Several ways to unlock a Bosch washing machine

Locking the washing machine is a convenient function that is installed on all modern appliances.

It prevents accidental key presses during program execution and protects the machine from children's games.

Turning on the lock is not difficult, but removing it can sometimes be problematic. Read the article on how to unlock a Bosch washing machine without damaging it.

Features of unlocking by machine of other brands

  • Samsung. If this machine does not open the hatch after five minutes, it must be turned off and wait about a third of an hour. At this time, the set program is completely reset, and the locking mechanism can open automatically. When the wash is completed and there is water in the drum, it is recommended to activate the spin process. Water that does not drain is a sign of a problem with the pump or hose responsible for draining. You will have to use the emergency option - there is a hose near the drain filter, which is used in case of accidents. As soon as the water recedes, the lock will open. Note that the manufacturer has provided a special cable that allows you to force the door to open.
  • Samsung Eco Bubble. This machine is childproof, and any user who has not thoroughly studied the instructions may accidentally activate it. In this case, at the end of the washing process, the hatch will not open; a lock and a smile will appear on the screen. In this case, you will have to press two buttons located on each edge of the drawn human figure.

Ariston Hotpoint. The manufacturer clarifies that a similar situation with the hatch occurs after an emergency power outage. To fix the problem, you will have to drain the water, working in manual mode, open the hatch by pulling the emergency cable. All options are located below, near the drain filter. There are several other options to open the hatch on this model. Having selected the Baby or “low ironing” mode, after the process is completed, the washing machine rotates the drum at a slow pace. You will have to press the start/pause key, or activate the “easy ironing” function. Having determined the “silk” mode, the washing unit will finish working without pouring out the water. To perform this action, press the start button. These features are provided by the manufacturer and represent the distinctive features of the washing machine.

It should be noted that each washing machine has a special cable designed for unforeseen situations. As a rule, it is located below, near the drain filter, and is colored reddish or orange.

It must be pulled carefully, without strong jerks, so that the loading hatch is forcibly unlocked

Why might the lock get locked?

A washing machine is a technically complex device. The door lock may become blocked for reasons that you might not even think about at first. Using more force when opening is not the best option. You can simply break the lock. To solve problems at the root, you need to understand the probable causes.

  1. At the moment, some program in which the door should be locked has not worked.
  2. The hatch locking device is broken or jammed. The lock may break mechanically or be blocked by the control unit.

Water does not drain from the tank

If the washer door is blocked, the first thing to check before taking action to solve the main problem is whether there is water in the tank. If there is water, it is worth checking the installed program. Accidentally or by mistake, the machine may operate in a mode ending in “water stop”. In this case, it is enough to set the “drain water” mode. It is possible that the lock will unlock automatically after this program. You can also try to do this if the causes of the problem are not clear.

Water in the washing machine

Water in the drum may indicate serious problems.

  1. The control unit has failed and the automatic drain does not work. Here you need the help of a professional.
  2. The water level sensor or pump is broken. You should also contact service.
  3. Perhaps the water does not go away because there is nowhere to go. If the sewer itself is clogged, you will need the help of a plumber (you can solve the problems yourself).

In these situations, the machine “sees” the water in the tank and blocks the lock for safety reasons so that it does not spill out onto the floor when the door is opened. Once the drum is empty, the door opens on its own.

Software locking

The door may not open because some program has not yet completed its operation. For example, some models do not have a sound signal when the cycle ends. Others have a long delay between washing and opening the door. More advanced washing machines also have protection at high temperatures. At the end of the process, the inner surface of the drum is hot. Until it cools down, the lock will be locked.

Power outages

The machine may not open for a very prosaic reason: at the right moment it was de-energized. It is worth checking if there is electricity in the house. If so, is the plug inserted into the socket and is it working? It also happens that if the machine does not open due to a power surge, it must be opened using software.

Defect of the UBL itself

Perhaps the lock itself is broken. A mechanical failure or even a minor defect can cause the hatch door to not open. You can replace the lock latch yourself.

  1. The broken lock needs to be removed. To gain access to the mechanism, you need to remove the rubber cuff. Then unscrew the door.
  2. Pull the lock out of the case, having previously photographed how it was attached to the sensors.
  3. Install a new lock, focusing on the sensor connection diagram.

If everything is done correctly, the machine will open the door automatically after the end of the work program and the end of the delay time.

