32 ways to properly clean gold without ruining the stones

Hello, dear readers! There are many among us who are not indifferent to jewelry, especially gold. This is not surprising, because gold can emphasize the status and impeccable taste of the owner.

But the noble metal requires appropriate care, because during wear, sebum, dust, and household pollution accumulate on rings, chains, pendants and earrings. Therefore, any owner of gold jewelry should know how to clean gold with stones.

Types and causes of gold contamination

Pure gold is a very soft metal that will deform even with slight physical impact. Therefore, when making jewelry, craftsmen add copper, silver and other components to the alloy. This gives the finished product strength and durability. Along with increased wear, the alloy of precious metals can behave unpredictably when in contact with human skin: oxidize, darken, and become stained.

In addition, the unpresentable appearance of your gold jewelry is contributed to by:

  • use of face and hand creams;
  • secretion of fat, sweat, and stratum corneum by the skin;
  • exposure to household chemicals during cleaning;
  • city ​​smog.

As a result, jewelry becomes dirty and fades. Knowing the reasons, it is easier to get rid of them, clean the jewelry, restoring the beauty and radiance of your favorite gold items.

Reasons Why Gold Requires Regular Cleaning

The reasons that precious metal products should be cleaned regularly are quite commonplace. These are basic rules of hygiene and presentable appearance of jewelry. After all, gold does not deteriorate over time, so we often wear it without taking it off and do all our homework in such jewelry. Therefore, greasy stains appear on noble metal, it becomes a little dull, and in carved items and jewelry with stones, dirt and dust accumulate in even the smallest and most inconspicuous crevices. To restore the product to its original appearance and shine, it must be cleaned regularly. Another advantage of gold is that it does not deteriorate due to cleaning, so you can safely give it a presentable, chic look; to do this, you just need to learn the tips and recommendations below.

Cleaning methods

The metal from which your favorite ring or pendant is made and the stone insert are different materials, which means that care products and methods for cleaning objects should also be different.

Videos that will show you how to choose the right method for cleaning gold accessories will help you verify this.

Here are the options:

