How to wash an underwire bra in the washing machine

A bra is the most important, necessary component of every woman’s wardrobe. If the bra is chosen correctly, it makes the breasts appear higher, emphasizes their shape, and the figure looks slimmer. But in order for the bra to last a long time, not lose its original appearance and color, it is necessary to properly care for it. Proper washing plays a vital role in this. You need to know how to properly wash a bra so that the lace, seal, underwire and inserts retain their properties. It should be washed carefully, following certain rules.

How to wash your bra correctly

Usually you need to change your bra to a clean one after it has been worn three times.
In hot weather or other circumstances where excessive sweating occurs, this should be done even more often. At the end of the article, you will learn how to wash your bra by hand to whiten it. Rules for caring for a wardrobe item are printed on special tags attached to any clothing, and bodices are no exception. Before starting the procedure, you need to study the instructions on the label. Ignoring it always leads to the fact that the thing loses its attractive appearance and deteriorates, becoming unsuitable for use. To be sure that your actions are correct, you can watch a video of the process.

In addition, there are a number of recommendations:

  • fasten the hooks;
  • straighten the straps;
  • If the product has pits, check the integrity of the seams near them.

Regardless of the features of specific models, to wash bras in a washing machine you will need a special bag with ribs. In this way, it will be possible to protect the laundry from damage and the centrifuge from mechanical damage. A special sphere will prevent deformation and crumpling of the push-up, falling out or breaking of metal and other elements.

Linen should be machine washed separately from other items. Only in this case will minimal damage be caused to delicate fabrics and they will not lose their shape. You should choose the gentle mode or “Hand Wash”. The water temperature should not exceed 40 °C. You will also have to disable pre-soaking and spinning. Otherwise, the bra will not be able to return to its original appearance.

When choosing a cleaning product, you should give preference to gel for delicate fabrics. It will carefully clean the bra and will not damage the structure of the material.

Products with a lot of decorations, ruffles, as well as luxury bustiers are best cleaned by hand. This is the only way to pay attention to all the details, not to spoil the laundry and cause a minimum of mechanical damage. Careful treatment extends the life of clothing and maintains the attractive appearance of the product.

How to properly wash a bra by hand:

  1. Fill a basin with warm, but not hot water and add a mild detergent - a special gel or shampoo for hair. The main condition is that it does not contain alcohol. Shake until a small amount of foam appears.
  2. Immerse the laundry completely in the liquid. If there are several items, it is unacceptable to wash white items with colored or dark ones at the same time.
  3. Let sit for 15 minutes to remove all impurities. If the item is very dirty, it is better to wait 1 hour.
  4. Rub the bodice lightly to completely remove any grease, sweat and stains. In this case, the contents of the container may become cloudy.
  5. Rinse the laundry in clean cold water several times until it remains clear.
  6. Place between two terry towels. Roll everything up like a roll - into a tight roller. Don't squeeze, just press down from above. This will remove excess moisture.
  7. Dry in a hanging position or horizontally. In the first case, you cannot cling to the straps; it is better to secure it to the middle.

How to wash a down jacket - choosing a product

You can wash things with down filling only with special detergents. As a rule, these are universal liquid gels that are suitable for hand and machine washing. The label must indicate that the composition is suitable for down jackets.

The right product is half the success. Specialized balms and gels contain substances that preserve the structure and fatty coating of the down and feather filler inside the product. The stores offer a good selection of compositions for washing down jackets in an automatic washing machine.

Detergent for washing down products “ProfKhim”

This inexpensive domestic product has proven itself to be excellent for hand and machine washing of down jackets. The volume of the bottle is 200 ml, it is enough for an average of 3-4 washes. The composition copes with any degree of contamination, preserves the properties of down and the quality of the fabric. The downside is that this washing gel has a rather pungent odor.

Balm for washing sportswear Nordland

Another popular and affordable product for washing down jackets in a machine. The gel is made in Germany. Gently cleans the fabric without damaging the coloring and does not spoil the down filling. Volume – 750 ml, consumption is quite economical. One bottle is enough for 7-10 washes

To avoid streaks, it is important to adhere to the recommended dosage

The product is suitable not only for winter jackets with bird down and feathers, but also with other fillings.

Salton Sport washing shampoo

Perfect for washing down jackets made of membrane fabric. Preserves the insulating and ventilation properties of the material, carefully cares for the down filling, and eliminates unpleasant odors. Bottle volume – 250 ml. Depending on the degree of contamination of the item and the hardness of the water, it will be enough for 2-4 washes.

Gel Heitmann Daunen-Waschpflege

A reliable and proven composition for washing items with down filling. The product is made in Germany, the bottle volume is 250 ml, the cost is about 400 rubles. One package is enough for 5-6 washes.

This liquid product is suitable for hand and machine washing; it copes well with any stains and retains the properties of fluff. After using the Heitmann gel, the down filler does not even need additional whipping (of course, provided that the other rules are followed - delicate mode, low temperature and gentle spinning).

