Ideal ways to store dried mushrooms to prevent them from spoiling and causing moths

There are never too many edible mushrooms - housewives salt, marinate and freeze them. There is another time-tested method of long-term storage - drying. This method has many conveniences - the process is not labor-intensive, the finished product takes up less space than freezing, mushrooms are stored in this form for one to three years, maintaining a rich taste. This preparation will add an indescribable, appetizing aroma to any dish.

Preparation for storage

In order for wild mushrooms to retain their quality and be suitable all winter, attention is paid to the correctness of their preparation first of all. When they are not completely dried inside, such a workpiece can rot or be damaged by mold. You also need to choose the right raw materials for the preparation. Not every species is good when dried. The best mushrooms to dry for the winter are:

  • boletus;
  • White mushroom;
  • boletus;
  • Champignon;
  • boletus;
  • chanterelles;
  • honey mushrooms

Attention! After drying, the product loses a lot of weight and size, so choosing a place for storage is not difficult. But, it does not affect the substances contained, so their concentration remains the same, this is also true for harmful compounds. Therefore, it is not advisable to eat dishes with dried mushrooms more than 2 times a week and include such food in the diet of children under 7 years of age.

How to prepare for drying

Freshly picked mushrooms are sorted. It is advisable that they be the same size and age, then they will dry evenly. Most species tolerate drying well, but there are some that are better not dried.

For example, this storage method is more suitable for those species that have tubular and marsupial structures:

  • white,
  • boletus,
  • boletus mushrooms

Species with a lamellar structure are also dried:

  • chanterelles,
  • honey mushrooms,
  • oyster mushrooms and mushrooms.

Although it should be noted that when dried they develop a bitter taste.

Location requirements

To prevent the prepared product from spoiling, you need to choose a storage place with suitable conditions. At home, dried mushrooms should be stored at an air humidity of 50-60%; higher or lower values ​​negatively affect the shelf life. The workpiece should be kept in a well-ventilated place; a pantry, a warm attic, a mezzanine, shelves in a closet or any other warm room are suitable. Optimum temperature +20…+25˚ C.

Mushrooms, even when dried, absorb foreign odors well. Therefore, it is impossible to keep them next to other products that have a distinct and strong aroma (garlic, pepper, other spices). An exception is if the workpiece was hermetically packaged in a tightly closed jar or in another way that prevents air from entering the drying mushroom.

Drying methods

  1. You can dry it outdoors on warm sunny days; the procedure is carried out for about a week. To do this, all identical specimens are strung on a rope so that they do not touch each other, and hung in the sun, covering the top with gauze, this will protect the drying from dust or insects. The cut products must be placed on a tray covered with paper and placed in the sun, turning over periodically.
  2. You can dry the mushrooms in the oven; to do this, they are laid out on a metal grid; if there is none, then paper is placed on a baking sheet, and the food is placed on top. Initially, the temperature in the oven should be about 45 degrees, after the product becomes limp, increase it to 60 degrees. To ensure effective drying, open the door slightly.
  3. The cut pieces can be dried in the microwave; for this, the thickness of the plates should be up to 5 millimeters. They are laid out on a plate or wire rack, and the device is turned on for 5 minutes at a power of 100 W. Then you need to open the door, ventilate, and turn it on again for the same time, repeating the steps until completely dry.
  4. An electric dryer is the most convenient device for drying sliced ​​\u200b\u200bplates or the whole product. The time and temperature are set on the device, and after complete drying the product is removed.

If properly dried, the product will have a long shelf life, will delight you with its pleasant fresh aroma in the winter, and is suitable for preparing soups and other various dishes.

Storage rules

The dried workpiece must be checked for its quality. To do this, each dried mushroom is inspected for mold, yellowness, rot or blackening. If there are such signs, everything that has been spoiled should be thrown away, as it is unfit for food. Also, you cannot add mushrooms that are still wet to an already dried product. An under-dried product is a good environment for the development of microbes, which will negatively affect the entire content. It is better to store dried mushrooms sorted by size and type, this will increase their ease of use. To prevent the workpiece from deteriorating, you must follow the rules:

  1. Before drying, you need to sort out the mushrooms and clean them thoroughly so that no dirt, dust or sand remains.
  2. There should be no raw fibers left to the touch inside the dried product, since such a product will rot or mold within a month.
  3. After drying, the mushrooms should retain some firmness and be a little flexible.

On a note! Overdried fruits are more brittle and crumble, so it’s better to immediately grind them into powder so that they don’t turn into dust after a couple of months.

Where is the best place to store dried mushrooms at home?

