Tips from experienced housewives on how to remove ketchup stains from various surfaces and fabrics

Ketchup stains can appear on the clothes of even very tidy people.
Removing rapidly spreading brightly colored marks is in most cases very difficult. To avoid any reminder of ketchup on your favorite things, you need to know how to deal with the problem using improvised and purchased means, as well as what needs to be done first.

We'll tell you in this article how to remove ketchup stains from clothes, shoes, and furniture.

What to do with fresh contamination?

In the first minutes, when ketchup has just hit the fabric, it is much easier to remove traces of the sauce than over time. Depending on the type of material and the extent of the damage, in some cases it will be completely impossible to deal with old marks.

If, as a result of careless movement, a stain has just appeared on clothing, you need to take action without delay:

  1. The bright mass that has not had time to be absorbed should be removed immediately.
    You can use a napkin from the table, a spoon, etc. It is necessary to clean clothes carefully, without smearing the ketchup even more, and without pressing on the fabric.

    This approach will allow you to collect more of the bright mass and prevent the dressing from being absorbed into the material.

  2. Salt is immediately poured onto the remaining mark so that the mark is completely covered.
  3. After a couple of minutes, when the salt crystals turn red, you can shake them off.
  4. The item should be carefully turned inside out.
  5. Place the affected area under running cold water so that the ketchup is washed off as much as possible.

During the initial treatment, the area with the stain should not be rubbed with napkins or touched with your hands. After the bulk of the ketchup has been washed out of the fibers, you can proceed to washing off the trace left on the material.

Industrial bleach

This cleaning option is designed only for snow-white fabrics and is not suitable for colored ones. It's pretty simple:

  1. Rinse the area of ​​contamination under running water.
  2. Apply bleach.
  3. Wait for it to work on the fibers.
  4. Wash at the maximum temperature allowed for the item.

The optimal temperature for washing a product is usually indicated on the label.

As you can see, getting rid of traces of ketchup does not require much effort and complex manipulations, if you do not put the problem on the back burner and react immediately.

Washing rules

When attempting to remove ketchup stains from clothes, you must take into account the following rules for carrying out the work:

  1. You should not recklessly send a soiled item straight to the wash. This can lead to staining of everything in the drum of the machine and to the fact that traces of the sauce will become attached to the material.
  2. After the initial treatment, you need to start removing the trace left by spilled ketchup.
  3. Only after the stain has been properly processed and has disappeared from the material can you proceed to the main wash.
  4. After removing the stain, it is necessary to wash the item at the maximum permissible temperature. Additionally, a washing powder enhancer can be added.
  5. After washing, the item must be rinsed.

When using stain removers, store-bought or homemade, place a napkin or clean rag under the stained area. This is necessary in order to prevent the solution from leaking onto the clean, undamaged side of the item.

First aid in the fight against traces of mayonnaise

You need to remove drops of sauce from clothes very quickly, before the product is deeply absorbed into the fabric. If you get a T-shirt, tank top, sundress, or jacket dirty during a feast, you can’t hesitate; a fresh stain is much easier to wash off. First, remove the bulk of the sauce from the clothes using a napkin or spoon.

It is strictly forbidden to rub the greasy mark, as this can cause more serious damage. It is advisable to remove the soiled item and thoroughly treat the stain using dishwashing liquid. A few drops will be needed, but it is important to completely cover the stained area.

Components capable of breaking down fats will begin to work after application. To completely remove the stain, it is enough to wash the area of ​​​​the material with laundry soap. This method is suitable even for old stains. The duration of exposure to the detergent is about three hours.

Mayonnaise from natural products

Folk recipes

Without delay, you can start removing the stain using the products you already have in your home. Since ketchup stains are quite difficult to remove, you will have to work on removing them.

Soap, peroxide and soda

An integrated approach that combines the use of several products at once provides good stain removal efficiency. Restrictions on the use of the recipe - it is suitable for white items, and can discolor the colors of bright fabrics.


  • moisten the soiled part of the item, squeeze out excess water;

  • the area with the stain is washed with laundry soap;
  • leave the thing to lie for a quarter of an hour;
  • rinse the product in cool water;
  • pour 1 tbsp into a separate container. l. soda;
  • pour enough hydrogen peroxide into the soda to form a paste;
  • Apply soda paste to the affected area using rubbing movements;
  • leave for half an hour;
  • washed off.

