Calgon for washing machine: rules of use and its analogues

What is the remedy for?

Many people firmly believe that Calgon is a descaling product. But that's not true. The main purpose of the drug is to prevent scale formation, that is, if there are already salt deposits on parts of the washing machine, then use will be useless.

Thus, Calgon is a water softener. Its one-time use will not give much results; it must be used every time you wash. The product “binds” salts that are present in hard water and prevents their deposition on the machine elements.

Additional functions of the drug:

  • laundry is washed better in soft water;
  • due to the decrease in calcium content in water, white things do not turn gray;
  • the consumption of the main detergent is reduced;
  • things remain soft even without use
  • Eliminates unpleasant odor from the drum.

The use of Calgon does not harm tissues and does not harm human health.

Product components

To find an alternative to an anti-plaque component, it is important to study its chemical composition. Instructions for use of the product contain a description of the ingredients of the powder. It consists of the following substances:

  • sodium polyphosphate containing acid polyphosphorus salts;
  • polycarboxylates, which contain aggressive acids up to 35%;
  • technical soda;
  • polyethylene glycol;
  • microcrystalline cellulose.

The listed bottom two positions of the list are not involved in protecting the heating element from scale. Polyethylene glycol is used for the aromatic effect, and cellulose as an absorbent component increases the structure of the product.

The active ingredients of Calgon are carboxylate mixture, soda and sodium polyphosphate. Thanks to their action, the binding of calcium and magnesium salts is ensured. As a result, the formation of limescale on the heating mechanism is prevented.

At first, manufacturers used soda and sodium polyphosphate as softening components. In the process of expanding technology, additional mixtures in the form of fragrances and fragrances were added to the product. Gradually the composition was improved, but the main elements remained unchanged. Therefore, the advertised product can be replaced with similar substances.


The drug Calgon is available in several different forms:

  • Powder. Packaged in cardboard boxes and plastic soft packaging of different weights. The inconvenience of this option is the difficulty of dosing.
  • Pills. Sold in boxes. Minimum packaging – 12 tablets in one package. The advantage of this option is that it is impossible to make a mistake with the dosage.
  • Gel. Sold in polymer bottles and canisters of various sizes. The gel is convenient to use, the packaging is compact, and in addition, incomplete dissolution of the drug is avoided.

Procedure for using anti-scale agent

When talking about the procedure for using the anti-scale agent “Antinscale”, it is impossible to unify the instructions. After all, anti-scale is not one product, but a group of products, and they are all different, produced by different manufacturers in various forms and used to clean different materials and surfaces. Let's look at the types of anti-scale products for washing machines

And let’s focus on the order of their use.

Antiscale for washing machines under the Furman brand. A specialized anti-scale agent that protects the drum and heating element of the washing machine from scale and salt deposits. The product does not harm the rubber parts of the machine after a single use. Packaging – 50 g sachet. Dosage – 1 sachet, 1 application. Frequency of use – once every 6 months. Directions for use: pour the contents of the sachet into the empty drum of the machine, select any mode (only with a temperature of 30-40 C) and wash.

Anti-scale for washing machines and dishwashers from Greenfield Rus. The product is intended for quickly cleaning parts of the washing machine and dishwasher from limescale. Packaging – pack of 250 g. Dosage – 60 g per application. Frequency of use – once every 6 months. Directions for use: pour 60 g (no more) of the product into the empty drum of the machine, select a mode with intensive rotation of the drum and a temperature of 40 C and wash.

Liquid anti-scale agent “Cinderella”. Multifunctional liquid product designed for cleaning kettles, pots, dishwashers and washing machines from limescale. When used correctly, the product does not damage the rubber parts of the washing machine. Packaging – 250 ml bottle. Dosage – 2 caps per 1 application. Frequency of use – once every 6 months. Directions for use: mix 2 caps of the product with 1 glass of water, pour the mixture into an empty drum of the machine and start the wash with intensive rotation of the drum and a temperature of 40 C, wait for the end of the washing program.

When planning to clean your washing machine with anti-scale agent, first wear rubber gloves. The product is caustic and may cause a chemical burn if it comes into contact with the skin. If antiscale comes into contact with your skin, eyes, nose or mouth, thoroughly rinse the affected parts of your body with plenty of water.

Pros and cons of using anti-scale in a washing machine

Like any chemical agent, anti-scale agent has its advantages and disadvantages. Our task is to objectively consider these pros and cons and evaluate them. Let's start with the advantages.

  1. Anti-scale removes lime deposits from the drum and heating element of the washing machine quite quickly. The scale comes off clean on average in 30-40 minutes.
  2. When used correctly, anti-scale components do not harm the rubber and plastic parts of the washing machine.
  3. The product is economically used, inexpensive and only needs to be used twice a year.

Antiscale manufacturers and experts themselves point out the following as disadvantages:

  • an error in the dosage of the product can have adverse consequences for the washing machine;
  • if the product gets on the skin or mucous membranes of the human body, it can be harmful to health;
  • When using an anti-scale agent, large pieces of scale may fall off the heating element of the machine. They may well get stuck in the moving parts of the machine and contaminate the laundry.

