12 ways to remove cigarette smell from clothes quickly and effectively

Tobacco smoke has a strong odor that is difficult to eliminate, and this stench can penetrate into anything: gloves, jacket, fur coat, jeans and even furniture in your apartment. The cigarette “aroma” can overtake you at any time; you don’t have to smoke it yourself.

Clothes quickly absorb odors - just stand next to a smoking person for a few minutes, and they will become saturated with nicotine smoke. This odor is unpleasant, especially for people who do not smoke, so getting rid of the smell of cigarettes on clothes is vital.

The fastest way

If you don’t have time, and you need to remove the smell of tobacco urgently, then you can use a special spray. It can be purchased at household chemical stores. You just need to spray it on things and everything will disappear.

Important! This method will only help with a light cigarette odor; if it is firmly absorbed, then you won’t be able to get rid of it so quickly.

Is it possible to quickly get rid of the smell of cigarettes on clothes?

The most common way to get rid of the smell of tobacco smoke is to wash things in a machine and dry them in the fresh air. The disadvantage of this method is that you will have to wait several hours.

If you need to eliminate an unpleasant odor as soon as possible, you can use special sprays sold in household chemicals departments. Such aerosols do not have a pronounced odor and quickly neutralize third-party odors. To achieve maximum results, the item can be sprayed with spray and placed in a tightly zipped plastic clothing case for 20-30 minutes.


Important! You can quickly remove the unpleasant odor from clothes using a vacuum cleaner - it will remove traces of tobacco combustion from the fibers. But you need to resort to this method immediately, before your clothes become saturated with cigarette smoke.

Simple Methods


If you need to get rid of the nicotine smell from your entire wardrobe at once, ventilation will help. Wardrobe items should be hung on the balcony or in the fresh air and left for several hours or days.

Advice! For greater efficiency, you can hang a wet towel nearby, it will absorb it. Washing a towel is much easier than washing your entire wardrobe, especially a jacket or fur coat.


The best way to get rid of tobacco smell from clothes is by washing. If it does not smell strongly, it can be washed in the usual way. Otherwise, you should pre-soak things for several hours. To do this, it is advisable to use strong detergents, for example, for cleaning horse saddles.

For better results, you can try more effective washing methods:

  • Soda and vinegar. You need to add the same amount of vinegar and soda to the washing machine and turn on the maximum temperature setting. After an hour, you need to add the powder and continue washing as usual.
  • Ammonia. Pour 2 tablespoons of ammonia into a saucepan with warm water and immerse things for half an hour. Then wash in a washing machine with powder.
  • Orange peels. This method is only suitable for dark fabrics. You just need to throw the crust into the machine and add detergent later.

Important! After washing smoky fabrics, you should thoroughly wash the washing machine, otherwise the cigarette smell will remain in it.


Aromatherapy is considered another simple method to remove the smell of tobacco, including sweetish hookah. A strong aroma can be overcome by an even stronger one. First, you should clean the item with a brush, and then place it in a bag of coffee beans, tie it and leave it for several hours.

Advice! If you don't have coffee beans at home, you can use ground coffee. You can also put an aroma lamp in your wardrobe.

Using a vacuum cleaner

The stench of cigarettes is well established thanks to the small particles of tobacco that fall on the fabric. Therefore, you can simply vacuum it, thereby reducing the cigarette smell. This method is only suitable for upper wardrobe items.

Vodka spray

Today you can find special products on sale to neutralize odors: sprays, liquids and powders that can be added during washing. However, if they are difficult to find or you are not happy with the price, you can try a vodka spray.

To freshen up smoky clothes, you only need three things: vodka, water and a spray bottle. It is necessary to mix the liquids in a 1:1 ratio and spray things. Vodka works well against bacteria and can effectively remove the smell of cigarettes. The alcohol in it disappears quickly, so there will be no characteristic alcoholic amber.

