Raptor for cockroaches: release forms, application and reviews

The 21st century is just around the corner, the time of nanotechnology. But there is one misfortune of humanity that can be very difficult to cope with. Cockroaches are the scourge of modern society. They are everywhere: they are the first to meet you in the kitchen before breakfast, they unexpectedly visit you during water procedures, they feast on forgotten crumbs on the table, they climb into the trash can. They eat everything: regular food, gouache from children's drawings, wallpaper glue. And a sea of ​​infection spreads throughout the house on their little paws. Today, the household chemicals market offers a large selection of different products to combat parasitic insects. Raptor products are one of the most popular.

Composition of the products, how they act on cockroaches

The main component of the Raptor series insecticides is synthetic pyrethroids.

Synthetic pyrethroids are insecticide chemicals that are used to kill insects. They are analogues of natural pyrethrins.

These substances act on insects as neuroleptic poisons, that is, penetrating through the chitinous cover, they affect nerve cells and destroy them. This leads to paralysis of the insect and its death.

The composition of the product is largely determined by the form of its release:

  • Aerosols. The composition contains three insecticides: cypermethrin, tetramethrin and piperonyl butoxide. The first two have the main effect, and the third, piperonyl butoxide, is a synergist, that is, it strengthens and fixes it to achieve maximum effect.
  • Gels. Contains the pyrethroid lambda-cyhalothrin or chlorpyrifos. They have a wide spectrum of action and durability. The gel also contains food baits and preservatives. Accordingly, this drug enters the body of the parasitic insect through the intestinal tract, which leads to infection and death. The gel is a contact agent, so the insect does not die immediately, but has time to return to its habitat and infect the entire population.
  • Traps. Contains lambda-cyhalothrin. Trace pheromones, which insects use to mark the path to food for other individuals, and food pheromones, milk fat, which also attract pests, were used as bait. Lambda-cyhalothrin has enteric contact properties and affects the nervous system of insects, causing paralysis. An infected cockroach does not die on the spot, but transmits the toxic substance along the chain, thus destroying the entire population.
  • Aquafumigator. It contains cyphenothrin, a latest generation insecticide, and a vapor-forming agent. Upon contact with water, active evaporation of a toxic substance begins, which penetrates the insect’s integument in the same way as an aerosol.

Main cast

The gel is based on lambda-cyhalothrin. This pyrethroid insecticide is used in many products aimed at killing small pests. It was chosen because it can affect calcium metabolism in synapses and disrupt the functioning of the nervous system.

All these complex processes lead to the fact that during the passage of a nerve impulse the insect releases an excessive dose of acetylcholine. And the symptoms of poisoning are that strong agitation appears, motor activity is disrupted, and the respiratory centers are affected.

A sick cockroach becomes dangerous for the entire colony, so the relatives themselves try to destroy it. However, this leads to the fact that upon contact they themselves become a carrier of a toxic substance and soon die too.

This component has a detrimental effect not only on sexually mature individuals. Those that have just appeared are also poisoned and will not be able to develop after that. Within 24 hours, most of this population dies.

Forms of release of "Raptor" products against cockroaches

Products under the trade name "Raptor" are available in various forms:

  • Aerosol. Available in tin cans with a sprayer, the product is completely ready for use. The cost is about 200–250 rubles for a volume of 350 ml. One can can treat 50–60 m2.
  • Gel "Raptor". Available in 75 ml tubes, its approximate cost is 200–250 rubles. One tube is designed to treat 10 m 3 of space.
  • Trap for cockroaches. It is a plastic container with holes and an active substance inside. Set includes 6 pieces. The price ranges from 170 to 200 rubles. A room of 10 m2 will require 2–3 traps, depending on the number of insects.
  • Aquafumigator. It is a metal container with the necessary components: water and a plastic container with the active substance. The approximate cost of an aquafumigator is about 500 rubles. One aquafumigator destroys parasites over an area of ​​up to 30 m2.