Replacing UBL

Broken door handle

Like any other mechanism subject to force, the door handle can fail. Most often this occurs due to excessive force when opening. The handle may break completely or become detached from the operating mechanism. Replacing the handle is a simple operation that you can do yourself. To do this, you need to remove the machine door to gain access to the lock. Make sure that the lock is in order, look at the connection diagram with the handle. Install a new handle or restore broken connections of the old one.

Problems with the control unit or sensors

If problems arise with electronics, then only a service worker can help. You can only test it yourself or try to solve the problem programmatically.

If the control unit or signal sensors are simply frozen, the machine must be disconnected from electricity. Leave it like this for 30 minutes or more, then turn it back on. If the internal computer returns to normal, the door will automatically unlock. If the technique does not work, other measures are needed.

Sometimes this technique helps: if the machine does not open after finishing the wash, run some other program or the same program again. The machine will automatically try to close the door before starting the program. Maybe she'll open it first. You can try to catch this moment (the click of the unlocking mechanism will be heard) and open it by the handle. This radical method is recommended to be used as a last resort. Or you can wait for the machine to finish working and hope that this time it will open.

Major breakdowns

Various signs indicate the nature of the breakdown. For example, the car does not open, but the hatch handle moves freely - this means that the handle itself is broken and needs to be replaced. Nothing terrible, in general, small parts often break, especially if brute physical force is applied to them.

If the handle is in order, but the door does not open, the problem is in the hatch locking device. Here you will need to use force to open the door to replace the device. It is better if a professional does this so as not to damage anything else.

If the handle is not broken and the door does not open, then the module that sends the signal to unlock may be faulty. Here you need to reflash the board if the machine is electronically controlled, or reset the programmer if the washing machine is electromechanically controlled.

If you don’t have time to call a specialist, and you urgently need to save your laundry, then you can try to solve the problem yourself, using the advice of specialists.

Mechanical damage

Mechanical damage to the hatch door can be caused by careless handling or natural wear and tear. This happens when heavy wet things are hung on the hatch door, leaned on, or slammed hard.

— breakage of the hatch door handle

In some cases, the machine may not lock due to damage to the washing machine hatch door handle. This may occur due to improper use. To eliminate the problem, the handle must be replaced.

The hatch handle is replaced with the washing machine door removed.

To do this, dismantle the front clamp - a crimp ring that tightens the rubber cuff of the hatch. After this, the cuff must be bent and, using a wrench, the nuts securing the bolts intended for fixing the hinge must be secured. This will allow you to unscrew the bolts that connect the hinge to the body of the washing machine and remove the hatch along with the hinge. If necessary, at this stage you can completely replace the hatch door of the washing machine by repeating the above steps in reverse order, but using a new, working hatch.

The removed door should be installed with the glass facing up on a flat surface so that there is access to the fastening screws connecting the halves of the plastic case. Along the perimeter of the door, all the screws are unscrewed and the halves are disconnected. Next, you need to remove the glass and lay the inner part of the rim on a flat surface - this way you can gain access to the fastening of the machine handle. The handle is connected to the body using a pin inserted into the holes in the handle and body of the washing machine.

To dismantle the handle, move the pin to the side and disconnect the handle, mounting spring and tongue in turn. The handle is usually supplied with consumable parts - a tongue, a pin and a spring. When installing a new handle, start with the spring, then install the tongue. When installing parts, care must be taken to ensure that the holes of the parts and the housing are aligned. After this, the pin is inserted and the handle is installed.

- skewed locking tongue or hinges on the door

If the door cannot be closed completely, and something prevents it from closing completely, most likely the main functional elements of the door - the hinges or the locking tab - have shifted or failed.

To eliminate the malfunction, check the level of the door and the tightness of the fixing elements of the hatch. If there is a visible distortion, the door must be adjusted or damaged hinges replaced.

Replacing the washing machine hatch door hinge is easy to do with your own hands. First of all, you should disconnect the door and hinge from the machine body.

To replace, the hinge must be separated from the door. Washing machines of different brands have different types of hinge fastenings. Some manufacturers (Ariston, Indesit) fix the hinges in such a way that they can be dismantled without removing the door. To do this, just unscrew 4 screws. In most washing machines, the doors are designed in such a way that to remove the hinge, you must disassemble the door.

