Ways to lighten jeans at home - evenly and how to paint over stains

The modern clothing market offers many styles and models of clothing for every taste. The buyer can easily find something he likes. Many people prefer denim items for their comfort and appearance. However, some lack originality.

In order to make trousers unusual and unique, they resort to various techniques. One of the most popular ways is bleached stylish jeans. The method will allow you to turn boring classic clothes into an interesting thing that no one else will have.

You will learn how to lighten jeans at home in various ways without damaging the fabric in this article with photos and videos. Step-by-step instructions will help you avoid mistakes and boil your clothes correctly.

How to lighten with white

The easiest option to make your favorite item the dream of all fashionistas is to use a powerful chemical. The result will depend on its quantity.

Important : black jeans cannot be completely lightened or bleached, otherwise the fabric will be damaged. Dark material can only be made a few shades lighter.

If you are interested in how to whiten jeans using whitening, then read the following instructions:

  1. Fill a 5-liter enamel bowl with water and heat to 80-90 degrees.
  2. Tip the faceted glass filled with white into the pan and mix the contents well. Next, leave the solution on the fire until it boils.
  3. When characteristic bubbles appear on the surface of the liquid, you can continue the procedure. Before bleaching your jeans, put on rubberized gloves to avoid allergic reactions and put your pants in the broth.
  4. The clothes must be soaked entirely in the pan. From time to time, jeans will peek out to the surface. Use a wooden spoon to push the pants back in.
  5. Cooking should continue until the item acquires the desired shade.
  6. Next, the jeans are carefully removed from the boiling water and transferred to the bathroom, where they need to be washed in clean, cool water several times. Afterwards the product needs to be dried and ironed.

Slight brightening effect

Is it possible to bleach jeans without boiling? Yes, but the lightening will not be strong, but the density of the material will remain.

Boiling thins the fabric, which affects the service life of the product and artificially ages it.

Light discoloration can be achieved using hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and lemon juice.

Old trousers are partially lightened by applying bleach with a brush or sponge. A soda solution is poured onto the desired areas if you want to create a “spilled” effect.

For soft transitions, the item is gradually removed from the concentrated bleach solution.

How to bleach with peroxide

Important : peroxide is a rather aggressive substance, so it is recommended to first test its effect on a separate section of clothing from the wrong side. If you are satisfied with the result, continue the procedure.

The solution will require 10 liters of purified water and 5 tablespoons of peroxide. Mix the resulting mixture well. Don't forget to take precautions: be sure to wear gloves so as not to burn your skin or to avoid an allergic reaction.

Soak the jeans for 15 minutes, heating the product from time to time so that the fabric lightens in all places of the trousers. After the procedure, wring out the clothes and put them in the wash, adding a little liquid powder and fabric softener to make the material soft and pleasant to the body. Then dry in the fresh air, but avoid direct sunlight and iron.

The effect of lightened stains

To lighten the material partially and with stains, before bleaching, you need to apply the selected product, for example, Whiteness, to the desired areas with a sponge, then soak the product in a solution of water and Whiteness for five minutes.

You can make streaks with a brush, painting on the fabric with bleach. For the procedure you will need clamps and elastic bands.


  1. Fill a container (10 l) with water up to half and boil.
  2. After boiling, add Whiteness (1 cup), stirring.
  3. Place the trousers in boiling water for fifteen minutes.
  4. If after five minutes the jeans have not lightened, then add more Whiteness to the solution.
  5. Afterwards, the jeans are taken out, washed in clean cold water, and dried.

The process is dangerous for the skin, so you need to wear rubber gloves.

How to lighten with lemon juice

The properties of citrus are used to bleach natural fabrics. This is a more gentle and less aggressive procedure for fibers.

  1. First, a solution is made. Proportion for its preparation: for 1 liter of purified warm water - 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.
  2. Soak the product in this mixture for at least 4-5 hours.
  3. After time has passed, evaluate the result. If you are not satisfied with it, do the procedure again in a fresh lemon solution.
  4. Then spin the pants in the washing machine, dry and iron.

How to bleach with bleach

When you don't know how to evenly lighten jeans at home, try this effective method using bleach. This option will help hide some defects. If you have a white spot on black jeans, find out how to paint it over in the method below.

Since bleach is the main component of whiteness, it is used and diluted according to the same scheme. The substance in powder, tablets or liquid is dissolved in boiled water, and the jeans are boiled with constant stirring for 20 minutes over medium heat. Afterwards the product is removed. Don't forget the protection of gloves.

Wash your jeans in plain water with a little powder and fabric softener. For an automatic machine, it is recommended to choose a liquid composition.

Precautionary measures

  1. Constantly monitor your jeans so as not to spoil the product.
  2. It is advisable to bleach jeans in a ventilated area to avoid inhaling harmful white fumes.
  3. Do not use containers intended for cooking when boiling clothes.
  4. To safely bleach denim white, be sure to use rubber gloves to protect your hands. In case of skin irritation and chlorine contact with mucous membranes (including the eyes), you should immediately rinse the affected areas with cold running water and seek medical help.
  5. The product must be stored at room temperature, out of the reach of children.

How to make it lighter with baking soda

If you are interested in how to make jeans lighter, then try this proven folk method. Baking soda is a budget-friendly way to make your pants a few shades lighter. The result will exceed all expectations. The thing will look stylish and fashionable, top class.

