How to get rid of cockroaches using dust? The most important points you need to know to effectively treat your home against insects

Many people are familiar with such a nuisance as an invasion of cockroaches in apartments and houses. This causes nothing but a feeling of disgust.

Cockroaches can come into an apartment from neighbors, they can be transported along with all their belongings from their old place of residence, or they can get into a bag with purchases from a store or market.

Regardless of how the parasites got into your home, you need to get rid of them as soon as possible, before their population reaches enormous proportions.

There are various ways to get rid of cockroaches, but not all of them are 100% effective. A common means of destroying them is dust.

Affordable price, high efficiency rates and ease of use make it the most popular drug for fighting red Prussians.

What kind of miracle is this remedy?

The dust is a white powder with a slight shade of gray, which does not have a pronounced odor.

This product is sold exclusively in packages whose weight does not exceed 200 grams. A special material is used for packaging that protects the powder from moisture and light.

Dust is used to destroy the population of cockroaches in premises where people live, as well as industrial facilities and other places where such parasites can appear.

Release options

The product is available in aerosol packaging and is ready for use; you just need to shake the can well. The composition of the aerosol consists of two chemical elements - tetramethrin and cypermethrin. These components, when used together, cause nerve effects in insects, causing them to die.

For convenient spraying of the drug into crevices and in inconvenient places, special nozzles are used, which are sold complete with an aerosol can. It is recommended to spray only wearing protective rubber gloves and always wearing a respirator. The product is quite dangerous to human health and pets, so before using it in the house, you should carefully study the instructions supplied with it.

The effect of this drug occurs directly when it comes into contact with the body of a cockroach, which means that all likely places of their habitat should be treated, that is, baseboards, gaps between furniture, the inside of heating radiators, door jambs that have formed pockets of loose wallpaper. To do this, you need to use “Clean House” powder, scattering it in places where cockroaches may live and collect. This will help destroy the surviving insects and their young, which will emerge from the remaining eggs laid earlier.

Characteristics and purpose of the drug

The Clean House product is a Russian development and is produced in Russia. This spray has a hazard class of 4, which means that the product is low-toxic and does not pose a great danger to human health. Therefore, it can be freely used in everyday life.

It can be usefully used not only against the population of cockroaches, but also against other insects that have already settled in the home. It easily destroys bedbugs, fleas, ants and other harmful insects. Thus, it effectively deals with all household pests.

Effect of the drug

This remedy consists of two toxic components - cypermethrin and tetramethrin. Both substances have a nerve-paralytic effect on the body of cockroaches and other insects, complementing each other. If tetramethrin affects the nerve impulses going to the muscle fibers and thereby blocks them, as a result of which they work with sudden interruptions, causing paralysis and then death of the insect. Cypermethrin acts in the same way as tetramethrin, but at the same time enhances its effect.

The anti-cockroach spray used contains piperonyl butoxide, which can increase the effectiveness of the drug and thereby enhance the effectiveness of poisons.

Is modern dust different from that produced in the USSR?

All people born during the era of the Soviet Union are well familiar with the term “dust”. At that time, dichlorodiphenyltrichloromethylmethane (DDT) was used to control cockroaches, garden pests, and as a cure for lice.

At that time, dust had a sharp and unpleasant odor and was a highly toxic product. This meant that the drug could cause irreparable harm to the health of people and animals who were in premises treated with dust.

Since then, the situation with the release of this product has changed dramatically. Dust in its pure form is produced exclusively for use by sanitary and epidemiological services. Restrictive measures are associated with a high degree of toxicity of the drug if the dosage is violated.

Today, “dust” is commonly called insecticidal agents intended to combat insects – pests, which use this term as an advertising ploy.

They no longer contain DDT. In English, “dust” is translated as “fine powder,” so any powdery substance can be called dust.

Review of effective remedies

Effective dusts:

  • Tornado.
  • Ecokiller.
  • Phenaxin.
  • Absolute-dust.
  • Clean house.

