How long can boiled eggs be stored in the refrigerator and at room temperature?

How long do boiled eggs last in the refrigerator and at room temperature? The shelf life of boiled eggs in the shell and peeled eggs is different. Spoiled testicles are not only unpleasant in smell, taste and color, but also harmful to the body. The information is described below depending on the variety and category of the product, as well as the ambient temperature.
  • 3 How long do boiled eggs last in their shells at room temperature?
      3.1 How to properly store boiled eggs at room temperature?
  • 3.2 Temperature and shelf life of boiled chicken eggs without refrigeration
  • 4 How long do boiled peeled eggs last?
  • 5 Shelf life of eggs depending on the degree of cooking
      5.1 How and for how long are eggs boiled in a bag stored?
  • 5.2 How long do boiled eggs in the refrigerator, hard-boiled in their shells, last?
  • 5.3 Shelf life table for boiled eggs
  • 6 Which eggs last longer, boiled or raw?
  • 7 How to extend the shelf life of boiled eggs?
  • What factors affect the shelf life of boiled eggs?

    Recently laid eggs will be suitable for food longer than those that were initially spoiled or laid by chickens 5-6 weeks ago.

    The ambient temperature has a significant influence on the time; the higher it is, the less suitable the product will be for food, and vice versa. But there are standards established by SanPin. The document states how and under what conditions the testicles can remain suitable for food. Therefore, the best place to store boiled eggs is in a refrigerator under the recommended environmental conditions.

    Another factor whose presence reduces the shelf life is the integrity of the shell. If the raw product was cracked or damaged during cooking, then such eggs should be eaten as quickly as possible. When the shell of the prepared product is intact, it is difficult for outside pathogenic bacteria to enter; if there are cracks, they enter very quickly, thereby starting the process of rotting.

    Humidity is a factor that many people do not pay attention to. But at high temperatures, cooked eggs become covered with condensation and become slimy.

    Composition and positive properties

    Ingredients of a hard-boiled egg:

    1. Lecithin. Useful for the functioning of important organs (brain, liver). Restores the nervous system. Experts recommend eating testicles every day for older people and growing children.
    2. Biotin. Brings blood sugar to normal levels.
    3. Calcium. Strengthens bones, has a positive effect on teeth and hair.
    4. Selenium. Increases immunity, metabolic processes return to normal with regular use.
    5. Magnesium. Produces a calming effect. The substance is useful for people who are stressed and cannot sleep at night. Additionally, it eliminates headaches and stabilizes intestinal balance.
    6. Manganese. Forms blood cells.
    7. Zinc. Increases men's health.
    8. Iron. Thanks to the substance, oxygen exchange in the tissues of internal organs will increase.
    9. Chlorine. Helps improve digestion, removes fats, removes salt and excess liquid.
    10. Cobalt. It has a positive effect on liver function and stabilizes the nervous system.
    11. Molybdenum. The mineral is good for teeth and improves male sexual performance. It is important in carrying out preventive measures against diabetes.
    12. Sodium. The macronutrient is necessary to stabilize intestinal function.
    13. Phosphorus. Speeds up metabolism, strengthens teeth.
    14. A nicotinic acid. Improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.


    • A;
    • group B – 2, 5, 6, 9, 12;
    • D.

    Even many types of meat do not contain such a quantity of nutrients. The fats contained in the composition are polyunsaturated, supporting the entire body system in normal condition.

    How long can boiled eggs be stored in the refrigerator in their shell?

    Let us thoroughly describe the shelf life of boiled eggs of different categories under different environmental parameters.

    How to properly store boiled eggs in the refrigerator?

    The use of cooling technology is the best option, where optimal environmental parameters are met. But it is not enough to simply place poultry products on the refrigerator door and keep them for a long time.

    Before storing the boiled eggs, they need to be cooled thoroughly. Place them in a special container with a lid. It is better to store boiled eggs in the shell or without it - the lid protects from pungent odors and moisture.

    The temperature is set to the required interval, and the container is placed on a shelf for storage in the coolest place.

    Temperature and shelf life of boiled chicken eggs in the refrigerator

    The time during which the product must be eaten or used as a component of a meal is prescribed in a special document (SanPin). The shelf life of boiled eggs is 36 hours according to SanPin.

    By organizing the necessary conditions and parameters, it is permissible to leave the ingredients for a slightly longer period.

    How many days are boiled eggs stored in the refrigerator, depending on the type:

    • Canteens – up to 7 days;
    • Dietary – up to 10 days;
    • Homemade – up to 10 days.

