Is it worth buying a mosquito fumigator? The main advantages and disadvantages of the device

The principle of operation of a mosquito fumigator. What safety measures need to be followed? Description of the pros and cons of using fumigators indoors and outdoors. Are the active ingredients of the plates and liquids dangerous for humans? How to protect children, pregnant and lactating women, and pets?

The warm season is always associated with the appearance of many irritating insects, including mosquitoes, flies, and midges. The bite of the presented mosquitoes is quite unpleasant and can lead to allergic reactions, tumors, edema, and there have been cases of infection with infectious diseases.

To combat bloodsuckers, a person can use a variety of specialized means and devices - mosquito fumigators; let’s consider their effectiveness and features of use.


The main advantages of the fumigator are:

  • Avoiding contact with harmful components of the substance, which is impossible with ointments, creams, sprays,
  • Ability to protect several people at once
  • There is no risk of irritation on the skin or mucous membranes; a high-quality device does not pose a risk to the health of the body,
  • The ability to use mobile devices anywhere, including in the field,
  • High level of efficiency, thanks to the evaporation of repellent and poisonous insect fumes,
  • Affordable price, but it is worth taking into account that very budget options may have some disadvantages,
  • Wide selection of consumables - liquids, plates,
  • There is no unpleasant smell or any sensation, with the exception of flavored types of cartridges and smoldering coils, but they are not recommended for use indoors.

What are they?

There are several types of mosquito fumigators. Their main difference is the heating activation principle:

  1. Pyrotechnic devices. This type of mosquito fumigator is a plate or spiral made of wood flour, onto which a special liquid has already been applied. The plate (or spiral) is set on fire. It begins to smolder, emitting fragrant smoke.
  2. Electric fumigators. Depending on the model, devices can be battery-powered or mains-powered. Plates impregnated with a special composition, or bottles containing a liquid toxic to insects, are brought into contact with a microresistor, which is then heated to 150°C. When heated, the repellent begins to evaporate, affecting mosquitoes.
  3. Simple products. These are anti-mosquito candles and polymer lanterns that are heated by a paraffin candle. A plate impregnated with insecticide is placed on the upper platform of the lantern. Simple products are acceptable where it is not possible to use mobile electric fumigators.

Electrical devices

A separate category is light and ultrasonic devices. They also work from the mains, but affect mosquitoes not with vapors or gas, but with high-frequency sound and light.


There are some disadvantages of fumigators, including:

  • Short service life, especially this disadvantage is related to the most budget models of unknown production,
  • Due to the strong heating of the housing, which is made of plastic, possible melting of the device, there is a risk of fire,
  • Autonomous models require regular recharging or changing nutrients,
  • Low-quality devices in most cases suggest the smell of burning plastic when heated,
  • Scented cartridges are characterized by a strong and irritating aroma,
  • Periodic ventilation of the room where the fumigator is used is required.
  • Cannot be used in rooms where pregnant, lactating women, small children are located, with the exception of special models and consumables,
  • There is a risk of health problems, including an allergic reaction, irritation of the throat, mucous membranes, and sometimes owners experience headaches and fever.

When choosing a device, always pay attention to how well the fumigator body is made; inspection of the quality certificate is also important. Do not forget to pay attention to the level of toxin concentration in the plates/liquids (this parameter cannot exceed 15 percent). If necessary, you can buy a universal device, for example, with a timer.

Proven models of electronic devices

Manufacturers of repellents produce their own models of fumigators separately or complete with plates and liquids. The most popular brands of protective devices:

  1. Fumitox. A liquid device that has a rotating socket function for easy installation of the bottle.
  2. Moskitol. The body is made of plastic in a pleasant light green color, and the plug in this device has a movable design. The device is activated at full power 15 minutes after switching on.
  3. Raid. Designed for use with a special pyrethrin-based liquid with eucalyptus fragrance. The case has a built-in automatic shutdown mechanism - a timer.
  4. Raptor. Fumigation occurs due to the evaporation of toxic liquid from a bottle designed for 30, 40 and 60 days of use.

