What is the shelf life of whey in the refrigerator and what happens if you don’t stick to it?

Whey is a natural food product obtained in the production of curd products.

It contains vitamins and minerals, the preservation of which is impossible without observing all the conditions for proper maintenance.

We will tell you in the article what is the shelf life of whey in the refrigerator, freezer, or at room temperature.

Caloric content and composition of whey

Milk serum

is the liquid that remains after straining curdled milk during the production of cottage cheese or cottage cheese. Although, according to some consumers, whey from milk is an unnecessary liquid that can simply be poured out and forgotten, in fact it is a healthy drink that you can simply drink, use for preparing various baked goods and dishes (for example, you can make pancakes, pancakes with whey) , and also used for cosmetic purposes to improve hair and skin health.

Most whey from milk consists of water (more than 90% of the total volume), and the remaining few percent contains all the main beneficial components of regular milk. The chemical composition of whey is quite rich. It contains vitamins such as A, E, C, B vitamins, as well as macro- and microelements: potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron. Moreover, whey from cow's milk has a high content per 100 grams of product: potassium (161 mg), calcium (47 mg) and sodium (54 mg).

An interesting fact about whey: one liter of whey contains the daily value of calcium for an adult, as well as half the daily value of potassium. The proteins contained in whey from milk are much easier to digest than protein from eggs, so this fermented milk drink is useful for athletes.

Whey is a low-calorie product. 100 grams of whey contain only 27 calories.

No less popular is whey powder, which is produced using special equipment by simply evaporating regular whey from cow's milk. Dry whey from milk will retain all the beneficial properties inherent in liquid whey and is widely used in sports nutrition, in the production of baked goods, sausages, food additives, animal feed and in cosmetology. Also very popular among athletes is whey protein concentrate, which is separated from it using modern technologies (it is useful for the growth of muscle mass and is well absorbed in the body).

Dry concentrate

In addition to fresh, liquid whey, a dry product obtained by evaporation is also produced. In this form, the product retains all its beneficial qualities .

A similar concentrate is used in sports nutrition, for the production of animal feed, food additives, and cosmetics.

Commercially prepared dry whey powder should be stored according to the manufacturer's directions .

Even in its dry concentrated state, whey has a limited shelf life. It is regulated by the manufacturer, and cannot be more than one year.

Beneficial properties of whey for the human body

  1. Whey has a beneficial effect on the entire human body, helps strengthen the immune system and protective functions of the body, helps maintain the health of many organs, as well as skin and hair.
  2. Whey from fresh cow's milk is very useful for the human digestive system; it helps restore the microflora in the intestines and normalize digestive processes, as well as cope with constipation, if it bothers you.
  3. Consumption of this fermented milk product helps remove cholesterol from the body, as well as normalize blood pressure and the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  4. Whey helps cleanse our body, remove harmful and toxic substances, as well as excess fluid from the body (relieves swelling).
  5. In folk medicine, whey is used to treat diabetes, as it does not contain sugar and helps produce insulin in the body.
  6. Lactobacilli contained in whey are beneficial for the human genitourinary system, help cope with fungi and infections, and also cleanse the kidneys.
  7. Whey from sour milk is beneficial for the nervous system and acts as a natural and safe sedative.
  8. Whey is also useful for children, since it is well absorbed in the body and contains a lot of calcium, which is necessary for a growing body, while this fermented milk product has practically no contraindications for use.
  9. Many people know the benefits of whey for sunburn; it is enough to spread these fermented milk products on your sunburned skin in the summer and within a few hours the skin will stop burning and the redness will subside.

The liquid obtained as a result of souring milk, namely whey, is widely used by girls and women who know its rich medicinal and beneficial properties:

  1. How is hair serum used? Since ancient times, women have known the effective power of whey on hair. It helps strengthen hair roots, as well as weakened hairs. Some girls use serum instead of shampoo daily to keep their hair beautiful and strong.
  2. Milk serum for facial skin. There are many recipes for creams, masks and facial scrubs based on milk whey that can effectively clean pores, smooth out wrinkles, and make skin healthy and more youthful in appearance.
  3. Using whey for dieting and weight loss. Whey milk is widely used in many diets due to its beneficial properties and low calorie content. It is used as the main product on fasting days to cleanse the body of waste and toxins.