The quality of treatment depends not only on the population size of synanthropic insects, but also on resistance to certain types of insecticides. Owners often note that a powerful remedy has little effect on cockroaches that have adapted to the influence of the components of a particular drug. If resistance is detected in pests, you need to replace the insecticide with another one and check how the insects react to the new composition. It is advisable to choose agents to which resistance rarely develops.

What does dust consist of?

Modern dusts contain from 1 to 10% of the active substance. Its concentration depends on the degree of activity of the drug.

The preparations also contain various fillers. This can be talc powder, gypsum, chalk and kaolin. The dust formula consists of:

  • Cypermethrin;
  • Chlorperifos;
  • Karbofos;
  • Malathion;
  • Other synthetic pyrethroids.

The powder should consist of tiny particles to make it easier to apply. Only small particles can firmly attach to the insect's body as it moves across treated surfaces.

Features and composition

Dust is a light gray powder that is practically odorless. The product is capable of removing the population of insects that settle in a person’s home. These include fleas, bedbugs, ants, cockroaches or locusts. The drug works on the basis of insecticides included in the composition. The main active ingredient is one of the following substances:

  • cypermethrin;
  • fipronil;
  • karbofos;
  • melation;
  • chlorperifos.

The concentration of each substance varies depending on the aggressiveness of the drug and ranges from 1-10% of the total mass. Additionally, the dust contains powdered substances: gypsum, talc, chalk or kaolin.

Effect of dust on parasites

Different types of dusts have completely different effects on cockroaches.

Nervous - paralytic

The most popular are drugs based on pyrethroids. They have a neuroparalytic effect. When ingested by an insect, the product disrupts the functioning of its nervous system, causing paralysis and rapid death of the pest.

A similar effect on Prussians is exerted by lambda - cyhalothrin, cypermethrin, permethrin and deltamethrin - dusts based on pyrethroids.

Organophosphorus compounds such as chlorophos, karbofos and chlorpyrifos also have a neuroparalytic effect on Prussians.


Preparations that have an acute intestinal effect destroy insects only when the powder enters their digestive system. The types of dusts mentioned above have a neuro-paralytic and acute intestinal effect on cockroaches. And borax and boric acid have an exclusively intestinal effect.

Dusts that contain diatomite cause the cockroach's body to become dehydrated. This substance is crushed rock.

Diatomite, in contact with the insect’s body, damages the chitinous cover. As a result, rapid evaporation of fluid from the cockroach’s body begins.

Since diatomaceous earth itself absorbs water, the process of dehydration of the insect’s body is significantly accelerated. All this leads to the inevitable death of parasites.


Manufacturers offer various categories of insecticides:

  • FOS or organophosphorus compounds with systemic and intestinal effects.
  • Boric acid.
  • Dusts that cause dehydration.
  • Pyrethroids. The compositions exhibit a neuroparalytic effect. Active ingredients: permethrin, cypermethrin, lambda-cyhalothrin.

Medicines based on malathion and chlorpyrifos to combat synanthropic insects have a good effect.

Choosing the right powder insecticide

Today, the market offers a huge selection of dusts for killing cockroaches, which can cause some difficulties when choosing the best option. When planning to buy a drug, you need to consider the following factors:

  1. The degree of infestation of the premises by parasites. If the population of cockroaches is huge, then you should opt for potent drugs made on the basis of karbofos;
  2. Is there furniture in the apartment that cannot be moved and washed thoroughly? In this case, you need to use a product that has a natural base.

Useful tips

Places that need to be treated with dust
Despite the fact that cockroaches most often live in the kitchen or bathroom, the entire apartment needs to be treated with dust. Otherwise, several individuals will manage to hide in an untreated room and survive the treatment safely. We must not forget about the paths by which insects move; there it is necessary to apply the drug especially generously.

