How long does it take to soak herring in milk?

When cutting up salted herring, you can find caviar or milt in it. They can be placed in a herring bowl and served along with pieces of fillet in mustard, wine or other sauce. However, the milk of fresh or lightly salted fish itself can be the basis of delicious dishes. Appetizers made from herring milk can be hot or cold, and a number of them are even suitable for a holiday table.

How to remove excess salt from sprat?

When all the sprat is put in a container for salting, put pressure on the fish and put it in the refrigerator. After 3-4 hours, the fish can be eaten. After salting, the sprat will release juice. To remove excess salt from fish that has not dissolved, simply rinse the sprat in boiled water.

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What does milk give?

Why is fish soaked for dietary purposes? Herring, like other types of fish, is often used in various diets. Herring is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and amino acids, which are not produced by the body. Vitamin D is necessary for the skeletal system, and vitamin A is necessary for vision. But salt harms the kidneys and organs of the cardiovascular system. Soaking herring allows people with problems with the kidneys, heart and gastrointestinal tract to consume the product.

Milk adds a sweet taste and makes the meat tender and airy. The product loses less beneficial properties and remains greasy. Milk removes salt, but adds microorganisms to the fish, which reduce shelf life. Therefore, it is necessary to soak the product immediately before eating.

National dish of Latvia

Herring with milk is the national dish of Latvia, called silkumaizee.

Step-by-step cooking recipe:

  1. Peel the herring, cut the fillets into small slices and pour in the milk.
  2. Mash the boiled eggs with a fork and add to the mixture, mix well.
  3. Add a tablespoon of vegetable oil and mustard powder, chopped dill.
  4. Cut the rye bread into slices and place in the oven.
  5. Then apply a layer of butter, and put the herring mass and cut sausage on top.
  6. Bake until the fish is done. The time depends on the number of products taken.

Salted herring pate - a classic recipe with butter and carrots

Traditionally, the pate was prepared this way, but then they began to add other ingredients.


  • Whole herring.
  • Medium sized carrot.
  • Butter - a pack.
  • Processed cheese “Friendship” – 2 pcs.

How to do:

  1. Boil the carrots, cool, and peel.
  2. Clean the fish, remove the entrails, cut off the head, tail, fins, and pull out the backbone. Divide into two fillets, carefully select all the bones.
  3. Pass the prepared ingredients through a meat grinder.
  4. Add oil. Carefully grind the mass so that it takes on the consistency of pate. When serving, garnish with chopped herbs.

If you want the herring spread to become more uniform, pass the products through a meat grinder twice.

Cooking features

  • In order for frozen herring milk to retain its good shape and be easier to cut, you need to defrost the fish in natural conditions, without exposing it to sudden temperature changes, and start cutting it without waiting for it to thaw completely. To chop fish milk, you need to use a sharp knife, otherwise there is a risk of turning it into a shapeless mass.
  • Herring milk has a slightly bitter taste. Snacks from them turn out to be more harmonious in terms of their organoleptic qualities if they include products with a sweetish taste (carrots, fried onions, beets, gherkins marinated in a sweet sauce).
  • If the herring from which the milk was taken was over-salted, it would not hurt to soak them in milk first. Sometimes fresh milk is soaked in it to reduce its inherent bitterness.
  • Milk dishes will have a more refined taste if they are cleared of films before cooking.

Herring milk appetizers can be served separately or with a side dish. Potatoes are best suited for this, combined with milk and rice.

Jewish herring

Forshmak in Odessa is the simplest Jewish recipe, which has deservedly become a national dish. Russian housewives like to prepare this dish. The recipe will not take much time, and you will also need affordable ingredients. It is impossible to over-salt the dish, even if the herring is very salty. A bun soaked in milk adds juiciness and neutralizes the salt, while vinegar and butter add a piquant flavor to the finished product.


  • 500 g fish fillet;
  • 1/2 cup milk;
  • 4 slices of loaf;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 2 tsp. mustard;
  • 2 tsp. vinegar;
  • 1 onion;
  • 60 ml oil.

Step-by-step recipe with photos:

  1. Place the loaf in milk to soften.
  2. Separate the yolk and grind with mustard, add a little oil.
  3. Grind the onion, fillet, whites and loaf, mix everything and mix with the yolk, pour in the oil and vinegar.

