Why the fur of the fur coat turned yellow: what to do, how and with what to remove it

A product made of white fur looks chic, be it a fur coat, hat or collar. But natural or faux fur quickly loses its original appearance under the influence of external factors and improper storage. Spots or yellow streaks appear on its white surface. You can get rid of yellowness using proven home methods. If this does not help, go to dry cleaning or dye the product.

Advantages of a white mink fur coat

Most girls prefer a light-colored fur coat. It is in it that the female silhouette looks graceful, attractive and alluring. Thanks to it, you can create amazing images for everyday life or special occasions. Mink models of any shade look very beautiful, but white is the height of perfection. It makes its owner a real queen.

White mink does not leave the catwalks, constantly appearing in the collections of world famous brands. Snow-white luxurious fur sparkles and shines under the spotlights, hypnotizing viewers with its purity and sophistication. This is the only color that does not have shade transitions from light to dark. Large monochrome canvases are created from such skins, and delightful models of the most incredible styles are sewn.

Designers successfully use white mink fur for sewing products in combination with laser cutting, perforation, and the “paws” effect. In this case, fur coats are obtained with beautiful patterns of pile of different heights. Snow-white mink outerwear is unique and rare; more often you can find shades close to beige. These are “pearl” and “topaz”. It doesn’t matter whether you choose a long or short white fur coat - you will look solemn, feminine and seductive in it.

Advantages of white mink coats:

  • quite rare, original color;
  • density and thickness of the pile;
  • many styles and models;
  • allow you to create unique images;
  • warm, light;
  • with shiny, iridescent pile;
  • Can be combined with clothes of any tones and styles.

Rules for choosing a snow-white mink fur coat

In order not to be upset about a fur coat that quickly deteriorates, you need to choose the right quality model. An unscrupulous seller can easily sell rabbit fur under the guise of sheared mink. You should not purchase things from unverified companies.

The Russian factory Diana Furs produces outerwear from premium mink fur. By purchasing our products, you can be sure that they will retain their original appearance, softness and shine for a long time. An item made by the best specialists undergoes strict control and receives a certificate confirming its quality.

What to look for when choosing:

  • the fur cannot be matted, have different lengths or lie unevenly;
  • the pile should not be sewn to the lining or get into the seams;
  • the parts are sewn together in strips of the same length;
  • the pile holds tightly and does not come out in clumps;
  • the lining is not sewn “tightly”;
  • The color of the pile is uniform, as “cold” and snow-white as possible.

Proper care of a white mink coat

Even a well-chosen high-quality fur product can lose its attractive appearance if special care rules are not followed. Mink coats do not like high humidity, so it is better not to wear them in snow or rainy weather. If you couldn’t avoid bad weather, you need to take care of your favorite outerwear.

It needs to be removed, carefully shaken to get rid of drops of water, and laid out on a clean, snow-white cloth for several hours. Then hang it on hangers to dry, without using a hairdryer, and away from heating appliances. If the hem gets dirty, immediately wipe it with a dry, clean white cloth along the growth of the pile so that the dirt is not absorbed into the hem. When dry, comb carefully with a soft, wide-toothed comb.

To avoid deformation of an item of clothing, always hang it on hangers, even if you take it off for a short time. When you sit down without taking off your fur coat, unfasten the bottom buttons and smooth out the pile to avoid the appearance of folds and creases.

Ten “don’ts” in wearing and storing a fur coat:

  • do not dry with a hairdryer, in direct sunlight, or in a draft;
  • do not hang near heat sources;
  • do not comb with a metal comb with sharp, thick teeth;
  • do not carry a bag on your shoulder or elbow;
  • do not apply cosmetics and perfumes after putting on outerwear;
  • do not put away for storage without cleaning;
  • avoid prolonged friction of the pile;
  • do not allow the fur surface to touch the skin of the neck and arms;
  • do not store without using hangers;
  • Do not use aerosols.

How to prevent yellowing of fur?

The following measures will help prevent this problem:

  • avoid contact of light fur clothing with precipitation (snow, rain);
  • protect your fur coat from contact with perfume, eau de toilette and other cosmetic products containing essential oils;
  • Avoid contact of bare skin with fur (it is recommended to wear a scarf or scarf on your neck and gloves on your hands);
  • store fur clothing in a thick cover in a cool, dark place;
  • avoid prolonged contact of fur with direct sunlight;
  • do not allow dirt, dust and soot to accumulate on the pile; it is recommended to regularly dry-clean your fur coat, especially before storing it.


What causes yellowness in a light fur coat?

