Why old people smell and how to eliminate the unkempt smell

Features of habits

Many older people have to live alone.
Lack of constant communication leads to depression, a symptom of which can be collecting. It involves storing old household items that have an unpleasant odor. And combined with constantly closed windows and lack of regular cleaning, the smell in the room is musty. The passion for hoarding is also characteristic of senile dementia. Due to the fact that older people have problems with blood circulation, even in summer they cover themselves with a warm blanket and wear thick clothes. The skin of older people produces more substances that cause unpleasant odor. And washing things rarely happens.

Causes of a specific odor from older people

Scientists conduct laboratory research every day to better study the processes occurring in the human body. Similar interest has focused on factors that influence age-related changes in body odor.

  • During old age, the human body begins to produce chemicals called nonenals. They come out through the skin and create that very odorous “haze” around a person. In essence, nonenals are close to pheromones, but they do not signal sexual attraction, but rather the completion of these processes and the onset of old age.
  • It is possible that the smell is due to a weak bladder. Old people have a reduced sense of smell, so they are not always able to notice this nuance
  • The cause may be diabetes. When blood sugar levels rise sharply, the body's immune functions weaken. It cannot resist the effects of bacteria that actively multiply on the skin, emitting an unpleasant odor.
  • Often the body odor of older people can change due to the use of medications.
  • Waste and toxins in the human body create a foul odor

Often, an unpleasant odor comes from a person for several reasons. It is so stable that simply airing it out cannot be removed. Those people who have been to nursing homes and other places where the elderly gather have probably heard a similar smell and will not confuse it with anything else.

Why young people can smell old

Sometimes young people smell the same as old people. At first the thought comes to mind that they live with elderly relatives in the same apartment, so the smell has been absorbed into their things. But in fact, there are several more reasons for the smell of old age from the body of a young man or woman.

  1. Hormonal imbalance in the body. This occurs more often in women, although men should not discount this possibility. An imbalance of sex hormones causes changes in the functioning of many organs and systems of the body, including the functioning of the sex and sweat glands.
  2. Poor nutrition and bad habits. If the organs of the excretory system cannot cope with decay products, then the skin begins to help with this, which leads to the appearance of unpleasant aromas. The reason may be frequent smoking or drinking large quantities of alcohol, or it may be the frequent consumption of strongly aromatic foods such as onions or garlic.
  3. Some diseases. Many serious pathologies can cause deterioration of body odor. Therefore, if such a smell appears in young people, it is recommended to visit a doctor.
  4. Lack of hygiene. This reason is more common in men than in women. If you wear the same clothes for a long time and do not use the shower, then over time the smell of a young man will become approximately the same as that of an old man.

Most often, there is more than one reason for the appearance of an old smell from a young person - that is, such an amber will not appear only from smoking, notes komy-za30 ru. But if there are any diseases that cause changes in the aroma, and bad habits are added to them, then the probability increases significantly.

How to get rid of the old man's smell?

The answer to this question is hidden in the previous paragraph. If the causes of the unpleasant odor are known, you should try to eliminate them. If the main problem is unsanitary conditions, you need to focus on the old person’s hygiene. If he cannot independently carry out water procedures, cleaning and washing, the performance of these functions should be taken over by someone who can do it. If the cause of the unpleasant odor is due to poor diet, work on this issue. Older people should eat healthy foods at regular times. It is best to give preference to steamed dishes.

Special household appliances for removing odors

Modern industry offers a number of special household appliances that will help eliminate unpleasant odors in the room:

  • Dry fog generator. The operation of the device is as follows: microscopic crystals are sprayed from the generator nozzle, neutralizing odors. Outwardly, the process looks as if a slight haze of fog appears in the room. Microparticles are so small that they can penetrate into every thing in the room. Unpleasant odors disappear completely.
  • Household air ozonizer. The device rids the apartment of persistent odor, destroys germs, viruses and bacteria, and is inexpensive. The only drawback of the device is the inability to use it when there are people in the room. The operating principle is as follows: the device produces ozone, a volatile gaseous substance that can penetrate the microscopic pores of things and surfaces. The gas enters into a chemical reaction with molecules, destroys them, which leads to the disappearance of the stench.

Eliminating odor with additional hygiene products

If the old smell is caused by illness, look for an opportunity to eliminate the disease or its consequences. For example, if an elderly person suffers from urinary incontinence, urological pads and diapers for adults can be purchased at pharmacies. An important condition for eliminating stench in an apartment is regularly changing absorbent devices. The discharge of an old person has a rather pungent and persistent odor, so avoid storing used diapers in the house. In addition, you can act on other fronts. Prepare infusions for a pensioner to strengthen the bladder. This may not radically change the situation, but it will be a good preventive measure.

Indoor air freshening

It will not be possible to ventilate the apartment after your grandparents in a day. To make the process go faster, it is recommended to use household appliances that purify the air. The following devices will help solve the problem of how to remove the smell from the apartment after grandma:

  1. Fan. One of the simplest and most affordable household appliances that can be used to improve air circulation. However, the fan will not be able to effectively cope with the problem. It is better to use it as an aid.
  2. Air purifier. This device works much more efficiently than a fan, since it doesn’t just move air masses around the apartment, but passes them through itself, simultaneously cleaning them from all impurities. An air purifier can literally improve the atmosphere in your apartment .
  3. Ozonizer. The device removes unpleasant odors very quickly. A very big advantage of the ozonizer is its ability to disinfect the air.
  4. Ionizer. The device refreshes and humidifies the air, but its effect will only be noticeable if other measures are taken in parallel with its operation.