Operating principle and efficiency of devices depending on type

The main principle of the effect of a fumigator is the heating of active substances with its subsequent evaporation into the environment and air. Such devices can be used not only indoors, but also outdoors. By purchasing a high-quality device, you get a fairly effective product that helps you effectively fight mosquitoes and other types of insects.

An electric fumigator is a device based on a heating element mounted inside a plastic casing. The type and shape of the device influence what type of insecticide will be used - liquid or plate cartridge.

Speaking of the pyrotechnic version, these are smoldering spirals that are pre-impregnated with a special composition. Most often, the presented device is used outdoors.

Insecticides for electrofumigators, which is better

Insecticides are liquid chemicals that are used to disinfect premises to kill insects such as mosquitoes and flies.

Those insecticides that enter the insect's body in a gaseous state are fumigants.

Among them are:

  1. Natural insecticides – peritrins. They are obtained from certain plants by extraction.
  2. Synthetic insecticides – pyrethroids. Pyrethroids are isolated from esters of various acids.

Natural fumigants are considered the safest for the human body. The use of artificial insecticides is widespread in industrial production.

Insecticidal liquids

Among the components of liquids for fumigators, there are various combinations.

The main elements are considered to be:

  • prallethrin,
  • transfluthrin,
  • citronella extract.


Other substances are used to make plates:

  • natural pyrethrum,
  • Thiamethoxam.

How to use in an apartment or house - the main rules

To guarantee the safe operation of fumigators, a fire certificate must be supplied with them. Before using it, you must carefully study the instructions and strictly follow the rules specified there.

According to manufacturers' recommendations, it is best to turn on fumigators for several hours, and then turn them off for a certain period. If you ignore this condition, then there is a risk of feeling the harmful effects of chemical components on people and pets. In addition, there is a risk of the device burning out.

Before turning on, as well as after turning off, the room should be ventilated. If there are a large number of pests inside, it is allowed to turn on the device at night, provided the room is ventilated in the morning.

Advantages and disadvantages

Fumigators have a number of advantages. They are safe for people and most pets, easy to use, and effective at killing mosquitoes. Toxic substances, as a rule, do not cause discomfort or other unpleasant sensations; they are inaccessible to the human sense of smell.

The devices also have their drawbacks. Thus, during prolonged use (more than 3 hours), flying vapors can cause coughing attacks or a sore throat. Adults may sometimes experience headaches or develop diarrhea.

Anti-mosquito net – is it necessary?

Anti-mosquito nets can be installed as additional protection against mosquitoes. Some people may suffer from individual intolerance to the active substances in the plates or liquids that are used in combination with the fumigator.

The most common symptoms that indicate an increased level of sensitivity are:

  • dizziness,
  • Skin irritations,
  • Itching on the body
  • Headache.

If you notice the presence of at least one of the above-mentioned symptoms in one of the residents of the apartment when you turn on the fumigator, then it is best to turn off the device and choose another method of fighting mosquitoes - one of them is installing an anti-mosquito net on the windows.

Popular ultrasonic repellers

Ultrasonic devices are in great demand among consumers, since due to the emission of electromagnetic waves they have a negative effect on cockroaches, which are forced to leave the living space due to the discomfort that arises.

A description of the most effective and popular ultrasonic repellers is presented in more detail below:

Pest Reject

American-made ultrasonic repeller with an impact radius of about 200 square meters. m. An effective device that has a standard structure that can be used in combination with other means of control in the form of chemicals, traps, baits, and folk remedies.

Electric duo

Ultrasonic duo is a modern tool that has a high degree of impact and is used to eliminate various types of parasites (mice, ants, rats, cockroaches, moths, flies, spiders).