It is convenient to use an old toothbrush to apply baking soda and peroxide.

Table vinegar and dish gel

The use of table vinegar is effective due to the acid in its composition and can be recommended for white things.

Application procedure:

  1. Moisten the fabric.
  2. Apply dishwashing gel to the ketchup mark.
  3. Leave for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Rinse off the detergent with cool water.
  5. Dilute vinegar with half and half water in a separate container.
  6. Moisten the stained area with vinegar solution.
  7. Leave for 10 minutes to act.
  8. Rinse off with cool water.
  9. Wash the entire product.

Instead of dishwashing gel, bar soap can be used.


The pharmaceutical product can be used undiluted on colored and white items. How to use:

  • Apply glycerin to the stain, spreading it with a sponge over the entire area affected by ketchup;
  • wait no more than a minute;
  • wash the item as usual.

Lemon juice

For things of any color, freshly squeezed lemon juice can be used to remove stains:

  1. Soak the area with ketchup in lemon juice so that the material is moistened on both the front and back sides.
  2. Leave to act for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Rinse the item under running cool water.

If the stain is not completely gone the first time, the procedure can be repeated.


Any toothpaste that does not contain colored inclusions is selected for processing:

  • squeeze toothpaste from the tube onto an old toothbrush;
  • apply the product to the stain, brushing from the edges to the center of the item;
  • leave for half an hour;
  • rinse with water;
  • wash the product.

For items that shed, the toothpaste method is not suitable.

How to remove ketchup from white

It is easier to remove stains on white than on dark or colored ones. Most stain removers contain bleaching agents that discolor the dyes and spoil the appearance. Bleach is applied to the contaminated area for literally 10-15 minutes. Machine wash on the highest temperature setting.

Laundry soap is the most reliable and affordable stain remover. You need to turn the item inside out and hold the soiled area under a cold stream. This will remove any remaining sauce from the fabric. Then lather heavily and leave for a couple of hours, and then wash. Before washing, it is recommended to lightly moisten the stain with vinegar or lemon juice. A similar effect can be achieved by applying dishwashing gel. Rub a little and rinse. Then combine equal amounts of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. Soak the stain and set aside for 30-40 minutes.

From a white T-shirt

Any dirt is always noticeable on white things, especially red ones. You can remove ketchup stains on white using ammonia. Add 3 tbsp to 4 liters of liquid. l. solution and soak the clothes for several hours. After time, wash by hand with bleach powder. Regular baking soda will also cope with this task successfully. It is enough to lightly rub the fabric with it, and then rinse with running water.

Potassium permanganate, familiar to everyone from childhood, perfectly restores the whiteness of wardrobe items, but you need to handle it carefully. Add the powder to the water until a light pink tint is obtained. Place the T-shirt there and cover with a lid. When it cools down, rinse and dry.

How to remove with special preparations?

Commercial stain removers can be used to remove stains. They are universal and targeted, designed to eliminate a limited type of stains.

Dr.Beckmann Fats and sauces

TM Dr. Beckmann produces an oxygen stain remover for grease stains and ketchup marks. The product is intended for light and colored laundry. The composition does not contain phosphates and chlorine.

The stain remover is used undiluted directly on the stain. Exposure time is about a quarter of an hour. The preparation can be used to clean stains on things that do not require washing - jackets, upholstery, etc. It is not suitable for caring for carpets and leather items.

Price – around 200 rubles. Read reviews here, here and here.

Vanish Oxi Action for pre-treatment

The concentrate in spray form is a stain remover for stubborn stains. Can be used on cotton and synthetic fabrics. Apply by spraying the product onto the soiled area before the main wash. Does not contain chlorine and phosphates.

Price – from 500 rubles. Read reviews here, here and here.

Udalix Professional stain remover spray

Oxygen stain remover is intended for white and colored items . The product effectively copes even with stubborn dirt and complex stains from:

  • vegetables, vegetables
  • fruits,
  • herbs,
  • ketchup,
  • other sauces, etc.

A universal stain remover spray suitable for all types of materials. It can also be used to clean car interiors, upholstery furniture, and remove stains from sneakers.

