10 tips on how to remove unpleasant odors from the refrigerator and freezer: folk and professional remedies

Tip #1. We fight the causes, not the consequences. What causes an unpleasant odor?

The very first thing you need to understand is where and why the smell comes from, in order to know what and how to eliminate the smell. If something goes wrong, no questions arise, but in other cases, sometimes you have to rack your brains. There are several main reasons.

Improper food storage

Due to improper storage, the product may not have spoiled yet, but has already endowed the entire refrigerator with its aroma. Most often this concerns sausages, meat and fish lying in open packaging or without it at all. Such products should be packaged very carefully, avoiding contact with oxygen, to prevent oxidation and spoilage. For example, the smell of rotten meat or herring is difficult to confuse with something else.

New technology

Some people like the smell of new things, but most often it begins to irritate, and sometimes even causes headaches. There is good news: this “aroma” will disappear in about two days, even if you do nothing. The reason for its occurrence lies in the plastic dust that remains from the factory. You can wipe the refrigerator with a regular rag and soapy water and the smell will disappear.

Breakdown or other reasons for defrosting

Due to the increase in refrigerator temperature, food began to deteriorate and the number of microbes increased - hence the unpleasant smell. An increase in temperature can happen for various reasons:

  • breakdown of equipment;
  • power outage;
  • a trivial unlocked refrigerator door.

These are the most common causes of an unpleasant odor in the refrigerator.

Removing odor from the refrigerator freezer

Often the smell in the refrigerator is caused by stale food. It is especially persistent after rotten meat or rotten fish. Its source is anaerobic bacteria and their metabolic products. Microbes quickly spread throughout the chamber, filling the remaining shelves.

To deprive microorganisms of food, you need to urgently take out the spoiled product and rinse the refrigerator, and then decide how to remove the smell in the freezer after rotten meat.

Method with soap solution

To treat the refrigerator:

  1. Unplug it.
  2. Open the window in the kitchen.
  3. Sort through the food and throw away the spoiled ones.
  4. Remove all shelves and containers from the unit, including the drip tray, and soak them in a warm detergent solution.
  5. After cleaning, rinse all parts under running water and air dry.
  6. Thoroughly clean the inside and outside of your refrigerator and freezer with soap or baking soda.
  7. Clean all drain holes and drain hose.
  8. Disinfect all interior surfaces with chlorhexidine.

After cleaning, you need to leave the door open for ventilation for 2-3 days, hanging a cloth soaked in vinegar on it.

Other effective methods

If after washing and drying you notice a foreign odor in the refrigerator, you can use a variety of methods to remove it:

  • Place a stack of newspapers in the freezer and change them every other day - after a few days all unnecessary aromas will disappear.
  • Leave a napkin moistened with lemon juice in the chamber for 3-4 hours. Lemon juice with alcohol works even better.
  • Place a handful of coffee beans on a saucer and place in the freezer for a day. Cut onions or cloves of garlic also work.
  • Pour a mixture of sugar and salt onto the paper - it will remove odors within 3 days.
  • Freshen up your freezer by placing a bag filled with spices.

You can remove the smell from your freezer with a slurry of mustard powder poured over boiling water. Half an hour after treatment, remove the remaining mustard with a damp cloth.

Kitchen floors and all surfaces are also subject to treatment and disinfection. Hot salt absorbs odors well. You can heat it by pouring it directly onto the burner.

Tip #2. We are processing a new refrigerator.

In addition to plastic dust from the factory, the refrigerator could have accumulated a lot of dirt or odors during transportation or storage in a warehouse. For example:

  • technical smell;
  • pollution during production - oil for lubricating hinges;
  • dust and dirt from other goods during storage or transportation - sawdust from a truck or just sticky foam.

If the equipment is not put in order before the first use, these odors can remain for a long time and be absorbed into the stored products. Even the instructions themselves most often recommend at least wiping down the refrigerator before turning it on for the first time.

It is possible to use special household chemicals or improvised products from folk recipes. If we talk about special chemistry, the procedure is usually as follows:

  1. The detergent is diluted with water and applied to all surfaces of the refrigerator. The inner walls and doors of the equipment should be wiped especially thoroughly.
  2. After treatment, all surfaces are washed with plain water. It is important to wash off all the chemical so that it, in turn, does not give off a strong odor and harm the products.
  3. All surfaces are dried with a dry towel - cloth or paper.
  4. The door is left open for several hours (preferably overnight) for more thorough drying and ventilation.

