We learn how to wipe off dust correctly so that it does not settle for a long time after cleaning.

Doubts about how to spell correctly: wipe or wipe may arise due to the peculiarities of the alternation of vowels in words with the same root. In different cases, the same root will contain either “and” or “e ”. Let's look at the spelling rule that determines the spelling of a given word.

How to spell correctly, the emphasis in the word “wipe the dust”

Associations to the phrase “wipe the dust”

Synonyms for the phrase “wipe the dust”

Sentences containing the phrase “wipe the dust”

  • Maybe you need to wipe off the dust
    or sweep the floor. I haven't been at the dacha for a long time. Two weeks. Everything could get dusty.
  • If you are going to sprinkle your home, then before doing this you need to clean the house, wash all the floors, wipe off the dust
    , and remove all unnecessary items.
  • Then she wiped off the dust
    and even at the end, while there was little time left, she wiped the floor in the corridor.
  • (all offers)

Quotes from Russian classics with the phrase “wipe away the dust”

  • It happened that you were sitting and reading or writing something, and suddenly you heard some rustling and puffing, and something heavy was moving under the table near your feet; you look - it’s Yegor, barefoot, collecting pieces of paper under the table or wiping away dust.

Meaning of the word "wipe"

WIPE, - rub, - rub; past
wiped, -la, -lo;
suffering past wiped, -tert, -a, -o;
having wiped and wiped;
sov., trans.
1. By wiping, make it dry and clean. Wipe your hands.
(Small Academic Dictionary, MAS)

The meaning of the word "dust"

DUST, -i, prev.

about dust, in dust,
1. Tiny solid particles suspended in the air or deposited on the surface of objects. (Small Academic Dictionary, MAS)

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Meaning of the word "wipe"

WIPE, - rub, - rub; past

wiped, -la, -lo;
suffering past wiped, -tert, -a, -o;
having wiped and wiped;
sov., trans.
1. By wiping, make it dry and clean. Wipe your hands.

The meaning of the word "dust"

DUST, -i, prev.

about dust, in dust,
1. Tiny solid particles suspended in the air or deposited on the surface of objects.

Sentences containing the phrase “to wipe off the dust”:

Maybe I need to dust off

or sweep the floor. I haven't been at the dacha for a long time. Two weeks. Everything could get dusty.

If you are going to sprinkle your home, then before doing this you need to clean the house, wash all the floors, wipe off the dust

, remove all unnecessary items.

Then I wiped off the dust

and even at the end, while there was little time left, she wiped the floor in the corridor.


Make it dry or clean, removing moisture or dirt from the surface.
Wear due to frequent friction (fabric, fur).

Morphology: I wipe

, you
, he/she/it
, we
, you
, they
St. wipe
noun, p. wiping
1. When you wipe

anything, you run your hand, towel, etc. over the surface of this object so that it becomes dry and clean.

The teacher wiped his chalk-stained hands with a rag. | He wipes his sweaty forehead with his hand. | St.

The mother wiped the child's nose.

2. When you wipe

dust, dirt, etc., you remove them with a rag, broom, etc. from the surface of something.

Masha wiped the dust and swept the floor.


, wiping, wiping, imperfect. (to wipe).


What. To clean something from dust or dirt by friction. Wipe the table. Dry your feet after a walk. Wipe dirty galoshes. Wipe off dust.


someone or something Rub something wet until it's dry, eliminating moisture. Dry your face with a towel. Dry washed dishes. Dry your child after bathing.


What. Wear out by frequent friction (collapse). Wipe your elbows on your jacket.

WIPE, wipe off something, wipe, wash, rub to clean, cleanse; iron, polish;

| to thin by friction to thin. Wipe sweaty windows. Wipe the floor with wax. The chervonets has been wiped off.



See what “RUBING” is in other dictionaries:

rubbing - rags, wiping, cleaning, rubbing, perforating, rubbing, retouching, cleaning Dictionary of Russian synonyms. wiping noun, number of synonyms: 10 • rags (17) • ... Dictionary of synonyms

RUBBING - RUBBING, and, female. 1. see wipe. 2. Soft material, wipe the edge, wipe whatever. P. for windows. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Rubbing - m. Action according to the meaning. Ch. rub. Rubbing of sand is carried out as follows: from 8 to 19 pounds of sand are poured onto a sieve, depending on its quality, and with a constant influx of water, two workers wipe the sand with iron combs, observing ... ... Dictionary of gold mining of the Russian Empire

Rubbing - f. decomposition 1. action under Ch. wipe 2. A rag or any device for wiping or cleaning something. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

The rule for writing a verb with the particle “not”

Sometimes confusion arises when writing from “not” different parts of speech, when a noun or adjective is written together, but verbs and participles are written separately:

Therefore, first of all, let's determine the part of speech . In our case, it is a verb (means an action and answers the questions: “what to do?”, “What to do?”). Now let’s turn to the rules governing the writing of verbs with the particle “not”:

Thus, “ do not wipe ” is the only correct option in Russian; other ways of writing this phrase are incorrect.

How to spell correctly, the emphasis in the word “wipe the dust”

Meaning of the word "wipe"

WIPE, - rub, - rub; past wiped, -la, -lo; prib. suffering past wiped, -tert, -a, -o; deepr. having wiped and wiped; sov., trans. (nesov. wipe).

All meanings of the word "wipe"

The meaning of the word "dust"

Dust is small solid particles of organic or mineral origin. Dust includes particles of smaller diameter from fractions of a micron to a maximum of 0.1 mm. Larger particles transform the material into the category of sand, which ranges in size from 0.1 to 5 mm.

