Instructions for using FAS sulfur grenade to control rodents indoors

The product is intended to combat insect pests, rodents, as well as some pathogenic microorganisms. Instructions for use of the FAS sulfur bomb indicate the toxicity of the components included in its composition. Therefore, the product must be used strictly in accordance with the recommendations.

Description of the product, composition

FAS sulfur bomb is a universal remedy for getting rid of crop pests and pathogens of fungal and bacterial infections.
It can be used in garages and basements, warehouses and sheds, barns and greenhouses. However, processing should be carried out taking into account consumption rates and adhering to the algorithm, which is detailed in the instructions for use of the FAS sulfur block. A sulfur bomb resembles a cylindrical or triangular smoke grenade. The body is made of polycarbonate, which prevents complete combustion of the product. The product has a long wick, which ensures safe use for humans. The total weight of the block is 300 g, of which 80% of the active substance is sulfur. According to the instructions for use of the FAS sulfur block, the consumption of the product is 1 block per 5-10 m3.

For large rooms, you can use several checkers, laying them out and lighting them, moving towards the exit.

Sulfur block for polycarbonate greenhouse

The sulfur block can be used in any greenhouses made of polycarbonate or with film and glass coating, if the frame is made of wooden beams and bars. Metal surfaces are oxidized by the action of the sulfur bomb, so the greenhouse on such racks can be damaged.

There are recommendations for pre-coating metal structures, including galvanized profiles, before treatment with special compounds, but this is a rather labor-intensive task and not always reliable. Although the aluminum profile, as a rule, does not suffer.

The polycarbonate itself from the sulfur bomb does not noticeably deteriorate - it does not become cloudy or crack, unless the dosage is exceeded; much more often it is destroyed by climatic factors - bright sun and frost. Manufacturers indicate the chemical compatibility of polycarbonate: “requires precautions with sulfurous acid (sulfur dioxide),” and is not resistant to sulfuric acid. Indeed, there are known cases when a slight clouding of polycarbonate occurred after sulfur bombs. To avoid this, you simply need to wipe all polymer surfaces dry before fumigation.

Application area

The product is used to treat different types of premises. It is effective in the following cases:

  • destruction of bacteria, mold and its spores;
  • repelling moles, mice, rats;
  • destruction and repelling of insect pests (ants, cockroaches, ticks and bedbugs, as well as their larvae);
  • neutralization of pathogenic microorganisms in greenhouses several weeks before planting;
  • drying rooms with high humidity.

Of course, the product cannot completely solve the mold problem. To do this, you will first need to find out the reason for its occurrence and solve it.

The use of sulfur bombs for residential premises is unacceptable. Active substances have a negative effect on indoor plants, animals and humans. To kill rodents and insects in houses and apartments, you should use a safe product.

Gas protection

You can protect yourself from toxic sulfur anhydride using a gas mask. A respirator and safety glasses can be used, but only if the treatment area is small and a maximum of two tablets is used.

As a rule, two people carry out the processing. One controls the process, and the other processes the room. If the floor in the greenhouse is wooden, you cannot place a saber with a wick on it. A basin or other objects are usually used for this.

You cannot be distracted by food or drink liquids during the process. There should be no children or animals nearby. Immediately after setting fire, a person must leave the room; being among the smoke is extremely dangerous. If several checkers are set on fire, they should be lit in such order that the handler moves towards the exit and has time to get out before the smoke starts to flow.

Operating principle

During the combustion process, the sulfur bomb releases substances that affect pests. After the lit fuse burns out, the checker itself begins to smolder. At this time, sulfur dioxide is released - anhydride. With the help of air draft, the substance fills the entire space in the room. During this time, disinfection occurs.

The FAS sulfur bomb is considered one of the most effective, since it easily copes with its task even in those rooms where other means are powerless. A positive result is achieved due to the property of gas to gradually fill the entire space, including small cracks.

Disadvantages and pros

Like any fungicide, a smoke bomb has positive and negative sides. Disadvantages include:

  • high degree of toxicity of the emitted smoke;
  • the toxic substance is absorbed into vegetables and fruits;
  • oxidation of metals was observed during use;
  • fire hazard: the product may ignite flammable materials;
  • water poisoning: if ground flows come close to the soil surface, the saber should not be used to treat the basement;
  • poor penetration into soil and wood: fungal spores and pests, without prior preparation, remain in the thickness of the black soil, and mold remains in the boards;
  • destruction of plants: burns remain on living crops after exposure.