It is not advisable to use powder, as this will lead to micro-scratches in which bacteria and microbes will feel too comfortable.

You can resort to folk wisdom and use ordinary baking soda, which is found in every home. This method is good because it does not use aggressive chemicals where the products will soon be stored. Baking soda will do a great job of removing the new smell. The action steps are as follows:

  1. Dissolve 3-5 tablespoons of baking soda in one liter of warm water.
  2. Soak a sponge or rag in the resulting solution and treat all surfaces with it.
  3. Rinse with plain clean water.
  4. Wipe dry and leave to ventilate for several hours.

Don't forget about the freezer, as it can also be a source of unpleasant odors, and pre-cleaning will help prevent annoying odors.

Eliminating odor from a new freezer (+ video)

Everything here is quite simple: you can either wait until the smell goes away on its own, or speed up this process by using several techniques:

  • leave the refrigerator to ventilate for several hours at rest; if it is winter time, then the device should warm up to room temperature (before arriving to you it was stored in a cold warehouse);
  • before loading the first products, you need to rinse all compartments of the device, including grilles, shelves, containers, for which you can use any detergent or vinegar solution;
  • When washing such devices, you should not use abrasive substances, as they easily damage the plastic and scratch stainless steel parts;
  • after washing the refrigerator, you need to thoroughly wipe all external and internal surfaces with a dry cloth;
  • Now you can start loading and turning on the device.

Tip #3. We properly store fish, meat and other products.

To prevent unpleasant odors from suddenly appearing in a clean refrigerator, you should think about proper storage of food. In addition to preventing odor, this will help the products last longer.

Laws of compatibility

Let's start with what not to do. You should not store nearby:

  • cheeses and vegetables, fruits, smoked meats;
  • sausage and vegetables, fruits;
  • fruits and potatoes, beets, cabbage, carrots;
  • bananas and tomatoes, citrus fruits;
  • fish and bread, grapes, salad;
  • raw with cooked.

This way, the products will stay fresh longer, and at the same time they will not absorb extraneous aromas.

Strictly on the shelves

If you have fish or meat on hand, but you don’t plan to cook them in the near future, then the freezer will be the best storage place. To do this, the product is wrapped in plastic wrap or packaged in a bag, and then put in the freezer.

If you plan to cook fish or meat, then keep them in the refrigerator in an enamel bowl, covered with gauze or a towel.

The ideal shelf for storage would be the zero shelf, that is, the one closest to the freezer - there is the lowest temperature. But it is better to move the dishes away from the door, since the air next to it, on the contrary, is warm.

Bread, pastries and eggs are perfectly preserved on this same “floor.” But in a special container in the door, the latter will remain fresh for only a week.

The middle shelves will perfectly accommodate dairy and other products that should be stored at temperatures from zero to ten degrees.

It is best to keep all foods in separate containers made of plastic or glass. Now on sale you can find special stylized containers for cheese, sausage, onions, bananas and many other products. You can put stickers on them with the expiration date or the date the package was opened.

What to do to stop the smell

To prevent the appearance of odors in the freezer, you must follow the operating rules:

  • place only fresh food in the chamber;
  • if cheese or eggs are left in the refrigerator, check their suitability for food;
  • do not allow the products to come into contact with the walls of the chamber, otherwise they will gradually begin to deteriorate;
  • set the optimal temperature;
  • defrost and clean the unit regularly;
  • When filling the refrigerator, pack each product in a separate container to ensure its safety.

If a layer of ice forms on the walls of the chamber, it begins to absorb odors, transferring them to other products.

Odor absorbers

There are substances that trap odors and prevent them from spreading. The following have good adsorption properties:

  • activated carbon tablets;
  • baking soda with a few drops of tea tree oil;
  • rye bread, cut into small pieces;
  • green tea bags laid out on shelves;
  • rice grain;
  • citrus peel;
  • apple slices;
  • fresh sawdust;
  • soda with crushed activated carbon;
  • raw potato pieces.