Store dried mushrooms properly away from contact with direct sunlight. Therefore, all containers and storage rooms are chosen subject to this factor, but so that the room is warm enough and there is no dampness. In an apartment, you can store dried mushrooms in a kitchen cabinet or pantry, and in a private house - in the attic. You can pack the workpiece like this:

  • in glass jars;
  • hang on a string;
  • package in paper bags;
  • put in the freezer;
  • keep in the refrigerator;
  • vacuum;
  • distribute into wooden or cardboard boxes;
  • put into bags.

How long the product can be stored depends on the choice of place, method of storage and packaging of dry mushroom preparation for the winter. But, if the volume of dried mushrooms is small and they plan to use it during the winter season, then any method and packaging will do. When they want to extend the shelf life of a product for up to a year or more, a freezer or refrigerator is not the best choice.

Prepare the mushrooms

Self-harvesting requires knowledge. Before drying, the product must be properly processed. The fruiting body is not washed; the action plan consists of several techniques:

  1. The spine is cut off.
  2. Use a knife to scrape off the sand/soil from the leg.
  3. Clean the cap with a dry cloth or microfiber cloth.
  4. There should be no foreign objects on the prepared product: blades of grass, leaves, sand, etc.
  5. The stem is separated from the cap, and all parts are cut into slices, 0.5–0.7 mm thick.

Before drying mushrooms, they need to be cleaned. Cleaning is scraping with a sharp knife

How to store dried mushrooms in an apartment

In a city apartment, a dark pantry with good ventilation is a suitable place; you can store dried mushrooms in it. It is permissible to simply hang a string with dried mushrooms strung or put boxes with this product in it. But, due to the fact that the apartment has a slightly different microclimate compared to a private house, and the space is very limited, it is better to place the packaged workpiece compactly. There are also other ways to keep a supply of dried mushrooms in your apartment.

In glass jars

You can put the workpiece in glass jars in which the lid closes tightly and the glass is opaque or darkened. This is a convenient way to store dried mushrooms in an apartment when there is not a lot of product. Then the jars are placed in kitchen cabinets, on the mezzanine, or sent to the pantry. A glass jar will prevent the drying mushroom from absorbing foreign odors. To prevent the workpiece from deteriorating from the inside, you must follow these recommendations:

  • darkened glass jars are sterilized;
  • Before placing them in a dried jar, the mushrooms are checked and sorted;
  • jars are sealed, it is recommended to use vacuum lids.

On a note! To remove oxygen from the sealing jar, pour a little alcohol onto the inside of the lid, set it on fire and immediately seal the container. This will create a vacuum inside the jar and the shelf life will reach 1.5 years.

Storage in linen bags

When the workpiece is distributed into fabric bags (the material must be natural, thick gauze is suitable), for storage you need to choose a room that is well ventilated and where the air does not stagnate. This is the main point that will prevent the product from molding. There should also be no other odors in this room so that the mushrooms do not absorb them. It is important to maintain a constant temperature, since when it fluctuates, condensation forms, which will settle on the canvas bags and moisten the workpiece. Mushrooms are suitable for consumption for about 6 months, if the drying does not become damp

In paper bags

Paper bags are a good option for storing dried mushrooms. Dried mushrooms can last as long in them as in sealed glass jars. Kraft paper is a moisture-resistant and environmentally friendly material, it is vapor-proof. But insect pests can spoil the workpiece that was packaged in such a bag. Therefore, it is recommended to place a small pod of hot pepper inside the bag.

Pros and cons of vacuum packaging

The product that was sent into vacuum packaging has a longer shelf life than if the mushroom is dried in contact with air - this is a plus of vacuuming. The high tightness of such packaging also prevents the transfer of other odors to the mushrooms, and vacuum containers and bags are reusable and can be reused. But such packaging also has disadvantages, the main one being the high price. A deep vacuum is only possible in products with a pump, and standard containers, although convenient, do not provide such tightness.

Cold storage

Dried mushrooms, which were sent for storage in the zero chamber, are inaccessible to pests - moths and other insects will not be able to damage them. But, in the freshness zone, humidity is increased, which in the case of dried products can provoke mold and rotting. Therefore, dried mushrooms can be kept in the refrigerator for a long time only if they are vacuum packed. It can be stored for up to a year if the conditions are met.


It is permissible to keep dried mushrooms in the freezer, as well as in the zero chamber, insects will not penetrate into it. The workpiece can remain in the low-temperature compartment for a long time, but only if it is properly packaged. Dried mushrooms can only be sent to the freezer in vacuum packaging and provided that they have been completely dried. In the freezer, mushrooms retain their quality throughout the year.