The air will become cleaner if you use an ionizer, air purifier, osanator

The use of devices will help remove the smell if an elderly relative has moved into the house for some time and as a result a strange aroma has appeared. In order to completely eliminate the senile smell, after purifying the air in the room, you need to take a few more finishing steps.

Water treatments

As for water procedures, you need to take into account that with age, a person’s skin becomes thinner and easier to injure. When bathing a pensioner, use soft washcloths so as not to discourage him from visiting the bathroom. To eliminate unpleasant odors, it would be useful to use aromatic shower gels. By the way, for a good result, an elderly person should take a shower daily. If a pensioner is able to go to the bathroom on his own, take care of his safety:

  • lay down anti-slip mats
  • install a special grab bar in the shower
  • please leave the bathroom door open just in case

Don't let older people skip brushing their teeth every day to prevent bad breath. Important! Keep the clothes of the elderly clean, change their underwear and socks daily. If an elderly relative is sick and on bed rest, wipe them down with a damp towel once a day and change bed linen regularly.

Why you shouldn't eat fatty and fried foods

Some scientists have suggested, based on their studies of sweat samples taken from older people, that the production of lactic acid bacteria and glucose increases as people age. The result of their activity is carbon dioxide (CO2), which has a pungent aroma.

Scientists have concluded that the repulsive aroma that appears in older people is a consequence of eating high-calorie, fatty foods.

In addition, it was noted that fresh fruits and vegetables at this age are also not beneficial and form an unpleasant odor when consumed frequently. This is explained by the fact that the digestive system in the elderly works sluggishly, unlike in a young body, so the rotting of fresh natural gifts begins in the stomach.


Important advice: In order to prevent the body of an elderly person from emitting unpleasant odors, you need to eat low-calorie foods, and eat heat-treated fruits and vegetables (baked, stewed, boiled). Fried foods should be completely excluded.

How to remove the pungent smell of old age from an apartment

If you have to move into an apartment that smells old, if possible, get rid of old furniture and do a thorough cleaning. Carpets, rugs, tablecloths and bedspreads retain odors for a long time. Coverings need to be dry cleaned or even thrown into the trash. When all the trash has been thrown out and the walls, floors and windows have been washed, carry out cosmetic repairs. It is advisable to whitewash the ceilings and re-glue the wallpaper. When the main sources of odor are eliminated, use aromatic products. Ideal for these purposes:

  • aroma candles
  • aroma lamps with essential oils
  • air fresheners
  • incense sticks
  • for wardrobes use fragrant sachets
  • You can put aromatic herbs and spices in the kitchen
  • When washing, add conditioners to the water

In these simple ways you can make the old man’s stay in the apartment warm and joyful, rather than constantly turning up his nose at the unpleasant smell. We must always treat old age with respect, because one day it will overtake us.

What makes the problem worse

In addition to the natural physiological processes occurring in the body of old people, there are several additional factors that can further worsen the situation:

  1. Poor health. It is not surprising that by the age of sixty or seventy a person acquires a certain set of diseases. Some diseases, for example, type 2 diabetes mellitus, gastrointestinal disorders, caries, can act as a cause of specific amber.
  2. Unbalanced diet. In an elderly person, metabolic processes within the body slow down significantly. Therefore, it is difficult for him to digest fried, fatty and floury foods. As a result, problems with the digestive system may arise, which are inevitably accompanied by the appearance of an old body odor.
  3. Memory impairment and decreased attention. Quite often, older people smell very strongly only because they forgot to take a bath, or simply did not notice that they were wearing underwear from the day before yesterday.
  4. Excessive love for four-legged friends. There are often situations when children grow up, create their own families, and old people are left completely alone. Then they get cats or dogs. But due to their age, they cannot provide full care for animals. As a result, in addition to their own aromas, the elderly begin to smell of cat urine.

How to remove unpleasant odor from old furniture

A musty, unpleasant, pungent odor from furniture can come from various reasons, including increased humidity in the room, the development of fungal spores inside the upholstery, or urinary incontinence in a bedridden patient.

Inspect the product and assess the extent of damage. If the problem is fixable, use the following helpful tips.

Apple cider vinegar will help get rid of the specific smell of old furniture. Replacement with a regular table equivalent is allowed. Substance in the amount of 2 tbsp. l. mixed in 200 ml. water, shaken thoroughly. Apply the finished product to a cloth and carefully wipe all wooden elements of sofas, chairs, tables or armchairs. The procedure is repeated once a week.

For dark products, treatment with a solution of potassium permanganate (light pink color) is recommended. Do not try on light parts! They will change shade, darken!

It is recommended to treat a soft sofa and other upholstered furniture with the windows open. For processing, prepare a solution in advance: pour 400 ml of water into a container, add 1 tsp citric acid, 1 tsp vinegar. and 10 ml. dishwashing detergent or liquid soap. When mixed, the product forms a stable foam, which is applied over the upholstery with a brush. The process may smell strongly of vinegar, but it will dissipate quickly. Leave to act for 2-3 hours. Remove any remaining product by thoroughly cleaning with a coarse brush.

If you can’t remove the smell, replace the old furniture with new one or call a specialist. Dry cleaners have a range of products that can penetrate to great depths and dissolve stubborn stains. Professional help is expensive, but the costs are justified by the effect.

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