  1. Ammonia. If the gold ring or earrings are inset with precious stones, then the stone should not come into contact with this substance. For the solution you will need a container into which you need to pour 250 grams. plain water, add one teaspoon of delicate dishwashing detergent and half a teaspoon of ammonia. Mix all components and lower the product into the finished mixture. After the procedure, rinse gold accessories with a sufficient amount of clean water and polish with a fluffy soft rag.
  2. Ammonia. This is a more gentle substance compared to the previous one, so it can be used for accessories with stones. Prepare the washing solution as follows: 250 gr. Mix warm water with a tablespoon of your favorite detergent and a tablespoon of ammonia. We immerse the golden object in the liquid for about two hours, then remove it, clean it, rinse it and enjoy the result.
  3. Toothpaste or tooth powder. They should not contain abrasive particles. Simply apply the product to a soft cloth and wipe the chain or bracelet with it.
  4. Foil. To clean the product, wrap it in a piece of foil (you can use one that is intended for baking) and dip it in a hot solution of water and soda (one teaspoon of baking soda to one glass of water). Leave for one to two hours, then remove and wash with water. The secret of this method is that the aluminum contained in the foil helps to cleanse stains caused by the oxidation of the gold alloy metal.
  5. Dish detergent. To clean gold chains, rings and pendants, simply dip them in a warm soapy solution based on water and any dishwashing detergent and leave for at least two hours. After removing, clean the surface with a soft brush (for example, an old toothbrush), then rinse and rub until shiny.
  6. A mixture of liquid soap and hydrogen peroxide. To prepare a washing cleaning solution, you need a bowl, into which add a glass of warm water, liquid soap, 1 tablespoon of ammonia, 2 tbsp. l. peroxide (3%). Mix all components and keep the gold in the liquid for 2 hours. Then rinse and rub with a piece of woolen cloth.
  7. Salt. A cleaning solution based on ordinary rock salt is prepared in a similar way: add 3 tbsp to a glass of water. l. salt with a slide and keep gold items in it for at least 3 hours.
  8. Medical alcohol. This folk method allows you to clean the surface of gold items from household dirt and plaque. To do this, moisten a soft cloth with alcohol and clean the surface. In this case, you need to be careful with fastenings for stones: movements must be careful and smooth.
  9. Cologne or perfume. The same method for removing dirty plaque as the previous one, but the active ingredient is alcohol-containing liquids.
  10. Lens cleaner. To add shine to gold jewelry, you need to dip it in any container filled with liquid for storing lenses. After 8-12 hours, your gold earrings or bracelets will shine.
  11. Sugar. This gentle and gentle method will help clean lightly soiled gold items. To do this, dilute 2 tablespoons of sugar in a glass of water in a small cup and dip the jewelry in this solution overnight. Afterwards all you have to do is rinse them with water and rub them until shiny.
  12. Vinegar. Keep in mind that the stone may tarnish when exposed to acid. The recommendation is simple: dip jewelry in a 9% vinegar solution and wait 2-3 hours.
  13. Citric acid. Cleaning is suitable for surfaces that need to be restored to shine. Just leave the gold items in an aqueous solution of citric acid for several hours, and then clean the item with a soft cloth.
  14. Lipstick. To clean gold accessories, simply coat them thickly with lipstick and then rub with a piece of flannel. The secret of this unusual method is in the composition of the cosmetic product: it includes the active component - titanium dioxide.
  15. Bow. If you decide to clean things this way, then squeeze the juice out of a fresh onion and keep the product in this liquid for some time. Afterwards, rinse the item thoroughly and dry. Acrid onion juice will remove impurities from the gold.
  16. Baking soda. There are several ways to restore gold's attractiveness using baking soda. First, make a paste of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide and clean the product with it. Secondly, mix soda and a little vinegar, place a gold chain or earrings in this mixture, give a little time for the active substances to act, and then rinse with running water and dry. Thirdly, this is boiling. Pour half a glass of water into a container, add two tablespoons of soda, a little vinegar, dip gold objects into the solution, and bring the liquid to a boil.
  17. Coca-Cola. An original way to return gold to its original appearance is to leave it overnight in a glass of Coca-Cola. The drink is able to dissolve contaminants accumulated on rings, earrings and pendants.

How to clean white gold?

Cleaning a white gold product has its own characteristics . The methods described above are not applicable to it: it is a special alloy of several metals that requires a delicate approach.

It is important to remember that:

  1. Do not use abrasive cleaning compounds or alkaline solutions, metal brushes or hard fabrics for cleaning.
  2. You can clean it with both professional cleaning products and household products.

Cleaning a white gold product has its own characteristics.
To clean white gold at home, the following products are used:

  • Sugar is suitable for removing plaque and greasy stains and adding shine - dissolve 2-3 teaspoons of crystals in a glass of water and place the decoration there for a day. Then rinse under water and wipe dry.
  • Place shavings of baby or laundry soap or shampoo in clean water, dissolve and immerse the decoration for 15 minutes. Next, rinse under water and rub until shiny with a soft cloth.
  • Rinse the product under clean, distilled water or use alcohol. Wipe dry and until shiny with microfiber.

The methods are simple and effective, but if they do not remove dirt, grease, stains, and scratches from the jewelry, you should take it to a jeweler.

How not to clean gold

When choosing a popular way to clean jewelry, you need to start from the state in which the accessory is currently in, namely:

  • are there any cracks or scratches?
  • Are the stones securely fastened and what are their properties?

Remember that any mechanical impact must be delicate: rough movement can lead to deformation or even breakage of the smallest fastening elements.

When starting to cleanse, do not forget that gold items require careful treatment, which means that abrasive substances and toxic chemical mixtures must be completely excluded!

If the gold ring has a stone insert, then information is needed about how this stone reacts to the chemical components of the cleansing mixture. Even a substance such as soda, used in dry form, can cause damage. If the stone initially has scratches, then such cleaning can enlarge them and make them more noticeable.

If a ring or brooch is decorated with stones (for example, cubic zirconia), it is better to avoid contact with such aggressive substances as:

  • vinegar;
  • ammonia;
  • ammonia.