You can make an excellent refrigerator freshener with your own hands:

  1. Mix 2 cups each of Epsom salts and baking soda in a jar.
  2. Add 50 ml of water and a few drops of tea tree oil.
  3. Cover the container with a lid with holes and place in the refrigerator.

Cat litter is also an effective adsorbent - it will restore freshness to the freezer within a few days.

How to properly store food

Complete elimination of odor in the refrigerator freezer can only be ensured by proper food storage.

Main methods:

  • distribute products on shelves, guided by the manufacturer’s labeling;
  • Do not place raw and cooked food nearby;
  • for each type of product, choose the optimal mode;
  • keep semi-finished and ready-made meals in tightly closed containers;
  • do not leave drinks open - they evaporate, their odors saturate the entire space of the refrigerator;
  • Wash away traces of spilled liquid immediately;
  • Defrost meat or fish in a deep container;
  • Before leaving on vacation, empty the unit, rinse it and leave it open.

Following simple rules will help maintain cleanliness and extend the life of household appliances.

Tip No. 4. We use folk remedies.

If the bad smell from the refrigerator could not be avoided, then it is better to start the fight with folk remedies. The most common and popular option is baking soda; we discussed cleaning the refrigerator with it earlier.

Soda is a unique product with which you can replace half of the household chemicals for your home.

Now we will look at other popular life hacks of folk wisdom that will help if the refrigerator smells of acetone, ammonia, old musty meat, rotten meat or other unpleasant aromas. The advantage is that the remedies listed below are easy to find at home.


Ammonia itself already has a clearly recognizable aroma, so you need to work with it very carefully - preferably wearing a mask. To treat the refrigerator, you first need to prepare one liter of warm water and add a teaspoon of ammonia to it. We treat the refrigerator and freezer with the resulting solution. Afterwards, rinse with clean water and wipe dry with a towel.


Another liquid with a recognizable aroma. The logic is the same as with ammonia, only the concentration is different: vinegar is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. After this, the refrigerator is wiped, washed and dried.

For better effect, the same solution can be left in a glass on the refrigerator shelf for several hours.


On forums, housewives advise using coffee beans to prevent unpleasant odors. But in this case, coffee only works as a flavoring agent, that is, it does not neutralize the stench, but only covers it. This method can be used as a preventive measure or to give the refrigerator a pleasant aroma, but for more serious problems it is better to use more powerful products.

Activated carbon

Charcoal (activated or even charcoal) absorbs odors well, so it is often used if the refrigerator begins to stink. Necessary:

  1. Take about 30 tablets.
  2. Place them in a saucer.
  3. Leave in the refrigerator for a night or even two.

After this time the smell will disappear. For a better and faster effect, the tablets can be crushed into powder.


Some food products also have the ability to absorb aromas. The most famous representative of this group is bread. There is often a dispute among housewives about which bread is better to use - black or white. The answer is simple: whatever it is, that’s how it’s used.

You need to cut the bread into slices, like for sandwiches, and then simply arrange them on the shelves in 1-2 pieces.

It is undesirable to eat this bread later, and it will not be tasty after it has absorbed the unpleasant aroma. The main thing is not to forget to get rid of the bread so that the refrigerator does not smell of mold from it.

The next product is lemon. It doesn't completely absorb odor, but it still fights it. You can squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a glass of water and run this solution over the surface of the refrigerator. Then rinse and dry as usual. There is an option for the lazy:

  • cut the lemon into slices
  • put on saucers
  • place on refrigerator shelves.

To add extra flavor, you can stick a few cloves into the lemon.

Bulk foods such as sugar, salt and rice will also remove the stink from your refrigerator. They need to be laid out on a saucer and placed on the shelves in the same way.

But! Of course, bread, lemon and rice can get rid of a slight unpleasant odor, but it is best to initially wash the refrigerator with soap or soda, and only then put in the mentioned products.

How to clean a freezer

There are many ways to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator freezer. They can be divided into two categories:

  • chemicals offered by industry;
  • traditional methods using substances available at home.

Before choosing a method, you need to defrost the refrigerator and wash it well.

Most modern units are equipped with No Frost technology, which protects against the formation of condensation in the chamber, but in older models a thick layer of ice often accumulates.

The optimal time for defrosting them is:

  • in summer - every month;
  • in winter - once a quarter.