Contraindications to the use of whey from milk

To a greater extent, whey is a beneficial product for human health, but in some cases individual intolerance to it (in particular to the lactose contained in it) is possible, and you should abstain or reduce the amount of its consumption in the following cases:

  1. The storage conditions have been violated or the expiration date has passed (this is a perishable product with a high content of lactic acid bacteria).
  2. Drinking large amounts of whey from milk at one time can lead to diarrhea.

How to drink whey correctly?

It is better to drink whey from milk on an empty stomach before meals, and, if desired, you can add various spices, herbs (basil, parsley, dill), add salt or add sugar to give it an original taste. Whey also goes well with many berries and honey, when mixed with which you get a rather tasty and pleasant drink.

The average adult should not drink more than 3 glasses of whey per day. You can divide the “doses” of whey intake into 3 times (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and drink it before meals.

How can you make your own whey at home?

You can easily make healthy and natural whey yourself at home. To do this, you will need regular cow's milk, which must be left for a day in a glass container at room temperature so that it sours and you get yogurt. Next, the yogurt is poured into a saucepan and put on the fire, heating it well (but not bringing it to a full boil) until clots of cottage cheese appear on the surface, after which we remove it from the heat and let it cool completely. Finally, line a colander with gauze and strain the curdled milk, ultimately obtaining homemade cottage cheese and high-quality whey from milk.

Note: whey from domestic cow's milk will be more useful, since such milk is completely natural and has not undergone any additional processing.

How to store whey at home

Storing whey at home is no different from many other dairy products. It is better to store it in a glass container in the refrigerator, but do not forget that it cannot be stored for a long time and is a perishable product.

Sometimes on the Internet you can come across such a curious question: is it possible to freeze whey? The answer is yes! The main thing is not to use glass containers for this (it may burst), but use plastic bottles or ice trays.

In conclusion to the article, it can be noted that such a seemingly useless product as whey should not stand out in any way, but in fact it is a very healthy fermented milk drink that has a beneficial effect on the entire human body and is practically harmless for adults and children. We leave our reviews and advice on how whey is useful, as well as its benefits and harms for the human body, in the comments to the article and share it on social networks if it was useful to you.

In order to improve consumer properties and increase shelf life, sucrose is added to condensed whey in an amount of 12.5-30%, which makes it possible to obtain concentrates with a mass fraction of dry substances of 52.5-90% based on solids condensed to 40-60%. Sucrose is added to the finished product after thickening, the mixture is thoroughly mixed and cooled to 6-10 °C.

A technology has been developed for enriched whey concentrates due to the fermentation of lactose (30, 40 and 60% of dry substances) and its hydrolysis (40% of dry substances, degree of hydrolysis of at least 50%).

By targeted processing and the addition of fillers based on condensed whey, it is possible to obtain valuable food products and feed semi-finished products: pastes, cheeses, creams, sausages, noodles, fudge, honey surrogates, feed blocks, lick salt blocks, etc.

Whey cheese

is a whey concentrate containing up to 80% dry matter and a characteristic odor due to the caramelization of lactose during high-temperature processing of the cheese mass. The production of the product is common in Norway under the name mesmor.

Whey pastes

prepared on the basis of whey concentrates with the addition of fillers and aromatic substances. In Sweden, they produce myzost paste with a whey solids content of 75%, fillers: cream and beet sugar (10-12%). The technology for Kendylak cheese paste, developed at VGTA, provides for whey thickening to 60-65%, partial crystallization and separation of lactose (20-25%). The product contains up to 10% protein and has an acidity of 300ºT, recommended for use in baking.

Condensed whey in blocks

can be obtained by thickening it to 85-95% of dry substances, followed by cooling in molds, as well as directed heat treatment to obtain a coagulation-crystallization structure, or by adding fillers (flour, bran, calcium and sodium salts, methylcellulose, lactic acid, etc.) . Block concentrates with a dough-like consistency can be formed at a dry matter concentration of 48-52% by structure formation by cooling and mechanical processing (developed by the Siberian branch of VNIMI).

Condensed whey can be widely used for the production of processed cheeses, ice cream, in bakery and confectionery industries, other food products, milk replacer formulations and feed starters.

Whey powder.

Drying whey allows you to use all its components and store the hermetically sealed product for an almost unlimited time. Whey can be dried using one of the methods used in the dairy industry: spray, film, foam, sublimation, thermoradiation, etc. Combining the process of drying condensed whey with crystallization of lactose and granulation of the resulting product is promising.