To disassemble the door, unscrew the screws that connect the plastic halves with glass installed between them. With some effort, you should separate the halves from each other. You don’t need to press too hard - this could break the entire door; you need to press in different places in a circle. After the plastic halves of the doors are disconnected, you can replace the old hinge with a new one by installing it in the same location. After installing the hinge, the plastic halves of the door must be pressed firmly against each other until a click appears. To install the door, perform the above steps in reverse order.

If the door is locked correctly, then the fault lies in the locking tab. This happens if the tongue does not fit into the lock. The reason for this phenomenon may be the displacement of the metal rod designed to fix the tongue in a certain position.

To eliminate the malfunction, it is necessary to disassemble the hatch door and place the rod in its original place. If the rod is damaged, the rod must be replaced.

- deformation of the plastic guide

If the door closes normally, but without a click and the hatch cannot be locked in the closed position, it means that the plastic guide, which is used in some models of washing machines to lock the hatch door, has become deformed. It is made of a thin layer of plastic and can be erased as the washing machine is used. To eliminate the malfunction, it is necessary to replace the part by first disassembling the hatch door.


When the washing machine door is locked, you may want to open it as quickly as possible. At this stage, serious damage to equipment is possible.

To avoid them, you should remember a number of prohibitions:

  1. If the hatch is locked, then you cannot pull or pull the handle with force. There is a risk of damage to the hatch.
  2. Do not try to force the door open using a crowbar, large screwdriver, or other rough tool. Such unjustified actions can lead to breakage of the hatch, damage to the cuff and deformation of the machine itself.
  3. If there is any doubt about the serviceability of the door mechanism, it should be addressed. The problem should not be left “for later”.
  4. Do not try to open the door before the water has drained from the machine.

Using brute force may damage the washing machine and increase the cost of repairs.

A lot of important and useful information about repairing Indesit washing machines is presented in this section.

What to do if it doesn’t open after washing

Experts say that one of the most common questions from customers is how to open a washing machine if it is locked.

The fact is that different models may have different unlocking methods. However, there are several universal actions. Before performing any of them, you need to prepare:

  1. If the door does not work, repairing or inspecting the device connected to the network is strictly prohibited. First of all, you need to turn off the power supply.
  2. There should be no water left in the drum. It is drained in any available way. When the “Drain” function cannot be used, the water is removed through the filter.
  3. When an unfamiliar code appears on the display, its meaning is found in the instructions. In most cases, to open the car door, it is enough to follow the suggested recommendations.
  4. Before disassembling the equipment, it is worth checking the length of the warranty period. If it has not yet expired, it is not recommended to act independently, because... this will result in additional costs and void the warranty.

Using a rope

If the door does not open, one of the easiest ways to solve the problem is to use a thin rope or cord. This option is effective when the handle on the door is broken or the latch is jammed. To do this you will need a long rope and a flathead screwdriver.

The rope is threaded between the body of the device and the manhole cover

The most convenient way to do this is with a screwdriver (be careful not to scratch the case). When the rope is threaded from the side of the lock, pull both ends towards you

At this time the lock opens.

Power off

In this way, you can open the washing machine if it is locked after a program failure or freezes. To restart the program, the device is disconnected from the network and connected after a couple of minutes. The need to reconnect is explained by the fact that in the first seconds after connecting the machine, the module checks the state of the door. At this point, unlocking and re-closing most often occurs.

Emergency opening cable

When the hatch on the washing machine does not open, you can solve the problem using an emergency cable. It is located next to the filter; to get to it, remove the front lower panel of the device. The cable is painted yellow or red. By pulling it, you can quickly remove the door lock.

In rare cases, the devices do not have an emergency cable, then the work of opening the lock will have to be done manually. To do this, you will need an assistant whose task is to tilt the machine back slightly. Under the influence of gravity, the drum will also deflect slightly. This will allow you to put your hand behind the front panel and find the lock there.

The part is carefully moved to the side, after which the lock is removed

Experts warn that using a cable opens a locked door, but does not solve the main problem. If the damage is not repaired, the door will stop opening the next time you wash it.


When the hatch handle is broken and the machine does not open, you can use pliers or another tool to pull the remaining part of the lock. To continue using the household appliance, you will have to replace the part.

The handle mechanism does not work

If the reason for the locked machine is a faulty lock or it still breaks when trying to open the door, then the algorithm of actions will change. You can deal with the blockage, you just need to find a lace or rope. The instructions are:

  • we find a rope up to 5 mm thick and a length equal to the diameter of the hatch plus 25 cm;
  • we stretch the cord between the body and the door (if you can’t push it manually, you should use a slotted screwdriver or a spatula);
  • Pull both ends at once until the lock opens.