    The shelf life of dietary and homemade ones is slightly longer due to the maximum freshness of the raw product. The number of days is indicated with the condition that the eggs are placed in a natural shell in a container or container with a lid to preserve nutritional qualities.

    But you should remember: the well-being of household members after eating them depends on how long boiled eggs are stored. For too long or if the smell and color in the contents are suspicious, you cannot eat or cook them.

    Requirements according to GOST

    Everyone can decide for themselves how long a particular product can be stored, because they themselves are responsible for their health after consuming it. However, according to GOST and Sanpin, eggs must be stored under special conditions and for a certain time.

    The conditions are:

    1. a place without access to light;
    2. low temperature (from +4 degrees and below);
    3. location away from other products.

    Storing table eggs at a certain temperature:

    • from -2 to 0 C - no more than 90 days;
    • from 0 to +20 C – 25 days maximum.

    It is no secret that there are many microbes (for example, salmonella) on the surface of the shells of store-bought or home-made eggs. According to sanitary safety standards, eggs cannot be stored for storage without first treating them.

    How long do boiled eggs last in their shells at room temperature?

    If you happen to leave poultry products on the table, nothing bad will happen. Let's consider how long boiled eggs are kept warm in the kitchen.

    How to properly store boiled eggs at room temperature?

    It is advisable not to remove the shell. Without a protective layer, the edibility of the testicles is significantly reduced. It is recommended to place the egg in a bowl or container with a lid, so it will not roll off the table and will not absorb foreign odors.

    It is advisable to take the container to a cool place where light does not reach.

    How many hours you can keep boiled eggs warm without refrigeration depends on the room temperature. Sunflower oil will help to slightly increase the shelf life. A cotton pad soaked in it is used to wipe the surface of the shell, thus creating a film against the penetration of bacteria.

    Temperature and shelf life of boiled chicken eggs without refrigeration

    Boiled eggs with shells, but without a refrigerator, are optimally stored if the room is heated to +20°C - a maximum of 3 days. When the room is heated above 20°C, it is better to eat the product as soon as possible, since after 12 hours there is a high probability of food poisoning.

    The time period applies to all types of eggs - dietary, table, homemade. Since poultry products are perishable, it is not advisable to experiment with storage duration.

    How long do boiled peeled eggs last?

    The outer shell protects from many negative factors; for cooked eggs, first of all, it preserves the taste and suitability for human nutrition. Without it, boiled eggs are stored much shorter.

    Boiled eggs without shells are stored in the cold at a range from +2°C to +4°C for up to 12-14 hours. It is not advisable to keep cleaned products on the kitchen table; they will not spoil in an hour, but you should not lie there longer.

    Be sure to place the cleaned components of the dish in a saucepan (another container) with a lid, both for warm and cold storage. This way they will not dry out and become weathered. Do not keep it in a plastic bag - the protein will quickly become slippery.

    Shelf life of eggs depending on the degree of cooking

    The cooking time affects how long boiled eggs can be stored in the refrigerator or in the kitchen.

    How and for how long do eggs boiled in a bag last?

    When cooked “in a bag,” the yolk turns out to be a semi-liquid consistency. There is no need to peel the outer natural shell - the white does not protect the yolk well, it can leak out. Therefore, the products need to be placed in a convenient container or tray.

    The shelf life of eggs boiled to a consistency in a bag and unpeeled in the refrigerator is a maximum of two days. The coldest place on the unit shelf is selected. It is not advisable to place it on the door - when opening there is a temperature difference, and the outer shell without a container or tray may be damaged due to sudden movement.

    Time to eat eggs in a bag – 10, maximum 12 hours. The product will deteriorate in the warmth of the room; it is not worth putting it in the pantry for storage. This is fraught with eating disorders.

    How long do hard boiled eggs in the shell last in the refrigerator?

    The longer it is boiled, the longer it will remain beneficial and safe for human nutrition. Boiled eggs can be stored for up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator in hard-boiled shells, arranged according to the rules. In a warm pantry, a product with a hard-boiled yolk is suitable for eating for up to 3 days.

    Shelf life table for boiled eggs

    It is more convenient to familiarize yourself with information about the period in the table. It contains information about how long boiled eggs can be stored in the refrigerator or on the kitchen counter. Information about the shelf life of eggs prepared for Easter and painted with natural or food-grade chemical dyes is relevant. The number of days of suitability for food is indicated in technical environmental conditions from +2°С to +4°С, in a room – up to +20°С.

