How to use horizontal blinds - lower, open and close

Blinds are often used instead of curtains in an apartment with a modern or ultra-modern finish. Almost no office or other public space that involves engaging in intellectual work can also do without them. Many users do not know how to lower the blinds correctly, which is why the horizontal slats often warp and cause discomfort when using the room. To eliminate this problem, you need to know how to lower the blinds.

Blinds on the window

Characteristics of horizontal blinds

Horizontal blinds consist of the following components:

  • load-bearing cornice in the form of a box;
  • horizontal slats;
  • mounting brackets;
  • plugs for the cornice (installed on the ends of the box);
  • control mechanism, which is located on one side of the cornice box;
  • cord for adjusting the lifting height;
  • control cane;
  • swivel mechanism with rope lock;
  • bottom weight bar.

Such blind designs are very popular and are valued for their practicality, beauty and ease of use. Thanks to the horizontal slats, you can regulate the degree of sunlight penetration into the room.

Most often, slats are made of thin sheet aluminum, but there are also options made of plastic, wood and bamboo. Aluminum strips have a protective paint coating. They are resistant to fading and do not break (although they can bend if handled carelessly). The service life of aluminum horizontal blinds exceeds 15 years.

Additional advantages of blind systems with aluminum slats are their resistance to moisture and temperature changes, so such systems can be used in an unheated room (for example, on a balcony) or in a place with high humidity levels. There are different colors of slats on sale, as well as wood-imitation slats, which allows you to choose the blinds to match the color of the interior.

Structures with wooden slats are used only in residential premises with normal humidity. But plastic and bamboo slats also withstand high humidity conditions.

Important! The only drawback of systems with horizontal slats is that dust actively settles on such surfaces, so it must be removed regularly.

To regulate the penetration of daylight into the room, the slats are set at the desired angle by turning the control cane. In order for the design to serve the period stated by the manufacturer, you need to know how to use blinds.

Freezing problem

In the summer and off-season, the only problem with opening roller shutters may be their contamination. Whereas in winter, due to the large temperature difference between the room and the street, problems arise with roller shutters freezing from frost. Condensation forms on their surface, which, when cooled, turns into a layer of ice and prevents the canvas from moving. Roller shutters can also freeze after precipitation during the day and subsequent night frosts.

Unlike other options for protecting windows and doors, roller shutters require special attention to defrosting. And, if your roller shutter lock is frozen, it is not recommended to pour boiling water over it like regular keyholes and hinges. By cooling the shutter parts too much, you can easily damage them. If the water is not hot enough, it can quickly cool down and further complicate the situation.

Operating rules

Most often, breakdowns of blind systems are associated with failure of the control mechanism.

To prevent this from happening, you must follow the operating rules:

  1. To rotate the lamellas around their axis by 180 degrees, use a control stick. By changing the angle of the slats, the degree of penetration of sunlight is adjusted, up to complete shading of the room.
  2. Now let's figure out how to raise horizontal blinds. To raise or lower them, you need to set the slats in a horizontal position by turning the cane. After this, by pulling the adjusting cord, you can raise the blade. To lower the canvas, you need to release the cord in the opposite direction. All movements should be smooth, without jerking or haste.

Important! Please note that the canvas can only be lowered to a specified height.

  1. If you need to fix the curtain in a certain position, you need to pull the cord to install the curtain in the right place, and then, without releasing it, move the cord away from the vertical position and release it. Now that you know how to fix the blinds, you can install the curtain in the half-open position.

All actions to open and close the lamellas must be performed without sudden movements, jerks, and without exerting significant effort. If the blinds do not lower or open, a free repair can be carried out if the warranty period has not expired. Otherwise, you can do the repair work yourself, since the design is quite simple, or call a specialist.

Sometimes it happens that the control cord gets frayed. There is nothing wrong with this, because you can buy a new cord and install it yourself in place of the old one. If you are still not confident in your abilities, you can contact the company where you ordered the blinds so that they can carry out all the necessary repair work.