In addition, white powder copes well with stains, so this indispensable household product will help make the area of ​​the material cleaner and lighter.

Important : baking soda is the safest way to lighten various fabrics.

Pour 100 g of soda and 30-40 g of bleach or washing powder into a bowl of warm water. Stir the ingredients until they are completely dissolved. Place jeans in the mixture and leave it like that for an hour and a half. Rinse well afterwards.

What exactly to use to whiten jeans

To whiten jeans, there are many lightening agents - chemical and natural. To achieve the best results, it is worth studying the solutions and ingredients by testing them on an area of ​​the product that is less noticeable.


You can make jeans white as quickly as possible by using white as a brightener, which is sold at a hardware store. The main advantage of this product is the unlimited decoration possibilities. You can bleach your pants and display patterns and elaborate designs on the fabric.

Before you start working, you need to properly dilute the liquid; for this you will need to prepare:

  • bucket, preferably metal;
  • clips, clothespins, elastic bands and ropes;
  • high-density rubber gloves.

Complete lightening of the pants

After preparing the equipment, you should begin the process itself, using jeans and whiteness.

  • To begin with, dilute bleach in a bucket filled 2/3 of the volume with water.
  • The resulting consistency is brought to a boil.
  • Jeans are immersed in hot water until they are evenly covered with the solution.
  • It is necessary to boil the jeans for 5 – 20 minutes, depending on the required degree of exposure.
  • After the time has passed, the pants are thoroughly washed under cold water, washed and dried.


Leaving denim fabric in a chlorine solution for a long time will lead to complete destruction of the product. Therefore, under no circumstances should you violate the time frame.

Drawings and patterns

To create uneven white spots on jeans, repeat the above steps, only by hooking the necessary areas with clothespins or elastic bands.

And, for complex divorces, other methods are used:

  • vertical lines lighten when the product is rolled;
  • horizontal lines are obtained when assembling according to the “accordion” type.


It is important that if the pants float to the surface during boiling, press them down with a stick or other object.

To obtain an artistic design on jeans, thick cardboard is placed inside the pants and a small amount of bleach is measured into a specially designated container. Using a brush or other similar object, the intended design is applied to the fabric, after dipping the drawing device into the prepared liquid.

To make drawing on a denim product easier, you can pay attention to the following points:

  • Use special stencils - cut out shapes in the form of stars, hearts, circles and others on film or thick cardboard, then evenly distribute the bleaching liquid with a sponge.
  • Paper substrates for cakes and pastries are suitable for stenciling.
  • A long stick leaves uniform streaks if first soaked in bleach.
  • If you put the prepared solution into a spray bottle or moisten a brush with the liquid, you get an interesting splash effect left by the bleach.

After applying the required design to the product, the jeans are rinsed in cold water and then washed in the usual way.


For gradient whitening of jeans, a suitable method is to soak the fabric in a whitening solution. This bleaching option is good because the result is obtained without boiling. Take a container with a diluted solution of whiteness, into which the part of the pants necessary to obtain changes in color is immersed.

The area that remains untouched is on the surface. It is important that the product is wet, this will allow the gradient pattern to be evenly distributed. The position of the jeans should prevent the formation of folds and folds

How to make boiled jeans at home

To create interesting original patterns, use clothespins or threads. The first ones are more convenient and practical. Before you start making denim jeans, twist the fabric and secure with clothespins. Further, the process is no different from simple digestion.

This is interesting: washed gray and black jeans appeared back in the 80s. They are good because they visually make the hips and legs slimmer and more graceful.

Control the intensity and size of stains during the cooking process. If the desired result was not achieved the first time, the procedure can be repeated without damaging the item.

How to change color with household chemicals (Domestos, etc.)

Liquids from hardware stores can also be excellent brightening agents for denim. For such tasks, gels containing chlorine are suitable - “Domestos”, “Toilet duckling”, “Komet” and similar ones.

  1. Dilute 100 ml of liquid detergent in three liters of warm water.
  2. Place the product there.
  3. Monitor the bleaching process. Once the fabric reaches the desired color, remove the pants.
  4. Wash your pants thoroughly in the machine, setting the temperature to 60 degrees with additional rinsing.

Important : when bleaching, open the window so that chemical elements do not harm your health.

How to make an ombre on trousers

Ombre on jeans is a lightening of the material from the knee area to the bottom of the legs. It is not difficult to create fashionable clothes at home.

Before you decide to boil your jeans, put on thick rubber gloves. The process of applying the ombre effect is no different from boiling it in white or chlorine. The only difference is that the trouser legs need to be immersed exclusively to the height that you need. Lightening time is 20-30 minutes. Afterwards, wash and dry the trousers.

To avoid holding your jeans over a boiling pan for half an hour, use a hanger or clothespins with thick thread for this purpose. You can use a sink and a cork. Then the jeans are not boiled, but soaked. To brighten, add hydrogen peroxide or a chemical cleaner. Place the bottom part of the trousers in the sink with the solution, and leave the top part outside. Next, follow the instructions described above.

White and light denim has always looked elegant and stylish, so don’t miss your chance to make fashionable trendy things right at home. Most importantly, remember to be safe and follow all precautions.

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