Gels "Laska"

The products in this line are designed for washing delicate items, so they will not spoil the bird fluff in the cells of a warm jacket. Such gels will help remove minor stains and “refresh” the down jacket, but they may not be able to cope with serious stains. Therefore, before washing, you should pre-treat the dirtiest places with a soft brush and laundry soap.

Domal Sport Fein Fashion

German gel for down products. Inexpensive, but it has proven itself to be excellent - it eliminates unpleasant odors, washes various types of stains and does not spoil the fluff at all. One bottle (750 ml) is enough for about 10 washes. The same product can be used to wash sports shoes and clothes, including those made of membrane fabric. It is also suitable for wool - hats, scarves, socks and mittens will become soft and fluffy.

All products for down jackets are universal, they are suitable for hand and machine washing. However, it is not recommended to use rinse aid and conditioner; they will leave streaks on the fabric.

Features of washing a bra with underwire, push-up or gel filler

The structure and properties of gel and foam rubber are radically different, but the care regimen for linen with such fillers is the same. You will have to abandon the automatic machine - the risk of mechanical damage is too great.

Washing should be done by hand, as gently as possible and with strict adherence to the water heating regime. From hot temperatures, foam rubber turns yellow, decreases in size and becomes deformed. Recommended conditions for wet cleaning are from 30 to 40 °C.

If there is no need to bleach the bra, it should be soaked for 1 hour in a delicate detergent. The further procedure is similar to that used for cleaning bras manually.

Gel bras, corset models and underwire bras should be washed and dried with special care. This should not be done in the open sun or suspended by the straps. Permissible only horizontally on a terry towel or on a special hanger. Carefully choose the color of the fabric so that it does not fade. Spinning delicate items is contraindicated.

Models with underwires are the most common. They best hold large breasts, collect them and give them a beautiful round shape. To correct a woman's bust, the bra is often sewn with inserts made of foam rubber or silicone. Beautiful lingerie is made from lace and complemented with all kinds of laces, ribbons, metal decorations, and zippers.

There are 7 rules for washing underwire bras:

  1. No soaking! First, many bras contain metal parts that can rust. Secondly, when delicate fabrics remain in water for a long time, they lose strength and are easily deformed.
  2. The water is only slightly warm. You need to wash a bra with underwires at a temperature of 30-40 degrees, not higher.
  3. Only simple items without complex decorative elements (everyday laundry) can be put into the washing machine. Beautiful bras with ruffles, rhinestones, etc. are washed by hand.
  4. Inspect the bra for damage. Before washing, it is important to make sure that the bones are firmly sewn in and that there are no holes or signs of wear on the fabric.
  5. Using washing gel or shampoo. The powder spoils satin, silk and mesh fabrics, they become “oaky” and lose their shape.
  6. There is no strong friction, twisting, or wringing. It is correct to wash a bra with underwires using gentle stroking movements. You can use a soft brush. To wash in the washing machine, you need to use a special bag with holes or a sphere. Any spinning is prohibited; you can only blot the product with a terry towel or any highly absorbent fabric.
  7. Dry in fresh air and at natural temperature. Bras should be dried on a line on the balcony, without using clothespins. The product should not be turned inside out, otherwise creases will occur. Ironing and drying on a radiator, hairdryer, or near heating devices is also prohibited.

Automatic washing of underwear

It is very important to carefully select detergents.
Intimate items of clothing constantly come into contact with delicate skin during the day, so chemicals from the fabric must be completely rinsed out. Wash panties and bras in a washing machine using delicate detergents or baby powder. It is undesirable to use formulations with a high content of surfactants, optical brighteners and phosphates.

Proper washing of a bra involves the use of special bags where the product is placed before loading into the drum. This way you will be able to maintain the shape of the bodice, prevent the pit from falling out, and protect loops, hooks, etc. from bending. If you can’t buy a bag, use a regular pillowcase.

Bras made of lace and other delicate materials with a breast support system are best washed by hand. Sets made from natural fabrics: cotton, linen, which do not have a push-up or metal inserts under the cup, can be safely loaded into the washing machine by placing the items in a bag

It is important to separate laundry according to color

The pressing of products of this kind should be as gentle as possible. It is better to abandon this option altogether or set the drum rotation speed at 400 rpm. There are usually no problems with drying panties and men's swimming trunks, but you should be careful with bras. It is better not to hang them vertically, but to lay them out on a flat surface for horizontal drying.

Preparing your bra for washing

The correct approach to washing bras involves regular washing. Those items that are not worn out and have not lost their appearance due to previous washing or improper drying are washed much better and with higher quality.

Before you start washing, you must:

  1. Inspect the product for defects - torn places, torn fasteners, etc. They must be removed before washing.

  2. If there are stains, start removing them.
  3. If the model has a removable push-up, it should be pulled out.
  4. Sort items by color.
  5. Prepare detergent and wash basin.

Without proper preparation, washing your bra can result in damage to the item. Find general recommendations for washing bras here.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with the 8 main mistakes when choosing a washing machine

Read the labels on your bra carefully. There should be information that machine wash is allowed.

Check whether the hooks hold well and whether the bones will come out. If you do not use a special laundry bag, these elements can damage your washing machine. In addition, a bone that has come out is almost impossible to return to its place. It will dig into the body, which not only creates inconvenience, but also harms the female breast. This thing will have to be thrown away.

