How to remove unpleasant odor from the refrigerator and freezer: quickly eliminate the causes and consequences

Unpleasant odors from the refrigerator are a fairly common phenomenon that occurs for a number of reasons. Why does the back of the refrigerator stink and what to do about it, I asked the refrigeration specialist.

The durability of household appliances is determined not only by the great name of the manufacturer, but also by correct operation

Causes of odor in the refrigerator

An unpleasant feeling of mustiness, dubious aromas inside the device - these are what owners who are not very attentive are faced with.
The causes of unpleasant odor are:

  • forgotten and spoiled products. Of course, the cold significantly extends their shelf life, but after a week or a week and a half, for example, cheese begins to mold, fruits and vegetables begin to rot, meat and fish frankly stink;
  • stains from spilled or smeared food. Milk, which doesn’t smell like anything when fresh, when spilled on a shelf, quickly acquires the “aroma” of rancid fat. Stains from smeared sauces, fat, and traces of rotten fruits and vegetables also make an unpleasant impression;
  • products with a strong, incongruous odor, stored openly.

And, of course, this “bouquet” is complemented by the characteristic smell of old plastic and rubber in old refrigerators.

Summing up

Modern innovative ionization and purification systems, lemon on plates and Darnitsky slices do not cancel the basic rules for operating a refrigerator. So as not to wonder what to do - if the refrigerator stinks, systematically check the products, remove spoiled ones and carry out preventive cleaning of the equipment.

I hope I was helpful to you. All I can do is offer you the video in this article and wish you good luck in the difficult battle for purity. How do you deal with unpleasant odors in the kitchen, or maybe you have a unique secret for quickly cleaning a microwave oven? Share your tips in the comments.

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How to properly clean a refrigerator

As you understand, there are many ways to create a specific “aroma” in equipment, and it is sometimes possible to get rid of them if you care for the equipment correctly. Here is the most detailed and effective cleaning algorithm:

  1. Disconnect the device from the network. Do not turn it on until all surfaces are dry and food has been loaded back in.
  2. Get all the products. Even sauces and unopened cans. All surfaces must be free.
  3. Open the refrigerator and freezer doors to help them defrost faster. You can place a cloth under the device to prevent water from spilling on the floor.
  4. After the ice has melted in all chambers and the temperature inside has risen, you can begin wet cleaning.
  5. Remove all removable drawers, shelves and containers. Go over all non-removable surfaces with a cloth to remove small debris and food debris.
  6. Wash the removable elements with running water and a sponge. Plastic parts can be washed with soapy water and rinsed thoroughly afterwards. Glass surfaces should be treated with household chemicals to prevent scratching.
  7. Wash all accessible surfaces with a damp soft cloth with household chemicals for caring for appliances or a solution of one of the folk remedies: soda, vinegar, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, depending on the source of the problem. Wash the shelves and drawers with the same mixture and rinse thoroughly.
  8. Go over all surfaces with a clean, damp cloth to remove any remaining cleaning agents.
  9. Use a dry soft cloth or paper towels to dry all elements of the device and leave the refrigerator to dry for 2-3 hours.
  10. Load the products back and plug in the device.

Special chemicals for cleaning refrigeration equipment

If you do not want to prepare refrigerator cleaning compounds at home, you can choose one of the effective professional cleaning compounds in the store. We don't recommend using dishwashing liquid because it can be difficult to rinse completely without a direct stream of water. Therefore, it is only suitable for removable elements. For the interior surface there are proven mild cleaning agents that will not harm either materials or products:

  • Foam Refrigerator cleaner from the Light House brand.
  • Liquid "Mr. Muscle".
  • Cillit “Black mold” or “Anti-stain + hygiene”.
  • Liquid EdelWeiss.
  • Cleaning liquid and napkin TopHouse.
  • Cleaner “My Sweet Home” from Limpiya.
  • Denkmit Feuchte napkins.
  • Cleaner with FLAT neutralizer.
  • Chlorine-containing product EFSTO.
  • HouseLux napkins.