Before cleaning your refrigerator:

  1. Unplug it.
  2. Empty shelves of contents.
  3. Wait until the ice layer melts (you can speed up this process with a hairdryer or fan).

You need to wash the refrigerator inside and out, without using abrasives. You can use soft sponges or cotton napkins.


To clean the refrigerator, you can use a warm soapy solution, as well as household chemicals, which are sold in the form of sprays and gels and cope well with any dirt:

  • mold;
  • spots;
  • yellowness and plaque;
  • smell.

When choosing them, you should pay attention to the purpose of the product, the absence of toxic substances and chemical odor in its composition.

Effective odor removal in the refrigerator freezer can be achieved using popular cleaning products:

  • EdelWeiss made in Russia with a neutral pH - characterized by the absence of chemical odors;
  • Tortilla Eco – produced on the basis of organic components;
  • Tophouse – removes old grease stains;
  • Clean Home – works well to remove yellowness from plastic elements.

To wash rubber parts, it is better to use a simple soap solution. Manufacturers claim that chemicals intended for cleaning the refrigerator do not require rinsing after treatment. However, they may contain allergens, so it is better to rinse the part under running water.

Traditional methods for eliminating odor

Contaminants can be easily dealt with with home remedies. To remove yellow stains on a plastic surface, wipe them with a cloth moistened with:

  • ethyl or ammonia;
  • acetic acid;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • lemon juice;
  • a mixture of ammonia and toothpaste;
  • baking soda solution.

When using vinegar, ammonia and ammonia, you need to work with gloves and with the window open.

Products prepared based on folk recipes will help eliminate the smell in the freezer:

  • 2 tbsp. l. baking soda in 1 liter of water;
  • 10 ml of ammonia in half a glass of water;
  • acetic acid solution in a 1:1 ratio;
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice per 0.5 liters of water;
  • a glass of apple cider per 1 liter of water.

Using a cloth soaked in the prepared solution, thoroughly wipe all shelves and corners. To prevent parts from becoming saturated with a new smell, after treating with a home remedy, rinse the camera with warm water and then wipe dry.

Acetic acid should not be used on rubber seals, otherwise they may crumble due to drying out.

Tip #5. We destroy odors with the help of heavy artillery. Let's go to the store.

But what to do if the refrigerator is washed, but the smell remains? Go shopping! There are two types of household chemicals you should pay attention to in the store:

  • detergents;
  • odor absorbers (other names: anti-odor, odor neutralizer).

Using detergents, as the name implies, you need to treat the refrigerator. The process looks exactly the same as with soda. They usually resort to household chemicals if folk remedies do not help. Popular and effective brands include:

  • Unicum;
  • Korting;
  • Electrolux;
  • Mellerud;
  • Ludwik;
  • Odorgone.

Odorgon is considered the strongest and most effective due to its composition. It is used only in very difficult cases.

Odor absorbers are considered a separate type of household chemicals. They come in a wide variety.

In the form of ballsFrom a distance, the air freshener can be confused with a table tennis ball. Made of plastic with slots. Sold in a pack of three, you only need to use one at a time, so the remaining two are tightly tied in a plastic bag and stored separately. Inside the balls there is silicone gel, which absorbs bad odors. One ball is enough for two months of use.
Egg-shapedSuch odor absorbers have many similarities with the previous version, but such specimens have one additional advantage: changing color. When the “egg” is put in the refrigerator, it turns white and begins to work. If the “egg” does not turn white, it means that the refrigerator is not cool enough, which causes food spoilage and a bad smell.
With coalManufacturers are aware of the ability of coal to absorb aromas and use it with pleasure. Sometimes in the packaging of the odor absorber you can find pure coal, and sometimes gel balls based on it - it all depends on the imagination of the manufacturer.
Algae basedIn addition to algae extract, citric acid or even silver ions are sometimes added to such absorbers to achieve an antibacterial effect. Such specimens are considered the best, as they absorb odor twice as fast as other absorbers.
IonizerThis is an electrical device that can destroy bacteria and purify the air, which also helps get rid of unpleasant odors. A bonus will be the longer life of the products. To solve the problem, you need to put the ionizer in the refrigerator for just a few minutes a day.