Despite the long list of disadvantages, this product also has advantages. For example:

  • efficiency;
  • sufficient efficiency;
  • ease of use;
  • convenience;
  • safety during ignition: before combustion begins, the wick pauses for 1 to 2 minutes.

Next, we’ll take a closer look at when it’s worth treating a greenhouse with a sulfur bomb.

Step-by-step instructions for using FAS sulfur block

Before using a sulfur bomb, you must perform a number of actions:

  1. First of all, everything that can be taken out should be removed from the room being treated, especially food, including canned food.
  2. Treat metal surfaces with a corrosion inhibitor, as anhydride significantly accelerates metal corrosion. All metal structures can be coated with grease or paint.
  3. In the room being treated, you need to carefully cover the cracks, openings, ventilation shafts, and also seal the windows and doors. You can use tape for these purposes.
  4. On the floor, away from flammable devices and substances, you need to build a kind of pedestal on which to place the saber. Bricks are suitable for this.
  5. Before setting fire to a sulfur bomb, you need to firmly install it, remove the protective film, then insert the wick into the bomb.
  6. As soon as a small amount of smoke appears, you must leave the room.
  7. After closing the front door behind you, seal the cracks with tape.

The combustion process will take from 30 to 90 minutes. After this, you cannot enter the premises for two days. All this time the disinfection process will take place. Next, ventilation is necessary for two days. If after this the smell of sulfur is felt in the room, the duration of ventilation should be increased.

It is better to carry out disinfection work together. When preparing the room, you can use four hands. Next, one sets fire to the checkers, and the second leaves the room, acting as a belayer.

Five proven methods for killing mice in the garage

Rodents in a garage can destroy wiring in a car and thoroughly damage expensive upholstery in one day. Not everyone wants to keep a cat in the garage - the main reason is unpleasant odors that cannot be avoided. How can you get mice and rats out of your garage?

The first method is traditional mousetraps.

Mechanical destruction and disposal of captured rodents is not a pleasant task. Mousetraps should be installed near the holes, “loaded” with treats for mice, and then the killed rodents should be taken out and thrown away.

It is not necessary to install traditional mousetraps with a spring mechanism - there are simpler methods for catching rodents:

  • three-liter glass jar - bait (lard, cheese, sausage) is placed inside the jar. Now we need to create a bridge over the can so that the mouse can climb into it. To do this, place the jar under a low stool, on which we place a board. The mouse gets into the jar along the board, but can no longer get out of it. All that remains is to take out and destroy the rodent,
  • glue trap - the idea is that a bait is placed in the center, and the mice simply stick to the cardboard. The unpleasant thing is that you have to throw them away regularly,
  • with rats it is more difficult, you need a special powerful rat trap, rats are easily released from the mousetrap.

You can catch one or two mice using this method. But, if mice or rats have taken up residence in the garage or regularly come from neighbors, then more radical methods are needed.

The most effective mouse trap baits:

  • The best bait is grain and any cereals. In nature, mice do not often see cheese, but eat food that is familiar to them. The ideal solution is fragrant bread with the addition of bran and nuts,
  • sunflower oil (unrefined), moisten grain or plain bread,
  • Rodents love sesame oil - this is the best bait.

DIY glue trap:

  • pour glue into a small tray (a special one is sold in the store), it does not dry out for a long time,
  • We place bait in the center - a piece of bread,
  • We place a homemade glue mousetrap in a secluded place in the garage.

Now all that remains is to remove the mice from the adhesive base and throw them away.

The second method is pesticides

The poison is placed near mouse holes, mixed with bait (boiled egg, minced meat). There is one big drawback to this method - a poisoned mouse can die under the finishing. The result is an unpleasant smell in the garage.

Therefore, you need to choose pesticides that act on the respiratory system of rodents. In this case, they crawl out of their holes and dead individuals can be easily thrown away.

The third method is sulfur bomb

How to get mice out of the garage quickly? A sulfur bomb will help, but in order for the treatment to be effective, you need to carefully close all ventilation pipes and ensure that the room is completely sealed.

Within two days there will be no rodents in a room treated with a sulfur smoke bomb. There is also a minus - the smell of sulfur eats into wooden and fabric surfaces for a long time.

Another disadvantage is that sulfur, when it enters into a chemical combination with metal, can cause rapid corrosion when humidity increases.