To remove dust from the slats, you can use a vacuum cleaner with a soft furniture attachment, which is turned on at low power, or use a rag. If necessary, wash the canvas with a damp sponge or cloth. They can also be removed from the mount and washed under running water from the shower. Just keep in mind that water should not get into the control mechanism located in the eaves box.

By following the above rules for operating blinds, you can be sure that the structure will serve you for many years while maintaining its original appearance, reliably protecting the room from sunlight.

How to carefully unhook the strips (lamellas)?

There are craftsmen who clean blinds without removing them from the window, but such cleaning cannot be called complete. To effectively remove dirt from them, they need to be removed and washed.

The main task that an inexperienced person faces is not to damage the clamps and the strips themselves. To do this, you must strictly follow the sequence of actions:

  1. Rotate the slats (blind strips) so that they are in the “open” position. To do this, a chain of command is used.

  2. Remove the guide chain from both sides of the bottom weight of each lamella.
  3. Remove the weights from the strip. This is what weight bars are called.
  4. Remove each strip from the curtain rod. The upper part of the lamella is grabbed near the slider and slightly turned, lifting it up by 3-5 mm. There should be a characteristic click. Then the strip is bent towards the long part of the fastening clip and sharply pulled down.

If everything is done correctly, the strip should remain in the person’s hands. A simplified description of the procedure is as follows: “lift, move the plug to the side, pull sharply.”

If the blinds do not turn, the reason lies in a broken guide. Trying to remove the closed strips is strictly prohibited. To troubleshoot problems, you need to call a technician.

Replacing the lift cord in Venetian blinds.

  • 1.Attaching a new cord to the old one. Cut the loop of the old lift cord and pull the loose ends out of the equalizer clip. To calculate the required length of a new cord, multiply the height of the blinds by four. Attach the ends of the new lift cord to the cut ends of the old one with duct tape. If they are nylon, they can be soldered by melting the ends in the flame of a match or lighter, and then clamped by pressing them together with wet fingers. The connections must be snug to fit through the holes in the planks, but also strong enough. If the connections break while pulling the new cord, you will have to remove the top bar to thread the cord through the blocks.

  • 2. Pulling a new cord. Lower the blinds all the way down. Using a piece of folded cardboard, wedge the serrated lock of the lift cord to release the cord. Remove the cap from one end of the lowest bar and pull out the bottom bar. Grab the knotted ends of the old lift cord and gently pull the old cord along with the new one through the slats and top rail.
  • 3. Strengthening the new cord. Once the connection between the old and new lifting cords is through the holes in the bottom bar, cut the connections and tie a knot at each end of the new cord. Throw away the old cord. Pull the wedge out of the lift cord lock. Pull the looped end of the new lift cord taut, check that the blinds are hanging straight, then pass the looped end through the equalizer clamp. Replace the bottom bar and cap.

For owners of private houses, we recommend buying rostavli. They are one of the best means of protecting premises from penetration, prying eyes, and protect from wind, noise, dust and light. Roller shutters have a beautiful appearance, harmoniously fitting into the architecture of the facility.

How to lower the blinds?

To adjust the illumination of the room, the position of the horizontal slats can be controlled. If their plane is installed almost perpendicular to the floor, then the flow of sunlight into the room will be completely blocked. When installing the slats in a position parallel to the floor, maximum daylight will pass through the gaps between the slats. And installing the slats at different angles to the floor plane allows you to regulate the degree of daylight illumination of the room.

In this case, you can not only change the angle of inclination of the slats, but also raise or lower the entire canvas, consisting of individual lamellas. To fully open the window opening, the slats are raised up to the limit, folding them tightly one to the other.

To lower a completely open canvas to a certain level, do the following:

  1. First you need to make sure that the slats themselves are in a strictly horizontal position relative to the plane of the floor. If this is not the case, then you need to turn the control cane in the desired direction so that the slats are in the required position.
  2. After this, move the control cord slightly to the side so that the locking cylinder releases the thread clamp. You need to pull the thread towards the central axis of the curtain. After this, without letting go of the cord, allow it to rise up, retracting into the eaves box. At the same time, the canvas of lamellas will gradually lower.

Attention! Once you pull the control thread to the side and it is released from the clamp, do not let go of it until you bring the blade to the desired position and fix the thread again. Otherwise, the curtain will drop suddenly, which may cause damage.