Lifehack! How to make a charcoal-based aroma absorber with your own hands? To do this, you will need the container in which the toys are in Kinder Surprise, and the coal itself.

Coal must be turned into powder, and several holes must be made on the top of the toy’s “house”.

This can be done with an awl, a knitting needle or a needle well heated over a lighter. Next, you just need to assemble this structure. It will store well in the egg container on the refrigerator door.

Special means

You can clean the camera surfaces with chemicals, but it is important to use ones that do not smell. This method will provide the desired effect if the odor appears due to the formation of mold or the development of bacteria. By eliminating the cause, you can quickly remove the consequences. In this case, you need to remember the need to thoroughly clean the walls of the chemical.

When odor appears due to improper storage of products, it is recommended to use special absorbent products. They are produced in the form of sorbents (tablets, powder, granules). They contain various fillers, for example, gel, bamboo, etc. The products are designed for the freezer, some of them are also used in production conditions, for example, in meat processing plants.

The disadvantage is the short period of operation. So, after 3 months you need to replace the sorbent. However, if you rarely have to eliminate unpleasant consequences in the form of food aroma due to improper storage, a special product can be used once. The advantages include ease of use. It is enough to open the package and place the container firmly on the shelf.

You can also use special napkins. They wipe the surfaces of the chamber. The procedure must be repeated periodically. This method is recommended to be used in combination with others, such as activated carbon.

After defrosting the unit, you can use a special device - an ozonizer or ionizer. Its main function is to saturate the air with oxygen. As a result, the risk of odor is reduced because the number of harmful microorganisms is reduced. The device can operate from mains or batteries.

It is not recommended to use powdered products. This will not completely remove the chemical. Powder particles will remain in the freezer and will have a negative effect on the food.

Tip No. 6. Defrost the refrigerator and freezer correctly.

If the refrigerator is cleaned, but the smell has not gone away, perhaps the problem is in the freezer: either the food has been stored longer than it should be, or it has had time to heat up and the food has spoiled. In this case, you will have to defrost the freezer and wash it.

Many instructions for the freezer state that equipment, even with the No Frost mode, must be defrosted once every six months and washed. But improper defrosting can damage the refrigerator even more than not defrosting at all.

The correct sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Set the temperature to 0 degrees, then disconnect the equipment from the power supply and open the door wide open.
  2. Remove all food items.
  3. If the refrigerator is old, then you need to prepare - lay newspapers and rags nearby, put a tray inside to collect liquid. Modern equipment most often has a special compartment for collecting melt water.
  4. The thawing process itself. Can last from 3 to 10 hours. The best and traditional way is to leave the refrigerator to defrost overnight.

After this, the chambers should be thoroughly rinsed, dried with a towel and reloaded with food.

Features of cleaning different models

The frequency and characteristics of processing are influenced by the type of cooling system.

NoFrost models

Refrigerators equipped with the NoFrost system defrost automatically, but 1–2 times a year the procedure is performed manually:

  • defrost the device;
  • wash the drainage channel on the rear panel;
  • thoroughly wash the insides;
  • wash the tray;
  • dry and ventilate for 10 - 12 hours.

To remove ice, the refrigerator is defrosted by turning on the heating elements attached behind the rear panel. If there is a stench, the device needs to be cleaned immediately. Therefore, they clean quickly, without defrosting. The equipment is disconnected from the power supply; Keep the freezer door closed. The refrigerator compartment is treated in the usual way.

Refrigerators need regular cleaning

Reference! If the drainage in the NoFrost model freezer is clogged, you should invite a technician from the service center. Two days before the technician arrives, the unit is de-energized and defrosted.

Models with drip defrost

Devices equipped with a traditional drip defrosting system need to be cleaned every 2 to 3 months:

  • clean the channel to drain accumulated condensate;
  • process removable components;
  • control the appearance of water under containers for fruits and vegetables;
  • defrost the freezer.

Food is stored in tightly closed containers

Tip No. 8. Removing mold - find it and neutralize it!

If the smell from the refrigerator is strong and pungent, then one of the likely causes is mold. Mold is very dangerous for humans, and even more so in the refrigerator next to food, but it is not easy to remove. Fungal spores easily enter the body and cause illness, so mold must be dealt with as quickly as possible.

As a rule, there are only two causes of mold in the refrigerator: high humidity (in the presence of condensation, especially on the back wall); deposits of spoiled food.