Whey, as an object of drying, is characterized by a significant amount of moisture (about 2 times more than in natural milk), which is more energetically associated with dry matter, which affects the performance of dryers.

The kinetics of whey drying includes three main periods - increasing, constant and decreasing drying rates. Increasing the dry matter content in whey before drying due to thickening increases the amount of bound moisture, which affects the drying speed:

change in drying speed, %/min 10.5 5.5 3.8 2.0 1.5

During the first period of increasing drying speed and constant temperature of the material, free moisture is removed - simple evaporation occurs. In the second period, at a constant drying rate and increasing the temperature of the material, osmotically bound moisture is removed. In the third period of decreasing drying rate and the material temperature approaching the isotherm of the heating zone, adsorption-bound moisture is removed.

The drying process is limited by the content of dry matter and lactic acid in the whey before drying. Theoretically, it is advisable to thicken whey as much as possible before drying. The following optimum content of dry substances in condensed whey without additional processing before drying (%) has been practically established: film drying 20; spray drying 40; foam drying 45; freeze drying 50.

Intensification of the drying process due to the introduction of fillers, for example, mixing with skim milk and surfactants, as well as crystallization of lactose, makes it possible to increase the dry matter content before film drying to 30-40%, and spray drying to 55%.

By drinking just one glass of whey a day, you can strengthen your immunity and overcome the period of colds and viral diseases. Whey is the liquid that remains after curd separation or cheese production. It is full of various enzymes and bacteria that help strengthen the immune system and improve the functioning of the digestive system. You can drink it or use it to prepare various dishes: soups, okroshka, cocktails, sauces. It is also used in everyday life as a fertilizer and to treat plants against diseases.

She helped restore the health of those who suffered from intestinal microflora disorders and the many diseases that go along with them. In healthy people, whey helps maintain a balanced internal ecosystem, where beneficial rather than pathogenic microbes control the intestinal environment.

In fact, whey was the first probiotic supplement, used for centuries before modern probiotics were released.

What can be prepared from whey?

In those farms where there is a lot of homemade milk, you can start producing delicious cheese. More than 400 varieties of cheese are known throughout the world. Let's try to make Paneer cheese.


  • Milk – 2 l;
  • Whey – 1 l;
  • Salt – 1 tsp.

Preparation procedure:

  • Place a colander in a deep container.
  • Fold the gauze in three layers, cover with a colander.
  • Pour milk into a thick-walled saucepan and bring to a boil.
  • Pour in the whey in a thin stream, stirring constantly.
  • Cook until white flakes appear.
  • Remove the pan from the stove, add salt.
  • Drain the contents of the pan through cheesecloth.
  • After cooling, roll the gauze to form a bag.
  • Tie the bag and hang it to drain for 2 hours.
  • Transfer the finished product into a container, close the lid tightly, and place in the refrigerator.

How long can this cheese be stored? No more than 3 days, but it is eaten within a day, it is so tasty and tender.

Whey beneficial properties

The serum is able to restore the balance of water and salt, which helps relieve swelling. In addition, it allows you to cleanse the body of toxins. It is enough to drink just one glass of whey per day on an empty stomach.

The substances that whey is rich in cleanse the body of bad cholesterol, which means that harmful plaques will not be deposited on the blood vessels.

The product is indicated for depression. It turns out that the serum contains components that negatively affect the production of so-called stress hormones and promotes the production of the “happiness” hormone serotonin.

The benefits for the digestive system have already been mentioned at the very beginning of the article. Since it contains beneficial bacteria, it is useful for those who suffer from gastritis and colitis, and frequent constipation.

For those who want to lose weight, you can also use serum to normalize weight. Because it can reduce appetite, and the rich set of nutrients can help you stick to your diet without harming your health.

The beneficial properties of this dairy by-product were appreciated by almost all beauties. It has an excellent whitening effect and is useful for oily and normal skin. To enhance the effect, you can add a few drops of lemon juice to it and its whitening effect will increase.

The serum will help remove dryness and reduce pain from sunburn. You can apply it to your skin or add two liters to your bath when taking a bath.

Burdock decoction mixed with whey perfectly restores and strengthens hair. Try washing your hair once a week and you will soon see results.