Photo gallery: Raptor products for cockroaches

"Raptor" traps guarantee reliable protection against cockroaches for your home and apartment. "Raptor" aquafumigator is a system for eliminating insects using the chemical compound tsifentorin, which has the ability to paralyze the nervous system of adults. In the form of a gel, the insecticide is especially effective, helping to get rid of insects quickly and reliably. Aerosols from cockroaches - a convenient form of insecticide that kills these insects

Cost of drugs

The company's products are distinguished by a very economical approach to pricing:

  1. Granular powder. The shelf life of opened packaging is no more than 2 months. It is available on the shelves in two dosages and formats:
      sachets with fine powder (100 g bags) - from 150 rubles;
  2. tubes with coarse granules (cylindrical plastic packages of 500 g) - 400 rubles per half a kilo of product in a tube.
  3. Anti-ant gel - 180–270 rubles for 1 tube. To treat a large room, several packages may be needed. The gel does not dry out, if there is excess left, it is suitable for reuse no later than the expiration date.
  4. Aerosol (spray) - 270 rubles per bottle.
  5. Traps for garden ants. They will cost summer residents and residents of private houses 300–350 rubles for 4 pieces. This amount is designed to process 1 square. m.
  6. Traps for apartments - 300 rub. for three pairs of discs in one package.
  7. The Raptor aquafumigator is the most expensive product in the line. Its price ranges from 500 to 750 rubles per box. The large area covered and high efficiency of the drug completely pay for its cost.

The pricing policy is aimed at the economy segment of the market. However, this does not affect the high-quality and effective filling of each product.

Instructions for use

All Raptor products must be used strictly according to the instructions.

Aerosols are used as follows:

  1. Before treatment, children, animals, people suffering from pulmonary diseases, and allergy sufferers are removed from the premises. Dishes and food are packed in plastic bags.
  2. The aerosol should be sprayed at a distance of about 25 cm from the surface, paying special attention to places where insects accumulate and trail.
  3. 15 minutes after spraying, the room should be well ventilated for half an hour.
  4. You can repeat the disinfestation of the premises after a month.

Gels are used as follows:

  1. The gel is applied in dotted lines, in strips of 2 centimeters.
  2. Treat places where insects move and accumulate, paying special attention to cracks and ventilation.
  3. Validity period is six months.
  4. If necessary, remove the old gel and apply a new one.

The gel can be applied to paper strips and placed in places inaccessible to children and animals. After its expiration date, the drug will not have to be washed; it will be enough to throw the strips of paper into the trash and replace them with new ones if necessary.

Traps are installed like this:

  1. Place in places inaccessible to children and animals near insect habitats.
  2. The device is replaced with a new one after about 2 months.

The aquafumigator is installed as follows:

  • Water, which is included in the package, is poured into a jar or any other container.
  • The metal container is placed in the center of the jar.
  • The entire structure is installed on a flat surface in the center of the room. The calculation is as follows: the coverage area of ​​the aquafumigator is approximately 30 square meters. m.
  • It is left for 2-3 hours, during which you should leave the room being treated (pets also need to be taken out/taken out, just cover the aquariums and tape the gaps between the lid and the glass with tape).
  • After the time has passed, the room is well ventilated.
  • Repeated treatment is carried out 3 weeks after the first to destroy individuals that emerged from the surviving eggs of the previous generation.

Video: how to properly use cockroach repellents

Precautionary measures

When using aerosols, the following precautions should be observed:

  • work must be carried out wearing household gloves;
  • Use a respirator to protect your respiratory system;
  • To protect your eyes, use safety glasses.

It must be remembered that the substances contained in aerosols are highly toxic and easily penetrate the skin. Follow these guidelines:

  • In case of contact with eyes, rinse them with running water and be sure to contact a medical facility.
  • If you inhale the aerosol, open a window or go out into fresh air.
  • In case of more severe damage, sore throat, asthmatic or allergic reaction, call an ambulance.
  • After treatment with an aerosol or aquafumigator, be sure to ventilate the room for half an hour.
  • The application of the gel should be carried out with gloves to protect the skin of the hands.
  • During treatment, you should not smoke so that the product does not accidentally get from your fingers onto a cigarette or mouthpiece, and therefore into your mouth.