If storage conditions are not met, worn carelessly or under the influence of unfavorable external factors, the product may lose its whiteness, shine and radiance, and acquire a dusty yellow tint. Unfortunately, you can't always cope with it, but it's worth a try. First you need to determine why the fur coat turned yellow.

Common causes of yellowness:

  • low-quality or fake fur;
  • long frequent trips in the car, heated seats;
  • using a seat belt, wearing accessories;
  • exposure to direct sunlight and ultraviolet rays;
  • improper storage;
  • excess humidity;
  • stains and dirt;
  • traces of hands and sweat;
  • contact with cosmetic and perfumery products;
  • product service life is too long.

Why does fur turn yellow?

Cleaning yellowed fur is a painstaking task. To clean a fur item quickly and efficiently, it is advisable to know the reasons why light-colored items turn yellow:

Reason 1. Moisture
Light fur does not like strong humidity, so it is better not to be exposed to rain or snow while wearing a light fur coat.

If a fur item gets wet, you need to dry it well, but under no circumstances heat it with a hairdryer - temperature changes cause the fur to turn yellow faster

Reason 2. Dust
Dust gets into white fur and turns it yellow, so fur items need to be cleaned regularly and stored properly.

Also, light fur needs to be “ventilated” regularly.

Reason 3. Cosmetics
If your outerwear has a light fur collar, it is better to wear a scarf under it - the remains of foundation, moisturizing fatty creams and other cosmetics contaminate the product, the fur turns yellow

Reason 4. Sweat
Skin secretions, tears and sweat also spoil the appearance of fur.

Light-colored fur items need to be cleaned regularly, especially when worn daily.

Reason 5. Perfumery
Perfume and eau de toilette give the fur a yellow tint.

Apply perfume a few minutes before putting on your fur coat

Cleaning a white mink coat from yellowness: preparatory work

Following the rules of careful care and cleanliness will significantly extend the time of enjoying the bright whiteness and shine of the fur. If you notice that your favorite item has become less snow-white, you should first try to clean it of dust and dirt. The main thing is not to use aggressive drugs that can damage the structure.

First, identify the most contaminated areas. Set the hairdryer to “cold” mode and go over the entire surface of the product. The fibers should fly away easily and then return to their original position. Places where this does not happen need to be cleaned, and the hairs on them become confused and stick together in tufts. Most often these are the collar and cuffs - places of contact with the skin. To avoid shiny spots, you need to wear neckerchiefs and scarves.

If the entire product is not damaged, then yellow stains can be removed using a special cleaning solution. To prepare it, pour warm water into a bowl and add a few teaspoons of regular or zoo shampoo. Beat the mixture until foamy and pour in one standard bottle of pharmaceutical hydrogen peroxide. Foam the liquid again. The sponge is moistened with foam and carefully applied to the stained areas, leaving for 10-15 minutes. Then carefully rub the sponge over the product, and after 3-5 minutes, carefully clean the item with a damp white cloth. Dry in the room on soft hangers.

Tips for cleaning fur at home

  • Before starting the cleaning procedure, the fur product is not knocked out too much, and then cleaned with a special brush;
  • If the fur is wrinkled, it is better to moisten it with a sponge. Then the fur is combed, allowed to dry and, after complete drying, knocked out;
  • Potato peels make an excellent cleanser. It should be washed thoroughly and mixed with a few drops of ammonia. The mixture is distributed onto the contaminated area, rubbed lightly with a brush, washed off and wiped;
  • To restore the softness of the fur surface that has become rough over time, take glycerin, petroleum jelly and egg yolk. Mix everything and add 250 ml of warm water. The resulting composition is wiped over the leather base of the fur, dried, crumpled and slightly pulled in different directions;
  • You can restore the beautiful shine by using a cloth soaked in vinegar essence, glycerin, lemon juice or citric acid. The fur product should be treated with one of the above substances, and then thoroughly wiped with a napkin;
  • You can clean faux fur using a soap solution: dilute 2 tablespoons of detergent for synthetic fabrics in 1 liter of water. Beat the foam and apply it to the brush, rub the fur along the pile. The remaining solution is removed with a slightly damp cotton cloth;
  • Faux fur should be treated with antistatic aerosols. They will help protect the fur from dirt and remove electrostatic charges that attract dust.

Cleaning a hat at home - keeping the fur beautiful

How to effectively clean and bleach a fur coat using pharmaceutical products

If the fur coat has turned yellow, use a salt solution. To prepare it, you need to dissolve 10 g of salt and a teaspoon of ammonia in 250 ml of water. After processing the fur product, leave it to dry at room temperature.