Places where cockroaches and bedbugs can live

The dust is not dangerous for the human body or pets, but it is better to leave the room during treatment. In hard-to-reach places, the product can be left on for several weeks, while surfaces with which people constantly come into contact should be thoroughly rinsed the next day.

Produced in Russia, it is a popular, inexpensive remedy against cockroaches (cost ranges from 10-15 rubles), recommended for treating residential premises. Despite the high effectiveness of the drug, it is better to use it in combination with other drugs.

Cockroaches quickly get used to the components of the dust, which makes it difficult to destroy them in the future (they will then have to be poisoned with a gel or spray).

It will be useful to know that “Clean House” is effective not only against cockroaches. They can poison bedbugs, ants, and other domestic insects. This property of the drug is important for those who do not have time for numerous treatments; often one is enough for all pests to completely disappear from the apartment.

Where can I buy insecticides and what is their cost?

Today there are no problems with purchasing dust for treating premises against cockroaches. Such preparations can be purchased at any hardware or specialty store. A wide range of dust insecticides is also available in garden supply stores.

You can order and purchase any product for getting rid of insect pests in numerous online stores.

The drug is a fairly cheap product and its cost does not exceed 100 rubles.

Prevention of insects

After removing cockroaches from your home, it is important to take into account the mistakes and factors against which the parasites settled and multiplied. Cockroaches penetrate many apartments, but remain where they find favorable living conditions.

Simple and effective recommendations:

  • do not leave unwashed dishes on the table or in the sink;
  • clean the kitchen every day;
  • bring the trash can in on time;
  • wipe up crumbs from the table and spilled drinks;
  • eliminate leaks in the kitchen and bathroom: without access to water, cockroaches quickly leave the home;
  • make sure that rotting food waste does not fall near the bucket;
  • Do not overwater the plants, check that water does not stagnate in the trays.

Popular types of dust preparations for controlling cockroaches

Let’s take a closer look at the types of dust powders that are most popular among consumers.

Clean house

Thanks to tetramethrin and cypermethrin, which are part of the Clean House drug, it is a fairly effective remedy for getting rid of red parasites. Its effect is enhanced by the addition of piperonyl butoxide.

This product can be used both in powder form and as part of an aqueous solution. But a more active effect of the drug on cockroaches can be achieved by feeding it to insects using bait.

One sachet of product weighing 50 grams can treat an area of ​​10 square meters. m. A bag costs about 50 rubles.

Chinese dust

Currently, Chinese dusts are widely used to control cockroaches. Many believe that their degree of effectiveness is much higher than that of domestically produced drugs. In fact, Chinese dusts have the same composition of active ingredients as their Russian counterparts.

Chinese preparations are less likely to be found on the shelves of our stores, and wasting time searching for them is pointless, since there are a number of effective domestic powder insecticides.


Dust Absolute is an effective drug against cockroaches. Its main components are karbofos and boric acid. The product must be scattered and rubbed into the surface. For processing an area of ​​10 square meters. m. you will need 50 grams of powder.

One package of this drug costs approximately 50 rubles.


The drug "Phenaxin" is an effective remedy for getting rid of insect pests made in Russia. Externally, the powder is very similar to DDT in its pure form, which is why it is often called dust.

In reality, this organophosphorus compound is not present in it. Phenaxin is highly effective due to the presence of fenvalerate in its composition.

The effect of the drug on cockroaches is enhanced by boric acid, which is also included in its composition. The powder can be used to make bait into small balls using flour, egg yolk or mashed potatoes.

A package of Phenaxin weighing 125 grams costs no more than 50 rubles.


Ecokiller is a preparation made on the basis of diatomite. What distinguishes it from other similar products is that it does absolutely no harm to people and their pets.

When it comes into contact with an insect’s body, the drug leads to disruption of the integrity of their outer cover, which in the shortest possible time causes dehydration of the body. As a result, the insect dies.