Whey benefits

Whey, which many people discard after making cottage cheese, can actually provide great benefits to our body. It contains not only a complex of the most necessary minerals, but most importantly – protein. Whey consumption:

  • Creates muscle strength; Provides vital energy; Improves immunity; Prevents diseases such as cancer and HIV; Lowers blood pressure to healthy levels without side effects, unlike blood pressure medications; Reduces the risk of thrombosis, thereby helping prevent heart attacks and strokes; Improves prostate health and prevents prostate cancer; Promotes the growth of healthy intestinal bacteria and inhibits harmful bacteria; Cleanses the bladder and helps prevent bladder infections; Corrects hormonal imbalance; Slows down aging; Promotes weight loss; Improves digestion, similar to dietary fiber; Supports healthy kidney function.

Many athletes, especially bodybuilders, use supplements every day to build muscle mass, not paying attention to such a useful product and forgetting that synthetic drugs are harmful to health. Whey is a natural product and has no side effects.

Storage period for frozen cottage cheese

Cottage cheese that has been frozen cannot remain in the freezer for a long time - it gradually begins to lose its nutritional and taste characteristics. Depending on the capacity of the freezer, it can stay fresh for up to two months. The table shows the shelf life of cottage cheese depending on the temperature maintained in the freezer.

Freezer temperatureStorage time
-6…0˚ Cup to 6 days
-18…-12˚ Cup to 14 days
-35˚ Cup to 60 days

Attention! Up to two months, frozen cottage cheese is edible only in case of accelerated (super freezing or shock) cooling.

Whey harm

The only reason not to use whey is individual lactose intolerance. People with this problem may have an allergic reaction, swelling, diarrhea, and flatulence.

People who suffer from frequent diarrhea may have an intestinal disorder.

Another danger is improper storage. This is still a natural product with live lactic bacteria, which means it is a good environment for the development and growth of pathogenic bacteria, which can cause poisoning.

Despite the contraindications, whey is a very healthy and tasty drink that can be used in dozens of ways. Don't forget to include it in your diet!

What plants can be fed with whey?

Most often whey

used for feeding tomato and cucumber beds.
Along with these crops, melons, root crops and onions accept fertilizer well. From fruit trees, the serum
is useful for apple trees, and from garden flowers - roses and peonies.

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How and how long to store whey

The remaining whey after preparing homemade cottage cheese or soft cheese must be stored in the refrigerator. The best container for storing it is an enamel or glass container with a lid. The shelf life of such serum is a maximum of 5 days.

But you shouldn't throw it away. It is not suitable for drinking, but is quite suitable for cosmetic procedures, making dough, sauces, and soup. The maximum shelf life of the serum is no more than 15 days.

There is no need to freeze the serum. When frozen, all its beneficial properties are lost, and it no longer provides any benefit to the body.

As for whey purchased in a store, when storing it you need to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. When purchasing, pay attention to the composition of the product. In general, there should be nothing in it except the serum itself.

The timing and temperature conditions are usually indicated on the packaging. There may still be a deadline for implementation. These are different things. The closer the end date of sale, the less useful substances it contains and the greater the likelihood of poisoning.

Can it be frozen?

If the product is not planned to be used in the coming days, it can be frozen and stored in the freezer . It should be borne in mind that exposure to low temperatures leads to a significant reduction in the amount of vitamins and other beneficial substances contained in the liquid.

This leads to a decrease in the nutritional value and usefulness of the product. After defrosting, it is advisable to use frozen whey only for cosmetic purposes or for preparing dishes that are subject to heat treatment, for example, in the production of dough.

Do not use glass containers for freezing as they may break. The optimal container for freezing is a plastic container, which should be no more than 4/5 full.

This could be one of the options:

  • ice trays;
  • plastic bottles.

For easy storage, frozen cubes can be placed in a ziplock bag. The shelf life of the product is up to 6 months.

The resulting ice should not be defrosted in advance . They do this only when the product is needed. To do this, the frozen whey is moved from the freezer to the main compartment of the refrigerator.

Once frozen, a product should not be re-frozen after defrosting.

How to make whey

Whey can be made from fermented milk, kefir, curdled milk, fermented baked milk or yogurt.

To make whey, pour raw milk into a clean glass jar. Cover the jar with a lid (coffee filter or clean cotton cloth) and leave it at room temperature for 2-3 days until it sours. To speed up the process, you can add a little lemon juice. Then the milk will sour overnight.