Bleaching yellowed mink fur is easy and cheap using regular pharmacy hydrogen peroxide. The product is combined with water in a one to one ratio. The solution is distributed with a spray bottle over the entire surface of the product and remains until completely dry under normal room conditions. Then you need to carefully comb the snow-white fur with a special soft brush.

Try not to wet the flesh, otherwise after drying it will become hard, rough and cracked, and the clothes will become deformed. In case of pronounced yellowness, the same solution will save the fur coat, but with the addition of 3-5 drops of ammonia. The perfect way is to soak a large piece of cotton wool in this liquid and put it on a plastic comb with a wide comb and non-sharp teeth. The product is cleaned by combing the pile in the direction of hair growth.

If during cleaning and bleaching procedures the mink loses its shine, it can be restored by wiping the surface with a glycerin solution. 2-3 drops are enough, which are rubbed between the palms and carefully passed over the surface with your hands. Or combine one part of water and glycerin and apply it to the item with a sponge.

What not to do

The first thing you need to come to terms with is that fur cannot be washed in a washing machine. Unfortunately, you will have to work with your hands. And after processing, the product is dried only naturally. no hair dryers, heaters, and especially no open fire.

The second rule is that despite numerous reviews on the Internet about how perfectly milled rice, semolina, and potato starch clean white fur, it is still not recommended to do this. Perhaps the fur will clean well. But inside its fibers there will be particles of cereal or starch. And this will attract moths, and then your clean fur coat or vest will be covered with completely unattractive bald spots.

Rule three - if your white fur product is already several years old and has turned yellow, there is no point in trying to bleach it. It simply faded and faded, like animal fur fades and fades. But if a living creature’s fur renews itself and becomes white again, then in your case this will definitely not happen. Therefore, accept it - and don’t try to whiten it, it’s impossible. Only fur that has simply become dirty is bleached.

Restoring fur whiteness using vinegar compounds

A solution consisting of equal parts of medical alcohol and white vinegar will help deal with stains. It is carefully applied to the pile with a soft brush or foam sponge. Then you need to wipe the item with a piece of white cloth.

Ordinary table vinegar 9% shows excellent effectiveness. They need to moisten the foam sponge and clean the fur product, ridding it of yellowness. In serious cases, you can use undissolved essence, since mink wool is not affected by acid.

Effective whitening is possible by cleaning with vinegar and freshly squeezed lemon juice. The products are mixed in equal proportions. Using a brush, carefully apply the liquid to the pile and dry it naturally.

Fingerprints can be removed with white vinegar. Moisten a cotton pad with the liquid and clean the pile with light tangential movements and dry at room temperature. This method is good for shiny areas on collars, hoods, and cuffs.

Store funds

To maintain the original appearance of a fur coat, it needs constant and proper care, including cleaning with professional products made specifically for this purpose.

Fur cosmetics include preventive kits for regular care and complex kits for removing serious contaminants. They include:

  • deep and surface cleaners;
  • means for restoring the structure of the pile and its shine;
  • cleaning wet wipes that help quickly remove fresh local dirt;
  • deep impact foams.

All these products for cleaning arctic fox fur at home have such properties and qualities as degreasing, water resistance and antiseptic properties.

The components included in these cosmetic kits are devoid of aggressive chemical components.

These kits contain a full range of products for home dry cleaning of fur products of varying degrees of contamination.

The algorithm for their use boils down to spraying the drug onto certain areas of the item, and after a few minutes of exposure it is removed.

How to bleach a white fur coat with simple home remedies

The use of ordinary bluing can visually restore the whiteness of a fur coat. The product must be diluted in hot water according to the instructions until it turns pale blue and the fur must be treated using a sponge or soft brush. You can apply the liquid with a spray bottle and let it dry completely, or moisten gauze with blue and wrap the fur coat completely for 30-40 minutes.

Grate colorless baby soap on a fine grater. Dissolve the resulting shavings in warm water and beat the resulting soapy liquid into foam. Using a sponge or cloth, moisten the surface of the clothing with foam, avoiding it getting on the inside. Then wipe gently with a damp, clean cloth. Dry in the room on a hanger.

By combining baking soda, warm water and rubbing alcohol in a 3:1:1 ratio, you will get a thick paste that is applied to clothing in the direction of hair growth. A mixture of burnt magnesia, pure gasoline and potato starch does not require rinsing. It is left to dry and then the residue is removed with a soft brush.

Wet the sponge with a solution containing 1 tablespoon each of water, alcohol and fine salt. Process and leave to dry. Combine 10 g of talc and 10 ml of hydrogen peroxide to a thick paste, apply to the surface and leave until dry. Shake off clothes and brush with a dry brush.

