If trouble happens: how to remove the smell of burning in an apartment after a fire?

It is impossible to insure against fire.
It occurs unexpectedly, often for reasons beyond a person’s control. Even if it can be quickly localized, the smell of burning in the apartment remains for a long time and is absorbed into all surfaces.

Read the article about how to remove the smell of burning in an apartment after a fire using improvised and special means.

What should you do first?

Immediately after the source of ignition has been eliminated, you need to begin neutralizing the smell. Correct actions will help you quickly cope with the task and completely neutralize the consequences of the fire.

Points that need to be completed first:

  1. Ventilate the room.
  2. Create a draft.
  3. Eliminate the source of the burning.
  4. Humidify the air and ensure its quality circulation.

First, you need to ventilate the room to release the smoke outside. If you do not do this, it will be deeply absorbed into all surfaces. The smoke is dangerous to human health and should not be inhaled.

To ventilate the apartment as best as possible, you need to create a draft . To do this, open not only all the windows, but also the doors, including the entrance door. When the air does not just stand in the room, but moves, aromatic molecules do not penetrate the surface of the furniture and the fibers of the fabric.

The next step is to eliminate the source of the burning. Burnt electrical appliances, food, dishes or damaged household appliances must be thrown away immediately or they will continue to emit an unpleasant odor.

If it is not possible to immediately take them out of the house, then damaged items should be packed in plastic. This will help block the smell inside.

Moisture helps absorb combustion products, so it is recommended to humidify the air in the affected room as much as possible.

The following methods are used for this:

  • include water;
  • hang wet towels around the house;
  • Place containers of water around the apartment.

If the kitchen is equipped with an electronic hood, then it must be turned on at full power. Air conditioning will help deal with unpleasant odors. If you don't have one, you can use a fan.

Ventilate the premises

If you encounter a problem such as burnt dinner or burnt wiring, be sure to ventilate the apartment after eliminating the cause of the problem. Open all windows and doors wide to allow for a draft, and turn on the fan or air conditioner at full power. If something burns in the kitchen, don't forget to turn on the hood. It often happens that the smell of smoke is too strong. Then be sure to throw away the remains of burnt food, soak the burnt dishes, and put the spoiled item in a small bag before throwing it in the trash.

How to withdraw using improvised means?

You can remove the burning smell from your apartment using traditional methods. If you use them according to the instructions, you can achieve good results.


First aid is baking soda. It is applied as follows:

  1. Mix soda and salt in equal proportions.
  2. Scatter them in the corners of the room.
  3. Be sure to sprinkle baking soda on all accessible surfaces: furniture, household items, etc.
  4. Leave the soda to have an effect for a day.
  5. Collect it with a vacuum cleaner or broom.


Vinegar helps neutralize the burning smell. Features of use:

  • put a saucepan with 5 liters of water on the fire;
  • add 1 liter of table vinegar 9% to it;
  • let the water boil, reduce the gas to a minimum;
  • simmer the liquid over low heat for 2 hours.

Thanks to the vinegar fumes, the burning smell will be covered. You can also soak sheets or towels in a vinegar solution and hang them throughout the apartment.


Coffee beans ground into powder are an excellent flavoring agent. They literally “push out” other odors, filling the apartment with a rich, pleasant aroma. To get the maximum effect, you need to use only natural coffee.

Mode of application:

  1. Ground coffee beans are scattered on saucers.
  2. They are placed throughout the apartment. Particular attention should be paid to the place where the fire occurred.
  3. Leave the coffee to work for a day. After this time, replace it with new powder.


You can neutralize the slight burning smell with the help of citrus fruits.

Oranges and lemons act as natural flavors. They are cut into slices and laid out throughout the apartment.

You can also resort to a more efficient method:

  • grate the orange zest;
  • heat a dry frying pan;
  • sprinkle the zest on it and lightly fry.

Thanks to this method, the apartment will quickly fill with a pleasant aroma. As the pan cools, it needs to be reheated.


Cloves have a strong aroma. If you don't have it on hand, you can use cinnamon. Mode of application:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan, place it on the stove and bring to a boil.
  2. Place a pinch of spices into the water.
  3. Boil them for half an hour.

During this time, the apartment will be filled with pleasant aromas that will displace the burning smell.

Using improvised means you can get rid of the smell of smoke if it has not yet been deeply absorbed into furniture, things, clothes and walls. In advanced cases, these remedies will be powerless.