This drug has proven itself to be a reliable remedy that guarantees complete elimination of cockroaches. It is based on a highly effective insecticide called fipronil. Regent has a contact and intestinal method of influencing parasites.

In the first option, the cockroaches die, even if they don’t try the drug. The regent acts when its particles come into contact with the chitinous integument of the pest.

The death of the insect does not occur immediately, so the cockroach has time to return to its habitat and bring there a toxic substance that has adhered to various parts of its body. This will lead to infection of other individuals and their death.

In the second case, the drug begins to act after it enters the insect’s body, penetrates the intestinal walls and the hemolymph carries it throughout the insect’s body.


This is a powder that does a good job of ridding a room of cockroach infestations. It should be noted that more than one treatment with this type of dust may be necessary. The drug is a cheap drug; it costs about 30 rubles.


This product is highly effective in killing cockroach populations. It uses Dolmatian chamomile flowers as an active ingredient. The main advantage of this drug is its absolute safety for humans and pets.

Review of popular dusts

Clean house

Dust Clean House has a food and contact toxic effect on cockroaches. It contains pyrethroids – cypermethrin 0.3% and malathion 0.7%. The synergist PPB 0.5% allows the effect of insecticides to be enhanced. The product is packaged in 50 g bags, one package is enough to treat an area of ​​10 square meters. m. Insecticidal powder can be used in three ways:

  • sprinkle near insect nests and along traffic paths;
  • dissolve in water and spray;
  • make baits with dust.

The product does not give immediate results; the effect will be noticeable a few days after treatment.


A universal remedy will help get rid of all types of crawling insects. The active ingredients are cypermethrin 0.25%, boric acid 5%. The formula of the drug is not dangerous for people and animals, but toxic for cockroaches, ants, and bedbugs. It has a contact effect; when it enters the body, Tornado causes paralysis of synanthropic insects. Sold in bags of 100 and 150 g. When using the powder, you must wear protective equipment: respirator, gloves, work clothes. 4-6 hours after treatment, working surfaces (door handles, furniture, tables) are washed with a solution containing soda.


The drug “Absolut-dust” is a small substance of light gray color. Its formula combines two drugs: pyrethroid deltamethrin 0.02% and FOS - fenthion 0.25%. To reduce dusting of the product, lubricating oil is included in the composition. Suitable for a wide range of insects: cockroaches, ants, ticks, bedbugs, fleas. A low-hazard drug for warm-blooded animals. When treating premises, the consumption rate is 5 mg/m2. Disinsection is carried out with open windows or vents. For household use, plastic bags of 50-300 g or bottles are offered. Professional exterminators use 5 and 20 kg bags.


The insect repellent is of natural origin. This is diatomite - a rock. The composition is a beige powder with particles of 10-35 microns. The active substance has the ability to destroy the cuticle of arthropods and absorb liquid. The abrasive particles damage the cockroach's body and then dry it out. The mechanism of action has no resistance. Ecokiller is effective in case of significant contamination of the premises. The powder of natural origin is safe for people and animals. The finely dispersed mixture is odorless and does not cause allergies. The only drawback is that you will have to put up with dust on the floor and other surfaces.


A product based on fenvalerate - 0.35%, boric acid - 0.25%, lubricating oil - 2.5%. Fillers – kaolin, white soot. Insecticidal powder destroys household insects and provides protection against them for a period of about 4-6 weeks. The piercing area is marked on the package. Through the holes, cockroach dust is poured along the baseboards, in the habitats of pests and on the paths of their penetration into the house. To enhance the effectiveness of killing insects, it is recommended to use Phenaxin in poisoned baits.

To finally get rid of cockroaches after treating the premises with dust, you must follow certain rules:

  • do not leave dirty dishes in the sink;
  • put food in the refrigerator;
  • do not leave crumbs on the table or floor;
  • eliminate leaks, wipe off water in the bathroom, sink, and on the windowsill after watering the plants.

