Every careful person should know where to hide money from robbers and unreliable relatives at home

Any normal person is familiar with the phrase “My home is my castle.” That is, the apartment is the last bastion of protection; people here will always understand and support you; no danger can threaten you here. Unfortunately, the harsh reality is that many people have to think about where to hide money at home and show extraordinary ingenuity when solving this issue.

From whom should you hide money?

Of course, the most obvious answer to this question is thieves. They account for the lion's share of thefts. Penetrating into apartments and private houses, they are ready to turn everything upside down to discover your savings or jewelry.

All thieves can be divided into two categories - amateurs and professionals. The former usually act impulsively and stage a raid simply by hearing that their wealthy neighbors are away on vacation for a long time. Most often, they stage a revolution in the apartment, throw books and things out of closets, panic greatly, are in a hurry, get lost at the sight of safes and rarely find well-hidden stashes.

Professionals act differently - only on a tip. They are rarely stopped by good locks and safes - after spending a few minutes, they calmly cope with them. What’s even more dangerous is that they are well versed in human psychology, they know well where to hide money in the house and therefore quickly find hiding places.

Unfortunately, sometimes you have to hide your savings from loved ones. For example, from an alcoholic husband who is ready to do anything to get the finances to buy another bottle of vodka. Or from a wife who suffers from shopaholism, who is able to spend all her savings on repairs, a car or children’s education, on updates for herself. If you have had problems with the law in the past, then you have to look for a way to hide money from the cops - during a search, an envelope with savings lying in a visible place may very well disappear.

Sometimes you have to hide your savings from your parents. In their declining years, many people become overly trusting and may well spend all their savings thoughtlessly or give them away to cunning scammers.

Therefore, the decision to hide money so that only the head of the family, who is responsible for the financial side of life, knows about its location can be called the right decision. The main thing is to make sure that the hiding place will not be damaged due to the ignorance of loved ones; for example, the oven in which it is located will not be turned on while you are away from home. And of course, leave some hint for a rainy day. After all, history knows of cases when, after the death of the head of the family, an old mattress filled with money was sent to a landfill.


Many people sincerely believe that a cactus can save you from radiation. They place it near the computer and calm down, because they are confident that harmful radiation has been neutralized. Firstly, this has not been proven by anyone, so we can safely consider this version a myth. Secondly, the cactus will actually be useful to you as a hiding place, so you did the right thing when you decided to buy it. The cache is made as follows. Water the soil and carefully remove the cactus. Then use a knife to cut out the roots and make a hole directly in the core of the plant itself. Place a bag of money and other valuables there and plant the cactus in the ground again. Don't worry about the cactus now withering; it can easily survive without roots for a long time. And if you lose a few roots (you won’t cut off all of them, but only a couple), nothing will happen to it.

Where not to hide money

It would seem that there are many places where you can hide money at home. Alas, many of them, even those that seem original and successful at first glance, have been used previously, which means they are no longer reliable. After all, a cache “exposed” by someone ceases to be safe:

  1. A safe is the safest place where nothing threatens your savings and valuables. Unfortunately, in practice it does not live up to expectations. A professional can always open the safe. Moreover, having discovered it, he will understand that the most valuable things are stored there. This means that she won’t search the apartment, but will immediately focus on him. On the other hand, knowing this feature, you can always use it for your own purposes. In addition, the safe can always be torn out of the wall and taken with you to open it in a safe place. After all, small models are usually used to store compact valuables.
  2. Hiding places among books, CDs, in ventilation shafts and toilet cisterns have long ceased to be reliable. Unfortunately, they are found quite quickly - knowing where to hide money at home, thieves check these places first. Some people think that searching through an entire bookcase is problematic. Actually this is not true. Books are scanned roughly and very quickly.
  3. Quite often, people make a stash under the sink, bathtub, or behind the toilet tank. This means that these places are also compromised - you should not use them if you do not want to part with your finances.
  4. In recent years, some resourceful owners have found an original way to hide money at home - in the housings of household appliances. They dismantle stereos, televisions, computer system units - and hide the treasured package there. But, as practice shows, this is not the best option. Not finding a hiding place, many thieves (especially amateurs who do not disdain anything) will try to take out at least something valuable - household appliances. As a result, your stash will not be discovered, but you will still say goodbye to it.

Kitchen table

You've probably noticed that almost every kitchen table has a side edging. Your task is to remove it with a screwdriver, then drill a hole (it will be flat, equal in height to the thickness of the table surface) and place the money there. Then you need to secure the edging to its original position. A hole in the table can be drilled and then trimmed with a jigsaw.

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What kind of place would be suitable?

Having listed the bad places, we’ll tell you where to hide money at home.

It is best to provide a hiding place during repairs - at least cosmetic ones. For example, family jewelry or large savings for a rainy day can be hidden in a small niche specially made in the wall and hidden by wallpaper. Or arrange a small warehouse in the floor, under the linoleum. Some people hide money in a crack behind the baseboard. Yes, getting there will be problematic for you too. But if you don't plan to use this money in the coming years, then thieves probably won't be able to find it.