Such interaction threatens to tarnish the stone.

If you have doubts about the choice of cleaning method and active substance, it is better to use professional products: special pastes or liquids that are applied with a cotton pad.

Is it possible to restore scratched and tarnished gold?

If the product has lost its original shine or scratches have appeared on it, a jeweler can solve this problem.

You should not polish the product at home - if the scratches are large, you can damage it.

If the darkening is insignificant, the scratches are minor, use the following home recipes:

  • wipe metal and stone with felt;
  • use GOI paste for polishing.

When there is no felt or special paste, you should not try to solve the problem on your own . Give the product to a craftsman - he will return it to its original appearance without the risk of damage.

Preparing Jewelry for Cleaning

If your gold accessory is a delicate work of art and has filigree patterns, ornate designs and other decorations, then much more effort must be made to remove dirt.

Stage 1

Preliminary preparation requires softening of contaminants. To do this, place the gold jewelry in a warm soapy solution and let it sit for several hours. The duration of such soaking depends on the total volume and origin of contaminants.

Stage 2

If you are cleaning chain links or the engraving on a gold ring, mechanical action may be required. Using a small soft brush and soap solution, first clean stubborn stains, and then proceed to more serious methods of exposure.

How to clean gold earrings?

Table vinegar cleans gold very well. Dilute table vinegar with water in proportions of 1 to 1 and rinse (wipe) gold earrings in this solution using a cloth. Then rinse the jewelry in running water and wipe it dry.

Ammonia helps preserve the appearance of not only silver, but also gold, but the method of application is somewhat different. Apply a few drops of ammonia to a cloth and thoroughly wipe the earrings.

But toothpaste and a toothbrush are not very suitable for cleaning gold. There may be minor scratches on the gold.

Rules for cleaning gold jewelry at home

The basic rule on how to clean your favorite gold items at home is to be careful when using aggressive chemicals and be careful with any mechanical impact.

This is especially true for jewelry accessories with stones and fine filigree. It should be remembered that any aqueous environment with the addition of chemical elements can have a detrimental effect on the surface of the stone inserted into a ring or pendant. Therefore, when choosing appropriate procedures to clean items, avoid direct contact between stone and water.

When using mechanical cleaning methods, it is necessary to moderately dose the amount of physical impact and use delicate tools so as not to scratch or damage the delicate inlay. And also pay attention to the method of fastening the stone. If it is glue, then double caution is required!

If the products you use at home do not give the desired effect, contact a jewelry workshop for help: he will know exactly how to clean jewelry.

When cleaning gold jewelry at home, consider the physical properties of the stone, whether it is hard or soft, and how it tolerates water and brushing. The best way is to clarify such characteristics in a jewelry store when purchasing a product.

With hard stones

Cleaning gold items with hard stones can be done using mechanical and chemical methods. These stones are scratch resistant and can withstand water well, so cleaning methods can be harsh.

How to clean:

  1. Diamond (that is, the size of a diamond). Can be cleaned with a brush, soapy water, hydrogen peroxide, or ammonia.
  2. Topaz. You can clean with an old toothbrush and active chemicals.
  3. Pomegranate. Tolerates aqueous cleaning solutions well.
  4. Emerald. Can be cleaned using any alcohol solution or aqueous cleaning mixture.
  5. Sapphire. Products with sapphire tolerate mechanical cleaning with a soft brush, alcohol-containing product, or even gasoline.
  6. Chrysolite. The stone can be cleaned with a soft cloth moistened with alcohol.
  7. Zircon. This is a very hard stone, so it tolerates mechanical cleaning well.
  8. Ruby. You can clean rubies with alcohol-containing solutions applied to soft brushes and shampoo.

With soft stones

Inserts require careful handling and special care. You cannot clean such inserts with a brush or use abrasives - micro-scratches may appear on their surface. Components containing acid, as well as ammonia, cannot be used, as they cause clouding of the stone.