Avoiding problems

To eliminate the risk of certain problems when using fumigators against bloodsuckers, you need to pay attention to the following basic operating rules:

  • Before connecting the device, carefully read the instructions supplied with it,
  • Be sure to check whether the power sockets are in good working order,
  • Avoid using the device in unventilated rooms; at night it is best to leave the window slightly open,
  • Do not take the body of the fumigator plugged into the socket with a wet hand,
  • It is best to operate the device several hours before bedtime (no more than two or three); leaving the fumigator running all night is not recommended.
  • Do not place the device at a distance of less than one and a half meters from the sleeping bed,
  • Premises with a large area require the use of several devices at once,
  • The pyrotechnic type can only be used outdoors,
  • If you feel discomfort or health problems when the active substances evaporate, you need to stop using it, and if severe symptoms occur, immediately contact a specialist,
  • The fumigator and consumables should be stored in a place that is inaccessible to small children and pets.
  • Try to exclude the possibility of contact of records and liquid with food and utensils.

The principle of operation of fumigators

There are different types of mosquito fumigators on sale. They all have the same principle of operation - a working device distributes chemicals in the air to repel and kill insects. Depending on the substances used in electrofumigators, their use either affects the nervous system of insects or affects the respiratory system.

The power of the devices does not depend on how the fumigator works - from the mains, battery or accumulator: any energy source allows you to heat the device to the desired temperature.

In order for a fumigator, for example, Raptor, to protect against mosquitoes, you need to attach a container with liquid to it or insert a plate, and then plug it into an outlet or connect it to another power source.

Is it safe for children, pregnant and lactating women, and pets?

In houses and apartments where children, pregnant and lactating women, and pets live, the device must be turned on in compliance with increased safety measures.

In such cases, use should be carried out only for a few hours, and it is necessary to ensure that there are no babies, pregnant women, women during breastfeeding and pets in the room, and the house must also be ventilated after switching off. If you want to leave the device running at night, this is only permitted if you purchase a special plate, liquids (for children), and with the window open.

To ensure the safety of the people and animals closest to you, you must follow simple but effective rules, namely:

  • Turn on the device so that the distance to the sleeping place exceeds two meters,
  • If signs such as sneezing/tearing/increased anxiety occur, turn off fumitox and then ventilate the room.
  • Ensure that the aquarium with fish, snails or other living creatures is closed if the device is working,
  • The cage with birds, rodents and other animals must be moved to another room,
  • Dogs and cats must not come into contact with fumes of active substances,
  • Always pay attention to electrical and fire safety,
  • Choose models only from a proven and well-known brand,
  • A pyrotechnic device is best left for later if child protection is intended - consider alternative measures.

With liquid

The specialized liquid used in fumigators to kill and repel mosquitoes is contained in transparent, removable cans. The service life of one can is about 2 months.

Characteristics of the active substance:

  1. Completely odorless.
  2. Does not have an irritating effect on the respiratory tract of people and animals.

Operating principle

Etok is the main component of the contents of the cans. The insecticide was developed by Japanese scientists. As the device heats up, an insecticidal substance begins to be released from the can in small portions. After just a few minutes, you can see the effectiveness of the fumigator: mosquitoes begin to fly randomly, rise to the ceiling, and then die. Paralysis caused by exposure to ethoc leads to rapid death.

The use of devices with a spray can will help free the room not only from mosquitoes, but also from other harmful insects - fleas, bed bugs, etc. At the same time, it is important to know how to use the fumigator correctly so as not to harm yourself, your family, or your pets.

Application procedure

Fumigators with liquid are very easy to use: the device is plugged into an outlet and left to work until the morning. If there were mosquitoes in the room, after 5-7 minutes you can’t hear their squeaks. After half an hour, all the harmful insects in the room usually die. Even if you leave a window or window open, other mosquitoes will not fly into the room.

According to the instructions, there are some restrictions on the use of fumigators of this type:

  1. It is not permissible to use devices to combat insects if there are children under 3 years old in the room.
  2. It is prohibited to turn on fumigators in rooms whose area is 5 sq.m. and less.
  3. While the device is operating, you need to leave a window or vent open to allow fresh air to enter.
  4. If the room is not ventilated at night, you need to use the fumigator 30 minutes before bedtime and then turn it off.

Important ! Very rarely, but there are cases when a person cannot tolerate this. This may manifest itself as dizziness, headache, and weakness. If this has been noticed, it is unacceptable to use the product further.


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