The method with a spoon also helps a lot. You need to take the cutlery and try to fit the flat part into the gap between the handle and the body. If you try, the piece of iron will move the locking hook and the hatch will open.

If you find a locked door, don't panic. It is much more effective to rule out trivial reasons and try to open the machine on your own. If the described methods do not help, contact the service center.


When should you call a specialist?

If the CL error really indicates a breakdown of household appliances, you need to contact a specialist. Trying to deal with the problem on your own will only make the situation worse.

There are several ways to find a master:

  • contact a repair shop - there are such organizations in almost all cities;
  • contact a private master - you can find him through an ad in a newspaper or on the Internet;
  • take contacts of a specialist from relatives or friends who have used similar services.

The cost of repair depends on the complexity of the breakdown. If you have to replace the wiring to fix the problem, the service will cost 1,600 rubles. Replacing the button will cost 1000 rubles. If a fault is detected in the control board, you will have to pay about 2,500 rubles. Prices do not include the cost of the parts themselves.

Signs that will help identify scammers:

  • lack of data on the website: company name, TIN, ORGN, etc.;
  • demanding money in advance;
  • lack of price list, evasion of answer regarding the cost of repairs;
  • lack of opportunity to leave feedback;
  • price too low or too high;
  • absence of any documents confirming the fact that the work was performed.

You should not give the equipment to an unfamiliar private repairman for repairs on his territory. Most types of work can be completed at the client's home.

Control module is faulty

The machine is connected to the network, the hatch lock, as well as the locking device, is working, there is no water in the drum, but the door still does not open? The control module responsible for sending the signal to unlock the loading door may have broken down. He is also responsible for temperature control, motor rotation speed, cycle time, water pressure and supply, and starting pumps.

If this intelligent device fails, the machine may freeze completely. The indicator begins to flash randomly. Signals stop entering the blocking device. The loading hatch is blocked. The cause of the breakdown may be water getting on the electrical board, excessive carbon deposits, or a short circuit due to the bodies of insects or rodents. Repairing the controller board yourself is highly undesirable. A control module that burns out as a result of inept actions will cost a tidy sum.

The workshop can reflash the intelligent module. It is also possible to reset the programmer. If a serious fault is discovered, the board may need to be completely replaced.

How to open?

When starting to open the Candy door, you need to start by analyzing whether there is water in the washing machine tank. If it remains inside, you must first try to drain it.

You can do this in several ways:

  • select the drain mode without washing on the washing machine body;
  • drain the water through the drain filter at the bottom of the washing machine body;
  • pull out the drain hose from the connection to the sewer, and lower its free end into the basin, and lay the hose along its entire length on the floor to organize self-draining.

You can start opening the door after draining the water from the machine.

User errors

The Candy washing machine will unlock the door after the beep sounds quickly, but not instantly. Sometimes - after 2-3 minutes, and this is a normal situation. In this case, you should just wait a few minutes.

It is also necessary to check whether “child protection” has been installed. For different models, this has its own key combination. You can clarify this point in the user instructions that come with the washing machine. After turning off the protection, the door will very quickly unlock itself.

Rebooting the equipment

Automatic blocking may result from a power surge or short circuit. To make sure this is where the problem lies, the Candy washing machine should be unplugged (remove the plug from the socket) and turned on after half an hour.

During this time, the settings will be reset. If everything is in order with the equipment, the door will be unlocked.

Using a cable

The most popular way to open a locked washing machine hatch is to use a thin but durable cable. The goal is to pass the cable between the washing machine body and the door so that you can press the lock tongue. The wire or cable must be long enough to go around the perimeter of the hatch, while still leaving free ends.

Work order:

  1. Prepare the wire (cable).
  2. Place the wire carefully under the door so that its free ends are located on the side of the door in the place opposite to the lock.
  3. Pull the loose ends firmly until you hear the lock click as it opens.

After a click, the door opens and you can remove items from the drum.

You can watch the video to see how to carry out the procedure:

Old bank card

An alternative option for opening the Candy door is to use an unnecessary bank card. They place it between the body and the washer door at the location of the lock tongue and try to press it so as to open the lock.