The price of a bottle is up to 250 rubles. Read reviews here.

What is the difference between removing stains from ketchup, tomato sauce and tomato paste?

As a rule, ketchup contains not only tomato paste, but also a number of additional components, for example, fatty components. That is why ketchup and sauce are quickly absorbed into the structure of the fabric and are considered difficult to remove stains, which are sometimes extremely difficult to wash off.

Tomato paste is made only from tomato puree, so it contains mainly natural dyes. This stain is also not easy to wash, but it can be completely removed using oxygen-containing bleaches.

Recommended reading: Benefits of tomatoes for the body

Features of the fight taking into account the color of the material

Traces of ketchup on clothes are highly pigmented. or acid-based products (acetic, citric) will help remove the sauce from a white item without a trace after initial treatment Oxygen bleaches for light-colored items and special stain removers can also be used.

When removing stains from colored clothing, you need to act carefully so as not to damage the coloring. When using the product for the first time, it is necessary to test it on an inconspicuous area to ensure that it is safe for bright colors.

Glycerin, dishwashing detergent, toothpaste, etc. are suitable. In addition to homemade recipes, you can use store-bought stain removers.

Methods for emergency response to traces of ketchup

When tomato sauce gets on children's clothes or on their favorite skirt, shorts, or snow-white dress, it is important to act without delay. Leaving a trace of ketchup unwashed will aggravate the situation, and removing it will be much more problematic.

The components of the product can be deeply embedded in the structure of the fabric, and it is almost impossible to remove them. After an unpleasant incident, immediately collect the remaining product, do not rub, all movements must be extremely careful.

If your jacket or shirt is dirty, it is advisable to rinse the stain with running water. A cotton pad placed underneath will help prevent dirt from spreading. When processing white, colored, or black things in case of contact with ketchup, it is forbidden to pour boiling water over the trace.

The composition of the sauce is distinguished by a huge amount of dyes; under the influence of hot water they will bond with the threads of the fabric. Such clothes cannot be restored!

Emergency rescue method: pour liquid soap or washing gel onto the damaged area of ​​the product and leave for thirty minutes. Rub lightly and soak in vinegar solution.

Method of preparation: a tablespoon of nine percent vinegar per liter of water, leave for forty minutes. Wash the treated item in a special mode - “Intensive wash”. Colored items made from delicate fabrics should only be washed by hand.

White items can be washed with the addition of high-quality bleach. If you respond to the problem in a timely manner, it is possible to preserve and restore the presentable appearance of the clothing.

Removing ketchup stains from white clothes

Cleaning nuances depending on the type of fabric

The type of fabric affects the choice of product for removing ketchup marks. The most demanding materials to process are delicate materials, natural wool and silk.

Removing food marks from delicate fabrics should be done very carefully and only with products that do not have an aggressive effect. This could be dish gel or stain remover for delicate materials.

Wool and silk are cleaned with ammonia, as well as with commercial preparations approved for this type of material. Natural cotton is the least demanding on impact. Almost any recipe can be chosen to clean it.

How to Remove Soy Sauce from Carpet

The instructions for removing stains from carpet are the same as for upholstery. However, if you have no luck with this stain removal method above, you can also do something additional with the stain.

  1. Use a mixture of sparkling water and soda.
  2. Apply the resulting mixture to the carpet.
  3. Remove the liquid using a vacuum cleaner or towel with water.

Using the method suggested above, there is a possibility that the surface may become discolored or damaged if not careful. This means you will need to test the fabric before using the full cleaning method. Apply it to a part that won't be noticeable and then see what happens. If you notice that any of the fabrics are becoming discolored, or look like they are corroded, then you will need to use a different method.

How to wash shoes?

If the sauce gets on your shoes, you can remove the mark in several ways , taking into account the type of material.

The stain is removed from the skin with a napkin, and the surface itself is cleaned. You can treat textile sneakers the same way as you treat clothes, using home remedies and store-bought stain removers.

Suede shoes require even more attention . It would be better to first sprinkle fresh stains with talcum powder or starch, which will absorb a significant part of the sauce spilled on the shoes. Dried stains from such a pair are removed with a special brush. After this, it is necessary to restore the pile by holding, for example, shoes over steam.