You can also find many cleaning compounds from other manufacturers in stores. The main thing when choosing a solution for equipment is to remember that its composition should be soft enough not to damage plastic and glass elements, but effective enough to dissolve various contaminants.

Traditional recipes for cleaning the refrigerator

You can get rid of a nasty smell without spending money on expensive chemicals. Effective cleaning compositions can be made with your own hands from substances that can be found in every home. To remove traces of food or mustiness, you can use:

  1. Vinegar. Mix with water in equal parts; with this mixture you need to rinse the entire device inside and out, including rubber parts and corner areas. Then wipe dry with a towel. To eliminate any remaining odor, you can leave a glass of vinegar overnight in a closed refrigerator.
  2. Lemon juice. It helps if you mix it with vodka (one part of juice to 9-10 parts of vodka) and treat the entire cabinet with it and dry the surfaces. There is no need to rinse off.
  3. Ammonia. An effective method, but requires more attention. When working with ammonia, protect your respiratory tract with a respirator. Apply a little liquid to a clean cloth and wipe all parts of the refrigerator and freezer compartments. Afterwards, walk over them with a wet cloth and leave the device to ventilate overnight. In the morning, you need to rinse the device again with warm water, and you can load the products.
  4. Soda. Use a baking soda solution, 3-4 tablespoons per liter of water. A sponge or soft cloth soaked in it is passed over all open parts of the device. But you should be careful with glass surfaces: soda can scratch them. To completely absorb the odor, leave a little baking soda inside overnight.
  5. Beer. To remove traces of rotten fish, use light beer and a sponge. Rinse the shelves, containers, body and door with liquid, and then rinse with water. Then use food absorbents.
  6. Potassium permanganate. A weak solution of manganese does an excellent job of removing traces of mustiness, including rotten eggs and raw meat. The principle is the same: rinse all surfaces with the solution and let the device dry before turning it on.

Getting rid of mold can be not so easy, but there are several proven compounds that are better than others at destroying the fungus and its spores. To completely eliminate it, the following will do:

  • Bleach (“Belizna” or any other chlorine-containing store-bought product).
  • Hydrogen peroxide. It is necessary to treat all surfaces, including the folds of the sealing gum and the drain hole.
  • Vinegar.
  • Ammonia.
  • Soda solution.
  • Laundry soap solution.

In some cases, the fight against mold requires a more professional approach, when the fungus has penetrated into the internal parts of the mechanism and can no longer be eliminated with chemicals. To do this, you need to invite a specialist who can disassemble and treat all infected areas with a professional product.

What to do if the smell is not removed

If you have thrown out all the missing food, defrosted and cleaned the equipment, and the smell still remains in the refrigerator, then you need to check the operation of the unit itself. It’s better to call a specialist for these purposes, but if you don’t want to do this at all, you can try to fix the refrigerator’s operation yourself.

The problem may be due to damage to the seal

Sometimes the freezer does not maintain the desired temperature. It may spontaneously defrost. Accordingly, the answer to the question of how to remove the smell is simple: repair it and wash the refrigerator cabinet again. There may be a clog in the drain or freezer system. In this case, we get rid of the stench by cleaning them. Foreign odors may come from broken parts or be the result of a damaged seal. Of course, replacing these elements will help eliminate the problem, but in this case it is better to buy a new refrigerator.

Eliminating various odors from the refrigerator

Now that we have found out that there can be several sources of the problem, it becomes clear that simply washing the refrigerator with ordinary detergent is sometimes not enough. There are many methods for cleaning household appliances from dirt and specific odors, and for each specific case it is worth choosing your own. Let us describe in more detail when and why it is more appropriate to use one method or another.

How to eliminate odor in a new refrigerator

In new household appliances, even in the store you can notice an unpleasant plastic smell. You should get rid of it step by step:

  1. Wash the interior surface, including shelves and drawers, with warm water. If the smell is strong, you can use soap.
  2. Wipe with a dry cloth.
  3. Ensure good ventilation. To do this, you need to open the door slightly for 1-2 days.
  4. If the stench does not go away, wipe with vodka or alcohol.
  5. Place a natural odor neutralizer inside (dry coffee, tea).