Opening the hatch with a bank card is a less convenient method than using a cable, and more labor-intensive. Instead of a bank card, you can use another similar flat tool, for example, a metal ruler.

Partial disassembly of the Kandy washing machine

You can get to the washing machine lock from the inside. But to do this you will have to partially disassemble the washing machine.

This can only be done if the following conditions are met:

  1. The washing machine is not under warranty. Otherwise, you cannot disassemble it on your own.
  2. The water supply to the device is cut off.
  3. The machine is disconnected from the power supply (the plug is removed from the socket).

It is convenient to access with the top cover removed. The task is to get to the door locking device and press the latch. Do this comfortably with a long, narrow-shaped object, illuminating it with a flashlight for convenience.

Water drain options

If it is not possible to stop the work using the software buttons, and there is no point in starting the spin mode. For example, when a mobile phone or bank card is left in your jacket pocket, you need to act immediately, because further work can damage them. In this case, you need to use the emergency drain function.

Drain pipe

Emergency water drain

In the bottom right corner under the removable panel of the washing machine there is a drain tube. It is protected by a plug. Place a container at an angle into which the water will drain. The plug will need to be removed and the hose lowered into the reservoir.

If there is no tube, the water comes out directly. This must be provided for before you start draining, and stock up on a towel and a spare container. A basin or bucket wouldn't hurt.

Drain hose

The location of the drain hose depends on the design of the washing machine. Most often it is located at the bottom at the back, but in some brands, for example Bosch. This method cannot be used on such machines.

When located below, it must be disconnected from the sewer and the housing. Then place it in a container of sufficient size. When the bulk of the water has gone, you can throw the hose on the floor and collect the remainder with a rag.

I work in the household appliance repair industry. Extensive experience in restoring washing machines and dishwashers.

If there is no blockage, perhaps the easiest way.

Pipe branch

Draining water using a spigot is not the easiest option for the average user. Its blockage is the reason why the water does not drain.

Then the problem is solved by dismantling and cleaning the pipe. After this manipulation, drainage becomes possible. The process is quite complex and requires partial disassembly.

Therefore, it is better to use an alternative option.

Connection between tank and pump

Via pump filter

If the washing machine does not have the “Drain” function, and the “Spin” function cannot be used, you can urgently remove the water manually using the pump filter. It is located below the drum hatch. More details:

  1. It is necessary to stop the washing machine using the control functionality.
  2. Turn off the power supply by unplugging the plug from the outlet.
  3. Take a container with sides, for example a basin, and place it under the filter.
  4. Slowly unscrew the filter valve.
  5. Wait until the water drains into the container. If the tank is full, you will have to periodically stop the process to empty the container.
  6. Open the drum.

Important! After this, the program must be started again.

SMA drain pump filter concentrator

The hatch is closed, but the program has long ended

If Bosch slows down when opening the door, then there is definitely no need to panic. It is better to first check whether the breakdown is serious. We remember that in addition to the mechanical lock, the washing machine has an electronic one, which operates automatically. Until the board verifies that the drum is empty, the security lock will not be released. After completing the cycle, the washing machine needs to “think” for 1-3 minutes.

Another understandable and harmless reason for the UBL not working is a technical failure. The control board of the washing machine is sensitive to power surges, so sudden current changes or a minute-long power outage lead to the system freezing. In this case, you need to turn off the power to the machine and wait 20-30 minutes. During this time, the error will be reset and the hatch will open.

However, there is no point in waiting and reloading the washing machine when the machine’s tank is full of water. If the drum is not empty at the end of the program, then the breakdown that has occurred is more serious and will require advanced diagnostics and appropriate repairs. In this case, the hatch is opened forcibly and with proper preparation.

Power outage, door locked

The cause of the malfunction may be a simple power outage during the washing process. The machine is blocked and the door does not open. The solution to the issue here is simple. You need to put the machine on spin mode, after which the door will open in the usual way.

You may also find our other article useful - Why doesn’t the washing machine drain? Or, on the contrary, it drains immediately. And also another problem with noise, which is best eliminated in advance - why the washing machine makes a lot of noise and hums when washing.

I hope our article was useful and helped you!


The most common unlocking techniques

  • To urgently unlock the washing machine door, on most modern units you should select the “spin” program and the “no spin” mode. In two or three minutes the hatch will open.
  • If you need to “bring the car back to life” after a short-term power outage, you can press and hold the “Start” or “Start” button on the control panel for 30-60 seconds.
  • The problem with the lock of a Siemens, Bosch or Ariston machine can be resolved by starting the wash again. In the process, by pressing “delayed start” or “no spin”, you should pull the door towards you as soon as a click is heard.