Stain removers intended for clothing should not be used on suede. For it, special shoe cosmetics should be used , which are designed for this type of material.

Stain removers

Today, the household chemicals market is saturated with high-quality products from well-known brands. Their effectiveness does not always depend on price, so you should focus on real reviews on review sites.

Judging by them, the following modern stain removers are popular today:

  • Amway PreWash Spray;
  • Ace Oxi Magic;
  • Faberlic (Edelstar);
  • Vanish GoldOxi Action.

Before using any product, we strongly recommend that you read the instructions supplied with the product, read on the Internet about its advantages and disadvantages, and also use protective gloves during work.

The listed stain removers may not be suitable when it comes to underwear and clothes for children, since these products may contain aggressive and toxic substances. In this case, there are three options:

  • give preference to “Eared Nannies” products designed for children;
  • use Ecover stain remover for people with hypersensitivity to chemical components;
  • wash using the gentle methods listed above.

How to remove from furniture?

Ketchup that gets on cabinet furniture is removed using napkins. The area where the sauce was spilled is then treated with polish.

It is much more difficult to clean spilled ketchup from upholstered furniture. You need to act as quickly as possible:

  1. First, you should collect as much of the spilled ketchup as possible, without allowing it to be absorbed. Do not rub the fabric, as this will only make the stain larger and be absorbed deeper.
  2. Soak a clean rag in cold water.
  3. Gradually clean the entire affected area of ​​the upholstery, working from the edge to the middle. The rags used for cleaning should be rinsed frequently in clean water. If necessary, replace with a new one.
  4. After the bulk of the ketchup has been removed and the stain has been treated with cold water, you can use any convenient method to remove the stain from the sauce. This could be vinegar, lemon juice, or a store-bought product that can be used without subsequent washing.

It is advisable to open the ketchup package above a table, and not above upholstered furniture.

What you need to remove sauce stains

  • Big spoon.
  • Cloth towel: it must be clean and dry.
  • Paper towel: This can be used if you don’t have a cloth one.
  • Vacuum cleaner: for dry or wet cleaning, it will help remove. If the vacuum cleaner can only be used on a dry surface, do not vacuum the carpet until the removal procedure is complete and the removal area is dry.
  • Mix baking soda with sparkling water so the baking soda won't damage the carpet. Baking soda does not remain on the surface and therefore does not need to be rinsed off. Kitchen soda effectively removes stains. It can also be used as a rinse aid for other cleaners.
  • Cold water: Use clean water for washing.
  • Detergent: mix 1 tsp. dishwashing detergent with 2 cups cold water. The detergent must be dye-free and bleach-free.
  • Ammonia: Mix 1⁄4 cup pure ammonia with 1 cup cold water. Ammonia is moderately alkaline. It can be purchased at your local grocery store or pharmacy.

WARNING! Ammonia has bleaching properties and is good to use only on white.

Hydrogen peroxide: mix 1 tbsp. l. in hydrogen peroxide with 3 tbsp. l. cold water. Hydrogen peroxide should be 3% and is available at your local grocery store or pharmacy.

WARNING! Hydrogen peroxide has a whitening effect and is best used on very light tones.


To ensure that ketchup stains are removed without problems, it is recommended to follow these tips:

  1. The “damaged” item should not be sent to the dirty laundry basket - it must be dealt with immediately.

  2. You should not iron the item until the stains have been removed, until the stain is completely removed.
  3. Even the best quality stain removers can have an unpredictable reaction on fabrics, so it is recommended to try a new product on an inconspicuous area.
  4. Stain removers must be used according to the instructions, without exceeding the exposure time specified by the product manufacturer.

Another quick way

  1. Take a dry towel to absorb excess liquid.
  2. Cover the area with a towel before the contamination has yet seeped into the material.
  3. Then pour water on the affected area and cover.
  4. Use a vacuum cleaner attachment and dry the part of the towel covering the soy sauce.
  5. After this, most of the stain should disappear, and if necessary, you can repeat the process.

Therefore, if you like soy sauce, keep not only napkins on hand during meals, but also those products that we have listed.