No special precautions are required when setting traps.

Combination of different means

To disinfest a room, you should follow the rules for combining different Raptor products with each other:

  • You cannot use a gel/trap and an aerosol/aquafumigator at the same time, since the fragrances used in aerosols/aquafumigator will interrupt food attractants and trace pheromones found in gels and traps. If necessary, first treat the room with an aerosol or aquafumigator, ventilate well, and only then install a trap or apply a gel.
  • The use of gel can be combined with the installation of traps.


A couple of years ago we lived in a rented apartment, and it turned out that we were not alone, but together with cockroaches. The last time in my life I saw them in deep childhood, so I was not happy to meet the residents. We went to the store. Of the entire range, I liked the Raptor gel. They smeared it on everything they could: hoods, baseboards, behind cabinets in the kitchen and bathroom. At first, no effect was noticed. By the end of the first week, I began to find the corpses of cockroaches. A week later they changed the gel (although the instructions say that you can change it less often, but just to be sure). After about 3 weeks, there were no cockroaches at all. We still use the gel now, but now for preventive purposes, so that we don’t crawl from our neighbors. I was quite satisfied with the quality and result.

My husband decided to buy an effective remedy. The store recommended Raptor traps to him. A trap with a strong alluring aroma attracts a cockroach, it eats the poison, runs to the other cockroaches, infects them and dies. This is how the entire population dies. Well, he bought it! Price 199 rub. There are 6 traps in the package. They must be placed in places where cockroaches are most active. I put it in the bathroom, near the trash can, near the refrigerator in the kitchen cabinet, at night I put it in the sink, one in the nursery under the bed, and the last one near the stove. The traps have a strong apricot scent. There is adhesive tape on the back. Can be mounted on the wall. Sticks well and doesn't come off. But a miracle did not happen, not only did the cockroaches not decrease, there were MUCH MORE of them! When cleaning, I found only 3 dead cockroaches. And this is 2 weeks after installing the traps. Therefore, I do not recommend this product! Don't waste your time and money on it!



Now I know for sure that before buying an apartment, you need to get to know your future neighbors. So we made a mistake and it turned out that a not entirely prosperous family lived across the wall from us, from whom the Prussians simply insolently approached us. A friend advised me to try Raptor cockroach traps. I bought a package, it contains 6 baits, there is no smell, or rather there is, but not unpleasant, they smell like apricot, and are harmless to humans. The cockroaches began to disappear gradually. That is, you don’t have to wait for an immediate effect. It’s just that every day more and more cockroach corpses began to be found around the apartment, while the number of living cockroach population decreased noticeably. More than a month passed until there was practically not a single barbel left in the apartment. That's probably how long it took them to infect each other.



Steam begins to flow out of the fumigator almost immediately, first in a thin stream and then increasingly gaining strength. In just a couple of minutes there is an impenetrable fog and a cough-inducing smell in the room, so we leave the apartment as quickly as possible. There are instructions on the packaging that one aquafumigator is enough for 25–30 square meters, our apartment is only 57. But since it is a three-room apartment, they installed 1 fumigator in each room and 1 more in the space between the toilet, bathroom and kitchen. As they say, in this case it is better to be safe. We returned to the apartment a little more than 3 hours later, opening the door I saw that there was still a foggy haze in the apartment. While I was running to open the windows I managed to breathe in a little, then I coughed for several minutes, the smell causes a persistent sore throat. We waited another 20 minutes until the fog and smell from the apartment disappeared, so that we could go into it with the children. Then, of course, we inspect the apartment to find corpses of living creatures, I happily note that they do exist and there are quite a few of them. Then I see a picture of a small part of the insects trying to crawl along the walls and ceiling, but clearly intoxicated and half-dead, with the help of a vacuum cleaner we help them die completely. At first impression, I like the result much better than after treating the apartment with an exterminator.