  1. When the curtain lowers to the position you need, you need to fix the control thread so that the curtain remains in this position. To do this, move the cord away from the vertical position. If the control mechanism is located on the right side of the box, then the cord should be routed to the right side, and if the mechanism is installed on the left side, the cord should also be routed to the left. After this, the fixing cylinder will clamp the thread and the web will be held in its original position.
  2. Now the control cord can be released, the canvas will be lowered to the level you require.

We repair blinds ourselves.

Blinds are a short-lived design. Usually the cords fray, the tapes break, the strips bend or break. Minor faults can be fixed by yourself (table), broken parts must be replaced, and to do this you will have to disassemble the blinds. And if the lifting cord frays, you can thread a new one through the slats and blocks without removing the blinds. Roller blinds most often have two disadvantages. Either the string is loose or too tight. To increase the tension, lower the blind halfway, remove the pin from the clamp and manually lift the blind up. Repeat this procedure until the tension returns to normal. To relieve tension, lift the blind up and remove the flat end pin from the clamp, then manually lower the blind halfway and push the pin into place.

Bottom bars are not horizontal
The slats do not tiltSecure the bands or reins to the tilt tubes with clips or pins
Lubricate the gear with machine oil
Turn the wheel until the teeth are in place
Replace the wheel or pin
The lift cord is not fixedPull the cord at an angle in one direction, then the other to find the position of the lock
Re-thread the cord
Incorrect handling of blindsPull the cord vertically down and point straight up

Closing horizontal blinds

Now let's talk about how to close the blinds. Let's assume that the blinds are in the fully open position, that is, the slats themselves are installed in a strictly horizontal position, and the canvas is completely raised up.

To close the louver structure, do the following:

  • To begin, take the control cord in your hand and move it towards the central axis of the fabric to release the latch that clamps the thread.
  • Then, holding the thread, we allow the curtain to fall to the very end under the weight of the bottom bar.
  • When the window opening is completely covered with horizontal slats, we fix the canvas in this position. To do this, we move the control cord in the opposite direction from the canvas. At this time, the cylinder clamps the thread in the fixation mechanism. After this, the cord can be released.
  • To completely block the access of sunlight to the room, you need to turn the control stick clockwise or counterclockwise. In this case, the plane of the lamella will rotate around its axis and become perpendicular to the floor. Moreover, when the cane is rotated clockwise, the slats will turn their upper plane into the room, and when rotated counterclockwise, the lower plane of the slats will turn into the room.
  • By turning the cane all the way, you will close the blinds completely. There is no need to exert force and rotate the cane more than permissible, because this can lead to its breakage and failure of the control mechanism.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in controlling horizontal blind systems. Moreover, thanks to convenient control mechanisms, blinds can be installed in the desired position, adjusting the illumination of the room.

It is recommended to keep all control mechanisms clean and protected from moisture, as corrosion and dirt can cause these parts to break or not function properly. If any part fails, you can easily replace it yourself, or by turning to a professional for help.

Installation of Venetian blinds.

Two cords regulate the height of the blinds and the tilt of the slats in this mechanism. The tilt cord on the left side is connected (insert) by a pulley, worm gear and tilt pin with bands on the front and back surfaces of the slats. The cord pulls, raising and lowering the tapes, change the inclination of the slats. The lifting cord on the right passes through the pulleys along the top rung and is secured under the bottom rung or bar. Pulling the cord downward presses the bottom bar, and the rest are stacked on it. A balance lock holds the ends of the lift cord together so that the bottom bar is level. The position of the bottom bar is fixed by the serrated lock of the lifting cord; if the cord is pulled in an oblique direction, the teeth will hold it in place. Other Venetian blind designs have stepped reins instead of strips and metal pins instead of a tilt cord. In some models, one ball chain on a pulley system serves both to tilt the slats and to lift the blinds. To remove blinds, remove the clips that secure the strips or reins to the bottom bar or rail. Untie the knots at the ends of the lifting cord and pull it away from the slats and pulleys. Pull the bars out horizontally and disconnect the bands or reins from the tilt pin. To reassemble, repeat the procedure in reverse order.