How to clean:

  1. Pearls can be cleaned with a mild, gentle soap solution, without the use of water or acids, this will preserve them for many years.
  2. Malachite can be cleaned with specially impregnated wipes.
  3. The coil looks great after treatment with soapy water and further rubbing with a soft cloth.
  4. Turquoise can darken when in contact with water, so to clean it you need to use special professional products, for example, moisten a napkin with the product and wipe thoroughly.
  5. It is better to rub amber with a piece of felt, and to clean hard-to-reach places with a cotton swab; it is forbidden to use alcohol solutions.
  6. Coral can be cleaned with a damp cloth and then wiped dry.
  7. Opal should not be soaked or used with detergents; opal objects should be wiped with a soft, damp, but not wet cloth and dried with felt or flannel.

How to clean stones

You can clean precious stones using both the methods described above and the solutions given below.

Gemstone Cleaning

A solution of 1 tsp helps to clean precious stones set in gold. sea ​​salt and warm water. You need to soak the jewelry in this product for 12 hours. If regular salt is used, then the jewelry must be left for a longer period.

Over time, bright traces of fat appear on pearls, which can be cleaned with potato starch. To remove dirt from stones from hard-to-reach places, it is recommended to use a cotton swab dipped in a soap solution. In other cases, it is recommended to clean the jewelry using specialized products or the services of jewelers.

Cleaning semi-precious stones

You can clean semi-precious stones using the methods described earlier. To remove dirt from opal, aquamarine and topaz, use a mixture of washing powder and water. The first can be replaced with 50 percent bleach. If after the procedure there are traces of dirt on the product, then the jewelry should be placed in a soap solution and wiped with a toothbrush.

To restore the original shine to a semi-precious stone, you should use gin. This drink does not remove stains

Recommendations for wearing, caring for and storing gold jewelry

In order for gold jewelry to retain its pristine beauty for a long time and not darken or fade, you must follow a few simple rules:

  1. Be sure to remove gold rings and chains when performing daily household chores, visiting fitness clubs, swimming pools, and steam rooms or saunas. Remember that even cooking, accompanied by increased steam formation, temperature changes, smoke, and humidity, harms jewelry.
  2. Store jewelry separately from each other to avoid micro-scratches.
  3. Gold jewelry with stones should not be exposed to bright sunlight to avoid darkening of the inserts and metal.
  4. To make your gold sparkle and shine, do not forget to clean your favorite jewelry in a timely manner and do not neglect professional care.

Also watch a visual video on the topic below:

How not to spoil jewelry: secrets and tips

Cleaning and polishing gold jewelry at home is not that difficult. The main thing is to know how not to make things worse.

Cleaning and polishing gold jewelry at home is not that difficult

To ensure you get the desired result, consider the following:

  1. When cleaning precious metal, do not use abrasive, aggressive products to remove dirt: powders and gels, cloth with hard pile.
  2. Choose a brush for cleaning stones with soft natural bristles - it will effectively clean the surface of the gold without scratching it.
  3. For purification, take purified water (at most distilled, at least passed through filters).
  4. Before cleaning, check your jewelry for the integrity of the latch, other link connection, and stone attachment. This is an essential precaution, as the product may break during the cleaning process.
  5. After cleaning, rinse the jewelry thoroughly in cool water, always running, and then dry it, polishing with a soft cloth.

Read more ► How and with what to wash stainless steel dishes at home: folk methods and purchased products

What is strictly prohibited from cleaning jewelry:

  • Baking soda - in pure, powdered form, it will cause scratches and remove shine.
  • Iodine - under its influence, gold can change its color.
  • Bleach and chlorine-containing solutions, powdered cleaning agents - they can discolor gold.
  • Potassium permanganate - this will lead to the metal simply oxidizing.

Category: question-answer

Is it possible to clean a diamond ring yourself?

Expert opinion

Grishanov Mikhail Petrovich

Jeweler, director of the Grishanov and Co. workshop

If for various reasons it is impossible to contact a specialist, and the jewelry has lost its attractiveness, choose one of the methods given above - for hard stones. The best methods: a solution of ammonia, soap or peroxide. Moreover, unlike other hard stones, diamond quickly deforms, which means it is not recommended to use a brush.