Folk remedies

If there are no household chemicals in the house, and you need to remove odors quickly, you can use available folk remedies. The easiest way is to boil water with any spices (bay leaf, dill seed, cloves, cinnamon, allspice, etc.). In this case, the apartment will be filled with a more pleasant aroma than the smell of smoke. Natural coffee will also help: it must be ground and placed around the rooms in dry form, or you can brew it with boiling water, as for making a drink.

Aromatic herbs are suitable as an air freshener and to eliminate the smell of smoke: mint or sage, oregano, thyme. You can also take wormwood or tarragon, if you are not allergic to them, or citrus zest. Chopped herbs can be brewed and used for cleaning. It is convenient to put plant mixtures in fabric bags and place them on a heating radiator in winter.

The smell of burning with slight smoke quickly overcomes the smoke from a burnt match. It has its own aroma, which neutralizes even the fumes from plastic or escaped milk. Burnt sugar has a similar effect.

Special preparations

You can get rid of the burning smell using specialized compounds. They are designed to combat the consequences of fire. Top 3 effective remedies:

Smokebusters OdorGone

Spray to remove burning and smoke odors is used to treat:

  • clothes,
  • premises,
  • dishes,
  • household appliances,
  • furniture.

Thanks to the convenient spray bottle, it is economically used. The composition is harmless to health, has a hypoallergenic formula, and does not contain toxic substances.

The liquid is sprayed onto the source of the odor or into the air conditioning system. There is no need to wash it off . Price for 100 ml – 300 rubles.

Grass Smell block

This is a universal composition that is used for manual cleaning. An anti-odor agent is used to combat the consequences of a fire. The spray is sprayed onto a surface that emits a burning smell.

The product itself has a pleasant aroma and does not require rinsing . The basis of the formula is a surfactant, zinc salt and flavoring. Price – 750 rubles.


A product for removing odors from soot and carbon deposits. It is used to clean the premises after a fire. The composition includes anionic and cationic surfactants. The drug is diluted to the required concentration (an average of 900 ml of water is required per 100 ml of product) and all surfaces are irrigated with it.

An anti-odor with a deodorizing effect can be used to clean carpets . Price – 905 rubles.

How to clean up your house after a fire

If the accident was quite significant in scale, then it will not be possible to get rid of the burnt smell from the room only with the help of the measures described above. To eliminate the bad smell you will need thorough cleaning. After all, an unpleasant odor settles on all interior items.

If there is high smoke content in the room after a fire, it is necessary to evacuate children, elderly and sick people, and pets from the apartment during cleaning.

Household chemicals

Household chemicals

To carry out high-quality general cleaning, it is recommended to resort to special household chemicals. These substances, in most cases, are very aggressive, and therefore require strict adherence to safety rules. To independently clean up traces of a fire, it will not be enough to buy one product, since you need to remove soot, carbon deposits, odor, etc.

There is a special kit after a fire or smoke, which includes all the necessary equipment, as well as special personal protective equipment and the necessary tools.

To remove soot, soot and carbon deposits, an alkaline agent is used, which can only be applied ready-made or diluted (depending on the material and degree of contamination).

The smell of burning is removed using the SmellOff odor neutralizer after a fire or smoke.

To achieve the effect, using this tool you must:

  1. Clean all treated surfaces from soot, soot and carbon deposits using an alkaline product.
  2. Apply SmellOff to all surfaces to be treated by spraying. It is important to use the product on all hard-to-reach places, and also spill it on the most damaged surfaces.
  3. Leave the neutralizer until completely dry and ventilate.

The most popular are two types of remedies for burning smells.

  1. Liquid substances. These are detergents that will eliminate persistent “odors” emanating from the ceiling and walls. Before use, be sure to read the instructions for the product. Some substances can discolor surfaces, others can leave burns on your hands. One of the means that effectively eliminates the consequences of a fire is MAZBIT+ remover.
  2. Aerosols. Such fresheners, like the adsorbents described above, do not mask the odor, but act on the fumes at the molecular level. But these components can be quite harmful to humans. Therefore, the use of such substances is only permissible if you are going to leave the apartment for several days.

General cleaning rules

Wet cleaning of the apartment should begin as quickly as possible. And, if the apartment is not very smoky, then it is necessary to combine it with the third step. Remember, the longer you delay general cleaning, the more the fumes “eat” into all coatings and surfaces. So what needs to be done.