Of course, this is a simplified version of Jewish forshmak, but it’s easy to prepare, spread on a piece of bread and have a snack.


You need to pour fresh milk over the fish; there is no need to boil it.

  1. Spicy salted fish, fatty, Atlantic and smoked herring are not soaked.
  2. To save milk, it is diluted with water in the same proportion and poured into the fish.
  3. You can also use other dairy products, such as whey, kefir, and yogurt.
  4. If the fish fillet is too soft, you can add vegetable oil to the herring. Place the pieces in a container and pour in oil to cover completely. Place in the refrigerator for a couple of days.
  5. Onions will help improve taste. Peel the vegetable, cut into half rings, add sugar, salt, vinegar and mash with your hands, then let stand for 10 minutes and add pieces of fish. Onions add a delicious flavor.

Express method

An emergency option for getting rid of salt is to immerse low-fat herring in hot, but not boiling, water for 1–2 minutes. Then hold under running water for 5-10 minutes. This will soften the taste somewhat.

By reducing the salt level by soaking, you wash out proteins, essential mineral salts and nitrogenous substances from the fish. This devalues ​​the product in terms of benefits and may negatively affect the taste.

In the post about baked potatoes (previous), they asked me to talk about herring with milk, for which these same potatoes were prepared.

Pickled herring. In milk.

In the post about baked potatoes (previous), they asked me to talk about herring with milk, for which these same potatoes were prepared.

I pass the floor further to Pavel (my friend, who is also the author of this).

In fact, the recipe is old Ukrainian, but few people remember it. But in vain. The herring turns out delicious, very tender and pickles very quickly.

So, let's take the herring. Preferably fresh or chilled, but frozen will do. Defrost, naturally, at room temperature, without speeding up the process. All proportions for 2 herrings, weighing 650-700 grams in total.

In general, we have two herrings with sad eyes.

We gut them, cut off their heads.

It is highly desirable that at least one of them comes with milk, preferably both. Place the milk in an enamel or glass container. You can whole, you can cut. If you cut it, it will be more convenient later.

Next we will need spices: coriander (1 teaspoon), cardamom (husk 3-4 pieces), fennel (half a teaspoon), thyme (without stems, topped tablespoon). Pepper(s) to taste.

Another small bay leaf (finely broken), a couple of large sprigs of fresh dill (torn with your hands) and about a tablespoon of mustard. Stop, dill and bay leaf later.

A heaping tablespoon of salt, a teaspoon of sugar.

Pour in half a glass of milk, 1-1.5 tablespoons of vinegar and thoroughly grind everything together.

If you haven’t cut the milk, be sure to press it all the way through with a spoon.

But then we mix in the laurel and dill.

Next you need a large onion, a medium cucumber and 100 grams of champignons. Ideally, of course, there should be boiled porcini mushrooms (you can use dried ones - soak and cook a little), but it’s also very tasty with champignons.

Cut the cucumber into fairly thick semicircles, the onion into half rings, and stir in.

Wash the mushrooms, dry them and chop them into large pieces. Add about another glass of milk and stir. You can test for salt and acid; if necessary, add 0.5-1 tablespoon of vinegar and/or about half a spoon of salt.

In the meantime, separate the fillet and select as many bones as possible from it.

Cut into pieces as you like.

And mix well. If necessary, you can add more milk - about one and a half glasses in total.

Cover and place in a cool place for 4-5 hours. If you put it in the refrigerator, for 5-6 hours. It is advisable to stir periodically.

Now the herring is ready!

Bon appetit everyone!

Me again, serhiy1994. Just wanted to say that there will be new posts in about a week.

Good night everybody.

No duplicates found

Is fennel a control for those who think they can keep it in themselves?

then it was necessary to take a pickled cucumber instead of a fresh one

No, well, I myself am not a cook, of course. But simply, after reading the title of the post, an ancient joke immediately came to mind:

A man comes to the doctor and complains:

-Something, doctor, lately I’ve been really attracted to men.

I'm married and have children. What should I do?