What to do if the fasteners are broken?

If the fasteners were broken due to careless removal of the strips, you can deal with the problem yourself .
First you need to go to the store and purchase clamps of similar size. They are available in all retail outlets that manufacture and sell blinds. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, it is better to take one mount with you.

First you need to remove it from the guide. If the outermost holder is broken, then there should be no difficulties .

When the fastening located in the middle of the blinds has been damaged, you will need to disassemble them completely by removing the chain. To get to the damaged element, the fastenings surrounding it are removed from the cornice along with the strips.

The lamella is removed only from the damaged holder according to the scheme described above . You need to act carefully so that the damaged plastic element does not tear the fabric strip. After purchasing the desired element, a lamella is inserted into it and the shoulder is returned to its place. All that remains is to hang the blinds back.

Repairing fasteners yourself is not difficult . The services of a master will cost at least 100 rubles per 1 element. At the same time, he will definitely take money for a home visit.

The average rate in Russia is 600 rubles. Thus, repairing one runner will cost 700 rubles. It is much cheaper to buy and install it yourself.

Instructions on how to lower horizontal blinds

An interesting and practical solution in window design are vertical blinds. Thanks to a wide selection of palettes and high-quality materials, they are in perfect harmony in the interior of offices, office premises, various institutions and home dwellings. Ease of use and a high degree of ergonomics allow the use of this category of product both in combination with curtains and for complete replacement of curtain fabric.

There are several types of blinds:

  • Japanese curtains;
  • roll;
  • photo of blinds;
  • pleated;
  • vertical;
  • horizontal.

But no matter what type is preferred, the positive aspects of the acquisition are based on the following principles:

  • Blinds protect the room from direct sunlight on hot summer days.
  • Helps protect furniture and equipment from fading.
  • They play the role of a kind of protection from prying eyes from the street.
  • They create the effect of evenly distributing light throughout the room, helping to increase the illumination of the room.
  • Easy to care for, resistant to moisture and heat.

Blinds ideally combine two main functions:

  1. Sun protection.
  2. Design solution for the interior of windows as curtains. The range of colors will allow you to choose any option acceptable for the room.

Horizontal blinds are considered practical and convenient for domestic use. In order for the structure to last for a long time, you should know how to properly lower horizontal blinds or, if necessary, raise them. To do this, it is important to consider mounting options, they can be:

  • Ceiling mounted (mounted to the ceiling).
  • Wall-mounted. The mount is located on the wall.
  • Window (the mount is located in the window opening).

The ability to raise the blinds or adjust the downward rotation of the slats is done using a rope. The structures are equipped with a special chain and rope, which allow them to be assembled and placed evenly along the height of the entire window opening.

Useful tips

To prevent the process of removing vertical blinds from becoming a serious challenge, you need to take into account the following tips:

  1. Before purchasing blinds, you should ask the seller about possible ways to wash them. You should definitely ask a consultant to show you how to properly remove the strips from the mount and hang them back.
  2. Don't pull the strips down too hard. Movements should be sharp, but without applying significant effort.
  3. In order not to tear off the lamella along with the slider, you need to grab it in close proximity to the hook.
  4. It is not recommended to wash blinds too often. They need to be removed once a year, or as needed (in the presence of heavy contamination). In other cases, it is enough to limit yourself to wet cleaning. You can get rid of dust using a vacuum cleaner.
  5. When removing the slats, you have to climb to a higher elevation. Standing on the windowsill is not recommended. It is better to use a sturdy stool or a reliable table. The support should not be shaky.

How to lower the blinds?

Nowadays you rarely see a house or apartment without decorative items such as blinds. They protect household members from direct sunlight and the prying eyes of strangers. If you purchased horizontal blinds, then some recommendations for their operation will be useful to you. Including how to lower them down or raise them up.

Malfunctions and repairs of different types of blinds

Quite often, fragile structures such as blinds break if used incorrectly. But if you know their structure, you can quite quickly repair blinds at home on your own.