All meanings of the word "dust"

Sentences containing the phrase “to wipe off the dust”:

Maybe I need to wipe off the dust or sweep the floor... I haven’t been at the dacha for a long time... For two weeks... Everything could have become dusty...

If you are going to sprinkle your home, then before doing this you need to clean the house, wash all the floors, wipe off the dust, and remove all unnecessary items.

Then she wiped off the dust and even at the end, while there was little time left, she wiped the floor in the corridor.

How to check the word polemical?

It should be remembered that the vocabulary word

"polemical" is spelled with "o", "e" and "e".
In image words, the letter that is questionable in the dictionary word “ polemical
” is under stress.

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Where does dust come from?

During his life, a person loses more than 15 kg of dead skin flakes, and 20% of the dust in the house consists of them. But you should worry about particles of household chemicals, pollen, textile fibers, bacteria and microorganisms. It's hard to believe, but dust can fly into our home even from the other side of the planet.

The benefits of civilization also do not have the best effect. Carpeting, curtains, toys and furniture are the main source of household dust. First of all, it accumulates in pillows, blankets, upholstery, and then appears in visible places.

How to reduce dust?

It is possible to escape from dust if you follow the rules.

Hygiene and vacuum cleaner

Wash regularly and itch less (better lubricate your hands and body with moisturizing or nourishing cream to get rid of dryness and itching).

Always comb your hair in one room and vacuum there every other day (although our great-great-grandmothers advised dry brushing every day - but then they walked around the house in street shoes).

Brush your furry pet twice a week (in the same room where you brush and vacuum frequently).

Take off your street clothes as soon as you get home and store them in a locked closet with your shoes. Vacuum every couple of weeks to freshen and remove dust, your hair and pet fur).

Cleaning and ventilation

Do wet cleaning more often, and wash the floors only after removing dust from cabinets and upholstered furniture.

Wipe off the dust with a damp or electrostatic cloth (the latter is better because it does not leave streaks and does not spoil the varnish). Another option is a steam cleaner and the vacuum cleaner that has already been mentioned many times (a modern arsenal of attachments allows you to entrust many operations to this device).

How to wipe off dust correctly?

Here are the main secrets, straight from cleaning managers:

  • Buy a wool or microfiber cloth. Such materials are electrified and attract small particles.
  • Before cleaning, be sure to moisten the cloth with water or use a vacuum cleaner.
  • Follow the order: wipe the dust only after dry cleaning with a broom or vacuum cleaner and move from bottom to top.
  • Clean the lamps with alcohol.
  • Dust mites like to crawl into dark places away from people. So pay attention to corners and crevices.
  • Use polish and antistatic agent.

We use an antistatic agent

To prevent dust from settling for a long time, use special detergents with an antistatic effect. This can be either a purchased or homemade product. Here are some recipes.

  1. You can make a polish from lemon and 6 tbsp. l. oil (sunflower, mineral or almond). Infuse the mixture for 7 days in a dark room, and then mix with a glass of boiling water. Wipe the furniture with a cloth soaked in this composition.
  2. Essential oil not only destroys dust, but also has a beneficial effect on the human body. Therefore, wipe hard surfaces with a cloth soaked in water with the addition of rose, lavender, ylang-ylang or patchouli oil.
  3. Add 1 tsp to a glass of water. salt and stir until completely dissolved.
  4. You can also mix an antistatic agent with shampoo and water in a 1:1:1 ratio and use the solution for cleaning.

All these methods will help you effectively get rid of dust so that it does not settle for a long time. This way, you will protect yourself and your loved ones from allergies, bacteria, dust mites and even asthma.

Ink can be removed from clothing or fabrics with hairspray.

This method can often be found in tips for removing difficult stains, but now it is losing its relevance. Modern varnishes contain much less alcohol or do without it at all, so as not to harm the hair. Without alcohol, they will not eat away at the stain. In addition, the varnish may harden and leave a stain on the fabric. It is better to blot ink stains with a cotton swab and alcohol, and then wash them off.

How to properly wipe dust

It would seem that it could be easier than wiping off the dust. But even in such a matter there are some subtleties that you should know. It is not enough to simply brush off the dust. She will spin in the air for a while and then return to her place. Therefore, advertised brushes are pointless for cleaning dust. First, you need to vacuum the furniture with a soft, long-bristle brush along the pattern of the furniture. Then wipe with a damp cloth along the drawing and collect the moisture with a rubberized cloth, then dirty water will not remain, which means dirt and stains will be removed. But if there is not much dust, then you can use dry cleaning with microfiber. General cleaning makes your work much easier. You need to wipe the furniture dry with a microfiber cloth, then the fibers absorb dust and by shaking it out you will get rid of the dirt. It should be remembered that it is not recommended to wash the napkin itself after use, since in this case it loses its dust-attracting impregnation. It’s better to just knock it out of the dust on the street or balcony.

And just now wash the floors

Wash every week and remember to lift chair legs and move furniture away. Washing napkins also help; they are good for wiping in the corners of rooms and around furniture legs; in addition, they have an antistatic effect and will prevent dust from settling in the future.


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The dishwasher and washing machine do not need to be washed from the inside

The dishwasher and washing machine do not clean themselves and also require maintenance, although not too often.
Grease, limescale from water, and food debris accumulate in the dishwasher. Every month it needs to be thoroughly washed from the inside with a special product. The same goes for your washing machine, especially if it frequently washes at low temperatures. Without regular rinsing with detergent and hot water, your car can become a breeding ground for harmful bacteria, such as salmonella.

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