Sort your laundry. Place light and dark items separately. It is better to take only bras for the washing cycle or, at most, add light tops, T-shirts, etc. to them.

If there are visible stains, soak the bra in lukewarm water with some liquid detergent added. After half an hour you can wash it in the machine. Leave very dirty items in the solution overnight.

Rub heavily soiled areas with a soft sponge. Models with metal inserts should not be soaked for a long time - they may leave rusty marks. It is not advisable for brightly colored underwear to remain in water for a long time: the tone will fade.

Washing tips

Here are a number of recommendations that are useful to familiarize yourself with before washing:

  • Do not use air conditioners or softeners. They shorten the “life” of the elastic fibers in the product.
  • Before washing, be sure to check the condition of the accessories - hooks, bones. If there are problems with them, then it is better to repair the product before the procedure. And also prefer a cycle in an automatic machine to manual cleaning.
  • Buy a special case for washing bras.
  • A mistake many housewives make is turning the cups inside out when drying. This action leads to the formation of dents, creases, and folds that are visible through clothing.
  • Now about soaking. If the product contains metal fasteners or bones, then it should not be left in water for a long time! Due to the development of the corrosion process, the bra may become “decorated” with rusty spots. Also, do not soak bright, colorful laundry for a long time - a long stay in water leads to a loss of color intensity.

Special bag for washing

Advice! Do not use clothespins when drying your bra - they may leave unsightly creases on the straps.

How does color affect processing?

Wet cleaning of such a delicate item of clothing as a bra requires care. If you wrinkle, rub and twist it too much when washing, the straps can stretch, the lace can tear, and the clasps can break. Therefore, the first rule of proper washing of a white or colored bra is delicacy. In order for the item to become fresh and beautiful after drying, and not wrinkled and stretched out, it is useful for the housewife to take into account the following tips:

  • It is recommended to wash such underwear every 3-4 days. In summer, your bra should be cleaned frequently, preferably daily, otherwise it will darken so much that it will be impossible to restore it to its decent appearance.
  • It is not recommended to use fabric softener to rinse washed items. This will speed up the stretching of the elastic fibers found in the straps.
  • Before immersing the product in a washing machine or simply in a container with soapy water, you need to make sure that the fastener hooks are not broken or bent. If any damage is found during inspection, it is better to repair it before washing.
  • Before washing your bra in a special case, you must carefully fold it. Many women often turn out their cups, and do it in vain. You cannot turn the product inside out, changing the shape of the cups, because this will cause folds and creases to appear on them. Those who simply fold things up do the right thing.
  • Prolonged soaking of the bra is undesirable. Firstly, this will damage the metal parts. Secondly, if there are a lot of iron elements in it, rusty stains may appear on the product itself, which are quite difficult to get rid of.
  • Seamless bras and sports bras can be machine washed frequently and without any worries.
  • If white models are put into the washing machine frequently, they will quickly turn gray.
  • Regardless of whether your white bra is washed by hand or by machine, you should not use a chlorine bleach product to bleach it. On sale you can find special substances for whitening underwear. Oxygen bleaches are also suitable for this. However, it is not recommended to contact them often.
  • When washing a bra, you need to consider its design: tight cup items, underwire bras, and seamless items should be washed differently.

Most bra models can be washed either by hand or in a washing machine. Machine washing has its own rules.

Please note that not all bras are machine washable. Products made from very thin fabric, bras with lace inserts, or models with gel filler should not be placed in the drum. Fortunately, most types of bras withstand the machine test quite well.

The most important rule to remember when choosing this type of washing is the mandatory use of a special cover. It is a silicone spherical figure consisting of two identical halves. You can also find mesh bags for underwear on sale. They are made from polyester.

Such devices protect the item from excessive friction or other physical impact. Some models of bags can fit several things at once. However, even a spacious bag or container does not need to be filled to capacity. It would be correct to place two or three products of the same color range inside.

If you simply wash your bra in the drum of a washing machine, it will become deformed and stretch. A bra with underwires may even tear after washing in a machine without any protection, and it will be very difficult to sew it up. If you don’t have a special cover on hand for a delicate item, you can try folding the bra into an old, unwanted stocking or pillowcase and tying the device.

Following these recommendations will also help extend the life of your underwear:

  1. Before you put your bra in the washing machine, be sure to fasten it on all the hooks. Then fold it and place it in a protective case. After such preparation, you can safely put the product into the drum of the machine with other things, taking into account its color.
  2. The correct way to wash a bra is in a gel-like product, since it is not aggressive and is easier to rinse than powder.
  3. You need to choose a delicate mode for washing. The “Hand Wash” mode is good for such items.
  4. You should not use hot water to care for delicate linen. The ideal temperature is from 30 to 40 degrees. You can wash the bra in cold water. If the item is very dirty, you need to pre-treat the problem areas with laundry soap or stain remover.
  5. Push-up models and products with foam inserts are not recommended for additional rinsing and extra wringing.

Immediately after washing the bra, the cups should be returned to their original shape. If necessary, you can dry the item with a towel.