It doesn’t matter if yellow stains appear on your down winter jacket after an unsuccessful wash. It happens that you have to wash vomit stains from upholstered furniture or clothes, and it is very difficult to clean a mattress from red stains and the smell of urine, but there are methods. You can, Removing stains is always a long and labor-intensive process, especially if it concerns traces of food or

Cleaning fabric from old stains

Traces of fat penetrate deeply into the structure of matter within a few days. Such stains can be removed using aggressive agents. It is recommended to apply the compositions to the material while wearing gloves.

A solution of ammonia, glycerin and water is the safest for delicate fabrics. For one spoonful of water you need to take a spoonful of glycerin and half a spoonful of ammonia. Blot the stain with the solution. The mixture should be kept on the fabric for 10-15 minutes. Then the items are washed in warm water and washed as usual.

If the greasy stain cannot be removed using gentle methods, purified gasoline is used. The product is applied to a cotton pad. Then it is used to wipe the contaminated area of ​​clothing. After 10 minutes the item needs to be washed.

What to do with dried stains?

If it was not possible to remove the tomato sauce right away, and the mark has dried out, it becomes more difficult to remove. To clean the fabric, it is better to use household chemicals. A good inexpensive product is Antipyatnin soap.

  1. Do not wet the entire item, focus on the dirt. Moisten it with water and rub with soap.
  2. Take a piece of ice from the freezer and start rubbing the soap into the fibers of the fabric.
  3. Keep doing this until the ice cube melts. If the stain is not dissolved, take more ice and rub again.
  4. Then blot off the excess soap with a sponge, treat the tomato mark with vinegar and do regular laundry.

When choosing a means to remove tomato paste from clothes, pay attention to:

  • product line;
  • liquid stain remover for colored items “Vanish”;
  • Belgian product “Ecover” made from environmentally friendly ingredients;
  • pencil for stains "Udalix".

Use these substances according to the instructions, and they will help remove not only traces of tomato sauce, but also many other stains.

How to remove old stains


You need to use sour milk, as acids eat away contaminants. This gentle product is suitable for all types of fabric, so you can safely soak things for 12 hours. To enhance the effect, you can add grated laundry soap to the serum. After keeping the clothes in sour milk, the item is washed as usual in a washing machine with powder.

Oxalic acid

Oxalic acid acts similarly. It is necessary to dissolve 2 grams of the product in a glass of water and soak a piece of contaminated fabric there. After half an hour, everything is washed with laundry soap and rinsed in cold water.


Another affordable acid that helps quickly revive soiled items. Kitchen towels are especially well cleaned with vinegar: in addition to cleansing, vinegar also has a deodorizing effect. Vinegar is poured onto the stain and left for half an hour. Remaining contaminants are washed off with laundry soap or dishwashing detergent. If the stain is already old, mix vinegar and ammonia one to one. You can also mix vinegar with salt and hydrogen peroxide - you get a kind of gruel. Rub the stain with this mixture, rinse with water and wash the item in the washing machine.

Ammonia solution

The soiled item is doused with ammonia in the area of ​​the stain and waited for half an hour. If the stain is old, it will take more time; for fresh stains, 10 minutes is enough. Severe stains are wiped off with laundry soap and the item is washed in the machine with washing powder. Since ammonia gives off an unpleasant odor, it is better to use a deodorizing mouthwash. Ammonia with salt removes even the oldest stains.


Glycerin is effective for clothing made of leather or leather inserts. It moisturizes the material well and does not spoil its quality. To do this, mix one tablespoon of ammonia and two tablespoons of glycerin. This mixture is applied to the stain and allowed to soak thoroughly. Next, they begin to scrub the stain, and then wash it off. The skin becomes shiny and elastic, and the item takes on a new, fresh look.

Green tomato and baby powder

If we say “they knock out a wedge with a wedge,” then this is exactly the case. Red tomato stains are removed well by... green tomato! It works well even with white clothes. To do this, squeeze a green tomato directly onto a spot of a ripe tomato and allow it to soak in. Rub well, sprinkle with baby powder and leave to react for 15 minutes. Next, the item is washed in the machine with the addition of powder.

Recommendations for caring for white items

When washing and removing stains, you need to take into account the designations on the clothing label. Traces from tomatoes, grass, apples, berries and chocolate should be removed by exposure to alkali and acid. Stains removed incorrectly can ruin the texture and color of the material.