Exposure to steam

In order to remove the stench of tobacco, you can use modern devices, for example, a steamer.
It is necessary to treat wardrobe items with a steamer, and the nicotine amber will disappear. An air ozonizer can be used for this purpose. It is worth placing things in the room, turning on the ozonizer (modern air conditioners are equipped with this function), and leaving the room closed for several days. In the same way, mosquito nets, tulle, curtains and other fabrics are ideally cleaned. If you do not have such a device, then you can use another, more economical method. You need to take a bowl of boiling water (300-500 ml) and add a glass of vinegar there. Things need to be hung on a drying rack in the bathroom or on the balcony, and a bowl of solution should be placed under them. For the best effect, it is recommended to close the door and leave it overnight.

Folk remedies

You can neutralize the smell from clothes that are not recommended to be washed using folk methods. Absorbs various coffee aromas well. Things (must be dry) that smell of smoke are placed in a plastic bag. You also need to place several coffee beans in it. After a few hours, the smell of cigarettes should disappear.

In addition to beans, you can also use ground coffee. To prevent it from scattering all over your clothes, you can place it in a bag made of simple fabric.


Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, is often used to remove unpleasant odors in the refrigerator. Therefore, you can try to use it in the fight against the consequences of staying in a smoky room.

There are 2 ways to remove the smell of cigarettes using baking soda:

  1. Add sodium bicarbonate to laundry detergent. The method is suitable for things that are not afraid of wet cleaning. Also, soda will help keep things white, remove traces of mold, and not just an unpleasant odor.
  2. Cover clothes with baking soda. The method is suitable for products that are recommended to be dry cleaned. Things are placed in a plastic bag and covered with white powder. After a few hours you will need to shake off your clothes. If there are soda particles left on the product, they can be easily removed with a brush.

Vinegar solution

To remove the unpleasant odor emanating from a leather jacket, you can try using a folk remedy such as vinegar. It does not leave streaks, so it is well suited not only for light-colored products.

To clean clothes, you will need to use alcohol or wine vinegar. If there are white elements on the jacket, it is recommended to use a colorless product (to prevent staining). A piece of gauze or a cotton pad is moistened with vinegar and wiped over the skin. After treatment, it is recommended to hang the clothes outside. Vinegar removes the smell of smoke well and immediately, but has its own specific aroma. Ventilation will speed up the process of its disappearance.

Orange peels

In most cases, citrus fruit peels are used to suppress and prevent unpleasant odors in clothing. If there is a smoker in the house, then his outer clothing will emit an unpleasant smell of tobacco. To prevent other jackets in the closet from absorbing this aroma, you can lay out orange peels on the shelves. For this method to work effectively, it is recommended to change the zest every 4-5 days.

Dry citrus peels can be carried in your pocket along with a pack of cigarettes. They will not completely remove the unpleasant aroma, but will reduce its intensity. When you can’t use the bathroom after smoking to wash away the smell, you can rub the peel of an orange in your hands. If you chew it, the taste of smoke will disappear in your mouth.


The smoker can place mint leaves in the closet. The plant can be grown independently, picked in a meadow or near a pond. Peppermint retains its properties for a long time, so it does not need to be replaced as often as orange peels. In addition to the aromatic effect, the plant helps fight grass fleas and moths.

You can put bags filled with mint in the pockets of smokers' clothes. In order not to make bags yourself, you can purchase a ready-made (dried and packaged) product at the pharmacy. Mint bags are changed as needed.

Dry cleaning

The most expensive, but also the most effective solution to this problem is dry cleaning. Only there they can rid clothes of any aroma using special detergents and devices. It is best to dry-clean your outerwear, such as a coat or fur coat. If they are expensive, made of natural fur, then you can contact a professional dry cleaner, where it is possible to insure it. Then, if employees spoil it, you received financial compensation.