The use of new technologies, the latest inventions, market statistics and reviews make Raptor one of the most effective products on the household chemicals market. The combination of “price and quality” puts the brand’s products at one of the first levels among cockroach control products.

The Russian brand "Raptor" is well known to consumers in its own country and abroad. The company produces products that help in the fight against crawling and flying insects. It received good reviews from users who used it to kill cockroaches. It is the undisputed leader in the insecticide segment. Each component included in it is carefully tested for toxicity to people and pets. The drug is available in different forms. Raptor aerosol against cockroaches is in high demand among consumers.

Aerosol against crawling insects

Consumers most often purchase Raptor aerosol, as it is convenient to use during processing. It effectively kills cockroaches when the insecticide is sprayed directly onto the insects. The aerosol quickly disappears and leaves no traces.


The Raptor contains:

  • cypermethrin (a widely used insecticide);
  • tetramethrin.

The product has a contact-intestinal effect. Cockroaches are not addicted to it, since the use of the main active ingredient, cypermethrin, began to be used recently.

Terms of use

Treatment of premises against cockroaches using Raptor aerosol against crawling insects is carried out sequentially, according to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Preparation of premises. Cleaning is carried out: the products are carefully closed and hidden in an inaccessible place.
  2. Determine the area of ​​disinfestation. People who do not take part in the process of baiting insects, children and animals should not be in the apartment or house.
  3. Windows, doors, and ventilation openings are closed.
  4. Direct processing is carried out. Aerosol spraying is carried out in those places where cockroaches were most noticed: under sinks and bathrooms, around sewer pipes, in the trash can area, behind cabinets.

The aerosol can should be shaken vigorously, surfaces and targeted areas should be treated at a distance of at least 20 cm. Windows and doors should not be opened for 15-20 minutes, after which the premises should be ventilated. It is recommended to use protective equipment during processing.

The aerosol is sold in a 350 ml bottle. Shelf life – 3 years (from date of manufacture). Price from 153 to 240 rubles.

Damage from house ants

Red ants, also called pharaoh ants, live only in domestic conditions, feeding on what they find in the house. They do not build anthills, similar to those made by forest insects, but live in nests. Their colonies settle in ceilings between floors, in floor cracks, in ventilation passages and other places within residential premises.

They can be found along the ant paths that insects make from their nest to places with food or food waste: next to a sugar bowl, jars of jam, near kitchen cabinets, not far from the trash can.

On a note!

Due to the fact that ants visit various places, incl. and the trash can, they can become carriers of harmful microbes, collecting them among food waste. Therefore, the fight against ants in an apartment or house should be carried out immediately after they are detected.

High efficiency aerosol

Spray Raptor against cockroaches with increased efficiency is a professional means for exterminating insects. Has the following advantages:

  • massively exterminates the insect population;
  • instant action;
  • ease of use;
  • penetration into hard-to-reach places.

On a note!

The professional drug Raptor effectively acts on cockroaches that have adapted to other means.


The spray with increased efficiency belongs to the new generation of drugs. The main active substance in the Raptor aerosol is Cypermethrin. Upon contact with it, it affects the cockroach's stomach. Crawling through areas treated with an aerosol, insects become infected with a substance that instantly penetrates the chitinous cover into their body and almost immediately kills the pests. The shelf life of the drug is 5 years.


Before using the product, you should carefully study the instructions for use and strictly follow them:

  1. Calculate the amount of aerosol. One Raptor can with a capacity of 350 ml is enough to treat 50 square meters. m.
  2. Vents, windows, doors are closed before processing.
  3. Shake the can well and spray the product in places where cockroaches are most concentrated: in the area of ​​the sink, bathroom, baseboards, water pipes, direct the stream into existing cracks. It is recommended to treat furniture, walls and countertop surfaces.
  4. Hold the bottle with its contents vertically, at arm's length.
  5. Leave the room for half an hour, then clean.