-There is one Russian folk remedy. Take a large saucepan

10 liters. Pour milk into it, finely chop the cucumber there,

watermelon, melon, apple, add a little horseradish, mustard, yeast

and put on 2-3 for warm. Then remove the foam and use large

Drink in sips, drink as much as you can. And then you will understand why

Cucumbers are friends with tomatoes

Another myth: tomatoes should not be eaten with potatoes and carbohydrate foods. And therefore, the classic gastronomic pairing - spaghetti with tomato sauce - is dangerous. Here is the explanation: “The acid found in tomatoes prevents the body from absorbing beneficial substances from potatoes (and pasta), and starch will deprive tomatoes of the beneficial qualities, and the vegetables will fall as a useless load into the stomach.”

“This is gastroenterological folklore, that’s not how digestion works,” says Dr. Spakhov. — A salad with tomatoes and just the tomatoes themselves will make the potatoes less harmful and will not interfere with the digestion and assimilation of each other. Our body produces enzymes to break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates at the same time, and there are practically no foods that consist only of protein, fat or carbohydrates. Therefore, the principles of separate nutrition do not correspond to reality. They were invented by people who have little knowledge of the physiology of digestion.

I often read that you can’t make a tomato and cucumber salad. Allegedly, the latter contain the enzyme ascorbinase, which destroys vitamin C in tomatoes - and this is exactly what happens in salad. All wrong! If you turn tomatoes and cucumbers into a liquid mixture with a mixer and leave them for a long time, then this will happen. In salad, the scale of this biochemical reaction is negligible, because contact of the enzyme with the vitamin is possible only on the surface of the segments. In addition, this process occurs not only in salad, but also simply when you cut a tomato, cucumber, bell pepper or apple. After all, any gifts of nature containing ascorbic acid also contain the enzyme ascorbinase. On the surface of the cut, it comes out of damaged cells and is activated by oxygen. But the loss of vitamin C is negligible. There is no need to worry about this."

What to “marry” porridge with? More details

Potential Harm

Considering that most people prefer to eat herring lightly salted, it is important not to overdo it with portions. Remember, 1 gram of table salt binds up to 100 milliliters of water, causing dehydration. This is especially fraught in the summer, when due to the heat a person intensively loses moisture through sweat. 100 grams of Pacific salted herring contains 14.8 grams of salt, and lightly salted herring contains 6.3 grams. To restore the water-salt balance in the body after consuming the product, you need to drink at least 1 liter of water. Oversaturation of the body with salt increases the load on the heart and causes fluid retention.

In addition, the harm of fish is associated with its ability to secrete the amino acid tyramine, which is formed during the process of tissue decay of protein-containing products. The substance reduces serotonin levels, increasing blood pressure and causing migraines. Therefore, doctors recommend that people with impaired kidney function, suffering from edema of various etiologies and hypertensive patients not get carried away with this product.

For ulcers, enterocolitis, gastritis with high acidity, fish is allowed to eat no more than 100 grams per day, boiled or soaked in milk, strong tea (to reduce the salt content in it and, as a result, reduce the irritant effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines) .

The presence of tyramine makes herring dangerous for people taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs). The combination of an amino acid with a drug can cause intracranial bleeding.

The beneficial and harmful properties of herring directly depend on the ecology of the world: all seafood accumulates toxic compounds from the environment during its life cycle. Biphenyls and dioxins destroy the endocrine system, reduce libido, cause endometriosis in women, suppress the immune system, and cause infertility. The concentration of toxic compounds depends on the size and age of the fish. To avoid poisoning the body, experts recommend eating herring, the length of which does not exceed 17 centimeters (without restrictions). While the intake of large fish should be reduced to twice a week.

Can a pregnant woman, nursing mother and children eat herring?

Doctors do not strictly prohibit the consumption of fish for these categories of people. However, during breastfeeding, carefully monitor the baby's reaction to milk after taking herring. Remember, any fish is a strong allergen, so it should be consumed in reasonable quantities in the absence of contraindications.

Why do you need to soak herring?

For a long time, fish was very well and abundantly salted for long-term storage. Before use, it was poured with water, tea, and milk to get rid of excess salt and improve the taste. The old recipe is still used today. Milk makes the meat more tender, and strong tea makes it stronger; thanks to the tanning components, the product does not spread or fall apart when cut.

Herring is devoid of carbohydrates and is allowed as part of a diet. But salt is harmful to the body and is excluded from nutrition in most diets. Therefore, for many people, overly salted herring is contraindicated for dietary purposes or it requires soaking.

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