Shampoo designed for pet fur provides gentle cleaning of dirt. It needs to be diluted in warm water, whipped into foam. The resulting foam is collected with a cotton pad and processed in the direction of hair growth. The wool is then wiped with a white cloth and left to dry. Shampoo cannot be washed off.

An excellent result is shown by treating a fur coat with a mixture of starch and gasoline when yellowness is detected. The powder must be diluted with pure gasoline to a paste and carefully applied to the surface of the product. When the product has dried, you need to comb the item with a fine comb or soft brush.

Useful tips

If you see that the fur has turned yellow and you don’t know how to bleach it, then first weigh the pros and cons. Read reviews from other people about using a particular method. Choose the whitening method that suits you best. Be sure to test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product.

When you have a blue mink collar or sheepskin coat, use the optical action method. Dilute the blue in warm water and use a spray bottle to apply the solution to the fur. Let dry thoroughly. This tinting will hide traces of yellowing and add freshness and brightness to the color.

Try to clean and bleach contaminated outerwear in a timely manner. After the end of the cold season, immediately before putting it in the closet, carefully check the condition of the fur.


How to clean a white mink coat from yellowness using dry methods

Oil and grease stains can be removed with clean, fine sawdust from non-resinous wood, which is sold in pet stores. They are simply scattered on the contaminated area and left for three to four hours. After this, remove it with a vacuum cleaner. The best results are shown by using sawdust soaked in pure gasoline and dried.

Cleaning from dirt is carried out with a soft dry brush, and then with a vacuum cleaner at the lowest power. To remove dust, place the fur coat fur side down on a clean, damp white cloth and carefully walk over the entire surface with light patting movements of your palms. Then dry the pile.

Minor stains can be removed using potato starch, powdered chalk, talc or semolina. You need to sprinkle them on the fur product and carefully rub the fibers with your palms. If the fur is long, it must be processed according to the pile, and if it is cut, it must be processed against it.

Shake the thing. If the adsorbents turn gray, it means they have absorbed dust and dirt. Repeat the procedure for reliability and better results. Remove the remaining particles with a vacuum cleaner, and comb the fur with a soft comb in the direction of hair growth. In the same way, a fur coat can be cleaned with wheat or rye bran, heated on a clean baking sheet in the oven or microwave to a temperature of 50-60°C.

Combine semolina, crushed chalk, and potato starch into one adsorbent “cocktail.” Heat them to 40-50°C and apply to yellowed areas. Leave to cool completely, then shake off. Remove any residue with a soft clothes brush.

If the white fur has faded, use a folk trick. Place the walnut kernels in a gauze bag and beat them with a hammer. Use a cloth with nuts to clean the surface of the pile. It will get rid of accumulated dust and restore the original beautiful shine.

Whitening fur coats with special store-bought products

Fur clothing can be cleaned no more than once a season so that it does not lose its original appearance. There are drugs that can quickly restore the whiteness of your favorite item. Remember that you can use them only after cleaning your outer clothing from dirt.

Magic Snow liquid, manufactured in Germany, is designed to remove yellowness from white mink fur. The product is diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1:4, poured into a spray bottle and shaken. Then spray on the yellowed areas of the pile. The fur coat is hung out to dry, periodically smoothing and combing. An alternative to dry cleaning is Biofur thick soap. It eliminates yellowness and restores shine, allowing you to restore the whiteness of fur within half an hour.

If all else fails, try tinting your fur coat. Spray aerosol Furasol will serve to return the snow-white color. It is easy to apply and dries within a day. Excess paint is removed from the pile with a dry cloth. When using chemicals, test them first on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​clothing.

Don't be upset if you can't return your favorite item to its snowy whiteness. Contact a specialist bio-dry cleaner or fur atelier. They have in their arsenal many modern non-aggressive products for cleaning and bleaching natural furs. At your request, they will tint or dye the fur in a different shade - and your wardrobe will sparkle with new colors.

Causes of yellowing

When purchasing products made from natural fur, you must take into account the fact that over time it will definitely begin to acquire a yellowish tint. This happens because the natural color pigment of the villi fades under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. The same effect happens to people's hair in the summer. Also, the fibers can burn out from the bright light of the lamps. If the finished product has been hanging for a long time in a store with daylight, or at home on a hanger in a brightly lit room, then this process is inevitable.

Boa with yellowed fur

But even if you carefully pack your mink collar coat or white rabbit fur coat and hide it deep in the closet, it will simply prolong its original appearance a little.

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