What to do if you get caught in the rain wearing a leather jacket?

A leather jacket will always be in trend. It looks stylish, and in combination with various looks it gives both femininity and strength, masculinity and courage. In autumn it is simply irreplaceable! But exposure to moisture can harm natural leather. If not properly cared for, such a thing will quickly lose its appearance. Spots and creases will appear on the surface, the skin will become rough and quickly become unusable. What to do? Let's save a jacket that got caught in the rain!

How to fold a leather jacket compactly?

How to fold a leather jacket

  1. Fasten the jacket with a zipper or buttons.
  2. Turn the product inside out.
  3. Place the sleeves crosswise on the back.
  4. Place the hood on top of the crossed sleeves.
  5. Wrap the leather jacket as tightly as possible.

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Preventive treatment: so that the rain is not terrible

In order not to worry about your favorite thing and not to constantly monitor weather reports, you should always be prepared for precipitation. This can be done by treating the leather with a special water-repellent impregnation . It is selected taking into account the quality of the leather.

  • For smooth, soft skin, a special cream containing silicone or a spray can is suitable.
  • Caring for suede requires special products designed for this material .
  • For patent shiny leather, only liquid substances are suitable.

Important! In order not to expose your leather product to stress once again, you need to take an umbrella with you, especially during the rainy or snowy season. The larger the umbrella, the less the skin gets wet.

And the fewer cycles of wetting and drying a jacket goes through, the longer its service life becomes.

The frequency of applying caring and water-repellent agents to the jacket directly depends on the weather conditions outside.

  • If it is constantly raining outside the window , drizzle or fog , then the skin should be treated every other day . This way the material will be less susceptible to moisture and dampness, and the product will last much longer.
  • If the weather is sunny , then water-repellent impregnation should be applied 1-2 times a month for the purpose of prevention. This way the jacket will be ready for sudden weather changes.

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Folk remedies

The label tells you how to care for your leather jacket.
In the photo, for example, there are three signs - do not wash, iron up to 150 C°, dry cleaning is prohibited.. Photo: ubratdoma.ru From moisture, the skin loses its shine and becomes tanned. This can be avoided even if you process the material with improvised means.

Before cleaning with a product, it should be tested.

Apply a little to an inconspicuous area. Wait 5–10 minutes. Check your skin's reaction.

I have already tested two products on my skin and liked the results:

  1. Make a few strokes around the perimeter of the item.
  2. Take a cloth or rolled up piece of bandage.
  3. Distribute the ointment evenly, rubbing well into the material.

Result: softens the skin, gives elasticity and smoothes out wrinkles

Castor oil
  1. Spread the leather clothing on a horizontal surface.
  2. Take some cotton pads.
  3. Apply a couple of drops of oil to a cotton pad and wipe the material.
  4. Go evenly around the entire perimeter of the jacket.

Result: gives elasticity, nourishes

Castor oil and petroleum jelly are a product for leather jackets that can be applied once every 2 weeks. Frequent use can harm the skin - it will become very soft and quickly lose its shape.

Home methods

When it is not possible to purchase special creams and aerosols for the care of leather clothing, you can use folk remedies. They are very easy to prepare, affordable and no less effective.

Popular recipes:

  • You can remove dirt from a dusty surface with a damp cloth. If dirt is stuck, it is recommended to use a soap solution, but do not get the product too wet.
  • If the sleeve collar begins to shine, or a greasy stain appears on a winter or other leather jacket, you need to use soap that contains glycerin. It should be dissolved in water. If the stain has appeared recently, then you should put thin paper on it and iron the area. The fat will begin to melt and be absorbed into the napkin. This is the best method for this type of stain and greasy stains.
  • If paint accidentally gets on your jacket, you need to use acetone or gasoline as quickly as possible (rub the damaged area with a cloth soaked in liquid). The pungent unpleasant aroma can then be removed by additionally sprinkling with lemon juice or wiping with a piece of this citrus fruit.
  • When salt stains appear on a dry leather jacket after heavy precipitation (after snow, hail, rain), it is recommended to moisten a napkin in vinegar and treat the damaged areas.
  • If leather products have lost their shine, then, again, you need to use lemon. You need to squeeze the juice out of it and rub it all over your jacket. After this it will shine again. But after this acid it may become too dry, so it is recommended to use additional castor oil.
  • If mold appears on leather material, the reason will be non-compliance with storage and care rules. Foci of fungus must be destroyed with gasoline, and then wipe the product with a napkin.
  • Dirt on a brown jacket can be dealt with using coffee grounds. It must be wrapped in a piece of soft cloth. You can also use orange peel to add shine to the material. Such products are also suitable for a black jacket.
  • They also use a regular onion. It must be cut, and then rub the surface of the product with it until the cut of the root crop becomes dark. Then you need to separate the thin layer with a knife and continue processing again. After this, the jacket should be rubbed with a piece of flannel fabric.
  • Over time, leather products begin to become rough and cracks appear on them. To prevent this, it is necessary to periodically treat the material with a mixture of glycerin and water. Thanks to this, cracks will not be noticeable, and the fabric will become softer. You can also use regular Vaseline or egg white. The white must be beaten and then applied to the product. After this, you do not need to wait for the layer to dry, but immediately wipe it off with a wet cloth.

If a leather jacket has inserts made of velor, suede or nubuck, then it is necessary to take into account the features of such materials. They are cleaned with alcohol solutions. But products containing wax cannot be used, as they cause the pile to stick together. It is better to stick a film around the inserts when cleaning, and treat the material itself with an aerosol.

