How to remove odor from a bag: 9 methods tested in practice

Causes of odor

Products made from any material can have a foul aroma. Bags are most often made from the following materials:

  • leather;
  • synthetic leather;
  • suede leather;
  • textile.

Each of these listed materials is capable of quickly absorbing odors, which leads to the emergence of other unpleasant odors. Depending on the material of production, a bad aroma can be due to various reasons:

  • Things made of genuine leather can stink due to improper manufacturing technology. Many women believe that leather products cannot smell bad, but they are very mistaken. Tanning is an integral stage of production, in which only components of plant origin must be used. Unfortunately, most unscrupulous manufacturers, wanting to increase their profits without the necessary investments, use fish oil or animal urine instead of the required substances. This explains why your bag might stink.
  • Products made from leatherette also often emit an intolerable odor. When sewing, dermantin and its low-quality analogues are used. The number of artificial materials replacing natural ones is growing rapidly. When exposed to high temperatures, such items may emit a bad odor. This phenomenon is often referred to as the smell of a Chinese bag.
  • Textile accessories, as a rule, do not have problems with odor. However, sometimes they also become stale; usually the bad aroma of textile products is due to non-compliance with storage rules. For example, if the bags were stored near scented cosmetics or food products.

Having found out the true causes of the stench, it will be possible to select suitable methods for its elimination. To solve the problem, it is necessary to eliminate the pathogens that are the root cause of the bad odor emanating from a new thing.

Special store-bought products to combat ambergris

Special compositions designed for cleaning leather and dermantine products will help make the aroma of your handbag more pleasant and its appearance attractive.

Spray for genuine leather products

The following products are in high demand in stores:

  1. Spray "Unicum". It is inexpensive and does not require rinsing. It is enough to treat the bag with the product and then leave it for some time in a well-ventilated area. The cost of the spray is about 250 rubles, but it is intended only for the care of genuine leather products.
  2. Foam Combi Cleaner. Squeeze the product onto a sponge and clean the entire surface of the bag. This will remove dirt and give the product a lime aroma. The foam is intended for the care of items made of nubuck, suede, artificial leather, patent leather, etc. You can also clean textiles with it.
  3. Nagara absorber Aqua Beads Lavender. The product is an odor absorber made of silica gel beads. It neutralizes many unpleasant aromas, but cannot cope with strong ambers.

Instead of store-bought formulations, some ladies use homemade odor neutralizers. Regular cheap tea bags are suitable as such means. They are simply placed inside your bag and they absorb the scents.

These methods are suitable for combating minor odors that are not highly persistent. It is much more difficult to remove traces of fish, meat, and cat urine. But these odors can also be eliminated.

Genuine Leather

Leather is a rather capricious material, but, fortunately, it can be trained, so to speak. In this case, you can remove the smell from the bag using several methods:

  • It is necessary to carefully examine the inside of the product for the presence of mold in its parts. If the item was stored for a long time in a room with high humidity, this may well happen. Especially if this room has not been ventilated for a long time. If mold is detected in the internal sections, it is necessary to treat these areas with any antifungal drug. As a last resort, you can use ordinary vinegar, which is sure to be found in every home.
  • When the source of the stench cannot be identified, you can try wrapping the product in newspaper. Due to its porous structure, paper material absorbs odors well. If the method does not produce results, then you should try some other method.
  • An irritating aroma can be overcome by another, more pleasant smell. Many resort to scenting, wanting to get rid of the smell of a bag from China. You should put the dry zest of any citrus in a small cotton bag, tie it and place it in the problematic purse. You can drop your favorite essential oil onto a piece of cotton wool, wrap it in a piece of fabric and put it in your bag.
  • If none of the methods helps or you simply don’t have the time or desire to solve the problem on your own, don’t forget about dry cleaning. By sending the accessory to a specialized service, you can quickly and effectively remove the smell of a Chinese bag. Specialists will treat the product with professional compounds, and not a trace will remain of the bad odor.

Before you begin any manipulations, you should try to ventilate the bag. Sometimes it really helps. It happens that you don’t like the smell of the material itself, then it needs to be “neutralized” using the same methods.