Modern products in the form of dusts are easy to use and actively help get rid of synanthropic insects. To achieve a positive result, it is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions. You should not use one drug often, it causes addiction in cockroaches. They adapt to the substance and survive treatment.

Methods of using dust to get rid of cockroaches

Dusts can be used to rid your home of cockroaches in various ways:

  1. in the form of a dry powder;
  2. as part of an aqueous solution;
  3. as a component in other mixtures.

Application of dry powder

In the case of using dust in pure powder form, it is necessary to sprinkle it on all surfaces in the room where the presence of parasites or their active movement is observed. The duration of treatment depends on the extent of the infestation of the premises by red pests.

Application of dust diluted in water

Dust insecticides can be used in the form of an aqueous solution. To do this, you need to pour 10 liters of cold water into a container and dilute 10 grams of powder in it. Then the resulting liquid should be poured into the spray bottle and all places where cockroaches like to live and hide should be treated.

This method is especially suitable for treating air ducts, cracks, heating radiators and other places where it is not possible to sprinkle powder.

Dust as part of other mixtures

As a rule, boric acid is a poisonous substance in the manufacture of insect baits. But you can take any dust as a component of a product to get rid of cockroaches.

Various recipes are used to prepare poisoned baits.

  • Prepare mashed potatoes, to which add a boiled egg and a tablespoon of dust. The resulting mixture must be mixed well.
  • Boric acid, flour and powdered sugar are combined in equal proportions. Then water is added to the resulting mixture until a dough-like mass is obtained.
  • Mix 200 grams of boric acid with 60 grams of powdered sugar, 30 grams of vanilla sugar and 60 grams of starch. Next, the mixture must be diluted with water so that the consistency of the mixture resembles dough.

Next, from the mass prepared according to one of the recipes, you need to prepare bait for cockroaches, rolling it into balls no larger than a pea. The poisoned “treat” is placed in places favored by parasites.

How to use Clean Home

Application of insect repellents

  • move furniture away from the walls,
  • everything that can be taken apart must be taken apart,
  • remove clothes and other fabric items from closets and hang them out for airing or prepare them for treatment with an insecticide,
  • remove all unnecessary residents from the house, including aquarium fish and reptiles,
  • cover kitchen utensils and food with film
  • wear a protective suit with a respirator.

A clean house is low toxic to warm-blooded organisms, but very toxic to cold-blooded organisms. It’s better not to take risks by finding out for yourself whether the product is truly low-toxic. DDT was generally considered harmless for a long time until crippled children began to be born.

Room treatment

Remedies for a clean house from bedbugs

Processing with powder alone is done in the same way. When used in combination, the powder is used where no one can reach it.

After processing

It is advisable to leave the apartment for 12 hours or even spend the night in another place. Minimum holding time 3 hours. After this, the apartment is thoroughly ventilated to remove the smell. Sweep away dead bedbugs. The floor and furniture are wiped with a damp cloth if there are traces. Fabric items are washable.

There are no traces of liquid left on the soft upholstery, and the drug breaks down into harmless components, so there is no need to be afraid of poisoning.

Due to the insensitivity of eggs to poison, Clean House cannot help kill bedbugs in one go. The treatment will have to be carried out twice.

How to prepare an apartment for processing?

Preparatory work for treating the premises should begin with sending residents and pets to the country house or for a visit for one day. This is due to the fact that the vapors of the drug can lead to short attacks of suffocation or allergic manifestations.

Then you need to move the furniture where the Prussians are most often found. The most attractive place in the house for parasites is the kitchen area.

Of course, this is a rather labor-intensive process, but extremely important, because insects often hide in hidden corners. Products must be packed in sealed bags. All kitchen appliances must be placed inside cabinets.

It is imperative to remove all small objects, especially children’s toys. It’s good if the windows are open while the room is being treated with dust.