Often, breakdowns of plastic structures are associated with the replacement of slats or components, so when choosing blinds you should definitely pay attention to the fact that the kit includes spare parts.

It is worth knowing what the design of blinds is and what breakdowns are most common in such products.

Correct management

To properly lower horizontal blinds down, you need to use a cane to set the mode you need. By rotating it in a circle, you will definitely choose the best option. With such rotational movements they can be closed or opened. By directing the lamellas downwards, you direct sunlight there; when directing them upwards, the movement will be the opposite. On the right or left side of the cornice there is a rope, which is needed to adjust the height of the device. If you pull it towards you, the lower strips will group like an accordion and rise up, increasing the access of light. By moving the rope from side to side, you will return them to their original position.

You should not make any sudden movements, because the rope may break and the blinds will become unusable.

We figured out how to use these blinds. Now some information about their slightly different species.

There are devices that, instead of a rope, have a chain on one side and the other. Operation in this case will also not be difficult. At the top of the chain on the sides there is a mechanism that allows you to rotate the strips in the desired directions, regulating the access to sunlight. You only need to pull the chain on one side and then on the other to immediately understand the actions taking place with the blinds.

By lowering and raising the blinds several times a day, you will quickly acquire the skill and use it with ease. The main thing is to take your time so that the chains do not get tangled.

To summarize, horizontal blinds are the most practical to use. They are installed in houses, apartments, offices.

To keep your blinds clean, you can periodically wipe them with a damp cloth. You can also do a thorough cleaning by removing them from their mountings and placing the blinds under the shower using detergent. You should not use hot water and a large amount of soap solution or detergent for washing, because the residue from the detergent may damage the blinds. After washing the blinds, you need to dry them thoroughly so that no moisture remains, and then hang them in place. In cases where something goes wrong (the blinds are stuck, the mechanism is jammed, the rope or chain is broken), you should contact a specialist. If you do your own repairs, you risk being left without them.

Aluminum and metal devices do not deteriorate when exposed to sunlight and are considered more practical because they are coated with special paint and can last you a very long time if handled correctly and carefully!

How to hang it back?

It is not difficult to hang the blinds back after washing, since the procedure for removing them has already been mastered.
The procedure is the same, but in the opposite direction:

  • holding the lamella at the base, turn it sideways;
  • the loop is inserted between the clamps - a characteristic click will indicate that it has taken its place;
  • proceed in the same way with all strips;
  • When the slats are hung, weights are installed and chains are attached to them.

All that remains is to enjoy the look of the washed blinds and the freshness in the room.

Principle of operation

The curtains can be raised by pulling the rope located on the side. At the same time, the slats will be pulled towards each other and will gather at the top of the window. It will take some effort to move the heavy slats up.

It is possible to change the illumination of a room using a cane. To do this, rotate the element. During the process, the angles of the lamellas will change.

What's the fastest way?

To properly wash your blinds, you don’t have to spend a lot of time on it. However, you still have to remove the structure from the window.

  1. Move the mechanism to the closed position.
  2. Remove the curtain from the brackets.
  3. Hang the removed part above the bathtub.
  4. Apply active car wash foam.
  5. Wait 2 minutes (or other time indicated on the package).
  6. Rinse off the product with a strong stream of running water from the shower.
  7. Wipe the slats dry.
  8. Spray with antistatic agent.

The contactless car wash product does not damage paint or metal, but is not cheap. However, this option is one of the simplest and most effective.

Instructions on how to lower horizontal blinds

An interesting and practical solution in window design are vertical blinds. Thanks to a wide selection of palettes and high-quality materials, they are in perfect harmony in the interior of offices, office premises, various institutions and home dwellings. Ease of use and a high degree of ergonomics allow the use of this category of product both in combination with curtains and for complete replacement of curtain fabric.

There are several types of blinds:

  • Japanese curtains;
  • roll;
  • photo of blinds;
  • pleated;
  • vertical;
  • horizontal.

But no matter what type is preferred, the positive aspects of the acquisition are based on the following principles:

  • Blinds protect the room from direct sunlight on hot summer days.
  • Helps protect furniture and equipment from fading.
  • They play the role of a kind of protection from prying eyes from the street.
  • They create the effect of evenly distributing light throughout the room, helping to increase the illumination of the room.
  • Easy to care for, resistant to moisture and heat.