    CookingShell conditionStorage spaceNumber of days/hours
    In a bagAbsenceFridgeUp to 8 hours
    AbsenceKitchenNot advisable
    CrackedFridge8 ocloc'k
    CrackedKitchen4 hours
    Without damageFridge2 days
    Without damageKitchen12 hours
    Hard-boiledAbsenceFridge12 hours
    AbsenceKitchenTill 12 o'clock
    CrackedFridge4 days
    CrackedKitchen12 hours
    Without damageFridge14 days
    Without damageKitchen3 days
    Easter in thermal filmWithout damageFridge3 days
    Easter, dyed with natural dyesWithout damageFridgeUp to 14 days
    Easter, painted with food chemical paintsWithout damageFridge2 days

    Boiled eggs prepared for Easter are stored in their shells in a hard-boiled state. As a rule, before painting welded products, they are inspected and damaged ones are removed. Those rejected in this way are painted and stored in cold or warm conditions.

    Signs by which you can understand that the yolk and white have begun to deteriorate

    Spoiled egg products give off a disgusting smell. If storage rules are violated or the expiration date is exceeded, the protein changes color to dirty gray or bluish. Do not panic when you see that the boiled yolk is surrounded by a greenish-blue ring and has become hard. This is caused by exceeding the cooking time in water with a high concentration of iron. This food is safe.

    Simple tests that are carried out before cooking help determine whether the product has begun to deteriorate.

    A spoiled product produces a strong unpleasant odor

    In water

    The egg is immersed in a bowl filled with cold salted water and its location is observed:

    • a fresh specimen (up to two weeks old) will sink, turn on its side at the bottom or stand on its tip;
    • less fresh, but safe for health (laid down 14 - 21 days ago) will be immersed in water, but will not sink to the bottom of the dish;
    • the missing will lie on the surface.

    Only the first 2 types will not cause food poisoning; the third should be thrown out.

    Popular egg freshness test

    Transmission quality check

    The egg is viewed by turning on a powerful backlight. The product is spoiled if one of the following signs is visible under the shell:

    • blood clot(s);
    • embryo;
    • blood ring;
    • large dark stains;
    • a large air pocket between the shell and the white.

    In fresh samples, the white is pure, without inclusions, the yolk occupies the central part. Later, small dark spots appear in the white.

    Good to know, read: - 19 folk ways to remove smell from the refrigerator: what to wash with and what to put inside.

    Other methods

    The following techniques can also help check freshness:

    • if you shake a stale specimen next to your ear, you will hear a strange sound, similar to squelching, and it will seem that the protein is shaking; there is no sound when shaking a fresh sample;
    • the outer shell of a fresh egg is matte and rough to the touch; in a rotten sample, it has dark spots, is soft and shiny.

    Additional Information! Testicles laid 7 to 14 days ago are easily cleaned. Near the blunt end, under the shell, there is an air sac. The size of this pocket depends on the age of the testicle: the younger the age, the smaller the size. In mature ones, the liquid component decreases, and the size of the air pocket becomes larger. After cooking and cooling, steam appears there, separating the white from the shell. When fresh, the bag is small and there is not enough space for steam to form. Cooked egg whites stick to the outer shell, making these eggs difficult to peel.

    How to extend the shelf life of boiled eggs?

    It turns out that it is possible to slightly increase the period for saving welded products. For this, the following methods of storing boiled eggs without refrigeration are applicable:

    • Lubrication with sunflower oil. The method will not significantly increase the shelf life, so it is not advisable to store fat-treated testicles for a long time.
    • Freezing. Well-cooked eggs are placed in a mold, it is permissible to grate or cut them, and cover tightly with a lid. Sealed packaging is an important condition. The freezer temperature is set to -18°C. The period of preservation of useful qualities is up to six months. You can freeze the yolks and whites separately.
    • Vacuum packaging. The device pumps out air, without which it is difficult for bacteria to function. Cleaned eggs in a vacuum bag will last at temperatures up to +4°C for up to 7 days.

    The shelf life of boiled eggs depends on the original condition of the product - how fresh it was, whether there were cracks. The cooking method is another factor; the longer it was boiled, the more days it will stay in the refrigerator (it is possible to keep the eggs in the cold for up to 14-20 days). The shell without damage is an important indicator; its damage during cooking or its complete absence reduces the period when the testicles are safe for human consumption.

    • Don't miss: How long do raw eggs last?

    To the question “How long do boiled eggs last in the refrigerator and at room temperature?” The shelf life of boiled eggs with shell and peeled, hard-boiled or in a bag is different. The data is combined into a table for ease of perception. It is important to remember that the egg is a perishable product, so after boiling it is advisable to store it as little as possible.

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