Machine washing is good for its simplicity, but sometimes the results leave much to be desired. If a white bra is very dirty, it is better to wash it without using a machine.

Light-colored items deserve special attention because they gradually turn grey, and they are also easier to spoil. A small stain or “mourning” on the straps can greatly blur the impression of the owner of the underwear.

Recommendations for caring for a white bust:

  • Handwash only;
  • refrain from using aggressive chlorine bleaches;
  • soak separately from colored products;
  • Use warm water and detergent for delicate fabrics.

When deciding to machine wash along with other white items, you should adhere to a number of conditions:

  • use a special bag for bras;
  • turn on delicate or manual mode without spin;
  • load laundry first and in no case after black clothes. Fabric and paint residue from the spinner will cause anything white to turn grey.

We suggest you read: The washing machine does not pick up washing powder or conditioner: reasons, what to do

Manual wet cleaning is no different from the usual one, which is used to care for elite bustiers.

Bras of different colors require a separate approach to washing. You can only wash items of the same shade or similar shades at a time, this is due to the likelihood of fabric shedding.

For pure white and black bras, it is advisable to use detergents that are designed specifically for these shades. At the same time, the black will retain the thickness and richness of the shade, and the white bra will retain its whiteness.

In addition to products “for black” and “for white” things, if you have colored laundry, you will need “Color” liquid laundry detergent. They can be used to wash not only bras in bright colors, but also those with a printed pattern.

If the product uses fabric of a different color other than white or black, then you must choose universal gels for washing.

Methods and recipes for how to wash a white bra and return it to its original whiteness are presented here.

Useful tips

Finally, we would like to present you with a number of useful recommendations that will come in handy when caring for this underwear:

  • The norm for washing bras is every 3-4 wearings.
  • During the summer, try to freshen your bras daily. Especially if these are push-up models.
  • If you wear bras every day, then get old wearing the same one every other time. This will prevent unpleasant odors from forming in its structure.
  • Wearing a product every day also causes it to lose its shape and visual appeal. Therefore, the bra needs at least a daily “rest”.
  • If the bra has underwires, lace, or decorations, then it’s still better not to be too lazy to wash it by hand. But everyday bras and sports tops can be thrown into the washing machine.

This is the best way to dry

  • If you don’t have a special bag for washing underwear, you can use a regular pillowcase instead! Only before each wash it will have to be sewn up with “tweaks”. Or equip the bra washing device with a tightening cord.
  • Push-up bras do not dry completely when using a tumble dryer. They need to hang in a ventilated area or in the fresh air until completely dry.
  • The best thing for washing bras is a special detergent for underwear.
  • Try not to bleach your bras. As a last resort, use oxygen bleaches that do not contain chlorine.

Laundry bags

  • It is best to store bras in a separate compartment, shelf of a dresser or closet. It is important to lay them flat, placing them one on top of the other, cup to cup. This will help the bras maintain an attractive shape.
  • It is better to store white, light-colored bras separately from black or colored ones. Snow-white fabrics lose their pristine freshness if they remain in proximity to their darker counterparts for a long time.” It is best to place them in a separate box or drawer.
  • Light underwear is worn with light clothes, black underwear with dark ones. And the point is not only that otherwise it will show through unsightly. If this harmony is not observed, the fibers of matter are mixed during the friction of clothing items. And this leads to darkening of light-colored laundry. As a last resort, wearing dark clothes over a white bra, throw a light T-shirt over your underwear.

This is the best way to store laundry.

  • To get lingerie with a pleasant aroma out of your closet, place fragrance bags on the shelves with your bras. A more economical and practical option is to store underwear and fragrant toilet soap in one compartment.
  • When putting on a bra, try not to twist it so as not to damage the frame of the product.
  • It is important to transport this item of clothing correctly. Always fasten your bras before putting them in your suitcase. Transportation is recommended in a special bag (washable). If the product is expensive and made of dense material, then it is better not to risk it and buy a special travel plastic container for it.
  • And one last piece of advice. Before any manipulation of the product, carefully read its label, label or recommendation booklet.

Pay attention to the label!
That's all our tips that will be useful for washing bras in the washing machine and by hand. We also recommend that you pay attention to the rules for the care, storage, and transportation of these irreplaceable parts of a woman’s wardrobe. And also do not forget to read the product label.

Laundry bags

These accessories will be very useful. They protect bras from friction with other clothes, protect them from deformation, and puffs do not form on the fabric. The bags prevent laundry from getting stuck in the cuff near the machine door and protect equipment from scratches from the metal parts of the bra.

It is advisable to purchase rectangular rigid accessories with a fine mesh and a frame of 6-8 ribs. Place bras there, filling no more than 3/4 of the volume, and zip up. Place the container in the machine.

Video material

Beautiful underwear adds confidence to a woman, so you shouldn’t skimp on this part of the toilet, reassuring yourself that few people will see it. Proper care of expensive linen will prolong its life and ensure a great mood for its owner, and maybe not only her. Listen to the useful tips and recommendations in this article, purchase all the necessary equipment for washing bras, and problems with twisted elastic bands and loss of shape and color will not be a problem for your panties and bras.