Spoiled food and old stains

The most common cause of bad smells is spoiled food. Also, the source of unpleasant odors can be previously spilled liquids or old stains that appeared as a result of storing, for example, vegetables and fruits directly on the shelves. Some odors can be very persistent, for example, the smell of rotten meat or fish lingers in the refrigerator for a long time even after washing it.

  1. Old, stubborn stains can be removed with regular baking soda. Dilute it with warm water to the consistency of kefir, moisten a soft cloth with this mixture and place on the stain for at least 15 minutes. The contamination will soften and quickly remove from the surface.
  2. It is best to wash the rubber seal with hot soapy water. Grate a piece of laundry soap and stir it in water, rinse the seal thoroughly with a sponge to remove all dirt or mold.

Recipes to help cope with particularly persistent odors:

  • Soda solution (the preparation method is described above) helps not only to clean surfaces from dirt, but is also a good odor absorber.
  • Hydrogen peroxide solution is sprayed from a spray bottle onto the inner walls of the refrigerator and wiped dry after two minutes.
  • A mixture of water and vinegar - take 8 parts of water to 1 part vinegar, and wipe all internal surfaces with the resulting solution.
  • Lemon water - the juice of a whole lemon is mixed with two liters of water, the resulting liquid is treated with the walls and shelves.
  • Ammonia - add a couple of drops to a glass of water and wipe the inside of the refrigerator.

How to remove fish smell from the refrigerator

Fish, especially when fresh, has a pungent and intrusive “aroma”. How can you remove fishy smell from the refrigerator? To eliminate it, you must perform the following steps:

  • Defrost the unit. If it is equipped with a “no frost” system, simply unplug and unload all products.
  • Wash the shelves with detergent and then wipe the surfaces dry.
  • Squeeze the juice from 1 lemon and thoroughly treat all internal surfaces with it.
  • Leave the refrigerator for 3 hours and then remove any remaining substance with a damp cloth.
  • Ventilate the camera for 2-3 hours.
  • Start the equipment by first installing odor absorbers.

Now all the secrets of how to eliminate unpleasant odors in the refrigerator at home have been revealed. But to prevent its occurrence, it is necessary to carry out preventive actions.

Getting rid of mold and its fragrance

Mold fungi, colonies of which can settle in the refrigerator, cause a lot of trouble. They are not only sources of unaesthetic stains and musty spirit, but can also cause allergies, diseases of the respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract.

To get rid of mold yourself, you can use a combination of baking soda and vinegar. It is enough to wipe the surface with a soda solution and then apply a vinegar solution; It is advisable to wash off the mixture after a while. It is better to dry the treated shelves and walls using an ultraviolet lamp or a hair dryer with a stream of hot air.

Since the smell of mold quickly eats into plastic, even after removing it, it is worth using adsorbents and/or flavorings.

When treating surfaces, you should not use products based on toxic substances, such as copper sulfate. In this case, even thorough washing does not guarantee the safety of the products.

Fighting in case of breakdown

It is unlikely that you will be able to fix the problem without the help of a specialist!
An inexperienced nose will not always be able to detect a technical smell - this “aroma” is very similar to spoiled meat, but after washing the refrigerator compartment it does not disappear anywhere, and sometimes, on the contrary, intensifies. You cannot solve this problem yourself - the spilled substance is harmful to health.

Expert opinion

Borodina Galina Valerievna

Before contacting a company that repairs household appliances, you need to carefully study the reviews about it - now there are a lot of scammers who charge a lot of money for basic work, and the average person does not even understand that he was deceived.