Powder Clean Home

The drug is effective, but poses a danger to humans. In general, its composition is similar to the aerosol one, but piperonyl butoxide is added to the components - a strong poison that can cause poisoning in warm-blooded animals. Although its concentration is small, it is fatal for cockroaches.

The subtlety is that the insect manages to communicate with its relatives before death, infecting them with poison. Over time, the entire colony dies out.

The following rules should be followed when working with powder:

  • we remove children, animals and other persons from the apartment,
  • We put on protective equipment (masks, gloves, caps),
  • we hide all the food away,
  • you need to scatter the powder only in secluded corners that serve as a habitat for cockroaches,
  • After completing the procedure, we leave the room for several hours, leaving the windows open for ventilation.

After returning, you will see piles of dead cockroaches, which will arrive day by day until the colony completely disappears.

Important. If you slightly increase the amount of powder used, the product can be used to kill rats and mice.

Which areas should I treat and how long should I keep the drug on?

To kill cockroaches, the powder is applied in a thin layer to the places where they live or move. To apply the product, you can use a simple dishwashing sponge or a wide brush.

Treat the area where the refrigerator, kitchen cabinets and trash can are located. It is also necessary to treat the bathroom, sewer riser, heating pipes, doors, joints between tiles and the bottom of the wallpaper. Pay attention to window sills and ventilation ducts.

It is imperative to treat pillows, mattresses and other interior items made from fabric. The powder must be applied to them from the wrong side. Carpets are also treated from the inside out.

Furniture also needs to be treated. Dust must be applied to each seam and to all internal surfaces.

The drug can be removed a day after treatment. If the cockroach population is very large, then you need to increase the time to one week, after which the powder should be thoroughly washed off.

Instructions for use

Before using insecticidal powder against cockroaches, the room must be prepared. Food and personal belongings are put into cupboards, children and animals are removed from the apartment. All rooms where the presence of insects is noted are treated. If their numbers are large, the product is poured into adjacent rooms to prevent relocation.

Attention. When applied, small particles of insecticide can enter the human respiratory tract, so treatment of the room is carried out wearing a protective mask or respirator.

Pieces of furniture are moved away from the walls to process the baseboard around the perimeter. It is necessary to treat all cracks and openings in walls, door frames, ventilation grilles and sewer inlets, risers. The powder is scattered especially carefully in the kitchen - the place where pests are most concentrated. A thin layer of insecticide is applied behind the refrigerator, stove, under the sink, behind cabinets. Food storage areas are not processed. A brush will help to distribute the dust evenly. For hard-to-reach places, you can prepare an aqueous solution and spray it with a spray bottle.

Disinsection is carried out using rubber gloves and personal protective equipment. Powder for household use is available in bags or bottles with a special lid. After puncturing the packaging, it is convenient to apply the contents in a thin layer. The instructions for the product indicate how long it takes to ventilate. After work, wash your face and hands with soap and rinse your mouth with water. 3-6 hours after disinfestation, work surfaces are wiped with a soap-soda solution (30-50 g of soda per 1 liter of water).

Taking Precautions

To treat premises with insecticidal dusts, it is necessary to use long sleeves, rubber gloves and a respirator. It is allowed to replace the respirator with a gauze bandage. It will serve as protection for the respiratory tract from the penetration of small particles of powder into them.

When treating with dust, it is important that the windows in the room are open. It is necessary to provide access to fresh air for people doing the processing. Close the windows only after finishing work.

At the end of the processing process, all clothing in which the work was carried out is carefully removed. Do not allow dust to come into contact with eyes or exposed skin.

If this cannot be avoided, then you should rinse the skin and mucous membranes with running water as soon as possible. Remember that cockroach dust is poisonous and must be handled with extreme caution.