Pour the sour milk into a suitable pan (not aluminum) and place on the lowest heat. Heat gradually without letting it boil. Otherwise, the cottage cheese will be very hard, like rubber.

You will know about the formation of curd by the separation of whey and the formation of a curd mass.

To separate it, place a colander on another pan and cover it with gauze. Drain the curd.

Take the gauze and twist the edges. Hang it up with a container into which the whey will drain. As soon as liquid stops dripping from the curd, put it in the refrigerator and pour the whey into a jar or pan.

Cold storage

The store-bought product is more sour than the homemade product, which makes it have a refreshing effect. At the time of purchase, always check the release date. A natural product that does not contain preservatives can be stored for no more than 72 hours. At the same time, there should be nothing in its composition except the serum itself.

The shelf life of the serum in a hermetically sealed bag kept in the refrigerator ends on the day specified by the manufacturer. But if the product remained there longer than the specified period, it can still be used: used for cosmetic procedures.

After opening the container, store the serum tightly closed in a clean glass container. The jar is placed in the middle part of the refrigerator (storage temperature +5C°), where the product can remain for 3 days.

Whey how to use

In addition to the fact that whey can simply be drunk as a healthy and healthy drink, it is also used for a variety of purposes.

It can be used for:

Soaking legumes and grains before cooking to reduce the content of harmful substances and improve the digestibility of beneficial ones;

Preparation of dough for various baked goods, including pancakes;

Making soups by replacing bone broth;

Various cocktails;

Fermentation (fermentation) of vegetables and fruits;

Cosmetic procedures;


Treatment and watering of plants.

It can be drunk pure or by adding honey, sugar, salt, fruit and vegetable juices.

Include this dairy byproduct in your diet. It will only benefit our health.

About whey and its benefits

Thanks to the abundance of technology and technology, the variety of this or that food product is steadily growing every year. This can be said about dairy products. Ryazhenka, kefir, Varenets, tan, cottage cheese, yogurt. And this is not a complete list. One of these products is whey, benefits and harms

which increases its popularity every day. But what is she? Where does it come from and where is it used?

Using frozen cottage cheese

Thawed cottage cheese, which has been cooled according to the rules and thawed in the refrigerator compartment, can be eaten fresh, without subsequent heat treatment. But, it is better to use such cottage cheese as part of other dishes, especially when it has been defrosted quickly. After freezing, it can be used in many dishes, but more often such cottage cheese is used to prepare the following:

  • cheesecakes;
  • casseroles – sweet and salty;
  • added to yeast dough;
  • cottage cheese cookies;
  • pies and buns with curd filling;
  • dumplings, including lazy ones.

Cottage cheese that has been frozen and thawed does not actually change its original properties. But, in its raw form, its taste deteriorates slightly - relative to a completely fresh product. Cottage cheese tolerates freezing quite easily and, when large supplies of this product are needed or there is excess left, sending it to the freezer is a good option. This solution will allow it to be used for culinary purposes in the future.

You can freeze cottage cheese at home, but this requires a high-power freezer that can maintain the inside temperature at -18˚ C or less. When the freezer is low-power, it is undesirable to freeze the product in it, since its quality will deteriorate due to excessively slow cooling. With proper freezing and gradual thawing of the product, without a sharp increase in temperature, the product's structure and taste will remain unchanged. It can be eaten fresh or used for culinary purposes.

The benefits of whey.

Whey consists of 94% water and 6% vitamins and microelements. It is because of this 6% that it is a very useful product. They contain more than 200 biologically active substances, each of which has its own effect on the body.

This includes vitamins A, B, C and E, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. Per 100 g of whey there are 0.8 g of protein, 0.2 g of fat, 3.5 g of carbohydrates, and the nutritional value varies from 18 to 30 kcal.

It is necessary to say something about proteins separately. The fact is that they are better absorbed by the body than their counterparts in the same eggs. In addition, whey proteins are very similar in amino acid composition to the proteins found in muscles. Because of this, this product is used to create protein concentrates that contain essential amino acids for sports and baby nutrition. As you can see, whey contains very different benefits and harms.

In addition, it contains high levels of lactose. The latter reduces the processes of gas formation in the body, helps with the restoration of intestinal microflora and normalizes metabolism.

Whey will be useful for people whose work involves active brain activity. Choline contained in this product helps in the production of phospholipid - lecithin, which improves memory and reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.