Helpful information

Tips to help deal with cigarette smell:

  • To make your hair less likely to absorb tobacco smoke, when smoking you should braid it in a tight braid or bun;
  • If possible, you should smoke outdoors - this will allow the smoke to dissipate and be less absorbed into the skin, hair and clothing;
  • indoors, the smell lasts longer than a week, and when the windows are open, it disappears completely within a day; wet cleaning helps to enhance the effect;
  • if things smell of tobacco smoke, you should not put them in the same closet with clean clothes;
  • To quickly remove the smell from the car interior, you can open the windows and drive several kilometers at high speed.

You will find a lot of useful and important information about removing various unpleasant odors from objects and surfaces in this section.

Steam against tobacco smell from clothes

If you have a handheld steamer, it is much easier to use. Select a mode and run the device several times over smoke-soaked items. A steamer is especially convenient when you need to remove tobacco smell from a jacket, coat, blazer and other wardrobe items made of thick fabrics.

You can also simply hang things up, spray them generously with water from a spray bottle and leave to dry. After drying, repeat the procedure several times until the tobacco “trace” disappears.

Special products for quick odor removal

How to remove the smell of cigarettes if you have no desire to prepare homemade solutions or if you have already tried to use something from an impressive list, but were not satisfied with the result? As an alternative, use popular modern methods for removing tobacco aroma:

  • Appliances. Air conditioners, humidifiers, ionizers - all these devices effectively absorb smoke from an electronic cigarette and more;
  • hood. When smoking, turn on the hood in the kitchen. The smoke from the cigarette will not have time to spread throughout the apartment. However, this method is only effective if you smoke in the kitchen, directly near the hood. Otherwise, the remnants of tobacco stench will still settle in the room;
  • purchased chemicals. These can be all kinds of aerosols, sprays, concentrates. Among the most popular brands are Dufta, AirLift Smoke, Breesal Neutralizer or Ecolab. Such preparations quickly get rid of smoke and the smell of tobacco both indoors and in the car;
  • help from specialists. If the smell after smoking has settled in your apartment for a long time, contact a cleaning service. They use only the highest quality and most expensive equipment in combination with strong chemicals to clean the house. Calling specialists will cost you a decent amount, but if you decide to thoroughly eliminate the aromas of tobacco and electronic cigarettes from your home, this is perhaps the most effective method.

It is possible to remove stench remaining in the house after smoking. In this case, you can choose both global and expensive methods, and give preference to budget options.

How to remove unpleasant cigarette smell?

Method 1

If the tobacco aroma is not strong enough, you can make a natural flavoring:

  • Take the citrus peel and chop it finely.
  • Place the peel into a small container.
  • Place the dishes in the area where the unpleasant odor occurs.

Important! As an alternative to orange peel, you can use coffee beans, which will refresh the room for 2-3 days.

Method 2

To mask an unpleasant cigarette smell, you can do the following:

  • Pour sea salt into a glass container.
  • Add a few drops of essential oil there.
  • Place the bowl where it is smoky.

Method 3

Another effective way to hide the unpleasant smell of nicotine:

  • Take perfume with a pleasant aroma.
  • Spray them on the light bulbs in the room.
  • To turn on the light.

Important! You can only spray perfume onto a cold lamp that is turned off, otherwise it may burst

Method 4

An effective remedy for combating cigarette smell is bay leaf, used as follows:

  • Take a couple of bay leaves.
  • Put them in an ashtray and burn them.
  • Smoke the room.

Method 5

A simple way to eliminate the smell of tobacco smoke looks like this:

  • Take a few terry towels.
  • Wet with water and twist.
  • Hang it in a smoky room.
  • Ventilate the room and wait until the towels dry.
  • Wash in a washing machine.

To reduce the smell coming from the ashtray:

  • Pour baking soda into it.
  • Add a couple of lemon slices.

Method 7

Using rice, which absorbs unpleasant odors like a sponge:

  • Place rice in a bowl.
  • Place the container in the room where the smoker lives.

Method 8

You can also use an aroma lamp:

  • Drop citrus or pine essential oils into it.
  • Put it in a smoky room.