To achieve the greatest effect, judging by the reviews of the Raptor aerosol, you should spray it wherever pests have been noticed. The spray is sold in 430 ml cans.

Security measures

The use of insecticides to control ants requires certain precautions. Their intensity directly depends on the treatment preparation:

  • Wear gloves when working with traps and gel, wash your hands after contact with them;
  • granules, aerosol and aquafumigator are harmful due to their spraying, so use a respirator or bandages on your nose and mouth, avoid getting these products into your eyes, and after treatment, leave the room for a short time and ventilate it;
  • When working with any insect repellent, strictly follow the instructions;
  • do not use medications after the expiration date;
  • Discard the packaging immediately after processing if it is empty.

It is safe to use anti-ant medications during pregnancy and breastfeeding if you follow the instructions on the package and follow the necessary safety precautions.

Aerosol concentrate Barrier

The concentrated drug is a professional product used to kill cockroaches. The aerosol contains a formula that has no analogues in the world. This creates an effective barrier for insects. Its effect lasts for six months.


The product formula contains 3 active ingredients:

  • bifenhtrin;
  • Cypermethrin;
  • piperonyli butoxydum.

The aerosol has a nerve-paralytic effect on insects, providing a long-lasting effect. Therefore, it is recommended to use it in rooms with a large number of cockroaches or to provide a barrier effect.

The active substances evaporate gradually. This effect is achieved thanks to a special formula. On the treated base, the effect of the drug lasts for a month. By coming into contact with active substances, cockroaches infect their relatives. Both of them die after a short period of time. During spraying, toxic components instantly enter the body of pests. The barrier penetrates well through ventilation barriers, into cracks and other hard-to-reach places.

Instructions for use

To obtain the desired effect, the manufacturer advises spraying the product on surfaces that do not absorb liquid. Such materials include: plastic, tile, linoleum, metal. If you treat porous substrates, the duration of the spray is reduced. The room is processed in stages:

  1. The can should be shaken vigorously. Hold it vertically while spraying.
  2. To ensure a barrier effect, the places where cockroaches enter are treated: entrance doors, windows, loggias, balconies, ventilation shafts, cracks.
  3. To destroy existing insects, the places where they are most concentrated are subject to treatment.

The aerosol is sold in an 80 ml can. It can be used for three years. Average price – 220 rubles.

Universal aerosol

Raptor professionally protects against various types of insects, providing long-lasting effects and instant action, penetrating into hard-to-reach places.


  • Cypermethrin. Substance of contact-intestinal action. Has a wide range of effects.
  • Tetramethrin. Its effect extends mainly to indoor pests. It enters the body through the respiratory system, paralyzing the nervous system.
  • Imiprotrine. Acts on pests instantly.

The universal aerosol Raptor effectively fights 17 types of pests.

How to use

It is recommended to shake the can well. This will allow you to get the best effect when treating rooms. Next, a series of steps are followed:

  • the bottle should be held vertically in your hand;
  • treat areas where cockroaches accumulate at a distance of 20 cm;
  • doors and windows must be closed for 20 minutes;
  • cleaning is carried out half an hour after ventilation.

It is recommended to re-treat contaminated premises after a month. The universal Raptor is sold in a 275 ml can. From the date of production it is valid for 3 years. The cost of the drug is about 380 rubles.

Customer Reviews

When cockroaches appeared in the apartment, I was in a little shock. I can't understand where they came from. I asked my friends if they had encountered a similar problem. They advised me to buy a Raptor. I chose a universal product and used it according to the instructions. The result exceeded my expectations. I advise everyone who has Prussians to buy it.

Elena, Ekaterinburg

Raptor didn't help me. I do not know what to say. Maybe the neighbors have a lot of cockroaches, but they don’t fight them, or maybe it was necessary to buy not an ordinary spray, but a Barrier. I would be grateful for your advice.

Ekaterina, Saratov

An excellent drug. Effective instantly. We sprayed Raptor with aerosol for the night and went to our parents. In the morning, when I entered the apartment, I saw a “carpet” of cockroaches. It was quite a sight. A month later they re-treated. It's been a year now and there are no cockroaches.