The fourth method is rodent repellers

For a small garage, this method is effective, since the rodents do not like the low frequency sound, and they leave. It must be taken into account that low-power devices, they are usually inexpensive, household ones, do not pass through partitions, even wooden ones.

Therefore, you need to choose professional repellers for the garage; they cost about 5,000 rubles, no less.

The fifth method is the most effective, deratization

Calling specialists will cost approximately 2,000 rubles, depending on the region. A comprehensive garage treatment is guaranteed to keep mice away for at least six months. You won’t have to deal with unpleasant procedures for catching and destroying rodents.

This is the best solution on how to get rid of mice and rats in the garage forever.

Important. Mice and rats enter the garage through voids and holes in the walls and ceiling

If you carefully fill all the gaps and install protective nets on the ventilation pipes, then rodents simply will not enter the room.

Instructions for the use of FAS sulfur bombs in premises for various purposes

The rules for using sulfur bombs against mold, pests and small rodents are the same for all premises. However, there are some nuances that must be observed for a more effective result.

Greenhouse treatment

A smoke bomb for treating a greenhouse against rodents and insects is quite effective. However, it is important to consider some nuances. If the soil contamination is minor, it will be enough to treat once. The best time for this is autumn, when the harvest has already been harvested.

The greenhouse is treated, ventilated and left until next year. Before use, it is important to clean the soil and moisten it. If the soil is significantly damaged by microorganisms and other pests, the treatment can be repeated in the spring.

It is important to apply the product no later than 3-4 weeks before planting seedlings.

Cellar treatment

Using a sulfur bomb for a cellar or basement also has its own subtleties. Before processing begins, you need to remove all food, even canned food. Smoke will gradually fill the entire space in the room over two days.

During this period, the ventilation openings should be tightly covered. Then they need to be opened for ventilation, which will also take several days. Only after this will it be possible to carry out the necessary work in the basement or cellar. Please note that the smoldering of a checker in the cellar may be longer than in other rooms. This is due to increased humidity and dampness.

Bath treatment

Sulfur sauna bombs are often used against fungi and bacteria. It is effective against many types of mold and its spores. Smoke destroys mold even in hard-to-reach places. However, the components of the product can significantly damage the fittings in the steam room. All metal structures will be susceptible to corrosion and will require treatment before use.

After using the FAS sulfur bomb, it is necessary to ventilate the room for several days, and then wash the steam room with a solution of laundry soap.

Consumption rates

  • for disinfection of greenhouses, hotbeds, sheds, greenhouses sulfur bomb Climate (Green Belt) – 300 g per 20 m3
  • for the disinfection of greenhouses, hotbeds, sheds, conservatories, sulfur bomb FAS - 60 g/m3
  • for disinfecting cellars, sulfur bomb Climate (Green Belt) – 300 g per 10 m3
  • for disinfection of cellars sulfur block FAS – 30-60 g/m3

When to treat

Fumigation of greenhouses, hotbeds and greenhouses can be carried out in the fall, after harvesting and cleaning of plant debris.

You can also treat greenhouses in the spring, when the ground has warmed up enough for planting, before planting seedlings, or immediately after sowing the seeds (strictly before germination).

The lower the soil temperature, the stronger the absorption of sulfuric acid. Therefore, the optimal processing time is when the soil temperature is about 10 degrees or higher.

If you use a smoke bomb in the spring, before planting, it is advisable to subsequently spill the soil with phytosporin to restore beneficial microflora.

Security measures

The smoke bomb from mice and insects belongs to the fourth hazard class (low-hazardous compound), therefore during storage it cannot have a harmful effect on humans, domestic animals and plants. In the process of combustion and the release of harmful components, the hazard class changes to the second.

That is why it is important to process the premises wearing rubber gloves and a respirator. It is also necessary to use a protective apron and clothing that is not needed in everyday life.

Immediately after treatment, you need to take a shower, wash clothes, rinse your mouth and rinse your nose with a salt solution.

Since a smoke bomb is a fire hazard, it should not be used near flammable devices and substances.

Review of manufacturers

There are several types of smoke bombs available in specialized stores. The most popular among them are:

  • "Pawn-S", "Pawn-B" - have proven themselves well in polycarbonate greenhouses. The sulfur in them is not compressed, but poured. It operates on the principle of a pesticide aerosol, filling greenhouses not with smoke, but with microparticles of sulfur. With this method, the amount of sulfuric acid is much lower than the limit. It is advisable to have forced ventilation in the room being treated, and then leave it closed for at least 12 hours to allow the aerosol to settle. Price from 400 rub.