It is very important to find the cause of the problem before solving it. Otherwise, the fungus will appear again.

Condensation and high humidity are a malfunction of the refrigerator that must be corrected by a specialist. After this, it is necessary to carry out a complete cleaning of the equipment.

Products that have expired serve as an excellent haven for germs and fungi. They easily travel on the surface of the refrigerator and even on other products. That is why it is advisable to store everything in separate bags or containers.

You can also use folk remedies against mold, for example, soda or vinegar from the examples above. But will they really remove all the mold without leaving any spores behind? Among the folk ways to get rid of this scourge, we can recommend hydrogen peroxide - it has a disinfectant and antifungal effect. But it is only suitable for white refrigerators due to its whitening effect.

It is better to use special antifungal agents from the store. But they should be washed off very carefully so that aggressive chemicals do not come into contact with food.

Under no circumstances should you use copper sulfate, no matter how many positive reviews there are for it online!

Yes, this product will help whiten mold, but for humans it is poison, which has no place in the refrigerator.

Prevention measures

To ensure that the question of how to get rid of a nasty smell no longer bothers you, you need to follow a few simple rules for caring for your household appliance:

Pre-treatment and disinfectionAfter purchasing a new device, it must be treated with a solution of ammonia or soda. This will disinfect surfaces and prevent the accumulation of harmful bacteria.
Regular cleaningAt least once every month and a half, completely clean out your freezer.
Store food correctlyBefore placing food in the chamber, wrap it in cling film or place it in a special container.
Check rubber sealsDo this yourself every two weeks. Liquid may accumulate under them, which subsequently emits a musty odor.

Tip No. 9. Check for technical faults.

With technical malfunctions, it is better to immediately contact a specialist, but knowing what kind of breakdowns happen is also very important, because some can be overcome on your own.

Clogged drainage system

The drainage system is exactly the hole where water flows when defrosting the refrigerator. It happens that the electricity is turned off, the refrigerator defrosts, food spoils, and a smell appears. Of course, we get rid of all the food at once and clean out the refrigerator. But this does not always solve the problem. The reason is precisely the drainage hole, or rather its blockage - something got in there and rotted, hence the smell.

The best option is to find and neutralize the drainage hole, namely, try to penetrate there mechanically: with a rag wound on a wire.

This should be done as carefully as possible so as not to damage the hose. Afterwards, boiling water is poured into the hole, which should neutralize everything.

In case of such a blockage, it is necessary to find the container itself to collect water. You'll be lucky if it's removable - in that case, you need to take it out, rinse and dry it. If this is not possible, it is better to contact a specialist.


It also happens that the smell comes from the ventilation holes of the refrigerator. Most often this applies to modern No Frost models. In fact, ventilation only spreads the smell, which most often comes from the condensate collection container described above. In this case, you should also defrost the refrigerator, disassemble it and wash it.

Smell of burning

The smell of burning is probably the most terrible thing for the owner of any equipment. There are several reasons why it can form. Treatment depends on the cause.

It stinks of burnt plastic, there may even be smoke from behindThis problem is also most often found in refrigerators with the No Frost system. The point is that the fuse blows, the plastic heats up, which is why it starts to smell and melts. Only a specialist can fix this.
Burnt smell with inadequate operation of the refrigerator - it turns on and then turns off immediatelyThe contacts diverged, causing the starting protective relay to fail.
Burnt smell with strong heat from the back of the refrigeratorEngine failure. It's easier to replace than to repair.
Burnt smell from old refrigeratorOne of the possible reasons is a breakdown of the temperature sensor, whose contacts have melted.
The smell is accompanied by inadequate operation - if at first it works normally, then it does not freeze or does it too muchMost likely the control board has failed. And it could also have several reasons:
· problem with contacts;

· problem with the microcircuit.

The smell of burnt wiring coupled with knocking out plugs, crackling and overheating of the control panelMost likely the control panel button contacts were damaged. If you delay in resolving the issue, the repair will become expensive: instead of replacing the contacts, you will have to.

These are not the only, but the most common causes of a burning smell from the refrigerator. Obviously, simply washing the surfaces is not enough - it is better not to hesitate and immediately contact a specialist, and only after that clean it using one of the methods listed above.