If you have a stressful period of life associated with constant stress and worries, then be sure to drink whey. Lactoalbumin, influencing the functioning of the adrenal glands, reduces the production of cortisol, the stress hormone, while increasing the level of the joy hormone, serotonin. One drink and all your problems will no longer seem so terrible to you. This is a real scientific fact obtained by studying the benefits and harms of whey.

Those who care about the beauty of their body should also pay attention to this product. The biotin included in its composition improves fat and protein metabolism and contains sulfur, which is necessary for healthy skin, hair and nails. In addition, potassium, which is also abundant in whey, reduces or prevents the occurrence of cellulite. In addition, it removes all waste and toxins from the body and eliminates swelling, thanks to its mild diuretic effect.

Whey should definitely be included in the diet of people losing weight. Despite its low calorie content, it causes a feeling of satiety and reduces appetite. Sweet whey will be an excellent alternative to any other sweets.

Does cottage cheese lose its properties after freezing?

Cottage cheese is rich in slowly digestible protein (casein), containing more than 15 g of protein per 100 g. It contains a high concentration of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamins B, A, C, PP. Experts say that you can store cottage cheese in the freezer - after proper freezing and defrosting, all the beneficial qualities of the product are preserved. It is frozen at temperatures down to -20 degrees, so it can be stored for up to two months.

The industrial capacity of dairy plants makes it possible to produce the so-called shock freezing, in which the product freezes in an extremely short time at a very low temperature, approximately -35 degrees. If you freeze cottage cheese in the freezer at home at a temperature of an ordinary chamber from -5 to -10 degrees, then the taste of the cottage cheese will significantly deteriorate.

Under the influence of sub-zero temperatures, the structure of the fermented milk product changes. The liquid contained in it undergoes a crystallization process. When defrosting, separation begins, the taste of the resulting cottage cheese changes due to the fact that the microorganisms in it are activated, and the fermentation process begins due to improper preparation.

Where is it used?

Due to the fact that whey was labeled a by-product for a long time, many cottage cheese or cottage cheese manufacturers got rid of it by using it as livestock feed. However, recently everything has changed.

From whey, which is rich in high-quality proteins, powdered milk and baby food are obtained using ultraviolet radiation. And the lactose extracted from it is widely used in the production of medicines.

Whey is often used to prepare first courses, pancakes and any other baked goods. It will also serve as a good substitute for kvass if you decide to make okroshka.

Whey is used by many lovers of homemade beauty recipes. For example, you can use it to wash damaged hair. But it should be remembered that this requires a decoction of burdock. If you have problems with oily skin, just mix the serum with lemon juice and wipe the areas that bother you with this lotion. This is the kind of whey that brings benefits and harm.

Serum at home

If you could not find this product on store shelves in your city, then you can easily get it at home. To do this, you need to take the milk and turn it into curdled milk, placing it in a warm place to beat. Remember, in order for pasteurized store-bought milk to ferment, you need to add a few tablespoons of any fermented milk product to it. Pour the resulting yogurt into a saucepan and place in a water bath for 15 - 20 minutes. During heating, the whey will separate out on its own, after which all you have to do is strain the liquid.

What's the result?

Whey is the type of product that due to ignorance about which people do not pay attention to it. However, thanks to the rich composition of minerals, vitamins and microelements, it is one of the healthiest representatives of dairy products.

It is used not only in cooking, but also in the fields of medicine and cosmetology. Whey has little to no harm, but people with lactose intolerance should not include it in their diet.

So the article “Whey: benefits and harms” has come to an end. Thanks for reading. Ask questions in the comments.

What happens to cottage cheese when frozen

Goat or cow's curd retains its health and nutritional properties when frozen. But when a fermented milk product begins to deteriorate, cooling it does not guarantee that pathogenic microorganisms will die. Cold does not improve its quality or kill germs. The only thing that can be achieved this way is to slow down the negative processes that lead to spoilage at temperatures above 0˚ C.

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Freezing allows you to preserve the product in the form in which it was subjected to this processing, but only if the rules have been followed. The best option for preserving quality is blast freezing, maximum degree of cooling (about -35˚ C) and minimum cooling time. In the freezer, whose power reaches only -15˚ C, its structure changes. The liquid in it crystallizes, and after defrosting, the curd mass will separate, its taste characteristics will also deteriorate.

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