How to get rid of the Chinese smell of new things: the most effective ways

The Internet offers people enormous opportunities. One of the most attractive is shopping - the opportunity to make necessary purchases without leaving the couch.

Chinese goods are extremely popular in this regard. They are in an affordable price range and are of fairly good quality. Of course, there may be exceptions.

The only and rather significant drawback is the sometimes unbearable and very specific amber. Therefore, today we will figure out how to get rid of the Chinese smell of a new thing - the most effective ways.

Leatherette products

Many people believe that only cheap things have a chemical aroma. Maybe some time ago this was the case, but now there are frequent cases when the stink comes from even an expensive accessory, the price of which is several hundred dollars. To get rid of the smell of a Chinese bag made from leather substitute, you can use the following methods:

  • Onion salad. The tear vegetable is not only capable of producing a sharp, specific odor, but can also help cope with the irritating aroma of the purchased product. You need to peel the onion, chop it and put it in a plate. Next, you should take a cardboard box and place a plate with onion pieces on its bottom, covering the dish with an inverted sieve. Place the product on top of the sieve and wait a few hours. At the end, the item is aired in the open air.
  • Baking soda not only allows you to thoroughly clean the pans and raise the dough, but also kills bad odors. Using this ingredient you can easily get rid of the smell of a Chinese bag. If the accessory is not too decorated with rhinestones and stripes, baking soda will help solve the problem. You need to take baking soda and sprinkle it on the top of the accessory. After a day, you need to shake the thing well, its surface must be dry.
  • Rye bread has proven itself to be a good odor absorber. You need to arrange the bread in slices among the sections of the bag and wait three days.

By learning how to kill the foul odor coming from your bag, you can not only clean your brand new item, but also share recommendations with a friend or relative. Similar methods can be practiced at home, which is very convenient.

Features of some fabrics

In the fight against foreign odors, it would be useful to take into account the material and color of clothing:

  • When processing fabrics that require gentle washing, or items of bright, rich colors, always check in an inconspicuous area the reaction of the dye and threads to the cleaning agent.
  • Remember that wool, dense thick items or artificial materials require longer exposure time.
  • If clothes that cannot be washed are damaged, place them in a lockable box. Place an open package of soda there and leave it for several hours, sometimes even days. If necessary, replace used soda with new one.

Fishy aroma

The smell of fish often repels or even causes a gag reflex.
Typically, such an aroma indicates that fish oil was used at one of the stages of production of the product. You can remove the smell from a bag from China using certain medications; most often they resort to using hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate. Potassium permanganate should be without any additives, only in its pure form. You need to pour a glass of water, take a few grains of medicine and make a light pink solution. This solution wipes all parts of the accessory, which are subsequently wiped with a soft cloth. This method is ideal in combination with flavoring.

You can use potassium permanganate with hydrogen peroxide. Two grains of potassium permanganate are stirred in a glass of warm liquid. Next, 3-4 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide are added to the solution. The composition is thoroughly mixed. The resulting mixture is moistened with a sponge, which must be used to wipe the handbag. The solution does an excellent job of killing bacteria that contribute to the formation of a foul odor.

The fishy smell is only appropriate in grocery stores. If it comes from a new bag, then you should definitely take measures to eliminate it as soon as possible. If the smell is of animal origin, the accessory should be wiped with medical alcohol or vodka.

How to get rid of unpleasant odor on clothes: home methods and industrial remedies

Have you ever taken out clean clothes from the washing machine and discovered that there was an unpleasant smell left on the clothes? There is hardly a person who will answer: “Never!” Sometimes the aromas of our body and the environment penetrate so deeply into the fibers of the fabric that neither powders nor conditioners can cope. However, as with stubborn stains, there is always a solution to the problem.

Textile accessories

In the case of a handbag made from fabric material, the same methods are relevant as for leather products.
Only now the item can also be washed. Washing can be done by hand or in a machine. By using scented cleaning products, you can quickly eliminate the stench from your cute textile accessory. Of course, you need to wash it on a delicate cycle without spinning, so as not to spoil the product. To preserve the appearance of the item, it is better to turn it inside out and use a special bag. Instead of granular powder, you should use a liquid one. You can do without washing powder by adding a small amount of fabric softener instead. When washing doesn’t help, you should try zest, hydrogen peroxide, soda and other well-known recipes.

