Review of methods for cleaning white fur: how to get rid of yellowness

Every owner of refined and refined taste has clothes made of real fur in her wardrobe. Products made from any fur emphasize elegance, beauty and brilliance. In order for a fur product to last for many years, it is important to learn how to properly care for and clean it. If, as a result of frequent wear, clothes and accessories made of white fur have turned yellow, faded and lost their original shine, then simple and inexpensive methods of cleaning the product will help solve the problem. Let's look at the most effective recipes that will help restore fur to its purity and elegant appearance.

Rules for cleaning natural fur

Before you begin the procedure for cleaning the product, it is important to find out why the fur clothing quickly became dirty and shiny. After all, preventing a problem from occurring is always easier than solving it. The main reasons for the appearance of yellowness on white natural and artificial fur are:

  • Prolonged contact of a fur product with water. It is not recommended to wear fur clothing during rain and snow.
  • Improper storage of fur products in the wardrobe. To prevent dust and moths from getting on your clothes, you should wear special protective covers.
  • Contact of a fur product with sweaty skin.

As a rule, any white clothes get dirty quickly. Especially if these clothes are made of natural or faux fur. Not everyone can afford to regularly use professional dry cleaning services. However, don’t be upset; you can make your favorite fur coat or vest snow-white yourself, using available means.

First, you should find out whether the fur product needs to be washed. To do this you will need a hair dryer. Turn on the electrical appliance to supply cold air. Point the device at the fur pile. If the fibers scatter evenly, then there is no need to wash the vest or fur coat. If the fur fibers have stuck together and turned yellow, take radical measures to clean the product.

To select the right cleaning product, you will need to determine the type of fur. To clean the fur, use the following available products: citric acid, starch, hydrogen peroxide, semolina, sawdust, bran, chalk and talc. Before cleaning, pre-prepare your clothes:

  1. Lay the fur item on a hard surface, first laying down a wet sheet or other natural fabric.
  2. Use your hands to knock out any dust that has accumulated over time.
  3. Wipe the surface of the product with a cloth soaked in vinegar solution.
  4. When the clothes are dry, dry clean them.

Pour talc or starch (chalk or talcum powder) onto the fur and rub the cleaner into the pile with smooth hand movements. After ten minutes, comb the fur with a brush and shake several times. To achieve the best cleaning result, it is recommended to heat semolina, talc or starch in a hot frying pan to seventy degrees. If you are unable to remove traces of the cleaner the first time, you can use a vacuum cleaner.

Wet methods of cleaning fur products include:

  • Coniferous sawdust with gasoline . Pour sawdust into a small container and pour three tablespoons of gasoline. After ten minutes, apply the cleaner to the fur item and rub it lightly with your hands. Then shake the clothes and comb them with a special fur brush.
  • Hair cleanser or liquid clear soap. Prepare a soap solution and treat the fur item with a washcloth. Rub a little if necessary. After removing the dirt, clean the pile from any remaining foam with a damp cloth. Dry the product on hangers at room temperature. To prevent damp odors, open the windows to ventilate the room. Do not dry clothes made of natural fur on a radiator. Instead of regular hair shampoo, it is recommended to use shampoo for cleaning animal hair. Thanks to the special composition of the product, you can quickly neutralize the yellow tint of a fur product.
  • Peroxide and ammonia . You can remove the yellow tint from a fur coat using a prepared product from the indicated components. You will need to dilute a spoonful of peroxide with a glass of warm water and three drops of ammonia. Treat the stained surface of the product with the product using a cotton swab. Then comb through with a comb or brush. Dry clothes on hangers in the fresh air away from the sun.
  • Blue . Pour three drops of blue and three liters of water into a basin. Apply the prepared mixture to a fur coat or vest using a spray bottle. Dry the product and comb it.
  • Kitchen salt and ammonia . You can restore the whiteness of natural fur using a prepared product consisting of a spoonful of salt, ammonia and a glass of water. After treating a fur product with the product, you need to dry the fur well in the fresh air and then comb it with a brush. The use of ammonia is not necessary; you can clean clothes only with a saline solution.
  • Baking soda and alcohol . Prepare a cleaner from three tablespoons of alcohol and a spoon of soda. Soak the sponge in the product and work the pile of the fur product from bottom to top.
  • Acetic and citric acid . Dilute a spoonful of vinegar with two spoons of citric acid solution (two spoons of lemon per glass of water). Treat yellowed areas of fur clothing and dry in fresh air. Complete the cleaning procedure by combing the lint from bottom to top.

How to clean Fur Coat and Fur Mink, Silver Fox, Arctic Fox, Rabbit, Fox, Sheepskin, Chinchilla.

  • dust;
  • stains of various food products, chemicals;
  • yellowness, especially on light coats;
  • organic contaminants caused by contact with the human body (greasy collar, smell of sweat, traces of makeup on the collar, blood).

Glycerin is used to remove foundation stains from delicate clothes. It does not harm the fabric, does not spoil the color and does not destroy the fibers. You will need heated glycerin, which is applied to the stain and rubbed in with gentle movements without using a brush or hard sponge. After bleaching, remove stains and wash with liquid detergent appropriate for the type of fabric.