Whitening with household chemicals

Choosing the right laundry detergent is very important. The fabrics used to sew most models are delicate.

The best choice is to use a special product that is designed specifically for washing underwear.

If it is not there, the following substitutes can be used:

  • universal gels;
  • ecogels;
  • gels for children's clothing.

Liquid detergent is preferable to powder detergent. It dissolves better, providing good penetration between the fibers of the material.

After washing, such substances are easier to rinse out. Granular powders dissolve less easily and may remain on the material even after rinsing.

Do not use fabric softener when washing your bra. Despite aromatizing and softening things, its use is not advisable. Its effect on straps and other areas with elastic bands impairs their elasticity and causes rapid wear of the parts.

If you don’t have a suitable detergent at home and you need to do laundry, you can use hair shampoo.

Before using any detergents, you need to study the label on the laundry, which indicates the temperature conditions and the permissibility of using chemicals.

Regardless of the manufacturer, the principle of action for such substances is the same. Following the instructions on the packaging is important for all items of clothing that are not contraindicated for contact with chemical detergents.

Application method:

  1. Fill a basin with water at room temperature.
  2. Add oxygen bleach and stir. Dosage according to the instructions on the package, taking into account the amount of laundry.
  3. Load the item and wait 1 hour.
  4. Rinse under running water and wash as usual.

Cannot be used on colored items, even if they are pastel in color. The chemical reaction can cause light spots to appear.

Soda and salt

Folk recipe for whitening lace products. Simple ingredients are used that can be found in every housewife's kitchen cupboard.

Method of use:

  1. Dilute 2 tbsp in cold water. table salt and the same amount of baking soda.
  2. Stir until the liquid becomes cloudy. The grains must all dissolve, since whole salt crystals will damage the delicate material.
  3. Soak the bodice and leave for 30 minutes. If you have a push-up, you need to hold the item under water for a while to let the air out.
  4. Rinse and hand wash using a mild detergent.


This method can only be used on cotton items. 1 tbsp is enough. Dissolve ammonia in 1 liter of cold water. Soak the product for 12 hours. This is followed by thorough rinsing and washing.

Hydrogen peroxide

Dilute 2 tbsp in 1 liter of water at room temperature. peroxide 3%. Immerse the item for half an hour and then rinse thoroughly. The method is suitable for working with synthetic and delicate laundry.


An old but proven whitening method, which is not very popular now. Therefore, the product is rarely found on the shelves of hardware stores.

Mode of application:

  1. Add a little blue to warm water.
  2. Stir until the powder dissolves. This is important, since grains of the substance may remain on the white bodice as blue spots that cannot be removed with anything.
  3. Place the product in the liquid and leave for 15-30 minutes.
  4. Rinse under running water.

Aspirin tablets

Even grayed things will begin to shine white again if you use aspirin. You will need 5 tablets of 325 mg and 7 liters of warm water. Soak the bra for 8 hours. After this, rinse and wash as usual.


The simplest and one of the oldest methods of whitening. But it is suitable only for those things that can withstand high temperatures - made from natural fabrics.

You cannot use a basin made of copper or aluminum as a container. When heated, these metals react and the laundry will darken. An enamel pan is best.

Pour 3/4 of the volume of the dishes with water and add a little washing powder with soda. Immerse the bustier and let the liquid heat up. Boil for no more than 30 minutes. Remove the item with special tongs. Rinse in cold water. Repeat as necessary.

Laundry soap

Will come to the rescue when bleaching or removing stains from any material. You can use it to wash your wet bra if you only need to clean a small area. To soak, you will have to grate about 1/4 of the bar on a fine grater and dissolve it in warm water. Depending on the complexity of the particular case, let the laundry dry for 30 minutes to 5 hours. Rinse thoroughly.


The most effective substance, among all industrial products, the only one that can eliminate even outdated color defects.

It is worth noting that “Belizna” contains chlorine, and it has an aggressive effect on the structure of delicate fabrics. It becomes loose and quickly breaks.


  1. Dilute 1 tbsp in 3 liters of cold water. bleach and a small amount of washing powder.
  2. Stir everything until the granules dissolve.
  3. Immerse the laundry in the liquid and leave for 20 minutes.
  4. Rinse with warm water and then again with cold water.

When properly caring for such a delicate item as underwear, you need to take into account a lot of factors. But the result pays for all the efforts: the bra looks like new longer and does not wear out much even with frequent use.

Soaking will help restore whiteness and remove traces of sweat. Add 1 tbsp to 1 liter of warm water. l. soda and salt. Another recipe is to dissolve 2 tbsp in the same amount of water. l. ammonia or hydrogen peroxide, keep the laundry for 20 minutes. After soaking, rinse the bra and wash it in a machine.

Oxygen bleach will help if the texture of the fabric allows its use. Pour a glass of product into 3 liters of water, soak clothes for 1 hour, rinse, wash.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with How to extend the drain and fill hose of a washing machine for water supply

These tips will help you wash your underwear correctly so that they will please both our readers and their beloved men for a long time. Remember that white things should be stored separately from dark and colored ones, and folded cup to cup to preserve their shape. And, of course, follow all washing rules.