Before the technician arrives, the refrigerator must be defrosted and, if possible, washed. Why possible? The smell is very strong and a person with allergies or asthma may feel unwell. But defrosting and draining the water are mandatory; without this, the master will not be able to do his job. We will omit the technical details of the procedure and move straight to further actions. After the work is completed, the smell will persist for some time. To speed up its removal, you need to use special odor absorbers that are sold in stores.

Silicone balls, which are placed in shoes to combat odors, have proven themselves to be quite good.

Prevention Tips

Don't forget to prevent odors. This can be done using special aroma absorbers or natural neutralizers. They are placed on shelves in special containers and replaced periodically. Choose neutralizers that smell like you like. There are quite a lot of them: coffee, tea, and spices. Just don’t forget to change them from time to time, as their aroma fades and they can no longer save you from stench. According to reviews from those who resort to preventive measures, this really helps to forget about the problem of unpleasant odor in the refrigerator for a long time.

Clean the device periodically. The frequency of cleaning required depends on the cooling system. If your refrigerator is equipped with a No Frost system, then you need to process it several times a year. But if you own a unit with a drip system, you will have to do this every month.

Again, regularly throw away anything spoiled and wipe up any spills. To do this, it is worth rechecking everything in the refrigerator every week.

If you bought a new refrigerator, then before you start using it, you need to clean it thoroughly. The fact is that while it was stored in the warehouse, a dusty coating would certainly form in it. In addition, you need to get rid of the plastic smell that all new equipment has.

If the refrigerator smells too much of plastic, then it’s better not to take it. This smell is unlikely to be removed.

Cleaning the refrigerator compartment for the first time will take quite some time. You can make it using store-bought products or regular soda. All parts must be thoroughly wiped with the solution. Then wipe dry and allow to air. For best effect, repeat this several times before you start adding food.

Don’t forget that you need to wash the freezer in the same way.

The use of metal scrapers, cleaning abrasives and alkali is not recommended. It is better to wash the device with soft sponges.

Inspection in the refrigerator

The smell of spoiled food is very persistent. And if the source was in the refrigerator for a long time, then both the internal surfaces of the refrigerator and other products will smell.

The solution to the problem is to more often “inspect” food in the refrigerator for suitability. You should not accumulate mountains of food supplies on the shelves - this way you can simply forget about some food products. All open jars and packages with signs of damage to the contents should be immediately thrown into the trash. Carefully check all expiration dates indicated on packages. Try to use the product before its expiration date, otherwise, forgotten on the shelf, it can become a source of unpleasant odor.

Cleaning the drain tube

In a refrigerator, the cause of the stink could be a clog in the drain pipe. If you didn’t know that your refrigerator has such a part, then it’s time to look at the device’s passport and find out where it is located. It is a clogged drain that sometimes reminds you of itself with a bad aroma. If your unit didn’t stink before, and suddenly started to smell, then try checking this part. You can tell that the drain pipe is clogged by condensation collecting under the bottom drawers. It can become clogged due to small particles of food, accumulated mucus, mold and water. In this case, the answer to how to get rid of the unpleasant smell in the refrigerator is simple - clean the drain.

Clean the drain pipe regularly

If the tube is removed, then you need to start fixing the problem by removing it. Then wash it and install it back. And if it is not removable, then look for a rubber bulb, hand pump or compressor. It is necessary to flush the drain until clean water begins to flow out of it. Sometimes simple washing is not enough and you need to use a piece of cable or stiff wire. You need to make a loop from a handy product and use it to clear the blockage from the pipe. And then rinse again. It is advisable to clean the drainage pipe regularly once a year.

Replacing the seal

Rotting products often get under the seal seams on doors

You should carefully rinse the rubber and dry it. But if the door constantly comes off, then the seal should be replaced

The seal may stick to the surface of the cabinet, making the door difficult to open. You can eliminate the problem by washing the seal with warm water and wiping it dry.

What can cause an unpleasant odor?

Naturally, an unpleasant odor in a refrigeration device does not occur on its own. As we have already found out, most often it appears due to expired products, but this is far from the only reason why the refrigerator smells.