Which method is suitable for cleaning cubic zirconia earrings?

Expert opinion

Pribrezhny Gennady Valentinovich

Jeweler 6th category

The stone is moderately hard, and therefore requires more careful handling than other types. The best cleaning method is a mild soap solution. An alternative option: alcohol or glycerin, there is another method of mechanical action - an eraser. The last of them removes surface contaminants that have not yet penetrated the structure of the material.

When cleaning a gold ring in Coca-Cola, it changed color, what does this mean? How to return the color?

Expert opinion

Grishanov Mikhail Petrovich

Jeweler, director of the Grishanov and Co. workshop

Many people use proven materials and jewelry cleaning products. Among the suitable methods is the Coca-Cola drink. However, upon contact with the substance, the metal becomes colored, which is due to the presence of a large number of additives in its composition. They interact with the environment. You can remove brown marks from gold using different means: ammonia, soap. Thanks to such means, the original color of the jewelry is returned.

Gold jewelry

How to clean gold at home to make it shine with ruby?

Expert opinion

Pribrezhny Gennady Valentinovich

Jeweler 6th category

Prepare a solution using one of the main ingredients - alcohol. An alternative option is shampoo, but any other detergent or cosmetic product will do. Gold that has darkened is treated with alcohol or an alcohol-containing product. Ruby is cleaned using the least aggressive methods, and without abrasives.

A gift from my husband has become cloudy, how can I clean earrings with stones at home without damaging them?

Expert opinion

Grishanov Mikhail Petrovich

Jeweler, director of the Grishanov and Co. workshop

Changes in color and other properties of jewelry can be caused by improper handling (exposure to hot water, soap, chemicals, the formation of a layer of fat) or a natural consequence of changes in the body (with a decrease in immunity, other processes develop, biological substances are produced that react with components in composition of jewelry). This means that you should pay attention to the accompanying factors that could affect the condition of the jewelry when external characteristics change. Plaque can be removed in different ways, but it is important to understand whether these are surface or structural changes in the material. It is possible to return the original properties of gold only in the first case. To do this, use the means given above: soap solution, toothpaste, vinegar solution, etc. The choice is made taking into account the inlay.

Gold ring after cleaning

Professional products

Special products are sold for home cleaning of gems:

Jewelry Cleaning Pen
Designed for jewelry with stones.

There is a special brush

Cleaning foam
Produced under different brands.

Has different purpose categories:

  • for pearls;
  • for precious ones;
  • for semi-precious minerals
In the description, the manufacturer recommends cleaning gold with lapis lazuli, turquoise, pearls, coral, opal
There are various wipes for caring for gold with stones.

Made from natural suede and non-abrasive fabrics.

Helps restore shine and polish

Rules of care

To make your gold earrings look beautiful and shine, provide them with proper care:

  1. Once a month, be sure to carry out preventive cleaning, especially if you wear the product without taking it off. It is much easier to remove fresh and small stains than old greasy marks and dirt.
  2. For cleaning, you can use glycerin - soak a cotton swab in the liquid and thoroughly treat all the hidden corners of the decoration with it.
  3. To give your gold item shine and shine, wipe it with an alcohol-based product.
  4. Avoid prolonged exposure of gold to direct sunlight. Protect it from sudden temperature changes and high humidity.
  5. After cleaning, polish the item with velvet or soft suede.

If you are afraid of damaging or ruining your precious jewelry, entrust such a delicate process to a jeweler

You can clean your earrings at home using improvised or professional products. Preventative cleaning will preserve the shine and decent appearance of the product for many years. You will find even more tips on cleaning various gold jewelry in our other article.

Why does gold become contaminated?

The products are not made from pure metal, as it is too soft and not intended for regular use. The alloy includes silver, copper and other impurities. Finished items become not only durable, but also prone to plaque formation. Common reasons why the appearance of gold deteriorates:

  • contact with skin (metals in the alloy oxidize and the gold object darkens);
  • contacts with creams and other cosmetics, perfumes, eau de toilette;
  • natural skin secretions (sweat);
  • interaction with chemicals;
  • dirt, dust, high humidity, air pollution.
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