Detergents for washing bras

Let us present you with a series of liquid solutions that you can easily prepare yourself.

Shampoo – for frequent washes

Essential oil – for a pleasant smell

Khozmylo - an economical detergent

Peroxide is a safe bleach

“Ammonia” has the same whitening effect

Baking soda – against sweat stains

Shampoo and essential oilA homemade product is prepared from three components:
· One glass of hot water.

· 1 teaspoon of shampoo.

· 1-2 drops of essential oil - chamomile, lavender or another of your choice.

All the “ingredients” are mixed, after which the solution is added to the water where you intend to wash your clothes.

Laundry soapIt’s easy to prepare an excellent cleaning solution (its price is quite symbolic) with its participation - grate a block of household soap.
Pour a glass of warm water over the shavings. Wait until it dissolves a little, then help the process with vigorous stirring. Once the mass has become homogeneous, it can be added to the container where you will wash the bra.
Hydrogen peroxide or ammoniaLooking for how to wash a white bra? Each of these components is an excellent way to restore the whiteness of your bra. It is enough just to dissolve 2 tbsp in one liter of warm water. spoons of hydrogen peroxide. Or ammonia.
Salt and sodaAnother product that quickly restores the snow-whiteness of your bra.
We also note that it will successfully remove traces of sweat from your bra. Before use, do not forget to rinse the product in cold water. Next, you need to add one tablespoon of baking soda and table salt per 1 liter of water.

Advice! A bra is not a product that can be wrung out to make it dry faster. Only light pressure, soaking between towels.

Drying on a hanger

By hand or by machine: what to choose?

Use delicate mode. The water temperature should be no more than 40 degrees. If this indicator is exceeded, the fabric may shrink, the fibers of the material will become deformed, and the foam inserts in the cups will turn yellow.

Use only liquid detergents. The powder is more difficult to wash off completely, and the remaining molecules will attract dirt more strongly. Special formulations for underwear, children's clothing, and hair shampoos are suitable.

It is prohibited to use chlorine bleaches. They damage delicate tissue. Conditioners and softeners are not recommended as they will reduce the durability of the elastic fibers.

You cannot use the spin and dry mode. As a last resort, you can enable the “no heating” option.

All basic information about the washing features of the product is indicated on the label. If there is a strict ban on using a washing machine, you will have to process the item by hand.

In addition, manual cleaning is indicated in the following cases:

  • the label for the item has been lost, and there is no way to know for sure whether the bra can be washed in a washing machine or not;

  • there is no special spherical container or bag for washing clothes;
  • if there are stains, they must be washed by hand - the standard washing cycle will not cope with complex stains;
  • the bra is very worn, the material has become shabby;
  • a large amount of decor (stones, rhinestones, etc.);
  • lack of a washing machine;
  • There is damage that, even after repair, excludes machine washing.

Even if machine washing is allowed by the manufacturer, hand processing is preferable, since with this method the process is completely under control, allowing you to vary the intensity.

Rating of devices that make washing easier

Modern stores provide the buyer with a wide selection of devices that can make the washing process simple and the result positive. There are a lot of descriptions of such devices and reviews about them on the Internet, based on which the top best ones were compiled.

Bra Baby Bra Washing Container

“Bronze” in our rating goes to the Bra Baby bra washing container. It is made of thin but quite durable plastic that can protect your laundry from damage. One container contains another, smaller one - it is often used as an auxiliary element for washing underwear or nylon tights. When washing your bra, tapes are placed in a small section to prevent them from twisting, and cups are placed around it. Next, this “egg” is closed and the washing mode is turned on.

After this, the container is taken out, and the result becomes noticeable: the cups retain their shape, do not twist, plastic elements are not damaged, as well as decorative components. We must not forget about the condition of the washing machine: the drum is not scratched or damaged. Over time, the container may open during use, but housewives have found a way to fix this problem using a piece of wire.

Bra washing bag “Brabantia”

This laundry container received the love of users, the highest ratings and a lot of positive reviews. The container helps to properly protect the contents during the washing and wringing process, and the pad on the tongue helps protect not only clothes, but also the drum of the machine. Damage to clothing from small rings, fasteners and zippers is excluded.

The textiles from which the bag is made are of high quality and density, and its spaciousness is pleasing: you can put two large-sized bras in one container. The manufacturer guarantees a long service life: the warranty is given for two years.

Whitmor Two Compartment Bra Washing Bag

Every woman wants to look as attractive as possible in order to feel confident, because confidence lies behind the ability to present oneself

To do this, it is important to monitor all components of your image: a woman’s underwear should look presentable, even though it is hidden under clothes. The recommendations given should help you properly care for this item of clothing, look well-groomed and maintain breast health

Rinse and dry

The bra should be thoroughly rinsed in warm water until it is clear. You can add a couple of drops of your favorite aroma oil.

The item must not be squeezed or twisted, otherwise the cups will be deformed. Wrap it tightly in a clean terry towel. It will absorb excess moisture. Then lay the bra out on a flat surface or hang it on a line or drying rack, but not by the straps, but by the center. Do not fasten with clothespins: creases will form on the material. Models with foam inserts require especially careful drying.