It is impossible to increase the resistance of cotton and any natural fabric to contamination. Its fibers are designed in such a way that the fabric absorbs liquids.

To preserve the original appearance of white clothes, you should follow several rules:

  • do not wear it, allowing persistent stains to appear;
  • wash separately from colored items;
  • follow the washing temperature recommended by the manufacturer;
  • rinse thoroughly;
  • use cleaning products suitable for the type of fabric;
  • treat stains before washing;
  • store in a place protected from the sun.

These recommendations will help preserve the whiteness and structure of the fabric of white clothes longer.

Folk remedies for greasy marks on clothes

Oil stains from shawarma are removed using the following methods:

1. Dishwashing liquid. Its components dissolve fat, making traces of meat juice disappear. The product dissolves food colorings that are contained in many sauces. To remove shawarma marks, apply dishwashing detergent to a wet cloth. In 20 minutes it will be absorbed into the material. Afterwards the clothes are rinsed and washed. The liquid is suitable for washing T-shirts, shirts, and raincoat jackets.

2. Powder from crushed chalk. The method is suitable for natural fabrics. Particles of the substance remove traces from cotton, linen, chiffon, silk and light denim. White chalk is ground into powder. It is applied to the stain for 2-3 hours. Most of the powder will be absorbed into the material. Residues should be removed with a damp piece of cloth or a special brush. Afterwards the clothes are washed in a machine. Chalk is not recommended for removing stains from synthetic materials, as well as from dark denim.

3. Citric acid and fruit juice. Use lemon zest to wipe the shawarma mark. After applying the juice, the item must be washed. Instead of fruit, citric acid is also used. The granules are diluted in water in high concentration. Do not keep acid on fabric for more than 5 minutes, as it will corrode the fibers. Lemon removes traces of grease from cotton and linen. This method is not suitable for delicate fabrics. For example, silk.

4. Drinking mineral water. A bottle of mineral water can be used as a stain remover. It will help get rid of stains on wool fabric. A cotton pad is moistened in mineral water and gently wiped over the stain without going beyond its edges.

5. Vinegar. The method is intended for cotton fabrics. Table vinegar is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. The clothes are soaked in the resulting solution for 2 hours. It is advisable to wash things with fabric softener. To remove the vinegar from the fabric, hang the clothes in the fresh air.

Combined methods are used to remove difficult stains. A mixture of vinegar solution and lemon juice is more effective than either method alone.

Helpful cleaning tips

For those who are faced with the problem for the first time and do not know how to remove ketchup from clothes, tablecloths or furniture upholstery, we recommend not to forget the main rule. The contaminant must be carefully collected from the surface without rubbing. Otherwise, the stain will only spread and penetrate deep inside. After cleaning, the detergent composition must also be removed from the surface using a clean cloth. Be aware: you should not use hot water when washing. Although this is the first remedy when dealing with blots of tomato juice and traces left by tomato pulp, here it will have the exact opposite effect. The problem lies in the artificial substances contained in the sauce—you can’t wash them off with boiling water.

Many housewives in a similar situation were helped by hydrogen peroxide (3%). The product, which can be purchased at any pharmacy kiosk, should be applied to the problem area, then wash the item of clothing in the standard way. This is an effective and gentle cleaning method that does not fade or deteriorate colored fabrics. We also advise you not to forget about specialized compounds. Use a proven stain remover - for example, from the Amway line. The soiled material is treated with a spray, after 30 minutes it is soaked in water with the addition of powdered bleach.

Preparing for cleaning

Even a small drop of sauce or a small piece of meat or vegetable spreads on jeans and any other clothing. As a result, they turn into a large and ugly spot. Therefore, it is important to treat the stain as soon as possible after the last one appears.

First of all, when a stain is detected, the soiled item is treated with a special compound. Use laundry soap or dishwashing liquid. The stain is processed from the edges of the mark to the center.

In cases where soap is not at hand, table salt will help. The grains will absorb excess oil from the fabric fibers. This will make the material easier to wash.

You can save clothes from old traces of grease by soaking them. The fabric is placed in a container with soapy water for 30 minutes. Afterwards the item is washed in the usual way.

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