How to properly lower blinds

There is nothing difficult about learning how to operate horizontal blinds. The slats lower and rise, and are also fixed with a fairly simple mechanism. However, despite the seemingly ordinary design, it is advisable to adhere to some rules.

How to do it?

Most often, buyers have a question related not to how to raise the blinds, but to how to lower them. In order for them to serve you faithfully for more than one year, you need to know how to use them correctly. The most common material for quality products is aluminum. Because the metal is very resistant to bending and various loads.

Today you can choose blinds for every taste and color. The horizontal version is fixed with an overlay. The most common attributes are a cord and a leash, with which it is easy to lower and raise the slats. This control makes it possible to lower and raise horizontal blinds, as well as secure them in a position convenient for you.

This piece of furniture must be handled extremely carefully so as not to damage the rather fragile structure and extend the life of your blinds. To start lowering them, just pull the lace down.


What do you need to know about this? To install horizontal blinds you do not need to have any special skills. The installation of such a system can be done with your own hands.

It’s enough just to follow the following algorithm of actions:

  1. First, check the mounting surface. The structure of the cornice must be strictly horizontal. If necessary, the surface will need to be leveled. After this, the containers are secured. Dowels can be used for fixation.
  2. The cornice is attached to the brackets using special latches.
  3. The next step is to fix the slats. This is done using special sliders. It is important to follow a strict sequence of actions here. The strips should be hung in the exact order in which they were folded on the roll.
  4. A weighting agent and a connecting chain are attached to each strip. There are special latches on both sides of each weight.
  5. After this, you should check that all elements are placed correctly. If installation was carried out in accordance with the instructions, the strips should move apart easily and smoothly.

Spring mechanism for roller blinds

The choice of roller blinds and their adjustment systems is very diverse. Depending on the type of room, desired qualities and personal preferences, even the most demanding customer can choose roller blinds.

Roller blinds have only recently begun to gain popularity. Thanks to them you can decorate any apartment or cottage. But this requires understanding how these curtains are designed and how to choose them according to your needs.

Features of horizontal structures

With a large selection of different models and types of canvas, vertical blinds still occupy a leading position among the choice of buyers. This design perfectly protects the room from sunlight and heat, diffuses bright light, and also fits well into almost any interior. The practicality and convenience of this type of structure are undeniable, and they are easy to care for. In order to correctly perform simple actions, such as lowering horizontal blinds, you need to know what type of fastening the structure belongs to. It can be:

  • Attached to the ceiling;
  • With wall mount;
  • With fastening in the upper part of a window or decorative niche.

Depending on the mounting location, access to the control mechanism is provided. If the box with the mechanism is located quite high - for example, in the case of ceiling mounting in rooms with high walls and large windows, controls such as the cane and cord must be of appropriate length and strength.

There are three controls in total:

  • The entire box into which the folded sheet of lamellas is assembled;
  • A cane that allows the slats to rotate;
  • Cord that allows you to adjust the length of the fabric.

How do I move window blinds down or up? You must first bring all the blade plates into a horizontal position by turning the cane around its axis. Then, using rope tension, the structure is assembled to the required length. To lower horizontal blinds, you need to pull the cord from the middle of the canvas to the side. The control mechanism is soft and requires smooth, slow movements to avoid damage.

The slats are adjusted using a stick attached to one of the sides of the structure. By turning it around its axis, you can tilt the slats at the required angle, receiving the required amount of lighting or completely closing the room from the sun and prying eyes.

Manufacturers offer several types of blinds

  • Vertical;
  • Horizontal;
  • Accordion or pleated;
  • Roll type of folding.

Vertical blinds have the form of vertical slats (strips) connected to each other, which move around their axis using a plastic chain. And also, they can be moved left or right.

The operating principle of horizontal blinds is the same as vertical ones. Only folding occurs from bottom to top.

Pleated - they look like an accordion, for this they are impregnated with special means so that they keep their corrugated shape. They can be attached to both a plastic window and a window opening.

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