  • What is DDT (dust)
  • About the history of DDT
  • Purpose and use of DDT
  • Risks and consequences of using DDT (dust)
  • What instead of DDT, or modern dust?
  • Methods of using dust
  • a) Dusting (ground pollination)
  • b) Pre-sowing treatment of seed material (dry dressing)
  • c) Medical and household disinsection

DDT (dust) ... there are always a lot of questions on this topic: “What is dust?”, “Why was dust banned?” “Now you can buy dust,” “Is dust effective against bedbugs and cockroaches?” etc. We will understand the concepts and answer frequently asked questions.

How to properly clean a room?

After the treatment time has expired, the room requires thorough cleaning. For this, it is recommended to use a solution that may include soap, soda, mustard powder and lemon juice.

First of all, you should open all the windows to ventilate the room. To perform cleaning, be sure to wear rubber gloves on your hands.

To clean the room, you can use water with the addition of soda or another cleaning agent. It is necessary to thoroughly wash those places where the drug was not applied. The powder can be left in ventilation ducts, under baseboards and under wallpaper.

However, if a strong odor emanates from the drug for a long time, it is necessary to remove it from there, then wash everything thoroughly and ventilate the room.

About the history of DDT

In 1939, Swiss chemist Paul Müller discovered insecticidal properties in 4,4-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT). A year later, he patents a new insecticidal drug. In the early 40s, field tests were carried out on the Colorado potato beetle, aphids, moths and mosquitoes and showed stunning results. Literally a few months later the insecticide goes on sale.

In 1948, Paul Müller was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his discovery “for the discovery of the high effectiveness of DDT as a contact poison.” This was the first and only time in history that a scientist received the highest award for the discovery of a pesticide. However, this reward was not only for the saved harvest, but also for the millions of human lives saved.

Paul Hermann Müller discovered the insecticidal properties of DDT, a revolutionary discovery in the field of pesticides

Advantages and disadvantages of the product

The advantages of dust preparations include:

  1. Economical consumption - a small amount of product is required to treat large rooms;
  2. Sunlight, high and low temperatures do not change the properties of the drug;
  3. Affordable price;
  4. Long period of exposure;
  5. Possibility of processing places with limited access;
  6. Possibility of use for the destruction of other insect pests;
  7. The product is quite easy to use.

Among the disadvantages of dust are:

  1. The destruction of parasites occurs after a certain period of time;
  2. The drug may cause an allergic reaction;
  3. When removing the product, certain difficulties arise.

How to use dusts

To exterminate parasites, powders are scattered where they accumulate and crawl. These are places near baseboards, under sinks, near the toilet and trash can. In apartments the dust is spread at night. In the morning, the powder along with the dead cockroaches is swept up with a broom so that it does not fall on children or animals. In non-residential premises the powder is left for a long time. Dust works for 1.5-2 months.

Bait stations made from cardboard boxes and cigarette packs are also installed in apartments. Holes are cut in them and powder is poured in. They also put bait with a strong smell there: sausage, apple, bread with vegetable oil.

When using dusts, make sure that cockroaches do not have access to sources of water. If a poisoned insect gets drunk, the effect of insecticides will be significantly reduced, and the parasites that have received a small dose of poison will not die. The absence of water is especially important when processing with boric acid and preparations with diatomaceous earth. To do this, close the taps tightly, wipe away any drops on the sink, and remove unfinished tea.

When handling powders, observe the following safety precautions:

  • They work in overalls with sleeves, respirators or a gauze bandage.
  • When the effect of the powder ends, the room is ventilated and washed.
  • In apartments where allergy sufferers live, powders containing toxic chemicals are not used. To exterminate cockroaches, boric acid and Ecokiller dust are used.


All modern dusts are easy-to-use and effective preparations for ridding homes and industrial premises of cockroach populations. You can get good results if you strictly follow the instructions developed by the manufacturer.

Using the same product can cause cockroaches to develop immunity to this type of powder, and the insects will remain alive even after treatment.