If the appliance is thoroughly washed, the freezer is defrosted, but the smell still hasn’t gone away, then look for the cause in the appliance itself.

The source of the questionable odor may be plastic or rubber. This smell is more typical of new equipment, but can also occur in older models after prolonged non-use. In new devices, it is eliminated by ordinary wet cleaning and ventilation. In old appliances, rubber seals need to be washed thoroughly - they can become clogged with dirt, moisture, and food crumbs.

Another reason is fungus and mold. They can appear due to:

  • missing food that has spoiled due to a temporary power outage;
  • malfunctions of refrigeration equipment;
  • improper storage of products;
  • setting an inappropriate temperature in the freezer, at which microorganisms can develop and the process of rotting can occur.

Getting rid of such a smell is quite difficult and you cannot do without household chemicals or folk remedies.

Advice . Can't solve the problem yourself? Call a refrigeration repair specialist. He will quickly find the cause of the stench and help solve the problem.

By the way, freon was used in old Soviet refrigerators, which has a specific smell of chloroform. However, in modern models, freon does not smell at all. Therefore, do not look for the cause of the smell in it.

How to store food to eliminate unpleasant odors

The main rule of storage is the sorting of products. Milk and dairy products should be placed on a separate shelf from others; they absorb odors well. Smelling foods (meat, fish) should be kept further away from others. It is recommended to store them in containers, bags, and foil so as not to spread the aroma.

Fruits and vegetables should be placed in the refrigerator already washed and dried. The boxes for them must be dry. Wet spots and condensation should be eliminated immediately, as they promote the development of pathogenic microorganisms. The same applies to traces of jam, syrups, juices

It is important not to leave food in the refrigerator for a long time, monitor the expiration date and promptly remove spoiled products.

For a refrigerator to last a long time, it must be properly cared for. These rules apply to correct defrosting, timely cleaning and storage of food. After all, it is the abundance of microbes that affects the quality of the equipment, can damage it and spoil all the products stored in it. Simply wiping the refrigerator of odors is not enough. It is necessary to use special agents with antiseptic and adsorption properties to neutralize them.

Table. Shelf life of food in the refrigerator

The product's nameShelf life
Red bell pepper2 days
Parsley2 days
cucumbers2 days
Leaf salad1 day
Fresh fish1 day
Salty fish3 months
Marinated fish3 months
Fried fish2 days
Hot smoked fish2 days
Fresh poultry2 days
Fresh meat1 day
Canned stewed meat6 days
Boiled sausage2 days
Sausages1 day
Cutlets1 day
Soup2 days
Cream cakes2 days
Sterilized milk4 days
Pasteurized milk3 days
Kefir1 day
Cheese10 days
Cottage cheese3 days
Eggs2 weeks

Failure of the thermostat

The smell inside the compartments may be caused by a broken thermostat . Thermostat (thermostat) is a key element of any refrigerator, responsible for the temperature regime inside the unit. It is this unit that sends signals to the compressor to turn it off and on. Without it, the temperature of the refrigerator and freezer compartments is not maintained, and food immediately spoils faster.

In electromechanical models, a thermal relay is a mechanism that controls temperature using a temperature sensor. This is a thermocouple, somewhat reminiscent of a wire. One end of it is led into a chamber where it measures the temperature, the other is connected to the evaporator.

Connecting the refrigerator to the mains

In more advanced electronic models, the thermostat functions are taken over by a control module and a thermistor sensor . The operating principle remains the same.

Smart automatic kitchen appliances

Solution: if the diagnostics showed a breakdown of this unit, it needs to be replaced. It must be taken into account that modern units can contain from 1 to 5 sensors or more. They are located near the evaporator, inside compartments and additional zones. Sensors cannot be repaired; complete replacement is always required. This operation can be performed at home, but it will cost a pretty penny. For example, a complete replacement of sensors in Liebherr refrigerators will cost 8-10 thousand rubles.