It is prohibited to use batteries, hair dryers, etc. to speed up the process, otherwise the item will shrink. Colored linen should not be left in direct sunlight as it may fade.

Silicone invisible bra

A silicone bra, which is called an invisible bra, allows you to safely wear open outfits. This item does not have straps or a strap on the back; it is fixed to the chest using an adhesive layer.

You need to wash your invisible bra after each wear, and immediately after the item has been removed. Correct procedure:

  • After removing the silicone bra, you should immediately wash it in warm water or soapy water;
  • Do not rub the silicone bra with brushes, gently wipe it outside and inside with your hands;
  • rinse the item in clean water;
  • You need to dry the silicone bra in natural conditions indoors. To prevent dust from settling on the adhesive layer of the cups, it is recommended to cover the item with gauze while drying;
  • After the silicone bra has dried, the adhesive layer covering the inside of the cups is covered with a protective film (it is included in the package). This will protect the glue from drying out and from dust and small debris getting on it;
  • store the invisible bra in its original packaging, place the thing in the box, making sure that the cups do not wrinkle.

Proper care of your underwear will extend its service life. Follow the recommendations given in this article, and you won’t have to be upset if an expensive bra loses its shape after washing and loses its attractive appearance.


Most modern housewives choose machine washing. It allows you to significantly save valuable time. But in order to get bras with wires out of the machine not only clean, but also intact, it is advisable to acquire a special device - a bag for delicate washing (optimally in the form of a box) or a special sphere.

The latter allows you to conveniently and securely place your bra between the plastic clips so that it does not twist or come into contact with other things during the washing process. But be careful: many women complain that the device opens in the machine, so it is better to choose a sphere model with tight latches.

Now let's move on to the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Inspect your bra for damage – if there is any, fix it first.
  2. Fasten the product with hooks, straighten the straps. If you have a delicates bag or sphere, place your bra in it.
  3. Pour in washing gel in standard dosage.
  4. Set the “Hand Wash” or “Delicate Wash” program. As an alternative, you can select a temperature of 40 degrees and remove the spin.
  5. Dry the wet bra with a towel and hang it to dry in a well-ventilated area.

In conclusion, we note: it is better at the time of purchase to pay attention to how to properly care for the product and whether it can be washed in a machine. Then the bra will please its owner for a long time and will last a year, or even more than one!

As a guide to action, you need to take the recommendations of the bra manufacturer, which he gives on the label.

If the item is very sweaty and there are unsightly stains left on it, pre-soaking it in this solution can help:

  • pour 2 liters of water into a basin;
  • dissolve 2 tablespoons of baking soda and 2 tablespoons of salt;
  • stir;
  • place the bra for half an hour;
  • rinse;
  • wash in the usual way.

The general approach to washing involves the following steps:

  1. Pour water at a temperature of no more than 40ºC into the prepared basin. A higher temperature can lead to deformation of the product, and cold water will make the treatment ineffective.

  2. Pour detergent into the basin according to the instructions for the specific product.
  3. Submerge your bra in water.
  4. If there are stains from sweat or other signs of wear, these places should be soaped with laundry soap.
  5. Soak for a quarter of an hour. Bras without gel or foam cup seals can be soaked for an hour.
  6. Wash, paying attention to soiled areas and straps. If the water becomes dirty after soaking, it must be drained. After this, draw water again and dilute the detergent in it.
  7. Rinse the item thoroughly. Preferably under running water.
  8. Let the water drain.
  9. Excess moisture must be squeezed out by placing the bra between two terry towels.

Bleaching rules depending on fabric

In order for the procedure to be effective, you need to know how to bleach white linen of different types of fabrics: natural (cotton) and artificial (guipure, lace, synthetics).

Suitable for natural fibers: digestion, removal with whiteness, blue, baking soda with salt, oxygen bleaches. Suitable for artificial fibers: vinegar, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, oxygen bleaching compounds. Let's look at the use of each type in more detail.

Important! Liquid boric acid or powder is suitable for bleaching any type of laundry.


You can boil yellowness from a cotton bra using the following method:

  1. For an enamel pan, the bottom is covered with a cotton sheet, diaper, etc.
  2. Water is poured in and grated laundry soap (half a piece) is dropped in.
  3. The product is placed in the mixture and brought to a boil.
  4. Bubbling solution 30 min. stir with a wooden spatula.
  5. Take out the laundry and rinse it with cool water.

To blue the product, do the following:

  1. A solution of blue and cold water is made.
  2. Then the item is put down for half an hour.
  3. Rinse in cool water.

Made from synthetics

Good ways to whiten synthetics and freshen the look are baking soda and vinegar:

  1. Leave 2 tbsp in a liter of water. table soda. The item is immersed in a container and left for 2 hours. and rinses.
  2. 2 tablespoons are poured into a glass of heated water. table vinegar, lower the product for 12 hours. and can be washed using any method.

Important! To make synthetic items white, you cannot use boiling water.