  • "Evacuation" of things. After a severe fire or in the event of significant smoke, it is necessary to remove all things from the apartment. This applies to pillows, bedspreads, carpets, curtains. This way you will protect the products from additional absorption of unpleasant odors. In addition, in the fresh air things will be ventilated faster and more efficiently.
  • Elimination of burnt elements. Carefully assess the scope of disasters. All burnt elements must be mercilessly said goodbye. Furniture can be restored if the frame is not damaged. Otherwise, it's better to get rid of it. Using a spatula, you can remove all the soot from the walls. Do not leave burnt floor coverings. After all, it will constantly emit an unpleasant aroma.
  • Wet cleaning. Thoroughly rinse all surfaces (furniture, walls). Wipe the floor several times. To make cleaning better, it is recommended to use folk remedies. Add a little vinegar to the water for washing surfaces. This solution will effectively eliminate unpleasant odors. Don't lose sight of cornices, lamps, chandeliers. They also need to be washed thoroughly.
  • Repair work. Having carefully removed all burnt elements and washed the room, you can begin restoring the room. It is advisable to repaint the ceiling, re-glue the wallpaper and re-lay the flooring. Such measures will almost completely eliminate traces of the former fire.

Products for tiles, furniture, curtains

Not every fire ends in a full-blown fire that requires complete repairs. Sometimes it's just a little smoke. But even this is enough to saturate the curtains, carpet or microwave with a pungent odor. And every time this aroma reminds you of your “incident”. To clean various surfaces in your apartment from burning after a fire, use these tips.

  • Cleaning tiles. To remove odors from such surfaces, you need to use bleach. But this substance can damage some types of tiles. Therefore, initially try on an inconspicuous area. Instead of bleach, you can use regular baking soda.
  • Cleaning windows. It is recommended to wash them with special glass cleaners. Such substances can also be used for plastic frames. It is recommended to remove the blinds from the windows and wash them in the bathroom under the shower using the same glass cleaner.
  • Washing curtains. Curtains, curtains, curtains must be removed and washed thoroughly. Sometimes it is not possible to eliminate the smell the first time. Reviews indicate that repeated washing may be required to remove the smoke. By the way, it is necessary to dry curtains only in the fresh air, with a good wind blowing them.
  • Carpets and upholstered furniture. Such coatings retain an unpleasant burning odor for the longest time. To revive floor coverings and upholstered furniture, it is recommended to sprinkle a thin layer of baking soda on the surface. This product, like a sponge, will absorb all unpleasant odors and will not damage the product. The soda is left overnight. In the morning you just need to vacuum the coverings. If such measures were not enough, then the problem is much more serious. In this case, you need to contact a cleaning company or dry cleaner.
  • Oven or microwave. They are the easiest to bring back to normal. To eliminate burning in the microwave, you need to place a glass of baking soda (one or two tablespoons) inside the unit. The door is tightly closed and left (turned off) for one day. Then the glass is removed and the surface is wiped with a damp sponge. If the oven is damaged, ammonia will help to revive it in a short time. The stove is heated to 90°C. Then the gas is turned off. Place a container with ammonia inside. Two to three hours is enough, but if time permits, leave it overnight. In the morning, wipe with a damp cloth and you can use the oven again.

To remove the burning smell from your home, you can use regular aromatic candles or sticks. Such measures are quite sufficient if we are talking about a small burnt food. And a pleasant bonus to eliminating burning will be saturating the air with your favorite aromas.

Features of removing aroma from different surfaces

Depending on what surface needs treatment, methods of combating the smell of smoke differ:

  1. Clothes and bedding that smell of burning must be washed. In addition to the powder, it is recommended to use fabric conditioner. After washing, the items are hung out to dry in fresh air. This method is suitable for all fabrics.
  2. Things that cannot be washed are hung out to air for several days. If this method does not help, you can treat them with steam.
  3. Upholstered furniture is wiped with a damp cloth and vacuumed. You can also use a steam cleaner.
  4. Household appliances need to be washed using a vinegar solution or cleaned with soda.
  5. The walls, ceilings and floors need a thorough cleaning. All surfaces that can be wetted are treated with water and specialized solutions. If the fire was small, then this measure is sufficient. If the fire is significant, repairs will have to be made.
  6. The tiles are treated with soda solution.
  7. Windows are washed with a specialized glass cleaner or water with a small amount of alcohol added.

Features of removing burning smell in an apartment

Removing the unpleasant and pungent smell of burning in an apartment may differ slightly depending on what caused it. For example, it is much easier to eliminate such a problem after food burns than to get rid of burning after a fire.

The main rule is to eliminate the causes of odor, of which there may be several:

  • short circuit of wiring, switches or other electrical appliances,
  • food burning,
  • fire or small fire.

Important! The room must be cleaned of the suffocating odor immediately after its occurrence.

After eliminating the cause, be sure to ventilate the room, since air circulation allows you to get rid of any unpleasant odor in a short time.