In the attic

In apartment conditions, mushrooms cannot be placed in the attic, but when there is a private house or cottage nearby, and there are a lot of dried mushrooms, it is better to transport most of the product. But, you can keep drying mushrooms in the attic only when suitable conditions have been created. There must be low humidity, a fairly high air temperature, and measures must be taken to prevent moths from starting up.

Attention! When stored in this way, the product is suitable for a long time; the exact period depends on the packaging.

In bundles

When using a rope for drying, you can not pull it out, but leave the mushrooms on it. With this method, you need to make sure that the product is not overdried, otherwise it will begin to crumble and fall off. Before hanging the bunch, you need to wrap the twine in natural fabric - this will help protect the mushrooms from moisture and foreign odors. There is no need to untie the rope to remove the product - the mushrooms are simply broken off.

In cardboard and wooden boxes

When a large number of mushrooms have been dried, they are kept in boxes made of cardboard or wood. The bottom inside the box is lined with thick paper, then the workpiece is distributed, and several paper sheets are also laid on top of it. The box with the product is closed as tightly as possible. Storage time is about 6 months, depending on the conditions of the room where the boxes with dried mushrooms are kept.

Preparatory stages

Before storing dried mushrooms, they should be carefully prepared. To do this, you need to check them for drying quality. Specimens that are not completely dry, slightly damp and those with soft fibers are not suitable for long-term storage. Over time, a putrefactive process may begin in them, mold may appear, or midges may appear.

Excessively overdried mushrooms, which crumble easily, are also not an ideal option for storage. It is better to grind them, adding salt and seasonings. Pour the resulting mixture into glass or ceramic containers. The result is a flavorful additive for soups and main courses.

IMPORTANT. There is no need to wash, peel, or ventilate dried mushrooms. It is enough to sort them.

The next stage is preparing the container. The following can be used as a container for storing forest gifts for the winter:

  • Paper bags, cardboard boxes. This is a budget, compact and convenient option that provides access to oxygen. However, it has a significant drawback - over time, small insects can appear there.
  • Cotton bags with drawstrings. With this storage method, the mushrooms will be able to “breathe,” but there is also a high probability of pests appearing. To avoid this, the bags can be soaked in a salty solution and dried. The resulting salt crystals will prevent insects from getting inside and protect the workpiece from damage.
  • Glass jars with lids protect against moths, but at the same time block the flow of oxygen. It is better to choose a container made of dark glass to reduce exposure to sunlight. Screw-on or nylon lids are suitable. With this method, it is necessary to open the containers at least 2 times a month and leave them for some time to ventilate.
  • Ceramic containers with clips, designed for bulk products. Ideally protects against foreign odors and small bugs, but only if the mushrooms in it are really dry.
  • Vacuum containers are the best option, despite their high cost.

Next, you need to decide on the storage location for the workpiece. Mushrooms are very susceptible to foreign odors and moisture, so the next stage should be approached with special responsibility. The place should be dry, providing good air circulation, with a temperature of no more than +15 degrees. This could be the top shelf of a closet, closet or attic. It is also important to avoid sudden changes in temperature and proximity to aromatic components.

ADVICE. Store mushrooms away from onions, garlic, spices, and dried herbs.

How long can dried mushrooms be stored?

The shelf life of dried forest products depends on several factors, including not only the storage conditions and quality of drying, but also the type of mushrooms. Dried white ones last longer than others; with the right storage tactics, they can remain edible for up to 2-3 years. The remaining species - honey mushrooms, boletus, chanterelles, champignons, boletus, boletus, boletus - last up to a year.

Industrially dried mushrooms are allowed to be used for culinary purposes for up to 1.5 years. Therefore, in the case of home-harvesting, if the mushrooms have not yet been used up, it is recommended to check them regularly after the specified time. But there is no point in storing some varieties, for example, boletus and boletus, for more than a year, since their taste and nutritional value are greatly reduced. These species are also more demanding on conditions - if the temperature or humidity conditions are disturbed even minimally, they deteriorate almost immediately.

Attention! It is necessary to periodically check the safety of supplies - if the smell has changed, the appearance has changed, or the drying has become soft and damp, then such a product is unsuitable. But, when the mushroom reserves are just a little damp, and there are no signs of spoilage, then you can save them by drying them again.

Which edible mushrooms are suitable for long-term storage?

The point of drying is to remove moisture from the product as much as possible, which almost completely eliminates its spoilage during storage. The duration and effectiveness of drying depends on the structure, density and initial moisture content of the mushrooms. Not all edible mushrooms are suitable for this processing method.