With guipure

An oxygen composition is well suited for cleaning guipure:

  1. The composition is diluted with room water according to the instructions.
  2. Leave the bra on for about an hour.
  3. Wash as usual.

Blue and ammonia (ammonia) are also suitable to make the product white.

With lace

For lace, it is permissible to use ammonia or soda with hydrogen peroxide. A vinegar solution is also effective:

  1. In 2l. pour a glass of 9% acetic acid into warm water.
  2. The bra is lowered and soaked for 10 hours. until 12 noon
  3. Washable by hand or machine.

How to dry?

The retention of its shape largely depends on how properly the bra is dried. Several drying methods can be used:

  1. Place the bra on a horizontal plane on a terry towel. As soon as it gets wet, replace the underlying fabric with a dry one.
  2. Hang at room temperature, evenly distributing the load over the middle of the product.

It is not advisable to hang it by the straps if there are cup seals. When drying, it is necessary to ensure that the compacted cups do not become deformed, otherwise, after drying, it will be almost impossible for them to return to their original appearance.

Prohibitions on drying:

  • The product should not be placed in the open sun or on heating or heating devices;
  • Do not twist the product trying to remove all the water.

Silicone invisible bra

A silicone bra, which is called an invisible bra, allows you to safely wear open outfits. This item does not have straps or a strap on the back; it is fixed to the chest using an adhesive layer.

You need to wash your invisible bra after each wear, and immediately after the item has been removed. Correct procedure:

  • After removing the silicone bra, you should immediately wash it in warm water or soapy water;
  • Do not rub the silicone bra with brushes, gently wipe it outside and inside with your hands;
  • rinse the item in clean water;
  • You need to dry the silicone bra in natural conditions indoors. To prevent dust from settling on the adhesive layer of the cups, it is recommended to cover the item with gauze while drying;
  • After the silicone bra has dried, the adhesive layer covering the inside of the cups is covered with a protective film (it is included in the package). This will protect the glue from drying out and from dust and small debris getting on it;
  • store the invisible bra in its original packaging, place the thing in the box, making sure that the cups do not wrinkle.

Proper care of your underwear will extend its service life. Follow the recommendations given in this article, and you won’t have to be upset if an expensive bra loses its shape after washing and loses its attractive appearance.

Underwear is made from delicate fabrics, so it is not recommended to simply wash it in a general pile. In particular, bras may have foam inserts, underwires to maintain shape, and various openwork elements. Once you throw it in the washing machine, you can immediately say goodbye! beautiful thing

It is important to figure out how to wash a bra without harm

To ensure that bras retain their shape, it is important to store and wear them correctly. A couple of tips will help with this:

  • Use special containers to store bras that retain the shape of the cups. If there are none, then he does not leave his favorite thing without attention for a long time. Wear a bra periodically, even just to walk around the house (if the product sits in the closet for a long time, it may become deformed). When storing for a long time, fold them cup into cup to keep their shape.
  • Send your bras to the wash without waiting for them to become heavily soiled. In summer, wash every day. In cold weather - after 3-5 wears. If you sweat a lot, then immediately after removing your bra, go do the laundry.
  • Don't leave your bras lying around among your other dirty clothes. The fabric will absorb the smell and it will be unpleasant to wear.
  • Store snow-white bras separately from other clothes and do not wear them under colored clothes.
  • Read the label on the product before washing about the washing mode, drying and other nuances recommended by the manufacturer.


The following recommendations will help you wash your bras by hand faster and easier:

  1. It is advisable to carry out the very first wash after purchasing the item, even before the first wear.
  2. The maximum number of times you can wear a bra before washing is 3 times, for whites 1-2, for sports - 1.
  3. After washing, you should not twist or squeeze the bra too much to avoid deforming it.
  4. At the same time as your bra, you can wash T-shirts, tank tops, panties and other delicate items of similar color and loose texture in the basin.
  5. Long-term soaking for products with gel or foam cups is undesirable, as they have metal bones.

Careful wearing and proper storage will extend the life of the bra and preserve its appearance.

Features of care for different models

Based on the purpose of the model, it is easy to determine how often you need to wash your bra. Elegant options that are worn from time to time for a short time, it is enough to wash them 1-2 times a month. Casual and sports models will need to be washed frequently.

An invisible silicone bra is rinsed from time to time in a soapy solution. Any air conditioners and bleaches are prohibited, as is the application of any deodorants and creams under the surface of Velcro. Bras with foam rubber should be straightened immediately after washing to restore their shape.

  • The washing machine door does not open after washing
  • Washing machine LGI 5 kg malfunction

How to choose a washing method?

For frequent washing of bras, it is convenient to use a washing machine.

Each woman, based on her own experience, chooses the appropriate method of caring for her underwear. Advice from friends or product instructions can help with this. For everyday items, machine washing is quite suitable, but in the following cases it is not recommended to put the laundry in the washing machine:

  • if the linen has lace trim;
  • if there are rhinestones or other decorative elements;
  • if the model is expensive or exclusive;
  • a new colored laundry item, as dyes can ruin other items in the drum.

Washing in a washing machine is a rather serious undertaking, so if in any doubt, it is better to prefer hand washing with gentle products.

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