Thieves very rarely check pipes. Therefore, a home hiding place can be arranged in a pipe under the sink. The main thing is to make sure that the package is very well insulated from moisture. It is best to fold the bills into 5-6 plastic bags, carefully wrapping each of them with tape. It is easier to hide jewelry - the main thing is that the package does not break, and gold and silver are not afraid of moisture.

A cache in a sofa or other upholstered furniture can be called a good one. You can easily tear off the back upholstery carefully, and then hide the package in the middle of the layers of foam rubber. It would seem that the hiding place is obvious. But thieves very rarely rip apart every chair, sofa and mattress on the bed.

Do you have an aquarium at home? Great - it’s hard to find a better place to safely hide your finances! Then a small bag can be hidden in a beautiful shell - they are often sold in stores. But she attracts attention. Therefore, it is better to simply bury it in the ground - put it on the bottom, and then cover it with coarse sand on top. And if you plant algae on top, then the hiding place will probably not be found. Of course, in this case, take care of very reliable waterproofing. It’s nice that in such a place your savings are reliably protected from fire.

Do you like flowers? Another good solution. After all, you can always simply bury your savings in a pot - preferably by placing a bag around the perimeter. But this is only suitable for avid gardeners. A single flower growing in an apartment will immediately attract attention. Thieves will not be too lazy to drop it on the floor, breaking the pot and checking to see if there is anything interesting there.

Many people are interested in where money is hidden in a private house. There is even more room for imagination here. After all, you can use not only the area of ​​the house, but also the surrounding area. For example, just bury it in some inconspicuous place - on the lawn, three meters north of the porch. They probably won't search here. The main thing is to hide it secretly, and not in the middle of the day, in full view of all neighbors and passers-by.


No thief would risk his life for money. Therefore, it would never even occur to him to poke his nose into electrical sockets. Turn off the electricity in the house and remove the plastic cover. A big enough hole will appear in front of you into which you can put your savings. There is one more life hack. If you plan to change the wiring in your apartment, make one false outlet. It may look like everyone else, but there will be no wires connected to it. This stash can be used all the time, and not just when you leave home and the power might go out. The thief will have no time to check all the sockets for the presence of current in them, and your wealth will be safe.

Don't forget about false hiding places

If a large amount of money is kept at home, any owner wants no one to find it. To be safe, you should not only put it in a safe hiding place, but also create several less reliable ones - you can use those listed above. For example, by hiding a million rubles in a flower pot or a pipe under the sink, you can put 50-100 thousand in a small, cheap safe or toilet tank. The main thing is not to leave money in plain sight - robbers are far from stupid and can understand that their attention is being deliberately diverted. The ideal solution would be to create several false hiding places. Then the robber, having found two or three, will be sure that he has completely cleaned out the apartment. And it’s not a fact that he will find everything.

Of course, I really don’t want to sacrifice even a smaller amount. But in the best case (if there is no robbery), you will not lose anything. If the preparations were not in vain, and you were not in vain looking for a place where to hide money from thieves at home, then it is better for the thieves to get a small part of your savings, and not the entire amount.


If your home does not have round curtain rods (very often these are used in certain interior design styles), pay attention to the curtain rod that holds the curtain in the bathroom. Such a “pipe” will definitely be hollow inside, so there is nothing easier than removing the side holder and placing a rolled up stack of bills in the ledge. Since it is possible to fold valuables on both sides, be sure to take advantage of it (for example, you can fold not only money, but also jewelry placed in a small bag or pouch).

We create unpleasant working conditions

To protect your savings, you need not only to know where it is best to hide them, but also to take into account certain nuances.

The main requirement of a thief when “working” is silence and the ability to search the premises for a long time. For example, knowing that the owners will arrive home only at 18:30 or have even left for a resort for a couple of weeks, he will leisurely look through every book, rip open all the soft toys, shake out flowers from pots, and inspect pipes. Of course, with this approach, he has every chance of discovering every cache - both fake and real. Therefore, it is necessary to deprive him of peace.

The easiest way to do this is with an alarm. There is no need to register with the police or security companies - this is quite expensive. But it’s quite possible to buy an inexpensive Chinese “alarm” that will respond to door openings with a deafening roar. The main thing is to hide it more reliably, so that it “screams” for at least half a minute, and is not turned off after a few seconds. This will immediately knock the thief out of his usual rut, make him nervous and quickly get out of the apartment.

Ideally, relations with your neighbors should be good enough so that when they hear the alarm, they come out to see what happened and whether your apartment needs help. In this case, you won’t even have to rack your brains about where it’s best to hide your finances from robbers.

Bathroom and restroom: first aid kits

A first aid kit can be attractive to burglars for a variety of reasons. First, a number of prescription drugs can be resold on the pharmaceutical black market. Secondly, citizens often hide their savings or family jewelry among hygiene supplies. Thirdly, some medications can be used by the robbers themselves (for example, if the thief is a drug addict).

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