Where to put the powder and fill in the Calgon gel in the washing machine

Not everyone likes to read the instructions, which tell you in detail how to use the product. The product should not be poured directly into the drum or into the conditioner compartment. It should be remembered that it must be poured into the washing powder compartment. This compartment in the tray is usually the largest. You can also add Calgon to the powder compartment intended for the soaking process.

Or you can mix a single dose of powder and Calgon powder in advance and pour the ready-made mixture into the tray. If a liquid form of the product is used, then the gel should be poured into the same section for the powder.

The required amount of Calgon depends on the hardness of the water. The product in powder form comes with a measuring spoon, while the gel product is measured using the cap of the bottle.

  • with medium hardness, add 30-32 g of the drug, that is, a third of the measuring container (according to the marks);
  • with increased – 60-64 g, that is, two-thirds of the measurement;
  • if the salt content is high, you need to add a full glass, that is, 96 g of powder or gel.

When using tablets, you do not need to measure anything. 1 piece is added to the powder, regardless of the degree of water hardness.

To achieve results, the manufacturer recommends using the product with every wash.

Preventive measures

Limescale deposits often form due to washing with low-quality powders, if a high-temperature cycle is selected and water containing a lot of magnesium and calcium salts is used. Therefore, to prevent this, you should follow some recommendations.

Washing should be done at a temperature of no more than 40-50 degrees. This is quite enough to dissolve and remove existing contaminants. It is better to give preference to high-quality washing powder; you should not skimp on it. It is recommended to install magnetic filter softeners and use only purified water.

Softeners such as Calgon should be used infrequently and added in small doses. The machine should be cleaned periodically with citric acid. If you follow these recommendations, you will be able to get rid of scale in your washing machine. Consequently, the unit will serve for a long time.

When does the application not make sense?

The use of Calgon is not justified in all cases. It is useless to use this drug if:

  • the house has a water filtration system with softening;
  • a washing mode with a temperature below 60 degrees is used, since at a low temperature scale particles are not formed.

In addition, any modern detergent in automatic washing machines already contains water softening additives. And if the water hardness in the region is moderate, these additives are enough to prevent scale formation. If the water is hard, then additional softening agents should be used.

Use of citric acid

If we compare this product with ready-made chemical compositions, then citric acid can be called the most effective option for removing salt deposits in washing machines. It is recommended to use acid depending on the frequency with which washing will be carried out; usually it is enough to add once every six months or 12 months. The product is easy to use:

  • citric acid, in the amount of 100 grams, should be poured into the powder department;
  • choose a temperature of 80-90 degrees, usually this is an intensive wash mode or boiling;
  • The machine will go through a cycle in 1-2 hours, and there is no need to put things inside the drum.

Thanks to citric acid and elevated temperature, the heater and metal parts of the drum will be cleaned of mineral salts. The product is able to ideally break down dirt deposits and remove plaque.

How can you replace Calgon?

Calgon has many analogues, but little is known about them, since they are not widely advertised. Analogues have the same composition, only fragrances and fillers may differ. That is, those substances that do not affect the effectiveness of the drug. The results of using Calgon and its analogues are the same, and many domestically produced products are much cheaper.

Examples of analogues:

  1. CalMagnon +5. The product binds calcium and magnesium ions, due to which solid deposits do not form on machine parts.
  2. Big Wash. This product is even more effective than Calgon, as it not only prevents the appearance of scale, but also removes existing deposits.
  3. Yplon Anti-Calc . A Turkish-made product that effectively removes calcium ions and softens water.

All of the above products are much cheaper than Calgon, and the effect of their use is no worse. An even cheaper analogue of Calgon is soda ash. It is enough to add 2-3 tablespoons of soda to a regular portion of powder to achieve the same effect as after using Calgon.

Soda ash softens water and enhances the properties of washing powder. However, this product will “work” if the washing temperature is 50 degrees or higher. It is prohibited to use soda ash to wash items made from delicate fabrics.

Another inexpensive folk remedy is citric acid. It is recommended to be used for the prevention and cleaning of small deposits. Use only when the washing machine is empty, as the acidic environment can contribute to the destruction of clothes.

How to use:

  • 100 g of acid is poured into the powder tray (this amount is for a machine with a maximum load of 5-6 kg);
  • there should be no things in the drum;
  • close the door"
  • set the mode for washing cotton (with maximum temperature) and start the machine.

After the cycle is completed, you can run an additional rinse mode, after which you need to ventilate the machine by opening the door. Such treatment as a preventive measure should be carried out no more than twice a year.

Hydrogen peroxide

It is necessary to mix 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide with the same amount of boric acid and pour into the rinsing compartment. After this, you need to add the usual amount of powder, load the laundry and start the wash. You can use this method to care for light-colored bedding. The creators of the method are silent about how the solution can affect clothing, bright and delicate fabrics.

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