If you still can’t wash the product, for example, because of the abundance of decorative elements, you should try wiping it with a mixture of ammonia and soap solution. To prepare such a composition, you should beat a little liquid soap into foam and mix it with ammonia, maintaining a 1:1 ratio. You can wipe it both from the outside and inside. At the end, be sure to dry the item thoroughly. After drying, a genuine leather handbag is rubbed with castor oil or glycerin.

How to care for a silicone case

When buying a silicone phone accessory, rely not on the price tag, but on the brand. Branded products are of good quality and last longer, but fakes quickly wear out, tear, crack, turn yellow and cannot be cleaned. What to do to keep the case clean for as long as possible:

A mobile phone with a silicone case, especially a white one, should not be carried in denim pockets; the accessory will quickly darken.

Alternative Methods

A special deodorant, which can be found in the store, will help you cope with the stench.
Deodorant can be replaced with perfume or cologne. Of course, in this case the owner of the accessory should like the smell of the perfume. The method is suitable for processing accessories and clothing items. Perfume should be used outdoors. You can place activated carbon in the product and leave it for a couple of days. In every home there are ingredients such as flour and soda. They are mixed and poured into a small bag, which is placed inside the bag for a while. When the result is achieved, you will need to remove the remaining flour.

If the product is dark in color, coffee will help. It is better not to experiment with light-colored handbags; marks that are difficult to remove may remain on them. So, you just need to sprinkle ground coffee over the surface of the product and put it in a plastic bag for two days. After this time, shake the bag and wipe with a soft material. If you don’t like the coffee aroma, it’s better to look for another way.

Fragrances for bags

The simplest and most effective way is to put a miniature sachet in your bag - a bag filled with fragrant herbs, spices, citrus peel or cotton wool dipped in essential oil.

Another way is to saturate your handbag with coffee aroma. You need to pour ground beans or instant drink granules inside the product and leave it closed for several days so that the coffee aroma is absorbed into the fabric. You can also leave a small bag of coffee beans in your bag.

If you decide to use perfume to scent your bag, you should not pour it into the bag. Spray a regular handkerchief and place it in the inside pocket of your bag. It would be enough.

Important nuances

When removing irritating odors, it is important to remember some rules. First of all, you should read the information from the manufacturer regarding washing and cleaning. When considering various ways to combat aroma, one must take into account the degree of its intensity. Don’t forget about the color of the product; some methods are only shown for dark bags. It is important to take into account the color of the lining material of the accessory. Ideally, the cleaning agent is first tested on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​the bag.

Of course, it is best to prevent a problem rather than try to fight it. You should not buy low-quality items. When making a purchase, it is important to make sure that the product really is of acceptable quality. Having chosen a handbag, you can not be shy and smell the thing. The pungent smell should alert you. It’s worth thinking about, is this thing really necessary?

If the desired update in the store seemed ideal, but at home it has a terrible aroma, you should not rush to get rid of the newly purchased item. You can always have time to throw away an accessory. It is better to try to test time-tested methods, especially since the components for many of them can be found in every housewife’s home.

Additional tips and ideas

Some cleaning products, such as Vanish and borax, may cause some fading of the fabric. Test on a small area first to ensure that the shade of the jeans is not affected.

Do not add other clothes to the wash as they may pick up the odor if it is not successfully removed.

Jeans should never be washed with hot water as this may cause them to shrink.

The better not to wash the silicone case

Remember, silicone is a soft material and requires delicate handling. We have figured out how you can wash a silicone phone case from dirt and other stains, now we will pay attention to devices that should not be used:

In conclusion, we will share an original way to clean a silicone case - cut a fresh onion in half, thoroughly wipe the dirty area with one half, and rinse thoroughly. You can remove the unpleasant odor by wiping the surface with a damp, scented cloth several times. Take care of the accessory regularly; any dirt on the silicone case must be removed immediately; absorbed dirt cannot always be cleaned.


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