Cleaning faux white fur

Faux fur clothing requires careful handling and proper cleaning. It is not recommended to use vinegar and acetone to remove yellow stains, as they can ruin your clothes forever. The best option for removing stains is to use laundry or baby soap. To do this you will need to prepare a soap solution. Rub two tablespoons of laundry soap and add water to the bowl. Stir until the soap is completely dissolved. When using liquid soap, it is enough to use three spoons of the product. Soak a sponge in the prepared cleaner and squeeze out. Treat dirty areas of clothing and scrub a little. Remove foam from the pile with a damp cloth. Next, dry the fur clothes on hangers at room temperature.

How to get rid of grease stains

If for some reason grease stains appear on a fur item, experts recommend using aviation gasoline rather than regular gasoline to remove it.

You need to apply a little fuel to the sponge and carefully treat the stains. It does not matter what kind of fur is cleaned, artificial or natural. Gasoline should be applied carefully as the pile grows. After this method of getting rid of grease stains, it is advisable to hang the clothes out in the open air and wait until the smell of gasoline disappears completely.

Is it possible to machine wash white fur?

Manufacturers of fur clothing do not recommend cleaning clothes using a washing machine. After washing a fur product in a household appliance, the clothing changes its original shape and size. The pile becomes rough and falls out. Some faux fur items can be washed in a household appliance using a hand wash cycle with a four hundred spin cycle. If you want to wash the product in the washing machine, then use a high-quality gel cleaner. After washing, dry the product on the balcony away from direct sunlight. Do not dry fur clothes in the washing machine.

Dry cleaning at home

Many people are interested in how to clean white fur, if dry cleaning is too expensive and does not always guarantee a positive result. In this case, we need to remember the good old methods that are available to everyone at home.

  • You need to get purified gasoline, without any additives or additives. This can be gasoline for refilling lighters, aviation or technical gasoline for washing various parts and degreasing surfaces.
  • Buy sawdust from a pet store, but under no circumstances should it be resinous.
  • Take a clean basin, pour sawdust into it and add a little gasoline.
  • Place the fur that needs to be cleaned in the sawdust and “wash” it in it.

You can use alcohol instead of gasoline. It will give the same effect and will allow you to clean your fur product from arctic fox or mink in the best possible way, clean it of all contaminants.

Another tip for cleaning white fur involves using vinegar. Soak a cotton swab in table vinegar and clean the entire surface with it, wiping it. Some advise using undissolved essence at home. There is no need to be afraid of cleaning fur with acid, since it can withstand its effects quite well. This way you can collect all the stuck dirt from the fibers and perfectly clean your fur coat, hat or collar.

To add shine, soften and protect the pile to some extent, after cleaning it should be treated with glycerin.

Do not try to clean artificial products with vinegar, otherwise you will simply ruin them.

Storing clothes with natural fur

Before placing a fur item in the wardrobe for storage, take preventive actions:

  • Inspect clothing for yellow stains and dust. If the fur coat is dirty, clean it using any of the methods indicated in the article.
  • Dry the clothes and comb the lint with a brush.
  • Store the product in a special case or paper.
  • Do not forget that during storage the fur product must breathe. Therefore, hang the product in the closet separately from other clothes.
  • The wardrobe should be dry.
  • To prevent moths, use mint, essential oils or citrus fruit peels.
  • To prevent the fur coat from becoming deformed, place thick fabric in the sleeves.

Only with proper care, cleaning and storage will fur clothing look snow-white and attractive.

Dirt absorption

Perhaps some of you have heard how to clean white fur using dry substances. These include starch, salt, flour, semolina and talc. One of these substances, quite accessible at home, should be sprinkled on white fur. Then clean it, as if washing it, lightly tugging and lifting the pile. This method is good for cleaning the fur of arctic fox, rabbit, and light mink.

Small particles absorb dirt and dust well, thereby cleaning the pile. The villi stop sticking together and become fluffier. Arctic fox and mink fur is especially refreshing. At the last stage of the procedure, the fur must be thoroughly combed and shaken so that no foreign substances remain in it.


  1. Hang your clothes vertically on a hanger.
  2. Pour shampoo dissolved in warm water in a proportion of 3 tbsp into a large container. l. per liter, stir until foam appears.
  3. Apply this foam to the fur with a brush, avoiding the fabric base.
  4. If the length of the pile is less than 2 cm, you need to brush it from the end to the base of the hair, if longer, in the opposite direction.
  5. Remove any remaining foam with a cotton cloth or wet wipes.
  6. Dry the fur with a towel that absorbs water well, then dry it outside or in a ventilated room.
  7. When the product becomes dry, comb it with a wide-toothed comb, preferably a metal one. This is necessary so that the pile does not fluff, does not stick together and looks beautiful.

Use a sticky roller to remove loose hairs


  • it will become noticeably smaller, going down several sizes;
  • the leather tissue will lose elasticity, become stiffer and, possibly, will crunch unpleasantly;
  • some of the fur will come out;
  • the remaining part of the fur on the product will sag heavily, shrink and roll up.

Household chemicals are not always as effective as we would like. It is more advisable to use various stain removers for synthetic fabric - it washes much better than natural fabric. Fortunately, there are a large number of traditional methods.

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