Natural coffee helps get rid of unpleasant odors on clothes, including tobacco. To do this you need:

  • Grind the beans in a coffee grinder.
  • Place the resulting powder in a cloth bag.
  • Place it together with the smelling things in a plastic bag.
  • Close, but do not create a seal, so that the aroma of rotting does not appear.

There is another way to get rid of the cigarette smell using coffee. It is used for large wardrobe items (fur coats or down jackets).


  • Hang the item on hangers.
  • Place next to the heater, on which there is a cup of freshly brewed coffee drink.
  • Do not remove the item until the unpleasant odor disappears.

Coffee has a very strong specific aroma that can overpower any other odors. To enhance this effect, it must be stirred periodically (in a cup or bag) during use.

If things smell very strongly of cigarette smoke, you won’t be able to get rid of the smell quickly. This will take several days, but the result will please you. Your clothes will return the scent of freshness with a hint of coffee.

Removing nicotine stains from fabrics

It is better to remove yellow tobacco stains immediately: under the influence of oxygen in the air, they can darken and become brown, then it will be more difficult to get rid of them.

The choice of stain removal method depends on what kind of fabric is dirty: white or colored, natural or synthetic. In any case, before working on damaged fabric in a visible place, you should try on an inconspicuous area: on a seam allowance, a hem, or the inside of a pocket. Before removing stains, the item must be cleaned of dust and dry contaminants and placed several napkins or a paper towel folded in several layers under the area to be treated.

If the stains are on the upholstery of upholstered furniture or carpet, then it is necessary to sprinkle absorbent powder around the stain: starch or talc, so that a dirty halo does not appear during processing. At the end of the procedure, the dried powder is removed with a vacuum cleaner.

Methods suitable for white fabrics

To remove a tobacco stain from a washable item of natural white fabric, prepare a mixture of egg yolk and technical ethyl alcohol. Mix the ingredients and add alcohol until the mixture reaches the consistency of thick sour cream.

The composition is applied with a cotton swab to the stain in a circular motion (from the periphery to the center) and left for 15 minutes. Then wash off the traces with alcohol and rinse the fabric with warm water. After this, the item is washed using detergent manually or in a washing machine.

If you don’t have ethyl alcohol on hand, prepare a composition from the following ingredients:

Treat the stains with the resulting solution, then rinse thoroughly with warm water after 15–20 minutes. After treatment, the product is washed with soap or liquid detergent.

You won’t immediately believe that the stain appeared because of tobacco smoke.

This method is good for bleaching tulle curtains that have turned yellow from tobacco smoke. Prepare a solution at the rate of: 3–4 tbsp. spoons of table salt per 1 liter of warm water, stir well. The tulle is soaked and left in the solution overnight, after which it is washed as usual.

If the item cannot be washed, then the stain should be treated with warm glycerin (heated to 35–40 ºС) or ethyl alcohol (96% strength) and left for 15-20 minutes, then wiped with a damp cloth to remove any remaining product.

Methods suitable for colored fabrics

Several options are possible:

Hot ash stains from fabrics can be removed using a mixture of 9% table vinegar and water in a 1:1 ratio.

Cat litter

Advertisements for litters often emphasize the fact that they can help you forget about the stench (even if your pet has just gone to the toilet). It is logical to assume that this is another way to rid clothes of the smell of tobacco.

Pour clean litter into a bowl and lower the clothes into it so that the granules cover it on all sides. Leave it to “soak” for a day, and then shake it well - it will be almost impossible to smell the cigarette smoke.

Carefully! You should not leave the basin in a place where your pet can easily find it. Having succumbed to habit, the cat can easily go to it when needed

And the problem with tobacco smell will fade into the background.

The methods listed above will help keep things fresh, but don’t forget about regular washing.

Tips on how to remove odor after smoking for a long time

If people in your home smoke constantly and for quite a long time, conventional cleaning methods and the use of aromatic products will not be enough.
By this point, the smell of tobacco has probably become thoroughly ingrained into various surfaces and it is incredibly difficult to remove it completely. Pay special attention to books, because the stench of tobacco is probably absorbed into the paper. Leave the books on the balcony for at least a week for proper ventilation

Only after thoroughly cleaning the room from the remnants of cigarette smell will you be able to evaluate the result. However, it is much better to simply not smoke in the house than to later try to figure out how to remove cigarette odors from indoors.