  • "Climate" - represented by large tablets, collected 5-10 pieces in cylinders, and a wick. Both one tablet and the entire pyramid are set on fire. Disinfects greenhouses in 36 hours. The basement should be disinfected at least 5 days before planting the crop. The price of a package (10 tablets) is within 70 rubles.

  • "FAS" - one of the most affordable sulfur bombs. It looks like a smoke grenade, and is also enclosed in a polycarbonate casing. Can be produced in the form of a triangle or a cylinder. Comes with a wick. It is extremely toxic and requires long-term ventilation at the end of the treatment process. It is prohibited to light in sheds where livestock will presumably be kept. Price from 90 rub.

In addition to smoke sulfur bombs, tobacco and permethrin bombs are also produced. They have a third hazard class. These devices are approved for use in the presence of animals, in general premises, are not toxic to living plants and are harmful to parasitic insects. Among them it is necessary to note:

  • "Volcano" - consists of tobacco dust, but it is still not recommended to be nearby. Costs from 200 rubles;

  • "Hephaestus" - has a tobacco component, so it can be used next to living plants (on average 250 rubles);

  • "Whist" - fights various fungi and lasts for more than six months. Available at a price (from 50 rubles).

In general, treating a room using a sulfur bomb is not difficult. The main thing is to take precautions, strictly follow the instructions and do not smoke in the presence of animals and people. And regular use of the product will save you from mold in the corners of the basement and pests in greenhouses.

Symptoms of poisoning

At the first symptoms of poisoning after treating the premises or during the procedure, you must call an ambulance.

The following symptoms will indicate sulfur poisoning:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, nosebleeds;
  • heaviness in the chest area;
  • cough, sore throat, wheezing;
  • pain in the eyes, lacrimation.

Only a medical team can provide competent assistance; you should not treat yourself. Delayed assistance or its complete absence can lead to serious complications, in some cases death.

How to use a sulfur bomb

  1. The checker is fireproof. Before using it, it is necessary to remove metal objects and the entire crop from the greenhouse or greenhouse, and cover the remaining metal parts with grease to avoid damage.
  2. All openings must be insulated: the greenhouse must be airtight.
  3. Loosen the soil as thoroughly as possible so that the smoke penetrates its structure and thoroughly neutralizes it.

Photo: Thoroughly loosen the soil before disinfection.

  1. Calculate the optimal amount of fungicides. To do this you need to know the consumption rates. Usually - about 60 g per cubic meter, therefore, a standard block is enough to process five cubic meters. Distribute the products evenly over the soil surface. And due to the strong heating during combustion, it is better to place them on bricks.

Photo: Be sure to wear personal protective equipment before disinfection.

  1. All that remains is to quickly light the wicks, moving from the farthest checker to the nearest one. Leave the scene as quickly as possible, closing the door behind you as tightly as possible.

First aid to the victim

The main thing is to provide the poisoned person with access to fresh air. To do this, you need to unfasten the collar and open the windows. You can drop some nasal medication into the nasal cavity. Rinse the nose and have the victim rinse their mouth with a weak salt solution. Then put him on the bed and then follow the recommendations of the medical professional.

Sulfur bomb against bacteria, insects and rodents is quite an effective remedy. But at the same time, it can be very dangerous in the wrong hands. Before use, you will need to carefully read the instructions for use. At the first signs of poisoning, you should call an ambulance.

Precautionary measures

Sulfur bombs have a high hazard class 2, which means they are harmful and even dangerous to humans if precautions are not taken.

Inhaling even small amounts of acrid smoke can cause food poisoning. Staying indoors after activating a sulfur bomb can be fatal. It is also unsafe to use these products in close proximity to flammable objects and substances, as this can lead to a fire.

Before lighting the wick of a sulfur bomb, you must wear gloves, a respirator or gas mask, safety glasses, as well as clothing and shoes that cover exposed skin. After activating the product, you must immediately leave the room being treated and close the door tightly. You cannot go inside until fumigation is completed.

Attention! According to the instructions for use, it is prohibited to use sulfur bombs for fumigating residential premises in apartment buildings. In case of violation of this condition, criminal liability is provided.


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