Wet cleaning is also required, and in the event of a fire, you should get rid of charred and burnt items, including furniture and decoration.

After carrying out these mandatory procedures, you can proceed to other methods of removing smoke from the apartment. For these purposes, there are many folk and chemical remedies.

What should you not do?

Actions prohibited after a fire:

  • Do not start washing electrical appliances connected to the network;

  • do not trample soot and soot into the covering on the floor;
  • Do not touch clean surfaces with dirty hands - this will cause the smell to spread to new products;
  • Do not use aggressive substances or products with a pungent odor for cleaning;
  • You cannot clean with the windows closed; the room must be well ventilated.

How to scent the air

If you don’t know how to get rid of the burning smell in your apartment quickly and effectively, use air fresheners. They will perfectly kill the pungent odor and fill the room with the aroma of flowers, herbs and fruits. The most effective air fresheners are sprays, aroma lamps, candles and sticks. This is quite enough if food or a small item is burnt. Within half an hour or an hour there will be no trace of smoke left, and a pleasant bonus of using air fresheners will be the saturation of the air with your favorite aroma.

Helpful information

Tips for eliminating burning smell from an apartment:

  1. When working with chemicals, you must strictly follow the instructions. Some formulations act for a certain time, after which they need to be washed off.
  2. Processing should be started in a well-ventilated area. Don't forget about personal protective equipment.
  3. First, the apartment needs to be thoroughly cleaned. Only after this can you use aromatic products.
  4. Experts recommend leaving the apartment for 2-3 days to allow the chemicals to take effect. During this time, they should disappear, taking with them extraneous aromas.

You will find useful tips and recommendations for eliminating burning smells in this section.


You can get rid of the burning smell once and for all only with the help of radical actions, such as general cleaning of the apartment. It is best done using modern detergents. Wash all surfaces thoroughly with special gels, powders or other detergents. You can neutralize the pungent odor using air freshener sprays. It is best to choose those that mask the smell of smoke or tobacco. For different surfaces, take special products - for washing tiles, for carpets and upholstered furniture, glass cleaners and washing powders.

The best solution is to purchase an air purifier

If previously effective purification from gases and soot was a complex multi-stage process that required a lot of time and effort, then the development of technological progress has greatly simplified everything. It is enough to buy a high-tech device, for example Daikin MCK55W. Our Vencon online store contains the best purifiers and other devices for creating an optimal indoor climate. All products have been thoroughly tested and selected, are original and have the best price-quality ratio. You can find out the cost of the product and the list of additional services by visiting the website.

By purchasing an air purifier, you are investing in your health and well-being. Modern devices make it possible not only to remove the burning smell, but also to clean the room from dust, allergens, microfungal spores and other impurities. If you have any questions, you can ask our experts.

Water treatments

A high level of humidity in the room and mechanical cleaning of objects and textiles will help to effectively remove fumes. The method is versatile and suitable for use in a country house and city apartment.

Water activities include:

  • Filling containers with water, with the addition of natural essential oils with a pronounced aroma (mint, lemon balm, eucalyptus, lavender). Just adding a few drops is enough. Containers should be placed throughout the home, periodically removing settling particles of soot and soot on the surface of the water.
  • Hanging wet fabrics in rooms. Wet towels and sheets absorb unpleasant odors well. They will need to be rinsed periodically in clean running water.
  • Evaporation of liquid with vinegar. You will need to fill the pans a third with water, bring to a boil and add 100 ml of vinegar or a packet of citric acid, at the rate of 20 g. per liter of liquid. Then the heating power must be reduced to a minimum, ensuring gentle evaporation of the solution. After the procedure, get rid of condensation on surfaces using rags or clean rags.
  • Washing things. The stench of smoke can be removed from clothes only after several washes. Finally, you should add a special conditioner for rinsing clothes. It is recommended to wipe leather jackets and accessories with special compounds for leather.
  • Wet cleaning. To remove soot and soot in places of combustion and smoldering, it is optimal to use a solution of vinegar and ammonia. You can prepare the product using a proven recipe. You will need 1 teaspoon of ammonia, 1 tbsp. l. vinegar and 5 liters of water. Or you can use chemistry based on Odorgon - an excellent remedy for stench of any nature.

Wet activities should be carried out comprehensively and in a timely manner. All surfaces are thoroughly wiped or treated with a steam cleaner. The floor and windows should be washed with detergent; aromatic care products should be used for furniture and wooden parts. It is recommended to wash tulle, curtains, curtains and textiles or dry clean them.

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