It is worth noting that freon, despite popular opinion, does not smell of anything, so it is impossible to smell it. You can only hear the gas coming out.


There are several reasons that contribute to the appearance of “aroma” from the freezer. These include the following points:

  • expiration of the shelf life of products and finished products;
  • lack of packaging and storage containers;
  • problems with the freezing system;
  • clogged drain hole;
  • New equipment smells bad.

Tip No. 10. Better yet, prevent it. We are taking preventative measures.

Prevention is much easier than treatment. And this applies not only to the human body, but also to technology. There are several rules that, if followed, will help avoid the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the refrigerator:

  • periodic ventilation - the refrigerator turns off and the door opens for two hours. Can be performed once every 2–4 weeks;
  • wipe all surfaces dry, for example, when washing or accidentally spilling liquids;
  • defrosting should be done every six months, do not forget about additional compartments, for example, the drain hole - it also requires washing;
  • regular inspection of products in order to get rid of spoiled food;
  • store food in containers;
  • use adsorbents (available ones - coal, rice, coffee, or store-bought ones).

These simple tips, put into practice, will help prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the refrigerator or make it so that it no longer smells.

How effective are odor absorbers?

Such products have only one drawback - the inability to eliminate the source of aromas. However, if you independently determine what caused the unpleasant consequences, you can use auxiliary means to remove odors. Adsorbents absorb aromas, preventing their further spread. If you use such products after first emptying and cleaning the chamber, their level of effectiveness will increase significantly.

How to store food to eliminate unpleasant odors

The main rule of storage is the sorting of products. Milk and dairy products should be placed on a separate shelf from others; they absorb odors well. Smelling foods (meat, fish) should be kept further away from others. It is recommended to store them in containers, bags, and foil so as not to spread the aroma.

Fruits and vegetables should be placed in the refrigerator already washed and dried. The boxes for them must be dry. Wet spots and condensation should be eliminated immediately, as they promote the development of pathogenic microorganisms. The same applies to traces of jam, syrups, juices

It is important not to leave food in the refrigerator for a long time, monitor the expiration date and promptly remove spoiled products.

For a refrigerator to last a long time, it must be properly cared for. These rules apply to correct defrosting, timely cleaning and storage of food. After all, it is the abundance of microbes that affects the quality of the equipment, can damage it and spoil all the products stored in it. Simply wiping the refrigerator of odors is not enough. It is necessary to use special agents with antiseptic and adsorption properties to neutralize them.

Table. Shelf life of food in the refrigerator

The product's nameShelf life
Red bell pepper2 days
Parsley2 days
cucumbers2 days
Leaf salad1 day
Fresh fish1 day
Salty fish3 months
Marinated fish3 months
Fried fish2 days
Hot smoked fish2 days
Fresh poultry2 days
Fresh meat1 day
Canned stewed meat6 days
Boiled sausage2 days
Sausages1 day
Cutlets1 day
Soup2 days
Cream cakes2 days
Sterilized milk4 days
Pasteurized milk3 days
Kefir1 day
Cheese10 days
Cottage cheese3 days
Eggs2 weeks

Preventive measures

To avoid the appearance of unwanted odors in the freezer, certain preventive measures should be followed.

  • A refrigerator equipped with a no-frost system does not mean a complete lack of care for it. It requires scheduled cleaning and washing once or twice a year, when unplugged. A unit that requires defrosting must be regularly freed from ice by unplugging it;
  • if the freezing unit has been disconnected from electricity for a long period of time, before connecting it, you should wash the walls, doors and folds with rubber bands;
  • products must be hermetically packaged in a plastic bag or plastic container ;
  • When removing cut meat, fish, or self-prepared semi-finished products , it is worth sticking on their packaging the date when the product becomes unusable. Raw meat is unfit for consumption after 8 months, fish after 12 months, and vegetables after 10 months. They can not only smell, but also negatively affect your health;
  • when going on a long trip, you should remove food from the freezer, unplug it , and leave the door open;
  • To prevent unwanted odors, you need to use store-bought or self-made absorbers.

If you fail to avoid the occurrence of an unpleasant odor, you should find the source of the occurrence. Among the variety of methods for removing it, you can easily choose the most suitable and effective one for yourself.

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