Application of glycerin

You can restore a new look to a worn leather jacket using ordinary glycerin. Rough skin will become soft again if you wipe it with a cotton swab soaked in a moisturizing ingredient. For very dry skin, the procedure should be repeated after a few minutes, when the substance is completely absorbed. Excess can be easily removed with a paper towel.

Sometimes you need to quickly remove contamination using improvised means. Most stains can be easily removed at home if you do it right away, without allowing them to penetrate deep into the material:

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  • Ink stains can be removed using a cotton swab moistened with glycerin or ethyl alcohol. First, the effect of the substance should be tested in an inconspicuous area, for example, the inside of a pocket.
  • All small dirt can be easily removed with a soap solution.
  • Blood stains can be easily washed off with an aspirin tablet dissolved in water.

Ammonia diluted with water and added soap will help restore the color of a white jacket.

To clean a dusty jacket, simply wipe it with a damp cloth. Finally, the jacket is wiped with a cloth soaked in glycerin or castor oil.

How to clean it yourself

When it is not possible to buy imported creams and sprays, you should not despair; there are many other, simpler and more affordable skin care methods. Our parents used them even when modern cleaners were not a thing, and their things looked great.

Dusty skin can be cleaned with a damp cloth, and if there is dirt stuck on it, a warm soapy solution will help. The main thing is not to wet it too much.

If your sleeves and collar are shiny, or a greasy stain has formed on your jacket, then a mixture of water and soap based on glycerin can get rid of the stain.

You can also put thin paper on the stain and run a warm iron over it, the fat will melt, be absorbed into the napkin, and the stain will disappear.

Did you accidentally get paint on your jacket? There is no particular problem, it is important not to wait too long, and gently wipe the skin in this area with gasoline or acetone. Remove the pungent odor with a slice of lemon.

After rain and snow, salt stains may appear on the jacket

This is not a problem, you need to moisten a napkin in table vinegar and walk it over the whitish spots.

Does your skin no longer shine and look less new? Then it's time to go to the store for lemons. Then squeeze the juice out of them and generously wipe the entire jacket, after such a session it will shine like new. But acid can make it dry, so after this procedure, it’s good to treat it with additional castor oil.

Dark skin has long been cleaned with coffee grounds wrapped in a soft cloth, or orange peel, this gave it shine.

An ordinary onion is cut and the surface is carefully rubbed until the cut of the onion darkens. Then it must be refreshed by separating a thin layer and continued until the entire outer part has been processed. Then wipe with a flannel cloth until it shines.

Over time, the leather material becomes rougher, small cracks appear, before the situation worsens, it is necessary to mix glycerin with water and treat with a sponge. It will become much softer, and the cracks will not be so noticeable. There is another way: beat the egg white well, then apply it to the skin, and without letting it dry, wipe it off with a damp cloth.

Mold may grow on the leather due to non-compliance with care and storage rules. Its foci are destroyed with gasoline, and after treatment, these pieces are thoroughly wiped with a napkin.

When caring for a leather jacket with inserts made of velor, nabeuk or suede, you need to take into account the features of these materials. They are cleaned with alcohol solutions, but greasy products containing wax are not suitable, they will stick the pile together. When processing this part, you need to cover the area around it with film, and spray the insert itself with an aerosol.

Proper drying

You should only dry your jacket on hangers that match its size. Both too big and too small shoulders can ruin the item - it will stretch out and become deformed either in the shoulder area or on the upper part of the sleeves.

Important ! You need to remove all heavy objects from your pockets - keychains, wallet, phone, change. Their severity can lead to skin stretching and the jacket losing its strict silhouette.

The wet surface of the jacket should be blotted with a soft cloth or terry towel. The fabric must be hygroscopic and absorb moisture well.

Experts consider drying in natural conditions to be the best drying method. The jacket should be placed in a well-ventilated area or in the fresh air, away from any heating devices and sunlight.

What to do if rain wets your leather jacket?

Try to remove all the contents of the pockets, otherwise the jacket may become deformed under the weight. When you get home, take off your jacket and hang it on a hanger. Then you need to remove moisture from the product. To do this, you need a dry soft cloth to wipe the jacket.

It is best if the item dries naturally at room temperature; to do this, leave it hanging on a hanger. But there is no need to leave it near heating devices or dry it with a fan, radiator or heater. In this case, the skin may lose its original shine and become rough.

What to do if rain wets a leather jacket to avoid creases and abrasions? Special products for leather products (cream, spray) will help you here. But under no circumstances should you use time for shoes. If you don’t have such a product at hand, use a glycerin solution. Apply a small amount to a soft cloth and wipe the jacket with it. Also, orange peel will do an excellent job with this task, the fresh cut of which can be used to wipe leather products.

Sometimes it happens that after rain, stains or stains remain on the jacket. It is best to try to remove them with warm boiled milk. But you can’t wash the leather in a machine, otherwise it will lose its protective layer, become rougher, and stains may remain. If the jacket is wrinkled, you can iron it only from the wrong side through gauze folded in several layers, setting the lowest temperature.

Source: https://womanfaq.ru/interesno/2230-chto-delat-esli-dozhd-namochil-kurtku-iz-kozhi.html

Rules for caring for sports shoes

When caring for sports shoes, attention is paid to treating not only the external, but also the internal surface. After each use, sneakers or sneakers are cleaned of dust and light dirt with a damp cloth, dried, wiped from the inside with special agents to remove bacteria and odor, and impregnation is applied to the outer surface

You can thoroughly clean sports shoes by washing them in a machine. The insoles and laces are removed, the sneakers are placed in special bags for washing, and the cycle is set to delicate. The temperature should not exceed 30 degrees, the spin should be turned off.

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