When you don’t want to spend time preparing home remedies when fighting the stink of cigarettes, you should just wash the item. In simple cases, it is enough to get by with powder and conditioner. It is possible to increase the efficiency of washing by adding soda to the powder.

If the aroma is persistent, then before washing the clothes, the unpleasant smell of cigarettes must be neutralized using one of the listed methods.

After washing, it is recommended to wash the drum to remove any cigarette smell.

Ways to remove tobacco and hookah stains

In a house where owners and guests constantly smoke, the smell of tobacco smoke is always felt in the air. Over time, a yellowish coating appears on the surface of the walls, ceiling, and specific stains on the upholstery of upholstered furniture and flooring.

Tobacco smoke contains nicotine, which settles on any surface, giving it an unpleasant dirty yellow tint. Tobacco stains also form on tablecloths and dishes, wooden and plastic window sills, curtains, on clothes and on the smoker’s fingertips.

But in addition to nicotine stains on furniture and floor coverings: parquet, laminate, linoleum or carpet, there are often scorch marks from hot ashes or smoldering cigarette butts. These damages, like hookah stains caused by hot coals falling on the floor, can only be removed by restoring the coating.

One careless move and restoration will be required

Time frame for odor dissipation

The trail of tobacco aroma sticks to many things, trails behind the smoker or even hovers with people nearby. It takes time for it to disappear naturally without auxiliary procedures.

From clothes

It depends on where the wardrobe item is located:

  • behind cabinet doors - it can stay for several days;
  • in open space - up to 5 hours (it is important to consider the material);
  • outdoors - from 30 to 120 minutes.

If you are wondering how long a smoker’s clothes will stink on him, then there is no definite answer. Associated factors play a significant role: frequency of smoking, whether a person is on the street or in a room, etc. The smell risks remaining on the item until the next wash.

From the car

A small enclosed space where people smoke regularly will absorb the stench from the upholstery and things that are kept there all the time. To get rid of it, you will have to try. At speed and with the windows open, the fresh smell of cigarette smoke will quickly dissipate.

From hand

If you do not wash your hands, then after a few hours they will stop smelling, but provided that during this time there is no additional contact with tobacco products or cigarette smoke.

From the mouth

If you do not smoke often, then after 2 hours the bad aroma on your breath will disappear. During this period, the body independently gets rid of the consequences of the addiction. But it will disappear completely only for a beginner or someone trying a cigarette for the first time. The amber from an experienced nicotine addict can be smelled by people with asthma or a hypersensitive sense of smell.

From the apartment

In a room that is not ventilated, the smell will not disappear even after a week. If you open the windows wide open, do a wet cleaning and clean the furniture, not a trace will remain of it. Under normal conditions, with the window open but the door closed and a large amount of tissue present, it lasts up to a day.

It is worth understanding that the smell of cigarettes does not disappear on its own. It either washes off, washes off, or disappears. But if you make every effort, a thing spoiled by tobacco aroma will be fresh again, and the hands and breath of the smoker will not give away its owner.

Using clothing deodorants

Most methods for removing unpleasant cigarette odor can only be used at home and, as a rule, require prolonged treatment of clothing. If you need to urgently neutralize all signs of tobacco, for example, after visiting a smoking room, you can use a special spray. Such products are made from organic substances that break down cigarette soot and destroy all the smallest sources of odor. They do not have their own aroma, so they can be freely combined with perfumes.

Deodorants are used very simply: a small amount of solution is sprayed onto clothing using a spray bottle immediately after cigarette smoke hits the fabric. If you need to process a large number of things, you can use dry fog - a diluted concentrate is poured into a special unit, which turns the liquid into steam and sprays it over a large area. In this case, odors are removed not only from clothes, but also from all surfaces in the house.

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