is smaller than the diameter of the heated zone. Other reasons include incomplete adherence of the cookware to the surface or overheating of the induction winding;
  • The burners on the left side of the stove do not work. The probable cause is a breakdown of the control unit or power board;
  • Failure of one of the work areas. Before cooking, it is important to follow a certain sequence of inclusion. First, the burner is selected (using the touch panel), and then the power is set. If everything is done correctly, check the cookware used to ensure it matches the induction cooker (in diameter and material). If the cookware complies with the rules, but the comfort still does not work, activate the temperature sensor test and replace it (if necessary). If the sensor is working properly, make sure that the dishes fit tightly to the surface;
  • Two burners on the right side do not work. The cause of the malfunction often lies in poor contact of the terminal box or a blown fuse. It is worth checking the quality of the connection between the control unit and the power board. As a last resort, the unit needs to be replaced;
  • The residual heat indicator has failed. Actions - carrying out a test check, the results of which conclude that the temperature sensor is working properly. If the part is in good condition, the control unit is replaced. If the display malfunctions, it is worth checking the quality of the connection between the panel and the control unit;
  • The cooking zone does not turn on and there are no messages on the screen. Check the power switch, fuse, and the quality of the connection between the control unit and the power board and touch panel;
  • Cooling fan failure. Pay attention to the installed power. If it is minimal, the fan will not work immediately, but after the air temperature reaches 50 degrees Celsius. Do a test run. If the fan fails, replace it. If this unit is in good condition, replace the control unit;
  • The induction hob beeps continuously. The probable cause is failure of the control unit;
  • The maximum power burner (3 kW) does not work. Switching on the work zone is sometimes blocked to prevent overheating of the induction hob unit. If the problem appears for no reason, the control unit is replaced;

  • Automatic switch-off of the hob. The operating principle of an induction cooker is designed in such a way that it switches off in three cases. Firstly, if the time was set by a timer. Secondly, if the burner operates for more than two hours. Thirdly, when after 10 seconds after switching on, no action occurs.

Video description

About the top 6 best panels of 2022 in the following video:

Bosch PUE612FF1J

The renowned German brand offers a practical and reliable model with built-in dimensions of 56x49 cm (width, depth). The difference between the panel is the elegant white color of the ceramic surface; The following features are also interesting:

  • Four different-sized burners operate in 17 modes.
  • The power of the unit is 3 kW, controlled via a touch panel.
  • The equipment includes a Booster power increase mode, child lock, and residual heat indication. The unit detects the presence of dishes.
  • The model has a standard set of functions, there is no expansion of the working area of ​​the burners, and there are no automatic programs. At the same time, the cost is quite high, which is explained by high build quality and increased reliability.

Hob with 5 burners Source

What the market offers, main manufacturers

Below is a brief overview of the most popular manufacturers and some of their products today.


This developer markets professional induction cookers that can be used in cafes and restaurants.

Their advantages include greater efficiency, the fastest heating of dishes, the presence of a timer and temperature controller, as well as ease of maintenance.

Here are some manufacturer models:

  • 2-burner induction cooker Skvara Sif 2.4 4 kW.
  • Stove FROSTY BT-E35.
  • Professional oven Skvara Sif 4.8.


The most popular models of induction furnaces from Electrolux include:

  • Electrolux EKI 54550 — stove with heat indicator, glass-ceramic surface. Number of burners - 4. There is an electric oven with a volume of 60 liters and a power of 3.7 kW. Among the additional functions, it is worth highlighting convection and grill. The width of the slab is 0.5 m.

  • Electrolux EKI 6451 - an equally popular model, which is similar in characteristics to the stove described above. The difference lies in the width (0.6 m), volume and power of the electric oven (72 l and 3.6 kW, respectively).


The following models are worth highlighting from this manufacturer:

  • Gorenje EI 637E21 — induction hob with heat indicator and glass-ceramic top. There are four work areas for cooking. There is an electric oven with a capacity of 66 liters. Among the additional functions, it is worth highlighting the grill and convection.

  • Gorenje ICG 3400 — induction hob with two heating zones. The surface is made of plastic. Product width 0.6 m.


This manufacturer offers a wide selection of cookers, including induction-type products. One option is the Hansa FCIW58277 stove with heat indicator.

The surface is made of glass ceramics. The number of hobs is 4. There is an electric oven with a capacity of 65 liters. The width of the product is 0.5 m. Additional functions include convection.


The brand's products have an affordable price and relatively high quality. Among the manufacturer's induction cookers, it is worth highlighting the Saturn ST-EC0187.

There is only one induction burner here. The surface is made of glass ceramics. No additional functions are provided.

What to look for when purchasing

It’s easiest to decide on the type of stove, but understanding the modifications and additional options is not always easy. What should you pay attention to when choosing a good induction hob?

  1. The number of burners - it can be different, it is worth determining which will be optimal.
  2. The number of cooking modes can vary over a wide range, the average value is 15.
  3. Size. For many, the dimensions of a household appliance play an important role; if there is not a lot of space in the kitchen, you can take a closer look at portable or built-in 3-burner models, they are quite stylish and will allow you to place other kitchen items nearby.
  4. The Boost intensive heating function is useful for those who live in a strict rhythm. It will allow you to quickly heat a kettle, water for soup or pasta.
  5. The Stop&Go function allows you to pause the cooking process for a short period of time.
  6. Maximum cooking time - often limited to 3 hours, which goes against some recipes. Naturally, the cycle can be extended and the device will continue to work.
  7. Switching modes – not every induction surface will allow you to set different modes on different burners; most often, this option is not available in budget models.

Understanding what an induction cooker is and what options it can have, it is quite easy to make the right choice when looking for a new cooker. By comparing induction and traditional electric stoves, you can identify the pros and cons of both options. In general, induction hobs have an intuitive interface, a number of safety systems and convenient cooking modes.

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