To avoid infesting your apartment with cockroaches, you should constantly keep your home clean and periodically check surfaces hidden from view. This will prevent the appearance and reproduction of cockroaches in the apartment.

Pros and cons of using dust

A third of the country's population who are faced with the problem of cockroaches note that the substance is quite effective in controlling pests. The advantages of the product usually include:

  • Low cost and availability. For a dose of a poisonous product you will pay only 30-50 rubles, and it is sold in every hardware store.
  • Quick impact. If the insecticide gets into the cockroach's cavity, sudden death is inevitable.
  • The drug is allowed to be used even in catering departments and children's organizations.
  • Long lasting effect. If you leave the substance on the floor inaccessible to household members, it will repel new parasites for another 1-2 months.
  • The product is immediately ready for use.

Despite the huge number of advantages, dust still has disadvantages:

  • the drug is a toxic substance and can cause intoxication of the body if safety rules are not followed;
  • processing the premises takes a lot of time, as it is done manually;
  • It has been noticed that with prolonged use of the powder, cockroaches get used to it and do not react to the insecticide.

Modern dust has retained only the name from the Soviet one. The powder no longer contains DDT, which is dangerous to humans. The components of the product are various insecticides that have a detrimental effect on insects. Dust has proven itself well in the fight against cockroaches, ants and fleas. Used for treating domestic and residential premises. To destroy cockroaches in an apartment, it is enough to know the area of ​​​​the room, carry out preparatory measures and follow safety measures.


The drug is an insecticidal agent based on diatomite (other names are “kieselguhr”, “mountain flour”). It is a cream-colored mineral with strong abrasive properties. The main component of diatomite is silicon dioxide, which is formed from the surface cells of diatoms.

In terms of its action, ecokiller stands apart from other insecticides. While most powdered preparations disrupt nerve conduction in insects and cause paralysis, the preparation with diatomaceous earth works in a completely different way. In addition to abrasive properties, it also has absorbent properties, that is, it actively absorbs moisture. This is the basis of its insecticidal effect. When the drug comes into contact with an insect, its chitinous surface layer is damaged, and the diatomaceous earth begins to actively dehydrate the insect, leading to its death.

The practice of using an ecokiller shows that even in severely advanced cases, cockroaches can be gotten rid of in a couple of weeks

It is very important that the product is also effective against those insects that have developed resistance to chemical insecticides - karbofos, permethrin, etc. Resistance developed by insects to commonly used products is a very serious problem, which sometimes makes fighting them very difficult

Diatomite is one of the few drugs that successfully solves this problem.

An important advantage of ecokiller is that, unlike pyrethroid and organophosphorus compounds, it is absolutely safe for animals. Externally, the drug looks like ordinary chalk. If a child or animal accidentally gets dirty in it, there will be no negative consequences.

In general, most insecticidal dusts are universal against insects; as a rule, the area of ​​their use is not limited to one type of arthropod.

“Face double” and “Super front”

Despite the similarity of names, these are different drugs in composition. “Super Fas” contains zeta-cypermethrin (1%) and thiamethoxam (4%), sold in two forms (tablets and powder), which dissolve in water.

Fas-Double contains esfenvalerate, zeta-cypermethrin (or simply zeta) and piperonyl butoxide. It looks like a powder of various light gray-brown shades.

A one percent solution is prepared from “Super Fas”, which is sprayed in places where insects move and are localized. Consumption per 1 m2 is 50-100 ml.

“Fas-double” is used in powder form. Sprinkle it on the surfaces on which cockroaches move. Consumption – 2 g/1 m2.

The principle of action of these drugs is the same - disruption of neuromuscular conduction with paralysis and death of insects. Insecticides can penetrate into the body of cockroaches both through the surface of the body and through the intestinal tract.

The price of both drugs is approximately the same. One 10-gram package of “Super Pack” costs about 80 rubles. A 125-gram package of “Fas-double” costs about the same (about 70 rubles).

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