Mold Removal

Mold is a very unpleasant phenomenon, even dangerous for humans. It provokes the appearance of odors. Its spread begins due to mold spores. This happens when the humidity in the chamber goes off scale, when storage standards are violated. Mold is dangerous because it can cause allergies or poisoning. You can find the “enemy” in the seals on the doors of the device. What will help defeat the uninvited guest? There are several recipes that have long helped housewives to destroy mold.

  • Soda. Prepare a glass of water, dissolve a teaspoon of powder there. Stock up on a spray bottle; processing with it is very convenient. If you don't have one, choose a sponge.
  • Soap , but not cosmetic, not toilet soap, but rough household soap. It contains alkali - one of the main “enemies” of mold. Prepare a thick solution with a lot of soap.
  • Liquid chlorine solution. It is popularly known as whiteness. Take one part of the product and dilute this amount in ten parts of water. Use the resulting mixture to treat areas with mold. Then rinse off the solution thoroughly and leave the refrigerator with the door open. Don't forget to protect your hands with gloves. Try to cleanse when there are no children in the house.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Soak a sponge in peroxide and wipe the areas affected by the fungus. Rinse with water and dry.
  • Vinegar. The product can be applied using a spray bottle or a washcloth. Apply to affected areas, leave for an hour, and then rinse with clean water.
  • Ammonia alcohol. You need ammonia and water in equal quantities, apply to the mold, leave for a couple of hours, then rinse with plenty of water.

How to clean the refrigerator from the smell of rotten meat using specialized products

Special absorbers of unpleasant odors will help you quickly remove the smell of spoiled meat from the refrigerator - they are sold in supermarkets and hardware stores. They are made on the basis of coal, thanks to which such preparations perfectly absorb any foreign odors.

There are several types of odor absorbers for kitchen equipment:

  1. Balls filled with silica gel are a fairly budget option; they are sold in several packs. One is enough to clean the refrigerator; the rest should be stored in airtight packaging, since the ball gradually loses its properties when in contact with air.
  2. Absorbers filled with activated carbon granules – as a bonus, vegetables and fruits stay fresh longer.
  3. With helium - for greater efficiency, manufacturers add extracts from citrus fruits and seaweed to them. When evaporating, they absorb unpleasant odors very quickly and also perfectly refresh the air in a closed space.
  4. Mineral salt crystals - this substance perfectly removes any unappetizing odors, and a single crystal is very practical. Once a month it is washed well with water to remove the spent salt layer, after which the surface of the crystal is again ready for use.
  5. Ozonizers not only perfectly eliminate rotten odors, but also completely destroy dangerous microorganisms, further preventing spoilage of meat products.

The choice of a store-bought absorber that will help quickly remove a disgusting odor if meat accidentally goes bad in the refrigerator depends solely on the characteristics of a particular household appliance - any of these products performs its functions 100%. Place it so that there is enough free space around the crystals or balls, otherwise the aromas of the food stored in the refrigerator will transfer to them.

For a large unit, it is worth purchasing several absorbers, evenly distributing them on the shelves from top to bottom. The tightness of the packaging and the release date are also important - it is better to purchase an absorber that hit the store shelves no more than six months ago, since even when sealed it gradually loses its properties.

Comment! Instead of a ready-made product, pharmaceutical activated carbon is quite suitable - a small plate with several tablets should be left in the refrigerator for a day.

Also in stores you can find a whole arsenal of powerful chemicals that will remove the nasty rotten smell once and for all:

  1. “Oro Fix 02012”, “Odorgon” are potent neutralizers of unpleasant odors. After treatment with any of these drugs, the refrigerator doors should be tightly closed.
  2. “FeedBack” is an undeniable advantage of this product - it can be used in rooms with pregnant women and small children.
  3. “Top House”, “Frau Schmidt” are egg-shaped absorbers of unpleasant odors, the first has a strong antibacterial effect, the second is absolutely harmless, since it contains only natural coal chips.
  4. “Filtero” are special filters that quickly absorb foreign odors inside the refrigerator compartment.
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