Tubular mushrooms with an initial low humidity are ideal for drying:

  • white (ideal appearance for this processing method, retains aroma, taste and attractive white color);
  • boletus;
  • boletus;
  • honey fungus;
  • meadow champignon;
  • oiler;
  • dubovik (moss fly).

Chanterelle is considered a conditionally suitable mushroom for drying, since the finished product may contain bitterness. It is recommended to pre-soak the chanterelles in cold water for about 2 days, only then proceed to drying.

Fragile mushrooms (umbrellas, russula) and conditionally edible mushrooms that require soaking to remove bitterness (milk mushrooms, valui, pig mushrooms, morels and stitches) are not dried.


You can store the workpiece not only in a private house in the attic, but also in an apartment. The main thing is to follow the rules, maintain a certain temperature regime, and not allow the humidity in the room to increase too much, otherwise the mushrooms may spoil. In order for dried mushrooms to remain tasty, retain their characteristic aroma and be edible for the entire prescribed period, you need to follow some recommendations:

  • once every 3-6 weeks you need to look through stocks, removing damaged dryers;
  • there must be a flow of fresh air in the room where mushrooms are kept;
  • before use, you can soak it in milk or water to reveal the taste;
  • the liquid in which it was soaked can be used in various dishes;
  • if there are moths, the supplies are washed and dried at +60...+70˚ C in the oven;
  • Each container with mushroom stock must have a label with the date of packaging.

Dry mushroom preparation preserves the taste, aroma, and nutritional properties of the fresh product. But so that it does not spoil - it is not damaged by moths, other pests, drying does not become moldy or rotten, you need to follow not only the storage rules, but also the harvesting method. A correctly prepared, well-packaged product can last for a year or more, the main thing is not to leave it in a damp place, and also regularly check the quality.

Proper procurement process is the key to success

The most important rule for collecting and storing mushrooms for future use is the following: the danger of harming health lurks not only in the mushrooms themselves, but also in the conditions of their collection. Even the most beloved and healthy boletus mushrooms, boletus mushrooms or boletus mushrooms can cause poisoning if they were not collected in environmentally friendly places.

The “body” of the mushroom, like a sponge, absorbs everything that surrounds it. And if, for example, any chemicals were used nearby, the fungus will accumulate them. And in dried form, the chemicals will also acquire a high degree of concentration.

The most economical way to dry mushrooms is simply under the sun.

Drying mushrooms is easy.

You just need to know which types are best suited for this method of long-term food storage. An excellent result can be obtained by preparing various types of tubular mushrooms in this way. If there is a good harvest of porcini mushrooms, boletus, boletus or aspen mushrooms, then the best way to preserve them for future use is drying.

Champignons are also suitable for this. Lamellar types of mushrooms have a bitter taste after drying. But this can be easily fixed by soaking them.

Raw materials collected in rainy weather will not be very successful for drying. In addition, some types of mushrooms (for example, russula) themselves are quite raw and contain a lot of moisture. Drying them is not recommended.

It is also important to correctly set the duration of the drying process. Poorly dried slices will not be stored for long; they will develop mold.

Very dry pieces crumble, are not very suitable for cooking, and become not so tasty. Their crust will be too hard. Properly dried mushrooms do not break, but bend when squeezed in your hand.

It is necessary to prepare mushrooms for drying in the following way: they are sorted, sorted, cut lengthwise in thin layers, without separating the stem from the cap. Water treatments are under no circumstances allowed.

Moisture will cause the porous flesh of the mushrooms to absorb water. There will be a good opportunity for rot to form. Already dry mushrooms are washed immediately before cooking.

It is very important to ensure access of fresh air to the workpiece during the drying process. But mushrooms must be protected from dust or moisture.

A good option would be to use an oven or stove. The prepared pieces are placed on a baking sheet and dried in an open oven. The temperature must be adjusted so that the moisture evaporates slowly.

Dried mushrooms retain their taste properties for a long time when stored in bags.

You can dry mushrooms simply under the sun. While drying, the slices must be turned regularly.

Before storing the product, you need to ensure the quality of drying. Damp pieces with soft caps will rot, mold, and become prey for worms or larvae.

Dried mushrooms should not be thrown away; they are used to prepare a seasoning that will improve the taste of many dishes.

This is mushroom powder. It's easy to prepare. Pieces that are too brittle need to be crushed in a coffee grinder, sifted through a sieve and mixed with salt, dried herbs, and bay leaves.

Spicy seasoning is stored in the same way as other spices: in glass jars with lids. You can use ground mushrooms without pre-soaking, adding them to almost finished dishes (five minutes before the end of cooking). You can store the powder from heavily dried mushrooms for up to a year, placing it in a dry, tightly closed glass jar.

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