Turning off the washing machine

As a last resort, you can unlock the washing machine door manually. Most devices from Bosch, Samsung, Ariston and others have an emergency cable installed inside the case. It is located under the drain filter cover. The color of the cable is usually red or orange.

The second option for “manual” opening of Bosch and other brands of machines is more complex and requires skill in handling a screwdriver. You will have to remove the top panel and, tilting the entire unit back (so that the drum moves slightly and opens access to the lock device), stick your hand inside the case. Having found the locking device, you need to press the lock tongue (to the side) with your finger and pull the door towards you. Before disassembling the machine, you should unplug it from the outlet and drain all the water.

Manually unlocking


This story clearly shows how to open the door of a washing machine with a thin metal ruler or cord:

Electronic engineer with many years of experience. For several years I was engaged in organizing the repair of household appliances. I am glad to share with readers my knowledge in the field of operation and repair of devices. Loves sport fishing, water tourism and travel.

Found a mistake? Select the text with the mouse and click:

Before removing various stains from clothing, you need to find out how safe the selected solvent is for the fabric itself. It is applied in a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​the item from the inside out for 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move on to stains.

If your favorite things show the first signs of gestation in the form of untidy pellets, you can get rid of them using a special machine - a shaver. It quickly and effectively shaves off clumps of fabric fibers and returns things to their proper appearance.

The habit of using an automatic washing machine “sparingly” can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor in it. Washing at temperatures below 60℃ and short rinses allow fungi and bacteria from dirty clothes to remain on internal surfaces and actively multiply.

Threads made of gold and silver, which were used to embroider clothes in the old days, are called gimp. To obtain them, the metal wire was pulled for a long time with pliers to the required fineness. This is where the expression “to drag out the rigmarole” came from - “to do long, monotonous work” or “to delay the completion of a task.”

The easiest way to remove scale and carbon deposits from the soleplate of the iron is with table salt. Pour a thick layer of salt onto the paper, heat the iron to maximum and run the iron over the salt bed several times, applying light pressure.

There are special traps to combat moths. The sticky layer with which they are covered contains female pheromones that attract males. By sticking to the trap, they are eliminated from the reproduction process, which leads to a decrease in the moth population.

The dishwasher cleans more than just plates and cups. You can load it with plastic toys, glass lamp shades and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without using detergents.

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film can withstand from 70 to 120 liters of water per 1 m2 of their area (depending on the size of the ceiling, the degree of its tension and the quality of the film). So you don’t have to worry about leaks from neighbors above.

Fresh lemon is not only suitable for tea: clean dirt from the surface of an acrylic bath by rubbing with half a cut citrus, or quickly wash the microwave by placing a container of water and lemon slices in it for 8-10 minutes at maximum power. The softened dirt can simply be wiped off with a sponge.


Limitations for self-repair

Compliance with basic safety rules will save you and your equipment from unforeseen emergency situations.

What should you absolutely not do?

It is prohibited to carry out any work on the washing machine if it is energized. Otherwise, you may get an electric shock. In addition, the rotating drum can cause injury to your hands when the hatch is open.

Do not try to forcefully open the door, especially if there is water left in the tank. Possible electric shock and irreversible damage to equipment.

It is not recommended to “decipher” the error code without additional study of the instructions, even if you are well versed in electronics, as you can completely ruin it. Be sure to read the instructions.

If an error code or the word “door” flashes on the machine’s display, then you should immediately refer to the instructions to decipher it

It is forbidden to break any wires if you are not sure of their purpose, and to correct module failures on your own (especially soldering anything, without experience with such equipment).

When should you call a professional?

If it is not possible to open the hatch using known methods without damaging the car, it’s time to call the specialists.

For example, the door handle broke. A user who does not have technical knowledge will find it difficult to select the appropriate part on his own.

A new handle for the washing machine hatch should be selected carefully, paying attention to the manufacturer and model of the machine on which you will mount the new part.

A specialist will be required if there is still water in the drum after the wash is completed. This may happen because the pump has failed.

In the worst case, the reason may lie in a failure of the board or water sensor. Faults of this kind can only be repaired by an experienced technician.

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