Larisa, Moscow

Dangerous uninvited guests

These insects have very strong jaws and, in addition, a large number of chitinous teeth. Having such an arsenal, they are able to chew on any hard surface. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Prussians can even damage leather goods, books, cardboard, soap, and glue. Cases have also been recorded when a sleeping person was attacked: the cockroach was attracted to keratinized particles of human skin. Females are especially voracious; many are able to eat food in a day, the amount of which exceeds its weight.

It is impossible to hide any object from the Prussian, since with the help of long whiskers, which are equipped with powerful receptors, he will unmistakably detect water and food. These same receptors help him communicate with his fellow creatures. Having lost at least one antennae, the Prussian will not be able to navigate well in space. That's why he brushes his mustache all the time.

Three pairs of tenacious thin legs help the insect survive, escape from danger in time and adapt to the environment. Thanks to its excellent adhesion to surfaces, it moves not only along a vertical surface, but also holds well on the ceiling.

Small sizes help to hide under the baseboard in time, to hide in a small crack. And even in the coldest time of the year, when it would seem they should die from the low temperature, the Prussians live very comfortably in the warm homes of people, always having food and a heated place.

Only very low or very high air temperatures can kill cockroaches and their offspring - the larvae. But these cunning pests will always find a loophole and survive.

It is also difficult to fight cockroaches because they reproduce incredibly quickly. For this purpose, nature has awarded the female a special odorous substance, which is produced by special glands. Any male cockroach is very active: having fertilized one female, he hurries to another.

These insect representatives have one peculiarity: the male’s gametes remain in the female’s body, and therefore fertilization can occur without the participation of the male.

Cockroaches live on average up to a year, and during this time, as scientists have calculated, a female can reproduce more than 300 new individuals. Moreover, the newly born are ready to have offspring after just two months!

If people had not fought against these small parasites, it is scary to imagine what would have happened to the planet and to the people themselves. And here the remedy for cockroaches “Raptor” comes to the rescue - a gel, which has good reviews. Many note its effectiveness and affordable price. In addition, it is not difficult to use, just follow the instructions.

Analogs from other manufacturers

Many companies are engaged in the production of poison for cockroaches. The following products are popular among consumers:

  1. . The trademark was founded in 1956, the country is the USA. It produces insecticides. Raid against cockroaches is an effective remedy that can quickly and effortlessly destroy them. It creates a barrier for 4-6 weeks. It goes on sale in the form of aerosols, gels, and traps.
  2. Clean house. A domestic product that easily copes with numerous pests without giving them a chance to survive. Available in different forms: aerosols, crayons, powders, gels, traps.
  3. Battalion commander Brand of the Henkel concern, production facilities are located in Korea. The product in the form of an aerosol has an effect on cockroaches, ants, and bedbugs. Sprays are safe and easy to use. Due to the presence of a flexible nozzle, spraying can be carried out anywhere. The products are sold in the form of gels, traps, and aerosols.

Dichlorvos Raptor should be used with caution, having first determined whether there is an allergic reaction to its constituent components. When treating premises, do not allow the spray substance to come into contact with the skin and mucous membranes. It is almost impossible to get poisoned by the drug. In case of headache, nausea, or watery eyes, it is recommended to take the sorbent, and if it comes into contact with the skin, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

https://domovod.guru/borba-s-vreditelyami/tarakany/raptor-ot-tarakanov-otzyvy.html https://apest.ru/tarakany/4-sredstva/73-aerozoli-raptor/

Alternative to Raptor

There are a large number of insecticides available in the market in various forms. The operating principle is the same for most.


The Raid brand produces aerosol spray and ant traps. The first option is the most common. It contains imiprothrin and cyfluthrin - active insecticides - with admixtures of auxiliary substances. The average duration of residual action of the aerosol is 4 weeks. Traps operate on the same principle as those of the Raptor.

High-speed aerosol Raid - analogue of "Raptor"

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